• last year
(Adnkronos) - ‘Self-care: risorsa per cittadini e Servizio sanitario nazionale?’. E’ questo il titolo del talk promosso da Adnkronos, al quale hanno partecipato Davide Fanelli, General Manager Southern Europe Haleon, Emanuele Monti, presidente IX Commissione Sostenibilità sociale, casa e salute di Regione Lombardia e membro del Consiglio di amministrazione Aifa, Agenzia italiana del farmaco, e Andrea Mandelli, presidente Fofi, la Federazione degli ordini dei farmacisti italiani, che hanno discusso sul tema, a partire dalla definizione di self-care data dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità.


00:00According to the World Health Organization, self-care means taking care of one's own health,
00:11preventing diseases, staying healthy, treating small disorders with or without the support of a health worker, such as a pharmacist.
00:20Self-care is talked about in the course of the talk.
00:23Self-care is a resource for citizens and a national health service promoted by DN Cronos.
00:28Given that this is an extremely broad and varied world,
00:33if we look at the categories of products that are part of the self-care world,
00:39we usually use an exception that includes everything that is a bank drug,
00:43so a drug that does not require a medical prescription, OTC,
00:48everything that is the world of food integrators, of supplements,
00:52and all that can be the solutions of products or services that then take care of health,
00:59such as products for oral care.
01:03If we use this perimeter, in Italy we are talking about a market of about 7.5 billion,
01:08so an important market, growing,
01:11and clearly that it has taken more and more footing and importance even after the pandemic.
01:17It is clear that the value of self-care goes beyond the economic value of products,
01:26it has a broader value, also in the social sphere,
01:30and it is a more complex value to assess.
01:34The President of the Federation of Italian Pharmacists has illustrated the essential elements
01:39in the national prevention plan so that self-care becomes a real resource
01:44and useful tools for the pharmacist to facilitate responsible self-medication.
01:49The first is certainly a work of communication to the patient, of information.
01:55Too often we live in an era in which the information is so redundant
01:59that it makes the patient's ability to choose and discern
02:04if the information he finds on the web is more or less correct for his family,
02:09for himself, for one of his loved ones.
02:11So we need, first of all, a strong campaign of awareness.
02:15Second, we need a training, also in my opinion,
02:22joint in the sign of the DM77 between doctors and pharmacists,
02:27so that they can finally put themselves in a common set to assist the patient
02:34and at this point a lot of empathy to build that dialogue
02:41which is always fundamental in health, because it is not cured only with a drug,
02:45only with a self-medication drug, but it is also cured with the approach,
02:50with the word, with the sensitivity towards those who are ill.
02:53In this context, it is therefore necessary to intervene
02:56on a health literacy of citizens through training.
03:00Also starting from schools, active involvement of communities,
03:03of institutions, of health institutions,
03:06to create a culture linked to prevention,
03:09because every euro invested in prevention is 7 euros invested
03:12and therefore we also work for a sustainability of our national health system
03:17to which we all belong, a universalistic system, free, public, for all citizens,
03:23but clearly very fragile in the sustainability of its accounts
03:27and therefore each of us must be a responsible citizen for his own health
03:31and also for the public health of our country.
