(Adnkronos) - “La piattaforma 'In buona salute' nasce in risposta a un'esigenza importante dei nostri pazienti, cioè la possibilità di accedere a un supporto di psiconcologia. ‘In buona salute’ può sopperire alla mancanza di psiconcologi nelle Breast Unit e si costituisce un supporto importante anche per garantire la qualità dei risultati”. Così Lucia Del Mastro, professore ordinario di oncologia medica e direttore della clinica di Oncologia medica dell’Irccs ospedale Policlinico San Martino, università di Genova, intervenendo questa mattina all’incontro con la stampa organizzato all’università Statale di Milano, per presentare ‘In buona salute’, la prima piattaforma online di psiconcologia in Italia (inbuonasalute.eu) che offre un aiuto qualificato, da remoto, a pazienti, caregiver e operatori sanitari.
00:00This platform, in good health, is born in response to an important need of our patients,
00:11which is the possibility of accessing a support of psycho-oncology.
00:16Unfortunately, the figure of the psycho-oncologist, although it is foreseen as a necessary figure within the breast units,
00:23is not always present, so some patients cannot have access to this fundamental support
00:29for the quality of the treatments.
00:32So, this platform, in good health, can overcome this current shortage in many sinology centres,
00:40thus giving the possibility to the patients to have access to a support
00:45which is also important for the adherence to the treatments.
00:50We know that the psychological distress, unfortunately, is very frequent after the tumor diagnosis
00:55and the presence of some alterations, such as depression,
00:59can also determine a reduction of adherence to the treatments or even the refusal of some therapies.
01:06So, an important support also to guarantee the quality of the results.