• 8 hours ago
90 Day The Last Resort Between the Sheets S01 E01


00:00New show. You excited for this?
00:03Depends on what you ask me if I'm excited.
00:05This show is called Between the Sheets.
00:07Okay. I'm a pro at Between the Sheets.
00:15You're gonna watch tonight's episode for the first time.
00:18Okay, let's see what we got here.
00:25We already have so many issues. We have no chance now.
00:27I could hear, like, the camera guys chasing me. I really was, like, done.
00:34I feel like you love her more than she loves you.
00:37I do feel like I put a lot of love into it.
00:40Okay, cool. Josh doesn't love you at all, so...
00:43Why you didn't answer her like that?
00:46I feel like you deserve to have someone equal.
00:48I was like, **** yeah, somebody sees it. Even if it's crazy-ass Natalie, I mean...
00:53Florian, stop being a bad influence for my husband.
00:57He was being a bitch to me.
00:59No, no, no, no, no.
01:01I was gonna be a bitch back at him.
01:04Get away!
01:06I **** regret nothing.
01:12Julia, too much.
01:15Seriously, you can see your ****.
01:17He's sabotaging his team.
01:19Seriously, you can see your ****.
01:21He's sabotaging his own sex life.
01:23He could've got some that night, and he didn't.
01:27What we are...
01:28I think that's why we're here, trying to figure it out.
01:30I'm your girlfriend, who I am.
01:32Oh, wow.
01:33I cannot believe I actually exposed that moment.
01:35Don't even speak.
01:36Shut up!
01:37Yeah, my gosh.
01:39I wanted to prove to them, hey, I don't even need the blue pills.
01:44Stop being bad.
01:47After seeing how everything unfolded,
01:51I actually feel really bad for Natalie.
01:53**** you.
01:54If we could do it all over again,
01:56I would tell Natalie, go flip that bitch's drink.
02:06Oh, I love this.
02:08Pretty excited.
02:10How are they looking?
02:12That's your hair?
02:13You can tell how the bangs are there.
02:19We're just two wild and crazy guys.
02:23Wow, wow, wow.
02:28All right, ladies, we're going to play the first scene.
02:36Oh, my gosh.
02:37Baby, look.
02:43Oh, it looks so pretty.
02:48When production reached out to us to be in Last Resort,
02:52we were so thankful.
02:54I told them, like, guys, this has been like a miracle
02:58because you have no idea what Gina and I are going through,
03:01and we don't know what to do.
03:04Good morning, welcome in.
03:06Good morning.
03:07Good morning.
03:08We're here for the couples therapy.
03:10Couples therapy?
03:11The retreat.
03:12Absolutely, welcome.
03:14A few days before coming to the retreat,
03:17I discovered a list in his computer,
03:21a hundred reasons why Jasmine is making our marriage fail.
03:26It were silly things, nonsense things,
03:29like just for existence.
03:31Like, oh, she's breathing too hard.
03:33Let's put it on the list.
03:34She will vacuum the carpet
03:39when I'm trying to concentrate and read.
03:42She uses the spoon that I use to pour sugar in my coffee
03:48to also stir the coffee, and she makes it wet,
03:53and I don't like that.
03:54I'm not joking, I'm not making it up, I swear to God.
04:06Brings back memories.
04:09Are you first-time guests at the resort?
04:13I'm not, I've been here before, actually.
04:17This full?
04:19I stayed here by myself, actually.
04:23It's close to the airport.
04:25The resort is in Arizona, and I live in Arizona,
04:30and my house is further out in the city,
04:34so sometimes when I have early flights
04:36or if I have meetings across town,
04:38I'll stay in one of the nicer resorts,
04:40because that's just what I do.
04:42And Natalie takes it as, oh, which girl did you bring here?
04:47We should get in contact,
04:48in case he wants to visit again, you know, by himself.
04:54I really feel like I am on the defense a lot with Natalie,
04:58and I've been questioned, like, even putting my daughter to bed.
05:01Oh, what are you doing?
05:02Like, why are you not answering, you know?
05:04And it's like, hey, I'm putting my daughter to bed.
05:06Send a picture.
05:07No, not sending a picture.
05:09Then she'll keep texting.
05:11I'm like, give me a break.
05:17Which direction would be your house?
05:20My house?
05:25Northwest, it's like that?
05:27Yeah, northwest.
05:28Okay, good.
05:31I was very surprised that you had never been to Josh's house.
05:35You deserve to be a part of his whole life.
05:39I want to be his Cinderella,
05:41and I want him to be my Prince Charming,
05:43and he doesn't mind to be Prince Charming,
05:45but when it comes to me, he's saying,
05:47you are Maleficent.
05:50She was a villain.
05:52Actually, she was made out of darkness.
05:56And it was a weird analogy with Josh,
05:58because a guy who loves me,
06:00all of a sudden saying, you are Maleficent.
06:04Obviously, he wished me to be alone, left in the wood,
06:07without my power.
06:29It's just so flowy.
06:34At that point, I think it had been 10 months,
06:38something like that, since Sophie and I had had sex.
06:41So yeah, here I am with her booty cheeks in my hand,
06:45and honestly, it was like, I'm not going to stand up too quick.
06:51I was really deprived of intimacy,
06:54and it was like a quick reminder of like, oh yeah,
06:57you do not have access to this, my boy.
07:00So yeah.
07:02I think I'm good with the lotion.
07:05I think I'm good.
07:06You think you're good?
07:07Yeah, I think I'm fine.
07:09Just rubbing this last little bit, you know.
07:11Oh my God.
07:14Hey, don't leave a mark.
07:16I'm going to walk around.
07:18On day one, when he was rubbing me down
07:20and putting lotion on my butt and everything,
07:23it was a bit awkward.
07:24He might have expected, oh, she's come to the resort,
07:26like she's ready to have sex with me right now,
07:28but to me, it's like, I don't want to fake it.
07:30Like, I want to feel like I want to have sex with you
07:33because I love you and I'm happy with you,
07:35and it feels good, not just because he wants me to,
07:37so I'm going to.
07:38I'm really hoping this trip is what we need
07:40to get back to that happy place.
07:46That's it, mm-hmm.
07:48That sounds super encouraging.
07:56I'm ready.
08:01When the opportunity came up for us to go on this retreat,
08:04Florian was definitely like, no, I'm not doing it.
08:08We don't need this.
08:11Good morning, welcome in.
08:13How are you?
08:14Wonderful, thank you.
08:15I was like, it's either this or nothing.
08:17I'm going to be gone.
08:20And he gave in.
08:22But then, the morning we left, he was making me feel like s***.
08:27We actually have some footage from that morning
08:29that didn't make it into the episode.
08:36I remember this.
08:37What are you doing?
08:38Come in.
08:39Ready for the resort?
08:40Yes, I'm ready.
08:42It's like the students.
08:43Oh, sorry.
08:45Always in a mood.
08:47He was just giving me attitude.
08:49He was cranky.
08:51What the f*** is this s***?
08:58He was just, like, swearing at me.
09:00Like, I packed too much.
09:01You know, I just wanted a pre-plan
09:03and make sure I had enough.
09:05What the f*** are you talking about?
09:07And then, the whole flight there was a nightmare.
09:16And he was, like, you know, leaning on me the whole time.
09:22I'm like, can I have some room?
09:29To us.
09:35Oh, my God.
09:37You ready?
09:43The resort was beautiful, you know.
09:46It had great views and everything.
09:49But it kind of reminded me of a retirement home.
09:51There wasn't a lot to do there for, like, young people.
09:55It was all, like, rest and relaxation.
09:58Be quiet after 10.
10:00Don't make a f***ing sound.
10:05Who are these cuties?
10:06Oh, my gosh.
10:11I like it.
10:13Oh, you bought me flowers.
10:18He didn't.
10:19He bought you flowers?
10:21But I'm so happy in the first second.
10:28Good luck in couples therapy with love.
10:35Good luck in couples therapy, love?
10:39That is his mom.
10:40What do you mean?
10:42He told mom what resort we stay and what room we stay.
10:45And she sent the flowers.
10:46And she sent the flowers.
10:48Your mom is for his mom.
10:50I'm dead.
10:51I'm dead.
10:53I know that she's very involved in the relationship, but that was sweet.
10:57That was sweet.
10:59I got us some things, Julia.
11:01You have it.
11:03You ready for this?
11:04This is for you.
11:05The hell is that, a sleeping mask?
11:06What is that?
11:07Something you need to use.
11:08Are you kidding me?
11:12No, I'm not kidding you.
11:14What is it?
11:15A razor.
11:18She's a little prickly.
11:19Gosh, shave that.
11:21Oh, my God.
11:23All right, B.
11:25I think you should shave down there.
11:30Oh, my gosh.
11:32You need to take care of yourself, maintain.
11:36Are his balls, like, shaved?
11:40Make it make sense.
11:42What if I bring something like that to you?
11:45Oh, geez.
11:46That is embarrassing.
11:47That is super embarrassing.
11:48I think it'd be sexy.
11:50I would be offended if Florian told me.
11:52But Florian's different.
11:53I'll make him shave me.
11:56He has.
11:57You'll make him shave what?
11:59Oh, I spread it.
12:00Shave me, baby.
12:01Oh, geez.
12:02He gets a ball in there and the crack, everything.
12:04Why not?
12:05I mean, whatever works.
12:09I'm so happy for you.
12:11I also got us a few other things.
12:15You are a horny man, Brandon.
12:19That is insane.
12:20Some lingerie and some handcuffs to play around.
12:24That is purple color.
12:26It's my mom's favorite color.
12:27Purple color because it's your mom's favorite color.
12:31No way.
12:32There's no way.
12:33There's no way that you thought of your mom
12:35when you bought those handcuffs.
12:37Well, I mean, you remind me of her, so.
12:39Oh, please, shush.
12:41No more words.
12:43You are not right.
12:45I could never be able now to wear purple handcuffs
12:49for having sex because I'm going to be thinking about Betty.
12:55Thank you, Brandon.
12:57I'm traumatized.
12:59Who gave you the authority to have the safe?
13:02What are you talking about?
13:03This safe is for both of us.
13:04She always wants to piss me off and make me feel like shit.
13:09You know what?
13:10I'm not sharing the password.
13:12Don't be stupid.
13:13He was being a bitch to me.
13:15I was going to be a bitch back at him.
13:18Now you're Jasmine and I'm Gino.
13:21And you know what?
13:22It feels good.
13:24Gino boy.
13:25Hey, my man.
13:27It's been a minute.
13:28How are you?
13:29Doing great.
13:31Honestly, it feels really good to be sitting here with someone
13:36other than Jasmine.
13:38Thanks, man.
13:39I can yell at you if you want.
13:41Gino, how dare you say that to me?
13:45All right.
13:46You ready to rock?
13:47I'm ready.
13:49So this was a scene that wasn't in the episode.
13:54Oh, wow.
13:58Well, I think we should put our passports in the safe
14:02so no one steals them.
14:03Oh, my gosh.
14:04Do you have anything you need in the safe?
14:06Who gave you the authority to have the safe?
14:08What do you mean?
14:09What are you talking about?
14:10This safe is for both of us.
14:11Yeah, but why you have to be the leader of the safe?
14:14So difficult.
14:15I didn't say I'm the leader of the safe.
14:17Okay, so trust on me as I trust on you
14:20and let me be the person who put on the password.
14:24No, you have to give me the password immediately
14:26in case I need to get into it.
14:29I'll do it.
14:30All right.
14:31Set the password and then text it to me.
14:42Gino knows damn well he's not getting that password.
14:45He's already looking out the window like,
14:46man, this is going to be a problem.
14:50You know what?
14:51I changed my mind.
14:52I'm not sharing the password.
14:55You will have to request me if you need it.
14:58Don't be stupid.
15:00You're calling me stupid?
15:02There's no reason to not give me the password.
15:04There you go.
15:06Oh, now you're Jasmine and I'm Gino.
15:09And you know what?
15:10It feels good.
15:11Feels good to hold the power.
15:12I just wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine,
15:15like when you have someone that wants to control
15:19every aspect of your life, you feel like you are useless.
15:24I could have given him the code right away,
15:28but I was just trying to match his energy.
15:30He was being a bitch to me.
15:32I was going to be a bitch back at him.
15:35Take a taste of your own medicine.
15:36I never, no, I never held anything.
15:38Take a taste of your own medicine.
15:39No, it's not my own medicine.
15:40You're lying.
15:41Stop lying.
15:42Yes, that's how it feels.
15:43Stop lying.
15:44That's how it feels.
15:45Don't finger me.
15:46I mean, does this happen often?
15:47Like, are these the fights that you have?
15:49Yeah, she always wants to piss me off,
15:52and she's constantly, you know, trying to make me feel like shit.
15:58And you never know, like, when it's going to happen.
16:02You can't ever really relax around your partner,
16:04because you never know what's going to be said or brought up.
16:07I will get anxiety when Natalie calls me.
16:10I'm like, oh, God.
16:11It's almost like you have to walk on eggshells.
16:13If we go multiple days without arguing,
16:16I might get through the password.
16:17No, no, no, it don't work like that.
16:19It don't work like that.
16:20Yes, yes, yes.
16:21So, did you ever get the passcode?
16:24Well, after she freaking tortured me for a while there,
16:29yeah, I eventually got it.
16:33But that is, like, so ridiculous, isn't it?
16:35My brother.
16:36Yeah, that's terrible.
16:38I'm excited.
16:41Ready to meet everybody?
16:44Honestly, I was a little nervous going into this happy hour.
16:49I didn't know who was going to be there.
16:51And I assumed that people would have preconceived notions of who I am,
16:55and, you know, I've been on the show for about 10 years
17:00with my twin sister Darcy.
17:02I know it's her.
17:03Hi, guys.
17:05Hello, hello.
17:06I know it's you.
17:08How are you?
17:09What's up, man?
17:10How you doing?
17:12Julia, nice to meet you.
17:13Nice to meet you, buddy.
17:14I just want people to know me, who Stacey is,
17:17and, you know, just be myself.
17:24How are you?
17:25It's just nice to meet you.
17:27Well, I'm smiling.
17:28That would look like a real smile.
17:29How are you?
17:30So nice to meet you.
17:31Nice to meet you.
17:32I was pretty nervous because, like, I was the only one who showed up alone,
17:36and the worst feeling is, like, feeling like people are looking at me like,
17:40oh, they feel sorry for me or something.
17:42I saw some, like, pity glances maybe, or maybe it was in my head,
17:45but it seemed like it at the time.
17:47I really didn't know what I was getting into
17:51because I didn't know anything about, like, anybody.
17:55I don't watch the 90-day shows.
17:57I didn't even watch the single life that I was on.
17:59You just go and smile.
18:01Happy, happy, happy hour.
18:03I didn't know how dramatic these people are.
18:05I know how dramatic Natalie can be, so I'm not excited.
18:12You're so beautiful.
18:13Thank you so much.
18:14Your eyes are gorgeous.
18:16You look beautiful.
18:17Hi, I'm Josh.
18:18Nice to meet you.
18:19Last time I saw Natalie, it was, like,
18:22Last time I saw Natalie was in a happily ever after tell-all,
18:26and she and Mary Mike.
18:28It's exciting to meet you.
18:30Nice to meet you.
18:31It's, like, you're a legend that I get to meet you.
18:33Oh, thank you.
18:35When I saw Josh the first time, I think, like, do you really date her?
18:39I mean, like, you're super normal.
18:41I feel like if you're dating Natalie, you have to have therapy.
18:47Why are you alone?
18:50I'm alone because I have maybe some more issues than even you guys do.
18:57Ari was, like, my first impression.
19:00You know that Saturday Night Live character that is always, like,
19:04Well, I got some news today.
19:07My cat has AIDS.
19:13That's, like, Ari, the Debbie Downer.
19:17Oh, hi.
19:20Nice to see you.
19:21Nice to meet you.
19:23Where do you live now?
19:26Oh, my gosh.
19:27Julie and Brandon.
19:28I couldn't believe that they were there.
19:29Like, I, you know, don't believe what you see on social media
19:32because people live on appearances.
19:34Like, they look so happy because I follow them both, and it's not real.
19:39It's like me saying, like, my faith is that are so freaking huge
19:44and disproportional to my body.
19:46I, they are natural.
19:48Yeah, like, the heck no.
19:50Oh, Sophie and Rob.
19:53There they are.
19:54Hey, how are you?
19:55I'm good. You?
19:56Yeah, it's you.
19:57There you are.
19:58I felt like the tension was pretty hard
20:01because everyone was checking each other out,
20:04and girls were, like, go brussy, you know, like, shh,
20:09waiting for their bite, you know, like.
20:11So you guys know each other?
20:13Yeah, we, like, complicated.
20:15Oh, OK.
20:17I guess if that is OK with everybody,
20:19can I talk with her in a second privacy?
20:21Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:22And then Juliana approached me, hey, I need to talk,
20:25and I'm like, oh, God.
20:34I know.
20:35I just.
20:48It's, you know, not nice.
20:59So you used Mike to get to America.
21:14So I was really mean.
21:17I mean, I guess you can call her.
21:20Give her a hug when you finish and say sorry.
21:22Yeah, you can hug and then say sorry.
21:24Yeah, it's really mean.
21:28Everybody, like, know each other or no?
21:30Yeah, I know you guys.
21:31Yeah, we know Rob and Sophie from the last couple of shows
21:33we've done.
21:34We've done a couple, and then we've messaged briefly
21:36on Instagram a few times.
21:37When Sophie says that, I was just thinking,
21:44Natalie is very insecure, OK, when it
21:47comes to beautiful women around.
21:50And I knew hearing Sophie saying we messaged on Instagram,
21:56it's going to give her an immediate insecurity about it.
21:59I know this.
22:00But nothing happens in the moment,
22:02which is very impressive.
22:03Like, I'm like, oh, God, thank you.
22:05Like, maybe we got past this.
22:07Yeah, I didn't want to say anything,
22:09but her man has been, like, messaging me on Instagram.
22:13He was, like, inviting me to, like, Vegas.
22:19About a month before the resort,
22:21Josh had messaged me on social media,
22:23and then he just started putting emojis,
22:25like the love eye emojis.
22:27I told Rob instantly.
22:28Like, as soon as he messaged me, I was like,
22:30oh, look who messaged me.
22:31Isn't this Natalie's boyfriend?
22:32And Rob was helping me respond to Josh,
22:35because he loves drama.
22:36He loves being involved.
22:37And he was like, what's he trying to do?
22:39Very much, like, testing the waters without fully,
22:43without fully, without fully, like, putting yourself out there.
22:47I'm going to see what she says.
22:48I'm going to see what she says.
22:49There you go.
22:50Walking in, there was definitely,
22:52Josh was in the back of my mind of, like,
22:54huh, I'm going to have to meet this guy
22:56who was potentially trying to get at Sophie.
22:58And in that moment, that's all I could think of,
23:00is that I don't trust you at all.
23:02So, bro, if you come at Sophie,
23:04I'm going to just out you about this
23:06right in front of your girl.
23:07And it's going to be like,
23:08why are you here with her hitting on my wife?
23:12Do you get it?
23:13Like, do you understand this, like,
23:14how, how f***ed up this is?
23:16I don't think you get it.
23:18One day, I noticed Florian had makeup on his shirt.
23:21How exactly did you get makeup on your shirt?
23:24Some girl, like, is more short than me, basically.
23:27She wanted to take a picture,
23:28and her face, like, very closed.
23:30Is that really what happened?
23:34Let me see myself again.
23:41Oh, look at me.
23:43Do we have everyone here?
23:46She is waiting for her man.
23:48You don't even know if he's here at the resort?
23:50I hope he comes, but, you know.
23:53I did all the things to be faithful
23:55and to give time and energy to someone.
23:57And then they're like, oh, you know, who cares?
23:59And they just go and do their thing, it's painful.
24:02Ari was tearing down the relationship
24:05before he even got to the resort.
24:09There's some issues with infidelity.
24:11He's constantly talking to other women
24:13or cheating on other women, so.
24:16Damn, dude.
24:17Aren't we here to work on our relationships?
24:19And you two have the most to lose.
24:21You have a kid.
24:22You came in here with, like, an attitude
24:24that you are not going to work, so why come?
24:27So why come?
24:32Traveling in Arizona just is very stressful.
24:36I have a few problems.
24:39My car is tall, like something.
24:41I didn't know it doesn't mean tall.
24:43What is tall?
24:44Like, I called her, what is tall?
24:46Then I lost my apartment key
24:48and I almost missed my flight.
24:50But I'm not worried about it
24:52for everybody they think about me
24:54because everybody, they have so many
24:56like drama, like stuff.
24:58What's up?
24:59What's up?
25:01Oh, my God!
25:03What's up, man? How you doing?
25:04How are you?
25:05How are you, man?
25:06How are you?
25:07Nice to meet you.
25:08I was surprised.
25:09What the f*** is that?
25:11What is that?
25:12Just check it.
25:13What the f*** is that, man?
25:15I'm your wife.
25:16I'm not your buddy.
25:23What is this?
25:24What is this?
25:25Here, should I teach you how to do this?
25:27You do like this.
25:28You put your arms around your head.
25:32Before we actually got to the resort,
25:33Vinny called me
25:34and he wanted to talk about
25:36what would we be talking about
25:38once we actually got to therapy.
25:40And essentially, he wanted me to lie
25:42about what actually happened
25:44and I was like,
25:45but why would I go into therapy lying?
25:47Then what benefit would I get out of it?
25:49And then, why would I lie for you?
25:51Because you're the one who screwed up.
25:53So, and then he was very angry with me.
25:56So, that might be one of the other reasons
25:58why he wanted to shake my hand
26:00when he got there.
26:05Nice resort.
26:06Oh, my gosh.
26:09It's so beautiful.
26:10I remember that night.
26:14I had no idea
26:15that there would be this therapy session
26:17on day one.
26:18I thought it would just be like a chill,
26:20relaxed night
26:21just to get to know everybody.
26:24So, that definitely showed me like,
26:26listen, we're here for business.
26:28This is serious.
26:30Hey, guys.
26:31You guys want to all come on over?
26:32Have a seat.
26:36He's going to be good.
26:38I do struggle with anxiety,
26:40so I knew
26:42that was going to be a hard time for me
26:44to, you know, voice all of my issues
26:46to all these other couples.
26:47I didn't want to feel judged
26:49by all these people I didn't know.
26:51Welcome, everyone.
26:52My name is James Kelleher.
26:53I'm a licensed professional counselor,
26:55and I'm happy to be a part of this therapy team.
27:00This was a different experience for me.
27:04I'm used to being in a therapy office,
27:06not being in front of cameras,
27:08and there were at least 14 cameras.
27:13It was overwhelming.
27:16But then I felt like I just kind of
27:18got into my natural self,
27:19and I was enjoying being in the moment.
27:22We all know that you guys are here
27:24for marriage issues, relationship issues,
27:27but don't worry.
27:28We are here for you to walk this path.
27:31For my personal, for me,
27:33I don't need therapy.
27:35I can do therapy to this therapist.
27:37I specialize or focus in
27:39on cognitive behavioral therapy.
27:43In my country, like, I have some problem.
27:45I can talk to my sister, to my family,
27:48and figure it out from there, you know?
27:50And here in the United States,
27:52people like talking to stranger people.
27:54Let them f***ing know.
27:57And this is Reba Thomas.
27:59Hi, everyone.
28:00I'm a sexuality educator,
28:02and my goal is to help couples
28:04rediscover their sexual connection.
28:08No, I don't need help for my sex life, nothing.
28:11I don't need help from Reba.
28:13Reba needs help from me.
28:15I can talk to her.
28:16I can teach her verbally.
28:21Now that brings us to a question to all of you.
28:24Why we're here?
28:28Jasmine, what's going through your mind?
28:31You know, doesn't show
28:33any kind of affection to me ever.
28:38We haven't had sex, like, in eight months.
28:42I think to myself, like,
28:45how we went down the drain.
28:48At therapy that night,
28:50I was not expecting Jasmine,
28:52you know, the woman in the relationship,
28:54to be crying about not getting sex, you know?
28:58Couples fight, but I calm down,
29:00ready for sex.
29:01Me too.
29:03But, like, we've all watched
29:05Jasmine say these wild things to Gino,
29:07that he's not good in bed,
29:08that her ex was better.
29:09We've even watched her say
29:11that she would rather f*** her ex.
29:13Gino's been so emasculated.
29:15Like, I can see why he doesn't
29:17really want to have sex with her.
29:21Stacey, how about you?
29:23I feel like Florian's repeating patterns.
29:27Flirts, and...
29:29He'll do it in front of my face.
29:32One night, me and Florian were out,
29:34and some girl walks straight up to him,
29:37and he was smoking his cigarette.
29:38And she, like, took the cigarette out of his mouth,
29:40and grabbed it, drags it,
29:42and, like, blows the smoke in his face,
29:44like, all sexy, like, all up on him, like...
29:47And he's, like, standing there, like, loving it.
29:49And then we're at a restaurant,
29:51and some random girl, again, approaches him.
29:54Like, hey, Florian.
29:56Good to see you again.
29:57And, like, kisses him on the cheek.
29:59And, like, he didn't say, this is my wife.
30:01Like, I feel like, why doesn't he just
30:03use his common sense?
30:04Men are dumb.
30:06Men are dumb.
30:08One day, I noticed Florian
30:10had makeup on his shirt.
30:17How exactly did you get makeup on your shirt?
30:20Some girl, like, is more short than me,
30:22basically, just wanted to take a picture,
30:24and her face, like, very closed.
30:26Is that really what happened?
30:28Yes, that's really what happened.
30:31Right by the collar.
30:33A big makeup stain.
30:35Yeah, let me explain.
30:37This time, I'm the woman.
30:38Want me to stand up?
30:39Yeah, stand up.
30:40I'm the woman, and the girl come like this.
30:42The girl is more short.
30:43And basically, like, stand like this.
30:44Look, like, the makeup.
30:47You know, like, when, like, hot, basically.
30:50Okay, so it happened like that?
30:52It happened like that, basically.
30:53Like, I'm the girl.
30:54Like this?
30:55You sure she wasn't, like, all over you,
30:56trying to kiss you?
30:57Just kiss me.
30:58I can go straight to the lips, you know.
31:00I don't need to touch my shirt, you know.
31:05What did that do to you,
31:07seeing that makeup?
31:09Yeah, I was hurtful.
31:10I brought up all the memories
31:12of the cheating scandal from the past.
31:17Stacey was getting emotional,
31:19and Florian was just, like,
31:21staring straight ahead
31:23or looking down at his shoes,
31:24and their body language
31:26just seemed so distant, so cold.
31:29Stacey seemed so open and vulnerable
31:32and kind of ready to do the work,
31:36and Florian seemed checked out.
31:39Stacey just need to listen more,
31:41let them assume things happening, you know.
31:44From a dog, you're making an elephant, you know.
31:48Their body language alone
31:50showed that they were in complete crisis.
32:00All right, everyone's good?
32:03We should do it in our bed.
32:06Lie down, just have a drink.
32:08Like, we lot of them always have drinking.
32:10Can we have a drink?
32:15Okay, let's see what we got here.
32:17Oh, it's therapy.
32:20Josh, I want to know
32:21what's going through your mind.
32:23You know, we've been dealing
32:24with a lot of issues.
32:25We are up and down
32:27with our relationship,
32:28and then it's like the expectations
32:30from her are just not met,
32:32and there's just this huge explosion
32:35that first night.
32:36Here we are, like,
32:37listening to people, like, cheating
32:40and, you know, husbands
32:42that won't sleep with wives
32:44and, like, people that would just
32:46left the house and didn't come home.
32:48Like, there's just, like,
32:49major issues going on, like, you know,
32:52divorce type of issues,
32:54and here me and Natalie are,
32:55and she just wants to come
32:57move into my house and see my house,
32:59and, you know, I just want her to,
33:02you know, act a little normal.
33:08So, I mean, I think we're just
33:12trying to see if this is going to
33:14work between us or not.
33:18I don't even know what
33:19the f*** Natalie and Josh
33:20are doing here, honestly.
33:21I don't know if he's really
33:23into Natalie, like...
33:24He's into boobs.
33:25When you look at Josh,
33:26he's not looking at your eyes,
33:27he's looking at your boobs.
33:31False. False.
33:33I am not interested in the
33:34slightest of Jasmine's boobs.
33:38I'm actually not even a boob guy.
33:40Like, that's not, like, my thing.
33:43I like more of the
33:45lower half of ladies.
33:47The legs, butt, women's feet.
33:51Kiss the feet?
33:53You want me to suck the toe
33:54of the feet?
33:56The f*** is wrong with you?
33:57You've never kissed Stacy's feet.
33:58F*** that.
33:59What the f*** are you talking about?
34:03Well, maybe you should try it.
34:04You might like it.
34:05Put a little pinky toe in your mouth.
34:08F*** that.
34:10What the f*** are you talking about?
34:12F*** that.
34:13I'm not like...
34:14F*** that.
34:16Listen, if I'm massaging
34:18a cute little foot,
34:19yeah, I'll massage it,
34:20I'll give a little kiss,
34:21and then I'll, you know,
34:22start the whole process
34:23all the way up.
34:24I'm like a hunter,
34:25you know what I mean?
34:26I like to use the whole canvas,
34:27like, you know,
34:28the ladies come,
34:29and they use, like,
34:30every part of it for something.
34:31They have the fur for this.
34:32What kind of hunter are you?
34:33I'm a lady hunter.
34:34Yeah, that's not gonna...
34:35I'm not gonna exclude any parts.
34:37No, no.
34:38The ladies love it.
34:40Ari, how about for you?
34:43I'm here because of the
34:45chronic and constant lies,
34:47and I know that he's gonna say
34:49that he hasn't been unfaithful,
34:51but I have all the evidence.
34:56I think Vinny hates
34:57looking like he's the bad guy.
34:58So I was worried that
35:00Vinny would just project this,
35:02like, I'm such a nice guy
35:03kind of a thing,
35:04and not really show
35:05some of the issues
35:06that I'm dealing with
35:07when it comes to him.
35:08You're a f****** liar.
35:12You're a f****** liar.
35:14So when the first thing he said
35:16was, you're a f****** liar,
35:18I was relieved because
35:20now at least other people
35:22will see what I'm dealing with.
35:24He's cheated on me many times.
35:26I have evidence,
35:27conversations, photos.
35:30I mean, they've all seen it
35:31anyways, so.
35:33It's all over social media.
35:52It sounds like this has been,
35:53there's many levels to it,
35:54and it's really unhealthy.
35:56They're both immediately
35:57let down.
35:58And I think our role here
36:00is to see how we can
36:01get you back on track
36:02and sort through
36:03some of this stuff.
36:09Vinny came in with
36:10a chip on his shoulder.
36:11He was angry.
36:12The way he spoke to her
36:14was almost threatening
36:15and intimidating,
36:16and I thought,
36:17you feel comfortable
36:18talking to her
36:19in this scenario.
36:20What do you talk to her
36:21like at home
36:22when there aren't
36:23people around?
36:24At the end of the day,
36:25looking inward
36:26is where those two
36:27had to really start at
36:29to see,
36:30is this marriage
36:31even worth fixing?
36:32Is it viable?
36:36So we're going
36:37to play charades.
36:39You're going to pick
36:40a name of someone
36:41at the retreat
36:42out of the bowl,
36:43and then try to get
36:44your partner to guess
36:45who it is
36:46without talking.
36:48Give me the bowl.
36:49You want it?
36:50I can't pick a name.
36:51All right, name pillow.
36:52You can't do cheating.
36:53Please, God,
36:54give me an easy one.
36:58I got to pick
36:59a different name.
37:03Don't mind if you
37:04get boring people, man.
37:07Quite difficult,
37:08this one.
37:09I need a minute.
37:10I need a minute.
37:22Are you throwing
37:23a three-pointer?
37:24Or what?
37:25What are you doing?
37:32Are you a mime?
37:54I don't know
37:55how to...
38:04I don't know
38:05what she wants from me.
38:06I mean,
38:07I'm a good guy.
38:08It's Josh.
38:09There you go.
38:10Do something else.
38:11I'm confused.
38:25We got to watch clips,
38:26all right?
38:27We got to jump in.
38:28We got to get in there.
38:35All right.
38:38That was a great
38:39first session.
38:40To take this
38:41to the next step,
38:42we're going to ask you
38:43to symbolize
38:44your commitment
38:45to yourself
38:47and to your relationships
38:49with getting into
38:51the cold plunge.
38:54The significance
38:55of a cold plunge,
38:56specifically in this situation,
38:58was kind of like,
39:00I'm shedding off
39:01the negativity,
39:03all the bad things
39:04that we've had happen
39:05within our relationship,
39:07and this is a new beginning,
39:08and let's see if we can
39:09do it together as a couple.
39:11We were really looking
39:12to see who was invested,
39:15who was taking this on
39:16and saying,
39:17you know what,
39:18I don't care what it is
39:19you tell me to do,
39:20I'm going to do it.
39:21And we wanted to kind of see
39:22where these couples were.
39:24If you're willing to take
39:25this next step together,
39:27I would love to see you stand up.
39:33All right, let's go.
39:37I really didn't want to do it
39:38because, first of all,
39:39I just had a fresh spray tan.
39:40I didn't want to have
39:41to redo my hair,
39:42but I also was like,
39:43I'm here to push myself
39:45and show Rob that I'm serious.
39:53I wasn't really surprised
39:54he didn't want to do it,
39:55but I was disappointed.
39:57At that point, I'm all in,
39:59and I'm going to do
40:01everything that I could
40:02to save the marriage.
40:04And if Florian's not willing
40:06to participate,
40:07then that's on him.
40:09So, a fun fact.
40:11They put 1,500 pounds
40:13of ice in this pool today.
40:15It will be 56 degrees.
40:17The whole goal of this
40:19is to shock your body.
40:21And what happens
40:22when we shock our bodies?
40:23We create change.
40:27I already did my shock treatments
40:28in there for an hour and a half.
40:31I'm cold.
40:44All right, everybody,
40:45are we ready to do this?
40:48I guess so.
40:49Any last-minute changes?
40:56Oh, my gosh.
40:59You got this.
41:02Make it happen.
41:04Oh, she killed it.
41:05Oh, my gosh.
41:07Oh, my gosh.
41:09They're brave.
41:14Therapy was a lot tougher
41:15than I expected that night.
41:17We had to, like,
41:18bare our souls to everyone
41:19and then jump
41:20into 48-degree water.
41:22Man, I was miserable.
41:24If this was day one,
41:25I mean, what fresh hell
41:27was the rest of this retreat
41:28gonna bring?
41:31Do it, Beanie.
41:32You got it.
41:42I'm breathing!
41:46That night gave me
41:47a lot of insight
41:48as to what these couples
41:49were dealing with.
41:51All of these couples
41:52had a lot to work on.
41:54Good job.
41:56But what concerned me
41:57even more,
41:58seeing Florian and Natalie,
41:59Gino and Jasmine,
42:00sit out of the cold plunge,
42:02you would think that
42:03on day one,
42:04everyone would be willing
42:05to take part
42:06in this exercise.
42:08But if you can't get
42:09in some cold water
42:10to prove your commitment,
42:11are you really gonna put
42:12in the work
42:13to save your relationship?
42:14We therapists
42:15had our work cut out for us.
42:20Next time on
42:21Between the Sheets...
42:23Look, lingerie.
42:25What am I about to watch?
42:29No, no, no, no.
42:30I don't like that.
42:31Florian was being a what?
42:32A little baby about it.
42:33He was being a what?
42:34Being a little bitch about it.
42:36He was being a...
42:39He's upset that I had sex
42:40with someone
42:41when I was 14 years old.
42:42I'm not doing that with you.
42:44I'm not doing it.
42:46I had just got confirmation
42:47that Sophie slept
42:48with her friend,
42:49and then she lied
42:50to me about it
42:51for two years.
42:52So what happens next?
42:53How do we move forward?
42:55I don't care to do this.
43:04I want to be able to trust you.
43:05I feel like we lost that.
43:07Florian doesn't want
43:08a dramatic relationship.
43:10I want to be free!
43:16He doesn't know what to do.
43:18Oh, my God.
43:21How are you?
43:22I want to go home.
43:23I want to go home.
43:24I don't want to be here.
43:26Who's Matt?
43:27I don't know why
43:28your letting him bother you.
43:29I could not have imagined
43:31where Gino and Jasmine's
43:33story would go.