• 2 days ago
Inmaculada concepción - Duns Scoto - Película completa en español
Inmaculada concepción - Duns Scoto - Película completa en español
Inmaculada concepción - Duns Scoto - Película completa en español


00:00:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:00:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:00:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:00:50The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:01:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:01:10The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:01:20The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:01:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:01:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:01:50The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:02:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:02:10The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:02:20The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:02:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:02:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:02:50The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:03:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:03:10The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:03:20The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:03:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:03:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:03:50The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:04:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:04:10The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:04:20The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:04:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:04:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:04:50The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:05:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:05:10The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:05:20The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:05:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:05:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:05:50The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:06:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:06:10The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:06:20The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:06:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:06:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:06:50The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:07:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:07:10The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:07:20The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:07:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:07:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:07:50The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:08:00The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:08:10The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:08:20The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:08:30The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:08:40The year of Mr. 1303, University of Paris.
00:08:50Stand up.
00:08:54We thank you, almighty God, for your universal benefits,
00:08:59which you have lived and reigned for centuries and centuries.
00:09:03In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
00:09:08If anyone has doubts about today's treaty,
00:09:11you can come to visit me at the monastery.
00:09:13I will receive you with the utmost discretion.
00:09:21It's a great opportunity.
00:09:23We can go talk to him.
00:09:26From now on, you will not be the favorite of Father John,
00:09:29even if you are a Franciscan like him.
00:09:31That's enough.
00:09:32I am a Dominican, but I would not have found the courage to say what I think.
00:09:38Would you have been able to?
00:09:40I'm not that stupid.
00:09:42Very eloquent.
00:09:43Father John will be a great teacher,
00:09:46but behind that appearance he is arrogant.
00:09:48Everyone has signed the letter. Why hasn't he done it?
00:09:50If I didn't know you, I would think you were envious.
00:09:52If that's what you think, goodbye.
00:09:53Hey, hey, hey.
00:09:54Wait, calm down.
00:09:55Do you want to...
00:09:56Let's go.
00:09:59I propose a pact.
00:10:02Go ahead, let's say it's a splendid idea.
00:10:04Okay, let's forget it.
00:10:06No, let's listen to him.
00:10:08We swear that the different color of our habits
00:10:12will never be a reason for dispute.
00:10:15I will be a priest, so don't insult me.
00:10:17Of course, you will continue to have an ecclesiastical habit.
00:10:20Okay, so...
00:10:22What do we swear?
00:10:24There is no need for a vow.
00:10:38I'm sorry.
00:10:40I was distracted.
00:10:43It doesn't matter.
00:10:51Wake up.
00:10:52She has fallen into ecstasy.
00:11:13She has fallen into ecstasy.
00:11:44She has forgotten this.
00:11:51I'm very clueless.
00:11:53No, it's my fault.
00:11:57Why does the church bring flowers every day?
00:12:01I've seen it before.
00:12:03The nuns send me.
00:12:05I work for them.
00:12:07I understand.
00:12:08I thought I had done your vows.
00:12:14Do you study to be a priest?
00:12:22Soon I will be ordained.
00:12:39The same day.
00:12:55High and glorious Lord.
00:12:58Illuminate the shadows of my heart.
00:13:00Give me a straight way.
00:13:02Right hope.
00:13:04Perfect charity and deep humility.
00:13:07Give me, Lord, the wisdom and the criterion to fulfill your true and holy will.
00:13:38Has Father John left?
00:13:40No, he's always in his cell at this time. Delivered to the study.
00:13:44And what are you doing here?
00:13:46Do you want to join our monastery?
00:13:48Father John is my teacher. I need to talk to him about my studies.
00:13:52Can I see him?
00:13:53Yes, of course. He's here. He's here, but from time to time.
00:14:07Forget it.
00:14:20Excuse me.
00:14:22William, come in.
00:14:31Can I ask you something about today's class?
00:14:34Of course.
00:14:38I'm listening.
00:14:41The creation of the world, by God, is an absolutely free act, isn't it?
00:14:50And in creation, God could have done anything different than what he did.
00:15:01Yes, that's true.
00:15:04So, considering that it is absolutely free, omnipotent and transcendent,
00:15:09it cannot be limited by anything, unless we know it.
00:15:15We cannot understand it in our finite scheme.
00:15:18Infinitum does not depend on anything, and by its own omnipotence, it can do whatever it wants.
00:15:23If God wants black to be white, black will be white.
00:15:27If God wants heat to be cold, heat will be cold.
00:15:33If God wants the false to be true, the false will be true.
00:15:40God could have done the opposite of what he has finally done.
00:15:48In short, it is something that cannot be explained.
00:15:53He is above everything, even what we consider good or evil.
00:15:59What do you think about it, Father?
00:16:24Listen, William.
00:16:30Precisely, that is the danger I was talking about in today's lesson.
00:16:36You must distinguish well.
00:16:39God could have created a different world, yes,
00:16:44but not with an opposite or contradictory order from the present world.
00:16:51Any possible order, in fact,
00:16:56coming from God, reflects God's perfection.
00:17:01That God is free and omnipotent is true, and somehow there is at least a limit.
00:17:08He is unable to work if he is not in the direction of good and truth.
00:17:19God guides us towards beauty.
00:17:22He cannot be contradicted, do you understand?
00:17:26If you think about it, this is not a limit,
00:17:29because attributing the contradiction to God is like saying that God is imperfect.
00:17:33Do you understand?
00:17:35Therefore, everything that God wants is always reasonable, according to justice.
00:17:41You must not forget this, William.
00:17:45God's perfect and infinite freedom is never arbitrary.
00:17:52God is love.
00:18:04Do you know what the God you speak of reminds me of?
00:18:08The serpent.
00:18:10The serpent.
00:18:12The liar who incites Eve to betrayal.
00:18:16Father, I'm confused.
00:18:22William, now, before you listen to my advice, you should listen to Him.
00:18:33Look at Him closely.
00:18:35It is Him.
00:18:36The answer to your doubts.
00:18:38The answer to any question.
00:18:41Jesus could save us with just a sigh,
00:18:44and yet, look, no one forced Him so much.
00:18:49Men had no power over the favorite son of God the Father.
00:18:56I do not doubt that.
00:18:58In truth, there is no greater love.
00:19:05There is no greater love.
00:19:08There is no greater love.
00:19:11There is no greater love.
00:19:14There is no greater love.
00:19:17There is no greater love.
00:19:20There is no greater love.
00:19:23Father John, it is precisely the will to sacrifice your only son,
00:19:28which seems absurd and arbitrary to me, against all logic.
00:19:32Against human and natural logic, yes.
00:19:36But not against His divine supernatural logic.
00:19:41God has wanted to praise the human race, William.
00:19:45That is the supernatural logic.
00:19:49To redeem us, it was not necessary for Christ to suffer such a cruel passion.
00:19:55But He did it for humanity.
00:19:58With the purpose that we, seeing Him suffer on the cross,
00:20:02would repent of our sins.
00:20:07Before such proof of love, we feel more obliged to love Him.
00:20:14And we feel more obliged to love Him.
00:20:20And all this great love is not only for Him.
00:20:24It is also for us.
00:20:26So that, looking at Him, we could save ourselves
00:20:30and participate in His grace until the end of time.
00:20:34How could I not think of it?
00:20:39Listen, William.
00:20:42God has given you a son.
00:20:46Listen, William.
00:20:48God has given you a beautiful intelligence.
00:20:51But you must pray more and not study so much.
00:20:55Studying is fine, but you must do it with the spirit of prayer.
00:21:00And translate it into a holy life, full of true fraternal love.
00:21:05Believe me, William.
00:21:07You must spend more time contemplating Him.
00:21:11These things are only understood when you feel so much love.
00:21:17Forgive me, Lord.
00:21:22Forgive me.
00:21:28Today you will be with me in paradise.
00:22:17I will be with you in paradise.
00:22:33I will be with you in paradise.
00:22:38I will be with you in paradise.
00:22:43I will be with you in paradise.
00:22:48I did not want to cause an incident.
00:22:53You should have been more discreet.
00:22:57The behavior of the students has highlighted the chancellor and the news of what has happened.
00:23:02It circulates throughout the university.
00:23:04I have tried to calm down.
00:23:06You are still in grave danger.
00:23:08For refusing to sign the letter of the king against the pope.
00:23:11The entire Franciscan order is in grave danger with the French crown.
00:23:16The best thing is for you to leave Paris.
00:23:21A novice will leave with you.
00:23:24You will accompany Oxford.
00:23:26Take advantage of the trip to reaffirm your vocation.
00:23:30I have doubts.
00:23:32It is a little crowded.
00:23:36You must go.
00:23:43May the Lord bless you and protect you during the trip.
00:24:00This book is very valuable.
00:24:03It talks about Christian martyrs.
00:24:05For Jesus you can give your life.
00:24:08I will read it and I will do it.
00:24:12You have been very brave to get up to defend me in the classroom.
00:24:17You did not have to do it.
00:24:24This book talks about beauty.
00:24:26God is not only kindness and truth.
00:24:29Study it.
00:24:31It will help you broaden your horizons.
00:24:36And this is for you.
00:24:39The sacrament of marriage.
00:24:42It is a gift from God.
00:24:46And this is for you.
00:24:49The sacrament of marriage is beautiful.
00:24:53Why a book about marriage?
00:24:56Because it is necessary to know all the sacraments.
00:25:14We will consider it a loan.
00:25:17When he returns, we will return it to him.
00:26:39You must be Angelino.
00:26:42I will take your bag.
00:26:44No problem.
00:26:45Each one with his own.
00:26:47Take the cane.
00:26:52Yes, this is it.
00:26:53The trip is long.
00:26:55Let's go.
00:27:25How do you imagine it?
00:27:47How big?
00:27:48As big as Paris.
00:27:50Even bigger.
00:27:53That's impossible.
00:27:54Wait, you'll see.
00:27:59We have arrived.
00:28:02Are you ready?
00:28:04I'm going to take the bandage off.
00:28:11Open your eyes.
00:28:18It's huge.
00:28:20I do not know the end.
00:28:23What are you thinking about?
00:28:25Our Lord, who created it.
00:28:30Am I blaspheming?
00:28:32No, not at all.
00:28:34You have said something very profound.
00:28:37Where is England?
00:28:38I do not see it.
00:28:39It's like Our Lord.
00:28:40It's there, but you do not see it.
00:28:43You must take a boat and cross the canal to get there.
00:28:48And we will leave from there.
00:28:50Boats have to be very big to cross a sea like this.
00:28:55Yes, there are big and small.
00:28:59Where are you from?
00:29:00From the Pyrenees.
00:29:02And how did you get to Paris?
00:29:03Following the Friars.
00:29:05Do your parents know?
00:29:06I'm an orphan.
00:29:09The Friars.
00:29:11Why did you follow them?
00:29:13I followed them since I was little.
00:29:15They never made fun of me.
00:29:17They were kind to me.
00:29:19That's not enough to be a Friar.
00:29:22For me, yes.
00:29:23They were happy because they loved each other.
00:29:26Did not Jesus say that we must love each other?
00:29:29Yes, it's true.
00:29:30But you have to understand what it means.
00:29:33There is no greater love than that of one who gives his life for a friend.
00:29:37Do you know the Gospel?
00:29:39The Friars taught me to read the Gospel.
00:29:42I know everything by heart.
00:29:44I do not believe you.
00:29:45Test me.
00:29:49All right.
00:29:50Now that we are in front of the sea, I will ask you about the water.
00:29:53What did Jesus say to the Samaritan girl in front of the well?
00:29:57Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again.
00:30:00But whoever drinks the water that I give him will no longer be thirsty.
00:30:04So it's true.
00:30:05You know it by heart.
00:30:16And you, Angelino?
00:30:18Are you still thirsty?
00:30:20No, Father.
00:30:21I'm thirsty.
00:30:23Jesus is with me.
00:30:25Then the water that Jesus has given you will become a fountain that will burn forever, Angelino.
00:30:32When he was little, no one believed that he could become a Friar.
00:30:36He was a little clumsy.
00:30:38He was a little clumsy.
00:30:40When he was little, no one believed that he could become a Friar.
00:30:44He was a little clumsy.
00:30:46There is no one more intelligent than you.
00:30:50We owe it all to our Lord, Angelino.
00:30:57I still remember the day I decided to become a Franciscan.
00:31:01I was just a child.
00:31:11Ave Maria.
00:31:12Ave Maria.
00:31:13Come on.
00:31:22Brother Elias.
00:31:24That's right, Brother Elias.
00:31:32What's going on now?
00:31:34I don't know.
00:31:37What's going on now?
00:31:39I'm scared.
00:31:41Not now.
00:31:42You've been bugging me for a month because you want to talk to him.
00:31:45So, go ahead.
00:31:48Ave Maria.
00:31:50Ave Maria, Brother Angel.
00:31:52Who is this nice young man?
00:31:55He's my nephew. Say hello.
00:31:57Ave Maria.
00:31:58Ave Maria.
00:31:59He's come to tell you something very important.
00:32:05Well, if it's something important...
00:32:13Here you are.
00:32:20Let's see. What has brought you here?
00:32:29Oh, Lord.
00:32:31Spit it out. Spit it out.
00:32:34Johnny, spit it out.
00:32:42Come here.
00:32:57Who is that young man?
00:33:00He's my nephew, unfortunately.
00:33:02Who would send me to let him convince me?
00:33:05What's wrong with him?
00:33:09What's wrong with him?
00:33:11I wanted to get rid of the idea of being a friar.
00:33:14What a torment.
00:33:16But what are you saying, Brother Elias?
00:33:18Those words...
00:33:19They seem to come from the Holy Book.
00:33:22He's just a boy.
00:33:24You shouldn't make fun of him.
00:33:28I hope he stops thinking about becoming a friar.
00:33:31God can call anyone.
00:33:36The Lord looks at the heart.
00:33:39Not the intelligence.
00:33:44You're right, Father.
00:33:46I've been a fool.
00:33:48Well, yes.
00:33:50But the lightness you've allowed yourself...
00:33:53...doesn't affect your vocation.
00:34:08Johnny, my son, where are you?
00:34:18Brothers, I've found him.
00:34:21Look, it's him.
00:34:23Look, it's him.
00:34:27Come here.
00:34:30Brother Elias, Brother Elias, enough.
00:34:33Where were you?
00:34:34I was sleeping in a nearby cave.
00:34:38Brother Elias, come with me.
00:34:44Brother, brother, calm down.
00:34:45I'm not your uncle.
00:34:54Well, you wanted to talk to me, didn't you?
00:34:59Tell me.
00:35:01I want to be a friar.
00:35:05Well, the mischief you've done...
00:35:08...doesn't play much in your favor.
00:35:13But neither against...
00:35:19Why do you want to be a priest?
00:35:21I don't know.
00:35:24Why should I admit it if you don't even know why?
00:35:28I'm stupid.
00:35:32And who says so?
00:35:34Everyone says so.
00:35:35Also Brother Elias?
00:35:37No, not him.
00:35:39Thank goodness.
00:35:40Thank goodness, thank goodness.
00:35:42I was worried about your compassion.
00:35:48I want to be a priest...
00:35:54...because when I look at the stars...
00:35:57...while I look after the sheep, they are beautiful.
00:36:01Because our Lord has been generous in creating them for us.
00:36:05And I want to dedicate my life to thank Him.
00:36:23What is it?
00:36:26...the Holy Book of our Father Francisco.
00:36:29Why are you giving it to me?
00:36:31It's yours.
00:36:32Yes, it's mine, but...
00:36:34...I'll lend it to you.
00:36:35So you can learn it by heart, and when you come back...
00:36:38...I'll listen to you recite it.
00:36:41...if you're able to do it like a priest...
00:36:46...I'll accept you.
00:36:48But I'm stupid.
00:36:50You give up? Give it back to me.
00:36:52Our Lord...
00:36:56Our Lord?
00:36:57Our Lord can do miracles, right?
00:37:03If God wants it, I'll get it.
00:37:08Yes, Johnny.
00:37:09Our Lord can do miracles.
00:37:21He can do miracles, Johnny.
00:37:23He can do miracles.
00:37:32He can do miracles.
00:37:34And now...
00:37:35...a good hot soup for everyone.
00:37:37Yes, let's go.
00:37:44Friars have no possessions...
00:37:47...no house, no place, nothing.
00:37:50Just like pilgrims and strangers in this world...
00:37:54...they serve the Lord in poverty and humility...
00:37:58...trusting in the alms.
00:38:00They should not be ashamed of it...
00:38:03...for God became poor for us in this world.
00:38:08You will never possess anything else...
00:38:11...in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:38:21It's the book.
00:38:22The Holy Book.
00:38:24I can't accept it.
00:38:26Angelino, I've waited a long time...
00:38:28...to find a soul as worthy as yours and give it to you.
00:38:32But why?
00:38:33It's a memory.
00:38:34We can't hold on to anything, Angelino.
00:38:37Take it.
00:38:39Someday I'll do the same.
00:38:41I'll find someone to give it to.
00:38:44...can I ask you a question?
00:38:46Of course.
00:38:47Is it true that you were a fool?
00:38:51And how is it possible that you are so intelligent now?
00:38:54It's a secret, Angelino.
00:38:56What happened?
00:39:00Let's pray to the Virgin Mary.
00:39:04Hail Mary.
00:39:05It's her.
00:39:06Our Blessed Mother, who gave her wisdom.
00:39:12Hail Mary, full of grace, Lord God...
00:39:16...blessed art thou among women...
00:39:18...blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ...
00:39:21...Holy Mary, Mother of God...
00:39:23...pray for us sinners...
00:39:25...now and at the hour of our death.
00:39:33THE LORD'S YEAR 1305
00:40:04I hereby confer...
00:40:06...the academic degree of Doctor in Theology...
00:40:09...with the consequent teaching...
00:40:12...to Father John de Duns...
00:40:14...of the Order of the Minors.
00:40:26I dedicate all my studies...
00:40:29...to the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
00:40:34As she did...
00:40:36...I affirm my faith in God...
00:40:40...for all that I write and will write...
00:40:43...shall be to give glory to the Lord...
00:40:46...and to the Holy Church.
00:40:54The arrogance with which Father Tomás de Aquino...
00:40:58...enters into discussions...
00:41:01...like so many other teachers.
00:41:03You know very well that many teachers...
00:41:05...are against the thesis of the Immaculate Conception.
00:41:13He knows, and yet he has written it.
00:41:17Do you want to make an amendment?
00:41:30In that case, you must be expelled from this university.
00:41:37I feel great respect for Father Tomás...
00:41:40...and for our teachers...
00:41:42...of whom I have learned the doctrine of the Church.
00:41:45But they are not infallible like Jesus Christ.
00:41:47That is true.
00:41:49Only our Lord is infallible.
00:41:53You support this blasphemy?
00:41:55Calm down, I'm not supporting anything.
00:42:00This is not the appropriate context...
00:42:02...for a discussion like this.
00:42:04If you both agree...
00:42:06...there will be a public discussion.
00:42:10And you will have the opportunity to remind us...
00:42:12...what the teachers have taught us.
00:42:15Do you accept?
00:42:17Of course.
00:42:23I accept.
00:42:24Yes, so be it.
00:42:27The one who loses...
00:42:29...will pay with the great dishonor it entails.
00:42:34That's all for today.
00:42:40Let's go.
00:42:56Let's see.
00:42:59Writings from St. Augustine...
00:43:01...about Christian marriage.
00:43:03For someone who wants to be a priest.
00:43:05What does it say?
00:43:06Have you read it?
00:43:08What if Master John asks you?
00:43:10I warn you.
00:43:11If you don't stop bothering me...
00:43:13...you will be punished.
00:43:20It's not here.
00:43:22Shall we go in?
00:43:24Yes, let's go in.
00:43:25I'll leave the book and leave.
00:43:27You can't enter a brother's room like that.
00:43:29He may be in the chapel.
00:43:31Let's see.
00:43:32I'll leave.
00:43:33Are you coming with us...
00:43:34...or are you staying with the book?
00:43:36You're funny.
00:43:38Why don't you take it?
00:43:40No way.
00:43:42All right, let's go.
00:43:43But don't ask me for more favors.
00:43:45All right.
00:43:55Let's go.
00:44:25Let's go.
00:44:55Let's go.
00:45:25Let's go.
00:46:02I'm returning the books.
00:46:04As we promised.
00:46:06What about your friends?
00:46:08They left.
00:46:10They were tired.
00:46:13What about you?
00:46:16I can't.
00:46:18I owe you that.
00:46:20I can't.
00:46:22I can't.
00:46:24That honors you.
00:46:26I see you've been following my advice.
00:46:33How can I pray like this?
00:46:35Without getting distracted?
00:46:45While there's a tabernacle on earth with Jesus...
00:46:49...we'll never be alone, William.
00:46:52But it's easier to see Jesus in our brothers, isn't it?
00:47:01But in the Eucharist...
00:47:03...unity is fostered among Christians...
00:47:07...making us one body.
00:47:10It's as if we were of the same blood, William.
00:47:14That's what the word mystical body means.
00:47:18With his body and his blood...
00:47:21...we are sanctified.
00:47:26We should reflect on that.
00:47:29That's not all.
00:47:31What you said makes sense.
00:47:34If we live in reciprocal love...
00:47:37...which brings us closer to Christ...
00:47:40...and we nourish ourselves with the Eucharist...
00:47:43...which makes us part of him...
00:47:46...we can warn...
00:47:49...the spirit of God penetrating all things...
00:47:53...all beings...
00:47:56...in each one...
00:47:58...in the whole cosmos.
00:48:02That's why St. Francis called his brother to the sun and his sister to the moon.
00:48:07Thanks to the Holy Spirit...
00:48:09...we can feel this intimate union...
00:48:12...between God the Creator and the created.
00:48:16Because the word incarnate...
00:48:21...is part of the created, making him divine, William.
00:48:25It's beautiful to hear you speak.
00:48:28God's plan for creation is beautiful.
00:48:35It's such a broad vision...
00:48:37...so majestic...
00:48:39...that it makes you think that one day...
00:48:42...everything created will return to the Father's bosom.
00:48:46I wonder how it will be.
00:48:53We can already sense some signs.
00:49:02The body, for example...
00:49:05...that we, when we die, give to nature...
00:49:08...to the earth.
00:49:10We can't see it...
00:49:12...as a state...
00:49:14...of Eucharist throughout life.
00:49:17As an Eucharist of nature.
00:49:22So that in the womb of the earth...
00:49:25...our body, apparently transformed in it...
00:49:29...operates a change.
00:49:32Mysteriously, like...
00:49:34...a germ of transfiguration...
00:49:37...of the earth itself.
00:49:40In new skies, new lands.
00:49:45...this love for the Eucharist, where does it come from?
00:49:50And a desire...
00:49:52...that grows in me, day by day.
00:49:59...I also want to feel that love.
00:50:06Thomas Aquinas...
00:50:10...that this sacrament is given to us in the form of food and drink.
00:50:17...the effect that this food and drink produces...
00:50:20...in our material body...
00:50:22...in terms of feeding us, making us grow, giving us pleasure...
00:50:26...all this is the same that the Eucharist operates...
00:50:29...in our spiritual body.
00:50:34...do you hate or love Father Thomas?
00:50:38I don't hate anyone, thank God.
00:50:41Thomas is one of our great teachers...
00:50:44...and I'll tell you that not even he...
00:50:46...was able to know God in all his fullness.
00:50:52Have you ever wondered...
00:50:56...Jesus left us the Eucharist?
00:51:01I have, many times.
00:51:03And do you have an answer?
00:51:06I tend to think...
00:51:08...that Jesus left it for us...
00:51:11...to console us...
00:51:13...with friendship.
00:51:15Through his friendship we become part of his mystical body.
00:51:22We are another Christ.
00:51:28...that's beautiful.
00:51:32...how can we be sure of that?
00:51:37If Jesus...
00:51:39...could say from a piece of bread...
00:51:41...this is my body...
00:51:47...he could also...
00:51:49...have said to men...
00:51:52...you are my body.
00:51:56I will do this in commemoration of me.
00:52:09Excuse me, Master.
00:52:11These things are not written in the books of philosophy.
00:52:17The Eucharist...
00:52:19...has been instituted to convert people...
00:52:23...into brothers and sisters.
00:52:28So that from strangers...
00:52:30...desperate, scattered and indifferent to others...
00:52:33...we become friends.
00:52:38One heart and one soul.
00:52:40I never thought of that.
00:52:44When I studied philosophy...
00:52:46...I went to the cathedral.
00:52:52To a corner where there was no one.
00:53:00I used to sit here.
00:53:03I took out my books.
00:53:05Illuminated by the light of a window.
00:53:08I studied philosophy.
00:53:11I looked at Jesus.
00:53:13I studied philosophy.
00:53:15And I looked at Jesus.
00:53:18And I waited...
00:53:20...for the Eucharist to illuminate me to find the truth.
00:53:24It's beautiful, isn't it?
00:53:26So, are you going to stay in our monastery?
00:53:30We belong to the same order, don't we?
00:53:33Well, we have to go, brothers.
00:53:35It's time to go to our rooms.
00:53:41Just one more minute.
00:53:50Let's go.
00:54:04When I'm about to speak your Eucharist...
00:54:07...I have the immediate feeling that I know what I have to do.
00:54:12To say anything about you in simple words.
00:54:16While the desire pushes me to build a cathedral for you.
00:54:30In the presence of the messengers of His Holiness...
00:54:34...the discussion begins.
00:54:37You have the floor...
00:54:40...John of Dunes.
00:54:43Justify your theses.
00:54:51Our mother, the Virgin Mary...
00:54:53...has always been free of sin since the moment of her conception.
00:54:58But it would not have been so...
00:55:00...if it had not been preserved from the original sin.
00:55:04Jesus is the perfect mediator.
00:55:07And He has also preserved it from the sin of Adam.
00:55:12Are you finished?
00:55:15Why doesn't he say anything else?
00:55:17He has told us more things.
00:55:19The rule specifies that it must be brief.
00:55:31I thought that brother John...
00:55:33...would know how to expose more arguments.
00:55:40So poor...
00:55:42...is the teaching of the Franciscans?
00:55:48I am filled with glory...
00:55:50...by the rules of my father, the founder, San Francisco.
00:55:54Who, for the love of God and the Church, left everything...
00:55:57...to become poor...
00:55:59...and put into practice the Gospel of our Lord.
00:56:07You should give more arguments.
00:56:12I think it is necessary in this situation.
00:56:17...if you order me...
00:56:20...I will continue.
00:56:22Then let us continue.
00:56:25But let us focus on the argument, please.
00:56:29Without offending anyone.
00:56:32There are...
00:56:35...three ways...
00:56:37...to show that Mary...
00:56:39...was free from the original sin.
00:56:47...since God is omnipotent...
00:56:50...He must not only be able to heal the sins...
00:56:53...but also to prevent them.
00:56:55If He only heals them, for example...
00:56:57...by forgiving them...
00:56:59...He would not work in a perfect way.
00:57:02He should do it so that at least...
00:57:04...a son of Adam would be born without guilt.
00:57:07For this reason...
00:57:09...He preserved Mary.
00:57:15...Jesus, being the perfect mediator...
00:57:18...deserves the absolution of the sins...
00:57:21...of those whom He forgives.
00:57:23For this reason...
00:57:25...the original sin is a greater sin...
00:57:28...than not being able to see God in paradise.
00:57:31Since among the sins of the intelligent creatures...
00:57:34...the greatest is sin.
00:57:37For this reason, if Christ was a perfect reconciler...
00:57:41...He must act in a way that at least one person...
00:57:44...was preserved from the original sin.
00:57:52...the forgiven person...
00:57:54...will never be able to be close to Jesus...
00:57:57...if he does not receive from Him the supreme good that He can give him.
00:58:00And with Christ...
00:58:02...you can obtain innocence...
00:58:04...or the preservation...
00:58:06...of guilt...
00:58:08...contracted or to be contracted.
00:58:11No one...
00:58:13...would have Christ as a supreme mediator...
00:58:16...if He had not preserved at least one...
00:58:19...from the original sin.
00:58:58The things that John of Dunce has just said...
00:59:01...are invalidated by a simple observation.
00:59:10...suffered the common sins...
00:59:12...of all the people of the world...
00:59:14...but she did not suffer...
00:59:16...the common sins...
00:59:18...of all the people of the world.
00:59:20She did not suffer...
00:59:22...the common sins...
00:59:24...of all the people of the world.
00:59:26She suffered the common sins of our nature...
00:59:29...like hunger...
00:59:31...like thirst...
00:59:32...like pain...
00:59:33...like fatigue...
00:59:35...all the sins...
00:59:37...that were inflicted...
00:59:39...on men...
00:59:40...by the original sin.
00:59:46...had the original sin.
00:59:53Make me worthy to worship you, Holy Virgin.
00:59:55Give me strength against your enemies.
01:00:00To forgive someone...
01:00:03...means to remove him from the useless sins...
01:00:06...leaving him exposed to those that may be useful to him.
01:00:11The original sin...
01:00:13...would have been harmful to Mary...
01:00:16...while the temporary sins would have made her meditate...
01:00:19...and in fact she did...
01:00:21...and she was welcomed into Heaven.
01:00:26Every man...
01:00:28...should naturally enjoy...
01:00:30...the original justice...
01:00:33...and not be judged by the sin of Adam...
01:00:36...as soon as he is accused of the sin of his ancestor.
01:00:42...if someone is born...
01:00:44...with the grace of having been conceived without sin...
01:00:48...it will not be for his own merit...
01:00:51...but for the merit of Jesus...
01:00:53...because he would have the original sin...
01:00:55...if Christ...
01:00:57...did not prevent it with grace.
01:01:03...since grace can be conferred after the first moment...
01:01:06...it can also be conferred before the first moment.
01:01:12God has that power...
01:01:14...because he is omnipotent...
01:01:17...as he certainly did with Mary.
01:01:21He deserved that love...
01:01:23...enduring the pain of life in an exemplary way.
01:01:29Has he won?
01:01:31Not yet...
01:01:32...my brothers' replica is missing.
01:01:40In view of the hour...
01:01:41...an interval will be made...
01:01:43...so that each one can rest...
01:01:46...and pray.
01:01:51I think one of them has convinced himself.
01:01:56Like me.
01:01:57Congratulations, brother.
01:01:59Very good.
01:02:00It has been very beautiful.
01:02:03We are impressed, brother John.
01:02:12Congratulations, John.
01:02:13What words, what words.
01:02:16Congratulations, John.
01:02:18What words, what words.
01:02:20We did it.
01:02:24I'll talk to him.
01:02:26I agree.
01:02:38...I must apologize.
01:02:41For all the times I have spoken ill of you.
01:02:44When did you speak ill of me?
01:02:46In each of his classes.
01:02:54I am happy...
01:02:56...and you?
01:02:58Are you happy?
01:03:03How did you know?
01:03:06Cursing, Louis...
01:03:08...is a consequence of unhappiness.
01:03:11And what should I do?
01:03:14You must go...
01:03:15...to where your heart holds its treasure.
01:03:18And what does that mean?
01:03:22What did you think this morning...
01:03:24...when you woke up?
01:03:35The girl who brings the flowers.
01:03:41Do you hear the bells?
01:03:46She is in the church.
01:03:48Wait for her outside.
01:03:54...can I become a saint?
01:03:55You can only do that.
01:03:59Can I follow your teachings, Master?
01:04:02God's affairs are for everyone.
01:04:04He does not make distinctions.
01:04:06Reach for her...
01:04:08...even if you have to arrive late.
01:04:14Maria, I must talk to you.
01:04:16Let me go.
01:04:17It will only be a moment.
01:04:19It is better not.
01:04:21It is not convenient.
01:04:23I have made a decision.
01:04:27I want...
01:04:28...to marry you.
01:04:30Why are you telling me this?
01:04:33You made me think.
01:04:35I have not done anything.
01:04:37But I am in love with you.
01:04:41It is not possible.
01:04:44...is impossible for God.
01:04:50God has chosen another path for you.
01:04:54And I have not.
01:05:05Are you sure?
01:05:09I have spoken to Father John.
01:05:11And he has given me his blessing.
01:05:19You belong to a rich family.
01:05:21While I...
01:05:26...are the only wealth that interests me on earth.
01:05:31After our Lord?
01:05:33Of course.
01:05:37Maria, I want to start a family.
01:05:41But I do not know how.
01:05:47He is offering me what I have always wanted.
01:06:12What do you think?
01:06:13It is beautiful, isn't it?
01:06:14Yes, very beautiful.
01:06:16But if they find you, they will expel you from the university.
01:06:18They will not return until in an hour.
01:06:21What are you doing?
01:06:25We just thought that...
01:06:26Get out of there.
01:06:27Let me see it.
01:06:28There is no one better than Father John Duns Scoto.
01:06:32Why didn't you wait a little?
01:06:34Do you doubt his victory?
01:06:36No, not at all.
01:06:37But I don't think he likes it.
01:06:39Take it away.
01:06:40But we have already...
01:06:41I said take it away.
01:06:51I will keep it and put it back once I have won.
01:06:53I will keep it.
01:06:59And it is true.
01:07:09Scoto's theses are convincing and nothing can beat them.
01:07:12Although it is disconcerting, we must admit it.
01:07:14You can not contradict the teachings of the doctors of the church.
01:07:18But what can we answer that is reasonably valid?
01:07:21Brother Thomas and other great teachers have not been able to be wrong.
01:07:26There must be something we can answer.
01:07:28There certainly is.
01:07:30And if no one has the courage to face him, I will do it myself.
01:07:34As I have already announced to you the papal envoys.
01:07:36Let's take advantage of the time, you may be right.
01:07:38You are the example of the disaster that Scoto can cause with his theses.
01:07:43We must win this dispute.
01:07:47I have the right question.
01:08:01It will be arranged as you wish.
01:08:03My partner is not in condition.
01:08:06And since we defend the same arguments.
01:08:09He has asked me to replace him to continue the dispute.
01:08:13That would be against the rules of the dispute.
01:08:16It is true.
01:08:17But it could be an exception.
01:08:19My partner is not in a condition to continue.
01:08:23If Master John does not mind.
01:08:28I ask permission to withdraw to consult with my brothers.
01:08:33If so, I have no problem.
01:08:35Do the papal envoys approve?
01:08:39So be it.
01:09:05Congratulations. The flowers are beautiful.
01:09:36Have you noticed that man?
01:09:42He loves Our Lady more than anyone else in this university.
01:09:46How do you know?
01:09:49By the way he moves.
01:09:58Shall we go back to the convent?
01:10:01Shall we go back to the convent?
01:10:12Let's read a verse of the scriptures.
01:10:16What do you want me to read?
01:10:32Where do you open?
01:10:42If he spoke the language of men and angels.
01:10:46And he had no charity.
01:10:49It would be like a metal that resonates and a plate that tingles.
01:10:56Read louder.
01:11:00You know I can not hear well.
01:11:06If he spoke the language of men and angels.
01:11:12And he had no charity.
01:11:15It would be like a metal that resonates and a plate that tingles.
01:11:19And if he had the gift of prophecy.
01:11:22And knew all the mysteries and all science.
01:11:25And possessed the fullness of faith.
01:11:30And knew all the mysteries and all science.
01:11:36Charity is patient.
01:11:38Charity is benign.
01:11:40It is not greedy.
01:11:42It does not show off.
01:11:44It does not lack respect.
01:11:46It does not seek its own interest.
01:11:48It does not get angry.
01:11:50It does not hold a grudge.
01:11:52It does not enjoy injustice.
01:11:54It does not enjoy injustice.
01:11:56But it complies with the truth.
01:11:58Everything covers it.
01:12:00Everything believes.
01:12:02Everything endures.
01:12:04Charity has no end.
01:12:06The prophecies will disappear.
01:12:08The gift of the language will cease and science will vanish.
01:12:12Our conscience is imperfect.
01:12:14And imperfect is our prophecy.
01:12:23John, why do not you want to continue?
01:12:25Everyone has understood that discomfort is just an excuse.
01:12:29To replace the first rival.
01:12:31For a more skilled speaker.
01:12:36I do not feel capable.
01:12:37You have to accept the challenge.
01:12:38You are above them.
01:12:39You will win easily.
01:12:44If you ask me, I will continue.
01:12:46But if I could choose from the heart.
01:12:49I would not do it.
01:12:51Voice of someone who screams in the desert.
01:12:54Prepare the path of the Lord.
01:12:56Straighten the paths.
01:12:58That every hole is filled and every bump is smoothed.
01:13:04That's what the Holy Scriptures say.
01:13:07It is true.
01:13:08What you think about the Immaculate Conception.
01:13:11It will do a great service to Catholic doctrine.
01:13:14Our brothers are right, John.
01:13:17I can not force you to continue.
01:13:20But I know you quite well.
01:13:22And I order you to tell us.
01:13:24The real reason why you do not want to continue the dispute.
01:13:30Continue the challenge with the second rival.
01:13:36It would mean humiliating the first in front of everyone.
01:13:40It would not be a Christian charity to do it.
01:13:47Dear Father Scott.
01:13:50The fact that you do not want to humiliate your opponent.
01:13:53It honors you.
01:13:55It is an honor to the Franciscan priest.
01:13:59Even so, I exhort you to continue.
01:14:02Before, listening to you.
01:14:04You have dismantled everything as soon as I believed.
01:14:06After a life dedicated to the study.
01:14:10Everything you say.
01:14:12About our Mother Mary.
01:14:14It is for the whole Church.
01:14:16And it is good that it is marked with the exemplarity of a victory.
01:14:21This will lead to modify the way of teaching at this university.
01:14:25You have never lacked courage.
01:14:30I ...
01:14:32Two years ago.
01:14:34I signed the letter of the king against the Pope.
01:14:36And I should not do it.
01:14:38But you ...
01:14:42If you ask me, if it is for the Church, I will continue.
01:14:47And with the grace of God, I will win.
01:14:54He will do it. He will do it.
01:14:57Let's go.
01:15:07Mary was conceived like everyone else.
01:15:11Of the union between a man and a woman.
01:15:14Her flesh was obviously infected.
01:15:18Like all men.
01:15:20The body pollutes the soul.
01:15:22And so the body made the soul of Mary.
01:15:27Although the infection remains in the body of the child.
01:15:32After baptism.
01:15:34Sin is eliminated by grace.
01:15:36Tell me.
01:15:38Can God inadvertently pass ...
01:15:41The first moment of conception?
01:15:44Could escape a single moment of time ...
01:15:47To the one who is the master of eternity?
01:15:52It will be stronger ...
01:15:55The nature of the body.
01:15:58It will be stronger ...
01:16:01The nature of the soul.
01:16:03It will be stronger ...
01:16:06The addicted nature to infect ...
01:16:09Than the grace to sanctify?
01:16:13In the first moment of conception.
01:16:15He infused grace into the soul of Mary.
01:16:26If Adam had not sinned.
01:16:28The men ...
01:16:30Would have been transported directly from a state of grace.
01:16:34To a state of glory.
01:16:35After a period of time.
01:16:39The Virgin.
01:16:41Did not contract.
01:16:43The sin of Adam.
01:16:46So she is granted.
01:16:47The privilege.
01:16:49Of which.
01:16:50Derives the principle.
01:16:52Of immunity from corruption.
01:16:55And the assumption to heaven.
01:16:57Of body and soul.
01:17:00But the Virgin is dead.
01:17:03It is dead.
01:17:07Admit it.
01:17:08We must say that it is dead.
01:17:10Not as a result of the original sin.
01:17:12That did not commit.
01:17:15But to faithfully imitate Jesus.
01:17:23You can die of love.
01:17:27The song of songs.
01:17:30O son of Jerusalem.
01:17:31I beg you.
01:17:32If you find the man I long to tell him.
01:17:34That I die of love.
01:17:36Support me with flowers.
01:17:37Comfort me with grenades.
01:17:39Because I die of love.
01:17:41Before the day dies.
01:17:43And the shadows are diluted.
01:17:47O my longing.
01:17:51It is as strong as death.
01:18:00It is as strong as death.
01:18:03It is as strong as death.
01:18:06It is as strong as death.
01:18:09It is as strong as death.
01:18:12It is as strong as death.
01:18:15It is as strong as death.
01:18:18It is as strong as death.
01:18:21It is as strong as death.
01:18:24It is as strong as death.
01:18:27It is as strong as death.
01:18:30It is as strong as death.
01:18:33It is as strong as death.
01:18:36It is as strong as death.
01:18:39It is as strong as death.
01:18:42It is as strong as death.
01:18:45It is as strong as death.
01:18:48It is as strong as death.
01:18:51It is as strong as death.
01:18:54It is as strong as death.
01:18:57It is as strong as death.
01:19:14John Scotus won the dispute at the University of Paris in 1305.
01:19:23He died in Cologne three years later, in 1308.
01:19:30On December 8, 1854, Pius IX solemnly proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
01:20:00John Duns Scotus was beatified on March 20, 1993 by John Paul II.
