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(Adnkronos) - “Oggi quello che abbiamo capito, è che nel momento in cui parliamo di One Health o di One Mental Health, dove all'interno di questo c'è la salute mentale, il cervello rappresenta un aspetto fondamentale da proteggere, sul quale investire in ricerca e in salute”. Così, Alberto Siracusano, coordinatore del Tavolo tecnico per la Salute Mentale del Ministero della Salute e professore emerito di Psichiatria dell’università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata, in occasione della conferenza stampa di presentazione dell’Intergruppo Parlamentare “One Brain - per la tutela delle persone con disturbi mentali e neurologici”.


00:00Today, what we have understood when we talk about One Health or One Mental Health, where
00:11there is mental health within this, obviously the brain represents a fundamental aspect
00:19to protect, on which to invest in research and health.
00:25Sometimes the brain is distinguished from mental health, from the mind.
00:32In reality, they are two aspects that must be integrated.
00:36Institutions are paying great attention.
00:39Parliamentary groups at the moment, there is One Brain, but there is also One Mental Health,
00:46which are groups that will obviously have to work together, but show how, on a social level
00:52and consequently on a political level, the theme of mental health is at the center of today's discussions.
00:59We are talking about a silent epidemic, precisely because the disorders of mental health,
01:05mental discomfort, the lack of psychological well-being, affect all phases of the life cycle.
01:13And certainly the most worrying fact is that, in evolutionary age, children already have,
01:19today, disorders related to mental health.
