• 3 days ago
🧡 Join Patara for another episode from Appalachia's Homestead~
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 3~14~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!

~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6

🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound


01:30So hey guys, welcome to Appalachia's Homestead.
01:35Welcome back to the farm. I'm walking you away from the geese.
01:39You hear them? I know. I was down at the chicken coop
01:43doing the late afternoon feeding and check and final egg collection and all that
01:48and it was so loud. That's where I was going to film.
01:52So loud. You're all going to be like, we cannot hear you.
01:56Come here, give me a hug. How you doing? You okay?
02:00Good. Of course you are. We're here together.
02:04So I didn't make a video yesterday. I have been spring
02:08cleaning like nobody's business and it's going to continue.
02:12My goal is to, every day, to clean, clean out,
02:16purge, organize, dust, I don't know, whatever.
02:20Something within the house every day and something outside
02:24of the house every day. I figure if I do this, even if it's just
02:2815 minutes here, 15 minutes there, pantry, refrigerator,
02:32mopping, you know all the spring stuff. Clean your windows and all that stuff.
02:36I figure if I
02:40stay pretty consistent with that between now and the first of May,
02:44it will be awesome and then we can focus on the garden.
02:48I focus on my gardening starting, it used to be April 15th.
02:52Then it moved to the end of April and then it's the first week of May.
02:56Now I kind of do it somewhere between the first and second week
03:00of May. I really like to try to have it done kind of by
03:04Mother's Day, but the rule of thumb for a lot of old timers
03:08around here, for flowers. Now my great grandmother,
03:12man, she could garden like nobody. She did all kinds of different
03:16things, but for flowers specifically, because she loved all types of
03:20different flowers and she had a million of them, it was Mother's Day.
03:24The week after Mother's Day, right? She always had a lot of beautiful
03:28items that were from bulb, like iris. She had
03:32the most beautiful iris garden you've ever seen. I mean it'd be built more, baby. It did.
03:36If you hear some noise in the background, we're about
03:40to get some thundaboomas. We're going to have some thundaboomas apparently this weekend.
03:44We're trying to kind of keep an eye on the skies. We've been talking
03:48a lot about that lately. By the way, things are starting to bloom.
03:52The pear trees, my peach tree.
03:56Peaches, honey, like Georgia peach. Blooming beautiful
04:00little pink flowers. All this stuff is happening right now. Yada, yada, yada.
04:04Ain't having a lick of trouble, because I don't
04:08have a lick of trouble with allergies in the spring, so whatever all that was, I'm going to
04:12leave it right there. We're going to move on. Because James is like, look at all the blooms.
04:16I'm like, yep, that's not what bothers me.
04:20Whatever, right? Welcome back. Listen, I want to talk to you real quick for a few minutes.
04:24This has been something that's on my mind. I know I want to make a specific video
04:28about a particular prepping
04:32video, if you will. I want to do that, but guys,
04:36I'm telling you, you're here in my heart and in my mind, but I'm like, if I don't get this
04:40clean and done. But I have been thinking about something very specific that I want to share
04:44with you. We better share
04:48it fast, right? I know, right? So, here's the deal.
04:52Moms and dads, I want to ease your heart. Mammals and
04:56Papaws, I want to ease your heart just for a second. Now, I know
05:00that there's a lot of information coming out since yesterday about
05:04inflation had cooled. They didn't expect that.
05:08Yay! Egg prices are starting to come down. Now, I will tell you
05:12the cheapest or best store-bought eggs that I've seen
05:16in our area. Of course, I want you to support your egg lady
05:20first, okay? Let's establish that. We know that, but not everybody can or does that, okay?
05:24Check with your trader. Joe's,
05:28they are $3.49 a dozen in Knoxville, because I was there the other day
05:32and one of the folks that works there walked up and he was so nice. He's a big
05:36follower of the channel. And I laughed. I said, Trader Joe employee
05:40loves my channel. Okay! Hey, whatever.
05:44Super nice. I've never had any trouble at Trader Joe's or Costco
05:48for that matter. I mean, people are trying to work, y'all. And I get, we have our
05:52convictions and our beliefs and companies do crazy things. I get that.
05:56But as far as individual people, just some really nice people.
06:00And super sweet. But their eggs are $3.49. Now, I
06:04did tell you the other day in my video that I was going to put a correction if I was wrong
06:08about the egg prices at the Costco in Georgia. I apologize.
06:12Slipped my mind. I told you they were $4.86.
06:16Uh-uh, honey. $4.32 for $18.
06:20Georgia is kicking our tails, honey. So,
06:24listen, just keep shopping around. See if you can go to a farmer's market and find
06:28somebody. Obviously, if you know a neighbor or a good old egg lady,
06:32treat her really good. Treat her good, y'all. Treat her good.
06:36My girls are giving a ton of eggs right now. We are doing great.
06:40I've actually backed back off on the protein. I am still giving
06:44sunflower seeds. I'm picking all the greens that are coming up. You've seen that
06:48in the footage. Your chickweed, etc., etc. They love
06:52that. Extra nutrition for them and you, by the way. But anyway,
06:56doing good. I backed back down to the 16% because, I mean,
07:00how many dozen eggs a day do I need? Right now, we're doing pretty good.
07:04And the goose eggs, did you see where they buried them? I'm going to put that footage at the front.
07:08I knew last night she was burying a clutch. See, I don't want to leave
07:12that clutch out there because that means she's going to be out and
07:16all kinds of critters can come right over the fence and get my beautiful geese.
07:20So, I've had to kind of break some broody geese. I don't like that. I try to
07:24set them inside the coop. Sometimes it works for a good
07:28bit and sometimes it doesn't. But I don't want my girls out because
07:32I'm telling you, something's going to get them and we can't have that. But listen,
07:36I'm going to tell you a story real quick. So, my oldest son had his birthday
07:40and we celebrated that. And this was so precious to me.
07:44I want to share this with you because I asked him, I said, what do you want for your birthday?
07:48I mean, I was
07:52waiting for him to say, if it's green and fits in an envelope, I'm good.
07:56Do you know what the first thing that child said? And I know he's 25.
08:00He's my child though. Just give me a break. He said,
08:04Mom, the first thing I want is a goodie bag
08:08like you make for me at Christmas. I said,
08:12like the Dollar General? My goodie bags? We make videos on that?
08:16He said, yes. We love those. Please.
08:20And if you want to give me a card or a cake or whatever, that's fine too.
08:24And so I was like, okay. But the first thing that boy asked for,
08:28that young man asked for, was a goodie bag with all the things that I do.
08:32If you've seen my videos, you can go through the dollar section.
08:36You can make it any which way you want to. Laundry detergent,
08:40toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, q-tips,
08:44first aid, lip chapstick, a little bit of candy,
08:48toilet paper, cat food. You know what I'm talking about?
08:52The tidbits of life that you really want to have.
08:56You can live without it, but it's nice to have. So I did that.
09:00So I wanted to share that with you. And I thought that was awesome.
09:04But here's the thing. So we talked about, remember I told you,
09:08make your final calls. Look at that sky coming in. Make your final calls.
09:12Well, I called. I talked to all three of my kids and just
09:16kind of talked about the economy. Now I know that you're seeing egg prices are coming down.
09:20Gas prices are coming up. By the way, gas I think is $2.32 a gallon at Costco and
09:24Knoxville. It's not that cheap all the way around. You can find it for $2.49
09:28to $2.59. With Costco and Knoxville, the eggs
09:32are there and you can get some pretty cheap gas. Just giving you a heads up.
09:36Do what you want. I'm just the messenger, okay? So what's gas in your area
09:40by the way? Tell us, okay? But I called him yesterday
09:44and I said, listen to me. I'm busy. You're busy.
09:48I don't want to make this a long, drawn out conversation. I don't want to get derailed
09:52or derail you from what you're doing. Give me a minute and a half of your time because I want to
09:56talk to you about something. He's like, okay, cool. I said, listen to me.
10:00I said, you understand what's going on with the economy
10:04and how weak it is. And he said, yes, very much.
10:08I said, okay. I said, I know I've said this before. I know you know this.
10:12Blah, blah. But just let me have my mom moment. I said, whatever you do.
10:16Don't you quit
10:20your job. He's not quitting his job. I'm just saying. I said, number two, you
10:24make sure that you are first to show up, last to go home.
10:28Number three, you better make sure you are doing nothing
10:32to get yourself into debt. Nothing.
10:36And if you have something that you need to pay off, get it gone.
10:40And he said, mom, he started laughing. He said, mom,
10:44I'm telling you what. Everybody brace themselves.
10:48Okay. Everybody right now. Come on. Every mama. Look, it's coming in.
10:52He said, mom, you raised me right.
10:56He said, because we are doing just fine
11:00and we are putting away our nest egg and we are doing everything
11:04that we can. He said, we even have a little garden
11:08started on the patio and we are doing everything to slash
11:12our budget and to save money. And he said, mom, you having me
11:16read all the Dave Ramsey growing. I did. I had him read. That was part of their
11:20plan was to read Dave Ramsey for homeschool curriculum.
11:24Okay. And he said, mom, I just want to tell you right now
11:28you did really good and we're doing okay. And he said, you know,
11:32we're just going to keep trucking along. So we just talked about some particulars about the economy and all
11:36that, but mom and dad, I just want to tell you, if you don't mind, I'm gonna walk. Can you sit?
11:40I'm gonna walk. Let's walk. He said, mom, you did good.
11:44So guys, what I want to tell you is
11:48even if you have moments where you don't think your kids have listened,
11:52maybe they've made some bad decisions. I mean, you know, we all made bad
11:56decisions at some time. We were all kids at some time or young and married or
12:00stupid, you know, come on now.
12:04But they're paying attention and they're
12:08watching your example. They may not admit it,
12:12but they absolutely are. And I just want
12:16to pass this along to you to give you
12:20some hope that
12:24they understand to a point. Now, some of you are going to say, mine
12:28don't. Speak your piece
12:32and prepare your home and then pray for the scenario.
12:36Pray for the situation. I think it is starting to rain.
12:40Let's pick up in the car. Let's pick up fast.
12:44Wow, like where is this
12:48coming from? This wasn't supposed to... I know, right?
12:52So real quick, let's just close this out, guys, because this is about
12:56to get a little bit rough. Do the best that you can.
13:00Do the very, very best that you can with your family to have
13:04a discussion with them about what is going on. I know there is some
13:08perceivingly good news about things that are happening
13:12under this new administration. I don't deny that and I'm all
13:16for that. You know how I feel and how I voted and what I support. But
13:20the reality is, folks, we are in such a massive world
13:24of hurt that the dig out from the hole
13:28that we are in is probably going to take
13:32years. Let's be honest with ourselves here.
13:36We may have moments that things can help us and ease things.
13:40I'm all for that. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. But the reality is
13:44it's a very fragile
13:48economy. The job market
13:52is very fragile. The turnaround
13:56It's so sad to me that you can easily say
14:00it only took two to four years to put us so much further down into the hole
14:04versus how many years is it going to take to
14:08dig ourselves out. Just like you saw me digging out those goose eggs.
14:12So you need to have these conversations.
14:16I personally feel that you should pick and choose who you're going to talk to.
14:20I think you shouldn't discriminate, young or old, because you may
14:24know somebody, you think they're doing great, they're older than you, but they may have gotten themselves
14:28into a pickle. Maybe they just need to have somebody talk to them and they go, I know, I know
14:32and somebody to bounce some ideas off of. But I really
14:36think that it's wise to let those
14:40that are close to you, that are like-minded, that maybe are your kids,
14:44it doesn't matter. People that matter to you that will affect
14:48your preparedness.
14:52Seriously, I know that we talk about people that say, I'm just going to
14:56come to your house, and we're like, oh no, you're not. The reality is
15:00a lot of us have people, maybe a parent, maybe a
15:04son, maybe, like I said, a cousin, I don't know.
15:08And for whatever circumstance, they're not preparing,
15:12maybe they can't prepare now, whatever. And you know as well as I do that
15:16you are going to try to do something most likely
15:20to help in some way. Giving them a heads up
15:24and giving them a nudge and a discussion may not change
15:28anything, but it
15:32likely could. There's a lot of writing on the wall, and I think
15:36you should try to see if they at least see it.
15:40I have been pleasantly surprised and pleased over the last couple of days
15:44with how my sons have reacted. I mean, obviously I'm their mom, they know,
15:48blah, blah, blah. But you know, when kids grow up and they move out and they get married and do their
15:52own thing, they do their own thing. And so you're left
15:56to wonder, did I teach them enough? Are they paying attention? Do they know?
16:00Even though I've said, are they doing anything? The only way you're going to find out
16:04is by trying to have a conversation. If the conversation goes south,
16:08at least you know you tried. That's the goal. And if
16:12you try, and it's fruitful, and you at least
16:16know that they are trying, that not only helps them and
16:20encourages them, but most importantly,
16:24think about what I said, it ultimately comes down to helping your preparedness as well.
16:28It's part of that community. The more people around you that are trying to do
16:32all the right and good things, pay off debt, stay out of debt,
16:36be frugal, maybe put a little food away, thinking ahead, trying to get
16:40overtime if it's available, whatever those things are, the more that they
16:44do that, the less of the burden it's going to be on them, which then will be less of
16:48a burden on you. Like, subscribe, and share. Pray, prep, and be peaceful.
16:52Boy, I've got to get the rest of these critters in. It looks like James
16:56got everybody in for me. He is so cute. And we've got videos coming up, guys.
17:00But like I said, get busy with that spring stuff right now.
17:04I know your weather may not be great. Obviously, mine's about to turn south.
17:08But if you could just do a little something, 15 minutes, 30 minutes a day,
17:12clean this, move that, purge that, whatever,
17:16by the time you get to a month from now, it's going to be so much
17:20easier, and you're going to just groove right into
17:24your busiest gardening season. Like, subscribe, and share.
17:28I love you. Give me a hug. I missed you yesterday. I love you. I better get.
17:32Be safe out there, guys. We will be doing a lot of videos this weekend,
17:36so I'll see you there, and I'll update you. That prepper video is on the way.
17:40I think you'll enjoy it. I'll see you then. Be safe. Have a great night.