• 19 hours ago
Big Rick y sus amiguitas tendran que sobrevivir jugando los juegos del calamar 2, pero solo uno sobrevivira!

Me ayudaria mucho si dejas un like para hacer mas videos como este! Si quieres que te salude en el proximo video, sigueme en mi lG aqui abajo:

​ @LemonTunes


00:00I'm gonna kill you all
00:02In this video we're going to
00:06It can't be
00:08It can't be again
00:10Guys wake up
00:12We're here again
00:14Where are we?
00:16I'm not the bad guy
00:20Hit him
00:22This is
00:26You're dead
00:28Calm down
00:32Calm down
00:34Hurry up
00:38You're a villain
00:40No one moves
00:42Green light
00:44No one can move
00:48The stone
00:50Did you hear?
00:52Don't move
00:54Behind me we have two giant inflables
00:56Kill me
00:58Oh no
01:00Now it's here
01:02The boys
01:06What do I do here?
01:10The shrimp
01:12We have to check how many we are
01:14What are you doing here?
01:16Calm down
01:18What are you doing?
01:20Calm down
01:22I'm tired
01:26I'm tired because when I google
01:28Sometimes River comes up
01:30Sometimes I come up
01:36I think you have to kill her
01:38Kill her?
01:42My love
01:52You confused me
01:58Epic moment
02:10This is the truth
02:14There are too many people
02:16I said please
02:20What the hell?
02:24I'm going to explode my head
02:26We are too many and we don't have neurons
02:28What are you doing here?
02:32You and I have to make an alliance
02:34Forget about your wife
02:36Your wife in this game doesn't matter
02:38We won
02:40There is only one more stupid person than me
02:46Kiss here
02:48Take this
02:54Distract me
02:56He is ugly
02:58He is ugly
03:02Ricky Limas
03:06I was here and I didn't win
03:08Are you going to defend your title?
03:10I had to win
03:18We have the main character
03:26If we all mentalize
03:28We can win together
03:30I was here before
03:32Where were you?
03:34This is game
03:38Player 001
03:42I'm leaving
03:44Someone shot me
03:54The ring
03:56He died without giving me the ring
04:00Ricky was a great friend
04:02No one cares that there is a traitor
04:04Who is the traitor?
04:06Who killed Ricky?
04:12What are you doing?
04:14I'm the bad guy
04:18I'm here to apologize in a romantic way
04:20Thank you
04:24I'm the bad guy in this game
04:26Calm down
04:28Because here I have
04:3045,600 pesos
04:32One of you can win
04:34Especially you
04:36There are going to be 5 games
04:38There is going to be betrayal
04:40There are going to be kisses
04:42The first game we are going to play
04:44It's green light, red light
04:46It's time to start the game
04:48Where is the guy who already played the games?
04:50Where is the doll?
04:52Who is the doll?
04:56It's me again
04:58How are you?
05:00This doll is very different
05:02You know the rules
05:04Green light, you can walk
05:06I'm going to do a lot of things
05:08Why are you biting me?
05:10Don't doubt a second
05:12Let's start
05:142, 1, let's play
05:16Green light, red light
05:18Don't move
05:20Don't move
05:24You are a bad guy
05:28No one moves
05:30The one who moves is eliminated
05:32Good girls
05:34Don't move
05:36Don't move
05:38Don't move
05:40It's a boy
05:42It's a boy
05:46It's beautiful
05:48It's a boy
05:50Let's play
05:58What did you see?
06:00He moved
06:04It's a boy
06:06You are a bad guy
06:08We are playing
06:10You know I love you
06:12You like the oranges?
06:14You are going to love this
06:16I'm busy
06:18I move when this guy gets inside the orange
06:20Because maybe
06:22Big Ricky put things inside
06:24Wallet and cell phone
06:26This is your cell phone, right?
06:28Good girl
06:30So good
06:32He didn't even move
06:34I hope you didn't have important things inside
06:36We are playing
06:38We are playing
06:40You are doing great
06:42You are doing great
06:44I have something special for my love
06:46Relax your mouth
06:50I dropped something
06:52It can't be
06:54Don't move
06:56Oh yes
07:00Let's see
07:04You are going to fly
07:14He survived for a second
07:16You did it
07:18There is a problem
07:20Philly is left behind
07:22Let's try one last time
07:24Are you ready Philly?
07:26I can't talk
07:28A beautiful member of the family
07:30He is going to say hi to Philly
07:32Don't move Philly
07:34He is the man
07:36He is getting closer
07:38No, no, no
07:40Take it off
07:42Take it off
07:44Take it off
07:50Green light
07:54He almost pooped Philly
07:56Philly had poop hanging
07:58but he got it
08:02He was looking at the cameras
08:04and someone moved when it was red light
08:06Do you think it was you Ari Gameplays?
08:08Maybe it was me
08:10Do you think it was you?
08:12I had a bomb in my hand
08:14I didn't go
08:18It was me
08:20I have preferences
08:22No, no
08:26Player eliminated
08:30Rest in peace my love
08:32Wait, wait, you are dead
08:36But the question is
08:38Can you split the prize and go home alive?
08:40Or do you play with a second round?
08:42Play another
08:46Ari Gameplays is crazy
08:48For the love of God and Jesus Christ
08:50Shut up
08:52Shut up
08:56Let's continue with the second round
08:58I think you already know the concept
09:00of the squid game
09:02These are going to be like this
09:04They are going to be in teams
09:06On the count of three, choose a couple
09:14Philly is a couple
09:16The champion and the main character
09:18The stupid streamers
09:20This combo is very random
09:24Teams, everyone has to choose a box
09:26That box is going to dictate the shape of your cookie
09:28So choose well
09:30Philly is a couple
09:34They are good too
09:36First couple
09:38Which one do you want?
09:40The one in the middle
09:44What a bad luck
09:46Choose a box
09:48Are you sure?
09:50The triangle
09:52No doubt
09:54We have to drink it together
09:58Philly is a couple
10:00And it is
10:02The star
10:04Which one do you want?
10:06This one
10:10And the husbands got
10:12The triangle
10:14The romance is over
10:16Each team member is going to get a ball
10:18Because it is going to be the object
10:20they have to use to break the cookie
10:24And it is the toothpick
10:26I do it the other way around
10:28He is your partner
10:30They got the weirdest lighters in the world
10:32Oh my god
10:40They got the water gun
10:46They got the electric brush
10:48It doesn't work
10:50And you got the tongue
10:54It was a prize
10:56It is a prize or a punishment
11:0010 minutes
11:02Start now
11:04It is going to be hard
11:06Teams of 2 people
11:08Giant cookies and random objects
11:10They are taking the cookie
11:12They are taking the cookie
11:18Ama is wetting the cookie
11:20Come on Ama
11:22Come on
11:24We are done
11:26We are done
11:28What is wrong with you?
11:30Well done
11:32Come on
11:34Come on
11:40Don't panic
11:42It doesn't work
11:44You have the best product
11:46Spit it out
11:48I trust you
11:50They are doing well
11:52Spit it out
11:54You are stupid
11:56We were finishing
11:58Flores was about to do it
12:00I trust you
12:02It is the last part
12:04I trust you
12:08How are you doing?
12:10I can't believe it is working
12:12I don't even want to touch it
12:14They passed
12:16Well done
12:20This is what the girl does
12:22There is a line but it is not broken
12:24They did it
12:26It is the champion of the main character
12:28If we eat we don't lose
12:30It can stick
12:3210 seconds
12:34We passed it
12:36It can't be
12:38It was about to break
12:40You broke it
12:42They did it
12:443 seconds
12:48Players eliminated
12:50Spit it out
12:56He used his girlfriend as a shield
12:58Rest in peace
13:00Let me tell you something
13:02Once I fell asleep at Flores house
13:08If you are here
13:10It is because you are great
13:12You did it
13:14Do you want to continue or we go home?
13:1645,600 pesos
13:18We stay
13:20We are going to make a circle
13:22I will be in the center
13:24I will ask you to make teams
13:26You have to hug your team
13:30Start spinning
13:32Teams of 2
13:34Teams of 3
13:40They understood
13:44Teams of 4
13:48We have a team
13:50The streamers and the main character
13:52My husband, Eo and the champion
13:54The next thing we are going to do
13:56It is outside my house
13:58An epic rally
14:00Teams welcome to the rally
14:02Team 1 and team 2
14:04As you can see, they have their ankles tied
14:06They are 4 people
14:08The first thing you have to do is walk hugged
14:10Until you get to this stone
14:12Grab the stone and throw it
14:14When you do it
14:16You can grab the scissors and remove the tape
14:18One of you
14:20Is going to get on this giant ball
14:22And the rest have to push that person
14:24To the bottom
14:26The team that arrives first has to get on a member
14:28In the cart, the rest in the truck
14:30And for the goal, you have to give a cake
14:32To the Big Rick in the background
14:34The first one to do it, wins
14:36The last one, dies
14:38We start in 3, 2, 1, go!
14:50Concentrate River, concentrate
14:52It's just a shot
14:56Cut them, cut them
15:00Remove the scissors
15:06Get on the ball
15:08Get on the ball
15:10Get on the ball
15:12Do I get in there?
15:14The other team already caught up
15:20The team of Eo is advancing
15:22This team already gave up, they got to the bottom
15:24Everyone gets on the truck, Aldo is going to sit
15:26Filip is getting on, Ana is going to give the cake
15:28If he fails, the other team has a chance
15:30What's going on?
15:32Let's go, let's go!
15:38Officially, they gave it to the Big Rick
15:40That means one thing, soldiers
15:42Come with me, we have to kill someone
15:46You're stupid
15:48Ivan too, Ivan too
15:50You don't care about this family
15:52Yes, repetition
15:54Comanche was afraid to get on the giant ball
15:56Do I get in there?
16:00This is your fault
16:02No, please, I'm very young
16:04Eliminated player
16:06Kill me, kill me
16:08Eliminated player
16:10I can't die, I can't die
16:14Eliminated player
16:16Rest in peace
16:18No, I can't die
16:20Rest in peace
16:22Eliminated player
16:24Congratulations, team
16:26You've passed the semi-final
16:28I need you to make teams of two people
16:30Let's do it
16:34As you can see, you have a balloon and a balloon
16:36We're going to play Russian roulette
16:38Everyone against their own partner
16:40How does it work? There's a revolver, there's only one bullet
16:42Six chances, and inside the balloons
16:44We have cockroaches
16:46When it pops, the loser will fall
16:48We're ready!
16:50The cockroaches are going to fly
16:52First shot
16:58I got a chance
17:00Let's give him a chance
17:02It can't be, it was the first one
17:04What a bad luck
17:08Eo officially loses the first one
17:10It can't be
17:12I'm very sorry, you've been eliminated
17:18Wait, what about the cockroaches?
17:22Eo, no, Eo, where are you going?
17:24Eliminated player
17:28I think he really died
17:30What an epic fall
17:32You're a hero, dude
17:34I'll take care of Flash and Eoman
17:36Epic moment
17:38Aldo, for the second time in a row
17:40You've passed the final
17:42Very good
17:44You're going to have to eliminate each other
17:46I'm very sorry
17:48Look at all this
17:50Oh no!
17:52Very good
17:54A bullet, Felix, shoot your wife
17:56Come on
18:00It can't be, it can't be
18:06Get out, get out
18:08Eoman, get out
18:10For you to see, there was only one bullet
18:12What a bad luck
18:14You've just eliminated your wife
18:16But you've passed the final
18:18Congratulations Felix, you're a warrior
18:20See you in hell
18:22Eliminated player
18:24No, baby
18:26It's time for the final, we have our two finalists
18:28Let's go to the arena
18:30Behind me we have two inflatable circuits
18:32The finalists
18:34Felix and Aldo
18:36Pass in front
18:38The two finalists are in the circuit
18:40But they have to do it blindfolded
18:42With these beanies
18:44And they have to choose a guide
18:46They can revive a person
18:48Who wants to help me?
18:50Time, time, time
18:52There's history here
18:54Here were the finalists of the first video
18:58Felix, who's going to be your guide?
19:00I want to kiss you and help you
19:02Remember that the prize is
19:0445,600 pesos
19:08Come here, dog
19:10Aldo is ready
19:14Felix is in his position
19:16Aldo is in his position
19:18And we start
19:20Let's go
19:22What are you doing here?
19:24Let's see how it goes
19:26Run, run
19:28Don't cross the other side
19:34I can't believe it
19:36Let's go like Aldo
19:40He won
19:42You're going to win
19:44Let's go
19:46To the right
19:54You won second place because of Flores
19:56We won second place
19:58But that means
20:00We have a new champion
20:06Two times finalist
20:08You're a champion for everyone
20:10You have to die
20:12Player eliminated
20:16What are you doing?
20:18Calm down
20:20You lost
20:22I can't believe it
20:26You just won 45,600 pesos
20:28I hope you liked this second video
20:30100,000 likes on this video
20:32And we'll do a third part
20:34With the triple of people who liked it
20:36I'll leave you Nani's, Ama's, Felix's
20:38Aldo's, Javi's, Eo's
20:42Down here
20:44And I'll see you next Thursday
20:46With a new video
20:48So peace the fuck out
