• 19 hours ago
Invite a los 3 peores niños a mi casa, y fue la peor decision de mi vida

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Mis dolores de cabeza:


00:00I don't want to have rich kids
00:02I don't want my greeting
00:04Who is that? Who is that?
00:06In this video I'm going to survive the worst kids in the world
00:08This kid was expelled from 7 schools
00:10for cheating
00:12and that's what he did in my whole house
00:14This girl was adopted by her parents
00:16for being super destructive and having anger problems
00:18and that's what he did in my house
00:20he destroyed everything I had
00:22and we faced the worst kid in the world
00:24and that's what he did
00:26and that's what he did
00:28and we faced the worst kid in the world
00:30at the end of this video
00:32and those three kids are going to visit my house today
00:34before we start, please leave a like on this video
00:36to make more videos like this
00:38let's go to my house to receive the first kid
00:42we are going to receive the three worst kids in the world
00:44but what are we going to do?
00:46we are going to discipline them
00:48we are four adults, a kid is nothing for us
00:50I'm very calm
00:54you see?
00:56don't panic
00:58behave yourself
01:00we are not afraid of you
01:02you have to do your homework
01:04in this house you are going to behave yourself
01:06and don't pee like Ricky
01:08can I use your bathroom?
01:10I even felt bad
01:12they thought I was going to the bathroom
01:16we are looking for a naughty kid in the house
01:20I'm scared
01:22where can he be?
01:24calm down
01:28get up
01:30what are you doing?
01:32what is this?
01:34why are you dressed like a chimpanzee?
01:36because you are a penguin
01:38I'm a penguin?
01:40because I'm yellow
01:42don't ask me how I changed them
01:44they have a bomb inside
01:46apparently Juancho put this giant walker
01:48in my house
01:50and the only way he is going to take it
01:52how hard can it be?
01:54concentrate, this is crucial
01:56we can die
02:02I didn't score
02:06it's because your feet are tied
02:08come on
02:12you have to throw the ball
02:16come on
02:18no, Javi
02:22come on
02:24yes Javi
02:26come on Juancho
02:30that was close
02:32what happened?
02:34I thought it was Dani
02:36I'm going to sacrifice myself for the good of the plot
02:38come on Ricky
02:44what did you do?
02:46I don't think I can do this
02:50I don't think we are good penguins
02:52I'm going for you so the bomb doesn't explode
03:02are you ok?
03:04it can't be
03:065 pesos
03:10you are safe
03:12first trap unlocked
03:14where is Andres?
03:18they took the flowers
03:22I have the feeling that he is setting traps
03:24there is no way there is something
03:28it can't be
03:30I thought you were going to fall
03:32I'm sorry
03:36what is this?
03:38listen to the flowers
03:40a bucket to bathe
03:42it's there
03:44it's the giant
03:48what happened?
03:54who was it?
03:56it's the most disastrous kid I've ever met
03:58don't move
04:00I don't want to have kids
04:02they are going to wet me
04:04Javi come with me
04:06Juancho open the doors
04:10I wasn't here
04:12how are you doing?
04:14what is this?
04:16don't move
04:20what's going on?
04:22I'm going to throw myself in hell
04:24no Juancho
04:30help me
04:36he is crazy
04:38what's wrong with him?
04:40we have to call the police
04:42where did he go?
04:46what happened?
04:48nothing happened
05:02we have to call the police
05:04we have to call the police
05:10this is my final trap
05:12it's a diamond button
05:14I'm going to explode it
05:16let's go
05:32Juancho is the monster
05:38this is too much
05:40where is it?
05:42this is too much
05:44congratulations you are the worst kid in the world
05:46I have to ask you
05:48what are you afraid of?
05:50your grandfather?
05:52you don't know who is coming
05:54the grandfather
05:56what are you doing Juancho?
05:58take him
06:00go Juancho
06:02I'm alive
06:04can you believe that was the first kid?
06:06apart from your grandfather, who else are you afraid of?
06:08bad kids
06:12don't be shy
06:14I love you
06:16what happened?
06:18what do you want?
06:20I made them a cake
06:22are you the destructive girl?
06:26what's special about this cake?
06:28it's delicious
06:32take it off
06:34get out
06:36get out
06:38it's a monster
06:40it's a monster
06:42we almost died
06:44I thought you were good
06:46I'm good
06:48you almost kill us
06:50you leave the house
06:54I'm leaving the house
06:56hi I'm Celia and I'm 14 years old
06:58and when I was 2 years old my parents didn't put me in adoption
07:00because they set on fire a building
07:02this looks cool
07:04what's the plan?
07:06what's wrong?
07:08my monitor
07:10it's my room monitor
07:12why did you throw it?
07:14she's just smiling
07:16with that I edit my videos
07:18come here
07:20we have to talk
07:22we have to bribe her
07:24who are the kids today?
07:26I send you a greeting
07:30do you know how much this cost?
07:32I'm here
07:34send me a greeting
07:36we have to talk
07:38you have to leave the house
07:40I don't want my greeting
07:42what's wrong?
07:44what's wrong?
07:46she's crazy
07:48I want my greeting
07:50let her
07:52she's crazy
07:54she wants to send you a greeting
07:56say something
07:58hi I want my greeting
08:00hang up
08:04what do you want?
08:06do you want money?
08:08do you want an Iphone?
08:10I want your Iphone
08:12your house and a greeting
08:14we are 3 adults against a 14 years old girl
08:16we have to punish her
08:18you are punished
08:22you have to clean my truck
08:26I know it was wrong
08:28I'll clean it
08:30you have 15 minutes
08:32I don't remember if Ricky told me to clean it or destroy it
08:34I'll destroy it
08:38you left her alone with your truck?
08:40I think it's true
08:42let's go
08:44my truck
08:46what are you doing?
08:52don't do anything
08:54what did you do?
08:56she hit him
09:02let's read what you wrote
09:04I'll keep cleaning it
09:06Ricky is a fool
09:08I don't want Ricky
09:10I realized
09:12that's me
09:14bad Ricky
09:16I hate Ricky
09:18it's too strong
09:20what's going on?
09:22it doesn't matter
09:24let's go
09:26let's do another challenge
09:28we'll be back
09:32you have my phone
09:34I have to call the police
09:36I told you it was going to freeze
09:38but be careful
09:40so it doesn't break
09:42it's in my cell phone
09:44how do you want me to use it?
09:46we have to defreeze it
09:50does it work?
09:52I don't want to
09:54it doesn't pull
09:56it pulls
09:58we have to take the ice
10:00it has ice inside
10:04this girl is a demon
10:06now we'll turn
10:08Linguini into a hotdog
10:10we'll put it in this bottle
10:12I'll show you how it'll look
10:14I just sent a video
10:16I took Linguini for a walk
10:18I'll put it in this bottle
10:20it's going to burn
10:22let's go
10:24I'm so lucky to have Berni
10:26everything in this house is a disaster
10:28wait I'll put it in
10:32what did you do?
10:34it broke
10:50it shrunk
10:52Linguini shrunk
10:54Linguini is so small
10:58why is everything off?
11:00there's Linguini
11:04it's much worse than me
11:06I'm leaving
11:08what are you doing?
11:10I can't
11:12she's inside
11:14she said it was worse
11:16look at her
11:18what is that?
11:20maybe she got lost
11:22what are you doing there?
11:24we don't want to hurt you
11:26what is all this?
11:28what did you do?
11:30it's a demon
11:32who are you?
11:34I'm Iker
11:36what happened?
11:38you're the third worst kid
11:40what are we doing?
11:42for who?
11:44for you
11:50you're not strong anymore right Iker?
11:52it's so bad
11:54it's much worse
12:04what do I do?
12:12you killed me
12:14let's get out of here
12:16if you leave
12:18the demon will appear
12:20come here
12:22we have to finish the ritual
12:24are you a magician now?
12:32do you know more tricks?
12:36what is it?
12:38are you ok?
12:42are you ok?
12:48are you ok?
12:50what did you do Iker?
12:52open your mouth
12:56are you crazy Iker?
12:58how did you put it in my mouth?
13:02you got summoned by a demon
13:04it's so scary
13:06we have to call the police
13:10we have a demon in my room
13:12can you come?
13:14thank you
13:16we invited a friend
13:18you're going to die
13:20you're going to die
13:24it's the police
13:26let's go
13:32a demon appeared
13:34he summons things
13:36young people
13:42I think you don't know what you're doing
13:44I'm the law
13:46do you have something to protect yourself?
13:50I'm the law
13:52don't meddle
13:54I'm the law
13:56we trust you police
13:58let's go
14:00help me
14:02we have to take him
14:04are you ok?
14:06are you ok police?
14:16take him
14:18this is my sacrifice
14:20are you ok?
14:22take him and put him in jail
14:24for me
14:26you're a demon
14:28take him
14:30help me
14:32I'm crazy
14:34let me go
14:36don't move
14:38you're under arrest
14:42open profile
14:4420 years in jail for you
14:46I just wanted to revive your lobster
14:50we were wrong all this time
14:54what's going on?
14:56are you alive?
14:58leave a like
15:06I hope you liked this video
15:08give me a like
15:10and we do the second part
15:12we will see the worst children in the world
15:14here is the channel of flores
15:16here is the channel of eo
15:18here is the channel of wally.mx29
15:20and here is the legend Iker
15:22I will upload videos on YouTube
15:24and I will see you next Thursday
15:26with a new video
