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Chris Heria's two year Climbing transformation || Magnus Midtbø x Chris Heria
Shot by Stefan Heria https://www.instagram.com/stefanheria/
Edited by Sam Tuck https://www.instagram.com/samtuclimbing
Music and Sound Effects: http://share.epidemicsound.com/vSnfn
Chris Heria's two year Climbing transformation || Magnus Midtbø x Chris Heria
Shot by Stefan Heria https://www.instagram.com/stefanheria/
Edited by Sam Tuck https://www.instagram.com/samtuclimbing
Music and Sound Effects: http://share.epidemicsound.com/vSnfn
00:00This is Chris Heria, a true calisthenics god.
00:03The strength this guy has is completely insane.
00:06I kickstarted his climbing journey two years ago when I took him climbing for the first time,
00:10facing his ultimate fear.
00:12Bro, I'm already f***ing shaking, dude.
00:13Today, we're going to see how much his climbing has improved since then,
00:16and also test out how well his insane calisthenics strength
00:20translates to some super hard climbing exercises.
00:23But first, I want to tell you about the sponsor of this video, 8sleep.
00:26So everyone who knows me knows I've had a lot of trouble sleeping over the years,
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01:32Now let's get back to the video.
01:38When was the last time we climbed together?
01:39Was that two years ago?
01:40Dude, was it that long already?
01:42I think it was two years ago.
01:43Oh my goodness.
01:44Yeah, it's a very emotional moment.
01:45We're going to climb again.
01:46Do you feel like you've gotten a lot better?
01:48I mean, every time I wake up with you, I always level up in some way.
01:51That's good.
01:54You know, for Brandon's video where I did a one-finger pull,
01:58I think, I don't know, I feel like I stretched my finger a bit.
02:00I'm surprised. That's what I was going to ask you today.
02:03No, it feels very sore.
02:04It's literally a feat of strength.
02:05120 kilos.
02:07Close to the world record, pretty much.
02:08It was just like another day for you, Magnus.
02:10Another day for me? I don't know about that.
02:15We start like this.
02:17I go to the left hand here.
02:19A little pogo even with the left foot.
02:21Nice. Okay, move your feet up.
02:24Go up to that one.
02:26And the left hand.
02:28Yeah, and then the top hold.
02:33I'm telling you right there, I was already like,
02:34oh shit, it's kind of high up here.
02:35And now looking around, it's like the lowest out of all of them.
02:39To me, it's just crazy that you're afraid of heights with all the crazy shit that you do.
02:43I think it's because it's quick and I'm confident with like,
02:45I've done that a thousand times.
02:46But then it's like, you're up here, you have time to think about it.
02:49You know what my worst fear is?
02:51What's that?
02:54No way.
02:55There's no...
02:56I've tried so many times.
02:58We have to do that video together.
03:00You help me get over fear of heights and I'll get to the backflip so quick.
03:03I'll get you.
03:04I've got it for you, bro.
03:05Easy. I've taught so many people how to do it.
03:09But I see you're doing a lot of videos with Larry Wheels lifting weights and stuff.
03:13And also teaching him calisthenics.
03:15Dude, he's been...
03:16It's super impressive.
03:17You can do the planche already.
03:18Yeah, the other day he did a handstand to 90 degree push-up.
03:21That's so crazy.
03:22It's another thing that inspires me.
03:23When I see him do it, I'm just like,
03:24oh no, I gotta start getting to the next level.
03:27When you see anyone start progressing, that's what inspires me, to be honest.
03:30So that's what you're working on now?
03:33On getting stronger.
03:34I think this will help a lot because I'm trying to do also a lot more fingertip stuff.
03:38I want to do my planche on fingertips by the end of the year.
03:42Especially after seeing the level of calisthenics right now has gotten so crazy.
03:45Everyone's doing it fingertips and there's a lot more people doing it two fingers.
03:49And there's even people now doing it on one finger.
03:52I just don't want to be left behind.
03:55No, but it's cool to hear that you're still trying to get better.
03:57I've kind of given up on that idea, but maybe I will eventually.
04:02One day you're going to get inspired.
04:03Someone's going to come along and you least expect it.
04:07It actually looks like maybe the beginning is going to be the hardest part of this.
04:10I can possibly get this one.
04:11It just doesn't seem as high as the other one.
04:12This is not so good.
04:13It's important to grab it here.
04:15That's something you should remember.
04:16Oh, okay.
04:17That I wasn't paying attention to.
04:18And then here's a two-finger.
04:19You could put three fingers in it though.
04:20I wouldn't even bother about any of the other ones.
04:22Just go straight for this.
04:23Go straight for that.
04:28Would it be trouble to ask you to see you do it again?
04:30No, no, of course not.
04:31You take this.
04:34Put your feet out.
04:35Then you can match this or use this.
04:38And then take this here.
04:40Yeah, go for that one.
04:42Then match feet.
04:44Right away, right?
04:44So you got, yeah.
04:45While you still have that hand on, you match feet.
04:47So come on, man.
04:50Oh, higher up.
04:51Yeah, match that.
04:54There you go.
04:55And then just go straight up.
04:56Left foot higher too.
04:56Left foot higher as well.
04:57There you go.
04:58And then cross.
04:59Yes, nice.
05:00Next one is good.
05:01Come on, man.
05:03Next one is good.
05:04Just go for it.
05:05There you go.
05:06Left foot up here.
05:08And then just reach all the way for the top.
05:10Or you go again, left hand.
05:13Come on, man.
05:14Yeah, there you go.
05:19It's cool.
05:19Yeah, you're so good at taking instructions.
05:21I think that's the thing, you know?
05:23Good job.
05:24I just got a good coach, bro.
05:26I think that's the thing.
05:27And I think at the end of this session, we should do some physical training as well.
05:31I mean, you're very strong physically.
05:33So it's going to be interesting to see what you can do like on a campus sport and stuff.
05:36Says the guy that can do one-arm muscle ups and stuff.
05:38All right, so I guess it's a V4 then.
05:42And also if you see something that you feel like, oh, I can do that.
05:46It's kind of like skateboarding, right?
05:47To a skateboarder, you go into the city and it's like, oh, there's a skate spot.
05:50There's a skate.
05:50And to an average person, it's like, it's just the sidewalk, you know?
05:54Did you used to do skateboarding?
05:55Yeah, I did.
05:56But what I mean by that is like when I look at this, it just looks like a bunch of walls
05:59with rocks on it.
06:00Yeah, OK.
06:01That doesn't really make sense.
06:03I don't really see anything.
06:06I'm tempted to send him on that white, on the white one.
06:11It's a V4?
06:12It's a V6.
06:13It's a V6.
06:14Maybe wait a bit with that one.
06:15Have you guys found a good V4?
06:18Oh, it says V4 there, no?
06:20The orange?
06:21Oh, that's kind of up there, up there.
06:23Oh, that one.
06:24Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:24That's a good one.
06:25So last time, what would I max out at?
06:28I think around V3 or something.
06:34Yeah, yeah.
06:35Yeah, that's good.
06:35Yeah, you could do that.
06:36From where do I go from there?
06:37So you can just take this and then just put your arm just off the swing.
06:41If you can just do it for me live.
06:43I'll be climbing live and then...
06:44No, I'll do it and you just coach me as I go up.
06:46OK, I'll coach you.
06:47Like left foot, right foot.
06:48Yeah, exactly.
06:48So I'll start right here.
06:50Yeah, nice.
06:51Move your feet over, cross.
06:53And then get your right foot, left hand, sorry.
06:55And then foot out here.
06:57Yeah, right hand up.
06:58Yeah, there you go.
06:59And then left foot.
07:01You can probably move your left foot all the way up here.
07:05Yeah, that's a bad foothold though.
07:09Yeah, come on.
07:10Use that hand.
07:14Yeah, what if you move your left foot up on that?
07:20There you go, nice.
07:22Come on, Chris.
07:25Yeah, nice.
07:26I don't know.
07:26Yeah, this is getting sketchy.
07:27Yeah, yeah.
07:28But now just trust your feet.
07:30Yeah, move your left foot up.
07:32Here, left foot up here.
07:34Or even, come on, just trust it.
07:36You're good, you're just like...
07:38Yeah, yeah, yeah, nice.
07:39Come on, man.
07:40I think I wasted too much time.
07:42Yeah, OK.
07:43But I think I got it.
07:44Yeah, because you've already been up there for like three minutes.
07:46So I'll make it quicker.
07:48How much rest time do you have between these, to be honest?
07:50Now it took like two minutes.
07:52So now it rests maybe double the amount of time it took you to climb it.
07:55So like four minutes or something.
07:57That's good advice.
07:57I was thinking about like what you were saying when I was going up.
08:00You're like, just keep my body close to the wall.
08:02And as soon as I did that, like it felt a lot more like weightless
08:05or at least more manageable, you know, to be up there.
08:06It's also about putting weight on your feet.
08:10So come on, dude.
08:13Yeah, there you go.
08:16Right foot up.
08:18Match that one.
08:23There you go, nice.
08:25You have such strong shoulders.
08:29All right, come on, man.
08:30Match that one and then go right hand up.
08:33Yeah, move your left foot a little bit higher.
08:37Yeah, nice.
08:38Come on, man.
08:39Yeah, grab the next one.
08:41Yeah, and then again, come on.
08:42That's the last hold.
08:43You got it.
08:45You got it, man.
08:45Come on, just go.
08:47Yes, two hands.
08:48Two hands on that.
08:51Does that count?
08:51Yeah, yeah.
08:53Good job, man.
08:54That was awesome.
08:55I was like, I don't know if I'm gonna hang from this.
08:57That was good.
08:58Yeah, yeah.
08:59Strategic tap.
09:00Yeah, yeah.
09:00That's, that's...
09:02All right, guys.
09:02Let me know in the comment section.
09:03I'll give that one to you for sure.
09:04If you need me to hang, I'll go back up there.
09:06No, no, no, no.
09:07I don't need you to hang.
09:08All right.
09:09You did way better than last time.
09:10Thank you, man.
09:11And you said off-cam that you've been climbing probably three times since last time.
09:16So in two years...
09:18It's hard to do it in Miami, to be honest.
09:19Yeah. Oh yeah, is it?
09:20Yeah. It's not like a good spot, really.
09:22At least where I'm located, yeah.
09:26So the martial arts thing, you do boxing too, right?
09:29Boxing and Muay Thai.
09:30Have you done any like the celebrity boxing or the influencer boxing stuff?
09:33I want to, man.
09:34You want to?
09:35You just need someone.
09:36Do you have beef with anyone?
09:38I don't really have beef with anybody, no.
09:39But maybe I should start some beef.
09:42Maybe with Brandon.
09:43Yeah, Brandon.
09:44No, I'm just kidding.
09:45You're the same weight.
09:45That's my brother, bro.
09:48Trying to find something V5-ish would be nice.
09:52I mean, I am tempted to.
09:54Did you guys try the white?
09:56Yeah, I want to see you do the white.
09:58If I can see Magnus do the white, my life would be...
10:00I was just not sure if Chris should try it, but it's hard then.
10:04I don't think anyone should try it other than him.
10:05Oh, okay.
10:06Is that hard?
10:08Let's see it.
10:09Now I'm excited to see it.
10:11So this is legit like a human puzzle.
10:16Yeah, that's...
10:20Bro, this is insane.
10:28It's literally like in art form.
10:32No, that's nuts, bro.
10:33And then there's just a top, I guess.
10:34You made it look like a playground.
10:36Dude, what?
10:39What is this, daycare?
10:40That's so crazy.
10:41Nah, I think it's going to take me a while.
10:42That's just technique though.
10:43That's a little bit of flexibility too to be able to move up there.
10:47Should I even just show you what a normal person would look like doing that?
10:51There you go.
10:51There you go.
10:52But my legs can't split open.
10:55Or right, I mean.
11:01And then get the foot up.
11:04You could try to move out to the next with your left hand too.
11:08Come on, get your foot up.
11:09Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:11It's just that that part is like probably the crux.
11:14I think if you had gotten that, you would have gotten the whole thing.
11:17Put your foot up.
11:18Come on.
11:20All right.
11:20Should we go and do some physical training stuff?
11:24I think a lot of people want to see you do this stuff.
11:26Dude, let's go for it.
11:29To be honest, I'm even happy that I just got the beginning.
11:31Because again, I didn't even think I was going to get that.
11:33I did not think you were going to get the beginning of a v-section.
11:37And I think if this was your home gym and you just went a couple more times, you would get it.
11:42With the proper gear?
11:43We will be back.
11:44That's for sure.
11:44And then eventually we'll do it outside.
11:46So now we're going to get a workout?
11:47Yeah, now we're going to do some physical training.
11:50Arms, fingers, stuff like that.
11:52Your arms are super strong.
11:53How about your fingers though?
11:55They were super strong.
11:56They were super strong.
11:56Now they're gassed.
11:57But I'm good.
11:58I always love a good workout, man.
11:59Let's do it.
12:02That just looks crazy, bro.
12:04The little holes.
12:06For real.
12:07What the f**k?
12:09This is some anime s**t.
12:11You start on this board just to kind of see where you're at.
12:14You see they have all these different ones.
12:16So you try to hang for five seconds on the highest one first.
12:21See if you can do that.
12:22Two, three, four, five.
12:26Definitely won't do the next one.
12:29This one?
12:30I think you will.
12:31One, two, four, five.
12:34So if it feels very uncomfortable, then don't do it, right?
12:36Because you can get a finger injury, right?
12:38And chalk up too.
12:41This is the MagDust, my personal chalk.
12:45It smells good.
12:45It smells good, right?
12:46Yeah, some good stuff.
12:48Some good stuff.
12:52Two, three, four, five.
12:56Is that max, would you say?
12:58Uh, yeah.
13:00I mean, I could try a two second and the other one.
13:02Yeah, I could try this then.
13:06One, two, three, four, five.
13:10That's madness.
13:13Madness, Magnus.
13:14What the hell?
13:16No, that's crazy, dude.
13:18What? This guy's my hero.
13:20That's legendary, bro.
13:21That is so sick, bro.
13:23Okay, let me just show you what an average person trying to do this would look like.
13:28I wish.
13:30Yeah, not even.
13:32No, but you're my hero.
13:33You literally just went like that.
13:35No, I remember when I consumed a lot of YouTube back in the day.
13:37So, you know, you were doing a channel that I used to watch.
13:39Thank you, man.
13:39That's a huge honor coming from you, dude.
13:41Yeah, because I used to only do climbing.
13:43And then after watching your videos, like I got into like doing one arm pull-ups.
13:46No way.
13:46Front levers and all that stuff.
13:48One arm muscle-ups, that's crazy.
13:49And it helped?
13:50It helped a lot, yeah.
13:51This is your alley, though.
13:52This is not finger stuff, but doing a muscle-up here on this.
13:55Oh, no.
13:56It's much harder because you don't, you can't lean over the bar, you know?
14:01Like that.
14:02Yeah, and then you're on the tip of your fingers at the top.
14:05I think you can do that.
14:08On a fresh day, I think I could for sure.
14:10Oh, you got that, Chris.
14:11Come on.
14:12But like, oh, my fingers feel so crazy.
14:15Just like right now, just like.
14:16I mean, I'll go for it.
14:20Yeah, that's good.
14:21Just a little bit higher.
14:24Yeah, nice.
14:26That's good.
14:26Those are some explosive pull-ups.
14:28But to like really just finish it like and press.
14:31My fingers are cooked today, bro.
14:33That V6, or what is it?
14:36Oh, it's a V6.
14:36Yeah, yeah.
14:37I don't even think that was the one that cooked my fingers because it was more like this.
14:39No, that was more shoulders and everything else.
14:42I think it was the accumulation of everything, to be honest.
14:44My fingers aren't conditioned enough to like to do this for so long.
14:47But I'll try.
14:47Let me try one more time.
14:48Yeah, try it one more time.
14:51Because I just hate excuses.
14:52Like, I just hear myself making excuses, saying it out of my mouth.
14:55I'm like, shut up.
14:58You know what I'm saying?
14:58Like, let's just do this.
15:02Come on.
15:02Yeah, nice.
15:03That was much higher.
15:07Yeah, good.
15:09That was good.
15:10I think my hands are cooked for the day.
15:12How's your one-arm strength?
15:15Oh, I have no strength right now.
15:16It's like one of the things that, one of my favorite exercises.
15:1925 pounds.
15:21It's not dropping on the people underneath.
15:24Go off like this.
15:26And I lock off.
15:28Oh, no, no, no.
15:30You have too much faith in me, brother.
15:34So I do stuff like this with a pull-up bar.
15:37With a pull-up bar, yeah.
15:38But this is, for me, this is better than a pull-up bar.
15:40Oh, this is a whole other level.
15:41Do you want to try?
15:42To be honest, it's a whole other level.
15:43Yeah, yeah, yeah.
15:44No, it's, this is climbing, more climbing-related.
15:46And this is also sketching me out, by the way.
15:48I'm jumping like, this is like, second floor.
15:49So that's 10 kilos, is it?
15:55Let's just say it's 25 kilos.
15:59Yeah, nice.
15:59Come on.
16:04Yeah, good.
16:04That was good.
16:05Very good.
16:06Thanks, coach.
16:07It feels great.
16:08I love that, actually, you know?
16:09And I'm going to start incorporating that into my training.
16:12Like I said, I do this already with a pull-up bar.
16:15But this, like, that's what calisthenics is all about.
16:18Finding ways to make it even harder.
16:20Let's go.
16:21Oh, my goodness.
16:21That just gave me a heart attack.
16:26No, that's insane, bro.
16:31Just chilling.
16:32That's my also weaker.
16:33Last time, I was a lot weaker than my right.
16:35No, for real.
16:36When you put your feet on this other side, my heart stopped, bro.
16:39I've done more dangerous things, to be honest.
16:41I know.
16:42I saw that video that you did.
16:43What's his name?
16:44With Alex Connold, yeah.
16:46That was such an inspiration.
16:46That was like a movie, for real.
16:48If you guys haven't seen it, which I'm probably sure you probably have.
16:50Everybody's seen it.
16:51Check it out.
16:51It's crazy.
16:52All right, well, thanks for hanging out.
16:56It's always an honor.
16:56You guys should check out Chris and his channel and Instagram.
17:00I mean, huge.
17:00One of the biggest fitness influencers in the world.
17:03That's an honor.
17:03Thank you guys for watching and see you next time.
17:05I love it.
17:05Peace out, baby.
17:07All right.
17:08Was that good?
17:08It was a good session, yeah.