(Adnkronos) - Secondo i dati dell’Edufin Index, l’osservatorio annuale di Alleanza Assicurazioni, gli italiani non raggiungono la sufficienza quando si parla di conoscenze e competenze finanziarie ed assicurative. Sulla scala da 1 a 100, dove 60 rappresenta la sufficienza, il livello di educazione finanziaria degli italiani si ferma a 56, ed è ancora più basso tra le donne e i giovani. Per promuovere una maggiore conoscenza dei temi finanziari tra queste categorie fragili, Alleanza Assicurazioni conferma anche per il 2025 il tour dell'educazione finanziaria, le cui 14 tappe, oltre a coinvolgere le donne, toccheranno anche le scuole. Di questo e dell’importanza delle competenze finanziarie ed assicurative per una maggiore equità sociale e autonomia si è parlato all’evento ‘Donne, autonomia finanziaria e autodeterminazione: un binomio necessario’, svoltosi a Palazzo Marino a Milano. Durante l’incontro, inoltre, la rettrice dell’università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca e presidente Crui, Giovanna Iannantuoni, è stata insignita del riconoscimento delle “Grandi Guglie della Grande Milano”.
00:00In terms of knowledge and financial and insurance skills, Italians do not reach
00:09the level of sufficiency, with a score of 56 out of 100.
00:12This is stated in the results of the EDUFIN Index 2024 of the Insurance Alliance, the
00:17annual observatory that photographs the level of financial and insurance education of Italians.
00:22From the analysis, the fragility of two categories has also emerged, the young and the women,
00:27and the latter in particular, especially if inserted in a family or couple status,
00:32turn out to be less informed in this regard, with a decisive weight in the face of financial choices
00:37less than 12 points compared to men.
00:40A condition not only due to the low employment rate and the gender pay gap, but also
00:45due to the lack of time to devote to the deepening of these issues.
00:49The Insurance Alliance has therefore decided to engage in numerous initiatives on the territory
00:55to help Italians improve their knowledge in the field of finance and insurance.
01:00The Insurance Alliance is strongly committed to the issue of literacy and dissemination
01:10of all that is knowledge and financial and insurance information, in order to make
01:17Italians, but in particular also the most fragile categories, I am referring to young people
01:22and women, more aware of the tools used to manage their future.
01:27So our goal is to contribute to disseminating financial and economic information
01:34also as an instrument of empowerment and possible autonomy for the female world.
01:39In addition to the section Women Who Speak to Women, which finds space on magazines and radio stations
01:45with which the insurance and financial consultants of the company can answer
01:49the questions of readers and listeners, the Insurance Alliance has also renewed
01:54the Tour of Financial Education for 2025.
01:57The Alliance has implemented not only these quantitative deepenings with this observatory
02:04that we promote, but also concrete actions.
02:07And on this I am pleased to mention, first of all, a tour of women's financial education
02:11with 14 stops in the largest Italian cities, where we want, let's say, on one side,
02:18with an event in the morning, to raise awareness among families and young people, because we go
02:23to schools, in collaboration with FEDUF, to talk about savings and therefore
02:28financial concepts, obviously basic, also with elementary school children, so that
02:33we immediately try to instill this culture.
02:36On the other hand, in the afternoons, we organize an event dedicated to women, the
02:42financial well-being ritual, where the goal is precisely that women break the taboo
02:47and talk about money, talk to each other about money, confront each other on their own experiences,
02:51on their own fears and also on their own areas in which they need to grow and know more.