• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il sistema sanitario nazionale, disegnato ormai 45 anni fa, segna dei difetti che devono essere coperti da un da un rinnovato rapporto tra pubblico e privato. Un rapporto che sia di supporto al sistema sanitario nazionale e ne risolva i difetti, come le liste d’attesa, la distribuzione dei Lea tra Nord e Sud”. Lo afferma Francesco Zaffini, presidente della X commissione del Senato - Affari sociali, sanità, lavoro pubblico e privato, previdenza sociale, a margine del 'Global Welfare Summit', il più importante evento sul welfare globale in Italia, in svolgimento a Villa Miani a Roma, organizzato da Italian Welfare e patrocinato dal ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali.


00:00The national health system, designed 45 years ago, for obvious reasons, marks defects that
00:17must be covered by a renewed relationship between the public and the private sector, a relationship
00:23that obviously supports the national health system, but does not solve defects such as
00:31waiting lists, the distribution of EATRA between north and south, and so on.
00:35This is at the basis of the work that the Commission is doing, which intends to make a reform of
00:41the second pillar, that is, what, similarly to the second pillar of complementary prevention,
00:50an integrative health system, within a framework of corporate welfare, starting from a framework
00:55of corporate welfare, but also to cover all the exposed parts, that is, the fragile, the
01:01elderly, of our population. At this moment there are important pieces of our population,
01:07that mantra that the left continues to repeat, that 4.5 million Italians give up on treatment,
01:12give up on treatment because they are out of a concrete system of coverage. This is what
01:18we want to do.
