• 20 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “L’Europa ha indicato come prioritaria, per gli stati membri, la salute del cervello. Esistono priorità molto importanti, tra queste un aumento del finanziamento e del supporto alla ricerca”. Così Monica Di Luca, presidente della Società italiana neuroscienze (Sins) e presidente eletta della Società italiana di Farmacologia (Sif) durante l’incontro con la stampa dal titolo ‘One brain, one health’. È stata l’occasione per presentare il 'Decalogo per la Salute del Cervello', un insieme di raccomandazioni pratiche e consigli su attività fisica, alimentazione, sonno, stimolazione mentale, gestione dello stress, vita sociale, prevenzione dei traumi, salute cardiovascolare, supporto alla salute mentale evitando sostanze dannose.


00:00What is the role of the European Commission on Brain Health?
00:04For a long time, Europe has defined a community and cohesive action of all the elements and stakeholders
00:13that participate in the discussion on brain health,
00:17indicating how brain health is a priority for all Member States.
00:21There are very important priorities,
00:24including an increase in funding and support for research
00:29without which it becomes essential and completely impossible
00:33to respond to the societal challenge of the cost posed by brain diseases,
00:38which, as we all know, amount to 800 billion a year.
00:42The priorities are broad,
00:44they are priorities that link discovery and new knowledge
00:48immediately to diagnosis and treatment of major diseases.
00:52I am sure that Italy will also align itself with these two fundamental aspects
00:58and will join this agreement for a challenge that is certainly the challenge of the next decade.
