• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Alleanza Assicurazioni è fortemente impegnata nell’alfabetizzazione rispetto alle conoscenze finanziarie e nella diffusione di informazioni di natura finanziaria e assicurativa, al fine di rendere gli italiani, e in particolare giovani e donne, le categorie più fragili, più consapevoli degli strumenti utili a gestire il loro futuro”. Sono le parole di Marina Montepilli, Hr director di Alleanza Assicurazioni, Gruppo Generali, all’evento ‘Donne, autonomia finanziaria e autodeterminazione: un binomio necessario’, organizzato a Palazzo Marino a Milano.


00:00What role does the Allianza Assicurazioni play in the future?
00:04The Allianza Assicurazioni is strongly committed to a theme of literacy and dissemination of all that is knowledge and information of a financial and insurance nature,
00:20in order to make Italians, but in particular also the most fragile categories, I mean young people and women, more aware of the tools useful to manage their future.
00:31So our goal is to contribute to disseminate financial and economic information also as an instrument of empowerment and possible autonomy for the female world.
00:43Precisely for these elements, Allianza intervenes on the territory with a multitude of levers.
00:51Starting from workshops, there have been about 3,000 events involving 82,000 people, of which a very high percentage to the female.
01:00With media contamination, what we mean is to use non-traditional spaces for these themes, on media also aimed at the female world, weekly and monthly,
01:13but with information of a practical nature and precisely of contamination and literacy of financial and insurance themes.
01:26The project includes further actions this year.
01:30So we want to multiply our presidia on the territory.
01:36The events will become 14 from 7, starting from March 18 at the base space.
01:45There will always be in presence and done in collaboration also with RAME, which follows all these themes to the female.
01:53In addition, the events on the territory, already only this week, there will be 260 events that will be held on the territory and will be managed and carried out by our financial consultants.
02:08We have a network of sales consultants, of which almost half are women, and they contribute with a language of women who speak to women,
02:18with competence, professionalism, but great ability to relate.
