• 4 days ago
Ahh more travel vlogs! Welcome to Remi and Alisha Travel to Korea!! We're headed to Seoul, South Korea and can't wait to take you on our vacation together!! If you want to see the full Basically Unfiltered RV video go to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/basicallyunfiltered
Affiliate Links!
Vlog Camera: https://amzn.to/41LxjNI
Wide Vlog Lens: https://amzn.to/41I3cXC
DJI Mini Mic: https://amzn.to/4ijsyQD
HPNY Turtleneck: https://bit.ly/3XRx29h
Kiss Impress Lashes: https://amzn.to/4hw6LEo
Fanny Pack: https://amzn.to/4ipLtJQ
Camillo Coelho Skirt: https://bit.ly/4hyxMHk
Mistress Rocks Shirt: https://www.mistressrocks.com/oat-denim-strapless-top.html
Sabo Skirt Pants: https://bit.ly/4gk7msk
Schutz Boots: https://bit.ly/4iLtqxs
Miu Miu Glasses: https://bit.ly/41RTYZ4

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00:00Good morning everyone. Welcome back to the vlog. I feel like I haven't vlogged at home
00:09in so long. I have just been jet setting. I'm so grateful, but I am tired. We're home
00:16right now. We're going on a quick like one day trip tomorrow and then this weekend we
00:21are off to Asia. So get ready for the Korea and Tokyo vlogs. I'm so excited. I really
00:27am so excited. I'm more excited because I'm bringing my mom and Ashley and Suze is going
00:33to Remy's mom. So it's going to be like such a wholesome trip. I'm so excited. But until
00:37we get there, I kind of forgot the fact that we have to like pre film some of our podcast
00:41episodes and then I forgot I had two podcasts, which means within the past week I think we've
00:45done like eight episodes. I have nothing left. I have nothing left to say. I'm like, what
00:51else can we do? Luckily we had Bretman came on and then Heath and Mariah are coming on
00:54today and we're pretty basic. So having guests help because it's less about like you and
00:58stuff, but Oh my God, I'm like, so we're doing two pretty basics today and then we have two
01:04more basically wants to do before we leave. We're also doing like a meet and greet thing
01:07on Saturday at the Grove and I'm just like, let's just go. Let's, let's just go currently
01:13heading out the door. But I, again, I've been mad at myself cause I haven't been vlogging.
01:16So here is a cute little outfit of a Zide. I don't even really know. I don't know. I
01:22like it. It's comfy, but yeah, Rico and skirt, new, new shoes, Preston, Heron, Preston top.
01:29I like the top one. It's like cropped when it was low. I didn't like it. And then I think
01:32I like the boots, but also I'm just like, they're probably not really going to show
01:35on camera. It doesn't matter. So yeah, that's the perfect world. I would change my purse,
01:41but again, don't have time. It's fine. Let me take out all my new sunny angels. So funny.
01:49Okay. Guys, that trend on Tik TOK right now has been making me sob the one where it's
01:59like a horror movie, but it's, it's saying like the saddest thing growing up, like a
02:05movie or something. We need egg bites. Also, I'm halfway done with my Invisalign and I've
02:10made so much progress. I went to the dentist the other day and they were like, Oh my God,
02:13your teeth have like shifted a lot. Like this is really good. And then I saw the before
02:16photos. I like never had a gap in the crowding and stuff. And then now it's like so much
02:20better. I hate when I get off my vlogging game because I'm not kidding. Like I feel
02:24guilty and I know that sounds so crazy, but like I feel guilty. These are the Trader Joe's
02:30egg bites. By the way, we have 10 minutes, so I should leave now. Let's go to the studio.
02:34All right. I just had a moment with myself, a little grounding moment because I was thinking
02:38I was like, Alicia, you're complaining about like being tired and blah, blah, blah, which
02:43like, yes, your girl's tired. I would love to take either a nap tonight or just go to
02:48bed really early because I have to get up at like five 30 tomorrow, I think. But I had
02:52a moment and I was like, Alicia, you wished. Just like remembering why I'm doing this.
02:56I think this is really important in life to just like when you're having those days that
03:00like nothing's going bad. Like one, things could be so much worse. I'm not complaining.
03:04But two, like, I don't know. Like, I don't know. No room for negativity. Like it's so
03:08true. We truly have like no, like, I don't know. I don't know how long I'm going to be
03:12doing all of this or any of this. And I just need to be so grateful because one day I'm
03:16going to look back and I'm going to miss like, not only this time in my life, but I'm also
03:20going to miss like, I don't know. I don't know. Me getting deep on a Tuesday afternoon,
03:25a lovely 12th, 4pm. We are grateful. We are grounded. We are present. That was my word
03:31for 2025 to be present. And, you know, just praying these next two episodes go so good.
03:41We can hopefully make someone smile. Bring it back to why we do this. Oh my God, this
03:46is so deep guys. I feel like the main thing for me is like, I just love for my places
03:50to like platforms to be an escape for people. Like I just, that's something I'm very passionate
03:54about. Reel it in bitch. Reel the fuck in. And exciting things are coming. We're just,
04:02we're just busy, but that's okay. Also, I mentioned Heathen Ryer coming on, but we're
04:05basically having, um, because now that their wedding's happened, we're going to have them
04:09give run me like tips for her wedding. So I'm really excited for that episode. I think
04:12it's gonna be really good. I feel like they're going to have a lot of good insight. Obviously
04:14we're still coming off from like the wedding high from their weekend. It was so amazing.
04:18It was such a beautiful wedding.
04:27Look who's here! As I glimpse the behind the scenes, they rarely see this. This is like
04:32the back of everything. This is really cool. It's fun, right? I'm really excited. Cause
04:36you've only been on once, but it was with everyone. I feel like it was like, we just
04:39played that game. You come here every day to get ready. This is mine. That's Remy's.
04:47So there might be different things. They're like, wait a damn minute. I'm so excited.
05:01Also you guys have been on, but it was like with everyone and it was just a game. So I
05:04feel like, well, I mean, obviously you and Dean like forever ago, we're going to let
05:08it all out. We're going to give the ins and outs of the wedding. And also we're going
05:13to give the ins and outs of the wedding, all the, all the do's and don'ts and must haves
05:18for your wedding. I'm excited to learn today. No, I think we need a notebook. We'll let
05:23it all out in any way we can help with yours. Keith and Mariah texted Cal and I like a week
05:28ago, like they got back from the wedding touchdown and we're like, let's go to dinner. We'll
05:31tell you guys everything you need to know. We love it. Not gatekeepers. Good morning.
05:42It is the next day. It is a lovely 7am and I'm exhausted. As you can tell, we have all
05:48of the caffeine here. We're about to record. I don't know why we did this to ourselves,
05:55but we decided to record an episode of basically unfiltered at 7am this morning because we're
05:59leaving for our RV trip today and we wanted to record before we leave, um, to get ahead
06:04for our trip for Asia. Obviously I mentioned yesterday we were recording like no other
06:08and we are pre-recording so much. It's actually, it's like not that much. It's just a lot cause
06:11there's two podcasts. I got everyone their coffee order and then I also got everyone
06:16a immunity shot because there's no way in hell we are getting sick. Obviously I was
06:22sick before the wedding and I feel like I'm just shocked that I didn't get sick after.
06:27So we're going to try to keep it that way, especially with all the traveling we have coming up.
06:35The first sip man. It's so good. Jordan, it's so good.
06:41I got it. Thank you so much for asking. I got an iced vanilla latte with sugar-free
06:48vanilla almond milk and there's two espressos in here, which is standard. Damn. And an orange
06:55juice on the side. The orange juice was like for my egg bites that I had. I just love OJ.
07:01Cheers. Hi Jordan. Oh my God. Me when I spilled the coffee yesterday. What was that yesterday?
07:08Five seconds. I know it's Folex. It was either yesterday or the day before. It was the day
07:14before. I literally spilled my coffee all over Zane's chair and I was like, don't look.
07:18You can't tell, but I spilled it literally like all over here and I was like, oh. Also
07:23our poor sign fell, which I'm assuming all of, you know, cause I know all of you watch
07:27our podcast, but our sign did fall on camera too. She's hanging on by a literal, not even
07:32a thread. She's just sitting by now. Yeah. We also make zero attempt to repair anything
07:36in here. We're just like, Oh, that's the brand now. I guess it's fine. Good morning, everyone.
07:43Good morning, Romy. No kisses. Ween. Yeah. Kiss her. So she wakes up. Give me kisses.
07:50Cal wake you up. So like, like sweet and soft. Like, Hey babe, he doesn't wake me up.
07:56He knows to not. He knows to not. Honestly, that's so real. Love how I was like, we're
08:04recording at seven and that was the last clip when it was 7am and now it's nine, but we're
08:09all here. We're all safe, you know? And then I also got a thumbnail done, so that's awesome.
08:13But we're going to go to the studio right now. Let's everyone, let's go to the studio.
08:16We're recording. We just took a break, so I figured I would get a clip. Yay. Yay.
08:21Episode's almost done. Honestly, it's really good. I'm ordering bacon, egg, and cheese.
08:24We're fine. I'm ordering. Lemon pepper, sausage, ketchup, bacon, egg, cheese, pepper, sausage,
08:30and ketchup. I got ice cream. Ice cream. Ice cream. Everyone comment your favorite ice
08:36cream. Since we're doing the RV thing, we thought it'd be funny to kind of like cosplay
08:40We're the Millers, or like the movie RV, like those ones. So I ordered, oh, this is
08:46not that, but I did get more of my lashes. Little Amazon haul. Voluminous. Kiss and press
08:50press-ons. What I did get though, I got some visors and a fanny pack. Oh, polos. This is
08:58funny as fuck. We have this one. I wore these all the time in high school. A little Hollister
09:03polo. Maybe the white visor with the pink polo. Blue fanny pack. It's getting to worse.
09:11I feel so dumb because I already lost the fanny pack and I only went into the closet,
09:16which means it has to be in the closet and I'm going crazy because, because I can't find
09:20it. But like, but where is it? But where is it? Like it has to be right in front of me.
09:30I grabbed the bra. I changed my top. Guys, am I? Well, am I okay? Like the answer to
09:40that is no. Did I pack it? I don't think I packed it. Guys, I am not, this is not good.
09:49Did I bring it downstairs? I don't think I did. I don't think I did. Okay. Something's
10:00a little fishy. I mean, I guess I don't need it. What the fuck? Okay. We're going to see
10:06if it's downstairs. If not, I have no idea. Hey girl. I love your outfit. Oh my God. I
10:10love your jorts. Oh my God. Thank you. Honestly, they're very comfortable. I have to say. Like
10:16they don't ride up at all. Are they doing anything for my finger? Honestly? Yes. Really?
10:20Yeah. They're giving. It's giving grandpa. It's giving chic. It's giving bucks. 90s.
10:26Give us the outfit of the day. I feel like I just look like Matt King. I look like I
10:36rummaged through his closet. Can I borrow this? We've made it off the bus. Our first
10:40stop here in Solvang. This is cute though. Honestly, the little windmill, windmill, windmill,
10:46windmill, bus driver. We're doing eyeliner back here. We'll do that sound. Wait, what's
10:50that? I need to go to dance. Mom's one. Debbie Lee Miller, but they're on the bus doing makeup
10:54and they're like bus driver. We're doing eye makeup. Oh my God. Did you ever do a mood
10:59ring? No. Really? It tells you what mood you're in. Who's going to be black. Oh my God. What's
11:04everybody feeling? We're all feeling alert. We found the coffee and ice cream. Oh my God.
11:12Oh my God. Oh my God. A little macaron. 2016 Alicia would have been throwing up from excitement.
11:18Okay. This looks fucking good. Cinnamon bowl. Remy, these look amazing. This is crazy. All
11:27right. I don't even know where we came. What's this place called? Copenhagen Sausage Garden.
11:31Oh my God. I knew that. It's the sausage garden. Onion rings, anybody? I don't like
11:35onion rings, but I feel like I have to try this. No, it's really good. It's so hot. Oh
11:39my God. Yeah. Baby, you got to get in on this. Wow. We got a brat. We had a jalapeno cheddar
11:48and then I don't even know what else the other one was. Good recommendation, you guys. I
11:52did not know this existed. I just thought I was going to have a protein bar, but maybe
11:56good. I do want to try this pretzel. Okay, wait. I feel like I've tried this one, so
12:00I feel like I should try this now. The jalapeno cheddar. It's crazy. Please try it. Wow. It's
12:08crazy. Oh my God. Yeah. It's so juicy. It's better than ours. It's so good. Ours is very
12:14sage forward. It's good. You should try a bite of the jalapeno. Try that one. That's
12:19fucking good. That's better than ours. For the jalapeno. Oh my God, a little haystack.
12:24This looks like something you would come up with. Oh my God. So good. Really? Wait, we
12:32have to get them. We have to get them. You guys make those here? Everything. Oh my God.
12:39Wait, I had this one time and it's so good. How have you never been here? I've been to
12:45Kilwins. I have no idea what that is. Kilwins, that's like the equivalent.
12:59Did you hear me? Dipped Twinkies crazy.
13:05This, 9.2. Everyone shut the fuck up. They have us dark indulgent Oreo cookies. We'll
13:12do one dark indulgent Oreo cookie. Should I get two? Thank you so much. You're very
13:19welcome. I got the tiger butter and the chocolate chip and I got two apples and then I got that
13:25bark. Do you remember we had it in Mammoth? Yes. I'll save us. Are you sending a passenger?
13:34One sec. Welcome to our home. Yeah, because we're watching a second one. Okay, we're having
13:43a movie. We feel like we're on a pirate show. We're currently watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
13:51We're watching Pirates. It's like the Disneyland ride. It is.
13:56Yo. Yo. Pay attention.
14:16Hey y'all. I left my vlog camera in the truck, but it's the next day. We went to the aquarium.
14:22We had a little fun. That's the hotel we stayed at. They're being really nice and they're
14:25letting us park the RV here. We honestly didn't even think about the fact of like where are
14:28we going to park this RV? And luckily they are really sweet and they're letting us park
14:32there. So we're going to explore. We don't have to leave here for like a little bit.
14:35Honestly, it's only going to take like four something hours to get home. Wait, cute. I
14:39can't get into the maroon as much as I can with the navy blue. I get it. I want that
14:43one with the otter. I like the green. I like don't need anymore, but I want one.
14:49She said no filming in here. Sorry. She said no filming.
14:54Bitch. Look how cute it comes with the baby penguin.
14:58We're at Ghirardelli Coffee and I'm about to get a coffee. I'm so excited because I
15:01didn't really love my coffee this morning. I liked my coffee this morning, but then we
15:04ate so then it's just like different. That was my morning coffee and now I'm getting
15:06my lunch and I'm really, really excited to get a lunch.
15:08Okay. We came into this cinnamon roll spot and it smelts so good and I honestly really,
15:13really, really, really, really wanted one and they had, um, they had one left of the
15:16regular. Oh, the peach. I thought you were going to get peach. I was kind of shocked
15:20you got peach. I like, I mean, I like a plain. I didn't really see the peach. This is criminal.
15:24Non-frost. My mom would love that. She just loves, she likes cookies without the chocolate
15:28chips. I do too, but I like icing on it. Ah, it looks so good. Eat it while it's hot. I
15:34know. She goes, do you want it warmed up? Yes. Holy cow. What is it, a bread bowl at
15:38Panera? It looks like Alfredo.
15:42My face. I need, I need fork. I need a fork.
15:47Damn. Damn. Anything else, boy? Get away from the icing. You can't take that side.
15:58This is your sign.
16:02Not from. Yes. You got real shy. I did. I did.
16:08We'll let them know from Lily Bates. Lily Bates. Y'all better go to Lily Bates.
16:21Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to the vlog. It feels so good to be vlogging on like
16:27a normal day. Although I don't even know if I can really call it a normal day because
16:30Rim and I are currently getting ready. Um, I need to leave in like four to 30, 40 minutes.
16:35Rim and Ollie are doing an event at the Grove. Um, we're really excited. So we're doing like
16:39a meet and greet and everything. And I need to leave in like 30 minutes. So you need to
16:43figure out what I'm wearing. So it is a little cold, but I need to figure out what I'm wearing.
16:46Ollie should be here in like three minutes so he can help me. Do I go like cool? Do I
16:51go comp? Oh, you know what? I have this skirt. I've been dying to wear this skirt. How cute
16:58is this? Where did I get you? Camila Coelho. It's just this like brown leather skirt.
17:04Rim said she's wearing a black skirt. Let me, hold on. We have this. I also have this
17:11skirt, which is really cute. The only thing is I think we are on a stage and I don't know
17:16if I want to be in a skirt. Well, also it's going to be cold. So I guess I could only,
17:20I feel like pants kind of makes more sense. I was about to wear these like black cargo
17:24pants. And then I just remembered the last time we had a meetup at the Grove with La La
17:28Land, I wore these, which obviously no one would probably notice but me, but I'm glad
17:32I thought about that. Okay. These are really cool. They have like ties. I guess I could
17:38try that on. Who's that? Hi, Ro. Hello. Oh, Ricky. Ro. Hi, my baby. Your bangs. Thanks,
17:51we got them cut yesterday. It looks really good. Thank you. Rahim, I know, is that your
17:56favorite person? I thought I kept her. Alicia Marie gonna wear. Okay. I wear this one a
18:07lot. Like I wear. Yeah. Cause it looks good. So I'm like, do I just wear? Oh, I have the
18:13one that I sewed. Do you think anyone would notice? You should bring it up. I hemmed it.
18:17I'm like, oh, do you guys like my skirt? Oh my God, you should. That's funny. I could
18:21do that. I could do. By the way, your battery is dying. I did see that. But you don't care
18:28and you don't care about the vlog or me. No, no, no. I have another one. Don't you worry.
18:33I showed them this jacket. I do like, it's nice and it's actually really warm. Do they
18:37know who it's from? Yeah, it's from my dad. I stole it and then Ashley was so jealous.
18:41She was like, oh, I want it. Is he Papa Marie? Papa Marie, yeah. Mama Marie's coming. Thank
18:47God. Okay. I do like this. I feel like it should be a tight skirt since that's very
18:51tight. Yeah. So tight. So tight. A little. This is a skort. Oh, okay. I also have those
19:00pants. Oh, I kind of like a skirt. You like a skirt? Yeah. Schoolie should wear a skirt.
19:05All right. This is what we decided on. I don't have any other time to change it, so we're
19:08going to love it. We love it. I got this, where did I get this from? It was from a,
19:14small, I know it was from a designer and she like reworked a lot of blazers, so she cropped
19:19it, but it was on Instagram. I completely forget. Top is, okay. Mistress rocks. My
19:26pants are from, I wore them in, Sabo skirt. Yes. Cute. Dolce Vita? No. Very cute. Shorts.
19:35Here's my outfit of the day. My top is Norma Kamali. My jacket is Miu Miu. My skirt is
19:40Helsa. My boots are Dolce Vita. Hell yeah. Let's go. Apparently there's a line already.
19:46Mama Marie is here. I hope you guys are excited to see her. Well, one, I know you are. Two,
19:53I hope you're ready to see her a lot because we're going to Asia. We are going to Asia.
19:59She's so excited. I am. What are you most excited for, Kris? All of it. Just all of
20:05it. I'm just happy to be here. The answer is chicken in the kitchen. Chicken in the
20:10kitchen. Oh mom, the food. You're going to love the food. Chicken in the kitchen. But
20:13yes, we are on our way. We're almost to the Grove. I'm so excited. And every time I have
20:19a meetup, I just think of the time I had one and no one came. So it's humbled me for life
20:24and I hope people are there, but I hope it's good. I also had the same meetup where no
20:29one came and little did we know our universes were crossing, but it prepped us that we still
20:34had a good time. So even if no one comes today, we're having fun. Oh, Remy, we can tap dance
20:38on the street. You weren't there. I was there. Ollie did come. He was my one person that
20:41came. Wait, oh my god, I'm dead. I left work early to go. My baby. I also last minute decided
20:46to do the glasses because I was like, it's kind of, it's kind of cute. You're off a siren.
20:51Yeah, off a siren. Okay, we're walking over. We got a little mic. I'm so excited. I'm excited
20:56that you're doing this. I saw comments being like, that's so genius to have Ollie involved.
21:01Genius marketing. Genius marketing. Award winning. Award winning. We are backstage.
21:08I'm mic'd up. So exciting. We're in the Bear Bells bus. It's so cute. So sorry guys. Very
21:16good. What, were we talking shit? No. Never. Never. Get it baby. Ollie's being our MC today.
21:25He's gonna kill it. We brought our pretty basic cards. You wanna do a cute little like
21:29a bear. I'm gonna, I'm gonna. Yeah, that's a good one too.
21:35Hello. Um, I've never hosted anything before, so I'm really scared and nervous, but everyone
22:01here's French, right? Yeah. I also didn't know I was staying in the middle. Feeling
22:06really official right now. How's everyone feeling? Introducing Alicia Marie and Miss
22:20Miss. Most of us here watch the vlogs. Could you give us any hints what you guys are excited
22:31to see and do there? Or what, what is this trip for? Is there anything special? Creators
22:44will come and talk to us and they're just like, how do you do YouTube? I feel like I
22:48put so much work into it. It doesn't go anywhere. And you can't compare the views there versus
22:53the views on TikTok. Like they're completely different audiences. And I think with YouTube,
22:57you really create a community. I feel like a hundred views on YouTube is like a thousand
23:01on TikTok. Like when you really think about it that way. So I think don't get discouraged
23:05honestly by the views because like, if you just stick with it, like and be yourself,
23:09you will grow no matter what. I just want to work on being more gentle with myself and
23:12everyone that I've talked to who's in their thirties has told me like how much more confident
23:17you become in yourself and your actions and your choices. And so I'm really looking forward
23:20to that. I'm trying to implement that more for sure.
23:35You guys, we just got home. I'm exhausted, but in the best way. Thank you seriously so
23:40much for every single person who came, everyone who we could meet, who we couldn't meet. Like
23:44it's truly like, and thank you bare about like so amazing. My brain is dead. I'm going
23:48to go shower because I've hugged a lot of people and put on comfy clothes, eat some
23:53food and then start packing because we leave tomorrow for Asia. So let's go. I made a complete
24:00mess in the glam room trying to figure out what to wear today. Cause everything, I was
24:05just like, this is too hot. This is too like, will I be cold? Which I ended up sweating.
24:10So it's fine. I was a little hot in this fit, but that's okay. Also this top was way
24:14too big and I think I have, Oh, you don't see it, but yo, I was like dripping sweat.
24:19Update. We have showered and we have pretty much packed correction. We have pretty much
24:24over packed. It's just like, what if I'm going to want these boots? You know, I love these
24:28boots. And what if I want them? I also took an hour nap. That was very nice. Rosie has
24:34been a little on the edge because the suitcases, which makes me really sad. I think I'm like
24:3999% packed. I just need to pack up my laptop, which I should do a thumbnail right now, but
24:44I might just do it in the morning. Yeah, I think that's pretty much it. Question mark.
24:49Good morning. We're back at the airport. Someone was very sad and did not want me to leave.
24:58So she finessed her way, wiggled her way. I also just slept in the car for like an hour,
25:05maybe 40 minutes. I mean it was off and on, but we got there like early. Yeah, we got
25:10here really early. That is so unlike me. I feel like Sunday traffic, there was just like
25:14none, but rim should be here soon. Mom is dropping me off. She heard Ashley are coming,
25:19are leaving tomorrow. Yeah. The way that the flights worked out, that just worked best.
25:22There were no more flights on our flight today, but it worked out. So you'll be here in less
25:27than 24 hours. I know. We're right behind you. We just got to our seats. I'm so excited.
25:38We are seated. We are situated. I've got my headphones. We've got our electrolytes. The
25:46It is currently 1138 and it is a 12 hour 30 minute flight. I feel like I've been living
25:58on planes, but you know what? Grateful. Grounded and grateful. So we just found out there's
26:04no wifi on this 12 hour flight and I should have thought to check ahead of time because
26:09I'm sure my mom specifically is going to be like, are you okay? But I did tell her we
26:14were taking off. So hopefully she just thinks I'm like sleeping the whole time or something.
26:18Should I get wine? Oh my God. I see someone with wine. Thank you. Thank you so much. Could
26:24I get some white wine? What'd we get? I got bibimbap or like a Korean spicy rice mixture.
26:34Oh my God. I got the angel hair pasta. I love some angel hair pasta. Gorgeous meals. Looks
26:41so good. All right, you guys, we are currently in Seoul. We just got to the hotel. We checked
26:49in, we dropped off our stuff and now we are headed to a convenience store cause we desperately
26:53would love some water. Although there's a whole water dispenser in the room. Also great
26:58lighting. Oh, we should, we should. Is it open? It does say it's open. What time is
27:05it? Like eight? It is 717. 717 PM. I also had a moment where I was like, does the time
27:12change only happen in, like today the time change happened at home. But I was like, is
27:17that just an American thing? I feel like I should know this. Oh my God. Cute. So cute.
27:22We're going to head over to a nice to see you and get some snacks. I remember I liked
27:28these guys. So we get those. Oh my God. I'm so excited. I also spilled my ramen on the
27:37flight on my sweatshirt and there's a toothpaste stain. So please don't mind any of that. I'm
27:43so cute. Okay. We're getting some snacks. We got some candy. We got a drink. I'm trying
27:56to decide if I want, I definitely want like soup and ramen, but I had some on the flight.
28:00So I feel like I don't want some now. Cheese for your ramen. Oh, wait. I love that. Yeah.
28:08That looks really good. Look how, I'm so sorry. Imagine being a kid and like growing up with
28:15this. Like this is crazy. They're like the hot dog. I want it all. I don't know what
28:25this is, but this looks yummy. Okay. Look how absolutely stunning. So pretty. Wow. We
28:36got our goods. We got the goods.
29:06We got the goods.
