• 2 days ago
And I'm already planning my next trip to do it again! Go subscribe, and I might come to your house and cook for you :)


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00:00Some of you post the craziest comments on my videos.
00:02Like this one time, someone asked me if Gordon Ramsay was my dad.
00:05Or this other time, when someone wrote,
00:07me watching this while eating a microwaved hot dog with no bun.
00:10But today, I saw a comment under one of my videos saying,
00:12I wish I could try this right now.
00:14I clicked the username, and it turned out the subscriber
00:16was a girl named Evangeline, who lives in Mumbai, India.
00:19And because of that one comment, I decided to get on a plane
00:22and travel all around the world to cook for my subscribers.
00:25I just landed in India, and our subscriber wanted biryani.
00:27So, instead of me just making a normal biryani,
00:31I decided to surprise her with the best chef in India
00:33over here, who's gonna help make one that I'm guessing
00:36is probably gonna be a little bit better
00:37than what I could have made by myself.
00:38I'm sure you can make a good biryani.
00:40He's just being polite.
00:41Now we're going to the spice market.
00:42We're going to get the ingredients
00:44to make the best biryani ever.
00:46This is like the best spot you know of.
00:48These are all their blends.
00:49Then here are different types of chilies.
00:51Every chili has a different purpose.
00:53We'll go for the biryani masala.
00:55Obviously, that's the one we want.
00:56Really powder it completely.
00:58You can taste the rawness of the spices.
00:59We got all the spices we need to make the perfect biryani.
01:02We've just driven an hour outside of Mumbai,
01:04and we're about to surprise our subscriber,
01:06but she also doesn't know who I brought with me.
01:07So wait till she finds out that we got
01:09the best chef in India with us.
01:10Hi, how are you?
01:12Nice to meet you.
01:13Oh my God.
01:14Can I give you a hug?
01:15You got flowers.
01:16This is for you.
01:17I actually have a surprise for you guys.
01:17To help me cook the biryani,
01:18I brought the best chef in India.
01:20Oh my God.
01:21Oh my God, what a joy to meet you.
01:23We'll follow you guys.
01:25What is this?
01:27This is great.
01:28We are from South India.
01:29This is how we welcome our guests in Tamil Nadu.
01:31This is something that I'm just gonna sprinkle on you.
01:35It's rose water.
01:36Oh, I love rose water.
01:37This is just mishri.
01:39It's like sweet sugar.
01:40Since you're coming to our house for the first time,
01:42you know, everything should be sweet.
01:43It's like a sweet welcome.
01:44This is a traditional welcome to you.
01:46So this is how it goes.
01:47Oh, nice.
01:49This is a kingly welcome.
01:50This is great.
01:51Look at us.
01:52We look better than when we came in.
01:53Is this a shirt?
01:54No, it's a kurta.
01:55I think I should cook in this, right?
01:57So cool.
01:58And the color.
01:59And the color.
02:00Do you guys mind showing us the kitchen?
02:02We have got a few snacks for you.
02:03The food's already cooked.
02:05Thank you guys.
02:05Are there any rules in the kitchen?
02:07Just that before you start cooking,
02:09you have to be respectful towards the stove, right?
02:11You can say namaste to the stove.
02:13Oh, okay.
02:14Just say namaste?
02:15We're just pranking with you, just.
02:17I wondered if she was.
02:19Why didn't you tell me something?
02:20Honestly, it is so diverse that it's possible
02:23it happens in some houses, I don't know.
02:24The first thing we're going to get going
02:26is the dough, whole wheat flour.
02:29And we're just going to add water
02:30till we get our dough going.
02:31Go for it.
02:32All right.
02:33A lot of Indian cooking is by touch and feel and by hand.
02:35We're killing it here, chef.
02:36You're going to be making a lot of biryani
02:37when you go back home.
02:38I definitely put too much water.
02:40I hope he doesn't get mad at me.
02:41I have a confession.
02:42Put too much water in the dough?
02:44Because the dough is used just to seal the pot
02:47and not to eat, we can make it work.
02:49In India, we don't have salad,
02:51so we do like something called kachumber.
02:52When we sit to eat, we kind of dress the salad.
02:55And let it chill till then.
02:56This is such a different fridge
02:57than anything I see at home.
02:58They got good stuff in here.
03:00Ginger garlic paste.
03:01Umami brew.
03:02It's like a kombucha.
03:03Look what their eggs come in.
03:05That's so cool.
03:06All right, let's stop raiding their fridge.
03:08Put me to work.
03:09Let's build this biryani.
03:10This is our beautiful marinated meat.
03:12It's gorgeous.
03:12Just want to swim in it.
03:14Seriously, chef.
03:15For now, I'm just going to put this on
03:16and kind of bring it to room temp.
03:18This is like a lighter.
03:21Is it working?
03:22We just need to know which is for which.
03:24Chef, do you not know how to turn on an oven?
03:25I just don't know which.
03:27He doesn't know how to turn on an oven.
03:28Which is for which.
03:29Um, I think, oh shucks.
03:31No, I'm not.
03:33You didn't know.
03:34I use the electric stove.
03:36I don't use this.
03:37Second time's the charm.
03:38There you go, chef.
03:39We never told them the meat is lamb.
03:42Biryani traditionally is always better with like red meat.
03:44So in this bag here, we have crispy fried shallots.
03:47And we're going to put those.
03:49What we have in this bag is a saffron milk.
03:51Look at the color of this
03:53when I pour it into the bowl.
03:54Chef, that's like the definition of luxury right there.
03:57We can't waste a single drop of this.
03:58Now what we're going to do is the layering of the biryani.
04:00We're going to build it.
04:02It smells seriously amazing.
04:03So we have the saffron milk, fried onion,
04:05fresh mint, fresh coriander, par-boiled rice,
04:08and marinated and par-cooked meat.
04:10This is basically called a dekchi.
04:12This is what you traditionally make biryani in.
04:14The cooking process is called dum.
04:15When we seal this, you want it to steam
04:17all the flavors to marry inside, low and slow.
04:19This is heavy.
04:20This also belongs to my mom.
04:22Yeah, I got these from my house.
04:24Are you ready to do this?
04:25I'm ready.
04:25Are you ready?
04:26I'm ready.
04:27The first layer is we're going to put some meat down.
04:28For this layer, I want a lot of the masala
04:30or the liquid as well.
04:31So that's all the flavor, all the liquid right there.
04:34So just spread it out nice and even
04:35on the bottom of the biryani pot.
04:36The next layer, we're going to do rice.
04:38It's not fully cooked because for all the flavors
04:41to kind of marry, some of the meat juices
04:43and the rice will kind of mix and cook throughout.
04:45The next step, we're going to take all our flavoring,
04:46the herbs, the saffron, and the onion,
04:49and kind of sprinkle it everywhere.
04:50You're trusting me with this?
04:51I'm trusting you with this.
04:52All right.
04:53Try getting as many of the saffron threads as you can.
04:55That is going to impart more flavor.
04:56This is like a splatter painting.
04:57Every bite you take is going to be unique and different.
05:00So now, next, a handful of the onion.
05:02I'm going to take a liberty here and put a few more.
05:04The more the onion, the better.
05:05The hard part is getting it in the corners, huh?
05:07It's almost like rolling dice.
05:08Next, we're going to do the herbs.
05:09Yes, chef.
05:10Here we go.
05:11Again, just spread it out.
05:12Show the sides some love.
05:13Look how nice it already looks.
05:14I just can't believe it.
05:15Now all we do is repeat the whole layering process
05:17once again.
05:18And I'm going to do almost all the lamb,
05:20but just save some of that fat
05:21to season the top layer of the biryani
05:23so it gets a little red color as well.
05:24And I am just keeping our workstation organized
05:27while you do that.
05:28You're a great sous chef.
05:29Can you give me a rating, chef?
05:30How am I as a sous chef so far?
05:31So far, I would say like a eight,
05:33but then we're not fully done.
05:35Oh, okay.
05:36So you might give me a 10 at the end.
05:37We're going to season the meat
05:38with a little bit of rose water.
05:39You don't want too much of it
05:40because then it's off-putting.
05:42Now we go with more rice.
05:43We're going to do enough rice
05:44so we don't see any meat anymore.
05:46Okay, we're fully covering the meat now.
05:48See, the edges are almost like-
05:50We need to fill those gaps.
05:51This is a lot of work, by the way.
05:53Usually when you make biryani,
05:54you don't make it just for one person
05:56or small batches.
05:57You always are making it for a family
05:58or for a party.
05:59What's the next step?
06:00I know the next step.
06:01Saffron milk, right?
06:03Yeah, for a second, you didn't say anything
06:04and I got nervous.
06:06And now, once again, I've become a painter.
06:08Oh, I'm not normally this messy in the kitchen.
06:10I think I'm a little nervous with this guy.
06:12All the oil and all the masala
06:13that's left over in this pan,
06:14I'm going to kind of spread that out
06:16on top of this as well.
06:17The rice will start absorbing all that fat.
06:19So really, making biryani is just about
06:21layer after layer after layer.
06:22And building flavor.
06:23This is going to be my new favorite food, I think.
06:25This is also the layer that's going to be seen
06:27once it's done cooking.
06:28Okay, so we got to make it look pretty pretty.
06:30Look at how beautiful it is.
06:31The last step before we kind of seal this,
06:33put a few last drops of rose water.
06:35One, two, three, four.
06:38Next step, the dough that you made.
06:40Do you see this part where you can see this nook here?
06:42It seals the pan, so none of the steam
06:44and the flavor that we want escapes.
06:46That's pretty good.
06:47So like, am I like a nine now?
06:48By the time we're done, you want to be a 10, right?
06:51Mm-hmm, of course.
06:51We make it happen.
06:52Would you say that you're like a pretty,
06:54even-keeled, kind chef in the kitchen?
06:56I am.
06:57You are, you seem like you would be.
06:58There are times where I'm not so nice also,
07:00but not very often.
07:02Not today.
07:02Imagine we came here to someone else's house
07:04and he just was screaming at me.
07:05And I went all Gordon Ramsay on you
07:07and started throwing plates.
07:08Can you imagine?
07:09So this is the big moment right here.
07:10Press it, press down, get it all sealed.
07:13And into the oven now?
07:14Traditionally, India, we don't have too many ovens,
07:16so we cook it on the stove.
07:18It kind of heats up inside.
07:19Which one again, this one?
07:22There you go.
07:22It's so heavy.
07:24Here we go.
07:25Great job, chef.
07:26While we're waiting for the biryani to cook,
07:28just look outside.
07:29I think it's amazing how different and unique it is
07:31compared to home.
07:32So here it is.
07:33That's amazing.
07:38Can I start serving you?
07:39Yes, please.
07:40Yeah, I can't wait.
07:41This is up there for the best-smelling rooms
07:43I've been in in my life.
07:45That's it.
07:48It's so full of flavor.
07:49My goodness.
07:51It's not very spicy,
07:52but still it has all the flavors.
07:54Like all these different textures.
07:56You just have the perfect bite with all these layers.
07:58Do you mind if I steal a tiny bite?
07:59Yeah, please.
08:00And we are sure that you cannot stop with this one small bowl.
08:04I know that you have a really low spice tolerance,
08:06but then I think this will be perfect.
08:08Is it spicy?
08:09No, it's not.
08:11You're right, it's not too spicy.
08:12It's delicious.
08:13I think my favorite part of the biryani
08:15is that chef did most of the work.
08:16It's fine.
08:17You wanna ask me what your score is now?
08:20Wow, that's a good score.
08:21Making biryani is quite tough.
08:23Thank you for making this lovely dum biryani.
08:26Thanks for having us into your house.
08:28I know it's not normal to let strangers
08:30come in your kitchen and cook, so thank you guys.
08:33You are no stranger.
08:33Yeah, you're no stranger.
08:35And this will be a golden memories for years to come.
08:38And we can tell our grandchildren.
08:39I'll show them on YouTube.
08:41You have to.
08:45He just threw me off the front.
08:46Welcome to Dubai.
08:47Tarek has been subscribed to the channel since 2019.
08:50And today we're gonna cook some of his favorite meats.
08:52This is one of the coolest settings
08:54that I've ever cooked in.
08:55We're in the middle of the desert,
08:56about an hour and a half outside of Dubai.
08:58What did we get here?
08:59Talk me through it.
08:59We got some lamb chops.
09:01Beautiful lamb lollipops.
09:03Then what is this?
09:04This is some cubed beef.
09:05I bought a brand new knife just for this.
09:09This is some seriously fresh lamb.
09:12This is some seriously fresh looking beef.
09:14What did all this meat cost us?
09:16All of this was like $33.
09:18Let's just season it all with the same thing, yeah?
09:20Yeah, sure.
09:21You good with that?
09:21When you cook in the desert,
09:22you just gotta work with what you have, right?
09:23I mean, we're in the middle of an endless desert right now.
09:26Cover that with a bunch of olive oil.
09:27It is windy out here.
09:28So windy.
09:29No Osmo today, but a little salt, a little pepper.
09:31It's just blowing out of the bowl.
09:34Now we've got some Kashmiri chili powder.
09:36This is Arabic masala.
09:37And then to finish it off, you pick this one.
09:39Smells and looks amazing.
09:40Just some classic curry powder.
09:43Getting cooked over there.
09:44And now I'm gonna cut off a few lemon wedges.
09:47Oh gosh.
09:48The worst part about cooking in the desert
09:49is that if you drop something, it's done.
09:51Yeah, they're bye-bye.
09:52Thing is, if we squirt lemon,
09:53this could go in your eyes as well.
09:54Let's close our eyes and then squeeze the lemon.
09:56Three, two, one.
09:57Little lemon.
09:58And then we'll just mix it up.
09:58Make sure everything gets nice and evenly coated.
10:01So do you cook a lot?
10:01Desserts, usually.
10:05Cheesecakes, your favorite.
10:05Yeah, I'll get a recipe.
10:06I'll add my own touch to it.
10:08Honestly, if I was like thinking of someone
10:10living in Dubai,
10:11I wouldn't think of cheesecake being the favorite dessert.
10:13Yeah, I know.
10:14I am happy with my beef skewer here.
10:16Um, the difference?
10:17While you finish that up,
10:18I'm going to start tossing our beef down on the grill here.
10:21And I'm also going to toss the lamb kebabs,
10:23which look incredible, by the way.
10:25Oh, it's gonna start smoking.
10:27But it smells so good.
10:28I'm gonna make you the chef today.
10:30You tell me when you think we flip these.
10:31I think now is the perfect time, to be honest.
10:33Let's flip-a-roo then.
10:34Here we go.
10:36This crust is insane.
10:37That looks insane, yeah.
10:38We'll flip the lamb.
10:40You wanna do it with your bare hands or no?
10:40Are they hot?
10:41I mean, yeah.
10:42That's fine, let's do it.
10:43You good?
10:44Yeah, you got the chef hand?
10:45Flip the lamb.
10:46Oh, the lamb is gonna be so good.
10:48It's so crispy as well.
10:49You know why I can tell you're a good cook?
10:50You're standing right in front of this extremely hot grill
10:53and you're not flinching at all.
10:54Yeah, of course.
10:55Like I said, you're the head chef,
10:56so you tell me, when is this meat ready?
10:57I think give it like a minute and then we'll be good to go.
11:00After all our hard work, you ready to eat?
11:02Which sauce do you prefer?
11:03This is called achar.
11:04It smells like a mild umami chili oil.
11:06Yeah, but like in an Arabic style.
11:08This is called daqoos.
11:09It says hot sauce, but we call it daqoos.
11:12It gives it like some nice seasoning.
11:13Why don't you do that one with the beef?
11:14I'm doing this one, the mixed pickle with the lamb.
11:16It's probably gonna be so hot.
11:18You first, you first.
11:20I'm not even kidding.
11:20That's like best meat I've eaten in my life.
11:22Tender, that sauce just gives it a nice spice kick.
11:24He's not messing around here.
11:26I'm gonna dip my lamb.
11:28Oh my gosh.
11:29That is not at all what I just expected it would be.
11:32That sauce is so complex.
11:34How do you describe it even?
11:37The sauces in Dubai are different, huh?
11:39Yeah, can't stop eating this.
11:40Now we can just enjoy the sunset.
11:41There's even a perfect moon up there.
11:43Habibi, come to Dubai.
11:44On to my next destination.
11:51Welcome to Japan,
11:52one of my favorite places in the whole world.
11:54We're here to cook for a subscriber named Yuri,
11:56but I also have a big surprise up my sleeve
11:58because I'm bringing my best friend, Bayashi.
12:01Hi, I'm Bayashi.
12:03She wanted sushi,
12:04but we're also gonna surprise her with a fruit salad
12:06because in Japan, fruit is very special.
12:09People give it as a gift.
12:10It's very expensive and Nikko's paying.
12:12This morning, I went to the fish market.
12:14We already have all the stuff we need for the sushi.
12:16So now we're going to a Japanese supermarket
12:18to get all the ingredients for the fruit salad.
12:20Look at how all the fruit is presented.
12:22It's beautiful.
12:23Even the watermelons, the regular melons.
12:25Look at all these apples.
12:27They're all in these little nests.
12:28These peaches might make Bayashi act up.
12:30Every single fruit looks perfect.
12:32We gotta do whatever we need to do
12:33for the subscriber, right?
12:35Let's get her these perfect, beautiful plump grapes.
12:37Some of these grapes, different color.
12:39I think this one is heart.
12:41You're right, they're heart-shaped grapes.
12:42How much do these cost?
12:4335 bucks.
12:46This is the most money I'm ever gonna spend
12:47in my whole life, guys, on fruit.
12:49These are Japanese melons.
12:50This is 37,800 yen.
12:53That's like a $350 melon.
12:55I mean, do we do it for the subscriber?
12:58I don't even want to put this in the cart.
13:00It's so perfect.
13:01It's all wrapped up like a little baby.
13:03Persimmon is another Japanese fruit
13:05that's very famous across Japan.
13:07Wait, is this red dragon fruit?
13:09It's red.
13:10Red on the inside?
13:13Oh no.
13:14Mango, cha-ching.
13:15And then pomegranate, cha-ching.
13:16We'll get one lemon and one lime.
13:19And for the sauce, get an orange.
13:21Look at the watermelon.
13:23There's only one left.
13:24I mean, it's kind of calling our name.
13:26I'm so glad to make pay.
13:28Edible flowers for the top of the salad.
13:30That's fancy.
13:31We bought so much fruit.
13:32We have two people helping us check out.
13:33What's your prediction?
13:34How much is this going to cost, you think?
13:36The price is 67,435 yen.
13:42I don't want to talk about it.
13:43This is it?
13:43This is it.
13:48Welcome to Japan.
13:49Come in.
13:49Nice to meet you.
13:52Are you hungry?
13:53I'm serving.
13:54Sometimes I'm a little bit tall inside Japanese houses,
13:56so I have to duck a lot of the time.
13:58What's your favorite food?
13:59I like sushi and fruit.
14:00Well, that's perfect.
14:03Yeah, is she a good cook?
14:04She wanna cook.
14:05What kind of food does she make?
14:07Omurice, what?
14:08That's very impressive.
14:10Bayashi can't even make omurice.
14:12Can't do that.
14:13Oh, one more thing.
14:13Me and Bayashi picked some flowers for you.
14:16Are you hungry?
14:18Sit down and we'll bring you some food.
14:19Quick game plan.
14:20First thing, we're going to make the sushi.
14:22Then while they eat the sushi, we'll make the fruits out.
14:25Can you be my sous chef?
14:26Yes, chef.
14:28I promise we will be fast.
14:30Bayashi, get the tuna from the fridge.
14:32Yes, chef.
14:32We need a cutting board.
14:34We need a chef's knife.
14:36It's not the best chef's knife I've ever seen,
14:38but that's fine.
14:39Can I have a wet paper towel?
14:40Paper towel?
14:41Paper towel.
14:42Where is it?
14:42And while Bayashi is looking for that,
14:44I'm going to start cutting nice pieces
14:47of our beautiful fresh tuna.
14:49Oh, you found this.
14:50You found the paper towels.
14:51This was supposed to be wet.
14:52Oh, wet?
14:53Sorry about that, guys.
14:54You got it?
14:55Yes, chef.
14:56Oh, good.
14:56Bayashi, get some plates to plate this on, please.
14:58We need to get this out in the next one minute.
15:00Bayashi, they're hungry.
15:01Yes, chef.
15:02This is for the sushi.
15:03Yes, we have only this plate.
15:06Are you guys okay if this is the plate?
15:08Yes, why not?
15:09One person is going to get some beautiful tuna on this side
15:13because I know one of them likes lean tuna more
15:14and the other one likes this fattier tuna.
15:16Now, Bayashi is laying down the shiso leaves,
15:18which are beautiful, fragrant,
15:20almost citrusy Japanese edible leaf.
15:22Good job, Bayashi.
15:23This looks so good.
15:24Thank you, chef.
15:25For the nigiri, I think we go one of this,
15:27one of this, and one of this.
15:30And now, a little bit more
15:31because we want to give them as much fish as they want.
15:34And now, some salmon roe.
15:35And then, one of my favorite things out there,
15:37a few scallops.
15:38And before we serve it,
15:39look at this amazing tray of fresh sashimi and sushi.
15:43I'm also going to give them a special treat,
15:45this entire tray of Hokkaido sea urchin.
15:47Would a Japanese person be really happy about this?
15:51Sushi time.
15:52Ah, arigatou gozaimasu.
15:53Only eat as much as you want.
15:55You don't have to eat all of it.
15:56And then, you've never tried uni.
15:59Bayashi's going to show Yuri how to eat uni,
16:01just like that.
16:02That's all.
16:03It's good?
16:05It's all for you guys.
16:06Everything mine?
16:07No, it's not for you.
16:08Oh, let's see what Yuri thinks.
16:12Arigatou gozaimasu.
16:16How's the sushi?
16:19For some dessert, Bayashi and I decided
16:20we're going to make you a little fruit salad.
16:22So Yuri, Bayashi is not a very good sous chef.
16:25Would you maybe want to come cook with me?
16:28Come on, let's go.
16:28Bayashi, how do you feel about getting fired?
16:30Oh, very good.
16:31Because I can't eat uni.
16:32This is all the fruit, okay?
16:34You ready?
16:36Okay, okay.
16:37Which one do you want to cut first?
16:38Mango, okay.
16:39I want to see your knife skills.
16:40Look at Yuri's fingers.
16:42She already knows how to curl her fingers like that.
16:44Already, she has better knife skills
16:46than I think Bayashi does.
16:48Will you cut this into nice, small pieces?
16:51You are so much faster than Bayashi.
16:53Ha, ha, ha.
16:55Will you just go like this,
16:56and go put that right in the bowl?
17:00Oh, we lost some.
17:02Oh no.
17:02Sorry, sorry.
17:03Bayashi, come here.
17:04Come pick this up.
17:05Pick this up, Bayashi.
17:06Yuri, I like this sound.
17:08Yuri is now going to wash off the grapes
17:10while I keep chopping up this watermelon.
17:13You think I can do this?
17:16Mm, that is so good.
17:18There's more grapes.
17:20I'm going to cut up some more of our green grapes now
17:22because we need some of those in the fruit salad.
17:24And Yuri is being the best helper ever
17:26in the kitchen right now.
17:27Yuri, look at the dragon fruit.
17:28Do you like dragon fruit?
17:30I don't like dragon fruit, but it's very pretty.
17:31What is your favorite video from Bayashi?
17:35That's the one where Bayashi makes
17:36like a really, really long cucumber.
17:38It's a good video.
17:39Look how many colors we already have.
17:40Do you want to cut strawberries?
17:43I will pull off the stems for you if you start cutting them.
17:45Her dad is saying that she cooks alone,
17:47sometimes without even her mom or her dad there,
17:49which is really amazing.
17:50And how old are you?
17:52I don't think my mom even let me cook alone
17:54at home when I was 10.
17:56The melon.
17:57Look how happy she is about this melon.
17:59Do you want to hold it?
18:00I've never seen somebody so happy with a melon.
18:03Let's open it up.
18:04Oh, wow.
18:06Smells good, right?
18:08So melon, in my opinion, is probably the best fruit
18:11in Japan.
18:12The melon tastes different than anything you've ever had.
18:14It's sweet, it's beautiful in color,
18:16but it's also very, very expensive and very special.
18:19I will cut this.
18:20Last few fruits, we're going to do a little bit of peach.
18:22And then we have some mint.
18:24We'll just put a little bit of mint.
18:25And then to finish everything,
18:26here's how I'm going to make the sauce, okay?
18:28I'm going to take some orange, some lime, and some lemon.
18:32Squeeze it all over that.
18:33Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
18:34Mix it up a little bit.
18:35And while Yuri is mixing,
18:36I'll put a little bit of honey
18:38just to make it a little bit sweeter.
18:40And now to finish,
18:41we're just going to put a bunch of beautiful,
18:43edible flowers over the top of this whole thing.
18:45And now we made a huge mess,
18:46but the most important thing is
18:48we have this amazing fruit salad.
18:49Ready to eat?
18:53Go ahead, Yuri.
18:53You have to see what you think.
18:57Mm, it's very fresh.
18:58And every bite that you could take here is totally different.
19:01I think my favorite part is actually
19:03the orange, lemon, lime dressing with the honey.
19:05Tastes nice.
19:06But now she's eating all of it again.
19:08Oh, oh, oh, oh.
19:09Is it good?
19:10Very good.
19:11We'll let them finish eating their fruit salad.
19:14Thank you for cooking with me.
19:15You're very good at cooking.
19:16Better than me.
19:22Today we are in Ecuador,
19:23home to some of the best chocolate in the world,
19:25but I'm actually about to go cook for a subscriber
19:28who wanted a ceviche,
19:29and I brought along Pat.
19:30He doesn't know it yet,
19:31but he's going to be my sous chef.
19:33I'll not.
19:34Ecuador is famous for its outdoor markets,
19:36and we're going to go and pick up a bunch of stuff.
19:38This place is insane.
19:39It's huge.
19:40First one is we need a whole thing of limes.
19:42$1 for all these limes here.
19:43That's crazy.
19:44Ecuador, of any place I've traveled around the world,
19:47has some of my favorite markets.
19:48The way they lay everything out is beautiful,
19:50and they have so many fresh fruits, vegetables.
19:53We're going to grab some small peppers.
19:5450 cents for these.
19:56Okay, Pat.
19:56Pat's my sugar daddy today.
20:00He can't handle spice.
20:01I know spice.
20:02He's a baby.
20:03Be strong.
20:04They're so nice here.
20:05Look here, they're making fresh tortillas with corn,
20:08straight out of the grinder.
20:09It's unbelievable here.
20:10That's the most bananas I've ever seen in my whole life.
20:12This is probably like a thousand bananas right here.
20:15We need tomatoes.
20:16Por favor.
20:17I'm breaking out my Spanish in here, Pat.
20:19You're getting better.
20:1950 cents?
20:21Why am I paying for this entire meal?
20:22So in Ecuador, they have the massive avocados.
20:24We could get one and put that in the ceviche, too.
20:26This is an avocado?
20:27Avocado, yeah.
20:28This is giant, though.
20:29Look at this.
20:31She asked when we're going to eat the avocado,
20:32so she could pick one that's the perfect ripeness.
20:34I've never seen an avocado this big.
20:36It's as big as your face.
20:37Red onions?
20:39Dos cebollas.
20:43I think I understood what she said.
20:44I think she said it's 50 cents.
20:46You did not have it right.
20:47I did.
20:48I said, oh, 75 cents.
20:51I knew what she said.
20:51Wait up, Nick.
20:52Do you think we need watches for the ceviche?
20:54We're not getting watches.
20:55Look how beautiful the mangoes are.
20:57Mucho bueno.
20:58Which one?
20:59This one?
21:00Oh, he's just going to cut it up for us.
21:02Take a taste.
21:04Dude, that's the freshest mango ever.
21:06Now we got to find the freshest cilantro
21:08in this whole place.
21:09I smell it.
21:10That's the one we want.
21:10And you can see all the roots of the cilantro,
21:12which tells me that it was probably pretty freshly picked.
21:15How do you say cilantro in Spanish?
21:16Probably cilantro.
21:18Uno cilantro.
21:22Oh, wait, what?
21:26Like, one half.
21:28Look at those things right there.
21:30They look like someone going like this.
21:33So we're looking for like that crunchy Peruvian corn,
21:36because that goes so well in a ceviche.
21:38This is the crunchy corn that I was looking for.
21:40And then these are the plantain chips in the same place.
21:42That's my favorite fruit in the world.
21:44This isn't for the ceviche.
21:45This is just my favorite fruit.
21:46So we're getting 10.
21:47And if I see another stand that has nice looking ones,
21:50I'll probably get 10 more.
21:51We just need a few shrimp.
21:51They do have the shrimp with the head on,
21:53but let's do them fully clean.
21:55The last thing we need is salt.
21:57It's no Osmo, but it's $4 and it's a big bag.
22:03It's 40 cents.
22:04Loco, it's him.
22:06Now we just go meet the subscriber.
22:08Let's do it.
22:09This right here is not our subscriber's apartment.
22:11It's actually an Airbnb because Ecuador is having
22:13some serious power failures right now.
22:15In his apartment and a lot of places across Ecuador,
22:17all the power's out.
22:18So we're taking the stairs all the way up to the ninth floor.
22:21Just leave without me.
22:22I think he is right here.
22:24This is exciting.
22:28What's up, man?
22:29I can't believe I get to meet you.
22:29I watch your videos every day.
22:32You've seen Patrick's videos?
22:33Of course.
22:34Oh, good.
22:35What's up, man?
22:35Thank goodness.
22:36I didn't want to surprise you.
22:37And then you're like, who the heck is this guy?
22:38And how long have you lived in Ecuador?
22:39Oh, my whole life.
22:40And you love ceviche?
22:41Very much so.
22:42All three of us are new to this kitchen, right?
22:45Because this isn't your actual place.
22:46So we can make a mess.
22:47Yeah, we can make a huge mess.
22:48Let's make a mess.
22:49Do you think we need this?
22:51Let's move that.
22:52What kind of ceviche are you gonna go with?
22:55Oh, shrimp's good?
22:56I like fish.
22:57I told you to call him first.
22:58But you like shrimp or no?
22:59Yeah, yeah.
23:00Yeah, yeah, okay.
23:01Oh, it's so great that you got one of those.
23:04Yeah, of course, of course.
23:05And also, have you had this in a ceviche before?
23:07But I don't like it very much.
23:08Getting rid of these?
23:09I'm getting rid of these.
23:11You tell me what ingredients you do like.
23:13You like plantain chips.
23:14You like avocado?
23:16We don't usually put mango on ours.
23:18Will you try it with mango?
23:19Yeah, sure.
23:20Cool, cool.
23:22Obviously lime.
23:23I like it very sour.
23:25Put those in the fridge, please, sous chef.
23:27These aren't for the ceviche.
23:28No, that's fruit.
23:29That's my favorite.
23:30It's my favorite fruit.
23:31It's very good.
23:31Let's put them in the freezer.
23:32At the end, we'll all eat one for dessert.
23:33Do you crack it in your head and do you eat it?
23:34Have you cracked it on yours?
23:36Yeah, ever since I was little.
23:37All right, then we're going to crack it on our heads.
23:39Do you like spice?
23:40We'll put a little bit of spice in there
23:41and then obviously onions.
23:43Sous chef, neaten up the station, please.
23:44Get rid of the plastic bags and let's get started.
23:47This will be our snack while we cook.
23:49Yeah, yeah.
23:50You just don't like them in ceviche.
23:51Got it, got it.
23:52Chef, we have a big problem.
23:53What's the problem?
23:54We don't have hand soap.
23:55Check the bathroom right now.
23:56There's no hand soap in the bathroom.
23:58There's no soap anywhere?
23:59There's no soap.
24:00This is one of the problems of an Airbnb.
24:02Dude, that's a soap.
24:02This is not soap, but for the dishes.
24:05This is soap, right?
24:05We got soap for the dishes.
24:06But you can still use them in your hand.
24:09Nothing wrong with that.
24:10When in Ecuador.
24:11Unwrap all the ingredients, please.
24:13Do you want me to help?
24:14Oh, it's up to him.
24:15I want you to enjoy this experience.
24:16He wants you to relax.
24:17At least we have a chef's knife and a cutting board, right?
24:19That's the cutting board?
24:23Chef, a bowl?
24:25Yes, chef.
24:26Glass bowl?
24:27Yes, chef.
24:27Find a smaller one, please.
24:28Do you want me to do this or?
24:30Who's your favorite YouTuber?
24:31You want me to be straight up?
24:33Yeah, I want you to be straight.
24:34It's not either one of you,
24:35but I do like you guys very much.
24:37Quickly wash this stuff off.
24:38Yes, chef.
24:39I'm gonna start chopping the onions.
24:40Basically, for the ceviche, we're gonna keep it simple.
24:42We're gonna start by prepping out all of our ingredients.
24:45This is such a dull knife.
24:47It's not really chopping, it's sort of more mushing.
24:49For how long have you cooked?
24:50Since I was like eight or nine.
24:52What got you into it?
24:52Just my family.
24:53Like, grandparents, great-grandparents,
24:55all really good at cooking, and I just loved it.
24:57What's your favorite food here in Ecuador?
24:59Like, what are some of the highlight dishes?
25:01It's like a kind of soup that has onion, yucca, fish.
25:05One of the greatest things you've ever put in your food.
25:06Really good, huh?
25:07Right away, when I've cut these onions,
25:09I'm gonna hit them with just a touch of salt.
25:11Why are you not crying?
25:12The onions are getting you?
25:14Pat cries a lot, but not from onions.
25:16What other dishes do you like?
25:18My favorite kind of food is Italian.
25:19That's why I love watching QCP.
25:21You love QCP?
25:22Yeah, very much.
25:23Should I try to FaceTime him?
25:24Oh, let's FaceTime Q.
25:27No way.
25:28Hey, Q, I'm in Ecuador.
25:30I'm cooking a meal right now
25:31for someone who said he really likes your videos.
25:33So good to meet you, man.
25:34I'm a big fan of yours.
25:36Are you shirtless?
25:37Yeah, I'm pretty much completely naked, so.
25:39Now, all these limes, we're gonna chop them.
25:41You said you like a lot of lime, right?
25:43Nick, do you know how to juggle?
25:45Watch this.
25:46Do you actually know how?
25:49Clean this up.
25:50Right now.
25:51Tomatoes up next.
25:52I'm going to chop off the top.
25:53I'm going to carve out the center of the tomato.
25:56Now we're just gonna chop up some tomato
25:58into nice, small bits.
25:59Pat, salt the tomato.
26:00We salt as we go, right?
26:01Yes, chef.
26:01I've taught you that before.
26:02Can I ask you something?
26:03How is Gordon really like Gordon Ramsay?
26:06Gordon's really nice.
26:07There's a lot of yelling.
26:08There's a lot of intensity,
26:09but he actually cares about people.
26:10Chef, pass me the mango.
26:12We'll carve it right down the side of the glass here,
26:15and it takes almost all of that beautiful mango
26:17right off there.
26:19And then we can chop it up,
26:20same way we did the tomato.
26:21Cilantro, chef, or?
26:23You want peppers?
26:24Do you want me to give you a towel?
26:25Do you have a towel?
26:25I can.
26:26Do you think there's one?
26:28What are you doing with the toilet paper?
26:30If you can, you know.
26:31Do you want the toilet paper?
26:32Chef, no, chef.
26:33Hey, no problem.
26:34Three peppers,
26:35and these we gotta be really careful with.
26:36I'm just gonna do them in the corner of my cutting board.
26:38I'm also gonna kind of keep my face away,
26:40because you don't want the squirting in your eye.
26:42It's like macing yourself.
26:43And I'm just gonna chop them up a tiny bit more
26:44into like a nice pepper mash.
26:46Oh my God, I can feel the heat coming off.
26:48Dude, it's getting to me right now.
26:50Is it over there?
26:51You maced him.
26:52I don't know if those are the onions or something,
26:54but my eyes are definitely feeling it.
26:56Oh, shoot, dude.
26:58Everyone's getting killed in here except for me, I guess.
27:00Grab me a pot.
27:01Grab me a pot, right?
27:02Yes, chef, yes, chef.
27:02Where's the pot?
27:05In the microwave?
27:06We're first going to give the shrimp a big rinse
27:09in this salt water bath.
27:10This is gonna clean them,
27:11and then eventually start to cook them a little bit too.
27:13There's our fresh shrimp.
27:14These are big, beautiful shrimp.
27:16So big and beautiful.
27:17Extremely high quality shrimp.
27:18Now we're just going to cut the shrimp
27:20into nice little chunks here.
27:21I can't even cut the shrimp with this knife.
27:23That is a horrible knife.
27:24Yeah, it's bad.
27:25All right, the shrimp looks good.
27:26I'm gonna fill this up with new water,
27:28and then shrimp go in.
27:29You mind hitting me with a bunch of salt in here again?
27:31Yeah, no problem.
27:32Nice form.
27:33Salbe taught me.
27:33Once I've washed all the shrimp,
27:35get all that extra salty juice out of there.
27:37On to our prep plate.
27:38This is all we need to start the ceviche.
27:40So first I'm gonna go in with our shrimp.
27:42Then before I put anything else,
27:44we're going to squeeze in one, two, three, four, five, six.
27:49You say when.
27:50I like it very sour.
27:51Seven, eight.
27:52I'm gonna keep going until you say stop.
27:53Nine, 10, 11.
27:55Our last one.
27:56You can stop now.
27:59Along with the lime juice,
28:00we're gonna go in with a bit of salt,
28:01and then we'll get a nice mix
28:02to make sure everything is evenly coated.
28:04And then we'll do sort of a pre-cook.
28:05So put that in the fridge for a few minutes
28:07while we cut the rest of our ingredients here.
28:10It's a giant avocado.
28:12I am extremely excited.
28:14Oh my God.
28:16Oh, you can peel it like a fruit.
28:18That is a nice piece of avocado right there.
28:21Is it really good?
28:23Look at the colors we have on this plate, guys.
28:24It's like a rainbow.
28:25And then the last thing, cilantro.
28:26You like cilantro, right?
28:27I think cilantro is one of the best things out there.
28:29God, smell that.
28:31It's crazy.
28:32You've got so many good memories.
28:33Pat, what are you talking about?
28:34Like childhood memories.
28:35My mima in the kitchen.
28:37You called your grandma mima?
28:38I call my grandma mima.
28:39Me too.
28:39No way.
28:40Swear to God, mima.
28:41Shout out to all the mimas.
28:42Love you, mima.
28:43Okay, the way you're chopping it,
28:44I don't think Gordon Ramsay would be happy.
28:45Wanna try to hold this knife?
28:46Do you wanna try to use this knife?
28:47Go ahead.
28:48This is how you do it.
28:50Point proven.
28:51So what kind of stuff do you like to do apart from cooking?
28:55Dude, I've been trying to learn how to serve forever.
28:57Yeah, I do a lot of jiu-jitsu.
28:59Can we do like a quick demo right there?
29:01I didn't sign up for this.
29:02I'm so sorry.
29:03I'm gonna do this.
29:05What's going on?
29:06I'm gonna take his neck,
29:07and I'm gonna put it over here.
29:09I'm gonna put it over here.
29:14That's about it.
29:15I'm so sorry.
29:15I don't wanna be here anymore.
29:16Oh, wow.
29:17It already cooked a lot.
29:18I don't know why I'm surprised.
29:19I've made ceviche like a million times.
29:21Take a smell of that.
29:22Oh, I love that.
29:24Cilantro in, avocado, mango, tomatoes in,
29:27peppers, and red onion.
29:28From there, we can just mix it all up.
29:30That looks so amazing.
29:31These are the chips that we'll eat the ceviche with.
29:33Now we'll go into the bowl with a bunch of our ceviche.
29:35Let me just take a few of this, crush them.
29:38This is how you do it here?
29:40That's so cool.
29:42It's spicy, it's flavorful.
29:43Dude, thank you very much.
29:44That's salt.
29:45Is it good?
29:47That's the greatest ceviche I've ever tried in my whole life.
29:49For real.
29:51You want some?
29:52You want me to try some?
29:53I'll go for a bite.
29:54I'm going to try the one that's actually
29:55going to be honest here.
29:57That is actually really good.
29:58Out of 10, I would say probably like an 8.7.
30:01We're in Ecuador.
30:02We got all the ingredients at the market fresh.
30:04The guy cleaned the shrimp in front of us.
30:05I was there.
30:06Only Ecuadorian ingredients.
30:07How can it get any fresher?
30:088.7 out of 10.
30:09We almost forgot this here.
30:14I love it so much.
30:15I'd move here just for these bad boys.
30:17Thanks for coming to meet us.
30:18Thank you very much.
30:19Honestly, you'd think I was probably
30:20one of the best sous chefs you've ever seen.
30:22Yeah, sure.
30:24We are at Harvard University cooking for a college student.
30:30Welcome, Max.
30:31It's good to be here.
30:32I actually did go here back in the day.
30:33I still don't know how I got in.
30:35All I remember about college is that
30:36you don't get that great of food,
30:38and so I hope we can make this subscriber really happy.
30:43How are you?
30:44How are you?
30:45How's it going?
30:46Come on in.
30:47Tell me what your favorite foods were, you said.
30:48Clams and linguine.
30:50Shrimp Mozambique or shrimp scampi.
30:51So we are actually making clam linguine.
30:55There you go.
30:56That's perfect.
30:56We just picked up the clams this morning
30:58at the fish market.
30:59Nice, huge thing of clams.
31:00I used to work on an oyster farm,
31:01so having the fresh shellfish is super important.
31:03You ready?
31:04You feel good?
31:05I feel good.
31:06You got the Harvard hoodie?
31:07Let's go.
31:08Let's first check out the clams that we just got.
31:11Could we boil some water, Max?
31:12If I was in college-
31:13Where's the pot?
31:14Where's the pot?
31:15Where would I put it?
31:15I'm gonna go with right here.
31:18I would not have guessed the top.
31:20No one puts pans in the top.
31:22I'm gonna guess right there.
31:23Not bad.
31:24This is fun.
31:24I didn't have a kitchen in my dorm in college.
31:26I had one.
31:27I did not know how to cook though, by the way.
31:29Nick, we got a situation.
31:30Oh my God, it's smoking.
31:31What's going on here?
31:31Why is it smoking so much?
31:32Raquel, is that supposed to happen often?
31:33Do you cook on here often?
31:34I don't know why it's doing that at all.
31:36They're both doing it also.
31:37It smells like popcorn.
31:38Should we turn this on?
31:39It looks like it's going away.
31:41I think we're good.
31:42This is an absurd amount of clams.
31:43Pick out the 10 nicest looking ones for Raquel.
31:46They look the exact same, Nick.
31:47No, no, no.
31:48There's some special ones in there.
31:49You said you used to work at a oyster farm?
31:52So what do you look for in a clam?
31:53Usually what I look for in a clam
31:55is one that looks easy to shuck
31:56because usually that's my next task when I have the clam.
31:58So it's one that has that nice little
32:00crease between the two shells.
32:01Right now, I'm just looking for
32:03something that looks like it's gonna taste good.
32:04You know what we don't have here?
32:05Do we have any kind of towel, do you know?
32:07Yeah, like paper towels or like-
32:09This is desperate.
32:10We have this.
32:11We do have toilet paper?
32:11We do have toilet paper, yeah.
32:13College dorm.
32:14Let's take the ingredients out.
32:15First, fresh pasta.
32:16Then we got our parsley.
32:18Max, does that pass the freshness test for you?
32:21We have salt.
32:22Gotta have the good stuff.
32:23Butter, red pepper flakes, shallots,
32:25lemons, garlic, and a little bit of olive oil.
32:27You have some olive oil also.
32:29We were ready for you.
32:29So why don't we give you this brand new olive oil.
32:32We'll use this existing olive oil.
32:34Cutting boards.
32:35I'm gonna just kind of make a makeshift situation.
32:38Do we have a knife in here?
32:39Oh, nice.
32:40Okay, Max, you get a choice.
32:42I feel like I'm gonna go with the green.
32:43They're actually surprisingly sharp knives.
32:45We sharpen our knives every night.
32:46Do you really?
32:47Did you make food like this back in college, Nick?
32:49I did not ever.
32:51Yeah, I was a big food court guy back in college.
32:53Max and Michael, I'm messing this up pretty bad.
32:55It's sliding all over the place.
32:56It's sliding a lot.
32:58Max, did you turn the pasta water off
32:59or did I turn the pasta water off?
33:01I didn't turn it off.
33:01Did you turn it on?
33:02I don't think so.
33:03Did anybody turn it on?
33:04I don't think so.
33:05So we'll start with a bit of olive oil.
33:06This is a 2025 olive oil from Spain.
33:08An excellent vineyard.
33:09Garlic in.
33:10And then I'm gonna follow right behind you, Max,
33:12with our shallots.
33:13We don't have any cornstarch, Raquel, do we?
33:15Don't think so.
33:16That's fine.
33:17Sometimes I like to purge the clams a little bit.
33:18Instead, what I'm gonna do, though,
33:19I'm gonna try to trick them
33:21into thinking that they're back in the ocean
33:22and then they're gonna open up hopefully a little bit.
33:24I'm gonna go ahead and wipe this up
33:26with my toilet paper roll.
33:27I'm gonna point out my station is neat.
33:29You left just a mess with your garlic over here.
33:32I got nothing to say.
33:33How are you with spice?
33:35Why don't you come and put the pinch of this
33:36because I don't want to get blamed later.
33:38This is exciting.
33:39Now it's on you if it's too spicy.
33:40I can't take Max seriously with the Harvard sweatshirt.
33:43What are you talking about?
33:43He's repping, I like it.
33:45I finally have a reason to wear something from Harvard.
33:47What is 446 times 178?
33:57How do we feel here?
33:58I think we're good.
33:59Got some nice color on there.
34:00All right, I'm gonna grab the wine.
34:01Where is the wine?
34:02The wine is in the freezer.
34:03Interesting location.
34:04We'll put that in there.
34:05That smells good.
34:06The great thing about using all these clams
34:08is that when they all open up,
34:09they're all gonna let out
34:10some of that nice clam juice flavor as well.
34:12So we're gonna use more than we actually need.
34:13Let's put the lid on there, Max,
34:15and just let those babies open up.
34:16How long have you been subscribed
34:18to the YouTube channel?
34:18Do you know?
34:19Probably September 2022.
34:22Max still has not subscribed.
34:23So if that tells you guys anything.
34:26You gotta pay up for that.
34:27Should we switch the burners?
34:28Is the burner not working?
34:29It's not very hot.
34:31The burner's not even on on this one.
34:33You're in charge.
34:34It's not hot at all.
34:34You're in charge of turning it on.
34:35You didn't check this.
34:36Why would you not check this?
34:37Wait, is this side hot or is that side the...
34:39The arrow's pointing this way, Max.
34:41I know, but what if like...
34:42You think this is the end of the arrow?
34:43It's possible.
34:44It looks great.
34:45Look at it.
34:46Yeah, of course it looks great
34:47because we moved it to the other burner.
34:48Okay, here we go.
34:49This is pretty much the only plating option
34:51that we have in here.
34:52Is that correct?
34:54You know what?
34:55We'll heat the plate up in the oven.
34:56Go super fancy.
34:57Oh, wow.
34:58Yeah, we're not messing around.
34:59Nick, am I drying the parsley with toilet paper?
35:00No, just don't try it.
35:01Felt wrong.
35:02Are you being serious again?
35:03I had to ask.
35:04One more strike, Max.
35:05You're gone.
35:06That's it?
35:06All right.
35:07Look at our clams though.
35:08They're already starting to open up here.
35:09With some of the ones that open up right away,
35:11I'm just gonna separate them.
35:12I think we're pretty much good on this.
35:13Max, you're the pasta guy.
35:14I'm the clam guy.
35:15I'm definitely not the pasta guy.
35:16Open it up.
35:17Are you giving me some?
35:17I would say given we're gonna cook it a little more,
35:19I would go ahead and take it off the stove.
35:20Do we have a strainer?
35:20I'm gonna guess not.
35:21Space is definitely not something we have a lot of today.
35:24Oh, the clams look so good.
35:26I saved a little bit of pasta water.
35:27Yeah, put it right in the clam bowl.
35:28Raquel, do you wanna try one of the clams
35:30and see if you think it's good?
35:31I would love to, yeah.
35:34They should be good clams.
35:35They should be really good.
35:36Are they good?
35:37They should be great.
35:38Super fresh, super good.
35:39We finish this up in a really simple way.
35:40We put a bunch of butter in there.
35:42Tiny bit more butter, right?
35:43It's a little more than a tiny bit, Nick.
35:44Tiny bit of lemon juice too.
35:45Ready for pasta?
35:46Oh, yeah.
35:47You give the green light?
35:49That's all that liquid gold clam juice
35:50that we've been saving up.
35:50Liquid gold clam juice.
35:53Never heard that term.
35:54Okay, Max, do you wanna taste some?
35:57Yeah, the actual pasta itself is really good.
35:58And you taste the clam.
35:59Oh, plate is in the oven.
36:00Oh my God, we probably almost broke this plate.
36:02That is a nice, ultra hot plate.
36:05This is like restaurant stuff happening.
36:07Once the plate got hot, this is no joke anymore.
36:10All right, let's plate this.
36:11Max, let's see if we can nail this.
36:12What do you think?
36:13Oh, that's great.
36:14Can we?
36:15I think you're there.
36:15I'm gonna heat the clams up a tiny bit more.
36:16Why not, Max?
36:17We came this far.
36:18Can you crank up the heat again?
36:19Uh, so we decided that this side is the hot one, right?
36:24Like, this is hot now, right?
36:25I don't know if you're joking or not.
36:26This is hot.
36:27Are you asking me or are you telling me?
36:28I'm just confirming with you.
36:31I'm just gonna ignore that, Max.
36:32Raquel, you wanna try another clam?
36:33I would love to.
36:34Coming in here.
36:38That is so good.
36:40You wanna do the honors, Max?
36:41All right.
36:42Where do you want them?
36:43I'm gonna let you decide,
36:44but there is a right and a wrong answer.
36:45We'll put the first one right here.
36:46Nice, Max.
36:47You can even add them into the actual open clams,
36:49if you want.
36:50That's a Harvard call right there.
36:51I think that does it, Raquel.
36:52Today we have for you a 2024 Sauvignon Blanc.
36:56Please take a sip.
36:57Oh, wow.
37:00Good flavor, nice and dry.
37:02And then, be careful, because the plate is very hot.
37:04That is your clams and linguine.
37:06Wow, it looks beautiful.
37:07The presentation.
37:08Going for it.
37:09Just go for it.
37:09Wow, it's really good.
37:10The flavors are so strong.
37:12I love lemony things,
37:13and I also feel like when there's shellfish,
37:15there has to be a lot of lemon.
37:16I'm going in for bite number two.
37:17Is that allowed?
37:18That's a good sign, Max.
37:21Guys, you killed it.
37:23You killed it.
37:24Good job, Max.
37:25I can guarantee you there's never been a meal made
37:26to this degree in that kitchen, ever.
37:29That I believe.
37:34As a final stop, I was supposed to fly to Montreal, Canada
37:37to meet our last subscriber,
37:38but a snowstorm canceled all the flights,
37:40so instead, I brought the subscriber here.
37:43Lambert, we switched up the plan a little bit.
37:45I was supposed to come to your house.
37:46And I decided to come here instead.
37:48You see the videos.
37:48Now you're actually here where they're filmed.
37:50What is the first thing that comes to mind?
37:53It feels a bit surreal.
37:54What are we cooking?
37:54What do you want?
37:55Surprise me.
37:57Yeah, sure.
37:58What's your favorite food?
37:59Okay, come to the Wagyu freezer.
38:01We have a lot of steak in here, for sure.
38:02I want to mix it up.
38:04I want to make it a little more fun.
38:05What if I do like a Wagyu fat risotto?
38:06Yeah, sounds good.
38:07Give me one second.
38:08I don't think this is going to be everything,
38:10but I gathered up some ingredients.
38:11I'm not super prepared with ingredients
38:13because we were supposed to be in Canada right now,
38:15but this is good because this is testing me
38:17to kind of work on my toes.
38:18I'm going to start by heating up
38:19some chicken stock in the back.
38:20Let's begin with our asparagus.
38:22Do you like asparagus?
38:23Of course I do.
38:24I don't, but we just happen to have it in the fridge,
38:26so I'm making it work.
38:27So what do you do in Montreal?
38:28I'm a high school teacher.
38:29What do you teach?
38:31I probably am going to regret this,
38:32but can you test my math level?
38:34It's six times seven.
38:36You tested my math skills.
38:37I'm going to test your cooking skills.
38:38What kind of cut is this called?
38:41Roll cut.
38:42The roll, there we go.
38:43The roll cut.
38:44Because you use it for carrots a lot
38:45in Japanese like curry and stuff.
38:47That's good.
38:48You know your stuff.
38:49Yeah, it's the language a bit now.
38:51With this asparagus,
38:52I'm just basically peeling off the skin
38:54so it's not stringy at all.
38:55I want every bite for you in this asparagus
38:57to be luxury, okay?
38:58If you fly all the way here from Montreal
39:00and then I give you a bad risotto,
39:02you're going to tell everybody if it's not good
39:03and then I'm going to look like an idiot.
39:05We'll take a few of the prettiest asparagus tops.
39:08Each bite of this asparagus should be soft and tender.
39:10All right, shallots.
39:11Here we go.
39:12You want to chop one?
39:13Yeah, sure.
39:13Come pick a knife.
39:14This is a knife drawer.
39:15Do you have enough knives?
39:16Pick any one you want.
39:17Too many choices.
39:19Oh, good choice.
39:21Go ahead.
39:22Let me see the knife skills.
39:23All right, there we go.
39:23I'm taking notes right now.
39:24Great form.
39:25You're going forward.
39:26You're holding the knife correctly.
39:27You're good.
39:28I'm giving that a 9.1.
39:30Just a tiny bit.
39:31Yeah, I am.
39:32You said surprise me,
39:33so I'm doing my best to surprise you.
39:35I'm basically going to use some Wagyu fat instead of butter.
39:37Out of 10, what do you give Nick's knife skills?
39:39I'll give him a solid 9.85.
39:43I'll take that.
39:44For the asparagus,
39:44to keep them as soft and kind of gentle as possible,
39:47I'm going to butter poach them.
39:48So that means adding in a bunch of butter.
39:50I'll add a touch of warm water as well.
39:51A little salt.
39:52And that's really all that I need for the asparagus.
39:54Next up, chicken stock.
39:55I'm going to keep that over low heat.
39:57Perfect, perfect pan for risotto.
39:59Now I'm going to heat this pan over low heat.
40:02I will be honest,
40:03that was not at all necessary for the recipe.
40:04I just did that for fun.
40:05See, that's the kind of thing you can't do
40:07like in a normal kitchen.
40:08This is a beautiful, beautiful piece of Wagyu.
40:10I'm going to trim off some of those fattier parts of it,
40:13and I'm going to throw those in the pan.
40:14And let's let that slowly melt down.
40:15Smells incredible.
40:17The fat is starting to really come out of here now.
40:19The steak I'm going to take out,
40:20because we've already gotten off all the fat.
40:21I'm going to need you to eat that as a little snack for me.
40:24Oh, that's a good steak.
40:26All right, shallots in.
40:27So now they're cooking in that flavorful,
40:28beefy, juicy Wagyu fat.
40:30Anytime I add onions or shallots or anything,
40:32I always like to add a pinch of salt right away.
40:34And then now over this,
40:35I'm going to take a little bit of thyme,
40:37put that right in with the shallots.
40:39It smells really good.
40:40We're making magic in here right now.
40:42As a next step, we have to toast off the rice.
40:43We're going to add in our arborio rice.
40:46This for me is when I think it starts to smell really good.
40:48Next step, a little bit of white wine.
40:49That's what's going to give you
40:50that really good classic risotto flavor.
40:53I'm even going to bring out the big guns on you.
40:55My risotto spoon.
40:56I've never seen that.
40:57The risotto kind of goes through it.
40:58I think it's kind of silly, whoever invented this.
41:00Like, it's like, come on, don't buy a risotto spoon.
41:02Just don't do it.
41:03And then I go one or one and a half ladles
41:05at a time of chicken stock.
41:06And all of that stock is going to slowly soak into the rice.
41:09So now we got to be slow.
41:11We got to be gentle.
41:12Why don't we add some lemon juice in mid cook?
41:15I got my wonderful seedless lemons.
41:17You guys have these in Montreal?
41:18No, I don't.
41:19I've never heard of that, the seedless lemons.
41:22You cut in anywhere.
41:23No seeds.
41:24You don't believe me.
41:25Cut into all of them right now.
41:26If you find a seed, I'll give you my studio.
41:27Oh, nope.
41:28Still no seeds.
41:29Oh God, yeah, I'm nervous.
41:31There's no seeds.
41:33Stop doing that.
41:34Believe it or not, I can tell when the risotto is done,
41:36mostly from the feel of the spoon going through the risotto.
41:39Of that specific spoon, right?
41:42If you go like this, you can feel how hard each grain is.
41:45Yeah, you can feel it touching against each other.
41:48I'm going to do a little more stirring.
41:49My arm's a little tired.
41:51Nick has decided to give me his YouTube channel.
41:54I will be now cooking for you
41:56and he will become a math teacher.
41:58You find a seed in one of those lemons
42:00and you can dig over my channel.
42:01So we're developing that nice creaminess
42:03at the bottom of the pan already.
42:04This is what we're looking for, that silky risotto cream.
42:06Every time you dump that chicken stock into it,
42:08it smells so good, doesn't it?
42:10Homemade stock too, right?
42:10It's so good, yeah.
42:12Yeah, I smell it.
42:13It's like so pungent.
42:14You think I'm not going to be using homemade stock?
42:16Come on.
42:17Come on.
42:18I'm excited about this.
42:19Yeah, me too.
42:20We came into this kitchen.
42:21We were supposed to be in Canada.
42:22Now we're here and we're making this.
42:24Using the best tool a kitchen can have.
42:26You seem like you really like this.
42:27Do you want to take this home with you?
42:29Seriously, if you want this, I'm going to give this to you.
42:30The rest is going to happen fast, okay?
42:33Heat goes off and immediately in
42:34with a bunch of cubes of butter.
42:35Along with the butter, a little splash of heavy cream.
42:38Then we mix.
42:38Mix this up, get it light and fluffy.
42:40Fresh cracked black pepper, Parmesan cheese.
42:42This is going to give us some of our salt
42:44and some of that cheesiness.
42:45And with the cheese, lemon zest.
42:47This will give us even more lemony flavor
42:49than actual lemon juice.
42:50Then a sprinkle of the finely chopped parsley.
42:52Now for the plating.
42:54I need to make this look nice for you, right?
42:55Risotto into the bowl.
42:56Some Parmesan cheese.
42:57You know I need a little more lemon zest.
42:59Tiny bit of parsley.
43:00Touch of black pepper.
43:01Just little bits and pieces of it.
43:03Little squeeze of lemon.
43:04And tiny drizzle of olive oil.
43:06That was more than tiny.
43:07Lemon asparagus risotto.
43:09Big moment right here.
43:10It is.
43:10Come on in.
43:11You give the real verdict.
43:13The creaminess, the saltiness,
43:15the acidity from the lemon, all the zest.
43:18It all just comes in together and makes a wonderful bite.
43:24It's like comfort food.
43:25It's so creamy.
43:26It's so, mm.
43:27That's really, really good.
43:29The asparagus is so good with it.
43:31Give a real rating.
43:32Pretend I'm not here.
43:33I'll walk away.
43:34Last bite before I decide.
43:36Honestly, probably one of the best risotto
43:39I've had in my life.
43:40Should I give him a 10?
43:41Does he deserve it?
43:42Comment down below what's the rating
43:43you think I should give him.
