• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Gli ultimi dati ci dicono che in Italia abbiamo circa 1milione e 200mila persone affette da demenza, la metà con Alzheimer. Inoltre abbiamo circa 800 mila soggetti affetti da forme cliniche prodromiche di demenza che costituiscono la porta di ingresso a possibili quadri demenziali. Per questi pazienti è importante fare diagnosi precoce, identificare i fattori di rischio e iniziare trattamenti preventivi”. Lo ha detto Camillo Marra, presidente Sindem, associazione autonoma aderente alla Sin per le demenze, intervenendo all’evento promosso da Neopharmed Gentili, ‘Declino cognitivo e demenza: quanto ne sappiamo, cosa stiamo facendo e quale impatto sulla società e sul Servizio sanitario nazionale’.


00:00The situation is evolving, the latest data tell us that in Italy we have about 1,200,000 people affected by dementia and half of them are affected by Alzheimer's disease.
00:18In addition, we have about 800,000 people affected by preclinical or pro-clinical forms of dementia,
00:25that is, very important conditions to identify that constitute the gateway to possible dementia cases.
00:34These patients are the most important, on whom to do early diagnosis, on whom to identify risk factors and on whom to start preventive treatments.
00:45There are 12 risk factors, to which cholesterol and lipovision have recently been added.
00:54They are well known by now, from a publication on UNSET in 2020, those that are the risk factors of Alzheimer's disease,
01:02which is a disease that obviously has a genetic predisposition, but in which epigenetics, that is, risk factors, intervene in the anticipation of evolution.
01:14So, the first risk factor is low schooling, so not having a good cultural level, not having a good reserve, is the main risk factor.
01:25But then, of course, the risk factors are also hypoxia, deafferentation, lipovision, lack of physical and social activity,
01:34the low level of some elements of the diet, for example, the increase in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats,
01:44are all factors that affect the development or acceleration of the neuropathological process and on which one must intervene.
01:53Let's say that the main alarm bells of the disease are usually memory disorders.
02:00We know that memory disorders often characterize Alzheimer's disease.
02:06But often, when memory disorders begin, we are already a little ahead in the course.
02:11Now we know that, for example, the withdrawal from social activities, apathy, lack of initiative,
02:19the cessation of normal activities, the reduction of social activities, and also language disorders, not finding the words,
02:30can be alarm bells even earlier than memory disorders.
