9-1-1 S08 E02
00:00What? We're not in first class?
00:09When's the tourney?
00:10Maybe on the way back.
00:11I'd settle for coach plus.
00:12Well, tell Mitch I'm not going to go over five percent.
00:15He wants nine? What is he, high?
00:17Okay, tell him I'll give him six and a half.
00:19Yeah, six and a half.
00:21That's my final offer.
00:26Who is this?
00:28He doesn't like men.
00:29I wonder where he gets that from.
00:31All right.
00:32Come on, buddy.
00:33Eyes on where we're going.
00:34I think we're...
00:35Welcome aboard, son.
00:36Skytrain A-80.
00:37Wide-body twin jet aircraft.
00:38Same fuselage and wing components as the A-90 variants.
00:39Yeah, that's right.
00:40Oh, gem flights, planes.
00:41I can see that.
00:42Have a great flight.
00:43You, too.
00:44She's so pretty.
00:45Yeah, she is.
00:46She's so pretty.
00:47She's so pretty.
00:48She's so pretty.
00:49She's so pretty.
00:50She's so pretty.
00:51She's so pretty.
00:52She's so pretty.
00:53She's so pretty.
00:54She's so pretty.
00:55She's so pretty.
00:56She's so pretty.
00:57She's so pretty.
00:58She's so pretty.
01:00Yeah, she's a great companion.
01:01And we are off to meet our new grandchild.
01:04Our fifth.
01:05Beautiful girl.
01:06He is.
01:08This is Renee.
01:09How full are we?
01:10We pick up a few dozen more in L.A.
01:11Let's close her up, then.
01:12Copy that.
01:15Welcome aboard.
01:16And aloha.
01:17We're not going to Hawaii.
01:18Getting off in L.A.
01:19Well, still.
01:21Okay, right there.
01:22You got the window.
01:23Um, I really don't fly well.
01:24I don't like looking down from 40,000 feet.
01:25Then don't look down.
01:26He's coming, too.
01:28Cap, you still with us?
01:29I found a man who wants to get on a plane with us.
01:30I'm still there.
01:31We just heard him say he's going to Hawaii.
01:32We're going to Hawaii.
01:33I'll just wait.
01:34I'll just wait.
01:35I'm going to Hawaii.
01:36I'll miss you.
01:37I'm going to Hawaii.
01:38I'm going to Hawaii.
01:39I'm going to Hawaii.
01:40I'm going to Hawaii.
01:41Thanks for your time.
01:42Appreciate it.
01:43I'll get back to you.
01:44I'll get back to you.
01:45I'll get back to you.
01:50I'm good.
01:52Let's get back to work.
01:54You're OK, Cap.
01:55Try not to get up.
01:56Try not to get up, all right?
01:57You had a close shave from a razor this big.
01:59Left eye's normal.
02:02Right pupil's still sluggish.
02:03Possible concussion.
02:04Let's get him to the ER.
02:07He's going to kill me.
02:08No, no.
02:09He's going to fire me, and then he's going to kill me.
02:12You saved his life.
02:14Is that what I did?
02:15Honestly, I don't really know, because I
02:17just wanted to hit the guy.
02:20Uh, you want?
02:21I could try to buff that out for you.
02:23I think we're good.
02:24Let's go.
02:25Let's go.
02:30We're good.
02:31I got it.
02:32Not to worry, Cap.
02:33They're taking you to the hospital
02:34just to run some routine tests.
02:35There are four inch holes.
02:36Copy that.
02:37All right, let's get him in.
02:48So I guess that makes you the acting captain.
02:51Any orders, Cap?
02:54All right.
02:55As acting captain, while Gerard is incapacitated,
03:00my first order of business is a dance party.
03:06Let's go.
03:07Come on.
03:08Come on.
03:09Next time, mud sock comes gunning for me,
03:11I hope you're close by.
03:24Emmett Washington died living his purpose,
03:27protecting and serving, taking care of his community.
03:31And that's what he would want us to do,
03:33to take care of each other at this terrible time.
03:37To say a few words of remembrance
03:39is Athena Carter, Emmett's fiancee.
03:49For Emmett, being a police officer wasn't just a job.
03:56It was a calling.
03:59Every day of his life was given to that calling.
04:03Emmett was the one who inspired me to become a police officer.
04:08And for that, I am forever grateful.
04:15Grateful that Emmett came into my life.
04:19Grateful for his love and commitment,
04:25not just to me, but to the city of Los Angeles
04:29and to this department.
04:32The best thing we can do to honor him
04:35The best thing we can do to honor him
04:37is continue the work.
04:41I will always honor Emmett.
04:50And I will always love him.
04:56All units clear the air for priority traffic.
05:00Dispatch calling 237.
05:04Officer Washington.
05:08This is the final call for 237.
05:14Officer Emmett Washington.
05:18Officer Washington, it's 10-7.
05:22Thank you for your dedication, service, and loyalty.
05:26You can rest easy.
05:29We have the watch from here.
05:36I've been thinking about it.
05:38I'm not going to take the deal.
05:42I'm not taking that early release deal.
05:48You make me drag my ass all the way to Arizona,
05:51and now you decided that you're not going to cooperate.
05:55I'm going to cooperate.
05:57I'm just...
05:59I'm not going to take the deal,
06:01not unless I have your blessing.
06:03I don't even know what to say to that.
06:06You don't have to say anything.
06:15Why don't you tell me
06:17why men in suits are trying to kill you?
06:25Do you know who Maxwell Fulton is?
06:29Beverly Hills money manager and grade-A pedo.
06:33Well, as of a few months ago,
06:35I had never even heard of the guy.
06:38But the U.S. Attorney's Office came to me with an offer.
06:42Switch prisons, cozy up to the guy,
06:44and see if he would confide in me.
06:46As per what we discussed, his name is Maxwell Fulton.
06:49We're looking for names of people he's protecting
06:51and people who are protecting him.
06:54Getting to know Maxwell was easy enough,
06:57because everybody else in the prison had shunned the dude
07:00because he was a child molester.
07:02I was the only one who stooped low enough to speak to him.
07:07Yeah, okay, well, anyway,
07:09eventually, Maxwell and I were like this.
07:12And it made me sick to my stomach, a lot.
07:15Did he name names?
07:17Not at first.
07:19And after he got shivved, he opened up a little bit.
07:22Brotherhood tried to whack him.
07:27He did a pretty good job, too, except Maxwell survived.
07:31Six weeks in the infirmary...
07:33Wake up, wake up.
07:35When he came back to me, he was an open book.
07:38I have to tell you something,
07:39something that nobody else knows
07:41in case they come at me again.
07:43Where my library is.
07:45Everyone I ever filmed, everyone I set a girl up with,
07:49I put in one place.
07:51Maxwell said there were people on the outside
07:53who would and could do anything
07:55to get their hands on what he called his library.
07:58So he told you where he put it all, hmm?
08:01If I tell you, then the target's on your back.
08:13Okay, you sit tight.
08:15I'm gonna talk to the captain,
08:17make sure LAPD is at the gate for us.
08:22Ma'am, we just began our descent.
08:24If you could retake your seat.
08:25I need to speak to the pilot. It's urgent.
08:27I can't let you in there.
08:29The phone is fine.
08:33Checklist complete.
08:34Continue descent. I'm 10-1.
08:38This is Captain Dominguez.
08:40Captain, there is a police sergeant here
08:42who'd like to speak to you.
08:43All right, I was coming in anyway.
08:44Left turn 30 degrees and descend.
08:46Traffic. Traffic.
08:47The left!
08:48Pulling up!
08:49Pulling up!
08:50Pulling up!
08:55Blue team, run!
08:56Pulling up!
08:57Red team, quick!
08:58R�� again!
08:59Pulling up!
09:09Blue team, pull up!
09:55What can I do? What can I do?
09:58Reduce output.
10:00Danger. Reduce output.
10:28Mayday! Mayday! Emergency! Emergency!
10:40911, what's your emergency?
10:46Keystar 6-3, do you read? Over.
10:488-9-5-Alpha, do you copy?
10:50They were in a landing pattern and climbed suddenly,
10:52then leveled to under 10,000 feet. Now they're not responding.
10:54I just lost 8-9-5-Alpha light aircraft.
10:57He said something about bees and then dropped off the radar.
11:00Can you repeat that? I'm having a little trouble hearing you, ma'am.
11:03Mayday! Speak up! The window's open!
11:06Are you driving?
11:07No! Flying!
11:09Keystar Flight 63 out of Phoenix.
11:14There's been an accident! A mid-air collision!
11:18Our radio here is busted.
11:19Can I have your name?
11:21Athena Grant! I need air traffic!
11:26Air traffic. I have LAPD Sergeant Athena Grant, passenger on Keystar Flight 63.
11:32Put her through to you now.
11:35Flight 6-3, this is Nick Johnson, air traffic control.
11:39Are you there, Flight 6-3? Again, this is air traffic control, Nick Johnson.
11:43Nick, we're in trouble up here. We hit something.
11:46We know. A light plane.
11:48Yeah, not light enough.
11:49Our captain's missing. I'm guessing stuck through the hole that's in this cockpit.
11:57There's a jump seat in it right now.
12:00Who stabilized the aircraft?
12:02Our co-pilot. He's alive but unconscious. He's in bad shape.
12:07All right. I need you to look on the instrument panel just below the windshield.
12:11Do you see a button that says AP?
12:15I do, yes.
12:18Is it lit?
12:20Good. Your autopilot is engaged.
12:23Sergeant Grant, this is Amy Olsen, air traffic supervisor.
12:27We're clearing the airspace around you so there's nothing out your window you need to worry about.
12:32The aircraft will stay in the sky.
12:34That's encouraging!
12:36And now just sit tight. Keep your phone near you.
12:38We'll get back to you with this number as fast as we can with the game plan.
12:45We are rolling. Turn off your cell phones, please.
12:52Cap, you better give a listen here.
12:55Help me, help me. I'm in here.
12:57Owner said they just retiled the bathroom floor yesterday. No one's seen the plumber since.
13:02Hmm. All right, everyone, stand back.
13:06I'm going to rotor-rotor this guy out the old-fashioned way.
13:10Whoa, whoa, whoa. Can we cut?
13:12What now?
13:13I'm sorry, everybody. It's just, first, you'd never swing that thing anywhere near where the victim might be because you could hurt him.
13:20I mean, you could even kill him.
13:21Hey, tech advisor, it's a TV show, not reality.
13:25Copy that. So if it's a TV show and you have to use a sledgehammer, you want to remember that you're hitting into tile.
13:31And sharp shards of porcelain could come flying back at you, so you'd put your visors down or you might go home blind.
13:36They're not putting their visors down because then the audience won't see their faces.
13:40And this is not actual porcelain. It's plaster of Paris. Not real.
13:44But we want it to look real, don't we, Marcus?
13:51I need my script.
13:53I think maybe that guy hates me.
13:55Don't worry about it. He'll be gone by the end of the week after another show. But you, you'll still be here.
14:06I think that's good.
14:09Looks like the bleeding stopped.
14:11Blood pressure's holding. 95 over 65.
14:14Well, he's alive. Now I need him alive and awake.
14:19We have a lot of injured people out here. And another problem.
14:29That's not good.
14:30No, it's not.
14:34All right. All these people back here are getting upgraded.
14:38Move everyone as far away from the tear as possible.
14:55If I could just have everyone's attention.
14:58My name is Athena Grant.
15:00My name is Athena Grant. I'm a sergeant with the LAPD.
15:04I've been in touch with people on the ground.
15:07They are aware of our situation and are working on a solution.
15:11What is our situation?
15:13What was that?
15:16Our plane was involved in a mid-air collision.
15:20But I'm told that we're in no danger of going down.
15:23I know that you're all scared.
15:26I won't tell you not to be, because I am too.
15:29But the important thing now is that we help each other and not panic.
15:35Now, who has cell service?
15:39You guys think it's weird we haven't heard from the hospital?
15:42Nah. Presbyterians always delay this time of day.
15:46I'll tell you what's weird.
15:48Gerard's not sitting in that chair yelling at us through egg salad.
15:53Hey, Maddy.
15:55Hey. We're taking the 118 out of rotation for the rest of shift.
15:58Is this about that thing with Gerard? Because Hen's got that covered.
16:01No. I have some people on the line who need to talk to you.
16:04To me?
16:05To all of you. Put me on speaker. I'll explain.
16:09Hey, guys. It's Maddy.
16:12Hi, everyone. I need your help with multiple people.
16:15I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
16:20Hi, everyone. I need your help with multiple casualties from a mid-air collision.
16:24We're nowhere near the airport.
16:26Neither are they. They're still mid-air.
16:28ATC's working on bringing them down.
16:30For now, I'm going to patch them through to each of you individually for triage.
16:34Why us?
16:35Because you're their best hope.
16:37And because Athena's on that plane.
16:41We've reached Bobby Nash. Not available for taken call right now.
16:45Please leave a message.
16:57I love you, baby.
17:04Please, tell me you love me.
17:08Please, tell me you've come up with a plan.
17:11I've got some hurting people up here.
17:13I think we have, Sergeant.
17:15I'd love to hear it.
17:17You're going to land the plane.
17:20I'm going to land the plane?
17:23That is not a great plan.
17:25We've contacted a flight instructor. He's on his way here.
17:28He'll coach you through it.
17:30Coach me through it?
17:31He's actually done this many times.
17:34With students.
17:35On a flight simulator.
17:37It's essentially the same thing.
17:40Except on a simulator, when you make a mistake, you get another chance.
17:43There are people on this plane.
17:46And you're going to get them all home safely.
17:49You know, there's something else that you should know.
17:52There's a hole in the plane.
17:54Another one in the back.
17:56A piece of the plane that hit us is sticking right through the roof.
18:02You should move people away from that if you can.
18:05Already done.
18:07Then you should be fine.
18:10Should we evacuate the airport?
18:16No, no, you listen to me.
18:18You come near her again.
18:20And I mean even the same state.
18:22You even gloss in her direction.
18:24And I will know.
18:25And the next time you happen to lower your guard, just for one moment,
18:28just know that I'm going to take that moment to end your bloody,
18:31pathetic life!
18:34Hello, Bobby, mate.
18:35Sandy, Sandy, I've got to call you back, darling.
18:37Yeah, somebody's just shown up.
18:39All right, darling, toodaloo.
18:42You good?
18:43Yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:44I was just...
18:45Doing a scene?
18:46Yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:47But not for this.
18:48Sit down.
18:49Yeah, all right.
18:50Not for this.
18:51I'm rehearsing for a play.
18:53Yeah, I wrote it.
18:54Well, I co-wrote it.
18:55That was my writing partner.
18:58Is that with Wilfred Brimley at the retirement centre
19:00and the aliens take him away?
19:02That's Cocoon.
19:04Vietnam, Oliver Stone.
19:05Yeah, I remember.
19:06I was making a joke.
19:07The deadpan, seen-it-all irony kind of thing, yeah.
19:10Yeah, I'm going to use that.
19:13So, Platoon.
19:14Anyway, yeah, so before the cast went to the Philippines
19:17to film the movie, right?
19:20Charlie Sheen.
19:22Willem Dafoe.
19:24And, yeah, a really young Johnny Depp.
19:26Well, they all got to work with a real-life drill sergeant, right?
19:32Two or three weeks.
19:33And it really helped them feel like what it feels like
19:36to be in the jungle.
19:37Right, right, yeah.
19:38So it really, really helped with their performance and everything.
19:42Oh, so you want to do that but with firefighters?
19:44Yes, exactly.
19:46A weekend up in the mountains, just the men, you know?
19:48Or we could do it at my place in Malibu.
19:50But, yeah, anyway, you can be the drill sergeant
19:53and, I don't know, like, berate until your heart's content.
19:55Well, I love berating people.
19:59This is disgusting!
20:03I'll have a think on it.
20:04You take your time, it's all right.
20:05Yeah, yeah, yeah, you mull it over.
20:07I'm going to mull it.
20:08Yeah, yeah, amazing.
20:09Oh, oh, oh, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.
20:11Yeah, yeah, just one more idea, right?
20:13I think that my character should use a catchphrase, right?
20:16So you can imagine.
20:18All the bells are going off,
20:19we're running to our firetruck and everything,
20:21and I say something like,
20:23let's saddle up, boys.
20:27What did you think, did you like it?
20:28It's got a real Western flavor.
20:29Oh, my God, thank you.
20:30I just got a good one, I thought.
20:32I'm going to try it.
20:33All right, we're back in.
20:36Bobby Nash.
20:38He's the technical advisor on your show.
20:40I don't care if you're rolling, okay?
20:41It's an emergency.
20:42It's several emergencies.
20:43Okay, just pack the leg with ice.
20:45It'll reduce the swelling.
20:46I need you to make sure
20:47that there's nothing obstructing his airways.
20:50She hit the roof of the cabin?
20:52Is she talking?
20:53Sort of.
20:54Breathe, Donna.
20:55We're right here with you, hon.
20:57Chimney, I think her leg's broken.
20:59And why would you think that?
21:01Well, for one, it's crooked.
21:05Right, okay.
21:06Did you come with a carry-on today?
21:08No, I'm traveling light.
21:10Then find one.
21:11We're making a splint.
21:15Does anyone have a carry-on?
21:17I need to make a splint.
21:19I have something!
21:20How's his blood pressure?
21:22BP's holding, but he's still unconscious.
21:25You know, I think I have some smelling salts.
21:27No, absolutely not.
21:29He's stable. Just keep monitoring.
21:31Tia, describe his breathing to me.
21:33It's like quick, short breaths.
21:35He started flipping out
21:36when the oxygen masks came down.
21:38Okay, I think this may be a panic attack.
21:40We're just, we're gonna coach him
21:42through some breathing, okay?
21:44Hey, I got you.
21:46We're gonna do some breathing together, okay?
21:48Yeah, okay.
21:55Okay, I got a handle!
21:56Okay, put the handle under her leg
21:58and find something to support it.
22:00Give me a magazine!
22:10Sergeant Grant.
22:12The flight instructor's here.
22:14Sergeant, my name is Jimmy Hadley.
22:16I'm your flight instructor.
22:17I've graduated hundreds of students
22:19from my flight school,
22:20from pro athletes to grandmas.
22:22I am very familiar with the aircraft
22:24that you are in.
22:26We are gonna do just fine.
22:28Y'all strapped in?
22:31Okay, I'm gonna let you know
22:32what we're gonna do here.
22:33Hand burn.
22:34Quite a bit of fuel going over the ocean.
22:36That's a problem.
22:38No, actually, that's good.
22:39The lighter you are,
22:40the easier it's gonna be to land her.
22:42So I'm gonna bring you back here
22:43in a nice big ark
22:44and give you lots of time
22:45to make it easier to handle her
22:47on your run up to the airport.
22:50the first thing we gotta do
22:51is turn you around.
22:53How do we do that?
22:55We're going to change your heading
22:56to left turn 360.
22:59That doesn't tell me anything!
23:01I want you to look up
23:03at the top row of your instrument panel
23:05just below the windscreen.
23:06You see it?
23:07Yeah, I do, I do.
23:08Okay, good.
23:09You see the displays there,
23:11the ones with the numbers in it?
23:12You want the one with the current heading.
23:14Which the hell one is that?
23:18This one.
23:20It's the one that reads...
23:21Two, six, zero.
23:23Very good.
23:24Head of the class.
23:25Now you see the dial that's underneath it.
23:27I want you to turn it left
23:29until it reads...
23:30Three, six, zero.
23:38Okay, got it.
23:39Now what?
23:41Now you relax.
23:44you just turned a jetliner around.
23:47That's it?
23:48For now.
23:50What do you mean?
23:51How long does it take to shoot a scene?
23:53Okay, you guys are doing great.
23:55Did you find anything to hold it together?
23:57Yeah, we got some neckties!
23:59Okay, perfect.
24:00What I want you to do
24:01is I want you to tie it around
24:02so it's secure,
24:03but not too tight
24:04that it restricts blood flow.
24:06I'm sorry, don't.
24:08Hey, we are going to that tournament.
24:11And no matter what,
24:12you're still team captain.
24:17Her leg's swelling up really bad!
24:20Uh, feel around her ankle.
24:22Can you find her pulse?
24:27I got one!
24:28Okay, good.
24:29I need you to keep checking for it.
24:31What happens if I can't feel it?
24:33Then we worry.
24:37Two, three, four,
24:43And I don't think this is helping!
24:45He's still having trouble breathing.
24:48And his lips, they're turning blue!
24:50All right, Tia,
24:51I don't think this is a panic attack.
24:57Yeah, me neither.
25:01He's coughing pink poo!
25:03That would be bloody sputum.
25:05Okay, when the plane climbed,
25:07you said he was on oxygen?
25:09No, he broke his mask!
25:12I think he has high-altitude pulmonary edema.
25:15Mountain climbers get it.
25:16It's fluid in the lungs
25:17drowning him from the inside out.
25:19What do we do?
25:20Normal treatment would be to get him to the ground,
25:22but since that's not happening anytime soon,
25:24can you reach one of those O2 masks?
25:40Ken, the oxygen's not working.
25:42Okay, then we need something stronger,
25:44something that'll keep his blood vessels dilated,
25:47carrying fluid out of his lungs.
25:49I have an idea.
25:52Does anybody here have erectile dysfunction?
25:55Is anybody carrying dildenafil?
25:58CP meds?
25:59A man's life depends on it!
26:02It's me.
26:04Okay, how swollen is it now?
26:06Everything under her knee!
26:08It's all gone pale!
26:10All right, I need you to carefully remove the splint
26:13and feel for her pulse.
26:25I can't feel it!
26:26So what does that mean?
26:28It's called compartment syndrome.
26:30Pressure is building up, stopping blood flow.
26:32If we don't relieve it soon, she could lose her leg.
26:35Or even worse.
26:36Well, how do we do that? How do we relieve it?
26:38We're gonna do what's called a fasciotomy.
26:40A what?
26:41You're gonna cut it open.
26:43We need something razor-sharp.
26:45Airplane cutlery will not work.
26:47It has to be razor-sharp.
26:49We all went through security!
26:51There is nothing razor-sharp!
26:53I can make a blade!
26:55Get me a toothbrush and a cigarette lighter!
27:00Can you take my dog?
27:01Yeah, yeah.
27:06Okay, open wide.
27:12How is he supposed to swallow that when he's out cold?
27:15Rub his throat like with my dog?
27:17Do not! Do not. He could choke.
27:19We have to find some other way to give him this medication.
27:23Hi! Me again!
27:25Now we're looking for a nebulizer.
27:28So if anybody has asthma or...
27:31I packed one for my COPD!
27:36You two! Really coming through!
27:39Perks of being geriatric, dear!
27:47You're making a prison shift!
27:49Where'd you learn how to do that?
27:51Where do you think?
27:57All right, now when you have the powder,
27:59mix it with water in the reservoir.
28:01Okay, doing it.
28:15Now what?
28:16Turn it on and pray I'm right.
28:20Okay, come on.
28:23Come on.
28:35He's waking up!
28:44Did you just save me?
28:47I... I guess I did.
28:51All right, keep him on the nap.
28:53Let the pills do their job.
28:54And find a blanket and put it over his legs.
28:56What's the blanket for?
29:11Okay, that's sharp!
29:17And sterilized!
29:22I've never shivved anyone!
29:23Well, neither have I!
29:26Oh, okay.
29:28All right! What do I do?
29:30Okay, I need you to cut through to the muscle.
29:33Half inch deep.
29:34Start below the knee on the inside of her leg.
29:40Okay, okay.
29:42Oh, God! Is this supposed to make her pop?
29:45Yes. Now cut down to her ankle.
29:47It's just like slicing a sausage.
29:51Hang in there, Donna!
30:04It feels better!
30:08You cut my leg open and it feels better!
30:11How's the color?
30:12It's coming back! It's pink!
30:14And I can feel a pulse!
30:16There we go!
30:17Good job, Jeff! Good job, guys!
30:28Who are you here with?
30:30My dad.
30:32Does he know you're up here?
30:34He's helping a lady.
30:37You two going to Hawaii on vacation?
30:41It's my mom's birthday.
30:43She live out there?
30:48We lost Jim's mom a couple years ago.
30:50She liked to do things she liked to do.
30:52You know, to celebrate.
30:55Come on, Jim. We need to get back to our seats.
30:59Thanks for the assist!
31:01No problem!
31:07Now that's just terrifying!
31:11How's everybody doing back there?
31:14They're all alive.
31:16Your friends on the ground saw to it.
31:19Hey, speaking of ground,
31:21the powers that be know how they're going to get us there yet?
31:24Yeah, they got a plan.
31:26They want me to land the plane.
31:29I appreciate the vote of confidence.
31:37If anybody on this thing can do it,
31:40I'd put my money on you.
31:43But in the event things don't go like we'd like it,
31:47maybe we should call down there and let someone else know
31:50where Fulton's black book is.
31:53Just in case we don't make it,
31:55you've got somebody you trust?
31:59Yeah, I do.
32:03I just haven't been able to get a hold of him.
32:14You know, I always thought this support dog thing was BS,
32:18but there's something to it.
32:21Where's the steward?
32:22I'd like a ginger ale.
32:24I think they suspended cabin service, dear.
32:27Guys, I know it's scary,
32:30and I know my leg is really gross,
32:35but we adapt, right?
32:38We got this.
32:39We're going to be okay.
32:40We got it!
32:42We got this.
32:43We're going to be okay.
32:44We got it!
32:58Janowitz, I want that report on my desk in the morning.
33:01And spellcheck this time?
33:03Captain Maynard, a word.
33:05I thought you two were at LAX picking up your prisoner.
33:07We were.
33:08One tiny little problem.
33:10Our prisoner wasn't on his flight.
33:12Nor was your Sergeant Grant.
33:13So we'd really appreciate it if we can have a moment.
33:16Any information you might have on...
33:18Where the hell they both might be right now?
33:22You sure you went to the right gate?
33:23Yes, we went to the right gate and to the right airport.
33:25But maybe we didn't pick the right cop for the job.
33:27Well, you didn't pick her, remember?
33:29Dennis Jenkins did.
33:31Let me try her cell.
33:32We did that already, numerous times.
33:35It always goes straight to...
33:37Captain Maynard, do we have to emphasize to you
33:39just how serious this matter is?
33:41Oh, I'm perfectly aware of what's at stake.
33:44Maybe you aren't.
33:45Because if Dennis Jenkins isn't delivered to us
33:47cuffed and in one piece within the hour...
33:49You'll take Sergeant Grant's badge?
33:51Not just hers.
33:55I am certain there is a perfectly simple explanation
33:58for what's happened.
34:00In whatever situation Athena finds herself in
34:02with Dennis Jenkins,
34:04I am 100% positive
34:06she has it under control.
34:13Sergeant Grant, what's happening up there?
34:15That hole in the back of the plane!
34:17It just got bigger!
34:19Airspeed dropping to 220 knots.
34:24It's 210 now!
34:27Descending to 9,000 feet.
34:38Melissa, no!
34:40I can help!
34:43Okay, okay.
34:46Descending to 8,200 feet.
34:47They're falling out of the sky.
34:48Talk to me, people!
34:49What the hell is happening?
34:50It's the breach in the fuselage.
34:52All the wind in the cabin is creating drag.
34:54It's slowing you down and it's pulling you down.
34:56Tell me how to stop it!
34:58You have to speed up.
35:01Sorry, he insisted.
35:03Sir, return to your seat, please!
35:06And you, buckle up!
35:09We're all safer with him here.
35:12I can do this, Dad!
35:18I love you.
35:23I love you.
35:29It's getting bumpy, ATC!
35:31Okay, we need to add 30% more thrust to compensate.
35:34Find the lever, push it forward.
35:41How far?
35:42All the way.
35:49Keep going until the indicator shows 250.
35:53Now the nose is going to want to pitch up,
35:55but the autopilot is going to compensate.
36:05Autopilot disconnected. Autopilot disconnected.
36:08The autopilot just checked out!
36:10It's the drag.
36:11You need to nose down manually.
36:13But just five degrees.
36:15How do I do that?
36:16Okay, you see that thing that looks like a joystick?
36:19Well, it works like one, too.
36:21But you have to be very gentle.
36:24I've got it!
36:35ATC! The level is on the horizon!
36:50250 knots! You can put that back down!
37:05Good job!
37:06Uh, Sergeant Grant, is there someone in the cockpit with you?
37:11I just picked up a co-pilot!
37:13Say hello, Jim!
37:18Is that a kid?
37:19Whoever it is, it's very lucky to have him.
37:21That was very close.
37:22At least it's still in the sky.
37:24Barely. With this continued drag on that compromised fuselage,
37:27the whole thing could fall apart at any moment.
37:30We need to get them on the ground immediately.
37:32We need to get them on the ground immediately.
37:34All outbound flights have been grounded.
37:36Everything incoming has been diverted.
37:38Then there's only one thing left to do.
37:40All companies in LAX Battalion 4, respond to Runway South.
37:44All aircraft assigned to Task Force 118, Rescue 118, Station 119, 133.
37:50Prepare for emergency touchdown.
37:52It's like half the department!
37:54Buck! We have a call!
37:56I'll meet you guys in LAX!
37:58Where are you going?
37:59Find Bobby.
38:18Keystar 6-3, you are now entering the approach environment for SoCal.
38:22Radar control.
38:23What does that mean?
38:24It means it's time to discuss initial descent procedures.
38:27Are you ready?
38:29Do I have a choice?
38:31Agent Grant, we've cleared the entire LAX airspace and runways.
38:35You'll have it all to yourself.
38:36And we'll be in your ear every step of the way.
38:42Okay, ATC, let's do this!
38:44While we still have a plane to land!
38:50You're going to want to see this!
38:52God, what now?
38:56Hold on, sir!
38:57We're going to get you out of that toilet.
39:02Cap! I see him!
39:07That's lunch!
39:12Hey, Bobby.
39:13Hey, Brad.
39:14You were great in that last scene, yeah.
39:16Oh, really? Did you think so? Really?
39:17Yeah, compelling stuff.
39:18Hey, I was wondering, did you have a chance to think about what we talked about?
39:21I did, but I want to think about it some more right now.
39:23I've got to check in with my wife.
39:24Well, happy wife, happy life.
39:26You said it.
39:27And in my case, wives.
39:29You must be a happy guy.
39:31What we know so far is this.
39:32The airliner collided with a smaller aircraft on its descent into L.A.
39:36and was badly damaged.
39:42I love you, baby!
39:44...ongoing crisis in the sky.
39:46No word yet on what became of that other aircraft.
39:49But the widebody, reportedly, is being piloted now by a passenger.
39:54Did they say where that flight took off from?
39:59Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
40:03Athena's on that flight, isn't she?
40:04She's flying it.
40:05Of course she is. What else would she be doing?
40:06Central dispatch, like every company in the city, to LAX for an emergency landing.
40:10All right, where's your car?
40:11It's this way.
40:12The streets were jammed. It took me forever to get here.
40:14All right, we're taking that.
40:17Yeah, seriously. Get in. Let's go.
40:19All right, boys. Let's saddle up.
40:29He started mumbling, and then he sat up.
40:32How you feeling?
40:34Kind of bloated.
40:35Actually, my leg hurts.
40:39I'm just glad you're alive.
40:41And more than a little glad for you.
40:43Captain Dominguez?
40:47Any other casualties?
40:50Some injuries, but we just kept her in there, just waiting for you.
40:55Does anyone know where we are?
40:56Yeah. We just crossed into SoCal radar control.
41:01Who turned the plane around?
41:02I did.
41:04You're a pilot?
41:06You're a pilot?
41:08You're a pilot?
41:10Who turned the plane around?
41:11I did.
41:12You're a pilot?
41:13LAPD field sergeant.
41:15But I should probably take over.
41:16Yeah, I think we'd all prefer that, yeah.
41:20You getting all of this?
41:23Copy that.
41:24We've got a licensed pilot on board.
41:26A conscious one, that is.
41:29We made it back to the party just in time.
41:32Sergeant, I can't tell you what a relief that is for us here on the ground.
41:37And us in the sky, too.
41:38All right.
41:39Help me up.
41:44Wait. Wait.
41:46Are you okay?
41:49Just let me get my...
41:51What's happening?
41:52Get him on the floor!
41:55I think he's having a heart attack.
41:58No pulse!
42:00Starting compressions!
42:04Come on!
42:06Come on!
42:09Come on!
42:39Come on!