• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Gli stili di vita sono molto importanti, tant'è vero che L'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità elenca delle raccomandazioni proprio sugli stili di vita che dovremmo seguire per ridurre il rischio di avere un lieve decadimento cognitivo invecchiando o di sviluppare una malattia grave come l’Alzheimer. Gli stili di vita principali sono l'alimentazione, come la dieta mediterranea e l'attività fisica, in quanto fare un'attività fisica giornaliera migliora le risposte ai test di memoria e riduce il rischio di avere decadimento cognitivo o demenza”. Sono le parole di Sandro Sorbi, past president Airalzh Onlus, professore di Neurologia università degli Studi di Firenze e direttore di Neurologia I, Aou Careggi di Firenze in occasione dell’evento di presentazione della campagna di sensibilizzazione per invitare la popolazione ad essere maggiormente consapevole dei benefici di un corretto stile di vita, e ad adottarli anche come prevenzione alle demenze, organizzato da Airalzh, l’Associazione Italiana Ricerca Alzheimer Onlus, per il proprio decennale di fondazione.


00:00The lifestyle is very important, so much so that the World Health Organization lists
00:09recommendations on the lifestyle that we should all follow to reduce the risk of
00:17having a slight cognitive decline by getting old or even developing a serious disease
00:23such as Alzheimer's disease.
00:25What are the main ones?
00:27First of all, food, and the WHO uses the term Mediterranean diet,
00:33that is, it recommends to the whole world to follow the Mediterranean diet.
00:37Moreover, a balanced diet is not possible, and this is very simple.
00:42We know how to do it and we should all do it.
00:45Another very important aspect is physical activity, and it is incredible,
00:52but doing a daily physical activity improves memory responses and tests
00:58and reduces the risk of having a cognitive decline or even dementia.
01:03What does physical activity mean?
01:06There have also been very precise indications,
01:09about half an hour a day of moderate physical activity,
01:14which can be walking at a fast pace or doing an activity in the garden,
01:19and twice a week, an hour of more intense physical activity,
01:23so nothing is impossible.
01:25We can all do these things.
01:28Other recommendations that are important concern common health conditions,
01:35and they are mainly blood pressure control and glycemia control,
01:42because it is well documented that entering the world of diabetes and not taking good care of it
01:48involves a greater risk of developing cognitive problems or even getting sick.
01:55The goal is the purpose of research, of course.
01:58We must remember that in recent years,
02:01technologies have allowed the introduction of treatments that did not exist before.
02:08Genetic treatments, for example, the possibility of intervening
02:11on something that was considered untouchable and that can cause illness.
02:18So this is a very important thread of research.
02:22However, there are positive data, because epidemiological studies show
02:26that in the last ten years, in Europe and also in the United States,
02:31there is a lower risk of getting sick from Alzheimer's disease and dementia
02:38than in the last ten years of the twentieth century.
02:41So this is a nice, good aspect.
02:44This tells us that regardless of having found a cure,
02:50what we are doing, probably with attention to health and attention to lifestyles,
02:57is already changing the risk of getting sick.
03:00So we have to insist on this aspect.
03:02This is not the case all over the world.
03:04For example, in Asian countries, there is an increase in the risk of dementia
03:08that contrasts with what we see in European and North American countries.
