(Adnkronos) - Le motivazioni principali del gender gap di competenze finanziarie ed assicurative rilevate dall’Edufin Index di Alleanza Assicurazioni “sono legate innanzitutto ad una maggior fragilità finanziaria delle donne, che notoriamente hanno un tasso di occupazione più basso e, anche quando lavorano, vengono pagate di meno. A questo si aggiungono temi culturali, come il fatto che le donne spesso non parlano di soldi, considerati un grande tabù, o come la mancanza di tempo da dedicare alla formazione finanziaria”. Parole di Claudia Ghinfanti, responsabile Marketing e Comunicazione di Alleanza Assicurazioni, Gruppo Generali, in occasione dell’evento, organizzato a Palazzo Marino a Milano, ‘Donne, autonomia finanziaria e autodeterminazione: un binomio necessario’.
00:00What are the main reasons for this gender gap?
00:04The main reasons for this gender gap
00:07that we have wanted to deepen in recent years,
00:09collecting important data on literature and the market,
00:13but also deepening with our annual observatory,
00:18are due, first of all, to a greater financial fragility of women,
00:23who notoriously have a lower employment rate,
00:27also have a gender pay gap,
00:29so they are paid less, let's say, in a direct way,
00:34and this means that they also have more unstable incomes,
00:37and, in fact, lower averages,
00:39so less opportunity to invest, to save,
00:42and therefore to grapple with financial issues.
00:48Cultural themes are added to this,
00:52cultural themes on the fact that women
00:56do not talk about money,
00:58also for an educational reason,
01:00that money is a great taboo for women.
01:05And to this, a determining element is added,
01:08which is the latest deepening
01:11that emerged in the 2024 Dofini Index,
01:14which is also linked to the time factor.
01:16And the worrying thing is that,
01:18obviously, if they are single women,
01:20they have a level of decision-making autonomy,
01:24and also a financial decision-making weight,
01:28therefore, on financial decisions,
01:30it is important because they are single,
01:32so they have no other means.
01:34But when they enter a family status of a couple,
01:38regardless of the fact that they work less
01:40and earn less than the husband,
01:43there is always an important gap of 12 points
01:47in favor of women,
01:49in terms of decision-making weight
01:51in the face of financial choices.
01:53The percentage of women is much lower.
01:55And the main reason,
01:57indeed, the main reason
01:59is that women emerge
02:01and occupy most of their extra-working time
02:05taking care of home and family.
02:09I quote, I am pleased to quote
02:11the Ipsos data of 2023,
02:13which tells us that women
02:16on average spend
02:19five hours a day
02:21of their time
02:23taking care of home and family
02:25compared to men
02:27who dedicate a little less than two hours.
02:29So this makes us understand
02:31that even if we wanted,
02:33there would not even be time to inform ourselves.