• 14 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Occorre un cambio culturale importante, non bisogna più parlare di maternità o paternità, la questione natalità deve essere condivisa. Ecco perché riteniamo davvero utile cominciare a parlare di genitorialità”. Sono le parole di Massimo Fiaschi, segretario generale Manageritalia, a margine del 'Global Welfare Summit', il più importante evento sul welfare globale in Italia, in svolgimento a Villa Miani a Roma, organizzato da Italian Welfare e patrocinato dal ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali.


00:00We need to make an important cultural change, we no longer need to talk about maternity or paternity, the issue of birth must be shared,
00:15this is why we find it really useful to start talking about shared paternity.
00:24If in 2023, as it has been found, 61,000 working mothers have left their jobs, 18% of working mothers have left their jobs,
00:38it is necessary that those who deal with organization of work start talking about it and start finding solutions.
00:45For a long time we have been dealing with our group of women managers on many proposals,
00:53some of these, five, were shared on October 16 with six representatives of six different parties,
01:05and we believe, we hope, that they can make use of a law that we will follow,
01:12which could become something important in the work, because there is a need to change the paradigm,
01:19starting from companies, but the issue must also be generalized, not only in companies,
01:26of course nothing is solved if we talk only about workers, we must also think in terms of society,
01:33and we do our part, but we ask that it be done by all communities.
01:38Italian managers and workers deal with contractual welfare from the beginning of their contractual history,
01:45think that the Integrative Health Assistance Act of 1948,
01:49in 2021 we began to include in the contract the corporate welfare for everyone,
01:58and in 2023 we made it mandatory.
02:01It is something that we consider to be decisive for the outcome of this,
02:07which is not so much a benefit, but we consider it to be a strategy to attract and maintain talents,
02:13to talk about well-being in companies and to ensure that the companies themselves increase productivity.
02:201,000 euros per year can be spent by our managers, women and men,
02:26in activities and services that can be for the family,
02:32school books, or in any case for all school expenses up to the university,
02:39social assistance, telemedicine, monitoring, but also integration
02:45into what is already our important contractual welfare,
02:49that of health assistance, foresight and training.
02:52In short, an evolved, innovative contract that has allowed, in fact,
02:57to increase the number of managers who apply this contract, and above all of women.
03:03Think that since 2023 there has been an increase of 8% of women managers
03:10and 4% of men who have this collective contract.
03:15It is a race, that of gender equality, which is naturally still long to be reached at the end,
03:22but contracts or in any case interventions, even regulations, can help this to happen.
