• yesterday
Setiap tahun, isu harga baju raya melambung tinggi jadi perdebatan. Ada yang sanggup berhabis ribuan ringgit untuk sepasang baju raya ‘harga kayangan’—tapi berbaloi ke? Siapa yang patut dipersalahkan?


00:00That brand, well, we all know what brand it is,
00:02Saban Tau Memang will be an issue, always an issue.
00:04And the brand is very popular, but the quality is very unsatisfactory.
00:09Our responsibility as a consumer is to choose the right brand.
00:13If we already know the branding, even though it's great,
00:16but the clothing itself is not good,
00:18so we don't buy from it.
00:19We buy brands, and we have a lot of other brands.
00:22We want the famous ones,
00:24we want the small ones in the village,
00:26we choose, but don't take that.
00:27Because we have to be smart, not because we see,
00:29oh, because this artist wears it,
00:31or this influencer wears it, we like it, we want to buy it.
00:33Even though we know that the clothes are not good,
00:36and then when we have bought it at a certain price,
00:38and then we wear it, we know, we can see the label here,
00:41then we want to start selling online.
00:43And we are the fool here.
00:45So we have to be a smart consumer.
00:53This is a serious vlog, guys.
01:07Yes, this is Serious Vlog Podcast.
01:10With me, Haidar Hassanuddin.
01:12I'm Walama Azmi.
01:14And I'm Adam Aji.
01:16Yes, so as usual, every week we will tell you the best topics,
01:20what are the current issues that are hot, cold, hot.
01:24We will peel.
01:25And every week we have the best guests.
01:28This week we have Adam Aji.
01:29Thank you, Adam.
01:30You came from afar, right?
01:31Thank you so much for having me.
01:32It's okay.
01:33Not far, not far.
01:34The jam was one thing.
01:35The jam was one thing.
01:36The transportation issue was also one thing.
01:38But I made it here.
01:40Finally, Alhamdulillah.
01:42Thank you, Adam.
01:43And actually, Azmi, we would like to thank
01:46the place where we shoot, which is Toko Adipati.
01:50So thank you Toko Adipati for giving us this space.
01:53If you want to check out this place, you can come.
01:56It's not too far from our main city.
01:59So it's in PJ.
02:01And we're all rocking their jackets.
02:05Me and Adam.
02:07Adam didn't have time because he had a request.
02:09Alhamdulillah, he's handsome.
02:10He's dressed like a Melayu.
02:14It has to do with the fasting month too.
02:16It's our topic, right?
02:18So Azmi, what is our topic today?
02:20Okay, so we want to talk about...
02:22It's the fasting season now.
02:24It's almost Eid.
02:25So obviously, we want to buy new Eid clothes.
02:28But the problem is, why are Eid clothes so expensive now?
02:33Okay, but before we go to the topic,
02:35we want to ask a little bit, Adam.
02:37What is the latest development?
02:40Well, the latest development isn't really there.
02:43Actually, I just finished my degree.
02:45So right now, I'm relaxing.
02:48I'm working on social media.
02:50All of that.
02:51I'm mostly relaxing.
02:52But if there's anything, I just go with the flow.
02:56Right now, I'm just going with the flow.
02:58That's what I'm doing right now.
03:00But maybe you can share with the audience we're watching right now.
03:04We're watching and the audience is here.
03:06We have Alia.
03:07Yes, we also have the audience here.
03:09We have Farah, Din, and also Abang Watawan.
03:14I'll celebrate.
03:15Alia is in charge of the audio today.
03:17So, can you share a little bit?
03:19What do you actually do on social media?
03:22Maybe you share what type of content that you are producing.
03:26Basically, what I do on social media is storytelling.
03:31Mainly, I do horror storytelling.
03:33And I also share about latest news or hot topics.
03:39Sometimes, I also gossip on social media.
03:42Mostly, I do horror storytelling.
03:44Sometimes, my viewers want to share their stories.
03:47Or I get stories from online as well.
03:50Basically, they like that type of content.
03:53This is something that I love to do.
03:55Horror storytelling.
03:56Because I grew up watching horror stories.
03:58So, I get the inspiration from there for horror storytelling.
04:02And people like to listen to it.
04:04And they also want to share their stories.
04:05So, I use my platform to share my stories with my audience.
04:09Is it because your life is scary?
04:12Oh, wow.
04:15Honestly, I actually can...
04:18The sixth sense thing.
04:21I don't see ghosts.
04:22But I can sense ghosts.
04:24And around me as well.
04:25They have that advantage.
04:27So, I get inspired.
04:28My friends also have that.
04:29So, it contributes to the fact that I love storytelling.
04:33So, it helps me to share my stories on social media.
04:37I think we should use the advantage that Adam has.
04:40Let's ask everyone to be quiet for a while.
04:42Adam, is there anything you want to say?
04:47You're so scary.
04:48I want to throw it away.
04:49I want to throw it away.
04:52Okay, Adam.
04:53Throughout your horror stories journey,
04:57have you ever...
04:58Okay, in your content...
04:59Have you ever...
05:00Has one of your stories happened in your real life?
05:06Actually, yes.
05:09It happened.
05:10It happened to me over and over again.
05:13Because it happened when I was...
05:15Sorry, Adam.
05:18You scared me.
05:19You scared him.
05:21I'm sorry.
05:22I knew it.
05:24I'm used to it.
05:25You scared me.
05:27I'm sorry, Adam.
05:28It happened when I was doing my diploma at KTM Segamat.
05:32We were part of the brass band.
05:35The band room was haunted.
05:39There was an event where we had to stay in the band room for a week.
05:44Because of training.
05:45Was there anyone there?
05:46Yes, there was.
05:47But we had to stay there for a while.
05:49Because we had a band camp.
05:51Of sorts.
05:52It was a tough place.
05:54There were waiters taking care of KTM Segamat itself.
05:57There were six of us in the band.
06:00And one of us got slapped.
06:04So, one of you got slapped?
06:11That's a good one.
06:13Okay, sorry.
06:15Go on.
06:17Some of us couldn't sleep.
06:20Some of us screamed.
06:22Some of us dropped our instruments.
06:24I had to take care of a kid who came to our room.
06:29His wife?
06:31Yes, she screamed.
06:32So, we had to take care of him.
06:33We were the same age at the time.
06:36When it happened, it happened to all of us.
06:39And it happened to myself as well.
06:41It was chaos.
06:42It was chaotic.
06:44It was a long story.
06:46But to make it short, it was one of the things that happened to me.
06:52To myself.
06:54Adam, you have a sixth sense, right?
06:56You can feel it.
06:58When did you start to feel it?
07:01When did you start to feel it?
07:02Did you have a dream?
07:05When I was in religious school, I was around 9 or 10 years old.
07:09I remember there was a teacher.
07:11She can tell who her students are.
07:16In a way.
07:17So, she taught you.
07:19Yes, she did.
07:20It sounds funny.
07:26At that time, I didn't believe it.
07:30I didn't believe it.
07:31But when she told me, I couldn't believe it.
07:36So, I had to believe it when I saw it.
07:39When I saw it, I believed it.
07:40But when I heard it, I didn't believe it.
07:42When I was in religious school, I met many teachers.
07:45Those who have expertise in this field.
07:48They told me, you actually have this.
07:50So, you can use this to your advantage.
07:52But I don't have that one who is strong enough.
07:55I can do this.
07:58It's true.
08:00But I don't have that.
08:01I don't know if I have an advantage or not.
08:05But this happened in...
08:12Okay, I'm serious.
08:14This happened to me.
08:16It was 2 a.m.
08:18Why are you laughing?
08:20I'm serious.
08:22It was the first time I met someone who has an advantage.
08:26I don't know if I have an advantage or not.
08:27But this happened to me.
08:29I'm sad.
08:31It happened around 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.
08:33At Jalan Torazak.
08:35I don't know if it's a bad thing or not.
08:38But one day, I saw something different.
08:44Do you know Jalan Torazak?
08:48We were about to go to Sungai Besi.
08:50There's a place on the left.
08:52It was around 1 a.m. to 2 a.m.
08:54Was it near the airport?
08:55No, it was near Jalan Torazak.
08:57Jalan Torazak and Semat Street?
08:58Yes, Semat Street.
09:00There's a building in Semat Street.
09:02We didn't see that building before.
09:07But we saw something.
09:09I don't know if it's a bad thing or not.
09:13But I saw someone threw up.
09:15So, I don't know if it's a bad thing or not.
09:18But it was real.
09:20We just knew that it was real.
09:23It's either we have that sense...
09:26...or that thing decided to appear at that specific time.
09:32I have a question.
09:34We're in the fasting month.
09:36Many people say that there's no fasting.
09:38But Adam, have you ever felt that...
09:42...there's a fasting month?
09:45It's hard for me to say that there's a fasting month.
09:50But there's a jinn.
09:52It's something else.
09:54There's something.
09:56But it's hard for me to say that there's a ghost.
09:59I can't see it.
10:00I can only sense it.
10:02Maybe it leads to a jinn.
10:05But I can't say that there's a ghost.
10:07I haven't finished my story yet.
10:09When I saw something, I don't know if it's a ghost or a jinn.
10:13Around 2.30 p.m., the police came.
10:15They took me to the track.
10:19That's right.
10:23We're in the fasting month.
10:26We've talked about scary stories.
10:29Let's get back to our topic.
10:32The price of our clothes is scary.
10:36Do you agree, Adam?
10:38The price of our clothes...
10:40...especially during the season.
10:42I think even on Valentine's Day...
10:44How do people wear their clothes on Valentine's Day?
10:46For example, during Valentine's Day...
10:51...the price of flowers tend to be more expensive...
10:54...than usual.
10:57Now, it's Eid season.
10:59I noticed that people tend to raise the price of clothes during Eid.
11:04Do you see that?
11:06For me, yes.
11:07It makes sense.
11:09It's in the season.
11:10The price of clothes during Eid...
11:13...will be high.
11:15But to be honest, certain brands...
11:19...or certain tailors...
11:22...sometimes the price is too high.
11:25It doesn't make sense.
11:26If you sell clothes that cost up to RM500...
11:29...obviously, they have their own target market.
11:32Sometimes, when we go to a store...
11:35...and see how they style their clothes...
11:38...we'll know who their target market is.
11:40But, generally, what I can say is...
11:42...sometimes it's too much.
11:43We don't know what's too expensive.
11:46That's why people fight every single day.
11:49Why do we have to support our Malay clothes?
11:52Why do we have to spend so much money?
11:55It doesn't make any sense at all.
11:57For me, I agree.
11:59Malay clothes, especially during the season...
12:02...are very expensive.
12:04Very steep price.
12:06But, it's up to us how we want to style our clothes.
12:09If we want to stick to one brand that we like...
12:12...but the price is too high...
12:13...if we think we can afford to buy it...
12:15...why not?
12:16Let's buy it.
12:17But, if we think it's too expensive...
12:18...we have other options.
12:20There are so many options.
12:22It's up to us.
12:24There are so many options.
12:25So, there's no problem in choosing.
12:27What perfume do you have?
12:32This one is Arabic Wood.
12:35Arabic Wood.
12:36It's a good match for Eid Mubarak.
12:39It's Italian, right?
12:41That's right.
12:42But, recently I scrolled through my ex.
12:47So, I saw...
12:48It's not ex.
12:50It's an application.
12:51Oh, I see.
12:52So, I saw a guy named Chiappan.
13:01Okay, next one.
13:05Okay, next one.
13:07So, you're cheating, right?
13:15So, I saw a guy named Chiappan.
13:18So, he said...
13:20...he's a tailor.
13:22The cost of sewing Eid clothes...
13:24...is not more than RM40.
13:27So, he said...
13:28...if the price is too expensive...
13:30...he's one of the contributors...
13:32...for the owner to buy a Lambo.
13:33Okay, what's the winner?
13:34The winner?
13:37But, there's no winner this time.
13:39So, I saw that.
13:40So, I thought...
13:42...if the costing is RM40...
13:44...but the selling price is up to RM300-RM400.
13:47That's a lot of money...
13:49...for one piece of clothing.
13:50So, like...
13:52...do you think it makes sense...
13:54...for them to put the price too high...
13:57...when their costing is actually low?
14:01Well, there are a lot of factors.
14:03He said that...
14:04...maybe if he wants to sell the clothes...
14:06...it's RM40.
14:07But, we also have to look at...
14:08...the transportation cost...
14:10...and the rental price.
14:11And, you know...
14:12...the cost of hiring an influencer...
14:14...or an artist to promote...
14:16...or marketing.
14:17So, there are a lot of factors.
14:19And, that's it.
14:22...although there are some prices...
14:23...that doesn't make sense.
14:25But, some of them...
14:28...again, I said...
14:30...they have their own target market.
14:32For certain brands...
14:34...for myself...
14:36...I have this one brand that I really love.
14:38Baju Melayu.
14:40...for me...
14:41...I like very classic...
14:43...or loose clothes.
14:45I don't like tight clothes.
14:46And, if possible...
14:47...I want the one that is...
14:48...in a velvet style.
14:50Like this.
14:51So, I will go to that one brand.
14:53Although the price of the brand is a little...
14:56Just a little.
14:57But, because we know the quality.
14:59Sometimes, these tailors...
15:00...they know...
15:01...they can sell at that price...
15:03...because they have the quality...
15:04...in the brand that they have...
15:05...the strong branding.
15:06And, also the quality that...
15:07...even if people buy it...
15:08...they won't be too noisy.
15:09Like this one brand...
15:10...that I always go to.
15:11The clothes are very comfortable.
15:13Very cool.
15:14And, indeed...
15:15...even if you wear it for a long time.
15:16So, when they put the price like that...
15:17...it's fine.
15:18Meanwhile, there is another brand...
15:20...the price is also less...
15:21...a bit steep too.
15:23But, we can see the patience...
15:25...with the strong stitching.
15:27With the problem of the buttons...
15:29...all those things.
15:31But, people will think...
15:32...why do you sell it at a high price?
15:34Is this the same brand?
15:35But, the quality...
15:36...you know, not as good...
15:37...or bad.
15:38So, you know...
15:41...it's still up to us.
15:43We have the freedom to choose...
15:46...the new clothes that we want.
15:47Yes, indeed...
15:48...every single year...
15:49...the new clothes are getting more expensive.
15:51But, then again...
15:52...if you really want the quality...
15:53...if you have a brand that you...
15:54...will always go to...
15:56...and you don't mind to spend...
15:57...that much money...
15:58...then, I would say...
15:59...go for it.
16:00But, we don't know...
16:02...but, it's true...
16:03...sometimes, the independent tailors...
16:05...they also...
16:07...we don't know...
16:08...we know the quality is not that good...
16:09...but, you sell it at 3, 4, 5, 600...
16:11...especially when...
16:12...you're on social media...
16:13...you're on TikTok...
16:14...when there's this one influencer...
16:15...or 3, 4 influencers...
16:17...and then, it goes viral.
16:18And, I want to try to sell it at a high price...
16:19...and then, it's confirmed...
16:20...I bought it.
16:21The marketing is not good...
16:22...but, because...
16:23...you're using that opportunity...
16:24...to sell your clothes...
16:25...it's not that much...
16:26...but, it's expensive...
16:27...and you know people will buy it...
16:28...because of the viral...
16:29...viral issue, right?
16:30But, I like it...
16:31...I agree with Adam's style...
16:33...he likes the traditional...
16:34...Malaysian clothes...
16:35...the loose one...
16:36...not like Azmi...
16:37...he prefers the slim fit.
16:38Oh, slim fit?
16:41...during Eid...
16:42...during Eid...
16:43...different food...
16:44...until it falls...
16:45...then, it's a mess...
16:46...it's a mess...
16:47...like that...
16:48...there are 2, 3 things that are a mess...
16:50We have a question...
16:51We have a question...
16:52...from Awadmi...
16:54Awadmi, okay...
16:55...I have an experience...
16:56...like you said...
16:58...the shop only has...
16:59...a target audience...
17:00...or else...
17:01...the shop has...
17:03...what do you call it?
17:05...if they buy clothes...
17:06...from outside...
17:07...or something, right?
17:08...but, I found it on TikTok...
17:09...it's just a TikTok shop...
17:10...TikTok shops are for everyone...
17:11...there's no...
17:12...for the T20 group...
17:13...or anything...
17:14...one kebaya...
17:15...he sold...
17:16...I saw...
17:17...400 to 500...
17:18...and then...
17:19...I went to Jakarta...
17:22...the same clothes...
17:23...I found...
17:24...convert Malaysian money...
17:25...only 60 ringgit...
17:26...I know they have shipping...
17:28...I know they have...
17:30...costs for shipping...
17:31...but not too much...
17:33...where did you come from?
17:36...what do you have in Jakarta?
17:38...what do you have?
18:17not good luck and business wise this is good but ethic wise you do a haggle
18:22Mahal machine you already got a game or a tape I do I make a run up eager
18:26jacqueline but there's a bunch of some other when they can just purchase the
18:30cutty talk and in a pipe whatever the haggle Mahal but they can you know the
18:33other two without having to actually go to Japan so to love the limb equal by
18:39the digital you got color kit I think it'll be mountain to believe
18:42Lila whatever the pricing I do not agree with whatever they do to P color you not
18:50believe go ahead I don't like that I don't come believe that by do-by-do young
18:57Mahal come in my company that I own an aku aku rasa aku is the type of orang
19:04yang macam aku beli kain aku antar jahit oh ya macam dah siap aku rasa
19:10personally aku kalau macam to disney lagi murah sebab kau beli kain pun
19:16like you can get cheaper copy by my Alex how to family up okay then conscious
19:20hantar dekat Taylor yang kau dah biasa so I could I say that way
19:25aku beli save manja duit juga daripada aku beli baju yang dah siap and harga
19:29dimasuk aku rasa personally aku aku rasa macam if kau support orang-orang yang
19:36harga terlalu tinggi ini is actually you yang penyebab penyebab kenapa
19:43diorang letak harga tinggi seperti Lido despite don't know target in G
19:46burn or I still believe I told her so color or I'm not believe I could I
19:49say which I'm doing on bullet maintain that kind of price or maybe they have to
19:54like lower can't skate the price in because it's a bunch of economics
19:58economies can we've demand with demand there will always be supply
20:41just me yeah I'm just me yeah I'm just me yeah I'm just me yeah I'm just me yeah
21:01I'm told him I'm a child and I'm sick I didn't I'm marketing park artist
21:04gunakan artis untuk promote apa semua orang akan beli juga walaupun mahal
21:08walaupun orang yang tahu padahal baju yang sama kasihnya agar kesekian sekian
21:12sekian dan so macam aku personally aku lebih suka jarang tau macam saya jarang
21:17pakai baju melayu jarang beli baju melayu
21:20sebab selanjutnya satu baju itu boleh boleh repeat banyak tahun ya kadang baju
21:55bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya
21:59bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya
22:03bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya
22:07bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya
22:10bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya
22:13bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya
22:17bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya bahaya
22:21betul tak harga macam itu untuk kualiti macam itu?
22:24untuk menjawab the question
22:26dia kena berbalik pada kita
22:28as a consumer
22:30untuk pandai pilih brand
22:32sebab that brand
22:34well we all know brand apa
22:36sabar tau memang akan di isu, always ada isu dan brand itu memang sangat popular
22:39tapi kualiti dia sangat tidak memuaskan
22:42kita tanggung jawab kita sebagai consumer untuk pandai pilih brand
22:46kalau kita dalam branding dia
22:47walaupun hebat sekalipun
22:49baju itself tidak bagus
22:51jadi kita jangan beli dengan dia
22:52kita beli brand lain
22:53kita ada banyak brand lain
22:55yang famous one pun ada
22:57yang dekat kampung pun ada
22:58yang kecil kecil pun kita pilih lah
22:59tapi jangan ambil itu
23:00sebab kita kena bijak lah
23:01jangan sebab kita nampak
23:02oh sebab artis A ini pakai
23:04ataupun influencer A ini pakai
23:05kita suka dia kita nak beli
23:07walaupun kita tahu benda itu tak
23:08baju itu tak apa-apa bagus
23:09and then bila kita dah beli dengan harga sekian
23:11and then kita pakai
23:12kita tahu dah nampak tetasannya sini
23:14lalu kita mula melatah online
23:16dan kita lah yang the fool
23:19so kita kena jadi consumer yang bijak
23:21this is what I believe lah
23:23terima kasih roti miskin tadi
23:27roti miskin kita terkendal dengan benda-benda panas
23:34sekarang ini kalau korang tengok trend
23:36laki lah especially
23:37dia akan start pakai kurta
23:41sebab tradisi baju Melayu itu
23:42makin lama orang start macam lupa
23:45makin lama makin lupa
23:46orang dah beralih ke arah kurta
23:47ke arah baju yang
23:48kata macam tak payah wasit
23:50senang pakai sarung
23:52kurta supaya pendek
23:55so apa korang punya pendapat
23:57untuk benda ini
23:58rasa macam patut tak
24:00benda ini jadi satu
24:02macam ikutan
24:03ataupun macam
24:04terlalu macam ini
24:06mungkin kita tanya Azmi jawab dulu
24:07personally untuk aku
24:10tak patut lah
24:11sebab ada
24:12tak patut maksudnya
24:14tak patut
24:15kita sebab
24:24nak beli kurta
24:25it's not a problem
24:26tapi untuk kau celebrate Raya
24:28wearing a kurta
24:29untuk aku macam
24:31personally lah
24:32aku punya own opinion
24:33aku rasa macam tak patut
24:34sebab kita ada the culture
24:36yang memang kita maintain
24:39aku lebih suka
24:41bila Raya itu
24:42semua orang macam pakai
24:43baju Melayu
24:44tak kisah telur belanga
24:45ke cipat musang
24:46with samping
24:47and properly lah
24:48maksudnya aku rasa
24:49sebab on normal days
24:51kita tak boleh pakai
24:52bukan tak boleh pakai
24:53kita boleh pakai
24:55special occasion lah
24:56it's a special occasion
24:57yang macam
24:59this is the time
25:00untuk kau pakai samping
25:01kau pakai baju Melayu
25:03kau nampak smart
25:05so untuk aku
25:06if untuk Raya
25:07aku lebih suka
25:08untuk tengok
25:09baju Melayu
25:10full set lah
25:11as baju lah
25:12untuk kita pakai
25:13kurta itu ada collar
25:15kurta itu ada collar
25:16special lah
25:22for me
25:24very relax
25:25in my opinion
25:27kita ada kebebasan
25:28untuk memilih
25:29memang traditionally
25:30back then
25:31memang aku memang
25:32kalau nak beli baju Melayu
25:33kena one set
25:35one set daripada
25:36hujung rambut
25:37sebujung kaki
25:38and because of my
25:39background membesar di Johor
25:40so memang kita pakai
25:41telur belanga
25:42kasut pun merah
25:44technically lah
25:46itu memang sama kali
25:47kasut semua
25:48kau cari songkot lah
25:49ah songkot
25:50dengan samping
25:51kan songkot warna lain
25:52warna wangi
25:53dan macam pula kan
25:54tapi memang kita
25:55sedundun dulu
25:56semua sama
26:00collar pula
26:02as I grow older
26:03memang rasa macam
26:04you know
26:05kurta ini rasa
26:06lebih relax
26:07lebih senang
26:08lepas itu dengan
26:09obviously harga yang
26:10makin merampau
26:11tapi baju Melayu
26:12sekarang dah harga
26:132, 3, 4 ratus
26:14lepas itu pakai
26:15buat setahun sekali
26:16lepas itu kita pun
26:17akan recycle
26:18beberapa kali sangat
26:19so rasa macam kalau
26:20beli kurta ini
26:21dia lebih
26:22you know
26:24dan dia boleh pakai
26:25dengan you know
26:26macam-macam occasion
26:27kita boleh pakai
26:28pergi events
26:29ke apa-apa
26:30kadang-kadang nak
26:31kau lepak pakai kurta
26:32pergi baju Melayu
26:33macam for me
26:34a bit tak kena
26:35this is me lah
26:36orang lain
26:37aku tak tahu
26:38so macam kurta ini
26:39dia versatile
26:40something yang
26:41an issue
26:42for me
26:43untuk pakai baju kurta
26:44pada hari raya
26:45sebab kita ada
26:46kebebasan untuk itu lah
26:47and it's more free
26:48lebih selesa
26:49dan harga pun lagi
26:50lebih orang kata
26:52cuma janganlah
26:53kau pakai kurta
26:54dengan boxer
26:55hari raya
26:56macam-macam itu lah
26:57itu dah dapat
26:58lepas sholat boleh
26:59aku tahu
27:00dah kena kan
27:02dia tak kena
27:03so selalu kan
27:04macam every raya
27:05aku rasa
27:06post macam lepas
27:07kau sholat
27:08punya nak itu
27:10dia hidup-hidup
27:11ramai-ramai kan
27:12tapi jaranglah
27:13kalau ramai-ramai itu
27:14dengan boxer je
27:17semua satu family
27:19atas pakai baju ini
27:20pakai boxer kan
27:23tapi betul lah
27:24macam kita tengok
27:25setiap tahun
27:26sekarang baju Melayu
27:27baju Melayu ini
27:28macam masing-masing fight
27:29masing-masing fight
27:30dengan dari segi
27:31marketing doang
27:32dan macam kita
27:33dah tahu tadi pun
27:34cost satu baju
27:35buat berapa je
27:36patutlah kita boleh
27:38kira rezeki mereka lah
27:39untuk invest
27:40untuk invest banyak benda
27:41macam itu kan
27:42tapi kan
27:44macam aku
27:46on the business
27:47side of it
27:48so since
27:50setahun sekali
27:51kau budak ekonomi kan
27:53Raya setahun sekali
27:56kau rasa
27:57okey ke
28:00macam kedai brand itu
28:01mereka letak harga
28:02yang mahal
28:03during Raya
28:04sebab untuk aku
28:05yelah personally
28:06aku boleh nampak
28:07that's the only time
28:08dekat mana yang mereka
28:09boleh buat duit
28:10untuk cover mereka punya duit
28:11setahun ini lah
28:12untuk mereka sustain
28:13untuk tahun itu
28:14so is it fair
28:16the business
28:17punya owners
28:18untuk letak harga
28:19yang macam
28:20slightly higher
28:23normal punya price lah
28:25fair untuk
28:26business owners
28:28it's up to them
28:30mereka boleh letak berapa
28:31harga mereka nak
28:32dari segi business
28:33kita cakap pasal business
28:34mereka letak
28:35you know
28:36baju raya
28:37baju rayu
28:38sama je bentuknya
28:39lagi yang lelaki punya
28:40tang itu juga
28:41kalau perempuan
28:42adalah yang jenis
28:43ikat sini lah
28:44punjek sini lah
28:45eh lelaki
28:46sama itu juga
28:47seluar sama itu juga
28:48zip juga
28:49zip juga
28:50collar bulat
28:51collar negak aja
28:53kalau nak cakap
28:54dari segi kita
28:55as a consumer
28:56kita rasa sakit hatilah
28:57bila harga merampau-rampau
28:58kadang-kadang kita
28:59yang cakap
29:00because of
29:01harga dia mahal
29:02mesti quality dia bagus
29:03kadang-kadang that's not the case
29:04kadang-kadang that's not the case
29:05dari segi business
29:07diorang boleh letak berapa harga
29:08diorang nak
29:09seribu pun boleh
29:10kalau diorang tak suka
29:11diorang sebab diorang
29:12some of them
29:13ada diorang punya market
29:14nah diorang nak ada
29:15diorang punya target market
29:16yang memang confirm mereka beli
29:17loyal lah
29:19diorang memang ada
29:20so diorang letak berapa harga
29:21pun memang akan diorang beli
29:23untuk dari segi etika
29:24atau dari segi kita
29:25sebagai pembeli
29:26sedih lah kan
29:28lepas ini orang tak nak pakai
29:29baju Melayu lah
29:30lepas ini nanti mulailah
29:31bising kata
29:32akan banyak orang-orang Melayu
29:33tak nak pakai baju Melayu
29:34harga baju Melayu
29:35makin mahal
29:36lepas itu kata dah
29:37oh kenapa tak nak sokok
29:38barang terbatas
29:39it's not because of
29:40tak sokok barang terbatas
29:41bila you jual harga mahal-mahal
29:42orang tak nak beli
29:43lah baik aku pakai baju
29:44jalan biasa aja
29:45still lah ya
29:46tak apa aku recycle
29:47baju 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 tahun lepas
29:48masih elok
29:49why should I buy a new one
29:50when it still
29:51you know can be used
29:53in the end
29:55kasa kalau kita nak beli
29:56kalau kita rasa mahal sekalipun
29:57kita mampu untuk beli
29:59tapi dari segi ekonomi
30:00dari segi business
30:01is very valuable
30:02to diorang
30:03tak payah
30:04macam baju di Jakarta itu
30:05kalau di sini nak lato
30:06sana 60 apa
30:07harga sangat-sangat murah
30:09diorang nak beli
30:10why not lah
30:11tapi kalau macam Adam FD
30:14yelah Adam dengan konten-konten
30:15seram kan
30:16pendapat Adam FD
30:17hantu pakai baju Melayu
30:18macam mana
30:19hantu ni
30:20kalau orang cerita kan
30:21adakah diorang celebrate
30:23dengan baju baru
30:24sebab diorang selalu kan
30:25cukup cantik kan
30:26kalau Melayu
30:27takkan diorang tak
30:28takkan diorang tak cantik-cantik
30:29actually quite rare lah
30:30hantu ni
30:31diorang yang mencerita
30:32kadang-kadang diorang ni
30:33baju diorang
30:34betul-betul tukar tau
30:35kita selalu tengok
30:36baju diorang
30:37baju putih
30:38apa terdarah
30:40boring lah
30:41so 1999
30:42actually diorang pun ada
30:43pakai baju
30:46sebab sekarang
30:47diorang pun rasa
30:48tak dapat sponsor
30:50diorang ada tailor
30:51diorang ada brand-brand
30:52diorang ada
30:54diorang ada
30:56good one
30:57tapi betul juga
30:58macam Adam cakap
30:59aku setuju
31:00part yang
31:01it's up to
31:02pengguna juga
31:06tak berapa harga pun
31:07seribu-dua ribu
31:08kalau diorang nak beli
31:09diorang beli juga
31:10tapi balik ke kita
31:11kita rasa
31:12berbaloi tak untuk kita beli
31:13untuk harga ini
31:14kalau aku mampu
31:15aku beli
31:16walaupun kualitinya
31:17biasa-biasa saja
31:18jadi aku nak ada
31:19aku tahu
31:20aku own
31:21aku pakai
31:22baju brand itu
31:23tapi kalau
31:24kita dah tahu kualiti
31:25kita banyak lagi option
31:28banyak lagi option
31:29cuma aku rasa
31:30bila laki
31:31pakai baju kurung lah
31:33itu saja
31:34orang-orang panggil baju kurung
31:35telur belanga tau
31:37kita orang panggil
31:38baju kurung
31:39baju telur belanga itu
31:40Adam, Jowo ke mana?
31:44maksud diorang pakai
31:45baju kurung perempuan?
31:47baju telur belanga itu
31:49kita panggil baju kurung
31:51selain makan
31:53dengan tangan
31:55yes lah
31:58kita panggil baju kurung
32:00makan laksa dengan tangan
32:01dengan baju kurung
32:06ok Adam
32:07Adam terima kasih
32:08semuanya Adam kan
32:09kita sebenarnya kita dapat
32:10pendapat dari Adam
32:11kita konsumsi pendapat
32:12kita bukan nak nentang
32:14kita just nak
32:15raihkan pandangan
32:16so korang
32:17jangan ke mana-mana
32:18kita akan jumpa lagi
32:19minggu hadapan
32:21series lah
32:22tapi sebelum itu
32:23Azmi kita nak
32:24terima kasih pada
32:25Toko Adipati
32:26sebut Toko Adiputra
32:27Adiputra lain
32:29sebab telah
32:33studio yang cantik ini
32:34dan juga kita terima kasih
32:35pada Adam
32:36Adam A.G
32:37ada all the best
32:38untuk konten-konten
32:40teruskan memberi
32:41apa orang cakap
32:43antaranya sebenarnya
32:44bagi cerita-cerita
32:45yang best lah
32:47sebenarnya cerita-cerita seram itu kan
32:48jadi kepada yang
32:50himat bomo
32:51eh Adam tak buat bomo
32:52oh Adam tak buat bomo
32:55eh maaf-maaf
32:59ok Adam A.G
33:00kita cakap all the best
33:01Adam A.G
33:02ok jumpa lagi next week
33:04series lah