(Adnkronos) - “L’Istituto superiore di sanità (Iss) è il principale ente pubblico di ricerca biomedica in Italia e si fa carico delle patologie del cervello, fornendo un supporto legato alla ricerca delle cause e dei fattori di rischio, partecipando così al processo terapeutico”. Parole di Gemma Calamandrei - direttrice centro Scienze comportamentali e Salute mentale e direttrice ad interim dipartimento Neuroscienze Iss, intervenendo all’incontro ‘One brain, one health’ organizzato dalla Società italiana di Neurologia (Sin) che, in occasione della Settimana mondiale del Cervello 2025, ha presentato - presso il ministero della Salute - un decalogo di ‘best practice’ per la salute del cervello.
00:00What is the role of the Health Service?
00:04The Health Service, as you know, is the largest biomedical research public body in Italy
00:09and is an important tool of the national health service
00:13in terms of updating information based on evidence
00:20towards health workers, towards services, towards the integrated network
00:23that takes care of brain pathologies,
00:27providing support related to research.
00:31Research on what? Research on neurodegenerative pathologies,
00:33on their risk factors that determine them
00:37and on how the environment can support or infuse the health of the brain
00:43through a whole series of contexts.
00:46This environment, which is a life environment, which is a working environment
00:48and therefore can, if appropriately considered,
00:52participate in the therapeutic process.
00:55A person who has a neurodegenerative pathology
00:57that also infuses his cognitive, relational and behavioral abilities
01:01as it happens in the course of many serious mental pathologies
01:05must be supported, included, followed, not only with pharmacological therapy
01:12which, unfortunately, is still behind some pathologies such as dementia,
01:17but also think about implementing innovative therapies
01:22that research can validate without shyness.
01:25I would also like to mention an experience of the health service,
01:29that of research on autism, which is a neurodevelopmental disorder
01:33that in the last 20 years has seen its prevalence increase globally.
01:39We started from basic research 15 years ago,
01:43right in the same institute, a small group of researchers
01:46who faced a challenge, studying the environmental and genetic effects
01:52in experimental models.
01:54Today the institute is the head of a national observatory on autism
01:57that produces a quantity of epidemiological data of prevalence
02:00and that has developed guidelines on the subject.
02:04It is also used as a reference for regional guidelines
02:08that would allow to extend this research on human neurodevelopmental disorders.
02:13So an integrated approach that allows us to look,
02:16with our history of researchers in the field of mental health,
02:20behavioral biology or neuroscience and neurology,
02:24with an integrated, comprehensive eye, to take charge of the problem
02:30by defining the causes, reducing the risk factors
02:33and taking charge of the rehabilitation that takes into account
02:36all the novelties that are emerging in this sector
02:39without shyness and without mental boundaries.