(Adnkronos) - L’Intergruppo parlamentare” One mental health “si concentrerà sul ‘One Brain’, una piattaforma multidisciplinare che ci permette di vedere la salute del cervello dal punto di vista neurologico, psichiatrico e neuropsichiatrico. Come intergruppo accendiamo un faro sui temi della salute mentale “per renderli più divulgativi”. Così la senatrice Beatrice Lorenzin, componente dell’Intergruppo parlamentare ‘One mental health’, intervenendo a Roma, all’incontro ‘One brain, one health’ promosso dalla Società italiana di Neurologia (Sin) presso il ministero della Salute.
00:00In the Chamber of Deputies, we are working on a shared text on the figure of the cargiver.
00:11We know it is a question that has been addressed in various legislatures by all parliamentary groups,
00:16so there is certainly a communion of intentions.
00:19Obviously, the problem when it comes to this matter is always only one,
00:23that is, the recovery of resources, that is, the financial coverage,
00:27which, however, we know is essential.
00:30There are millions of people who need support and care,
00:35and there will be more and more in the coming years.
00:38So it is evident that we have to imagine a way to listen to people,
00:44so to be able to take care of them, and at the same time support those in need,
00:50not only from an economic point of view, but also from the point of view of the training of these people.
00:55Last year, the parliamentary group focused on the refinancing of the Alzheimer's Fund.
01:02This year we will monitor spending, and on the other hand we will deal with the cargiver,
01:07and then we also intend to focus on the one brain, which is the theme of today,
01:14and there is a multidisciplinary platform that allows us to see the health of the brain,
01:19which is everything we are from various points of view,
01:22so from a neurological point of view, from a psychiatric and neuropsychiatric point of view,
01:28and therefore to have a multidisciplinary approach to the matter.
01:32The intergroup in this is important because it allows us to light a light on these issues
01:38and to make them more public, also for the component of the decision-makers,
01:43to know and understand exactly what are the goals that we can achieve
01:48and what are the ones that we must set ourselves as medium-term goals
01:53to improve the health of our citizens, our research, innovation,
01:57and we also hope that access to therapies, which we all wish for,
02:01can soon be available to our citizens.