00:00That's a step wide open three
00:04Santos might say
00:05Bulls swap it's not the Kaminga might say or the words of Stephen Curry night night
00:12Dubnation, it's Steve Kerr. You're listening to Willard and dibs on 95 7 the game. Yeah, but he didn't do it
00:18He threatened to do it. It kind of did it shrugged it off. Did the coach prompt him to do it?
00:24Well, let's find out let's the coach is here
00:27Willard and dibs glad you're with us and it is that time out to the River Islands
00:32Guest line we go time for coach Kerr presented by great clips in sports success is about team effort
00:39And the same is true for your hair great clips. It's gonna be great. Hi coach. How you doing?
00:43I'm doing well. How are you guys? We're good. Yeah
00:46Did you have some sort of an interaction there with Steph encouraging him to do the night night that he that he didn't do?
00:53well after
00:54After the next play, I think I looked over at him and I said you can do it now
00:59Yeah, and he just laughed. So yeah, that was a fun great night. I mean, obviously
01:05the garden there's nothing like the garden and
01:08Really good second half for us. I was a fun fun win. So we were we were all enjoying ourselves for sure
01:14Yeah, how much of that is the garden? I mean obviously it's a big game
01:17It's a good team. We we get all that but the interactions with Spike Lee that are still happening
01:23Does does the garden still have its you know, it's Genesee quality well
01:29To me it's the best atmosphere in the league
01:32for the reason you just mentioned just the history there and you know spike on the sidelines and
01:38Something about the lighting in there. I mean, you're just aware of the history and and being in New York is special
01:45So it's I think everybody was was pretty fired up for the game even on a back-to-back
01:50I'm getting in super late the night before
01:54Everybody was ready to go last night
01:55You can see it and also fired up to take on one of the best in the East and you know things were a little choppy
02:01In the first half and it felt like you came out in the third quarter and started to get the game in your favor
02:07How much confidence does that give a team that's already super confident knowing that you can beat a really good team like, New York
02:14Yeah, I mean I we've been building our confidence here in the last couple of weeks, but I thought the second half performance was
02:23First time we really have put it together
02:26and looked like, you know the team that we think we can be yeah, and and I think a lot of that is just
02:33kind of figuring out how to play through Jimmy a little bit and
02:38You know trying to find the right
02:42Combinations the right rhythm to the game and
02:45Even though that first half was choppy. I liked our play
02:48I mean we were taking care of the ball. Our intentions were great
02:51We just weren't really making shots and then
02:54Second half the game opened up once once we knocked a few down and that seemed to give us even more confidence
02:59Coach Kerr with us here on Willard and dibs before we go too much deeper into the game and all the situations for the team
03:05Right now, I you know, you just mentioned that you guys all love being in New York
03:09I know you I'm sure you guys got together in practice today. But but what about all the other hours?
03:14What do you what are you doing with a day in New York?
03:17we know we have the day off today, you know after the back-to-back and
03:21So I am heading to dinner with my wife. We're gonna go see a show tonight
03:26You know, it's a New York night. You got it. You got to do something fun
03:30So I we always love coming here. My wife is actually from here and
03:34So it's a special trip every time we come to New York every season Italian steak
03:41What Italian Italian? I thought I felt it. I thought it was good man. What show are you see exactly?
03:47We're seeing a show called Oh Mary, which is on Broadway
03:51And it's our son saw he told us it was hysterical. And so that was the one we picked
03:58No, we're excited. Good night. Yeah, I mean there's no better city to have an off night
04:03And I was joking with Mark before about maybe a hungover effort against Brooklyn them all but I'm imagining that
04:09You know with that many adults in your locker room
04:12They're gonna be buttoned up especially 10 and 2 Steve since you got Jimmy and I know only one of those losses is
04:19When he played are you starting to feel some of the vibes of some of your great teams where?
04:25You take the floor and you get that feeling like it's almost gonna be impossible for you to lose
04:31Well, I think we're not there yet, but there is a great vibe in the locker room and and a lot of confidence
04:37You know and on the floor where you can just feel it. There's a there's a maturity
04:43to our approach that I think Jimmy has has helped bring out of our team just in terms of
04:49Taking care of the ball making every possession count
04:53He seems to make everyone around him better. I think Moses and BP
04:59It's not a coincidence of their playing their best basketball in the season
05:04Since Jimmy came back and and I think Draymond
05:08Draymond's been fantastic and and I think I think he's got a lot more confidence now in
05:14You know just having Jimmy next to him and the the momentum of the group that we have right now
05:21It's you can see it in Draymond's eyes and he's believing and that matters
05:26Steve you always give honest answers
05:28Honest answer here. I did even you think it wasn't gonna work this well this fast. I
05:36Didn't know what to expect other than I knew we were getting a
05:43great player in Jimmy Butler
05:46And I I hoped that he would do what he's doing, but I wasn't sure you're never sure until you actually
05:54See it and feel it and and I think the biggest thing honestly is he's a perfect fit next to Steph and Dre
06:02He he really is excited about being here. We're excited to have him. So the circumstances were just right
06:10for all parties involved and
06:13So it's you know, it's it's it just feels right and we're capitalizing and we're applying at a high level
06:20But we also know that
06:22You know, we got a lot a lot more work ahead
06:25I mean 20 games left to go in the regular season and you had said before to us and openly that the
06:30Succeed was the goal and now here you are the succeed
06:33Are you starting to recalibrate a little bit on what you think you can be here in the regular season? I
06:41Think we can move up further now, I mean given given what's transpired the last couple weeks
06:46You know, we've we've made a pretty quick rise up the standings. We're only a few games behind Houston
06:51You know, we have the tiebreaker over them. I think we play them one more time
06:54I don't think that that spot is out of the question. You know, I think I you start looking too far
07:01Ahead and you you know, you get out of sorts. And so the only thing we're focused on is just winning the next game and and
07:09But of course we looked at the standings, you know every day and we look at
07:14You know, we look at the scores every night and and we're we're trying to climb as high as we can for sure
07:19Steve you've used the word confidence a couple of times in this conversation
07:23It's bringing to mind what you had said a few times earlier this year about the crisis of confidence that you guys were
07:30Experiencing. Can you kind of detail the journey of how the team got out of that?
07:36Well, it was
07:39There was a lot going on I think, you know, the injuries definitely hurt us there was a stretch there
07:46You know with Raymond out with BP out
07:48I think the biggest thing for me as a coach just looking at at the whole season is that
07:55When we were 12 deep
07:58You know early in the season
08:00there was a real benefit to us and we were playing everybody and
08:05Overwhelming teams, you know in depth and
08:07defensive pressure
08:09and then, you know the injury to Milton to me changed everything and it sort of
08:14it changed our
08:16Rotations and and the vibe and then then we started getting some injuries
08:20We just lost our our momentum and I think I think Mike sensed it
08:24I've said a few times, you know the fact that you know
08:28Mike knew we were kind of dead in the water and we needed to make a move
08:31He made the move at the right time and and so solidified the roster solidified the rotation and
08:38And now here we are
08:39You mentioned injuries derailing you earlier in Melton, of course and the rest of it and GP too
08:45I guess is listed as probable for tomorrow, but cominga will be out. Where are we with Jonathan cominga?
08:50Was there a setback or is this still kind of a slow build toward his eventual return?
08:56It's a slow build. I'm gonna warn you here. I'm about to get out in the streets of New York
09:01It's about to get loud. So we'll do our best. I love it. Do you think I mean you're trying to make us jealous?
09:07And yes, we're feeling jealous right now. We love ambient noise. Yeah, that's sound in the business. Yeah
09:14Can you hear the rain? That's the question. Oh now I want to know how much you just tipped that guy
09:21I don't I don't reveal everything. Okay. All right
09:26I would imagine it's more on the side of generosity. I can't think that Steve's gonna short the guy
09:31I mean, this is Steve Kerr ladies and gentlemen
09:35JK a setback or just a slow build Steve as the natural sound of New York brings us all back in
09:43No setback, it's just that the injury itself was I think more serious
09:50You know than anybody realized, you know, and and some of these things you just can't predict I mean that's one of the things
09:57I've learned
09:58You know during my time as coach working with Rick and the performance staff
10:04There's no exact
10:07recipe for for these injuries and and
10:10Everybody heals differently and I think as it turned out JK's injury was
10:16Probably, you know
10:18More of a setback than we realized in the beginning and he's working hard. He's working every day at a really good workout today and
10:26It doesn't feel like he's getting close. But you know, we just got to do the right thing
10:32And that's what we're all trying to do
10:33I mean those reports are out there that that at least in the back of your minds maybe Saturday against Detroit
10:40Is there anything you can share on that? I can't there's I
10:44Would that would just be speculation on my part right now
10:47Yeah, no fair fair enough. And then what about the the the other injury situation on the team? How's GP to do it?
10:55He's doing well, you know, you had a fracture from the collision and I think he's getting fitted for a bath. I believe we
11:04Listed him as as probable for tomorrow. So that'll be great to get him back
11:10He's been playing really really well, no doubt and just so many
11:14Intangibilities that he brings to the team. I wonder always about this Steve a team on a long road trip
11:20It'll be game five of a five game trip
11:23What can you do as a coach and what can the veterans do to try to avoid that last game of a road trip?
11:30let down
11:31Well, I don't think I don't think we qualify for that team right now given where we are
11:37we would qualify for that if we were
11:40You know rolling along
11:41If this were six seven years ago, I would definitely be concerned about a letdown in a game like this
11:47But where we are 20 games left last game of the trip a lot of tough games coming up
11:54You know in six, but only a couple of games out of ten, you know
11:58We're not in a position to let our guard down and our guys know that so we'll be ready to roll
12:03Steve come with us here on whether than dibs as he is every week and and cruising the streets of New York
12:09And I wonder Steve, but you probably get asked this every time you go there
12:13Maybe not like when you're there
12:15Do you still each time have that moment and and look around at MSG and think about what could have been if you'd made?
12:23a different decision years ago
12:26No, I don't I don't spend one
12:29second on that topic
12:31Largely because I already know the answer. I would have been fired within two years and I'd be doing television right now
12:38You're pretty good on TV
12:40I mean, I don't sell that part of it short
12:43But just in the moment as you were trying to decide between Golden State and New York
12:49What was ultimately the thing that swung you toward the Warriors?
12:54Well, I said this a while back but there were there were two main factors
13:00Steph Curry was on the Warriors and then my daughter
13:04Was a sophomore at Berkeley at the time and
13:08But as I told my daughter the decision came down to about 95% of that was Steph and 5% was my dog
13:19Between your children, but yeah
13:22She was she was really pleased with with that answer, by the way
13:26She just rolled her eyes and she's like I'm used to your dad jokes. So anyway, well
13:32Usually when kids go away to college, they don't want their parents following him there. Well, that was her joke
13:37She said I thought I was getting away from you and then you and mom follow us. What's that all about?
13:42And I've never seen your daughter shoot, but I would imagine that Steph's probably a better shooter
13:47I'm a little bit just a little bit
13:50We were talking about before the show is the idea about you know, what Shaq said last night?
13:54You probably didn't hear it because you were coaching the game
13:57But Shaq is saying Steph needs to be in the GOAT conversation the greatest of all time mark
14:03Do you have the sound to play for him? Did you actually hear it? Did you hear what Shaq said?
14:07Yeah, I know you're out on the streets, but if you can hear it, this is it as the supreme leader of the big man Alliance
14:14I demand you fans to start putting Steph Curry in that greatest of all time conversation. I demand it
14:19Why does the big man Alliance need to say something because I am the supreme leader and my voice counts and I'm certain
14:25Listen, I play against Mike play with Colby played against and with LeBron. They're all great
14:30But at some point we're gonna have to put Steph Curry in that category
14:34I'm not saying he is but let's just have the conversation like I like all the internet talking the bobshirt talk
14:40But I ain't never seen nothing like that before and nobody asked that's on TNT. What do you think of that Steve?
14:46Think he's dead on because Steph is the most unique
14:50Superstar of all time. He broke barriers. He changed the game
14:54And what he does really to this day
14:59Is unique to himself and I I just can't even imagine anybody doing the stuff he does but
15:07It's different the way he impacts the game is different
15:10And so when you have these conversations about who's the greatest ever, you know, you automatically go to these
15:16you know, it's genetic marvels, you know LeBron and and
15:20Michael Jordan and you know, we'll change on whoever else
15:24That doesn't fit that normal mode. So I love that Shaq is bringing that up because from a skill standpoint
15:31It's not even close. He's he is the greatest ever from us from that from a skill standpoint
15:37so, you know, these arguments are always fun and
15:41you can't reach any conclusion because it's all just
15:45art not science, but
15:47He's I like what Shaq said I agree with him well and Steve I wonder to what level you feel kind of resurgence of
15:54Energy around the league. It feels like the first half of the season people are yelling about TV ratings and load management again and then
16:02LeBron and Steph both are on teams that make huge acquisitions and go on big winning streaks and
16:09And suddenly everything feels different to what level are you guys experiencing that?
16:14Well, I mean I don't pay a whole lot of attention to that we're so wrapped up in our own season
16:19I do still feel like
16:22LeBron and Steph are kind of the faces of the league and they drive some so much of the interest and the intrigue and
16:28You know the fact that the Lakers were able to trade for
16:32Luca and we were able to trade for Jimmy
16:35It definitely changed the vibe around the league
16:38You know and it changed the vibe in our locker room, and I'm sure the Lakers too, so
16:43Yeah, I mean it's it feels good for the league
16:46You know the just the the interest and the fact that you know these these two guys who are still going strong
16:54are still carrying the flag for the league and and
16:57Obviously when the when they're playing on good teams, and it makes a big difference
17:01It's exciting for us certainly here on the flagship and all the warrior fans and we can't help but think about
17:07Steph turning 37 here in about a week or so and maybe that
17:11Elongates his career. Have you thought about your own coaching career as it pertains to
17:16Steph and his timeline and how many more years he wants to play are those two things intertwined at all?
17:24Well, probably you know, I mean, I think every coaching job has a an expiration date
17:32An expiration date
17:34And I think it's important for you know, all parties involved to be aware of that and
17:41so there's probably something to that, but
17:43I I don't spend much time thinking about that. I love what I do. I love this team
17:48I love coaching these guys every day and
17:51I'm, just gonna keep plugging away with them and and see what we can accomplish and then we'll worry about all that stuff later
17:57Speaking of Steph's birthday and and Draymond obviously had one last night. Do y'all get each other birthday gifts?
18:04No, no, uh, no
18:08I asked Draymond if the coaching staff could go with him to his wherever his party was last night and there was a just a strange
18:15Silence, uh in response, so I took it as a no. Okay, so but there was there was an msg after party for day day
18:23Is that what you're saying? Oh, there definitely was and the guys were all excited and uh
18:28Buddy, he'll was loving it. He buddy is always the life of the party and uh, you know, he's uh
18:33He had something planned for dray and uh, I don't know what they did, but i'm sure they had fun and i'm all for him
18:40Can you just elaborate on the buddy factor because fans they didn't fully sour on him during his three-month shooting spell
18:46But it seems like he lives his life with a certain infectious joy that you guys inside the locker room absolutely love
18:54Can you give us a little bit of a window into just how fun it is to be around buddy healed no matter what?
19:00Yeah, steph told me he's one of his favorite teammates of all time. Uh, buddy is that uh, just the joy that he brings the laughter
19:07Uh the upbeat nature regardless of how things are going whether he's making shots or missing shots
19:13He's always in a good mood and that stuff is crucial in a long season in the locker room you need guys like that
19:21And uh, so everybody loves buddy. He's just a wonderful wonderful person
19:26All right, steve. Well before you go have a night in new york, um, we've done this before so it won't uh surprise you
19:32I don't think but uh, i'm i'm bringing my uh, my cal poly class to see you again
19:38At your press conference before the game on saturday
19:41Against the pistons. Is there any question that I should tell my students boy. Don't ask steve that
19:50You know me i'll answer anything so
19:53I don't have anything for you. Just you know, whatever they got. I'll uh,
19:57I'll have a response for them
19:58Well, do you want to help me play a joke on them and see like will you just go off on one of them?
20:03Like that for no reason
20:06Let's do it. Okay
20:11If one of them's like what are you like like is jonathan gaminga gonna play tonight I want to just
20:16Throw a pen and be like wow, that's a ridiculous. Yeah. Let's see if we can really freak him out
20:22I love it. All right, because that won't go viral at all
20:26Hey steve, how do you do your favorite hobby tonight of scoreboard watching while you're on date night?
20:32Because you got grizzlies and thunder you got the nuggets playing you got a full slate of games
20:37What does steve kirk do tonight with a date and scoreboard watching?
20:43Well when you've been married, uh 30, let's see 30 almost 35 years, um
20:50I don't know. I you know, you just peek at the phone and at this point she doesn't care anymore. She's used to
20:57Exactly the old peek at the phone 35 years in peek at the phone
21:02What are you gonna do about it? Where are you going? Exactly?
21:06All right. Hey steve, uh, thanks as always go have a night. Enjoy yourself. Thank you and we'll see you this weekend
21:13Sounds great. Thanks guys. Thank you. There you go. Steve kirk