🧡 Join Patara for another episode from Appalachia's Homestead~
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 3~17~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!
~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 3~17~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!
~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6
🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933
🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound
00:30so good evening guys welcome to Appalachia's homestead welcome back to
00:51the channel give me a hug how you doing what a night I'm about to whip up some
00:59hamburgers real quick for dinner and then it's gonna be a chill-out time and
01:04night night because like I'm sure like so many of you it was a long night very
01:09busy night just keeping an eye on everything we are doing okay that we
01:13have no damage here thank you Lord praying for all of those that have been
01:17affected by this we weren't that far from a tornado and you know all you can
01:25do is watch and pray and we did but again what do you say I mean just
01:33absolutely incredible what we have witnessed and it's it's continuing to be
01:38incredible to witness the things that we are seeing in this day and age is it
01:42not so I wanted to check in real quick because a lot of you are asking are you
01:47okay because the video that went up this morning was filmed yesterday morning so
01:51I totally get you I have made a post on Facebook and on my community post little
01:56deal here but a lot of you may not have seen that we are okay the farm is okay
02:00we had no damage thank you and thank you Lord and thank you for your messages and
02:07your prayers and you're just checking in you all are such good people taking care
02:12of each other and we just appreciate you so I want to make this video I'm about
02:17to make some quick little smash burgers for dinner and then we're gonna call it
02:21a night because it was a long night but all of my family is good and say friends
02:27you know we're okay it's it's pretty much the point where it kind of when it
02:30kind of got to our area we did have a tornado that went through the area of
02:35Sweetwater up towards Oak Ridge etc we did see that and I was texting pinball
02:42last night saying you got one coming your way and just making sure all my
02:47friends and family knew and everybody had you know heads up heads up get your
02:51safe spot do you know and of course all you know like many of you you you know
02:55what's going on so here's the deal this has been something and I'm fighting it
03:02getting dark it got we had a rainstorm just come through a little while ago
03:05and starting to get dark and I was gonna wait and make a catch-up video with you
03:09first thing in the morning but I think this needs to be said and you know this
03:13just got laid on my heart really hardcore 10 minutes ago so I've raced up
03:19the driveway so James will be right back and I'll make those burgers and he's
03:22like okay I'll make sure I get everything out blah blah this is a hard
03:27conversation to have because you know you always have concerns that people
03:32will take things out of context or not understand so I'm just gonna be I think
03:37this is a good time to have an open conversation I don't know how you feel
03:41about how things are happening in terms of the weather clearly we have
03:45individuals out there that just everything's normal nothing's going on
03:49and if that's the opinion that you have okay fine that's I can't change it and
03:54I'm not gonna try I'm just gonna tell you what I think I made a video last
03:57week or so about the mud rain you know we have more mud rain coming so all of
04:03you out there they're like that's just pollen we well no no no I've never seen
04:08pollen that looks like mud and floats on water it's kind of weird but since
04:13all the situation is happening out west in terms of the dust storm and wind of
04:19Texas God love y'all and then Oklahoma on fire um so I saw on a meteor all a
04:30meteorologist post yesterday that they were talking about the mud rain again
04:35expect to see more in this area come out this way so be watching your troughs
04:39everybody okay we'll just leave it at that leave it at that if you have more
04:43information you want to share about that go for it we all want to learn and share
04:46um I'm not gonna I'm just gonna point blank say it because I'm gonna lose
04:53daylight I am in no way shape or form telling you your brother your husband
05:01your mama your sister nobody I'm not telling anybody what to do and I'm
05:04certainly not suggesting that you should stop growing your own food but I
05:10think the conversation needs to be had and we've had these conversations before
05:14about failures I've talked about it a lot because being a content creator being
05:21a homesteader farmer trying to do all these things and grow at least some of
05:25our foods we go we always get into the conversation of your grandparents would
05:34always try to have backups if they could even back in the 30s and 40s and 50s
05:40when a lot of people were gardening and farming a heck of a lot more than they
05:44are these days they didn't turn anything down okay there's in my Nana has
05:49confirmed this as you we've got her documented talking about that they did
05:54and took anything and everything they could to put away because they went
06:00through such a hard time for all the time I mean if you were living during
06:05the Great Depression into World War two clearly you had a lot of hard lessons
06:11there but even prior to that that's the life that they had especially in
06:16Appalachia we've talked about this a million times on this channel um I
06:21understand finances are tight for people and I'm not naive to that folks I know
06:26what prices are doing we keep up with prices okay in fact we should probably
06:29do another inflation video pretty soon just to make sure we're consistently
06:32keeping up with what's going on what's going up what's going down good or bad
06:35both I have some grave concerns I hope I'm wrong I pray that I'm wrong and I'm
06:47just gonna let anybody say whatever they're gonna say I'm not discouraging
06:50you from growing your own food I'm not discouraging you from gardening and
06:54gardening more if you want to I'm not discouraging this definitely not
06:57discouraging you from finishing or building or doing anything with a hoop
07:01house or especially a greenhouse etc etc but I'm gonna tell you something I think
07:09your foods obviously in your hoop house if you have one if you're blessed like
07:12that or in a greenhouse I think you're gonna have a lot more luck if you do if
07:16you really monitor it if you are a lot like me which is a lot more open other
07:23than my little greenhouse I am going to strongly encourage you right now as we
07:31are the day before st. Patrick's Day happy st. Patrick's Day early um you
07:37better be packing away some foods in your pantry remember that we have done
07:44consistently and we have talked about consistently the five cans a week we
07:49started that what 2022 in February I mean this has been several years ago I
07:55encouraged you then you've probably rotated a lot of things gone through a
07:59lot of things used a lot of things have you replaced them here's where I'm going
08:04with this you can disagree if you if you'd like I am very concerned about the
08:09weather patterns that we are seeing not just because of Helene not just because
08:16of what we've seen over the past couple of weeks but this was a feeling that
08:22came over me last summer we experienced a summer here in East Tennessee unlike
08:27anything that I ever recall even James things have changed and you know some
08:33changes are going to happen and some seasons are different than others I
08:36don't deny any of that that's that's normal but it is not normal for us to be
08:43basically like in the 90s consistently mid 90s in June here and so if you put
08:51in a garden like I did say first of May usually you have enough time through May
08:58into June for everything to really get established start growing start
09:04producing start flowering because the what you get some rain good rain it's
09:09warm you know you might have a day here and there it's 90 but then it's it's not
09:14like scorching burning dry dust hot that was last summer for us here in East
09:22Tennessee I'm sure a lot of you also experienced that um I have concerns that
09:29we're going to see a repeat a repeat of that this year don't have a clue if it's
09:33gonna happen I'm just telling you my gut feeling and my concern um I'm not
09:40going to tell you that I'm not gardening because I don't give up like that but
09:45what I am saying is this goes back to what I said about your projects there's
09:51there's two ways to look at this if you chose to pull back a little bit this
09:55year on your gardening let something rest I don't think that would be a bad
10:00idea because that would allow you to then take that time and focus it on
10:05something else that needs to be done for your sustainability there's a million
10:09things I'm sure you can do like we need to as well it's ongoing every day my
10:15main concern that I'm making here is is I am concerned that we're going to have
10:19a very rough and I don't know which way it'll be rough I mean it could just rain
10:24every day I mean if it just rains and rains and is 76 and rain I mean we've
10:31seen from time to time over the years of my life there might be one summer it's
10:36very difficult to grow a lot of things with weather like that just as it's very
10:40difficult to grow things when it's consistently early heat 95 dust you're
10:47going to work yourself to death and what I'm saying is I want you to have a deep
10:53discussion with yourself with God and with your spouse your family and figure
10:59out how you can work with some type of extreme weather condition I don't want
11:05you to waste your time I don't want you to waste your seeds I'm not telling you
11:09not to but I really am trying to find a way in my mind that's what I want you to
11:14have this discussion with me how can we make this this this season work for us
11:21in the best way it may be you take a break part break and you rely on maybe
11:28you like up maybe you're like us we have a lot of Mennonites close to us with a
11:31lot of hoop houses maybe you're like me and you know you are rotating through
11:36your pantry and you're finding out I still have a lot of this it's still good
11:39maybe it is just as simple as maybe you get a windfall or you just take the
11:45route of I'm gonna do five cans a week and you start tomorrow
11:49St. Patrick's Day is on a Monday five cans a week start picking it back up
11:55five cans of beans this week five cans of corn next week five cans of fruit
12:01cocktail whatever I'm just coming up with things different things to put into
12:05your pantry maybe add another pantry maybe you need to go through your freezer
12:14and start canning the items in your freezer what I'm trying to get at very
12:19short and sweetly I'm concerned about the weather I need you to think about
12:24it pray on it if you're not comfortable with gardening if you're are you are you
12:30feeling this I mean am I am I crazy I was a don't I don't say um maybe it's
12:37time to take another route at least for this year again you need to pray and
12:42think about what's best for you and your family your time your finances okay okay
12:47but I'm really concerned and I just had this my gut is telling me something it's
12:55actually been telling me something for several several weeks and I've already
12:59told James I said I don't know if this is the year that we need to hit really
13:05hard with the gardens and here's why I you know in my own little mind got
13:12concerned cuz I'm like people don't think I'm giving up on homesteading no
13:15no no no no no no no no I'm trying to outsmart the conditions that we are
13:21seeing at least for right now I don't want you to take take all the time
13:27resources money seeds and then it comes August 1st and you have nothing to show
13:33for it you have to weigh that out for yourself I mean should you build should
13:39you take that time and money and build a woodshed or a smokehouse should you take
13:43that time and money and maybe like I said before get a part-time job to put
13:48some extra funds away maybe you're like me and you're gonna focus on your goat
13:51herd I don't know that that's gonna be something that you have to work out for
13:55you but I really want to have a discussion and even if you're like ah
13:58because some people are just heck bent and they're like I'm gardening I don't
14:02care what you say then go do it I'm not trying to stop you I'm just trying to
14:05have a conversation over concerns that I have with what we're seeing maybe it's
14:10nothing maybe I'm I'm nobody and it's nothing and I'm just wasting everybody's
14:15time but I hope you think about it and I hope you pray about it I don't know what
14:20I'm being told I don't know what my gut is telling me but it keeps popping up
14:24and I'm looking around at my soil and I'm like I could work harder on my
14:29compost I could work harder on you know training my dogs I could work I mean
14:34there's so many things we need to do because last summer I'm gonna tell you
14:38right now I worked myself to death and just to get what we got because of the
14:49weather that I explained to you and if we're talking about Dust Bowl children
14:53and if we're talking about massive fires I really feel that it's incredibly
15:00important that you evaluate what is going on environmentally natural or
15:04non-natural and what you need to do is say it's the middle of March and if
15:11something happens and my garden is a complete kaput by the middle of June and
15:15I haven't taken the time to do five to ten cans a week or in guys I get that we
15:23want to be self-sustainable and we need to be but there are times and places in
15:28our life that we have to evaluate what is the wiser decision at that time and I
15:33just want you to evaluate that I hope I have been clear I'm not discouraging
15:37anything but I am asking that maybe you pray and think on it especially right
15:42now maybe right now is a good time get your potatoes and cabbage and peas in
15:46and go this is what I'm doing and maybe they're already in the ground and
15:51they're working for you go go with it baby roll with it baby but when it
15:59starts getting into late April maybe just do some tomatoes and focus on other
16:05things I don't have the full answer for you I hope to hear back from you on what
16:09you think but I just know that this keeps coming up in my mind and in my
16:13heart and I don't think it's by accident so I don't want you coming up empty
16:19handed and you look back and go I just you know I was gonna rely completely on
16:24my garden rely completely on X Y & Z and I haven't put anything away in terms of
16:31things I can get from the store is it the most ideal things compared to
16:35homegrown of course not never is but your granny would never turn them away
16:40especially if she thought she was riding into a storm so you have to answer that
16:44question for yourself I hope this video finds you well thank you for your
16:47concerns it's getting dark and I gotta go cook those burgers think about it you
16:53have time to think about it most of us do tell me if you also have been
16:58thinking like this it's not an excuse to not it's not an excuse to not garden
17:04it's not an excuse to do something else it is evaluating where we are
17:10evaluating your pantry and your family and your time and focusing and diving in
17:15on the more crucial things but yet still putting a lot of food away time is your
17:24friend but then again it may not be as well it just depends how do you want to
17:31gamble I'm not I'm gonna sit down for you know a couple weeks work on projects
17:39do the things we've talked about with the five cans again pray God's gonna
17:44tell us God's gonna tell you God's gonna tell me but I just gotta say I have some
17:50serious concerns and that doesn't mean it's gonna go away next year either I
17:56don't have that answer but I am saying take every moment to put food away
18:03starting tomorrow even if it's just five cans a week and if there are projects or
18:08things you need to do to square yourself away financially and food wise and you
18:13can do that along the way I'd be giving it a serious look right now I'm just a
18:19little girl in East Tennessee stating what I think and what my guts churning a
18:25lot in the past several weeks and I wanted to share that with you because
18:30I'm concerned tell me your thoughts like subscribe and share pray prep and be
18:34peaceful we'll have a lot of videos coming up for you this week tomorrow st.
18:38Patrick's Day I hope you have a wonderful wonderful day and I thank you
18:43for being here I love you guys love you a lot hope you're safe and I'll see you
18:47tomorrow on the next video