Horrible Histories S11 E02
00:00Terrible Tudors, Gorgeous Georgians, Slimey's Tudors, Rare Victorians, Woeful Wars, Ferocious Fights, Stingy Castles, Staring Knights, Horrors that defy description, Cutthroat Councils, Bull Ejections, Vicious Vikings, Cruel Crimes, PUNISHMENT FOR LATER TIMES, Romans, Rotten, Rank and Ruthless, Cavemen, Savage, Fierce and Tubeless, Groovy Greeks, Rainy Sages, Mean and Misery, Middle Ages.
00:18Gory stories, we do that, And your host a talking rat, The past is no longer a mystery, Welcome to Horrible Histories.
00:32Horrible Histories presents Ridiculous Rules.
00:38Romans! Have you heard about our new Roman laws?
00:42Have you heard about knocking before you come in?
00:44That's right, us Romans have finally taken our traditions and unspoken rules and written them down, making laws.
00:52Is there one about knocking before you come in?
00:54Shh! You!
00:55Welcome to the all new 12 Tables, the foundations of Roman law that you have to live by.
01:01Building a road? Our new laws state that each road should be at least 8 feet wide. How wide is yours?
01:077 feet.
01:08Start again.
01:09Can't make me do that, I've already done 35 miles.
01:11Sorry, that's the law.
01:14Selling your child into slavery? There are rules against that.
01:18Oh, right.
01:19You're only allowed to do that three times.
01:21Off you go then. Come back soon, yeah? So we can sell you again.
01:33Evil singing? There's the death penalty for that.
01:37Stop hitting me.
01:40There are even laws dedicated to women.
01:43Do you mind? This is a funeral.
01:45And you're crying excessively. That's against the rules at a funeral.
01:49What about him?
01:51There are no rules about men crying at funerals. Are you okay, hon?
01:55Who wrote these laws?
01:57Men, of course.
02:00So, if you want to be as happy as these two, get the 12 Tables.
02:04Why would we need 12 Tables? We've already got one.
02:07Not that kind of table, silly.
02:11Yes, find out about the 12 Tables of Roman Law.
02:15These laws are so good that some of them will still be around in over 2,000 years.
02:20Is there anything about hitting an annoying salesman over the head with a big lump of bronze?
02:25Well, not exactly.
02:30The 12 Tables of Roman Law. A law for every occasion. Almost.
02:34That's my line.
02:39Yep. Throughout history, there have been some very strange and unfair rules.
02:44Don't fish in the sewer. Don't lick your feet when you're eating.
02:48Honestly, a lot of the time it's like people are making it up as they go along.
02:52Take William the Conqueror.
02:54He became king of England in 1066 and decided to change some laws to make them less harsh.
03:01To be honest, I think some people wished he hadn't bothered.
03:06You killed my cousin. Therefore, your life will be forfeit.
03:11Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys. You don't need to swing axe. You need to chill axe. Am I right?
03:18I'm King William, yeah? Winner of the Battle of Hastings.
03:22And as the new king, I get to make the laws now. You feel me?
03:26He's a murderer, though.
03:28And would more killing really be the answer?
03:31Do we have to be those guys?
03:33Wouldn't it be better if we could find another way?
03:36It would. It definitely would.
03:38Oh, yeah. Big surprise you're saying that.
03:40This guy, he messed up big time. But are any of us perfect?
03:44It's not really the point. He murdered...
03:46Okay, I feel a new law coming on.
03:48As the first Norman king of England, I proclaim the end of the death penalty.
03:55Oh, yeah, boy!
03:57We will find better ways of living our lives.
04:01Thank you, everybody. It has been intense, but, uh...
04:04Whoa! Where are you going?
04:06I thought we were done.
04:07Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not letting you go. No way.
04:11I'm going to poke out his eyes and chop off his dangly bits.
04:17Eyes and dangly bits.
04:19Whoa. A bit extreme.
04:21He'll die anyway, won't he?
04:23Possibly. I mean, it'll definitely be slow and painful.
04:25Well, if that's the case, I might just go back to the straight execution.
04:28He's comfortable with that. I'm fine with that.
04:30Ah, no executions. We are not monsters.
04:34Okay, start with the eyes.
04:36I can't do this. I just feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry.
04:39Whoa. You know, I'm so touched you thought you could say that.
04:43You know, not enough people say no to the king.
04:45Never, no.
04:46I think we were all getting a bit, like, hot-headed, you know,
04:48when men get in a group and we just kind of go a bit crazy.
04:52Unfortunately, I am going to have to find you guilty of disagreeing with the king.
04:59Maybe I'll chop off his hands.
05:01Chop off his hands for disagreeing with the king.
05:05Sorry, you can't chop off my hands. I'm a...
05:07Oh, more disagreement.
05:09Better lose a feet, too.
05:10You can't do this.
05:11Look, look, I'd stop arguing at this point.
05:13And his nose.
05:15Nose, good shout, yeah.
05:16At least get to keep your dangly bits.
05:18Okay, guys, we all good?
05:20Isn't this a much nicer way of doing things?
05:23Absolutely not.
05:24Seriously, people are going to love my new laws.
05:27So much more civilised.
05:29Right, chat?
05:31Hands up who was the eyes and dangly bits.
05:34Chop, chop.
05:40Henry VIII in the house.
05:42Now, I love coming up with new rules,
05:44but did you know I once had the law changed because of soup?
05:48Mmm, soup.
05:50It's nutritious and delicious.
05:52Now, in 1531, the Bishop of Rochester's cook, Richard Roos,
05:56said that, as a joke, he'd put something in the bishop's soup
05:59which would make anyone who ate it poo a lot.
06:03Unfortunately, 17 people were taken ill and one woman actually died.
06:06Turns out he'd poisoned them by mistake.
06:08So, after this, I had the law changed to classify poisoning
06:12as treason and punishable by death.
06:14But how did I decide the poisoners should die?
06:17Was it A, eat poisoned soup until they pooed themselves to death?
06:22B, boil them alive?
06:24Or C, chop off their heads?
06:27The answer is B, boil them alive.
06:29And that's what happened to Roos,
06:31all because he tried to make poo soup as a prank.
06:35Who's that?
06:36Bird of the dawn.
06:38Laters, rule-breakers.
06:42Well, we've seen some rule-makers,
06:45so what about rule-breakers?
06:48When you break the rules at home, you might get sent to your room
06:52or banned from chewing the cereal boxes and weeing in the cupboard.
06:56Oh, probably a rat thing, the last one.
06:59Anyway, it can seem really unfair,
07:02but trust me, things were worse and much stranger in the past.
07:08Peter of Privy Lane, you stand accused of theft.
07:12How do you wish to be judged?
07:14I choose trial by combat, my lady.
07:17Let my accuser and I fight to the death.
07:20And by the blood on my blade, you shall know that I am innocent.
07:25Very well. A fight to the death.
07:28Alderman Plank, you are accused of disloyalty to your lord.
07:33Choose your judgement.
07:34I choose trial by ordeal.
07:36Let a red-hot poker be placed in my hand.
07:39God shall heal the festering wound and you shall know I am innocent.
07:43So be it.
07:45Master Carter.
07:48Your crime is poaching.
07:50Make your choice.
07:53I choose trial by cake.
07:55So I'll eat some cake.
07:57If it be God's will, it'll go down nice and smooth and you'll know I'm innocent.
08:00Master Carter has...
08:03Sorry, I didn't actually know that cake was an option.
08:05The cake is marked with the name of our lord.
08:08No guilty man will be able to swallow it.
08:11Yeah, no, sure, but still, you know, burning, festering, hand-wound cake.
08:16Yes, yes, I too am interested in the cake option.
08:18Trial by combat is a noble path, Peter of Privy Lane.
08:22Yet cake is awesome and doesn't cut off my leg.
08:24Very well. Bring out the cake.
08:32That's not cake, that's a biscuit.
08:34I should warn you, tis very dry cake.
08:37Oh, I'll cope.
08:38Tis said that Earl Godwin of Kent was tried by cake and choked to death.
08:45Yes, sir, my cousin chose trial by combat and got cut in half, sir.
08:48There's more. The cake will be cleansed of evil by a priest and it may have some cheese on top.
08:56Oh, I love a bit of cheese.
08:58Sheep's cheese.
09:00Could be worse, could be blue cheese.
09:02I have decided God will prove my innocence with cheese and biscuits. Lock it in, Lady Gage.
09:08Me too.
09:09We only have two portions of cake.
09:15You snooze, you lose.
09:16So what's it going to be? Trial by combat or trial by ordeal?
09:20Fine. Trial by combat. Final answer.
09:23Thank you. Although, honestly, I am surprised none of you chose trial by complication.
09:30Trial by what now?
09:31Where you swear your innocence on holy relics and then when eventually you do die, you let God judge you.
09:37I'll definitely have that one.
09:39Sorry, mate, you said final answer.
09:41Yeah, yeah, I heard it.
09:43Right, lunch. All this cake's made me hungry.
09:51Are you a rooster who may be burned at the stake just for being found sitting on an egg?
09:58Are you a hive of bees facing the law for stinging a man to death?
10:02Are you a wolf accused of witchcraft after being seen walking on your hide legs?
10:07Were you forced to wear human clothes at your trial?
10:10Then caught the animal law practice today.
10:13Whether you're a chicken, a wolf, a pig or even a beetle, if you've been accused of a crime, I will fight for you.
10:20Unless you're a group of rats facing persecution, I will not fight for you.
10:27Because we've got a specialist in rodent injustice, Bartholomew Chazanet.
10:31They defended some rats after they were accused of destroying the local barbicodes.
10:37I argued the rats had a right to attend the trial, but that the journey to the courtroom was too perilous due to the numbers of their deadliest enemies.
10:47Cats lying in wait along the way.
10:50We don't care how hairy you are.
10:52We don't care how many legs you've got.
10:54We don't even care if you're guilty.
10:56Call Animal Lawyers today.
10:58We will fight for you.
11:01Be careful, men.
11:03During these times of civil war, the roads could be a haven for criminals.
11:07Frankly, we've got a lot of stuff that they might be interested in.
11:10Ah, you mean all the gold in our chest?
11:13I was trying not to draw attention to that.
11:17It's a woman!
11:18In breeches!
11:19Playing the lute!
11:23The name's Mal Cuthbert.
11:24Mal Cuthbert.
11:25Mal Cuthbert! You used to rob people all up and down the country.
11:28You're well famous.
11:31I am, and I got the scars to prove it.
11:34By which I mean they caught me and scarred me hands to mark me as a thief and teacher for the era in me ways.
11:39It's not cool.
11:40It's punishment for breaking our rules.
11:42Pray it may have worked.
11:44Don't look like it.
11:47My money!
11:48My trousers!
11:51Oh, you're brilliant.
11:53And yet she's still just a petty thief, pickpocketing strangers.
11:56Oh, dear. I'm in me 60s now.
11:59Pursuing me true passions.
12:01Oh, what's that then?
12:02Doing skip-ups.
12:03Hand over your lute.
12:04And I don't mean this kind.
12:07You may be able to scare the coming folk, but I am a general of the highest authority.
12:13I demand that you follow the rules of society and the power of the law.
12:19Should have told you.
12:20I don't care about the rules of society.
12:22He's brilliant.
12:23Oh, none of you going to help?
12:24Come on, life. Help me up. Cut birth away!
12:27Oh, my shag.
12:28My britches are around me ankles.
12:32Of course, if you did break the rules, it didn't always mean you'd get punished.
12:36In the past, there have been some weird and wonderful ways of getting away with it.
12:40Like claiming sanctuary, which meant you couldn't be arrested as long as you were on church grounds.
12:47Luckily, monks don't commit crimes.
12:49Well, apart from Brother Peter.
12:51He stole some grey cloth, and I'm afraid to say, he made a habit out of it.
12:57That's a monk joke.
13:00Come back here!
13:06You can't get me now, Sheriff!
13:08You're corny.
13:09Right, I'm arresting you.
13:10Hey, what are you doing?
13:12I'm claiming church sanctuary.
13:15According to the law, you cannot arrest me whilst I am inside this church.
13:19But you're not in the church.
13:21Yeah, but I'm on church land, and that counts.
13:23So, you know, bad luck.
13:26You can get me now, though.
13:27There you go.
13:29You can get me now, though.
13:30You can't get me.
13:31I'll just wait right here, then.
13:32But eventually, you're going to have to come out.
13:34And when you do, I'm going to arrest you.
13:37Well, I wouldn't count on that.
13:39The law says I have 40 days to decide what I want to do.
13:43And what's a criminal like you going to do in a church, eh?
13:46Loads, actually.
13:48Join a choir. Meditate.
13:52Squat at a pot.
13:54No, it's called gardening.
13:55Anyway, who said I did anything?
13:56Oh, come off it!
13:58Nobody claims church sanctuary if they're innocent.
14:00Yeah, fair enough, I did it.
14:01I knew it!
14:02I stole a pig, and I gave it to my girlfriend for a present.
14:06I'm a filthy pig rustler!
14:08But the law is the law.
14:11So you...
14:14touch me.
14:16All right, Dave, you're arresting him.
14:19Trying to, Caroline, but he's claimed sanctuary, isn't he?
14:22Oh, didn't you hear?
14:23What's that?
14:24King Henry changed the laws on that last week.
14:27Is he?
14:28From now on, all criminals are fair game.
14:31Is that right?
14:32Get over here.
14:33Oh, come on!
14:34Ooh, would you look at that!
14:37I was just having a laugh!
14:38I was joking!
14:39You're coming with me!
14:40Pardon me, I couldn't help overhearing, my child.
14:43Did you say that the king has removed the rights of criminals
14:46to take sanctuary on church land?
14:48That's right, Vicar!
14:50All right, boys, the game's up!
14:52Run where you can, and let's go!
14:54That's it! Run, run, run, move!
15:01There have certainly been a lot of rule breakers over the years,
15:05and that's why we've needed people to try and stop them.
15:08In the 19th century,
15:10Sir Robert Peel created Britain's first professional police force.
15:14But in those early days, being a peeler, as they were called,
15:18wasn't exactly an easy or popular job.
15:27Oi, you! Come back here!
15:30You'll never catch me, cap'n!
15:32It's a hard cop's life for us
15:36Victorian cop's life for us
15:39Stare to thank yous, we get hate
15:42Being a policeman ain't that great
15:45It's a hard cop's life
15:47Used to work on a farm, it was really hard labour
15:50So I moved to the city, thought I'd do meself a favour
15:53I'm over five foot nine, and also not illiterate
15:56So I joined the police force cos I'm the perfect fit for it
15:59Respect was what I wanted, been a criminal myself
16:02Needed to join the other side, be a lot better for my health
16:05Thought we'd be sitting pretty, uh-huh, uh-huh
16:08But dopa ain't as pretty gritty, uh-huh
16:10It's a hard cop's life for us
16:13Victorian cop's life for us
16:16Public cases, rubbish, hate
16:19On our feet twelve hours a day
16:22It's a hard cop's life
16:24Got no way to supplement my minimum income
16:27Feel like I'm an idiot being a policeman
16:30But as part of the reform, part of the new norm
16:33At least we get to wear a nice new woolen uniform
16:36Yeah, but there's a catch, uh-huh, uh-huh
16:39It really makes you scratch
16:42P to the E to the E to the L
16:45The 1829 Metropolitan Police Act
16:48Sir Robert Peel's responsible for our zero hours contract
16:52Out of my way, you peelers
16:54Go on then, call us names
16:56It's not like you can miss us
16:58It's a hard cop's life for us
17:01Victorian cop's life for us
17:04Have to carry our luncheon
17:07Only perk is this truncheon
17:10It's a hard cop's life
17:13It's a hard-knock life
17:16Yeah, the hard cop's life
17:19Some rules don't apply to everyone
17:22Some rules don't apply to everyone
17:26Some rules were a bit odd
17:29Like the one that said all mute swans in England
17:32Belong to the king or queen
17:34That particular rule actually ruffled a lot of feathers
17:38Anyway, that's why I have a goose
17:41Did you like my egg-cellent joke, Susan?
17:44She thinks it honked. Harsh
17:47Anyway, that swan rule put one woman in quite a flap
17:53Sorting out the beefs of the past
17:56Hannibal, you may have taken elephants over the Alps when you attacked Rome
17:59But you may not bring them into my courtroom
18:02With the justice of today
18:04There's few enough bums to go round as it is
18:06Welcome to Time Beefs with Judge Rinder
18:11Dorset-based landowner Dame Joan Young
18:14Has brought Queen Elizabeth I to court
18:16Over a disagreement about some valuable property
18:19I do love cases involving royalty
18:21Now what's this about? Crowns? Scepters?
18:25I'm sorry, what now?
18:26This swan's swanning off with my swans
18:29Oh, please, they're my swans, not your swans
18:33All mute swans are property of the crown
18:35I.e. me, a queen, queen of the swans
18:37Oh, swan right off your swanny swan
18:39Everybody stop saying swan
18:42Now, Dame Joan, what is this about?
18:46I'm trying to take away my white, feathery, goose-like water bird
18:53OK, OK, look, you can say it just this once
18:56My swans
18:58And you brought them with you
19:00Great, just what I wanted
19:02My courtroom to smell like a birdbath
19:04My swans used to belong to the Abbey of St Peter
19:07But when King Henry VIII closed the monasteries
19:10He gave the land and its swans to my family
19:14Royal swans, and they belong to me
19:17Your Honour, my swans are an important part of my estate
19:21They're beautiful, graceful and delicious
19:24Yes, well, I think...
19:26Wait a second, did you say delicious?
19:29Yes, yes, yes, roast swan with yellow pepper sauce
19:32Daddy's favourite
19:34Order, this is time beefs, not MasterChef
19:37Well, we could let the swans decide
19:39Or I could be like a swan and flick your arm with a single blow of a wing
19:43Oh, that does it! You shut that beak up or I will...
19:47Order, order, we'll have no foul play in here
19:50Get it? Foul like birds
19:52Let the record show I made an excellent joke
19:55Now, everybody settle down, I'm ready to give my ruling
19:58Before you do, perhaps I could offer you a little snacking
20:02It's a swanage roll
20:04A sausage roll, but more feathery
20:07You know, Your Majesty, I don't take kindly to your bribery
20:10Mind you, that does smell like great swan
20:12That's it, I rule in favour of the Queen
20:15All swans belong to her
20:17In your face, my nabber
20:19Oh, give me my swans!
20:24Get them out
20:26The court will now take five minutes' recess while I eat my swanage roll
20:31Do we have any cases involving pickles?
20:34Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
20:41Can I help you?
20:43Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
20:46What are you doing?
20:47Well, I am banging a gong and shouting door
20:51Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
20:55Okay, can you stop? It's very annoying
20:57Well, I can stop, but I won't because you find it annoying
21:02Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
21:04Why are you doing this?
21:06Don't you like loud noises?
21:08I'm surprised! You seemed okay with making a racket
21:10outside my house yesterday morning
21:13Okay, I'm sorry
21:15It was our marching band practice
21:17We got carried away, you know, you're feeling the music
21:19Hey, forget it
21:21I am
21:23Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
21:24Are you sure you've forgotten about it?
21:25Because it seems like you absolutely haven't forgotten about it
21:29What's all this?
21:30That sounds incredibly annoying.
21:32Well, it's meant to be.
21:34Then you're under arrest.
21:37Being annoying is against Chapter 22 of the 1860 Penal Code.
21:42And you just confessed.
21:46Oh, how you like me now?
21:48Marching band practice is back on.
21:50Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
21:53You're going to prison, baby.
21:54Eating the prison dal.
21:56Oh, there's barely any spices in there.
21:59Gong, baby. Gong.
22:07That was pretty annoying.
22:08You're also under arrest.
22:10You know you could both serve up to two years in prison for being annoying.
22:13Hey, come on. Now you're being annoying.
22:15Would you like to report a crime?
22:18You said my colleague was being annoying. That's a crime.
22:20I'm arresting you for being annoying while arresting them for being annoying.
22:23Although I imagine that must be pretty annoying.
22:26So feel free to arrest me in return.
22:28Who came up with this law anyway?
22:30The British Raj.
22:33Now they are annoying.
22:35Tell me more.
22:39Oh, my goodness, guys. We have the most special show for you today.
22:43We are going to be springing a surprise on a servant that has been working very, very hard.
22:47Not at his job.
22:48No, he is a terrible servant.
22:50He has been working very hard on his fashion.
22:52Seriously, we could not make this guy look any better.
22:55So let's meet him.
22:57Robert Linto, servant to Queen Elizabeth.
23:00You look amazing.
23:02It should be against the law for a servant to look that good.
23:06And guess what? It is against the law.
23:09You're going to prison for looking so fabuloso.
23:13I don't want to go to prison. You're both dressed exactly like me.
23:16Of course, we are courteous. We are allowed to look this fabulous.
23:21But a lowly servant boy like you needs to look as unimpressive as you actually are.
23:27We are here to keep you out of prison, mate.
23:29Yeah, we're going to be giving you our first ever makeover.
23:33I'm going to be giving you a makeover.
23:35I'm going to be giving you a makeover.
23:37I'm going to be giving you a makeover.
23:39I'm going to be giving you a makeover.
23:41It's your first ever make-under.
23:48Do you know what? His big, padded, fashionable Tudor bottom looks fantastic.
23:52I mean, what have you got stuffed down there? A couple of cushions?
23:55Now, Tudor fashion laws say servants are only allowed 1.6 metres of padding.
24:00Those are the rules. I'm not allowed to have a metre and a half of padding on my bum.
24:04Oh no, you're not allowed any on your bum.
24:07You're supposed to wear it on your legs, not your backside.
24:10And what do you call this? It is Dubai.
24:13It's silk.
24:14Uh-oh, somebody call the fashion police.
24:17It is against the law for anyone lower than a baron to wear silk or satin in Tudor England.
24:22So, let's put that flash in a trash.
24:26It's time this servant got served.
24:34Before we met Robert, he was dressed to impress.
24:37But thanks to us, he's gone from fab to drab.
24:44I look awful.
24:45You are welcome.
24:46You look plain, boring. It is so you.
24:49Just as a servant of your rank should look.
24:52But there's no need to look as miserable as your sad little outfit.
24:55Because guess what? You're not going to prison anymore.
24:58And we've got another surprise for you.
25:01It's solely Queen Elizabeth.
25:04Yes, it's me.
25:05Yes, Queen.
25:06Yes, Queen.
25:07Now, the all-important question.
25:09What do you think of our servant?
25:11Who? I barely noticed him when I came in.
25:14Our work here is done.
25:16And you, you look amazing.
25:19How much padding you got in those trunks?
25:21I'm not wearing any padding.
25:24That's all we've got time for for today's Make Under.
25:27Until next time.
25:28Did you hear what she said?
25:31Sometimes in history there have been rules that were so unfair they needed changing.
25:36And changing those rules meant breaking them.
25:38That's what the suffragettes were doing when they protested about women not being allowed to vote.
25:44One famous protester was Rosa May Billinghurst.
25:47She didn't let any rules get in the way of fighting for her rights.
26:01I am not a stranger to prison life
26:06Lock her up, they say
26:09Cos we don't like your violent ways
26:12I am not ashamed of what I've done
26:17In the name of women's rights
26:20I'm prepared to get in fights
26:23And I don't care if I have to make a fuss
26:26Change myself to Buckingham Palace
26:30I am rebellious
26:33When you chuck me out I'll get back in
26:38You can bang me up but I'll still campaign
26:42I'll even hunger strike, wait and see
26:47Just watch me
26:50We're trying to change society
26:56We just want rights
27:00And to be finally free
27:04Sometimes it takes a brick
27:10And a hammer too
27:13To make your way
27:17To make your message stick
27:22You can chain my hands
27:25But not my heart
27:28And that will drive me on
27:33And I'll never give up
27:35Never, never
27:37I'll never give up
27:38Never, never
27:40Never give up
27:41Never, never
27:43Never till there's equality
27:50Sometimes you have to break the rules
27:57And they belong to me
27:59Daddy laughs, I bam!
28:03Sheeps, sheeps
28:04I can't do that!
28:08The past is no longer a mystery
28:11I hope you enjoyed
28:12Horrible Histories