• 2 days ago
00:00Do you like surprise parties?
00:01I do, yeah.
00:02There's two kinds of people in this world.
00:03You either like surprises or you don't.
00:05Yeah, I like them.
00:06I do too.
00:07I don't really know, I don't understand people who don't.
00:10Lovely Christy hates them, so I'll never get to throw one.
00:12The Lovely Supper doesn't like them either.
00:14But she's really good at throwing them, really, really good at throwing surprises.
00:20And to me, the way I sort of operate, there's kind of nothing better, there's nothing better
00:27than when something amazing is going to happen that you didn't know coming.
00:31And that's kind of what this feels like to me.
00:34It's a surprise.
00:35I don't know.
00:36I don't know what to do with this.
00:37You know, like a week and a half ago, we were like, have the Warriors earned your trust?
00:42And I guess the only way I can answer it is, almost, but not fully, because let me ask
00:48you this, second end of a back-to-back, Steph questionable until tip, did you sit down last
00:55night thinking, oh, they're going to win this.
00:57There were actual underdogs.
00:58Do you think they'd win?
01:00Well, I mean, I thought that they had a chance because they had everybody.
01:04But then as you watch the game unfold and you get late in that second quarter and you
01:09had New York starting to kind of exert their will and they closed out the quarter in a
01:14certain way where you were down 10 late in that first half.
01:18And it's like, OK, down 10, rough start to the third.
01:22You might be down 17.
01:24You could fall down by 21.
01:25All right.
01:26It's kind of a, not really a scheduled loss, but New York is good.
01:30You're old and it's a long road trip.
01:33So I would forgive you if you lost, but that third quarter went the way third quarters
01:38used to go.
01:39But, but before game, are you thinking tonight's a W no, you're thinking it's a coin toss.
01:44You're thinking it's probably a 55, 45 against.
01:47So to me, and maybe that's like, it's not a perfect example of trust because you're
01:53They're like, they're second into the back of the back, even with no kitty cat road trip.
01:58And New York is a really good basketball team and all of that stuff.
02:02But you know, do you trust, I remember you and I saying that we both thought this was
02:05going to be a clutch game and anyway, so it would be tight.
02:08So therefore you're at least trusting that the warriors are going to put up a really
02:13good fight in this one.
02:14And then they did.
02:15And then they owned the second half.
02:17They own that third quarter.
02:18I thought they owned the fourth quarter to their defense was absolute restaurant quality
02:22in that fourth quarter.
02:23Moses Moody, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful defense took Jalen Brunson completely out
02:29of the game.
02:30And so you love to see it because they've got multiple ways to do this.
02:33But to me, that's, that's where we've arrived.
02:36We've arrived at a surprise party.
02:38And so I do want to go back to the Jimmy Butler trade and we've already had the mea culpa
02:42on the Jimmy Butler trade, but now let me use a different word.
02:45I am so thankful that they made that deal.
02:49I am, I have arrived at thankfulness for them doing that deal because as I said a couple
02:56weeks ago, I don't even care if this does go bad next year.
03:00I did not think in my rational brain that we were going to get this again, Steph Curry
03:08and Draymond Green and meaningful basketball after the trade deadline, there was no, there
03:15was no tangible reason to think that that was going to happen again.
03:18And wherever this goes, it's here.
03:21We're here.
03:22Yeah, no doubt.
03:23This is meaningful basketball in March when we thought that meaningful basketball would
03:27mean a play in tournament.
03:29And can you win one?
03:30You may have to win two.
03:32And then can we just get Steph a series?
03:34That's all we want.
03:35And that is what we thought meaningful basketball would be.
03:38And I set the over under about a month and a half ago at four and a half playoff wins.
03:44And you paused and you balked and you said, you know what?
03:47If I had to make a, make a choice, I would take the under on four and a half playoff
03:52wins, which means you didn't think then that they would win a series.
03:55And I agree with you.
03:57And now if I was to set the over under on playoff wins, it would probably be closer
04:03to six and a half or seven, maybe, but keep in mind in this expectation is for them, like
04:09you would expect that they should be able to make the playoffs and win a series.
04:12I don't think that at all.
04:13I mean, if the, if the playoff started right now, they'd be in Denver for game one.
04:19They're trending toward not being the six seed.
04:21So if I ask you again, if I put the over under at four and a half playoff wins right now,
04:26what would you take?
04:27They'll take the under.
04:29And I, and I think that that is surprisingly negative.
04:32No, it's not negative.
04:33It's math.
04:34They're like math.
04:36They remain three games.
04:38I'm playing this as Vegas would tell you, Vegas would tell you that they will be an
04:41underdog to go to the second round.
04:43Even in this moment, like you are the six seed and, and just because you're trending
04:48in a certain way, like, you know, you're still three games behind the Rockets and the Lakers
04:53and the Nuggets are still sitting there and they're really hard matchups and all that.
04:56But as I tried to say during the crossover, my mind's not even going there on the playoffs.
05:03I am right here right now.
05:08It's pretty good.
05:10I did not.
05:11I did not.
05:12I did not.
05:13Come on.
05:14We've sat here for the better part of a year and a half taking phone calls that have essentially
05:20insinuated that what is happening right now was a goose chase, was irrational, was Homerism,
05:29was stupid.
05:31Like tons and tons of people have been, I guess you could call it on both sides of the
05:36fence, the whole like now versus then the two timelines, all of that.
05:43But come on, that's where the conversation has centered for a while.
05:47And by the way, the guy who just texted from Cancun has probably been the biggest voice
05:53in this whole city with regard to the idea that this was nonsense to think that something
06:00like this could happen.
06:02And as of about two months ago, I think even those of us who are the most optimistic people
06:06in the world, we're running out of bullets.
06:09This is this is not possible.
06:12What's happening right now?
06:13Oh, it's very possible.
06:15Not really.
06:16Well, it doesn't make any rational sense at all that all people who have had their 35th
06:21birthday and someone who hasn't even played a game on the West Coast in six years, a home
06:26game on the West Coast actually ever in his career just walks in and now you can't lose.
06:32It's crazy.
06:33It makes sense when you think about Jimmy Butler being fresh and being motivated because
06:38he hasn't played in Miami for a long time.
06:41And so he's rested and he's still a very good player.
06:45Nobody would ever say all the baggage aside, no one would ever say that Jimmy Butler is
06:49not a good player.
06:51And we all talked about how Steph needs to have a real number two.
06:55And you look at what Steph has done since Jimmy's been here.
06:57I mentioned it during the crossover.
06:59He's averaging twenty nine a game.
07:00And that includes two games against Charlotte where he was in second gear.
07:05And so Steph's game has risen to new levels.
07:07And you watch Draymond last night with a classic Draymond Green triple single.
07:13I think he had nine nine and eight or nine eight and eight.
07:16Whatever it was, Draymond Green is humming and all the role players are contributing.
07:21Maybe not night in and night out, but you look at the road trip and I'll run down the
07:24numbers for you because Grandy and I were going back and forth on the show thread about
07:29the role players and whether or not they showed up on this road trip.
07:32You're getting contributions from Guy and Quinton and Moses and now pods is playing great.
07:38And so when you take everything in totality and you look at a record since Jimmy's come.
07:44Yeah, it does make a lot of sense.
07:46Well, it's crazy to think that it's all come together this fast and you have cominga still
07:51waiting in the wings.
07:52I don't think he'll play tomorrow, but on the road trip when they come home, he's going
07:57to be back eventually.
07:58And does that give you another lift?
08:02You can let your mind wander a little bit for sure.
08:03I mean, it should.
08:05It should.
08:06If it's all done correctly.
08:07Like, why would a 22 year old, the most athletic player on your team being added back to this
08:12not help?
08:14I think there are some difficulties for him with regard to how he fits back in and keeps
08:18his mentals all in the right spot with a contract waiting for him.
08:21There's some challenges there, but I don't think it's going to make the Warriors worse.
08:26Like it might momentarily like for a night or two as they try to re-figure out the minutes
08:30and all of that.
08:32But even listening to what you just said, like, okay, does it, does it quote make sense?
08:37Like I guess it's all within the realm of someone's imagination, but no, my answer's
08:44I don't, I don't think that a sensical brain could have thought, well, Jimmy Butler will
08:50get acquired.
08:52You'll start winning at a 90% clip.
08:55It's a lot.
08:56Steph Curry will average seven more points a game instantaneously and role pal players
09:02who made you angry all year long.
09:05We'll just start hitting shots and making great decisions instantaneously.
09:10That doesn't make sense.
09:11I'm sorry.
09:12It doesn't make sense.
09:13It's definitely best case scenario.
09:15The fact that you're nine and two, you're nine and one when he actually plays and everybody
09:20to a man is playing better.
09:22And the guy himself who Miami couldn't wait to get rid of has come in and been affable.
09:29He's burning candles.
09:30He is immediately a locker room and fan favorite.
09:33The coach loves him.
09:35Everyone loves him.
09:36Everything is beyond hunky Dory and don't look now, but you are surging in the West.
09:41So I'm not saying that I saw this, but it's possible.
09:45That's of course it's possible because it's happening and anything is possible.
09:50But I think you just touched on the other side of this, which is not just that suddenly
09:54the Warriors are playing great other than the Los Angeles Lakers.
09:58There's not a damn other thing going on in the West that hasn't fallen their way.
10:03Everyone is crumbling around them.
10:05The Clippers suddenly stink.
10:07The Kings lost their best player.
10:09The Mavericks lost all of their players.
10:11Phoenix has shut it down.
10:12The Grizzlies lost their best player.
10:14San Antonio is beset by blood clots.
10:15And the Rockets suddenly look young.
10:19That has all happened simultaneously.
10:22I mean, Steve Kerr is going to join us in five minutes.
10:24Three weeks ago, he's like, I wonder if we can get the six seed.
10:27Well, here we are and it's barely March.
10:30Like, I don't know.
10:32Go get the two.
10:33I mean, are you just going to win every night the rest of the way?
