Short filmTranscript
00:00Don't know what you're trying to do just to put in your mouth. That's it man. Oh my god
00:13I'm gonna show you some never-before-seen footage
00:23Rob what was your moment when we were long-distance?
00:26I feel like first of all to reach out to me and send me inappropriate things changed everything
00:31My reasons were not that for running away from him
00:36The top one is on my birthday
00:39When he took me to a fast-food place and I said, can I get some rice?
00:43He goes up there comes back and I said, where's my ranch? It was a dollar so
00:47Can't have it
00:53Said he'd never done anything to get to you. You never did nothing wrong
00:57The group wants answers now. They're a part of this
01:00We don't wanna open ourselves in front of people that don't take this seriously. I'm not comfortable
01:06Let's go why we can let them open up to themselves this idea if you will of trauma bonding these bad
01:12Traumatic situations that are happening. That's when they're able to come together
01:16But we're still not doing the work we're avoiding it
01:30I think I'd rather eat a blackened potato
01:33And you are blaming me for
01:38You gave her the darkest
01:46He's been texting women the whole time during this resort
01:52So you should go and face him and let everybody know who Rob really is
01:59That was like the beginning of the end for me ever
02:01Which asthma because I could feel that Jasmine was in Sophie's ear that whole morning and I just felt like
02:07Jasmine was the puppeteer. That's our marriage and Jasmine's treating it like a game
02:16There's a throat everyone shake it out
02:38Let's watching some clips
02:41Okay, we are going to start off with you and Brandon discussing your hypnotherapy, oh
02:50That's not funny clip I
02:54Meet my ex in the end we plan to be thinking to go back to each other
03:00You shit it be kissing
03:02And that's cheating
03:05To be honest, it's hard to watch all the time us I will be watch somebody else like over over
03:10But when you're watching yourself, it's like that is so painful
03:15We have just relationship in a long distance. We're not see each other for four four four months
03:20And I think it is nothing serious. We meet couple times and I think you never come back and that's it
03:26It wasn't my attention to hurt him is my attention to save our marriage to start fresh and let everything go
03:34And forgive and forget each other for everything would be done before and start our family will be crow
03:42This is long this foot five years five years ago
03:45I feel like if she did just kiss the guy she should have just like buried that never brought it up again
03:50Clearly she felt guilty not to bring it up. She's trying to get their guilty conscience clear at my expense. I
03:58Think not serious relationship is gonna be just dating can anything can and I never think and I will be moved to here
04:05I felt like it wasn't relevant to your dynamic as a couple. I feel like it actually created more problems than two
04:12Oh, she kept bringing it up
04:13She kept I kept finding all this get out and it kept making things worse and worse
04:18But this was while you were long-distance and you were kind of on and off
04:22No, he were engaged. Oh
04:25Yeah, she should just die with that one, oh
04:29Yeah, I was kind of on the fence with that though
04:32Like I kind of want to feel that way and just let me live in a fool's paradise
04:38We're here to fix things not make things worse. I think this is just nothing serious. I
04:46Think she's being selfish honestly by sharing it now
04:50Her and Brandon do actually have a good loving relationship
04:54There really is no reason to go into the past and dig something up to destroy that relationship
05:00She's just trying to make herself feel better because she's not it's not gonna make Brandon feel better
05:05He would have never known so I just felt like that's why it was
05:09Kind of bull. I see what you're saying. Yeah, but I also I feel like
05:14Brandon deserves to know I
05:16would always wonder if there was something more and I would pick it apart and pick it apart and I would never be
05:21Satisfied thinking like oh, that's it
05:23Like I would be wondering what were they thinking at the time and where did it happen?
05:26And what clothes are they wearing in and what did they feel and all that stuff?
05:30And so it would have been detrimental to me to know your site because I do that like yeah, you know the situation
05:36I was like, I wanted to know every little detail
05:39We will focus on this in private
05:42With you two
05:47Brandon was probably very confused at why this came out in a public setting in a group setting rather than
05:53During an individual session with those two
05:55I think that we all have a tendency to be selfish especially when it comes to our emotions and our partners our intimate life
06:02however, I think that there's a deeper underlying purpose for Julia doing that and that is the desire to
06:09Do whatever it takes to have a healthy strong marriage and I think oftentimes Julia has had a tendency to
06:17Be more impulsive with when she feels something she needs to feel better in that moment
06:22And that was one of those moments where she just needed to free herself
06:26But it's because she cares about their relationship. So it's selfish and it's selfless all at the same time
06:34All right, Josh. We're gonna watch your hypnotherapy now. Oh boy
06:38She's doing yoga. I
06:40Think she's meditating. Yeah, I never could tell what she's thinking because it's like I mean
06:46smirk and then like
06:48What was your moment Josh?
06:52Don't really have a moment
06:54That is so I hated this part
06:57She sees like he doesn't give and I'm sitting there whole like I'm uncomfortable emotional
07:03Do you feel as though you've never done anything to hurt Natalie?
07:07Like I couldn't really think of anything that I like couldn't justify the actions that had happened
07:14I was hoping he would apologize for not wants to be committed to me
07:20For stringing me around for three years
07:24Without any plans for not putting me into his future plans for not spending holidays with me for not showing his house
07:31For not letting me into his life for not letting me into his work for calling me crazy and all over the place and still say
07:40To me is he loves me and it's not true. He was just acting like an ass and he serves to be kicking the balls. Yeah
07:49Without receiving an apology for that
07:53Sometimes we do things unintentionally that I mean the only like time that she's like really been upset recently is this whole
08:00Sophie and Vegas and then I like replay it and what I
08:05You know do something different there. I
08:14Josh definitely thinks he's perfect. Josh thinks he's just the best guy ever and like it does not smell
08:20Doesn't that smell? Oh my god
08:23That's perfect expression Jesus Christ
08:26No, it's like a saying like you think it doesn't stink like oh my god, that's so cool expression
08:38I'm just saying like there's never been a time like I felt personally since we've been together at all that I've been like I'm
08:43So sorry that I did that
08:45I think that this might have been his almost last effort to stay just to be able to say to himself
08:53I have tried everything just to have that box to check off of right? It's sad for Natalie because
09:00You can see
09:02Well, you can see that she feels it. She was so there for the work the healing and there was so much hope
09:09I think that she had to say yes, here we are
09:12We're gonna come to professionals who can help us and maybe this will be the answer
09:18Thank you. I love your honesty
09:28Rob, what was your moment? I went back to when we were long-distance and
09:33Those, you know the first girl to reach out to me and sending me inappropriate things
09:38I feel like Rob did nothing wrong because she also has like affair with Josh through Internet
09:45Going to Vegas and all of that. Why don't we accuse you and cheating through Internet with my man?
09:52You're saying that Sophie online cheating. Yes, the George
09:59Who knows I don't think that that's what happened on Sophie's part, but I think that that was Josh intention
10:08Yeah, that's what he was expecting. You know, yeah, he was expecting easy win. Yeah
10:13I'm really sorry that I
10:17Started that because I
10:20Feel like it changed everything. I was really disappointed in Rob's apology because
10:26He has apologized for the online cheating a lot of times
10:29We've talked about it a lot of times and we came to the resort because of other issues not because of the online cheating
10:35It feels like every time he has an opportunity to make progress
10:38He doesn't
10:40Progress he doesn't and that all up when I did that
10:47So, I'm sorry my reasons were not that for running away from him
10:51My I have a list of reasons and he just doesn't want to acknowledge them
10:59Just I mean
11:01Being very disrespectful to my family and he never really sees that he did treat me like
11:08You're my wife now you cook and you clean and you should be grateful I brought you here to America and
11:13You don't eat dates because that's spoiled
11:16But the top one is on my birthday when he took me to a fast-food place my birthday
11:22Which I get it like he doesn't have this much money at the time. That's okay
11:25I was grateful you brought me to the fast-food place. We're a sap
11:30Eat our chicken burger and I said, can I get some rice?
11:32He goes up there comes back and I said, where's my rice? It was a dollar so
11:36Can't have it
11:38That really upsets and he never sees it as I'm sorry. I should have bought it. He just sees it as it's spoiled
11:44You can't spend one dollar on your new wife for brunch
11:49One dollar for my birthday and you know how maybe feel it's like I'm not even worth a dollar on my birthday
11:59Part of camping is making s'mores. So that's what we're gonna have you guys do right now. Yes. I'm ready. Let's go
12:07Okay, wait, look good. You look good, too
12:15Do you know what a s'more is I
12:18Think I do
12:20You never had a s'more. I mean, I know that's I just have watching the movie. I never tried you never tried it. Yeah
12:26We have grandpa
12:28Marshall's and chocolate, you know, not every time chocolate should be your nipple
12:34Sometime people eat chocolate
12:37So we're gonna take the gram. Yeah, right then you're gonna take your mallow
12:41We're gonna roast our marshmallow. I just love roasting marshmallows. You just say you hate
12:48Reminds me of camping when I was camping with Jasmine when she was sucking my toes
12:53I'm not sure ever do something like that. No, I have to suck toes
12:58Would you like to try?
13:00Go for me. I'll put marshmallow and chocolate on
13:10How about you eat it
13:13Look at how juicy it is
13:17You're gonna put your mallow on your tractor there that's pretty good
13:22Cheers, buddy. Oh
13:27Heaven really I do so sweet
13:32The green card doesn't make you American this makes you imagine yeah, okay
13:41You're more American than me you're more American than apple pie
13:45Okay, Jasmine, we're gonna now watch your hypnotherapy with Gino hypnotherapy
13:52Jasmine, what was your moment on?
13:55It was actually something that happened a long time ago
14:01It was supposed to be our first Christmas in the United States and we have a very bad argument that day and I ended up
14:09Spending Christmas by myself on a cheap hotel room
14:13Ridiculous, I am very sorry
14:18I was learning about my apology, but the saddest part of the story is that I
14:25Was brainwashed by you know, I never abandoned him for Christmas
14:29See it didn't actually happen. It never happened
14:31So he has said that story so many times and had accused me of doing that that I ended up believing it
14:37You've never spent Christmas on a moat in a hotel
14:39No, we were invited to his family's house, and I went and he is stay
14:46Home alone masturbating and watching American football. Merry Christmas, and I even have pictures that prove it
14:53Let me show you
14:55Because I was like apologizing and I told his family said I darling what you're talking about
15:00Gino is the one that never show up. Yeah, that's clearly Christmas. Yeah
15:04Yeah, look at the day data doesn't lie Jesus Christ, hold on if that if you never actually went to a hotel a hotel
15:11That's like next level
15:13Of manipulation. Yeah, that's scary. And that's how much control he has on my mind
15:19That's like if you told me that story we were friends and you called me up and you told me that I'd be like
15:23Jasmine get the f*** out of the house. I know
15:25Gino is a master manipulator. He's also a master master manipulator
15:30Gino is a master manipulator. He's also a master masturbator. He's a master manipulator and masturbator
15:38It's okay
15:41I'm so sorry that I hurt you in the past. I'm so sorry for everything that I said
15:46That's beautiful
15:48Thank you
15:50In her interviews jasmine claimed that she took a cab to your family and that she was actually there for christmas
15:57Or is that true? Okay
16:01Uh, that is not true
16:03Now I think jasmine might might have ended up at
16:09My cousin's house for on christmas, but I had no idea she was there
16:14And I didn't I never went over to my family's for christmas
16:19I did not see jasmine on christmas. This is our first christmas together. Why is she not spending christmas with me?
16:26Gino, did you find a moment that you remember hurting jasmine?
16:31Uh, yeah, are you open to sharing it with us? I'd rather not
16:38You like put yourself out there very sole and he's just like, you know what? I was
16:43He turned into josh
16:47What is it like I have heard like all the cheating apologies and I haven't heard from my husband
16:53Cheating apologies and I haven't heard from my husband
16:57I wish you know had
16:59apologized for
17:02Blaming me all the time for issues in our marriage as simple as that
17:07That'd be a big moment because that would be him admitting that he also
17:11I miss that he's at fault, you know, no because he's the only other person who could have had
17:15Been the issue, you know
17:18I felt bad. Uh, you know
17:20You know and sometimes jasmine and I will fight and
17:25Said we'll just go back to panama
17:27I think it's more deep than that. I think he's lying. Yeah, gino changed his mind. He's never
17:33Not tell the truth
17:34Come on, gino
17:36I know these people to toe to the head
17:38People think gino is honest. He's citizen. He's innocent guy, you know
17:44Like gino is not like innocent what people think
17:47Nope, nope. Nope. Nope. Nope
17:50But he has said worse things than that
17:53Like you have said things like you're trash like I don't want to sleep with you because you don't know how to
17:59I think that the idea is that this is a safe space
18:03So that's what the therapists are trying to get us to believe
18:06But gino knows this is not a safe space because they're not going to save him from jasmine as soon as they leave
18:13As soon as they leave
18:15I think he's low-key. He's low-key afraid of jasmine. Damn. So she was gonna like yeah
18:19I think she's like you better say the right thing. You're gonna get it later. Yep. Yep
18:25The reason I respond like that is you say hurtful things to me first
18:28And then I respond back is how it always is and that's the part that I really want to to help you understand is that
18:35You have the option to stay in your seat
18:39And not have to respond back with things that you may regret later
18:42I think jasmine's heart is pure. So
18:46You know, I think you have one pure person here
18:49And to be honest with you from my evaluation
18:53someone who's keeping a lot of secrets like the way the gino was
18:56and his secrets about you know, how they think or
18:59Maybe what they've done or what they're feeling whatever that may be and that is a dangerous
19:05Um thing to be with in a relationship
19:08None of us really know who gino is
19:11And to be
19:12In an intimate space with somebody that you don't even know who they are
19:16That is very concerning
19:18It makes me wonder. What is he hiding?
19:23Next one
19:26Yes, please yes
19:29Water water water water for my boy here. Do you have another one? No, no, no
19:39For what because I don't want you to squirt it in my face. I'm not stupid. I don't play with the water
19:44No, no
19:47I don't know what you're trying to do just to put in your mouth. That's it, man. Why can't I do it? No
19:53I feel that's weird. No, it's weird to give you water. Oh my god
20:04Little baby
20:07All right, ladies now you're gonna watch everyone enjoying some campfire food and it includes some never-before-seen footage
20:15What the hell you doing
20:21There's so much
20:25Wow her whole mouth is black
20:28You want corn? It's the best potato
20:31I make
20:36There's so much
20:38On that damn potato. I'm sitting there with weird face and potato all over my face and nobody points at it
20:45Everybody's fun watching them, you know secretly laughing because like nobody's like natalie, honey
20:50Go to bathroom clean your face, you know, so i'm like an idiot sitting with a dirty face like like a pig, you know
20:55And explaining myself
20:57Who's this corn?
20:59You're yours
21:01Oh my god
21:03Oh my god ketchup on corn, there's the ketchup on corn
21:09Hot dog like getting a little hot dog
21:13Jasmine is over here
21:15Like eating it like a hot dog jasmine. Oh my gosh. That's good
21:23I think i'd rather eat a blackened potato. I think it would taste better. What the heck do you have against ketchup?
21:29I'm telling you ketchup and corn clashes
21:32the two things do two
21:34Separate things in my mouth. I can't so freaking good
21:38And you are blaming me for ketchup what who said I
21:42Julia told me that you
21:45gave her
21:46the darkest
21:48What the darkest the dark kiss? Yeah
21:56I know all your secrets
21:58I have
22:00How many do they call you the rim reaper?
22:07I'm getting my corn
22:12To be honest, I want to try because I like ketchup. I like corn but I want to try to eat ketchup
22:23No corn and ketchup is disgusting I want to try no
22:27Never never much thousand dollar
22:32Well sophie today's your lucky day we have
22:36corn and ketchup
22:38Let's see what the big deal is
22:41Corn, uh with ketchup with ketchup. Yeah. Well, this is terrible
22:47My god, you set me up
22:50I'm gonna put little no just little that's disgusting. No, you put so much on mine
22:56Are you ready to see what jasmine is raving about?
22:59Yeah, okay. So it looks like do I?
23:06Oh, baby, oh jeez, here we go. Okay say when
23:14Oh, yeah
23:16Come on, yeah jasmine, I feel like you should just tell me how it is
23:21Cheers to jasmine and gina
23:39Would you do that
23:42Terrible but how does that mix it doesn't I like it but it's too much sweets
23:47It's like two flavors fighting each other the corn is better without the ketchup
23:51Three two one. Okay
23:56That's disgusting
23:58How would anyone eat that
24:01All right, can I just like
24:03Get that off of my corn so I can eat the rest of it. Yeah, that's nasty you ate the whole thing
24:09Shut up, you're sick in the head
24:13Josh this next scene has some bonus footage in it that didn't make it in the show
24:18It's at camping when you explain yourself to the others. Oh
24:22Of course it's deleted if I get to explain myself
24:27Hey natalie, i'm curious he said he'd never done anything
24:32To get to you. He never did anything
24:34He never did nothing wrong
24:37You respond
24:38You never did nothing wrong. Yeah, josh. That was an easy assignment
24:41All you had to say was i'm sorry if I ever spoke to you in a way that hurt your feelings
24:46Yeah, i'm, I don't want to punch him. I don't really care
24:49If i'm gonna give an apology like I want it to
24:53Mean something. I don't want to just apologize for everything just because
24:57You're the same
25:01Sometimes I feel like josh is very sadistic and he says things just because
25:06He's not very emotionally intelligent or maybe he is and he's using that against you. I don't know
25:12Well, I mean a laugh is not a bottle
25:15Like I feel like we do not lift each other up, but we destroy each other we beat each other up and it feels like
25:22We're not building anything. We're not
25:24trying to build healthy relationship, but we're trying to
25:28Take our dirty laundry and show to each other and insult each other and make it even worse than it is
25:33And you know like from josh, I do not feel like
25:37basic respect
25:38But I was I thought it was like a traumatic like, you know where I was like really in the wrong
25:45Even something small for natalie would have been huge and so like I regret doing that
25:51But i'm also like apologizing for air at this at this retreat, you know
25:55So it's like I just don't want to get into this pattern of just
25:59Having to say sorry five times a day, even though i'm not sorry that loses the meaning of it, you know
26:05Do you think that it has to do with the fact that you don't see this woman as your partner?
26:11We're trying to be in a committed relationship together, but he doesn't look at you as a partner
26:17Well, that's not what I said. That's what I understood
26:24I I think that natalie at that point had just given up, you know her
26:32When it come to her relationship with josh was so low minus zero that she will say whatever like
26:37Treat me whatever you want, but don't leave me
26:41That is sad and i've been there
26:43Okay, i've been in
26:45Relationships like that and that's why it's really frustrated me to see
26:51Natalie wasting her time it never ends. Well, it never does
26:56What I hear is you're saying you care for natalie, but you don't love natalie great reflection stacy
27:03Do you think I would do all these things if I didn't love her okay saying actions speak louder than words
27:08But we're asking for something different in this moment. I mean, it's a game
27:12Love is a game who wins is great. It's not this is not a game. This is serious therapy like this isn't
27:19And being married is a serious
27:22Seeing how jasmine reacts seeing how stacy reacts and they're trying to sort through things and get clarification
27:29The group wants answers now. They're a part of this. They've been a part of the work
27:32Let's talk about someone else
27:34No, but we don't want to open ourselves in front of people that don't take this seriously. I'm not comfortable
27:42Come on
27:43So they can open up. Well, let's go. It's almost
27:46Fascinating that it's this idea if you will of trauma bonding when it's these these negative, uh bad
27:53Traumatic situations that are happening. That's when they're able to come together
27:57We can let them we can let them open up for themselves open up. We love you. See you tomorrow. Bye
28:03I think it would have played out differently for natalie and josh to be more open and vulnerable
28:09to challenge themselves
28:11And to show up for themselves as well as the group
28:14So kudos to them for having a connection in a moment to say we're gonna we're gonna go off together
28:20But we're still not doing the work. We're avoiding it
28:23Love is in the air
28:27I don't know why jasmine just doesn't leave gino. She told me she don't have a lot of money in his bank account
28:32I just realized that that's why she's keeping gino around because he's paying for everything
28:36Yeah, I feel like she wants the best of both worlds
28:37Like she doesn't really want gino, but she wants him there like for financial support and to pay for her things in russia
28:42We call this um
28:45Eat fish and sit
28:48Fish and sit on
28:51You just wake up swear god
28:54Swear on your life
28:55Yeah, swear my life. You really say that
28:59Stacy we are going to watch some never before seen footage. There wasn't time in the actual episodes
29:05So we will have you watch it right now. Okay
29:08lorian scorpion prank
29:12Oh boy
29:18Where you going don't leave me I need to go pee
29:22Floor come back. Don't leave me alone. I look so uncomfortable
29:55What is that scorpion
29:58What what's happening? There's a scorpion you find a scorpion. Yeah, it was a scorpion in his tent
30:05Oh my god, there was a scorpion
30:07Holy is that real?
30:10Yeah, this is real man. Oh
30:15He's throwing a scorpion at me
30:18That scorpion was pretty scary. Let's scare you with that scare the out of me
30:23I thought it was freaking real
30:26I thought it's freaking real
30:29I was terrified dude. I thought that was real the two besties are fighting with the scorpion
30:37He's a troublemaker, wow, it does look real
30:41Make sure there's no scorpions
30:44I think the prank was funny. I think the scorpion prank was funny. Yeah
30:48He did a great job. Like he's definitely an easy target for a prank even
30:52Do you know too like, you know, you just see film it like in the like in the movie
30:57Yeah, you know definitely an easy target
31:03Get away get away get away
31:06He was playing with it all night
31:07He was like he kept bringing that freaking scorpion in all night like scaring me with it inside the tent
31:12Oh god flashbacks
31:19All right, this next clip is an extended never before seen I love the extended never seen before
31:30Thank you for building a wall
31:34I just wanted to hug you
31:37This is exactly the same reason why I don't want to sleep on the same bed with you
31:41Because this is like what you do when i'm sleeping with you and I refuse to be rejected. It's really like
31:49Yeah, but that's gonna kill our bond because you are killing the bond
31:54That night during camping. It was the first time in months that we were sharing basically the same bed
32:01And unfortunately, you know decided to build up a wall
32:05Of luggage between us just because I was cuddling and rubbing his belly
32:11I would do that if I had to share my tent with any other person from this retreat or my husband
32:19You know the man I?
32:22moved from my home country
32:25to another
32:26Complete different culture just to be with him after we overcame long distance
32:33Now you are the one putting distance between us
32:38It's so sad
32:41You want to go to zero to a hundred
32:43But you're my husband. I we have two different opinions. You have a different it's not about opinions. It's about facts
32:50it was pretty awkward to get in the tent with jasmine first of all because
32:54She had hasn't slept in the same bed with me for several months
32:57But it was her decision not to sleep in the same bed as me at home
33:01So not only did we have like an emotional wall between us now we have a physical wall in our tent
33:07But that's mostly to keep jasmine comfortable because she does not want to sleep in the same bed with me
33:12Why would she want to sleep in the same tent with me sleeping on the same space or not?
33:16Makes no difference because at the end
33:19Even when we are together we are separated
33:24Well, you're the one that pulled the suitcases between us because I wanted to kiss you and you were pushing me
33:30Oh gosh
33:32Jasmine has every opportunity to knock that wall down
33:36Say hey, let's get rid of this wall
33:39And and try to work on sleep, you know sleeping in the same space together
33:44But I didn't see her do that
33:47Never mind
33:50Never mind
33:52She wasn't working on any of the issues I told her to it was easier for her just to say hey
33:58I want to have an open marriage because you're not willing to be intimate with me
34:03But she's not willing to try to work on the issues. I told her
34:06We're not gonna you know, how are we gonna make any progress?
34:14All right guys you've tried jasmine's weird food combo now, let's try some of yours
34:20So when vinnie came to america for the first time before he met me he
34:24Tried ranch dressing for the first time he fell in love with it and he would dip everything and even his cookies. Oh my god
34:30It's not tasty. Can you
34:32Show me how he does it?
34:34you bitch
34:35You're gonna eat this first
34:37Tell her how good marmite is. No, we have marmite in england and it's so good like
34:44British people love marmite. Okay, try it
34:47I've had it. I'm from england
34:50I've had it a lot. Don't me try
34:53No, this is my country's food. You're gonna disrespect my country
34:57Brandon, you know how julia has said many times that she eats an onion like
35:02an apple
35:03Yeah, she does. She loves them
35:06So we're gonna try that out. Oh god. I do not even like
35:11Eat some like apples not brandon
35:16Here goes nothing
35:28I think they're not compatible together like you and benny
35:38Now it's for you no, okay, I try and you try come on
35:44But you have to eat your own okay, okay your own not mine. Okay, you first
35:48Oh, oh, okay. I look at you immediately. I'm immediately no question. Yeah, three two one
36:00It's so disgusting
36:02It's so disgusting. I hate marmite this one. I want to cheers you on brother. Cheers. Good luck. Okay
36:18I'm getting deep in there. Oh my god. Hold on. Oh
36:27Why is it so hot? Uh-huh, right. Hold on my brain is so hot
36:41My brain just started like burning
36:44Oh god, this is awkward
36:48What's up boys
36:51Good morning. Good morning, beautiful
36:54You're not joining us for breakfast
36:57Basically, like a lot of things have been happening with rob
37:00I saw on his phone
37:02That he was on the phone with jasmine
37:05And he was like, oh my god, he's on the phone with jasmine
37:08And he was like, oh my god, he's on the phone with jasmine
37:11I saw on his phone that he's been texting women the whole time during this resort
37:20There was a few times while we're at the retreat when rob was just on his phone and I could see him actively
37:24Texting other women and then i'd seen it again the night before so at that point I just had enough
37:28I mean rob had just apologized
37:31for doing that the day before it just felt like
37:34Very fake very disingenuine very disrespectful like he always prioritizes
37:39Attention from every other woman but me like we literally at this resort
37:43You can't put them on hold for a moment while we try and fix our marriage
37:47It makes me think even if we do work out those girls are always going to be in his phone because i'm not enough
37:53Yeah, he's still all that that I left him over he's still doing it. Oh also I found this
38:01That's right
38:03Sophie pulled out the receipts and I read it and she was right. It was a bunch of girls
38:10He was talking to
38:12it was on social media and
38:15I mean he was not texting the way
38:19Married men should be texting any other female
38:24You know, it's like when you're getting to know different people and you still don't have like a specific love interest
38:32Um, but he was you know, just fishing trying to see what fish I can catch
38:39During therapy like
38:42He's not trying still doing all that. He apologized yesterday for that
38:47the moment that sophie showed jasmine the text messages is the
38:52Instant a new sort of hypnosis started to happen
38:56Because hypnosis happens when we hear things in repetition
38:59Or we hear things in a heightened emotional state or we hear things from our peers that are very
39:05Uh loud and in that moment when jasmine joined her in that
39:12Drama in her feelings
39:14They were hypnotizing each other to be more and more heightened angry
39:20even spiteful
39:21Um, and it's in that moment where it's almost like
39:25Watch out because in that state nothing good comes from it
39:31You're down to be adventurous let's explore
39:40You should go and face him and let everybody know who rob really is
39:45That was like the beginning of the end for me ever
39:48With jasmine because I could feel that jasmine was in sophie's ear that whole morning and I and I just felt like
39:53Jasmine was the puppeteer
39:56That's why
39:58Because that was that that's our marriage
40:00And jasmine's treating it like a game like she is trying to make me the enemy and here I am fighting for our relationship
40:09That's not why I came here I didn't come to the resort for that
40:14Next time on between the sheets
40:18Just just in here
40:20Because I don't like to be touched why he doesn't like to touch me. Why do you not love me?
40:25What why do I do? I can't I cannot sleep. Okay. Okay
40:33When you were still in russia you're working at that resort kind of talking to a guy so he doesn't know he did with the guy
40:40I don't know that he really wants to know or he just saying I want to know
40:45What happened with him
40:50No, your mom's a crackhead that's why she don't like me
40:53I don't care anymore about protecting your mom or protecting you or any of that
40:57I'm gonna say what I feel and i'm pissed off right now
41:00So i'm gonna say it in a reckless way in that moment
41:02I just like hated rob because i'm like how sick can you be and why are you even bringing that up?
41:07I want us to be honest
41:11What was it
41:15Excuse me
41:18And he started crying I was like it is worse than I thought it was
41:25He hasn't been faithful
41:28Not much, you know