00:00Abundant Life Weight Loss, they know the secret to losing up to one pound of fat every day.
00:04Go to, and before these guys even can utter a word, let me say
00:13that that interview with Ramona Shelbourne yesterday was phenomenal.
00:18Like she is great.
00:19She's great.
00:20She didn't want to leave, which was awesome.
00:21She's great.
00:22She's tapped.
00:23Yeah, we let her go, and she was like, so what was your favorite part of the interview?
00:32Which I think was my favorite part of the interview.
00:36But no, yeah, she's awesome, and she's done a lot.
00:38It was very clear.
00:39I hope to anybody listening, man, she has met with and done a lot of work on Jimmy Butler
00:45in the last couple of months, and I think that was why it was, that was about as inside
00:52and deep as I think we've been able to get on anything with Jimmy so far.
00:56Pretty cool.
00:57Sounds like not a lot of people also get that access to Jimmy Butler.
01:00There's not a lot of people that he, I don't know if it's trust, but he just doesn't seem
01:04like the kind of guy that, like he's very private.
01:06You know, he shows up to work.
01:07He works hard when he's motivated, when he's taken care of, when he feels like he's valued,
01:11and so the fact that she was able to get all that information means like she's got something
01:16not a lot of reporters do.
01:18Not only on Jimmy, but also the people around Jimmy and executives and other teams, and
01:23you know, when you have that level of reporting or reportage, Stiney, when you have that level
01:28of experience, then you can get a full like 360 on a story, and she brought that yesterday,
01:33and she was awesome.
01:34Agents, too.
01:35Don't forget agents.
01:37Agents, execs, players, and everything.
01:38A lot of relationships.
01:39No doubt.
01:40A lot of relationships.
01:41But anyway, what she was kind of talking about with the warrior culture, I thought was maybe
01:46the most interesting thing that kind of came out of that with regard to the whole like
01:51people talk about heat culture, and you've talked a lot about heat culture, and people
01:57have a lot of reverence for it, but maybe it wasn't in the long run for Jimmy because
02:04heat culture is also, to a degree, you keep the players in line.
02:09You kind of keep them under the Pat Riley law, and the warriors let people be themselves
02:14a lot more, and maybe that's why Jimmy's thriving, or maybe it's just because Jimmy
02:18just got here.
02:19We'll find out.
02:20Well, you know what I thought of when she brought that up, and I know exactly what you're
02:23talking about.
02:24She basically said the players that are drafted into Miami, there's heat culture because they
02:31get there as a young player, and they either do it or they don't.
02:35Don't know any otherwise.
02:36Butler joined, I guess, when he was 30, and he'd already been a veteran, and it reminded
02:42me a little of Kevin Durant.
02:44You know, Curry and Clay and Draymond, they built the warriors' culture.
02:50KD came when he was established, and he never really totally bought into it with the whole
02:57playing with joy thing.
02:58In fact, I kind of felt like at times he kind of denigrated it a little bit, but I thought
03:03of Durant as she was describing Butler and the way he felt about the heat.
03:08It's an interesting comp, and also just something that I think, I don't know, I don't think
03:14of that stuff when we're talking about players, or even if we're talking about anything else.
03:19It's kind of like someone who grew up in California next to the ocean versus someone who grew
03:23up in Nebraska.
03:25Like if you grew up in Nebraska, first time you see the beach, you're like, holy hell,
03:30what is that?
03:31But we wake up and drive by it every day, and so that's just kind of like part of our
03:36existence, and we don't even think twice about it.
03:38Your commute.
03:39Yeah, I wonder.
03:40Golden Gate Bridge.
03:41Yeah, Golden Gate Bridge.
03:42I know.
03:44You gotta pay another eight bucks.
03:45This dump.
03:46Dude, I did the bridge three times yesterday, or a bridge three times yesterday, so eight
03:51times three.
03:52But, anyway.
03:53Dude, triple up, uh, uh, uh.
03:55I will say, and I make sure to do this, but when you come out of the tunnel and you're
04:00going down to the bridge.
04:01Robin Williams.
04:02I make sure to, like, sort of say thanks every day.
04:07Every single day.
04:08And I'm glad you do that, because when I lived in Marin, the same thing, because you come
04:11out of the tunnel, and you do that first little one-two, and then it's just like, pow!
04:14If it's sunny, I just, I don't know if there's a better, I don't know if there's a better
04:20angle at a better city in the world, at least not that I've been to.
04:23You're probably right, because, I mean, you come out, and you do that quick one-two, and
04:26then you look, and it's like downtown to your left, and then that first tower, and you got
04:31the headlands to the right, and it's blue sky, and it's like, man, wow.
04:35It's such a great view.
04:37You better be careful when you're driving, dude, because you, you, stop looking at the
04:42It is so easy to get distracted, but no, that's, uh.
04:44I was just going to say, it's actually, I feel like it's better when you're going up
04:48into the tunnel, but of course, you're supposed to be focused on the road, but it's, there's
04:52a little more view of also the East Bay as you're going up into the tunnel, and so there's
04:57like a five-second gap where you can kind of turn your head and take a peek, but then
05:02you got to focus up.
05:06It's awesome.
05:08And you get a little bit of, like, a little piece of Tiburon, and like you're saying,
05:09like, you know, El Cerrito and Richmond, and you can get the East Bay where you grew up,
05:12so you get a little bit of a homecoming feel as you head northbound on 101 into the Robin
05:17Williams Tunnel, and just wait until you get through the tunnel, because then it's going
05:21to be gridlocked now.
05:23All the way into the Novato Narrows.
05:24Enjoy that.
05:25And of all the places, of all the places in the Bay, that's probably the best place to
05:29get stuck in traffic.
05:31Not bad.
05:32It's not bad.
05:34I mean, you'd rather be there than the Bay Bridge looking at those steel girders.
05:36Not bad, but at least when you get to, like, Golden Gate Fields, rest in peace, you can
05:41decide either I'm going to go, I'm going to get off and I'm going to go San Pablo, and
05:46I'm going to, like, you know, go all the way through and meander, or you go Frontage Road.
05:51You got options.
05:52When you get to that.
05:53That's true.
05:54That spot in Marin.
05:55You can go through Mill Valley and up and over into Cordo Madera, and you can meander
05:58into Larkspur and the whole thing, but that's a losing game now.
06:02I know how to beat traffic.
06:03I can give you, everybody who lives here, one secret that'll beat traffic.
06:08I love it.
06:09You want to save it for off-air?
06:10Go live in L.A. for a decade.
06:11Oh, yeah.
06:12Because then, like, yeah.
06:13Then come back.
06:14Dude, I mean.
06:15You will laugh at all traffic here in the Bay for the rest of your life.
06:18That's fair.
06:19It's all relative.
06:20I was in L.A. for five years in college and five glorious junior years at Cal State Northridge.
06:26The five best junior years any man could ever want.
06:29And there were a couple times where I had to go from the valley up and over the hill
06:33into, like, downtown L.A., and it's about 15 miles, four hours.
06:41Four hours.
06:42It's not.
06:43It's not workable.
06:44It's just flat out not workable.
06:45Oh, then you get off and you try to take Sepulveda, because it's like the surface street.
06:49Four and a half hours.
06:51You're just in L.A., you're just allowed to be late because everyone's like, yeah, I get
06:59Oh, you're like, oh, why don't you think ahead?
07:00Did you want me to leave at eight in the morning for my six p.m. flight?
07:03Like, what do you want me to do?
07:05I can't think ahead like that.
07:07You just blow the entire day.
07:09It's absolutely out of control.
07:11I mean, you guys are both Marin guys.
07:15Have they finally finished the Novato Narrows yet?
07:18Because that can be a bear.
07:20Oh, it is.
07:22Still a bear.
07:23Still a bear.
07:24But that's pretty tough.
07:25Well, because they're trying to do three lanes all the way from Novato up to Santa Rosa.
07:26And I think they're close.
07:28But I do believe there are still a couple of stretches.
07:30I can confirm it's not finished.
07:32Not finished.
07:34Mr. Windsor over here.
07:35Which, I mean, Windsor might as well be Eureka by the time you get through, like, and Grandy.
07:40Because Windsor, for those of you who don't know, is north of Santa Rosa, which is I mean,
07:44when I was a kid in Petaluma in 1976, there was no such thing as Windsor.
07:49I mean, it was I think it was an idea.
07:51I mean, it was like a it was a construct.
07:53What happens first?
07:55Three lanes north of Novato or Brock Purdy wins a Super Bowl?
07:59Three lanes north of Novato.
08:02What do you mean no?
08:03What do you mean no?
08:06All right.
08:07That's so great.
08:08All right.
08:09Well, that's like from the time I was a kid.
08:10That's a great transition.
08:11I appreciate it.
08:12No problem.
08:13I don't know.
08:14Some traffic just it just takes forever.
08:15Like, I feel like on 880, they were building in Oakland from the time I was born.
08:19I think they just finished like a couple of years ago.
08:20So I finally came back and it was it was all done.
08:24What do you think that Brock Purdy is worried more about now is his contract, the Super
08:28Bowl or Michael McCorkle Jones?
08:32I love McCorkle.
08:33And you've been doing it all day.
08:34I appreciate it.
08:35McCorkle is one of the most fun.
08:36And it brings to mind, Dibbs, you'll remember this, right?
08:40Like the the Trey Lance draft.
08:42And this is before I got here.
08:44But I made I made a bet.
08:46I made a bet and a promise about McCorkle Jones.
08:51And it was that if the Niners actually traded all of that capital to go up to number three
08:57and draft Mac Jones, I would walk from my home to his first start at Levi's Stadium.
09:04And we had a whole thing mapped out.
09:06We were when you were down living in Santa Clara.
09:08What's that?
09:11Four blocks away.
09:12I was like, we were going to do like a weekend walk.
09:15We were going to get in touch with hotels and try to I was going to turn in, see if
09:18we could turn into a charity event or something like that, because people were like, no, this
09:22is happening.
09:24And I'll never forget.
09:25It felt frozen in time when Goodell came to the microphone and I was looking to see what
09:31his lips come together or not to make the month.
09:36And they didn't.
09:37And they sort of made a chip chip like they just they didn't quite come together.
09:41And this is out of Minnesota.
09:43I was so excited.
09:44I was so excited.
09:45Little did I know that neither one of them would be good, but, you know, that's that's
09:49the end of the story.
09:50So that's got to be about fifty five or sixty miles.
09:54And it reminds me of a bet I made back when I was doing Christian Radio and shout out
09:59Larry Olsen.
10:00And I hope you're listening.
10:01But it was Trey Lance Armstrong had just won the Tour de France and then he got cancer.
10:07And so I made an on air bet with my then radio host that there's no way he wins it again.
10:12And if he does, I'll ride my bike from Pac Bell Park, three car, whatever it was, all
10:19the way down to the HP Pavilion.
10:21So come to find out Lance Armstrong comes back and he goes back to back.
10:25So next thing you know, on my birthday, which had to be two thousand and Jesus had to be
10:30like two thousand and nine or something.
10:32I don't even know how long by 206 I get on my bike and my my buddy Larry Olsen shows
10:38up on his bike and we ride our bikes from Pac Bell Park to HP Pavilion serious.
10:45Fifty miles.
10:47It wasn't your first 50 mile jaunt, though.
10:49This was my first 50 mile jaunt on a bike.
10:51But you would have another.
10:54Oh, yeah.
10:57So this had to be like, oh, five or six.
10:58You get to take it back.
10:59Now that you know that Lance cheated.
11:00No, because I mean, well, it's funny you say that because you didn't get it.
11:04No, I mapped it out.
11:05And the majority of it is on El Camino Real.
11:08So an El Camino Real goes from San Bruno all the way down to San Jose ever, actually, forever.
11:14But how do you get from San Francisco to the El Camino, the El Camino Real?
11:18So I kind of plodded away and unfortunately, part of it did involve us riding on the freeway
11:23on Highway 101 for about a quarter mile.
11:27I'm on the freeway with this guy and he every time we pass somebody, you know, it was a
11:32Christian radio station and he's like, Jesus loves you.
11:36And, you know, people are knee, knee, knee, the whole thing was fueled by Jesus.
11:41People can love Jesus.
11:43I mean, we made it.
11:44It's a long ride now.
11:45Long ride.
11:46On air bets.
11:47Thank God.
11:48Am I right?
11:49You're listening to 95.7 The Game, KGMZ FM and HD1 San Francisco, always live on the
11:53free Odyssey app, Twitch and YouTube powered by First NorCal Credit Union.
11:57You guys aren't of the belief, though, that there's like a hidden meaning.
12:02Oh, well.
12:03Come on.
12:04Come on.
12:05Come on.
12:06Come on.
12:07Come on.
12:08Come on.
12:09Sign a backup quarterback for three and a half milly a year.
12:10Come on.
12:11Two year deal.
12:12Come on.
12:13Come on.
12:14My first thought.
12:15Come on, people.
12:16When I saw Matt Jones, my first thought was, oh boy, did Brock Purdy just take a pay cut?
12:22Oh, God.
12:24That's what I thought.
12:26Because he doesn't have any leverage.
12:31And if they're.
12:32Yes, he does.
12:33What if they're resetting?
12:34Well, what does that mean?
12:35Well, it means that.
12:36I actually thought he'd gotten leverage, but that's just, you know, me.
12:39I mean, I just.
12:40Yeah, you hate that.
12:41I just refuse to believe that they might.
12:45I don't.
12:46Here's how I'll put it.
12:47I'm not ruling out that they may have a couple little plans.
12:52This is a cop out.
12:53I'm not ruling it out.
12:55That way you don't have to put your name on it.
12:57Stand on it.
12:58He did earlier.
12:59Stand on what you say.
13:00Stand on what you do.
13:02Stand on it.
13:04I mean.
13:06Hey, Draymond, I will.
13:07Stand on what you say.
13:08I mean.
13:09What are you saying, Matt?
13:10Stand on what you say.
13:11I have never been more convinced of how cutthroat the NFL is.
13:16Well, that's true.
13:17And if the 49ers, for whatever reason, think that we may have to take a step back before
13:22we take a step forward, then you go to Brock and you say, hey, look, we love you.
13:29In fact, we love you so much.
13:32We're going to pay you a lot more than we just gave Mac Jones.
13:36We're prepared to offer you free coffee for now.
13:40We're prepared to offer you forty million dollars over two years.
13:44Forty million over two years, twenty a year.
13:48Yeah, I mean, that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but you know, that would be what would he
13:55I forget.
13:56What would he do?
13:57Cousins is still out there.
13:59What would he do?
14:00His agent would climb across the table and punch Lynch in the face.
14:04I wouldn't advise it.
14:05I wouldn't either.
14:06That probably hurt him.
14:07I mean, the Hall of Fame hitter, Roussini literally already said a week ago, this report
14:13about an offer of forty five a didn't happen is actually thirty and B would be disrespectful.
14:19So you still think he's going to get fifty?
14:26I mean, if I'm wrong, if I'm wrong, like, yeah, first of all, it's not the APY, but
14:33if it's not 50, it's going to be damn near it.
14:37Damn near it.
14:38And maybe and maybe significantly more.
14:41But I like.
14:42Well, I think it's going to be one of those contracts we're going to see and then we're
14:46going to need to really see.
14:48I think the leverage the Niners will use is in the years, not in the average and the guaranteed.
14:53Of course.
14:55I think that the years are a lot shorter than what we would have thought based on everything
15:01that we've seen them do this offseason.
15:04I don't think that it's going to be five years.
15:07Will it be four years?
15:08It might.
15:09It could be three and one sixty five, which would be fifty five per and you would have
15:15about eighty five million guaranteed, which would mean you pay him a good amount of cash
15:21up front, even though they haven't been doing a lot of cash up front lately.
15:24I do think that this team right now is in a mode of being more flexible.
15:29I think that they're going to they're going to invest in Brock.
15:32They're going to give him a big number in average annual.
15:37But it doesn't mean that he's going to recoup all of it.
15:39I think that, you know, the Mac Jones part is he's a backup.
15:43I'm more triggered by the fact that it's him that they brought back.
15:47Like if you liked him so much, why didn't you just draft him at number eleven or twelve
15:51or whatever it was four years ago instead of blowing all those picks for Trey Lance?
15:57That's something that we'll get into and something that I will definitely speak on.
16:01But for me, it's not about average annual.
16:02I'm more interested in how many years they give Brock.
16:05That for me is more indicative of just how sold they are on Brock.
16:11Whatever anybody thinks about this conversation, how often have you known Shanahan, Lynch and
16:17Jed York to grab microphones and lie to the public at that kind of a level?
16:24When have you ever seen that before?
16:26I could argue they're too honest.
16:28I could absolutely argue that they're too honest, but they said they were going to trade
16:33What's that?
16:34They said they were going to trade Jimmy.
16:36And they tried like hell.
16:37Then Jimmy had surgery and messed with the whole thing.
16:40But like when they have said repeatedly, we hope he's the quarterback for the rest of
16:46our tenure here, repeatedly, repeatedly.
16:51You think they're full of it?
16:53You think they're not full of it?
16:54John Lynch said that two weeks ago.
16:57You think he's not going to sign Matt Jones to three and a half years or three and a half
17:01million per year for two years and just undo all of that?
17:06I go back to the salad days of Ronald Reagan.
17:10Trust but verify.
17:14No, I know.
17:15The other thing.
17:16That's what he said about the Russians building the nuclear bomb.
17:19How did it go?
17:20I think they verified.
17:22You know what that is?
17:23And it was just a verification.
17:26Look at you.
17:27The other thing is, like, I feel like we've we never really know how Kyle feels in his
17:34heart of hearts about a quarterback.
17:37I just do.
17:38I that's interesting comment.
17:40I think he's I think he's pretty sold on Matt Ryan.
17:45And do you think you're with an eye?
17:48And I wonder, like, the whole idea of this being his call, I don't believe that it's
17:52his call.
17:53And the prevailing notion is that Trey Lance wasn't his call.
17:57He was all smitten on Matt Jones.
17:59And yet you wound up with Trey Lance.
18:01And you look at all these moves they're making this offseason.
18:05Do you think that he wanted to get rid of Debo Samuel?
18:08I don't.
18:09Because what a Debo immediately say, he's like, that man right there is my guy.
18:13And Kyle and I will be forever friends and we're brothers and all the rest of it.
18:17So I don't think that Kyle Shanahan has the say that we all think he has.
18:21He has a voice, but I don't think that he is the one making all the calls.
18:25Well, that's the thing.
18:26If if if I heard this a lot yesterday, is that, well, this proves that Shanahan wanted
18:31Matt Jones back then.
18:33If if that's the case, then we've all been wrong about Kyle's clout.
18:39Do you think that it proves that?
18:41No, I don't necessarily.
18:43But all I'm saying is, if you are telling me now four years later, Kyle did want Matt
18:47Jones was either talked out of it or told we really don't want to go in that direction.
18:54Well, then Shanahan hasn't had the power that we've all thought for all this time.
18:58One thing no one would ever get me to believe, and I'm not I'm not a source reporter on this.
19:03If he wanted Matt Jones and didn't take him, it's because he was convinced otherwise, not
19:09because he got overruled.
19:11Convinced by others.
19:13Otherwise, no zero, in my opinion, based on conversations I've had to a degree, zero chance
19:20that Kyle got overruled at the number three draft pick for a quarterback.
19:24Zero chance.
19:26Could someone have changed his mind?
19:28That's a maybe.
19:29But there's no way somebody came in with a hammer and went, you are not taking who you
19:34We're taking somebody else.
19:35Let me say, if they would call the two, whoever you take costs the same amount.
19:39I'm just saying, somebody says, if you're wrong, well, you got to ride to San Jose.
19:44Oh, yeah.
19:45That's going to be a bear.
19:46On what?
19:47In a car?
19:48On a bike.
19:49On a train?
19:50A bicycle.
19:51I ain't riding no bike.
19:52Oh, yeah.
19:53I'm not doing that.
19:55I did.
19:56I did.
19:57I did a long bike ride one time.
19:58A charity event down in Southern California.
20:00Long Beach, 35 miles.
20:03It's never going to happen again.
20:04What you think is going to be the hard part, it's not the leg fatigue.
20:08It's the saddle fatigue.
20:10It's the chafing.
20:11It is.
20:12Go ahead and cut that, Grady.
20:13It's the chafing.
20:15It's the saddle muscle.
20:17Because what you don't realize is it takes a lot of muscle to be able to keep yourself
20:21centered on a bike.
20:23Your butt hurts.
20:24It's not so much the butt.
20:25It's the famunda.
20:26I don't even know what that is.
20:27It's the from under muscle.
20:29It's also like-
20:30John Famunda?
20:31White Lee.
20:32This is John Facenda.
20:34Just north of the perennium.
20:36It's the famunda.
20:37Oh, God.
20:38I don't know what's happening right now.
20:39We're going to get some anatomy talk.
20:41In the crossover.
20:42Doc Pandy coming up at 6.05.
20:43What is going on here?
20:45Our show's over at 6, Grady.
20:47God, put down the chips and pay attention, you two.
20:50Say something, Evan.
20:51What do you have on this?
20:53I mean, I think Matt Jones stinks, but I also think what is interesting about this whole
20:59offseason is I think there is a changing of the power.
21:04It feels like Kyle Shanahan has less say about this roster, maybe even Lynch to some extent.
21:11I just don't believe that they're willing to completely lean into what they're doing,
21:16which is punt on this season.
21:18The fact that they have cut so many costs and have been willing to eat so much dead
21:22money, I think that indicates to me they do want to pay their quarterback, but I still
21:27don't really know what he's going to have around him besides a lot of young players.
21:31And I think it's risky because while homegrown teams are generally successful and you got
21:37to build from within, they're putting a lot of pressure on this upcoming draft and the
21:42future comp picks that they're recouping to use next year.
21:46And getting cheaper is a strategy, but that also generally means you get worse.
21:49And I just think that we were all under the impression that this year was a perfect storm
21:54in the wrong way.
21:56And I just don't see a reason to tear this thing down to the studs.
22:00Now they haven't completely done it yet, but they haven't really made a move to me that
22:04indicates that they're focused on maximizing next year.
22:09That's fair.
22:10I don't think this is a teardown.
22:12I don't think they're being cheap.
22:14I don't even know that they're saving money.
22:16And this gets all convoluted and whatnot, but the 49ers are not, quote, saving money.
22:23They're still going to be paying out a ton on the dead cap.
22:27This is about cash in hand and all of those bonus figures and will they fill their cap
22:32back up?
22:34I just think that when we say, oh, it's risky to go trust that some young people will start,
22:42I think it's equally risky to put a bunch of players who were either underperforming
22:47or hurt last year back out on the field and rely on them.
22:50That's what burned them last year.
22:51I do think it's possible that maybe they will pay Brock Purdy because they believe
22:57that he's a heck of a young quarterback and that, at the same time, this iteration may
23:03be winding down.
23:05And the reason we're going to sign Purdy is because he's going to grow with this younger
23:11group that's coming in, whether it's Pearsall and Pooney and who else?
23:19I know you're thinking offense, but yeah, they have some good young players.
23:24I think they think Pearsall is going to be awesome.
23:27Well, he better be.
23:30He better be.
23:31I mean, you've got him and Juwan and Demarcus Robinson, if he's allowed to play, Jacob Cowling,
23:39and you sign Demarcus Robinson, he's looking at at least a two-game suspension.
23:43Aiyuk's out for four, so I mean, yeah.
23:47We don't actually know any of that yet.
23:49We don't know how many games any of those guys are going to miss.
23:51We don't know that Demarcus is going to be suspended.
23:54That's possible.
23:55It's probable.
23:56We don't know that Brandon Aiyuk is out four games.
23:59That's also probable.
24:00I mean, yeah, sure.
24:03It's going to be fascinating.
24:04I mean, we've watched a lot of NFL teams do a lot of things with Watt at the wide receiver
24:10Chiefs have just been doing it for three years, right?
24:15Yes sir.
24:16All right.
24:17Hey, if you guys get off the show tonight and want to pop over to Public Market Emeryville,
24:23feel free to join Guru and myself, Warriors Watch Party, Public Market Emeryville, and
24:29now I'm going to go effort the credit card from Matt Nahegian on 95.7 The Game.
24:34Good luck.