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00:00hi guys welcome to the vlog I am like still waking up this morning I slept
00:27like a baby last night good morning it is currently Thursday I did get my
00:32nails done last night you guys these are a hundred percent all my really I know
00:36they're not like long I made them a little longer than usual but all 100% my
00:40real nail no hard gel nothing just nail and that's it a lot of people I'm sure
00:45gonna ask the color let me get it Daisy's like mom mom no mom no you're
00:53like my little teenager you're too cool for me huh yeah okay this is the nail
00:57polish that I used it's from D&D bye she does not like cuddles very much if I
01:02want to cuddle a dog that's not the dog that I go for okay this is the nail
01:06polish it's the D&D brand and it's number three two one and the color is
01:10called goodie bag okay so this is the polish so today is a very exciting day
01:15as you can see behind me I am about to pack my suitcase my let me know how you
01:19guys pack I know some people would probably like open up the suitcase and
01:22then put the stuff in I just throw the pile on the floor and then I put it in
01:25the suitcase after but I have my morning coffee here this is waking me up I've
01:32got my makeup packed I got my hair stuff packed we are officially leaving today
01:35for Heath and Mariah's wedding I cannot believe that this trip is here it feels
01:42like just yesterday Mariah and I were talking about engagement rings before we
01:47either got engaged and then both of us got engaged and I cannot believe that
01:51the wedding is here I'm so excited for them they are seriously like the
01:54sweetest nicest couple in the entire world and their love is so beautiful
01:58it's so magical I'm so excited we are flying to New York today actually we're
02:03flying into JFK and then the wedding is actually in New Jersey by the time this
02:07vlog goes up the wedding would have already happened so don't worry I'm not
02:10giving away anyone's spot or anything the venue I cannot wait to go and see I
02:14can't wait for everything it's just gonna be amazing we have so many fun
02:16things planned so today is Thursday the weddings actually not until Sunday
02:20flying from LA to New York though takes pretty much the whole day between the
02:23flight and the time change so we're all flying out today me Alisha Zane and Cal
02:28we're all flying out on the same flight they should be here in about an hour or
02:31so because they're gonna get here first we're gonna do some stuff before we
02:33leave we're gonna head over to the airport jump on the flight and then by
02:37the time that we land it's actually like midnight or so so we're just gonna go to
02:40bed and then tomorrow we have plans to go hit up a really special mall that's
02:45over there Keith and Mariah are coming with us too we're all really excited
02:48apparently it's it's the same company that makes the Mall of America which you
02:51guys know how I feel about the Mall of America which is very close to Cal's
02:54family and then Saturday we're available for all wedding things like whatever
02:58they need help with we wanted to get out there extra early just to be able to like
03:02you know be hands-on if they need help with any like decor or any literally
03:05anything that they could need I feel like with a wedding so much stuff pops
03:08up the day of that you like forgot to even think about so extra hands are
03:12always good to have so we're gonna be there for that there's a little welcome
03:15night and then the wedding Sunday and then Monday is like a little breakfast
03:19and then we come back home so that is the plan it's gonna be so fun I will say
03:23I just like packed everything up I am so excited about my look so the attire for
03:27the welcome party and the breakfast super casual which I love it is going to
03:32be 22 degrees in New Jersey so I am packing warmer clothes but we're gonna
03:37be inside so I'm not gonna wear like too much because I feel like in colder
03:41climates they obviously like blast the heater and then you're like really hot
03:44inside you're really cold outside all the things so I just packed some
03:47sweaters and some jeans and I figured that would be good but what I'm really
03:50excited for is the wedding look so the attire for the wedding is formal
03:54everybody has to wear all black just black black head-to-toe and the invite
03:59said that fur jackets are encouraged so I brought my black fur coat because how
04:05it's it's an aloe coat so it's like a little more casual but I thought this
04:09would just be so warm and cozy and honestly at every wedding I always
04:13forget a jacket at Lauren and Jeremy's I forgot a jacket I was so cold so we're
04:17not forgetting a jacket this year I've got my jacket here and then my dress
04:21when Mariah and Heath told us that it was gonna be black dresses or black
04:26head-to-toe I was like oh my god there's this dress that I've been really wanting
04:30but I didn't have a reason to get it when they said black I was like oh my
04:34god I'm gonna get this dress it's from house of CB you guys know I love house
04:36of CB but they sold out of this dress and they have not restocked it this was
04:42like they told me probably in like September October what that was gonna
04:45be black every month I would go on the website cuz they said they were gonna
04:48restock it they're gonna restock it they're gonna restock it they never
04:50restocked it but it's fine because I found it on Poshmark so this is the
04:55house of CB you guys will see it on the actual wedding day obviously but it's
04:59got this like little corset and then over it is this they have different ones
05:03there's velvet there's like a silk one they have every color you could think of
05:06obviously I needed the black one though it's got this like gorgeous silky
05:09draping I definitely need a pack like a steamer though because I cannot be
05:13wrinkled it's gonna be everything so I have this and then also I'm gonna wear
05:17my new black heels that I wore to the Grammy's that you guys remember we
05:20walked two miles and they are my wide foot little pump heels that I did
05:25already break in because I walked two miles in them so I'm good to go for this
05:28wedding I packed some necklaces and I think I'm gonna do like similar to the
05:31birthday hair like the Hollywood glam hair with the necklace I think it's
05:35gonna be so cute I'm really excited about the look I've got my toiletries
05:38packed I've got my hair and my makeup stuff packed and overall I'm good to go
05:42so I'm gonna pack up my suitcase and I'll see you very soon
05:45they're fighting okay guys suitcase is packed I fit everything in there it's
05:58kind of protruding a bit on the side all is fine coffee's almost done let's go
06:02run to the pet store and grab the girls some extra food before my dad gets here
06:06to pick them up for the weekend speak of the devil
06:18hello guys okay we are back home from the pet store we have the girls all
06:22ready to go for their little weekend at grandma and grandpa's house you look so
06:26cute so fluffy okay so one thing that I want to see for you guys before we leave
06:33and actually Alicia and Zayn are coming over soon to help me pack everything up
06:36is we are making Keith a little kit for the weekend so if you guys did not watch
06:41pretty basic our wedding planner Jason actually came on with me which was so
06:44much fun check that out if you guys want but he talked about how on the day of
06:48the wedding you know things can pop up that you didn't necessarily plan for
06:51something as small as like a button popping off maybe something you need
06:55medicine for our first aid kit oh there's a couple more things that I
06:58actually need to pack and I'm gonna make a little list right now so don't oh I
07:02already made a list I'm just gonna add to it okay I reached out to Jason and I
07:05was like what are things that a bride or groom could potentially need in case of
07:09emergency on a wedding day because with Jason on the morning of the wedding he's
07:13gonna give a backpack to me and a backpack to Cal with everything that we
07:17could need in there and I was like what's in that backpack because here's
07:20the thing Mariah's covered her matron of honor her sister has gotten everything
07:24done she's amazing and then recently we were talking about on basically
07:27unfiltered how technically that would be Zayn's job to pack the kit for Heath but
07:31Zayn needed a little bit of help so Alicia and I jumped in and I'm gonna do
07:34a haul for you guys and the stuff that we're gonna put in his pack today so
07:37honestly Heath and all of the grooms party are covered God forbid something
07:40happens so I'm going off of Jason's list I have a couple more things one thing
07:44that I need to pack that I hope that I have he said pads like feminine pads are
07:48really good if maybe the groom or somebody's sweaty you can put them on
07:51the inside of your shirt I thought that was such a good tip so I think I have
07:55some I'm also gonna pack electrolytes and I think other than that we have
07:58everything so let's get to this haul first up we have the actual bags that
08:03everything's gonna go in so we're gonna try and pack it up nice and you know
08:06well for him we have this tote bag and then we also have this like packable
08:11duffel so honestly I think we could probably fit in the tote but if God
08:14forbid we need a bigger bag we have a bigger bag we've got a toothbrush and
08:18toothpaste necessity we've got hand sanitizer also very important for
08:23medicine I feel like medicine is really good to have last minute these are all
08:26the medicines that we grabbed we have a little baby Tums you never know you
08:29might need that I feel like these always come in handy obviously we've got Agile
08:33also very handy we've got Zyrtec you never know allergies stuffiness whatever
08:37Zyrtec is that girl also a modium I saw that this was really popular especially
08:42for weddings just cuz you never know nerves there's a lot of stuff going on a
08:46lot of stress of course very necessary we've got Listerine we've got mints
08:51we've got options so we've got little like the little sheet mints these
08:55remind me of my dad we've got actual mints we also have all good options for
09:00fresh breath actually I'm gonna be honest a lot of lists that I saw said no
09:04gum I'm assuming maybe because you have to spit it out after so a lot of them
09:07did just say mints but sometimes you want gum so we got gum too you can never
09:10have too much gum Keith has very dry eyes as do I at the basically unfiltered
09:14studio we have a little eye drops like behind the planter for us so I wanted to
09:18make sure he has eye drops because he will appreciate that of course chapstick
09:23we got chapstick and we got aquaphor we got options we got this little kit this
09:28is a travel manicure kit but it's got tweezers it's got nail clippers it's got
09:31little scissors I feel like these will come in handy for a plethora of things
09:36maybe not just for nails but like you know a loose thread you got a snip
09:39something whatever also very important a tied to go pen very very important I
09:45keep that in my car keep that in my purse I keep those everywhere a lint
09:48roller also very important obviously before he's gonna walk down the aisle
09:51want to make sure you're nice and clean oh I'm getting so excited floss also
09:56necessary can never have too much floss we got a little mini travel sewing kit
10:00very good to have we've got a little mini deodorant also very good to have we
10:04got this like little mini hair styling fiber just like a little hair product
10:09you never know I mean just good to have all this is for emergencies sanitizing
10:13wipes for emergencies always safety pins always good to have nail file also good
10:19to have everything here good to have good to have good to have we got a
10:22little two-in-one shampoo and conditioner probably not necessary but
10:25you never know even like if you need to use it as like a little hand soap or
10:28something in the moment that can double that can triple and quadruple as more
10:31than just shampoo and conditioner and then for the other things we thought
10:35it'd be funny Zane was like please grab beef jerky or more like camping things
10:39because obviously he loves to camp so we're like we'll throw some meat sticks
10:42in there a little protein a little beef jerky sometimes I feel like especially
10:46on like nervous mornings and things it's probably a little harder to eat you're
10:49so busy you're running around I feel like things like this are really good to
10:52have and then of course it's Heath so we need a little sweet treat and I went to
10:56my pantry and I was like oh my god I have one of his favorite sweet treats here
11:00that actually he introduced to me and an undercover was actually nice enough they
11:05sent me a big pack of all of their little treats I've already eaten so many
11:09of them and I did share them with Heath but how perfect are these if you guys
11:12remember he introduced these little chocolate quinoa crisp snacks to me
11:17they're so yummy they're kind of like a healthier crunch bar the flavor is
11:21amazing so we have here the milk chocolate I know he likes the dark
11:24chocolate we've got dark chocolate and blueberries we've got regular milk
11:28chocolate we've got dark chocolate and cherries and I love that these are just
11:32like little individual circles so I'll throw quite a few in there he can have
11:36some I'm sure Zane will want some all the groomsmen can you know have a little
11:40sweet treat before to calm the nerves so I'm gonna throw a bunch of these in
11:44there we also got mini scissors but I actually think I mean depending on how
11:48much is going on in the bag the little scissors in the nail kit might be enough
11:51but these are also available if needed I'm gonna throw some pads in there as
11:55well as some electrolytes and I feel like that should be good I'm pretty sure
12:01we got everything covered but those are a lot of the things that were on the
12:05list from Jason I will say the bride's list had a few more things on there like
12:09bobby pins like tampons like hairspray things like that but I feel like these
12:14are really good things to grab if maybe you're in a bridal party a grooms party
12:18maybe you're a wedding planner or just a friend of or maybe you yourself are a
12:23bride or a groom or something or honestly you just want to pack a little
12:26to-go kit for yourself in case of emergencies these are some good ideas so
12:31with that I'm gonna gather the last few things and I will see you very soon we
12:36are making Heath a little bachelor kit for the wedding you know we got things
12:41such a for your palate for your health for your thirst for your stank ass for
12:50that germy germ for that accident a please look at what's happening the
12:57chicken chicken is that a chicken okay guys so we made it to LAX we are
13:02currently waiting because Cal with his boot the doctor did advise that he be in
13:08a wheelchair at the airport when we go places you do have to get up on the hour
13:13and walk around the plane don't forget that also every hour he's got to do a
13:16little stroll around and that's that's mostly it we are waiting we are waiting
13:20for someone to assist and that's it that's the update we take this long yeah
13:42we made it to oh my god wait this is the farmers market like at the Grove oh I've
13:46always wanted to try these pickles at the Grove and they are honey mustard
13:52pickle chips and look at this little bag and I really wanted to sandwich so I'm
13:55gonna get this is miss Remy Ashton approved guys the farmers market is
13:59really good I'm gonna get a club sandwich and these pickles I'm so
14:02excited okay we made it on the plane sorry I'm trying to be quiet when we
14:08land it's midnight so I'm gonna try to stay awake even though I could go for a
14:12we have all these movies
14:23they're in the air I'm watching Maid of Honor dinner just arrived we have
14:28chicken pasta bread and salad yeah
14:36we did it we're about to oh my god you guys we just went through a whole
14:41journey oh my god it's cold it's windy and 15 degrees I'm shaking okay so we
14:51just tried oh it's so cool what is up with the lens there we go I like your
14:55squish mallow I have the same one but big oh my god okay so we landed at I
15:04think like midnight where you just try to get a rental car for the longest time
15:08because we're like oh let's get a car and be cute you know we're trying to be
15:12like a family with a little minivan and frugal would have saved money but there
15:17was a shortage of cars well actually since it's 130 in the morning only two
15:21of me that as well there's only two rental car companies open right now and
15:26we waited for like an hour I booked the car online and then we waited an hour in
15:32line finally made it to the front it's 130 so it's been a while they made an
15:38announcement this was crazy because they had someone at the front they could have
15:41been like hey do you have a reservation yeah you know we stood there for an hour
15:44I finally get to the front as I'm at the front another worker says they're not
15:49taking any reservations if made within the last 24 hours because all their cars
15:52didn't get delivered here which is totally fine I just wish we had known
15:55before waiting for an hour yeah so now we're in an uber whoever runs the Avis
16:01car rental your mom's a hoe good morning guys it's the next day we ended up
16:13getting into the hotel checking in and getting to our rooms at 4 a.m. like I was
16:17finally in bed about to sleep at 4 a.m. so it is now the next day it is to 17
16:22p.m. and we are getting our day started we're walking over to the bride and
16:28grooms room which number are they John 3 oh 3 16 3 16 3 16
16:41okay guys he's just opened up his little grooms kit you're not gonna believe it
16:46no these goodies look at this stuff and then we get one sunny angel that's what
16:50we get we open it Mariah show them what we pulled you have to see the reaction
17:01that Alicia and I watch the patreon I think you guys think that it was set up
17:15it's not this is like fucking weird it's crazy it was not set up no no you can't
17:23we made it to the American dream everybody it is chilly we are hungry we
17:30are ready to eat ready to shop it's gonna be so fun and then tonight Keith
17:35and Mariah are taking us to their favorite Italian restaurant in Staten
17:39Island which is so exciting Wow we made it we made it the
17:44Nickelodeon universe oh my god it's so warm that's the thing I was like I could
17:48wear a coat for the walk from the car to the mall but then I'll have to lug a
17:52coat around because I know the mall is gonna be pumped with warm air which it
17:56is I'm ready for a snack Gucci to the left it's like I'm back in
18:00Minnesota there's a champagne bar oh my god it is a recital we just like look in
18:09Pop Mart and see should we just like check it out so strong two seconds ago
18:13before you turn that on you're like no it's okay we don't have to okay wait it
18:15was for the vlog I swear I actually I don't need anything I don't I really
18:19want a matcha boba that's what I really want you guys it sounds so yummy this is
18:23gorgeous we are going to the food court I love a food court lunch oh my god a
18:31Popeyes oh my god oh I might get Chinese food guys so you can get on the Ferris
18:41wheel literally right here and look at there's like carnival food fried PB&J
18:45fried Twinkies hot chocolate and donut holes this is crazy I'm getting fried
18:55peanut butter jelly are you really going to yes oh my god I love a carnival
19:03second Oh a fried Snickers the beauty of a mall food court is you can get more
19:08than one thing so I got a little Philly cheesesteak that's kind of good and I
19:11also want a little Asian food oh wait the Popeyes looks really good too oh my
19:16god the wings I was thinking maybe some har gow they have like shrimp dumplings
19:20here or the orange chicken was calling my name oh let's give her a little look
19:25oh that does look pretty good I'm going dumplings don't get me wrong that look
19:32delicious but now I got dumplings on the mind I know Alicia Marie would want one
19:35of those too I'm very satisfied with my purchase they look delicious
19:41and I was like I'm not gonna eat barbecue ribs like it's really good
19:50shrimp har gow perfect plump not overcooked in the slightest one of the
19:58better har gow I've had super solid meal now for dessert there's a Toys R Us here
20:09that is like all of my childhood memories we're going to Kung Fu to get
20:13some boba I got my matcha tea I'm so excited where are we going now we're
20:25going to look at Oreo cafe the biggest Oreo store in the world I'm already
20:31tearing up on this is Zane's stop of the trip we're going to the Oreo cafe also
20:35look at this guys look candyland shake bar oh my god I'm gonna be like ready
20:41for the next famous cow
20:49so this is chocolate ice cream with Oreo cookie bits chocolate chip cookies
20:54or chocolate chocolate chips okay and then this is Oreo cream drizzle and I
21:01like the big cookie on the side too it's crazy I'm gonna hold off it's
21:10great I want one of those little cookies at
21:13dinner you think they'll have the rainbow cookie they should my mom could
21:16whip some up guys look at all this candy Swedish fish tails this is snapple
21:22flavor I love a snapple I like want to try some fun candies skittle squishy
21:29clouds what is this skittles desserts this is crazy you guys cherry
21:35cheesecake flavored skittles number two is a twix yes Oh number three is a take
21:40five yes correct that's a pretzel but I thought that was a cookie mm-hmm five
21:44Hayden did we have fun at the Oreo cafe this is honestly pretty iconic I thought
21:51it was gonna be like one mini little right your grandpa built this here's the
21:58this is a kid's park I might be crazy I already know I'm a big baby when it
22:02comes to rides as we all know but like these are kind of crazy for little kids
22:06like there are like five girls getting off the ride this is kind of nuts I was
22:11just saying isn't this kind of a crazy ride for a kid thank you I was like I
22:15know I'm a baby but like this is kind of crazy oh my god here they go like this
22:24is crazy for a kids park it's spinning upside down flying around oh my god it
22:36stays upside down it's going so fast it's going so fast
22:42I would be done
22:47that is crazy yeah they're going to school the little legs I'm just saying I
23:03could fuck up that blue train right there that one looks about my speed
23:07maybe this one too but that's well-deserved you guys this mall has an
23:13H Mart food court and an actual H Mart mall or H Mart grocery store baby look
23:19at that oh here's the Gong Cha I want a Gong Cha no look at there's a full H
23:23Mart oh cheers babe cheers we are drinking coffee at 7 30 p.m. because
23:29we're all getting tired midday slump home midday slump we've had quite the
23:35mall experience look at this lighting okay we are making one last stop before
23:40we have dinner plans we are going to Sephora because I brought the wrong
23:45shade of foundation so I need to get hopefully they have my favorite
23:49foundation I saw makeup forever came out did you see they came out with lip
23:53glosses wherever walnut in a lip gloss oh yeah fabulous news they have my shade
24:03yay I also forgot my mousse for my hair and for the wedding I want to do a glow
24:08out so I'm gonna try and find a little baby travel one oh here we go okay I
24:12love the one from color Wow here we go extra-large bombshell volumizer I've
24:17been using trust me lately and I love it but this will do for the meantime I also
24:20forgot my setting spray gonna need this for the wedding for sure
24:32hello guys okay it is the next day last night's dinner was so much fun hold on
24:47even though we don't have our normal water bottle like we do at home five big
24:50sips everybody here we go okay so it is currently the night before the wedding
24:59tomorrow is the big day everybody has been arriving kind of slowly throughout
25:02the day and today has actually been quite chill so we are now about to get
25:07ready for the welcome dinner which is gonna be super casual it's just like
25:10pizza in the lobby I'm so excited to see everyone meet new people you know have a
25:15good time last night was such a good time we are having so much fun I am so
25:20excited for Heath and Mariah and I cannot wait for tomorrow I feel like we've been
25:24talking about this for so long and it's here which is so exciting it's just
25:28gonna be amazing so before I get ready for tonight I just washed my hair did a
25:32full everything shower I am gonna do a haul of the stuff that I picked up at
25:36the mall yesterday this is the only stuff I bought my little Sephora haul
25:39there are some other things that I was going to get but then ended up not
25:41getting so this is the whole mall haul I guess it's a Sephora haul slash
25:45American Dream mall haul let me get into it so first off I'm putting this in my
25:50purse because I needed a new hand sanitizer and I've been wearing my purse
25:54from my birthday that miss Alicia Marie got me I love her so much but I will say
25:58it's a little small all I have in here right now is a cough drop my wallet a
26:02lip gloss and a tampon so I always need hand sanitizer while traveling I didn't
26:08have one so I got this one this is the touch land power mist in the scent
26:12apple-licious I love anything apple scented as you guys know and this one is
26:15nice and skinny so I can just throw it in my purse and it fits and holds all my
26:20other stuff still too which is very important first I got that then at the
26:24same section I saw they have this now which I wanted to try they didn't have a
26:28tester so hopefully I like this this is the same brand touch land but it is a
26:32hydrating body and hair fragrance mist which I thought this was so cute it's
26:36like same packaging almost so again very nice and slim and compact I can throw
26:40this in my car I can throw this in my purse I can throw this in my office bag
26:44whatever it is oh it's a little bit bigger I will say a little thicker again
26:48they didn't have a tester for this one but I knew I'd like it it's the scent
26:50peachy lychee you guys know me anything fruity anything tropical I like it this
26:56is the size the hand sanitizer this is the size of the mist so it's a little
27:00bit skinnier but a little bit taller and a little bit wider okay let's give her a
27:05scent more floral than I thought it would be I thought it'd be more fruity
27:10I guess lychee is very floral I love a hair fragrance mist I feel like this
27:14will be my hair fragrance and then I'll use like a regular like body fragrance
27:17it's a different fragrance oh but it's nice actually really like that a lot
27:20okay let me keep this one in my makeup bag next you guys know I went in
27:23originally to get my easy blur foundation in the shade tres leches this
27:28is my everyday shade I brought my shade that I use for self tanning or when I
27:33have like a spray tan so the colors are way off I rubbed all my spray tan off so
27:37it was not matching yesterday so I had to get a new one obviously for the
27:40wedding I need to make sure my makeup looks as good as it possibly can it's a
27:43wedding it's a big deal so I got this also this is my favorite eyeshadow
27:48palette probably honestly ever it's the makeup by Mario mastermats the neutrals
27:52I use this palette every single day and my two go-to shades are this one in the
27:56corner this one is called mn1 and then this one here in the crease this is mn7
28:01I use all the other colors too but I mostly as you can see use this one and I
28:05just I love it so much and unfortunately Mario does not do single eyeshadows but
28:10I literally have barely any left as you can see I try to find ones in my
28:14collection that like match it the same but I just I don't know what it is I
28:17love it I love the formulation I love that one and unfortunately because he
28:20only has palettes and not singles I can't just buy that one shade which I
28:25would love to hopefully one day he will but for now I repurchase the same palette
28:30so that I could have a fresh one of that color cuz I just love it so so much I'm
28:33gonna wait till I'm fully out of that one to use this one and open it up
28:37fully but now I have backups of all the other colors too which you're gonna use
28:40but it'll just take me a while to get through but that one shade I love so
28:44much so I got that I also picked up oh my god this closet scared me for a
28:47second let me close that I got this Color Wow money mist this is their Lux
28:51light leave-in conditioner I haven't tried this but I've seen a lot of people
28:55talk about it so I wanted to try this I love Color Wow I also as you saw I
28:58picked up just a little mini mousse because I'm gonna do my blowout today
29:01and my blowouts just last so much longer when I use mousse honestly it's
29:05imperative for a good blowout so I'm gonna try this and then put this in and
29:08then we're gonna blow it out I also picked up a little mini one-size
29:10setting spray Alicia Marie literally just texted me and was like did you
29:13bring one size setting spray I said no but I bought one so I'm about to share
29:17you guys know this stuff is the best I swear I thought I packed one I keep it
29:21in my travel little area so when I travel I just grab all my minis but I
29:24guess I forgot this so that is necessary yesterday I was getting super oily
29:28before I put some on I'm really excited about these I love Huda Beauty so so so
29:32much it honestly might be one of my favorite makeup brands hands down and
29:36I've never tried any of her blush filter liquid blushes I'm always looking for
29:41like my perfect blush shade I feel like I still have yet to find like my perfect
29:45shade yet so I got this one called strawberry cream which I might try
29:48tonight honestly I feel like that this might be a good one for me we'll try it
29:51out but also I don't know if you guys saw but they came out with an ube
29:54collection or like a light purple lavender collection and my makeup
29:57artist arrows told me that it would look really good on my skin tone he was like
30:00you should really if you see it you should grab the ube products so I found
30:03the ube cream liquid blush he said that it would look really pretty on me we
30:07will try I trust anything he says obviously he is the best at it so I got
30:11the liquid blush which is like a really pretty baby lavender purple color I you
30:15know I wouldn't normally grab this shade for me but he did say I should try it
30:19again he knows way better than I do it's such pretty packaging so I'm gonna try
30:22this we will see and then also I grabbed the matching lip gloss this is the faux
30:28filler extra shine lip gloss in ooh or ooh baby you you you baby so I'm gonna
30:34try that out but that is what I grabbed you know what let's do a little trial
30:38together my hair it's nice and wet let's give this money mist to try
30:42actually first my lips are a little dry I'm gonna do some Ole Henriksen I am so
30:46excited for the wedding tomorrow I'm so excited to like get ready I love love
30:51love getting ready for like fun events especially with new products okay here's
30:54the money mist I think it's gonna be like a liquid oh it's very fine I like
30:57this mister oh I love the mister I just want to spray that all day long it's so
31:04fun I will be keeping this bottle after and filling it with something all right
31:08and just give a little brush through Wow it makes your hair very easy to comb
31:12through I have to say oh that was really easy do you see that so far so good I
31:17like it so far all right I'm going to get to getting ready for the night we
31:22have like an hour and a half before we need to be in the lobby so I gotta do my
31:26hair do my makeup get changed and then I will keep you updated okay see you soon
31:32okay guys hair and makeup is done I just did mascara no like falsies or press-on
31:38lashes or anything I've been using a new lash serum and I have to say I love it
31:42it is the the one from Swede I got gifted this by Arrows for Christmas and
31:47I've been loving it so far if you can see they look nice and long especially
31:51for my short little Asian lashes but this is my outfit for the little welcome
31:54pizza party it is super casual just again in the lobby of the hotel just a
31:58chill night before the big night so this is the look I'm wearing this little
32:01sweater it's like a cropped sweater like crop top and little bolero this is
32:06from Colt Gaia I thought this was so cute like little nude jeans citizens of
32:10humanity it matches my little uggs I need my little ring we got the aura ring
32:14we got the engagement ring I went to Alicia's room to go work on little
32:18cameras so let's go I just did all these oh my god just can I walked in they
32:25already finished them look what Alicia did okay cricket Queen she's flexing her
32:30muscles for wedding planning so quickly no I'm very impressed you guys so these
32:41are little disposable cameras and Zane was going to get some made but there was
32:45like a last-minute issue so Alicia and Zane tag-teamed this adorable project
32:49where they put little stickers on top of them like little Fujifilm ones adorable
32:54I can absolutely take zero credit with that but they look so good and now to
33:00hello guys okay it is the next morning last night was so much fun I'm sorry I
33:04didn't vlog anything at the party just because I was like talking to people
33:07getting to know people seeing old people all the things but I'm going to end the
33:11vlog now the wedding is officially today so if you guys want to see that vlog
33:14come back to the next one I can't wait and I'll see you then