• 20 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il welfare aziendale nella strategia Hr conta esattamente quanto le altre variabili in mano alle Hr per la motivazione e la sostenibilità dell'employment ed è una novità, perché in realtà il welfare nasce come un una variabile esclusivamente finanziaria, perché si potevano realizzare a un costo minore dei vantaggi, spesso molto basilari per le persone. Oggi in realtà il welfare è il passaggio obbligato per realizzare qualcosa di molto più complesso e molto più richiesto all'interno dell'azienda, che è il wellness”. Lo ha detto all’Adnkronos Paolo Le Pera, Head of Design & Experience - PMI People & Culture Philip Morris International, intervenuto nel corso della terza edizione del Welfare Day, evento dedicato al welfare aziendale, organizzato da Comunicazione Italiana in collaborazione con Pluxee Italia, partner leader a livello globale nel settore dei benefit aziendali e dell’engagement dei dipendenti a Palazzo dell’Informazione a Roma.


00:00Dr. Levera, in your experience, how much does the corporate welfare count today in the HR strategy?
00:10It counts exactly as much as the other variables in the hands of HR for the motivation and sustainability of employment.
00:20And this is a novelty, because let's not forget that the welfare was born as an exclusive financial variable a long time ago,
00:30because in this way, at a lower cost, very basic advantages could be achieved for people, vouchers, etc.
00:40Today, in fact, welfare is the required step to achieve something much more complex and much more required within the company, which is wellness.
00:50Today, welfare always achieves, with an acceptable cost, possibilities that are no longer financial convenience possibilities for employees,
01:04but it achieves possibilities that allow employees to better manage their working and extra-working life.
01:12I think of all the support made for families, ascendants and descendants, but also many other variables.
01:20So, welfare today allows us at HR to have both a lever to achieve something positive for employees in their management of their work and private life,
01:32but also something that can be used by HR within the company to convince and build a wellness culture,
01:42where the results are better than in companies where this does not exist.
01:49I must say with pleasure that there are very few companies in which this does not exist,
01:54because now it has become a basic factor, a commodity, an almost hygienic factor that must be present in all companies.
