• 3 minutes ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è svolto a Roma, nella suggestiva cornice di Villa Miani, il Global Welfare Summit, il più importante evento sul welfare globale in Italia. Dieci i pilastri del concetto di ‘welfare globale’, coniato dall’osservatorio Italian Welfare: previdenza, sanità, genitorialità, caregiving, coperture assicurative per grandi rischi - premorienza, invalidità e non autosufficienza -, work-life integration, wellbeing fisico e psicologico, formazione e crescita personale, misure di sostegno al reddito ed educazione al welfare.


00:00The global welfare of the individual is translated into his ability to face the main needs
00:09thanks to the tools of welfare at his disposal on ten pillars, including
00:13Providence, Health, Parenthood, Caregiving, Insurance coverage for major risks, Invalidity and Work-Life Integration.
00:21It is the subject on which the innovative concept of global welfare is based, coined by the Italian Welfare Observatory.
00:27It was mentioned during the first edition of the Global Welfare Summit, the most important event on global welfare in Italy,
00:34held in Villa Miani in Rome, organized by Italian Welfare and sponsored by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.
00:42The data of our observatory have shown that there is a big difference between small and medium enterprises and large enterprises.
00:50In particular, let's say that small enterprises, still only in 16% of cases, introduce additional measures compared to contractual ones,
01:00while large enterprises are assessed above 70%.
01:04We have launched some proposals for the relaunch of the global welfare of workers.
01:08One concerns complementary providence and, in particular, the introduction of mandatory coverages for major risks within pension funds.
01:17The second measure concerns the integrative health, which needs to be regulated more,
01:23it must be more inclusive and dedicated to categories of subjects that today cannot afford it.
01:30And finally, it is necessary to promote the dissemination of welfare measures to small and medium enterprises
01:36through the role of the contractual welfare, therefore of the social parties.
01:40In the context of the Summit, Confindustria has offered its vision on the topic of complementary welfare.
01:45The complementary welfare system, of course, needs a system of certain rules.
01:51And we are moving towards a very uncertain future.
01:54We have data that is naturally linked to the great transformations, the great transitions that we are experiencing,
02:01but above all the demographics that must make us reflect.
02:06So today, when we think about the themes of integrative welfare,
02:11we must always keep in mind that it is integrative to the welfare state.
02:15The welfare state is not only a characterizing element of our country,
02:20but it is also an element that characterizes Europe and our way of doing business,
02:25of being in business, of building a community of a certain type.
02:28Also present at the event are the institutions,
02:30which have taken a picture of the next manoeuvre on the theme of corporate welfare.
02:35We are always paying attention to housing.
02:39In particular, I was referring to a passage of the economic manoeuvre
02:44regarding fringe benefits for young people who move for a distance of more than 100 km
02:51and may have advantages from this point of view.
02:54It is interesting to look at how, at this moment,
02:59the profit enterprise, with its social aspect of ESG,
03:07can be particularly attentive, and I have also verified this in this seminar,
03:13this update, can be particularly attentive to welfare
03:17and through a social investment in welfare
03:20and also through a relationship with institutions in a public-private partnership,
03:25we can really address the issue of housing for young people and for the elderly
03:30in a relevant way for this country.
