Love Is Blind S07 E13
00:00:00It's the moment you've all been waiting for, the chance to have each of your burning questions
00:00:12And you're in for a treat, because here tonight, we have several surprise guests.
00:00:18That's right.
00:00:19We have someone who's been here since the beginning.
00:00:22One of our most talked about brides from season one is now a wife.
00:00:28You'll also be joined by our very first mom, who wants to confront an ex-fiancé.
00:00:33One couple who's back from Miami.
00:00:41And the very first Love is Blind baby.
00:00:44So let's not wait a second longer.
00:00:47Please welcome from Washington, D.C.
00:00:49Your favorites from season seven of Love is Blind.
00:00:53Taylor and Garrett.
00:01:02Ashley and Tyler.
00:01:22And Tim.
00:01:32What's up?
00:01:34Get off your ducks.
00:01:36Then mail your exes.
00:01:38And wake up your napping loved ones.
00:01:40Because the wait is over.
00:01:42Welcome to the Love is Blind reunion.
00:01:45Well, for some, this season was smooth sailing.
00:01:47But for others, they had to be, well, they had to work out the kinks, let's just say.
00:01:51And today, we're going to talk about all of it.
00:01:53Welcome, everyone.
00:01:55And say hello to our former participants and some very special guests.
00:01:59Hi, everybody.
00:02:03Welcome, welcome.
00:02:05We're excited.
00:02:07We're going to catch up with y'all in just a little bit.
00:02:09But thank you for being here, as always.
00:02:11And everyone, please do not worry.
00:02:13Brittany, Leo, and Ashley are going to be joining us.
00:02:15They're going to be joining us.
00:02:17They're going to be joining us.
00:02:19They're going to be joining us.
00:02:21They're going to be joining us.
00:02:23They're going to be joining us.
00:02:25They're going to be joining us.
00:02:27Please do not worry.
00:02:29Brittany, Leo, and Leo's Rolex are all here today.
00:02:31They'll be joining us momentarily.
00:02:33Along with many, many more surprises.
00:02:35So Washington, D.C. took us on quite a journey.
00:02:37From flowers to flags.
00:02:39DMs to REMs.
00:02:41And matching science tattoos to the heartwarming I Do's.
00:02:43The I Do's.
00:02:45One of my favorite parts of every season.
00:02:47I loved every second of it.
00:02:49And with that, I want to congratulate all of you.
00:02:51Did you guys coordinate the black and gold?
00:02:55We always do this.
00:02:57I know.
00:02:59We always match.
00:03:01We're happy that your family got to join us today.
00:03:03We have Phuong and Tom, mom and dad.
00:03:05Hi, mom and dad.
00:03:07Hi, mom and dad.
00:03:09Hi, mom and dad.
00:03:11Hi, mom and dad.
00:03:13Hi, mom and dad.
00:03:15Hi, mom and dad.
00:03:17Hi, mom and dad.
00:03:19Hi, mom and dad.
00:03:21If only we could get tattoos
00:03:23of all the chemistry
00:03:25we felt watching this season.
00:03:27You could, Nick.
00:03:29It's too late.
00:03:31It's only good if it's used periodically.
00:03:37Seriously, Taylor,
00:03:39is Garrett still the best catch of them all?
00:03:41Of course he is.
00:03:43He makes me feel loved and comfortable
00:03:45and shows up every day for me.
00:03:48He's all you can really ask,
00:03:50especially in these crazy, incredible circumstances.
00:03:52He's my best friend.
00:03:54That's the best.
00:03:56It's the best.
00:03:58Best to spend every day with your best friend.
00:04:00We're loving the new look.
00:04:02Is it safe to say
00:04:04we can call this Taylor's version?
00:04:08This is Garrett's blow-up hair.
00:04:10Garrett, is it safe to say
00:04:12that she's filled a blank space
00:04:14in your fashion world?
00:04:16Dad jokes are great.
00:04:18If you don't like them, you can just shake it off.
00:04:20No, they're great. I love them.
00:04:22We talked a little bit about it earlier.
00:04:24We learned this from you on the season.
00:04:26Avid fisherman.
00:04:28Have you had a chance to take Taylor fishing yet?
00:04:30I had to. That was the real test, obviously.
00:04:32She passed?
00:04:34Oh, yeah. Flying color.
00:04:36We actually have photos of this real test.
00:04:38Can we check it out?
00:04:44Oh, man.
00:04:48It looked great, baby.
00:04:50You guys said
00:04:52grab it by the eyes. I was like, ha ha.
00:04:54You were like, no, grab it by the eyes.
00:04:56I was like, but I have long nails.
00:04:58The eyes and the nails, that's how you hold them.
00:05:00You guys come, we'll show you.
00:05:02Speaking of
00:05:04inviting people fishing,
00:05:06I have some other photos from another
00:05:08very special fishing trip that you took, Garrett.
00:05:10Let's take a look at those.
00:05:26I love fishing.
00:05:28Why wasn't I invited on this bromance?
00:05:30So, Tyler,
00:05:32was this a one and done fishing experience
00:05:34or are you hooked now?
00:05:36I told him, let's go again.
00:05:38I was surprised by how much fun I had.
00:05:40We had a ball, all three of us.
00:05:42You said you're good at everything in the pod,
00:05:44so I was testing it out.
00:05:46Did I get a fish?
00:05:48Well, yeah, something like that.
00:05:50Tyler and Ashley,
00:05:52so happy to have you guys here today.
00:05:54It's hard to believe, but you've been married
00:05:56almost a year now.
00:06:00Congrats again.
00:06:05how's it going?
00:06:07It's been great, honestly.
00:06:09This year's been a lot of laughter,
00:06:11a lot of growth, a lot of love.
00:06:13A learning experience.
00:06:15We always talk about how important it is
00:06:17once you get married
00:06:19before the world finds out
00:06:21that time that you have.
00:06:23How crucial it is to the married couples
00:06:25to solidify that foundation
00:06:27because once the show is out there
00:06:29and your story is out there,
00:06:31then everyone wants to chime in.
00:06:33That bubble was nice.
00:06:35I'm going to get into that.
00:06:37Tyler, you had spoken on the show
00:06:39and everybody was shocked
00:06:41when you revealed that you had donated
00:06:43sperm to help a friend
00:06:45and her wife have children.
00:06:47Since then,
00:06:49there has been online chatter
00:06:51about your involvement in
00:06:53these children's life and it being
00:06:55more than you had initially let on.
00:06:57Can you now clarify
00:06:59what's going on with that?
00:07:03Those kids, that family,
00:07:05they did not sign up for this.
00:07:07What is happening now is
00:07:09I try to keep that from happening.
00:07:11Their birth certificates are online.
00:07:13Things that shouldn't be happening
00:07:15are now happening.
00:07:17To get into the story,
00:07:19I did help a friend
00:07:21and her wife started a family
00:07:23but her wife ended up leaving her
00:07:25and left her high and dry.
00:07:27This was my very close friend.
00:07:29I played a part
00:07:31that became very shaky
00:07:33with a friend.
00:07:35There's no rule books
00:07:37to this.
00:07:39There's no set lines to this.
00:07:41I do want to let people know
00:07:43Ashley knows all this.
00:07:45This is news to the world.
00:07:47This has never been news to us.
00:07:49I'm giving this explanation now
00:07:51because I feel like the world
00:07:53is waiting for it.
00:07:55I don't owe anyone an explanation
00:07:57Are you sitting here with me?
00:08:01We got your back, man.
00:08:11I'm good. We're good.
00:08:13I'm not going to keep harping on it.
00:08:17It's funny, everyone kept saying
00:08:19I said mm-hmm a lot in the pods
00:08:21but not today.
00:08:23I do have some things to say.
00:08:26What do you think has better insight
00:08:28on what's going on, social media or me?
00:08:30For people to imply
00:08:32that she was blindsided, she didn't know
00:08:34is insulting to my intelligence.
00:08:36That's number one.
00:08:38Number two, for the record,
00:08:40this is something he never wanted to share
00:08:42on camera.
00:08:44I just didn't feel like it would be
00:08:46an authentic experience
00:08:48or that I could continue the experience
00:08:50if we didn't.
00:08:52I know me.
00:08:54I told him
00:08:56in some capacity we have to
00:08:58talk about this.
00:09:00There were things he was comfortable sharing
00:09:02and things he wasn't.
00:09:04For example, one time I asked him
00:09:06doesn't he know what you look like?
00:09:08He's like, I don't think so.
00:09:10You could tell.
00:09:12Of course he divulged that information.
00:09:14He was trying to lie for the cameras
00:09:16but you guys had already had this conversation.
00:09:18We weren't there for a couple other things
00:09:20we'll get to later.
00:09:22Hey Steven.
00:09:26You guys had had this conversation
00:09:28and I see that the next day for cameras
00:09:30you're trying to clarify because you want to be authentic
00:09:32but also you're trying to protect him
00:09:34and these children.
00:09:36The thing with humanity
00:09:38is they have a hard time
00:09:42anything that we don't get
00:09:44anything that's taboo, anything that's out of our norm.
00:09:46That's exactly what's happening.
00:09:48Instead of trying to rationalize
00:09:50it's hard to navigate.
00:09:52For me, I just know Tyler
00:09:54in his heart to know that it had to be
00:09:56hard to navigate with a friend.
00:09:58Way easier when you're removed.
00:10:00With him growing up in a
00:10:02single parent household
00:10:04in that scenario when that happened with the divorce
00:10:06it was very hard for him to
00:10:08remove himself
00:10:10and not be involved when
00:10:12this is now a single mom.
00:10:14That was hard for him and I just know
00:10:16that he is a good person
00:10:18who went in a little too deep
00:10:20and didn't know what to do next.
00:10:22This is not a game. This is till death do us part.
00:10:24And we mean it. You can try.
00:10:26We've seen Aldi get an annulment
00:10:28be done with him.
00:10:30Ask Ashley.
00:10:32I said I do
00:10:34to all of it. I was aware
00:10:36and I took on what I wanted to.
00:10:38This is a once in a lifetime kind of love.
00:10:40This is a rarity and it's something
00:10:42that is worth risking anything for.
00:10:44I ain't saying
00:10:47I do nothing crazy.
00:10:51This is something that I knew
00:10:53if I listened to the public I could go find a man
00:10:55and pop my stuff a little bit.
00:10:57She can't find one.
00:10:59This is something that I would never
00:11:01find again and it's
00:11:03worth it all. We're just so grateful for your love
00:11:05and watching it the whole season
00:11:07was giving me all the feels.
00:11:09She had all the feels.
00:11:11We know it's a
00:11:13sensitive subject and we truly appreciate
00:11:15the insight and you guys being so honest
00:11:17and forthright about sharing that
00:11:19here on the stage. You've had your valleys
00:11:21you've had your peaks. What do you think
00:11:23if you can put it in a nutshell
00:11:25is one of the best things about
00:11:27being married to Tyler, Ashley?
00:11:29Tyler is
00:11:31my calmest love.
00:11:33I've never felt
00:11:35so centered than I do when I'm
00:11:37with him. Whenever I have a bad day
00:11:39I call my mom. I still call you
00:11:41sometimes but now
00:11:43I call him first.
00:11:45It's good having a best friend
00:11:47that listens and cares for my heart
00:11:49and like you said the foundation that we have
00:11:51is so deep
00:11:53and beautiful
00:11:55and we learned a lot of different things
00:11:57along the way like dropping pride
00:11:59and dropping arguments
00:12:01picking and choosing
00:12:03your battles, things like that
00:12:05but I definitely just love
00:12:07the stillness and the calmness
00:12:09that he brings.
00:12:11It's a ride right?
00:12:13It's never a dull moment
00:12:15we say this about our relationship
00:12:17to me that's the way I would want it
00:12:19continuing to learn
00:12:21to experience each other
00:12:23and just enjoy that ride
00:12:25so Tyler what about you? What's the best thing
00:12:27about being married to Ashley?
00:12:31it's the unconditional love
00:12:33I've thought about this a million times
00:12:35I've gotten hurt playing sports
00:12:37I've been sick
00:12:39other things have happened
00:12:41and she has been standing there
00:12:43there has never been a day where she hasn't said
00:12:45I love you
00:12:47it's extremely unconditional
00:12:49I've never experienced unconditional love to this extent
00:12:51and she reassures me every time we talk
00:12:53I'm not going anywhere
00:12:55I love you no matter what
00:12:57and for me that's
00:12:59first time ever in my life experiencing this
00:13:01and it's big
00:13:03now I'm starting to feel what unconditional love is like
00:13:05For you as the mother
00:13:08How does it feel to see your daughter and her husband
00:13:10your son-in-law
00:13:12what's it been like for you this past year?
00:13:14It's been beautiful
00:13:16I'm learning from them
00:13:18the way that they communicate
00:13:20they have open communication
00:13:22I just think that it's so beautiful
00:13:24and I'm going to keep learning from you
00:13:26Thank you
00:13:28It's so great for us to be a part of this
00:13:30and get to know so many incredible
00:13:32people through this experience
00:13:34and I've got to point out
00:13:36on this stage just a few months ago
00:13:38in the house tonight, AD
00:13:40What's up AD
00:13:42How you doing?
00:13:44I mean
00:13:48Your reunion was an emotional reunion
00:13:50How does it feel to be on that side?
00:13:52It feels so good
00:13:54I'm praying for y'all
00:13:56We are so happy to have you here
00:13:58Fill us in
00:14:00Y'all I'm great
00:14:02I'm happy, I'm thriving
00:14:04It's been my absolute best life
00:14:06I'm off that rollercoaster
00:14:08and I'm so grateful for everyone
00:14:10Mounds and mounds of support
00:14:12Thank you for sharing your story
00:14:14and being so open and vulnerable
00:14:16I didn't realize how much I touched people
00:14:18with my vulnerability
00:14:20so that was one thing that was really special for me
00:14:22It's interesting when you're on TV
00:14:24there is an opportunity to really truly
00:14:26inspire and touch other people
00:14:28who are watching you
00:14:30It's amazing you were able to feel that
00:14:32And you're getting emotional
00:14:34I know, I always do
00:14:36So what's going on today?
00:14:42What's happening with you now, AD?
00:14:46No, I'm just having a good time
00:14:50By yourself or with someone?
00:14:52Not by myself
00:14:56With a someone
00:14:58Very special someone
00:15:00We're keeping it private, we're keeping it cute
00:15:04What else?
00:15:08I don't know, you tell me
00:15:10All good things, I'm very happy
00:15:12And you know we love you
00:15:14Thank you, I love you all so much
00:15:16It's great to have you here
00:15:18Every season we have stories that
00:15:20warm our hearts and others that
00:15:22break them
00:15:24One relationship that surprised us all was
00:15:26Marissa and Ramses
00:15:31There were mostly green flags
00:15:33There were a few nautical flags
00:15:35But there was one big red flag
00:15:37when Ramses called everything off
00:15:39Hey Marissa
00:15:43Watching you go through
00:15:45that moment on our
00:15:47television was really
00:15:49hard. How was that for you to watch?
00:15:56I felt like I was reliving
00:15:58God, I'm such a cry baby
00:16:00It's ok to cry
00:16:02It was hard
00:16:04because I just remember what it felt like
00:16:06So it can just
00:16:08be hard to kind of see that
00:16:10and just relive it pretty much
00:16:12I felt like my heart was breaking all over again
00:16:16Ramses, how
00:16:18was it for you
00:16:20reliving that moment and watching that moment
00:16:22over again?
00:16:24It was difficult
00:16:26I didn't come into this
00:16:28experience wanting to
00:16:30devastate anyone or leave anyone
00:16:34I came in here looking for the love of my life
00:16:36For the majority of this experience
00:16:38I thought I had found it in Marissa
00:16:40Watching it back was
00:16:42difficult. I had to pause several times
00:16:44because I hadn't seen
00:16:46her reaction
00:16:48when she was alone
00:16:50in her interviews
00:16:52Just seeing how she was
00:16:54falling apart was very difficult
00:16:56to watch back
00:16:58You mentioned for a majority
00:17:00of this experience you thought you had found
00:17:02that. Can you walk us through what that was
00:17:04that derailed
00:17:06that for you?
00:17:08For me
00:17:10once we got into that latter portion of the
00:17:12experience, I basically
00:17:14started to recognize
00:17:16how far
00:17:18of a space there was in our
00:17:20energy and how there wasn't
00:17:22that balance that I felt
00:17:24in the pods
00:17:26There was one day where I think it hit
00:17:28home for me
00:17:30and I realized and recognized that
00:17:32if I moved forward with Marissa
00:17:34every day
00:17:36I would be in a place where
00:17:38I would feel exhausted and overwhelmed
00:17:40I don't want to change who she is
00:17:42She deserves a
00:17:44person and a love that will embrace who she is
00:17:46fully as she is
00:17:48I just felt that that person
00:17:51Hey Vanessa
00:17:53How you doing?
00:17:55Is this the first time that you've
00:17:57seen Ramses?
00:18:01Is there anything that you
00:18:03The day that she
00:18:05called, when everything was
00:18:07called off, I was on my way
00:18:09for the wedding
00:18:11and everything was called off
00:18:15she was upset
00:18:17and of course I'd do
00:18:19anything for her so I did
00:18:21go up there and speak to him
00:18:23even though I wanted to punch him in the throat
00:18:27and try to talk him into
00:18:29you know, see what was wrong
00:18:33I'm thankful he called it off
00:18:35I am. She would have carried that relationship
00:18:37and so
00:18:39he did the right thing
00:18:41and I thank you for that
00:18:43That first out, he should have been
00:18:45honest and man enough to tell her
00:18:47He should have given her a little bit of
00:18:49doubt instead of reassuring her every
00:18:51single time she asked him
00:18:53She really felt like
00:18:55when she came into this experiment
00:18:57she was going to meet her one
00:18:59and she thought you were it
00:19:01and you broke her
00:19:03I had to help pick her up
00:19:05She was devastated
00:19:09You didn't see that part
00:19:11You got to walk away
00:19:13and cry
00:19:15You're correct
00:19:17I should have been more forthcoming
00:19:19about those concerns I had earlier on
00:19:21I didn't bring them up
00:19:23because I wasn't sure in the moment
00:19:25if it was going to become an issue for us or not
00:19:27It took time for me to arrive at that place
00:19:29But you see I didn't have
00:19:31a say
00:19:33Everything you just said was like
00:19:35I this, I that
00:19:37It's like we're a partnership
00:19:39If you're tiptoeing about my feelings
00:19:41I don't have a say in how
00:19:43No, I understand
00:19:45I take full accountability
00:19:47for the fact that I didn't bring this up sooner
00:19:49If I have any regret
00:19:51in this experience
00:19:53it's not
00:19:55being more forthcoming about that with you
00:19:57Not to take away from
00:19:59the pain that you felt
00:20:01but it was difficult for me as well
00:20:03I saw myself
00:20:05I saw us having a future
00:20:07and I saw what it could potentially be
00:20:09but unfortunately
00:20:12I came to that realization
00:20:14towards the end of this experience
00:20:16and it just made for
00:20:18a very heartbreaking
00:20:24Marissa, can I tell you something?
00:20:26You're beautiful
00:20:28and your energy is beautiful
00:20:39and I don't mean
00:20:41I don't mean this as a slight to Ramses at all
00:20:43but you want to find someone who will love
00:20:45all of you and that part of you
00:20:47that is such a beautiful thing
00:20:49so don't, please don't feel like
00:20:51you did anything wrong in this
00:20:53or there's anything wrong with you
00:20:55There's not at all
00:20:57You're a beautiful, beautiful soul
00:20:59Just always remember that
00:21:01We appreciate you saying that
00:21:05Ramses, anything that was really like sitting with you
00:21:07that you wanted to kind of button up today?
00:21:09Yeah, we had a lot of different
00:21:11conversations. There's one in particular
00:21:13that we had about contraception
00:21:15I wanted to clarify
00:21:17at no point did I ever
00:21:19try to present
00:21:21Marissa with an ultimatum
00:21:23She had very valid reasons as to
00:21:25why she didn't want to use hormonal contraception
00:21:27I'm well aware of the effects it has
00:21:29on a woman's body
00:21:31and so I would never try to force that upon her
00:21:33We had a conversation about multiple methods
00:21:35It was a very nuanced conversation
00:21:37We arrived at
00:21:39sort of a solution that worked best for us
00:21:41and it wasn't a situation where
00:21:43I was just being whiny and bratty
00:21:45and like oh I don't want to use a condom
00:21:47or whatever the sort of perception is
00:21:49of that conversation
00:21:51So we could wrap it up
00:21:53this conversation
00:21:55Always important to wrap it up
00:21:59Alright guys, one of our former couples
00:22:01went on the journey of both heartache and
00:22:03ultimately great, great happiness
00:22:05We want to welcome right now Zach and
00:22:11First married, love is blind
00:22:13couple to welcome a baby
00:22:15So congratulations guys
00:22:19Thank you
00:22:21It's the best thing ever. She's actually backstage
00:22:24with her mom so maybe we'll see a little glimpse of her later
00:22:26but it's made our relationship
00:22:28and our love stronger and deeper
00:22:30and it's the best thing ever
00:22:32It's amazing. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me
00:22:34So tell us about her name
00:22:38I'll let Zach take it
00:22:40It's the spirit of the person
00:22:42that that name represents
00:22:44is what I hope that my daughter
00:22:48It's perfect for her and we love it
00:22:50And it's crazy
00:22:52This little bundle of joy
00:22:54came out of you guys doing this whole experience
00:22:56So we have a little look
00:22:58back at your love story
00:23:00and how it all started. Take a look
00:23:02You never told me what your favorite song
00:23:04or singer or like band was
00:23:06My favorite song
00:23:08is I Hope You Dance
00:23:10by Leigh-Anne Wombat
00:23:14Yeah, have you heard it?
00:23:16Absolutely. That's like my mom's song for like me
00:23:18That's gonna be
00:23:20my first dance song
00:23:22to whoever I marry
00:23:24I'm sorry
00:23:26I'm like already a little bit crying
00:23:28That's crazy. Go ahead and I'm listening
00:23:30I'm sorry
00:23:32When I was 16, my mother
00:23:34she dedicated that song to me
00:23:36She made me sit down and listen to it
00:23:38and so I actually memorized it
00:23:40I can sing it from memory
00:23:42I can sing it too
00:23:44You can sing
00:23:46You can sing I Hope You Dance from memory
00:23:48That's my mom's song for me
00:23:50How could I not?
00:23:52How weird is that?
00:24:04When Galileo was born
00:24:06we actually had I Hope You Dance
00:24:08playing in the background
00:24:10So Leigh-Anne
00:24:12sent us a wombat
00:24:14So if you don't know, her name is not
00:24:16Leigh-Anne Wombat
00:24:18Like you said in the pause
00:24:20Little delirious
00:24:22Her name is Leigh-Anne Womack
00:24:24but she has a sense of humor
00:24:26By the way
00:24:28that took some effort. Wombats are not easy to find
00:24:30I know, right?
00:24:32Is it hand knitted?
00:24:34She made this for us
00:24:36Little outfits for the baby
00:24:38so it's really sweet
00:24:40You guys, thank you so much for being here
00:24:43and continuing to share your love story
00:24:45and we just feel like proud
00:24:49I mean you were
00:24:51Foster grandparents
00:24:53And we can't wait to see baby Galileo later on
00:24:55So thank you so much
00:24:57But speaking of wombats
00:24:59Let's change it over to ducks
00:25:05Looking back, is there any part of you that just wishes
00:25:07you had ridden a stinking duck that day?
00:25:11Still no
00:25:19In looking back now and watching it
00:25:21you were very direct
00:25:23I just wanted to know if looking back now in hindsight
00:25:25do you think I'm glad I did that
00:25:27and we didn't end up working out
00:25:29or were you thinking maybe I was a little too direct
00:25:31Yeah, I think
00:25:33my personality is I'm very to the point
00:25:35I'm very direct, that's just who I am
00:25:37I'm very blunt
00:25:39I think I'm just telling you exactly how it is
00:25:41but really I just sound like a bitch
00:25:43So I just have to be a little bit careful
00:25:45and I'm aware though
00:25:47even when we film I'm aware
00:25:49I need to chill sometimes
00:25:51I need to not be so direct
00:25:53The things that I said were all true
00:25:55but it's just the way that you say it
00:25:57How does that make you feel, Nick, to know that she's saying
00:25:59yes, I stand by everything I say
00:26:01I wouldn't have expected her to say anything less
00:26:03She's entitled to her opinion
00:26:05and I certainly respect her
00:26:07I just think some things came across
00:26:09not completely true
00:26:11I know she felt that way
00:26:13but the delivery could have been
00:26:15a little bit better
00:26:17I was a little confused with some of the things
00:26:19that she was saying
00:26:21Like what?
00:26:23We weren't on the same level intellectually
00:26:25financially literate
00:26:29I feel like just watching it back
00:26:31she would tell her friends
00:26:33part of the reason why
00:26:35I'm in love with Nick
00:26:37is because he treats me the right way
00:26:39and he's respectful
00:26:41When we broke up
00:26:43I wasn't respectful
00:26:45It's just some things like that
00:26:47you watch back
00:26:49Hannah's entitled to her perspective
00:26:51and her opinion
00:26:53I just saw it a little bit different
00:26:55Nick demonstrated a lot of patience
00:26:57that I never would have had
00:26:59I'm very impressed by that
00:27:01I knew he was a good dude
00:27:04What are you feeling
00:27:06when he says it takes a lot of patience
00:27:08to be in a relationship
00:27:10with you, to hear that constantly
00:27:12I think for sure
00:27:14I'm a big personality
00:27:16I'm a lot, I'm self-aware
00:27:18I know you have to have a lot of patience with me
00:27:20because I'm direct and I'll just say things
00:27:22I get it, I guess he had a lot of patience
00:27:24That makes sense
00:27:26In watching it
00:27:28I don't want to use the word remorse
00:27:30because I never want to take away from your independent strength
00:27:32But in watching the way that it was delivered
00:27:34and I know that you said you could have worded it differently
00:27:36Do you have anything you want to say to Nick
00:27:38about how you were
00:27:40communicating with him
00:27:42during your engagement
00:27:44I'm just direct
00:27:46I'm very direct
00:27:48It's harsh, it's bad
00:27:50This past year I've worked on it
00:27:52Watching it back, I see
00:27:54You could have said it a lot differently
00:27:56But that's inherently who I am
00:27:58I'm direct, I just need to work on how direct I am
00:28:00I'm just direct
00:28:02I'm a bitch sometimes
00:28:04I get it, I know
00:28:12She's doubling down
00:28:14That's exactly what's happening
00:28:16She said what she said
00:28:18She's standing on it, I love that for you girl
00:28:20You look great by the way
00:28:22Appreciate it
00:28:24You look awesome
00:28:26And I'm sorry I was so cruel to you
00:28:28That's fine
00:28:35We talk about Garrett's glow up
00:28:37But you had a little glow up too Hannah
00:28:39Thank you
00:28:41How's the last year been for you
00:28:43Oh it's been hard, it's been a rough year
00:28:45I've just been working on myself a lot
00:28:47Internally and externally
00:28:49I had a lot of room to grow
00:28:51I didn't have to watch it back to know that
00:28:53I already knew that when we filmed it
00:28:55It's hard to figure yourself out
00:28:57And do you feel like
00:28:59You're loving this version of Hannah who sits here today
00:29:01Yeah I think so
00:29:03I think, I don't know
00:29:05I think I do
00:29:07What do you mean you don't know
00:29:09I don't know, I just feel awkward right now
00:29:11Yeah I do, I love myself
00:29:13And I just want to say one thing
00:29:15Hannah's fantastic
00:29:17She's been getting way too much hate online
00:29:19For just being the type of person she is
00:29:21And being super transparent
00:29:23Like we need more of that
00:29:26She's received way too much hate
00:29:28Why are you liking the hate comments then
00:29:30That people are leaving on your page
00:29:32Like what
00:29:34Like of course I'm creeping on you right now
00:29:36I'm like looking
00:29:38And like people say things and it's not bad
00:29:40But it's just like people say mean things
00:29:42I don't think you mean it like that but it hurts my feelings
00:29:44After we broke up my friends are with me
00:29:46And of course my friends are like let's go through this shit
00:29:48And we're packing up
00:29:50And his work notebook, it was just right on the table
00:29:52Just like out
00:29:54September like 18th
00:29:56I'm not sure what the exact date is
00:29:58I think it was 2 weeks right before we left
00:30:002 weeks before you left for the pods
00:30:02It was a very nickname
00:30:04There was 3 entries
00:30:06So one goes he wants to sell 2 homes this year
00:30:08He wants to be in the best shape of his life
00:30:10In the next 2 weeks
00:30:12And then the third bullet point
00:30:14Which was by far the most interesting
00:30:16Was that he wants to be the most famous person ever
00:30:18When love is blind
00:30:20I was like oh ok it all fucking makes sense now
00:30:24I want to set the record straight
00:30:26I write 90 day goals
00:30:28That date was the end of my 90 day goals
00:30:30When I had written it
00:30:32It was 3 months before that
00:30:34I was with my friend
00:30:36He got me into doing these 90 day things
00:30:38He's like you gotta get into this stuff
00:30:40And I didn't know what to write down
00:30:42He was just like write down anything
00:30:44So I was like ok get in good shape
00:30:46Sell 2 homes
00:30:48Obviously I wanted to sell 10 homes by that time
00:30:50And you know
00:30:52Be famous off love is blind
00:30:54That was way before I even knew I was going to be on the show
00:30:56It was 2 weeks before
00:30:58That's the date
00:31:00It's a 90 day thing
00:31:02So I write the finishing date as that
00:31:04So that was way before
00:31:06I even knew I was going to be on the show
00:31:08I was taking it super light
00:31:10We had been through a couple interviews
00:31:12I would never sit there on camera and say I love you
00:31:14100 times to someone if I didn't mean it
00:31:16I was super genuine
00:31:18I think everyone up here
00:31:20I guess except Hannah
00:31:22Would say I'm the same dude from start to finish
00:31:24And me
00:31:26I would expect you to have your girls back
00:31:28Not only that Nick
00:31:30Some of us come onto this experience
00:31:32Serious about finding love
00:31:34No matter if it's a 90 day date
00:31:36A year date
00:31:38I think writing down
00:31:40On the experience
00:31:42To be the most famous person on love is blind
00:31:44It's like a slap in the face to some of us
00:31:47And some people who weren't able to come onto the experience
00:31:49I know that you were a good person
00:31:51When I knew you in the pods
00:31:53But then you hear about these things
00:31:55And you're like what were you here for
00:31:57It was so irrelevant and meaningless to me
00:31:59That's why I left that notebook on our counter
00:32:01Every single day we lived together
00:32:03I knew it was in there
00:32:05If she wanted to look through it fine
00:32:07But I felt like Hannah knew how I felt
00:32:09I was telling her I loved her
00:32:11She met my family
00:32:13I lived with her
00:32:15I wouldn't have been on the show if I wasn't
00:32:17I think they're just
00:32:19To Marissa's point and maybe to Hannah's
00:32:21And we've had this on other seasons before
00:32:23Where we question people's genuine reasons for coming here
00:32:25That's not me at all
00:32:27I think Nick is a very calculated person
00:32:29To hear the things that he was saying behind my back
00:32:31After the reveal
00:32:33I'm an honest person
00:32:35Nick, to be honest
00:32:37I did feel like I was a foot taller than you
00:32:39I'm not a foot taller than you
00:32:41But I felt like that in that moment
00:32:43Meanwhile, I hear that he's saying stuff
00:32:45After the reveal
00:32:47Calling me ugly
00:32:49All these things behind my back
00:32:51But when he gets on camera
00:32:53He's like, Hannah's just so amazing
00:32:55Everything she does is so perfect
00:32:57No, it's not
00:32:59I'm literally being mean to you
00:33:01I don't understand what's going on
00:33:03I think my frustration was
00:33:05What the fuck is going on
00:33:07When I found that note
00:33:09I was like, okay, I see what this is
00:33:11Maybe that's what happened
00:33:13But be so fucking for real
00:33:15That's not your reality
00:33:17And being one of her best friends
00:33:19Marissa, you agree with that?
00:33:21Yeah, I would definitely agree with that
00:33:23I have always had conflicting feelings
00:33:25Between Nick and Hannah
00:33:27Just because I did get to know him
00:33:29And I got to know him as a really good person
00:33:31But with the things I was hearing
00:33:33About her looks
00:33:35And how he was rating her
00:33:37It just makes you question
00:33:39Was he serious about her?
00:33:41When you say other people
00:33:43Do you mean other people in this room?
00:33:45Yeah, I'm not the only one
00:33:47And there's people on this couch
00:33:49Because those are fairly serious
00:33:51If you're accusing him of saying things
00:33:53Behind her back about her looks
00:33:55Yeah, I think if we need a fact check
00:33:57And get perspective
00:33:59I don't know
00:34:01Did you say about my looks
00:34:03Was it with Fransis, maybe Garrett
00:34:05I can't remember
00:34:08If I'd like to tell my perspective
00:34:10Can I talk?
00:34:12Yeah, of course
00:34:14And Marissa, thanks for saying I was sincere off camera
00:34:16Because that's how I was
00:34:18You dated me
00:34:20And we dated each other pretty far in the process
00:34:22There's a reason why you kept talking to me
00:34:24And I've had your back with Hannah
00:34:26Multiple times off camera
00:34:28And since the show's revealed
00:34:30Is it real though, Nick?
00:34:32Because then, okay, we break up
00:34:34The only time you've texted me this past three years
00:34:36No, I actually texted you three days ago
00:34:38You texted me three days ago
00:34:40After some girls DMed me talking about how you're trying to fly her out for the reunion
00:34:42What are you talking about?
00:34:44Oh, the girls that you've been DMing, they're sending them to me
00:34:48Yeah, so I've read them all
00:34:50We're not
00:34:52I'm gonna speak
00:34:54You just spoke
00:34:56Because all of this is your perspective
00:34:58And you're trying to shit on me for no reason
00:35:00I never brought your looks up once
00:35:02This whole thing is blown out of perspective
00:35:04I never said anything about Hannah's looks at all
00:35:06Right? You know, you said your piece
00:35:08Are y'all really gonna sit here and be like, come on, come on
00:35:10That's not true
00:35:12I talked to you about it
00:35:14You talked to Steven about it and Steven talked to me about it
00:35:16You have to be honest
00:35:18You said not nice things about the way Hannah looked
00:35:20Hannah has said shitty shit about you on camera and off camera
00:35:22And you have also
00:35:24So just take accountability
00:35:26I didn't
00:35:28You said she looked like a grenade
00:35:30I never said that
00:35:32I never said that
00:35:34That's what you guys heard from this person and this person
00:35:36You're friends
00:35:38Yeah, okay
00:35:40Steven, I don't want to bring up bro code and any violation of bro code
00:35:42But I mean, this is clearly
00:35:44Sounds like it's gone through you
00:35:46So did that happen?
00:35:50I mean, we've got to be honest
00:35:52That's why I'm protective of Hannah
00:35:54Because there was a lot of other things happening
00:35:56That clearly explains why
00:35:58She would feel insecure in her relationship
00:36:00And why she would feel frustrated
00:36:02I mean, yeah
00:36:04You talked about her looks
00:36:06In a very unkind way
00:36:08When we were flying home from Mexico
00:36:10You were the only one on the plane telling strangers
00:36:12Like we're here to film a show
00:36:14I mean, it was like
00:36:16It was hard to watch
00:36:18It didn't seem
00:36:20Like when Hannah found the note
00:36:22Hannah reached out to me shortly after she found Nick's three goals
00:36:24I think the same day
00:36:26I was zero percent surprised
00:36:29It's just funny to hear
00:36:31You know, the woman kind of getting at me
00:36:33Because I never talked to them once on the show
00:36:35I never told Steven
00:36:37You know, how I felt about Hannah
00:36:39Steven, he just said he never talked to you about the grenade
00:36:41He talked to me about the grenade
00:36:43But he didn't tell me about how he actually felt
00:36:45Because again, we had only had the reveal
00:36:47But he talked about the grenade
00:36:49He said she looks like a grenade
00:36:51But what I'm saying is
00:36:53As far as the rating scale goes
00:36:55I specifically do not remember that conversation
00:36:57There's people on this stage who do
00:36:59And there's people on this stage who would have my back
00:37:01And know that I'm a good guy
00:37:03I'm here for the right reason
00:37:05I personally feel like this conversation is extremely mature
00:37:07I'm just counting the seconds until we move past it
00:37:09To be honest
00:37:11Well, these are things that we do have to talk about
00:37:13It's uncomfortable, but we have to talk about them
00:37:15It's not that it's immature, Garrett
00:37:17Hannah's getting killed on the internet
00:37:19Hannah was a bitch to Nick
00:37:21And I'm sorry for that
00:37:23As her best friend, I'm sorry that she was like that
00:37:25She's been mean to me before, too
00:37:27She has room to grow
00:37:37It's all her
00:37:39He's this golden retriever puppy dog
00:37:41You're not, Nick
00:37:43You said some mean shit
00:37:45It got back
00:37:47You know what he fucking said
00:37:49You know what he said
00:37:51And it's like we're going to be the bad people for attacking the golden retriever
00:37:53I think you should ask the source
00:37:55There's so many rumors that go on
00:37:57On this show
00:37:59That's your perspective
00:38:01And I have my perspective on it
00:38:03It's not perspective
00:38:05You saw the whole show
00:38:07Alright, Alex, I see you're uncomfortable over there
00:38:09Did you want to say something?
00:38:11No, I'm fine
00:38:13It's just kind of baffling
00:38:15Because we
00:38:17Nick, love you, but
00:38:19You did not like what Hannah looked like
00:38:21And everybody knew that
00:38:23It was very clear
00:38:25We all knew it
00:38:27You talked about it
00:38:29So it's just kind of crazy
00:38:31Who did I talk about it with?
00:38:33Alright, Nick
00:38:35If there's any moment to take accountability for anything
00:38:37It's right now
00:38:39Everybody messes up
00:38:41Everybody says things that maybe you regret
00:38:43But let's keep it a hundred
00:38:45Things were said
00:38:50This is nothing
00:38:52It's not a big issue
00:38:54This is the moment to take accountability
00:38:56We're not perfect
00:38:58I said I was underwhelmed when I saw Hannah
00:39:00I never said she was her grenade
00:39:02Why did she invite me over
00:39:04A month after the show to hang out?
00:39:06Because we're all human
00:39:08I was fucking that man
00:39:10It's a breakup
00:39:12I invited you back
00:39:16She wasn't the type of person I was
00:39:18She was insecure
00:39:20She was being a bitch
00:39:22You had your issues
00:39:24Her insecurities were getting projected on me
00:39:26Throughout the entire show
00:39:28But you also were not being 100% honest
00:39:30You're also making me feel insecure
00:39:32You both were wrong in your own ways
00:39:34I know
00:39:36You were wrong
00:39:38We're all wrong
00:39:40Is that a fair way to say it?
00:39:42Hey wait
00:39:44Is that
00:39:46Wrap it up baby
00:39:48Alright we're actually going to dive into one of
00:39:50Your most memorable arguments
00:39:52Why not just put
00:39:54Gasoline on the flame
00:39:56This was after
00:39:58Nick talked to Katie
00:40:00Hey girl
00:40:02One of Hannah's best friends
00:40:04For what Hannah thought was just a little
00:40:06Too long so take a look at this clip
00:40:08Katie had
00:40:10Came up to me three different times the night
00:40:12Your best friend told me how attractive you were
00:40:14What does that have to do with me?
00:40:16Just let me explain
00:40:18He's hot Hannah
00:40:20I'm really into him
00:40:22What does that have to do with me Hannah
00:40:24What does that have to do with me Hannah
00:40:26I have no clue what the fuck you're saying
00:40:28I have no clue what the conversation is
00:40:30But to me it hurts
00:40:32Because that's my fiancee and my best friend
00:40:34It hurts me
00:40:36At the end of the day
00:40:38Is that a best friend
00:40:40Who disrespects me like that
00:40:42And is that a fiancee that disrespects me like that
00:40:44So my question for you is you're not secure in this
00:40:46You don't trust me
00:40:48It's not that I don't trust you
00:40:50It's about respect
00:40:52I don't know if I don't trust you
00:40:54But I don't know if I trust Katie
00:41:00What was it like watching that
00:41:02That was hard
00:41:04I was so excited to see everybody
00:41:06Especially Marissa and Hannah
00:41:09They're my best friends in the pods
00:41:11Couldn't wait to see them
00:41:13And of course throw me in the mix with all my exes
00:41:15Hey guys that was fun
00:41:17The last thing I wanted to do
00:41:19Was hurt anyone
00:41:21That was never my intentions
00:41:23And Nick and I talked at the end of the evening
00:41:25I had no clue how long we were sitting there talking
00:41:27I also had no idea that Hannah was upset
00:41:29Truthfully I didn't
00:41:31I thought our conversation was fine
00:41:33Nick and I dated for three days
00:41:35In the pods
00:41:37And I never had a situation where I said
00:41:39Hey I'm breaking up with you I don't want to see you ever again
00:41:41We just never saw each other again
00:41:43So he had questions
00:41:45And we're both charismatic people
00:41:47You look back and we're laughing
00:41:49And it looks like we're flirting
00:41:51And for the record I said he was cute
00:41:53Two times
00:41:55Hot, cute, sexy, whatever
00:41:57But it's tough to hear that
00:41:59Because I thought Hannah knew my heart
00:42:01I thought Hannah knew my intentions
00:42:03When I found out how upset she was
00:42:05I was sick
00:42:07Sick to my stomach
00:42:09I couldn't apologize more
00:42:11I sent her flowers
00:42:13I was really unwell
00:42:15And to sit on that for a year
00:42:17Of anxiety building up
00:42:19And not knowing what we said
00:42:21Or how we upset her
00:42:23And then to see it back
00:42:25Words can bounce right off of you
00:42:27But to hear your best friend say
00:42:29That she doesn't trust you
00:42:31I have to ask Hannah
00:42:33We've talked about this
00:42:35Exhaustion and I love you
00:42:37I love you Marissa so much
00:42:39But I have to ask
00:42:41I didn't anticipate that
00:42:43Nothing against you I promise
00:42:45I said I don't know if I trust Katie
00:42:47I don't know why the freak I said that
00:42:49I was just in the heat of the moment
00:42:51We were arguing
00:42:53If I would have said I don't trust you
00:42:55He'd be like well you shouldn't trust Katie
00:42:57I don't know I just don't trust Katie
00:42:59The argument's over
00:43:01I had no clue what the hell you guys were saying
00:43:03Now that I watch it it's not that bad
00:43:05I don't know what the heck was going on
00:43:07My emotions were heightened
00:43:09Katie I trust you
00:43:11Thank you
00:43:13I appreciate that
00:43:15Well there's someone here
00:43:17Who might have thoughts
00:43:19On all of this
00:43:21So let's bring them out
00:43:23Please join us in welcoming
00:43:25Our favorite ENTJ
00:43:27And aspiring trophy wife
00:43:30Yes I'm talking about
00:43:32Leo and Brittany
00:43:46Hi Brittany
00:43:48Hi Leo
00:43:50Leo I'm just gonna go right into it
00:43:52You had a lot of conversations in the pods
00:43:54But in watching it back
00:43:56Did you ever realize
00:43:58How often you spoke about
00:44:02I know
00:44:04It seemed like I really couldn't shut up about it
00:44:06We were encouraged to talk about
00:44:08All aspects of marriage
00:44:10Including finances
00:44:12I think I overcooked it a little bit
00:44:14With the money talk
00:44:16I didn't realize
00:44:18Until I was watching it back
00:44:20When I was watching I thought
00:44:22Geez this Leo guy won't shut up about it
00:44:24If I could do it over again
00:44:26I wouldn't have bled with that so much
00:44:28Because I wish they could have gotten to know
00:44:30Me more than just
00:44:32What I do and the money I have
00:44:34Because that's so low on the list
00:44:36Of how I see myself
00:44:38Well you did spend a lot of time in the lounge
00:44:40With the guys
00:44:42You guys all got really close
00:44:44Which is another thing we love
00:44:46There's a brotherhood and a sisterhood
00:44:48That exists that nobody will ever know
00:44:50Except for all of you
00:44:52But you guys and talking with Leo
00:44:54You're laughing too
00:44:56Yeah I'll talk
00:44:58Leo's a misunderstood guy
00:45:00He really is
00:45:02He's a high level thinker
00:45:04And he processes out loud
00:45:06The problem is that can get you in trouble sometimes
00:45:08Especially in a medium like this
00:45:10Leo has a good heart
00:45:12He's again high minded
00:45:14He knows his shit
00:45:16On a lot of levels
00:45:18He's super creative
00:45:20Some of the bars
00:45:22He's got a taste of it
00:45:24This dude could out rap
00:45:26I ain't gonna say nothing crazy
00:45:28Don't get Kendrick on me
00:45:30We're in LA
00:45:32I don't want no problems
00:45:36He's a good guy
00:45:38I can't attest to the fact that he took this seriously
00:45:40I would often tell him
00:45:42Brother I know that you're trying to process
00:45:44And take this so seriously
00:45:46But eventually you have to make a decision
00:45:48You were kind of sitting on the fence
00:45:51He's got a lot more
00:45:53To offer this world than art
00:45:55And commentary about money
00:45:57Even though he has plenty of that
00:45:59To offer
00:46:01I love you brother
00:46:03I love you too
00:46:05You said you came here
00:46:07Wanting a tennis doubles partner
00:46:09But tennis is literally a sport
00:46:11Where love means nothing
00:46:15I didn't think about that
00:46:17Deep thoughts
00:46:19In tennis love means nothing
00:46:21And unfortunately you ended up alone
00:46:27Maybe put it out there
00:46:29What was it
00:46:31Like for you
00:46:33And I use your words here
00:46:35What was it like for you
00:46:37Having to decide between two amazing women
00:46:41You can see how torn up I was
00:46:43With the decision
00:46:45And maybe this is a bit of a goofy analogy
00:46:47You know when you're at a restaurant
00:46:49And you're between should I have the pasta or the steak
00:46:51And the waiter comes to the table
00:46:53And he's like is everybody ready to order
00:46:55And everyone says yes
00:46:57And he goes around the table
00:46:59And you're like let me order last
00:47:01And you're trying to take every little bit of time
00:47:03I was like fighting for every second of time
00:47:05The issue is
00:47:07The food has feelings
00:47:09I was so wrapped up in my decision
00:47:11That I really wasn't realizing
00:47:13How it was impacting people
00:47:15So it's something I've been working a lot on
00:47:17I'm someone that likes to
00:47:19Have control of every situation and make decisions
00:47:21And I've been really trying to work on
00:47:23Taking other people
00:47:25Into consideration with that
00:47:27I actually understand what you're saying
00:47:29But I think that women probably
00:47:31Don't want to be associated with being steak or pasta
00:47:33I'm alright with being
00:47:35Associated with meat apparently
00:47:39We'll get to you in a minute buddy
00:47:41You're getting a little antsy over there
00:47:43I've been a little too chatty
00:47:45Don't worry
00:47:47We've got to set the table for all the meals for you
00:47:49Oh yeah
00:47:51We have not forgotten about you my friend
00:47:53I was hoping you had but it's ok
00:47:55I'll be here
00:47:57Alright well Leo is there anything that you want to say
00:47:59To Hannah or Brittany
00:48:01About how you handled those final conversations
00:48:05How I acted
00:48:07Towards you in that night and morning
00:48:09Conversation, the amount of shame that I have
00:48:12The temper tantrum that I threw
00:48:14And then in the morning
00:48:16How delusional I was
00:48:18For me to call our breakup mutual
00:48:20I got dumped
00:48:22To put you in this weird position
00:48:24Of putting in a good word for Brittany
00:48:26That was so weird and strange
00:48:28And like I wanted
00:48:30Hell would be being locked in a dark room
00:48:32Being forced to rewatch that scene
00:48:34Over and over again
00:48:38Honestly Hannah I'm so
00:48:40So sorry you do not deserve that
00:48:42And Brittany
00:48:44I put you through
00:48:46A hell of a lot too
00:48:48And I'm so sorry also for just
00:48:52My inability to make a decision just
00:48:54You know put you through the ringer
00:48:56In the pods
00:48:58Thank you
00:49:00Speaking of you two
00:49:02Brittany let's talk a little bit about the reveal
00:49:04There's been a lot of chatter
00:49:06About your reveal
00:49:08How did you feel
00:49:10Watching that back
00:49:12I was hoping it would never be shown
00:49:14To be honest
00:49:16I was fully aware of how
00:49:18Awkward it was
00:49:20As I was living it
00:49:22But you know
00:49:24As I was watching I was like okay
00:49:26This isn't too bad and then it just got worse
00:49:28And worse
00:49:32But I wasn't uncomfortable with him
00:49:34You know I know
00:49:36I talk about him kissing me and touching me
00:49:38But he was the most comforting part
00:49:40Of that moment
00:49:42I was just so uncomfortable
00:49:44You're pretty used to being on cameras at that point
00:49:46But it's like you know there's all eyes on you
00:49:48So I was really leaning
00:49:50Into him for comfort but still
00:49:52Like this is a stranger
00:49:56I just didn't know how to
00:49:58Honestly I wish he kissed me more to shut me up
00:50:00Because I was filling the blank spaces
00:50:02With stupid words
00:50:04So was it a surprise
00:50:06To you when you learned
00:50:08That you were not going to Mexico
00:50:10No honestly I knew
00:50:12I really truly knew
00:50:14We were the weakest link
00:50:16I never told him I loved him
00:50:18Therefore we had alternate plans
00:50:20Already set up
00:50:22Were you guys given a reason
00:50:24Did they explain to you why you didn't go
00:50:26Yeah we were the weakest link
00:50:28You know of course they take it seriously
00:50:30They follow couples that they think
00:50:33Are going to make it to the altar
00:50:35And we clearly did not
00:50:37They were right
00:50:39I was crushed who doesn't want to go to Cabo
00:50:41With all of your friends
00:50:43And you know women that you're excited to see
00:50:45That you've heard about all of their fiancés
00:50:47But I understood where they were coming from
00:50:49I mean everybody takes this really seriously
00:50:51And I completely understood
00:50:53Doesn't mean I wasn't sad though
00:50:55Well a lot of viewers are dying to know
00:50:57What actually happened in Miami
00:50:59And lucky for all of you
00:51:02Show me what you're cooking
00:51:04Oh let me see them move
00:51:06You got the whole world looking like this
00:51:08You're the kind of man she can't get hold of you
00:51:10It's what matters guys
00:51:12Diamonds and Rolexes
00:51:14It's right here for dreams
00:51:16No but seriously in all seriousness
00:51:18You spoke about your superpowers
00:51:20You know my hair my twinkly eyes
00:51:22And you finally got that back
00:51:24And you were able to go to Miami
00:51:26With Leo
00:51:28How was that for you
00:51:31We had honestly a very good time
00:51:33I think
00:51:35Vacation truly is the make or break
00:51:37In a relationship
00:51:39And we did not pass that test
00:51:41But we did have so much fun
00:51:43We hung out with my best friend a lot
00:51:45She's here
00:51:47And she lives in Miami
00:51:49All my friends love Leo
00:51:51I love Leo
00:51:53I think that's something no one really knows
00:51:55We're very good friends now
00:51:57Is this the first time you've said I love Leo
00:52:00You guys can go to Cabo now
00:52:05On camera I truly do love Leo
00:52:07Though now as a person
00:52:09We're very very close
00:52:11But traveling together you know there's just some quirks
00:52:13That you realize you don't
00:52:15You're not compatible with
00:52:17Long term or in a romantic way
00:52:19For example
00:52:21He's gonna kill me but
00:52:23He would whenever we had a drink
00:52:25He would take a sip of my drink
00:52:27No matter what it was
00:52:29We would have the same martini
00:52:31And he would just take a sip of mine
00:52:33And I'm like Leo you have your own
00:52:35Why were you taking drinks out of her drink
00:52:37I don't know I can't help myself
00:52:41Is this something you know that you do
00:52:43I love to share food
00:52:45I love to share drinks
00:52:47And you know I think
00:52:49Sometimes the little things really do add up
00:52:51But you knew after that your time in Miami
00:52:53You're like eee this is not gonna work
00:52:55And also we're such good friends
00:52:57It was like we really just realized
00:52:59That we were better as friends
00:53:01And I mean honestly we talk about
00:53:03Our own dating lives we talk on the phone
00:53:05Literally like an hour a day it's insane
00:53:07Well are either of you seeing anyone today
00:53:09I am
00:53:11That's all I will say
00:53:13I am
00:53:15Leo are you on the market or are you off the market
00:53:17I'm on the market
00:53:19Leo's on the market
00:53:21Leo can I say something man
00:53:23I would love to have hung out with you in the men's lounge
00:53:25For a couple weeks
00:53:27It's great to talk to you man
00:53:29Likewise Nick
00:53:31Oh man
00:53:33Excuse me guys
00:53:35I've had a tough time sleeping lately
00:53:37No Alex
00:53:39No this is not you
00:53:41My man Steven
00:53:45Sir sleep a lot
00:53:47Sir sleep a lot
00:53:49I think we are all dying to know
00:53:51What exactly was in those
00:53:53Sleep test results
00:53:55In those sleep test results
00:53:57I have sleep apnea
00:53:59Are you on the CPAP
00:54:01No I got cleared for one but
00:54:03Steven tell us what was in the text
00:54:05Oh yeah
00:54:07They're pretty juicy
00:54:09I don't remember
00:54:11I really don't I deleted them
00:54:13So during a sleep study test
00:54:15There were
00:54:19Let's get to the thick of this
00:54:21For the respect of the individual
00:54:23I'm not going to go too deep into it
00:54:25Because they don't need to be brought into this
00:54:27Well you shouldn't have done it on a reality show
00:54:29You're absolutely right
00:54:31Yeah that ship has sailed
00:54:33I take full responsibility
00:54:35You respect that individual
00:54:37But you certainly didn't have respect for me in that moment
00:54:39So that's I don't know
00:54:41You're absolutely right
00:54:43I take full responsibility for my fuck up
00:54:45Me and Monica even talked about this off camera
00:54:47We had a date two weeks after we talked about it
00:54:49To sort of
00:54:51It wasn't a date we went to dinner
00:54:53Well sorry we met up for dinner I apologize
00:54:55We met up for dinner we talked about this
00:54:57I even wrote a letter to her parents apologizing
00:54:59For my actions
00:55:01But did you write that letter so you could say that to everyone today
00:55:03No I wrote that
00:55:05Wow really
00:55:07I wrote that letter because I feel bad about the situation
00:55:09And it was a mistake
00:55:11That I now have to live with
00:55:13I knew you would bring that up
00:55:15As soon as you had the chance to
00:55:17As soon as I got that letter I was like
00:55:19He's doing this so he can say it at the reunion
00:55:21I apologize
00:55:23That wasn't my intention but if that's how it came off
00:55:25I do apologize
00:55:27I mean at the end of the day
00:55:29If you can't trust me then there's nothing that I can say
00:55:31That will change anybody's mind
00:55:33Nobody's really wanted to listen to me from the beginning
00:55:35I understand that
00:55:37I'd love to tell it but to be honest
00:55:39I don't think anybody believes me
00:55:41Wants to hear so at the end of the day
00:55:43Why should I
00:55:45Nobody wants to believe me
00:55:47Nobody cares about my side of the story
00:55:49I acknowledge 100%
00:55:51That I messed up
00:55:53I've done everything that I thought I could do
00:55:55I talked to my parents
00:55:57I asked them what I should do
00:55:59I've done what I'm supposed to do
00:56:01I've read books
00:56:03I go to therapy
00:56:05I do all these things
00:56:07At the end of the day nobody cares
00:56:09No because if they did
00:56:11I understand
00:56:13That I completely fucked up
00:56:15At how much more responsibility
00:56:17Do I have to take
00:56:19I had a moment of weakness
00:56:21Where somebody texted me
00:56:23And they were talking about a heart condition
00:56:25And then immediately after that
00:56:27They go into
00:56:29So I've gotten into some interesting fetishes lately
00:56:31Understanding that this is probably a reaction
00:56:33Or a conversation that I should not entertain
00:56:35I was still curious how you made this jump
00:56:37So I said what kind of fetishes
00:56:39Yeah I entertained that conversation
00:56:41And I knew I shouldn't
00:56:43And then I put my phone down in a sleep study
00:56:45And I said you know what
00:56:47I've done this before
00:56:49I know where it ends
00:56:51This is the man I don't want to be
00:56:53But I never deleted it
00:56:55Because to me I emotionally conquered a demon
00:56:57That I've been fighting for a while
00:56:59We have a picture
00:57:01He was at a sleep study
00:57:03So that part is true
00:57:05This was from that night
00:57:07He spoke about cheating
00:57:09He said I slipped into a girls DM's
00:57:11And your reaction was surprising
00:57:13In the sense of I'm so sorry
00:57:15Thank you for sharing that
00:57:17But it was an interesting in hindsight red flag
00:57:19Do you think looking now at the situation
00:57:21That maybe you had rose colored glasses
00:57:23And maybe you ignored some of these signs
00:57:25Because you wanted to be married
00:57:27And find your person
00:57:29Honestly no
00:57:31I don't think so
00:57:33I think Stephen and I's conversation in the pod
00:57:35Was obviously much longer
00:57:37Much longer than you all get to see
00:57:39And that was the first of many of them
00:57:41And I've dated a lot of cheaters
00:57:43And not anyone
00:57:45Until Stephen had been honest
00:57:47About an indiscretion
00:57:49So I very much appreciated the fact
00:57:51That he was telling me this
00:57:53So early into our relationship
00:57:55I actually saw it as a yellow flag
00:57:57Maybe not like a green flag
00:57:59But he was being honest about it
00:58:01And he said in that conversation
00:58:03That he'd been in therapy ever since
00:58:05It was the biggest mistake he ever made
00:58:07He was really really hard on himself
00:58:09Once he got caught
00:58:11There was a lot that he did
00:58:13In terms of trying to do the work
00:58:15And still doing the work
00:58:17I never in a million years
00:58:19Even though he shared that with me
00:58:21That he'd done it before
00:58:23He made me feel so safe
00:58:25That when I say I never saw it coming
00:58:27Never in a million years
00:58:29So people might watch the show and think differently
00:58:31That there were signs there
00:58:33Maybe we weren't going to make it all the way
00:58:35We certainly weren't supposed to
00:58:37That's for sure
00:58:39But I never in a million years
00:58:41Would have thought he would have
00:58:43Emotionally cheated on me
00:58:45Do you regret it?
00:58:47Yeah, fucking of course
00:58:49Do you still talk to this woman?
00:58:51This is the weird part
00:58:53Nobody's going to believe this
00:58:55But I only talked to her that one day
00:58:57I've never met this girl in person
00:58:59I only talked to her that one day
00:59:01I know what it sounds like
00:59:03But that's the truth
00:59:05I haven't talked to her since
00:59:11I don't know
00:59:13I know that the
00:59:15That those texts were
00:59:17Very long
00:59:19Like they went a ways back
00:59:21You didn't start texting her
00:59:23That day on Instagram
00:59:25No, I've known her for years
00:59:27I don't delete my text threads
00:59:29And that's the other thing
00:59:31Monica knew I didn't have a password on my phone
00:59:33I didn't know that
00:59:35I didn't know if you had a password
00:59:37You've been saying that too
00:59:39You should have a password on your phone
00:59:41I wasn't sneaking in your phone
00:59:43We talked about it in the pods
00:59:45My phone, especially in a relationship
00:59:47Is completely open to my partner
00:59:49Because if I'm doing something wrong
00:59:51I deserve to get caught
00:59:53But just stop doing something wrong
00:59:55You're absolutely right
00:59:57From sleep tests
00:59:59To sleeping while
01:00:01The in-laws are in town
01:00:03Oh that transition
01:00:05A nap landed her in the dog house
01:00:07Woof woof baby
01:00:09Woof woof
01:00:11Hi Alex
01:00:13You're looking fly
01:00:15Cut the hair
01:00:17You know they always say whenever women cut their hair
01:00:19You cut off all the old energy
01:00:21Hi Tim
01:00:23I'm hanging on to what I got
01:00:25Hey that's how I feel
01:00:27Hey look, still in the fight
01:00:29So Alex, all joking aside
01:00:31Tim said your argument on the getaways
01:00:33Was so bad that he almost left early
01:00:35Can you shed any more light on what
01:00:37We didn't get to see on camera
01:00:39What you didn't get to see was
01:00:41A verbal disagreement
01:00:43As you saw, I'm very close to my family
01:00:45And my dad had been
01:00:47Admitted to a rehab facility
01:00:49A week before I left
01:00:51And being three weeks
01:00:53Not talking to them
01:00:55It just kind of
01:00:57Weighed in on me at that moment
01:00:59And I just wanted space
01:01:01Go to bed, take a shower
01:01:03Go to bed, that's literally all I wanted to do
01:01:05But unfortunately I wasn't
01:01:07Given the space that I was wanting
01:01:09Which turned into
01:01:11A disagreement
01:01:13Simple as that
01:01:15Tim, first and foremost
01:01:17I don't want it to come across like there's any
01:01:19Actual animosity here
01:01:21I still wish her the best
01:01:23There's a reason I fell in love with this woman
01:01:25And I acknowledge all the beautiful things about that
01:01:27My version of events
01:01:29She had left before me the pool party
01:01:31So I'm trying to catch her
01:01:33But I could tell she's upset
01:01:35So in my head I'm thinking
01:01:37Okay, this is my fiancé
01:01:39I want to be there for her
01:01:41So I approach her, I'm saying
01:01:43Hey, are you okay, what's going on
01:01:45We're in this hotel bathroom
01:01:47And you're crying on the floor
01:01:49So I'm trying to be there for you
01:01:51I understood that she was upset
01:01:53About something with her family
01:01:55But I'm also trying to understand
01:01:57Because at the same time
01:01:59I'm trying to figure out what's going on
01:02:01So it quickly turns contentious
01:02:03And it got to the point where yes
01:02:05I did feel like things got out of hand
01:02:07From a boundary standpoint
01:02:09To where yes, what happened
01:02:11With the hand being put over my mouth
01:02:13Was put over my mouth
01:02:15I know the medium that I'm on
01:02:17I know that I'm a 225, 6 foot black man
01:02:19I don't want to get portrayed
01:02:21As this angry person
01:02:23To where we are fighting
01:02:25And squabbling it out on camera
01:02:27And understanding there's producers
01:02:29Outside the door, etc, etc
01:02:31But also if I'm talking to someone I love
01:02:33Y'all hear it in my voice right now
01:02:35I can't be quiet
01:02:37I'm not here to
01:02:39I don't force my opinion on anybody
01:02:41But don't ask me what I think
01:02:43Whatever partner I have in this world
01:02:45I'm hoping that they understand that about me
01:02:47I took everything with this process
01:02:49And how I felt about her
01:02:51So seriously from the jump
01:02:53And I don't want it to come across
01:02:55Because things ended how it did
01:02:57There wasn't something beautiful
01:02:59About what connected us
01:03:01I hate the fact that our worst moment
01:03:03Is the moment everybody wants to hear about the most
01:03:05I will say, I think
01:03:07You are definitely looking at it in a magnifying glass
01:03:09Every single one of you
01:03:11I know that the world is coming down on you individually
01:03:13I know it's hard to see outside of the box
01:03:15Trust me when I tell you I know
01:03:17But I think the reason that people do go to that fight
01:03:19Because A, we didn't see it
01:03:21So all we can do is speculate
01:03:23So thank you for clarifying some of it
01:03:25And I will ask you because I know you were agreeing and disagreeing
01:03:27With some of the things he was saying
01:03:29But B, it's because when we watched you in the pods
01:03:31You did and are so genuine
01:03:33To the point that you talked so deeply
01:03:35About things that mattered so much
01:03:37Everyone got so invested
01:03:39It felt as if after the Cabo trip
01:03:41That was the moment
01:03:43That it started to unravel, if you will
01:03:45If I saw the look on Nick's face
01:03:47That you had the day in Cabo
01:03:49I would have thought he checked out
01:03:51People say, okay, I'm checked out
01:03:53I'm trying to process, okay, the person that I have been
01:03:55And am being clearly is a work
01:03:57I've never been in an argument like that
01:03:59With somebody I consider myself loving
01:04:01Ever in my life
01:04:03So let me figure out what it is
01:04:05That my now fiance needs out of me
01:04:07That she needs
01:04:09Because I am trying to make this work
01:04:11I just want to make it very clear
01:04:13Nothing on my end
01:04:15Was physically assaulting him
01:04:17And he can agree with that
01:04:19I'm literally put in a position
01:04:21Where I'm trying to prevent production
01:04:23To come and see this fight
01:04:25Like this argument
01:04:27That we're having
01:04:29And I don't want it to look like
01:04:31We're in a bad space
01:04:33Or that I don't want cameras to come
01:04:35And make him look bad
01:04:37Simple as that
01:04:39I was trying to protect him
01:04:41I just wanted to deescalate
01:04:43This entire situation
01:04:45So that we could just go to sleep
01:04:47And revisit it in the morning
01:04:49But now it's turned into
01:04:51An assault thing
01:04:53Which it wasn't
01:04:55Clearly if you did
01:04:57He would say
01:04:59It was an assault
01:05:01But I reject you saying that I yelled at you
01:05:03The rejection had to come in and calm you down
01:05:05You were very upset
01:05:07I was upset after you touched me
01:05:09I'm not saying this to be shady
01:05:11I was more offended at being called outside of my name
01:05:13What did you call him other than his name?
01:05:15Well because he was disrespecting me
01:05:17For like over an hour
01:05:19I said you're acting like a little ass bitch
01:05:21And I'm not taking it anymore
01:05:23That's crazy
01:05:25Why would you say that to any grown man
01:05:27Out here trying to love you
01:05:29And it was crazy how you belittled me
01:05:31Y'all asked me to take you seriously
01:05:33And why would you belittle me like that
01:05:35So why you got your finger in my face and yelling at me
01:05:37Because I don't want to talk to you
01:05:39Because I'm upset about my father
01:05:41Had nothing to do with you at all
01:05:43I literally just wanted to take a shower and go to bed
01:05:45And that wasn't good enough
01:05:47It's never good enough
01:05:49It's always what you want
01:05:51But when you want space it's okay
01:05:53But when I wanted space it wasn't good enough
01:05:55Let's remember that
01:05:57It's always on your terms Tim
01:05:59You just talk for like 10 minutes in circles
01:06:01You literally are so long winded
01:06:03And only listen to yourself
01:06:05I'm literally being berated
01:06:07I'm just trying to speak my truth
01:06:09So I can't speak my truth
01:06:11Without apparently yelling at you
01:06:13And getting called a bitch
01:06:15Come on man
01:06:17Don't try to spin it like somebody's trying to make you like that
01:06:19Because I tried to protect you throughout our entire relationship
01:06:21Which is why you look amazing
01:06:23Like why are you trying to come for me
01:06:25When all I'm doing is showing you love
01:06:27Why what did I do
01:06:29What did I do to you
01:06:31Well look I think it's safe to say that
01:06:33He felt disrespected in that moment
01:06:35And I think another moment we all saw
01:06:37Where you felt disrespected is when
01:06:39You took a nap
01:06:41When his parents came to visit
01:06:43Looking back on that why did you decide to take a nap
01:06:45Knowing his parents had driven all the way to see and spend time with you
01:06:47And do you regret
01:06:49Maybe some of the ways you handled
01:06:51That day
01:06:53So what unfortunately wasn't shown is
01:06:55I work so much
01:06:57I work in fashion
01:06:59I bartend and that night
01:07:01I had to bartend for the first time
01:07:03We were with his parents
01:07:05At like 11am
01:07:07Until about 6-7pm
01:07:09And I had to work at 9pm
01:07:11At the bar
01:07:13Till 3am
01:07:15And I simply wanted a nap after we had lunch
01:07:17We talked for like 4-5 hours
01:07:19And I literally just wanted
01:07:21One hour nap before I go into work
01:07:23That's all it was
01:07:25It was the only time that I actually bartended
01:07:27During our entire relationship
01:07:29Okay well Tim
01:07:31I know I speak for a lot of us
01:07:33Who watch on this stage when I say that
01:07:35One of the most touching moments in the entire season
01:07:37Was watching you ask Alex's father
01:07:39For his blessing
01:07:41And a lot of us are also having a hard time
01:07:43Understanding how you
01:07:45Did that but then called it quits a few days later
01:07:47The engagement ended
01:07:49Because I felt like the level of respect
01:07:51That I was given wasn't being given in return
01:07:53Every day in this process feels like a week
01:07:55What we bonded over most
01:07:57Was how much we love our family
01:07:59The entire time we met
01:08:01She wanted me to show her father
01:08:03Some respect and love
01:08:05And I wanted to respect and love my fiancé
01:08:07So she asked me and I showed up
01:08:09For her family
01:08:11Because I thought this was going to be my family
01:08:13I was trying to give this my all
01:08:15Because I loved this woman
01:08:17And I meant that
01:08:19I felt like
01:08:21When it was my turn it wasn't returned
01:08:23And she said she has to work which is fine
01:08:25I get it everybody makes a living
01:08:27She didn't mention that she was in the club till 4 in the morning the night before
01:08:29She didn't mention
01:08:31That the day after that
01:08:33She didn't text me till 10 in the morning
01:08:35And the day I tried to warn her
01:08:37About her flat tire she called a flat tire
01:08:39Even though I tried to tell her about her tire pressure
01:08:41I'm trying to show love all day
01:08:43And you wait until the afternoon to try to speak to me
01:08:45When you say we always have to talk on your terms
01:08:47I've been waiting all day to hear from you
01:08:49You didn't even let me know you made it home
01:08:51And you're supposed to be my fiancé
01:08:53So I'm not even worried about accountability
01:08:55I'm just worried about your safety
01:08:57Okay Alex you were while he was talking
01:08:59Shaking your head
01:09:01Looking over
01:09:03There's just so many things that have been said that
01:09:05Are bold faced lies
01:09:07First off the first thing he said
01:09:09I was not out the night before
01:09:11We went to dinner at Mi Vida the night before
01:09:13The night before we met your dad
01:09:15The night before I met your parents
01:09:17Before I met your parents we went to dinner
01:09:19Which is what you were just speaking on
01:09:21You said I just showed up like nothing
01:09:23The night before we met your dad
01:09:25Can I speak?
01:09:27You're saying I'm lying and making something up
01:09:29Can I speak?
01:09:31Thank you
01:09:33When we went to meet your family
01:09:35We went to dinner before that
01:09:37And if you see that I look a little upset
01:09:39It's because I was
01:09:41The night before when we went to dinner
01:09:43The day that he met my family
01:09:45I was asking him how do you feel
01:09:47Where's your head at
01:09:49I'm so thankful you read that beautiful letter
01:09:51To my dad
01:09:53It was a very emotional day
01:09:55All the things
01:09:57And he answered that
01:09:59He had doubts
01:10:01And I just was kind of taken back
01:10:03Because I'm just like
01:10:05How do you do that whole performance
01:10:07And then say
01:10:09I have doubts
01:10:11And then you took his hand and said
01:10:13I accept you as my son
01:10:15And three hours later you say
01:10:17I have doubts
01:10:19And then a day after that
01:10:21We're ending an engagement
01:10:23Why even get him involved
01:10:25You know how much that meant to me
01:10:27You already had these doubts
01:10:29And if you had these doubts
01:10:31Why did we meet my family
01:10:33That's what I had an issue with
01:10:35And to sit here
01:10:37And try to be like
01:10:39I have so much respect for you
01:10:41But you broke up with me because of allegedly a nap
01:10:43Or I didn't do the dishes
01:10:45The hate that you projected
01:10:47Onto me
01:10:49On that breakup
01:10:51Was mind blowing
01:10:53It's like I killed your dog
01:10:55It felt like this was a situation for you to have it out
01:10:57And you took it and ran with it
01:10:59So was this relationship real
01:11:01Do you have respect for me
01:11:03Because I don't feel like you do
01:11:05First of all you wonder why I don't talk to you
01:11:07You laugh at everything that she says
01:11:09You literally have been laughing
01:11:11At everything she says
01:11:13That's disrespectful
01:11:15You have no room to call her disrespectful
01:11:17She is telling
01:11:19Look I get it this is your version of the truth
01:11:21But I feel very attacked
01:11:23To where it's like you're saying
01:11:25That I didn't do something honestly
01:11:27When again this entire time
01:11:29You were asking me
01:11:31To do everything I can for your family
01:11:33So I did it and I don't feel like I was getting anything in return
01:11:35That entire week
01:11:37I am telling you hey can we work on this
01:11:39Can we work on this
01:11:41And I felt like I was getting nothing in return
01:11:43Why would I want to meet your parents
01:11:45When you just told me you had doubts
01:11:47After you played in my dad's face
01:11:49You played in his face
01:11:51You said you wanted to be with me
01:11:53And you had doubts the entire time
01:11:55And then you fell asleep on my bed
01:11:57I'm sorry I'm going to do this to save both y'all
01:11:59I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:01Sorry to the audience I'm sure you want the juice
01:12:03I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:05I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:07I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:09I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:11I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:13I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:15I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:17I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:19I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:21I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:23I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:25I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:27I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:29I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:31I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:33I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:35I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:37I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:39I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:41I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:43I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:45I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:47I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:49I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:51I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:53I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:55I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:57I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:12:59I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
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01:13:03I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
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01:13:11I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:13:13I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
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01:13:59I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
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01:14:03I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
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01:14:07I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
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01:14:29I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:31I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:33I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:35I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:37I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:39I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:41I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:43I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:45I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:47I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:49I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:51I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:53I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:55I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:57I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:14:59I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:01I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:03I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:05I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:07I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:09I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:11I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:13I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:15I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:17I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:19I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:21I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:23I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:25I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:27I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:29I think it's safe to say since you haven't spoken in a year
01:15:31So this is little Dax
01:15:33This is Dax
01:15:35Dax, what's up man?
01:15:37High five
01:15:39Oh people
01:15:41He's just the sweetest
01:15:43We are so happy for you guys
01:15:47He's good, he's handsome
01:15:49I love dressing the littles as little men
01:15:51I love dressing the littles as little men
01:15:53Like the suits, all the things
01:15:55Well thank you so much for bringing
01:15:57The best laugh ever
01:15:59Bye Dax
01:16:01See you Dax
01:16:03Ben's on dad duty, thank you so much
01:16:05It's really great to see the full circle moment
01:16:07Again, AD's in the front like
01:16:09No I'm sick
01:16:11We know that the connections formed in the pods
01:16:13Don't work out for everyone
01:16:15But we love keeping you all in the family
01:16:17And we've spoken to AD earlier
01:16:19So I want to talk to Marshall and Nancy
01:16:21Hey guys
01:16:23Welcome back
01:16:25Thank you
01:16:27We'll start, well ladies first
01:16:29Nancy, what's going on with you?
01:16:31How have you been? How's life?
01:16:33What I've been up to in life
01:16:35So I moved to the best city in the world
01:16:37I moved to New York City
01:16:39And I think what was so great
01:16:41Is that for the first time in my life as an adult
01:16:43I made a decision to move to a city that was for me
01:16:45Not for a job, not for a relationship
01:16:47Not for school
01:16:49It was where do I want to go
01:16:51And that was a big part of my learning
01:16:53And my discovery
01:16:55My partner, he is here
01:16:57He's being shy
01:16:59Well congratulations
01:17:01Thank you so much
01:17:03And Marshall, what's been going on in your world man?
01:17:05Things have been going great
01:17:07Actually I relocated to Los Angeles
01:17:09I'm living here now
01:17:11Sorry Zack and Bliss, I'm no longer in Seattle
01:17:15I am single
01:17:17I am chasing my mountaintop
01:17:19Doing the things that I need to do
01:17:21As a
01:17:23I often say this as a man
01:17:25But as a human, as an adult
01:17:27And things are going great, I can't complain
01:17:29Well thank you for coming and spending the night with us
01:17:33One of our favorite parts about each season is meeting the families
01:17:35You guys are so brave and you're so incredible
01:17:37For sitting here through all of this
01:17:39I would love to get into your brain right now
01:17:41Taylor's parents
01:17:43Fong and Tom, welcome
01:17:45Hey guys
01:17:49How was it being able to see first hand
01:17:51Their love story kind of unfold
01:17:55It was exciting
01:17:57And very touching
01:17:59That they found each other
01:18:05Very happy
01:18:07Very happy that they found each other
01:18:09And they're in love
01:18:11It wasn't the way we scripted it
01:18:15Thank you Netflix
01:18:17Because all the money I had saved for that
01:18:19Grandiose wedding
01:18:27Has Garrett taken you fishing yet though Tom?
01:18:29Am I going to start something right now?
01:18:31No but we've had a couple golfing experiences
01:18:35I love the term experience
01:18:37Don't forget to yell four
01:18:41I know that this was a big thing for you guys
01:18:43Was where you were going to live
01:18:45And you talked about San Diego a lot
01:18:47How do you feel today on that transition
01:18:49As a married couple
01:18:51Right now we're living in Fredericksburg
01:18:53And that's where we've been for the past year
01:18:55And now we're looking at
01:18:57Ironically enough
01:18:59We're looking at moving to D.C.
01:19:01Because we spent a lot of time in San Diego
01:19:03And a lot of time abroad
01:19:05And Taylor and I went through some moments
01:19:07Where it was, as you saw on the show
01:19:09It was very difficult for me to be away
01:19:11From my family and friends
01:19:13And to process that
01:19:15I wanted to give that to Taylor so bad
01:19:17So we tried it, we spent a lot of time away
01:19:19But it was very difficult for me
01:19:21To go through that
01:19:23And I ended up sharing that with Taylor
01:19:25And it was difficult
01:19:27And so her being incredibly understanding
01:19:29And patient wife that she is
01:19:31We talked about it and she agreed
01:19:33Maybe we'd do something a bit more neutral ground
01:19:35Something closer to home
01:19:37So D.C. seemed like the next natural fit
01:19:39So we're excited about starting a life there together
01:19:41And seeing where it goes
01:19:43I've been married for five years
01:19:45And the show had approached me
01:19:47And I was kind of ready to go home
01:19:49But I figured, ah, this will be my last tour off
01:19:51Why not?
01:19:53So you can clearly see how amazing my parents are
01:19:55And how I was ready to be by them
01:19:57But it's
01:19:59When you get married
01:20:01You become a unit
01:20:03And I love you guys so much
01:20:05And I don't know what the future has
01:20:07But home is with Garrett
01:20:09And so I'm excited to figure out
01:20:11This next chapter with you
01:20:15I'm getting all choked up
01:20:17Me and A.T. right now
01:20:19Garrett, you mentioned
01:20:21That you guys have been doing a lot of traveling
01:20:23In this first year of marriage
01:20:25I think we have some footage of that
01:20:27Let's take a look
01:20:41Hello love
01:20:43Hello love
01:20:45About time for tea and crumpet, yeah?
01:21:05Cherry blossoms
01:21:10I'm glad you cut that stash off
01:21:12Well see, okay
01:21:14Kyler just said I'm glad you cut that stash off
01:21:18Let's talk about
01:21:20The glow up of Garrett
01:21:22I mean
01:21:24You're going viral on the internet right now
01:21:26With the hair, with the five o'clock shadow
01:21:28You modeled in fashion week
01:21:30Is this like the wifey effect?
01:21:32Or is this all you?
01:21:34No, no, this is all
01:21:36Garrett for sure
01:21:39I saw the potential first
01:21:41And I've always thought that you were
01:21:43Very sexy
01:21:45This is all you, so you were just like
01:21:47I'm going to grow out my hair
01:21:49I've always had a latent interest in fashion
01:21:51And I think we all have lots of different latent interests
01:21:53And being married to a very fashionable and beautiful woman
01:21:55I don't know, I just felt like
01:21:57I finally found somebody worth
01:21:59Looking good for, worth paying attention to my looks
01:22:01And so she opened up that door for me
01:22:03And we're running with it
01:22:05Well it sounds like the move to D.C. is imminent
01:22:07Aside from that move, what else is next for you guys?
01:22:09What's on the horizon?
01:22:11I'm going to follow him on Instagram I think
01:22:13You'll like it
01:22:15And a vacation
01:22:17And a vacation
01:22:19I think for us
01:22:21We are people that are very rigid
01:22:23And want to plan everything
01:22:25But when we let the universe open up
01:22:27We found each other
01:22:29Which has been the best adventure of them all
01:22:31And so I think next for us is just
01:22:33Being open to everything and anything
01:22:35Spending more time with friends and family
01:22:37Now that we're a bi-coastal couple
01:22:39Is also a top priority for us
01:22:41I'm extremely restless
01:22:43When I don't know the answer to something
01:22:45And I think I spent a lot of the beginning of our marriage
01:22:47Trying to know where we're going
01:22:49What's going to happen
01:22:51And it was not easy or fun
01:22:53But once I decided to just let go
01:22:55And let us be us
01:22:57And take one step at a time
01:22:59I really fell into this
01:23:01And I'm really happy
01:23:03And look where it led both of you guys
01:23:05Well congratulations
01:23:07As one of our married couples this season
01:23:09We both look forward to seeing you on the other side
01:23:11In one of our next reunions
01:23:13But I do want to go back to our other married couple
01:23:15You guys mentioned in Cabo
01:23:17A tattoo, right?
01:23:19We kind of glazed over that
01:23:21No we haven't talked about it
01:23:23I haven't got her name tattooed on me
01:23:25But I'm not opposed to it still to this day
01:23:27I'm glad they brought that up
01:23:29You forgot about that part?
01:23:31I got some space for it
01:23:33We'll talk about it
01:23:35Would you really? Still on the chest?
01:23:37You guys talked a lot about wanting to start your own
01:23:39Holiday tradition
01:23:41So with the holidays coming up
01:23:43What do you guys got planned?
01:23:45We had our first ornament that we had
01:23:47What else did we do?
01:23:49We went to a cabin
01:23:51You know one of those mini getaway cabins
01:23:53We did that
01:23:55We're going to create a new ornament every year
01:23:57We'll do one next year
01:23:59We're going to split up with the families
01:24:01Last year we were with Ashley's family
01:24:03Which loved them
01:24:05Took me in like I was one of their own
01:24:07Had a great time
01:24:09I think this year we'll split between Pittsburgh and Maryland
01:24:11We have some great footage of you guys
01:24:13In your last year of marriage
01:24:15So let's take a look at that
01:24:17This is Ashley and Tyler
01:24:29This is our matching
01:24:31Christmas pyjama
01:24:33Christmas e-vibe
01:24:35With him over here
01:24:37And his matching pyjamas
01:24:39And Cobes
01:24:57A lot of kissing
01:24:59Love it
01:25:01Congratulations again
01:25:03Love seeing that
01:25:05Guys every season we fall in love with a new group
01:25:07Of hopeful singles and find so much happiness
01:25:09In watching the married couples thrive
01:25:11From what they discovered through this experiment
01:25:13This Valentine's Day
01:25:152025 will mark
01:25:17The 5 year anniversary
01:25:19Of the premiere of Love is Blind
01:25:21And it is going to be the launch
01:25:23Of season 8 which takes place
01:25:25In Minneapolis
01:25:27Here to kick off that season
01:25:29We have 3 of the season 8 participants
01:25:31In the audience here
01:25:33Can you guys wave
01:25:35What's up
01:25:37Hi Alex
01:25:39We got a shotgun over there I can't see
01:25:41And Joey
01:25:43Again from Minneapolis
01:25:45Alex can you wave to everybody
01:25:49How are you
01:25:51I'm good
01:25:53Without giving too much away
01:25:55What was it about living in Minneapolis
01:25:57That was having you struggle with finding the one
01:25:59That made you finally say I'm going to go on Love is Blind
01:26:01I personally just prioritized other things in my life
01:26:03And work and friends and travel
01:26:05It's such a small community
01:26:07It's not like a major city
01:26:09You kind of see the same people over and over
01:26:11And it's a small bar scene
01:26:13So yeah I just never found the right person
01:26:15That clicked for me
01:26:17But I'm excited to be here
01:26:19This is a once in a lifetime opportunity
01:26:21To really learn about who you are
01:26:23How you communicate
01:26:25And how well you work in a relationship
01:26:27And I know I've taken a lot of those lessons
01:26:29Into my marriage
01:26:31And just into life itself
01:26:33So I would say just jump in and be yourself
01:26:35And good luck
01:26:37I'm not going to let it go
01:26:39It's time to wrap it up
01:26:41Okay anyways
01:26:43I want to thank so much our season 7 cast
01:26:45For being here, being open, being vulnerable, being true
01:26:47I want to thank our parents for coming
01:26:49Thank you for spending the time with us
01:26:51Minneapolis season 8 for coming
01:26:53OG's we always love you
01:26:55You're family for life
01:26:57And thank you to everyone watching
01:26:59Yet another memorable journey
01:27:01And once again thank you to the Washington DC crew
01:27:03For taking this leap and opening your hearts
01:27:05To us all
01:27:07Good night everybody
01:27:09Good job guys
01:27:19Does anybody have a toast?
01:27:21Where's Leo? I'm so sorry
01:27:23Leo I think you need to take a sip out of Brittany's drink first
01:27:25Alright here we go
01:27:27At the reunion
01:27:29We'll all have some fun
01:27:31True love is blind
01:27:33True love is blind
01:27:35We've all had our time
01:27:37Cheers everybody
01:28:01Thank you so much for coming
01:28:03Good night
01:28:09Good night