• 9 hours ago
Love Is Blind S07 E09


00:00:00Thank you so much for joining us today.
00:00:03We'll see you next time.
00:00:27My kitchen is closed today,
00:00:29but let's go see Garrett in the kitchen this morning.
00:00:32Yeah, all right.
00:00:34Do you want to say hello?
00:00:36Um, we got some wonderful flowers
00:00:39from my friends to congratulate us.
00:00:42We have some Pacific sheephead
00:00:44thawing out for dinner tonight.
00:00:46Her first speared fish experience.
00:00:48Can't wait.
00:00:50She's excited. She's excited.
00:00:52Well, I'm gonna run some errands
00:00:54and do some more wedding planning
00:00:56I'm finally gonna get my hair cut
00:00:57because Taylor does not like my hair.
00:00:58It's official.
00:00:59Got it.
00:01:00It's not.
00:01:01I heard her say it.
00:01:02I never said that.
00:01:03I heard her say it.
00:01:04I never said that.
00:01:05I was, I was...
00:01:06Words I've never said.
00:01:08When did I say that?
00:01:09Also words you never said.
00:01:10Garrett, I love your hair.
00:01:15Is this our first fight?
00:01:26♪ And I, I'm in love now ♪
00:01:38All right.
00:01:39Go ahead, Elle.
00:01:40I couldn't have asked for a better,
00:01:42not stepchild, but you know,
00:01:44stepchild, kinda.
00:01:46She wasn't my child.
00:01:47She is now.
00:01:48Seven kids.
00:01:51Yeah, right.
00:01:52I'm not shaking on it.
00:01:57And a half.
00:01:58What's a half?
00:01:59We just keep trying.
00:02:01It has to be solid numbers.
00:02:06Two kids.
00:02:07Okay, two kids.
00:02:08The first one's a boy.
00:02:09You gotta get your girl.
00:02:10But what if it's a girl first?
00:02:11Then I'm fine.
00:02:12Whoever comes next, come next.
00:02:13We don't even care.
00:02:15If I have two boys, though,
00:02:16I'm trying for a third girl.
00:02:18I think daycare is definitely,
00:02:19like, has to happen.
00:02:21Drop Timmy off at daycare.
00:02:24Little Timmy, you know.
00:02:26What you want me to say?
00:02:27Little DeAndre?
00:02:30No, John, I don't know.
00:02:33John is the same as Timmy.
00:02:34No, Timmy is like.
00:02:36You said I get to name the boy if we have a boy.
00:02:39I have great names.
00:02:40I don't want to tell.
00:02:41Oh, well, don't.
00:02:42I have very unique names.
00:02:44Nothing like Ashley.
00:02:45I like Ashley.
00:02:46Yeah, I bet you do.
00:02:48We're trying to have kids now.
00:02:50We're not trying.
00:02:51We're actively not trying.
00:02:52I'm actively not trying.
00:02:55I might lose my mind if I get married and I'm pregnant.
00:02:58So no sex till next year?
00:03:01I'm not shaking to that.
00:03:04Oh, no.
00:03:05You're giving me these weird eyes,
00:03:07and I don't like it.
00:03:07What eyes am I giving you?
00:03:10Like, I know you didn't.
00:03:12I'm not trying to.
00:03:17Let me know what you need help with.
00:03:19You can boil some pasta.
00:03:21That's boring.
00:03:22Will you ask if I need help with anything?
00:03:24I want to, like, be on there, like,
00:03:26quick chopping ingredients and stuff like that.
00:03:29Nick, you literally said Hannah.
00:03:30Do you need help with anything?
00:03:31I said, would you like to boil some pasta?
00:03:33He said, no.
00:03:35I don't even see the pasta.
00:03:37Well, because it's not out, Nick.
00:03:39I was like, did you forget the pasta?
00:03:45I don't see any pasta in here.
00:03:47No, it's in the cabinets.
00:03:50Oh, this is my favorite kind, bucati.
00:03:52Cup of this, Nick.
00:03:54Heat it up now?
00:03:56Okay, what should I turn it to?
00:03:57Like, just, like, medium, in between medium and high?
00:04:00You just heat it to a boil.
00:04:03Just tell me the temperature.
00:04:04Heat to a boil.
00:04:05Do you know how to heat to a boil?
00:04:08I'm just gonna try.
00:04:09You're the one who told me you cook.
00:04:11I do.
00:04:11And when I fill this up with water,
00:04:13you think, like, three quarters?
00:04:15Or, like, halfway?
00:04:16Halfway, right?
00:04:19I'm just, just-
00:04:20I feel like boiling pasta
00:04:21is, like, the most simple thing you could possibly do.
00:04:22Right, right.
00:04:23I'm just, it's been a while.
00:04:24I could figure it out.
00:04:25I don't want to upset you.
00:04:27Three quarters, right?
00:04:29I've got it.
00:04:30Don't worry.
00:04:31You're good.
00:04:31Just take a seat.
00:04:32You know how to boil pasta, right?
00:04:34I've done it once.
00:04:35You've only boiled pasta once?
00:04:38Are you fucking kidding me?
00:04:40Are you fucking kidding me?
00:04:47Your brother, do you have any advice for me?
00:04:52I'm gonna let him eat you alive.
00:04:54To just be myself, huh?
00:04:57He changed everything about you.
00:04:59Just kidding.
00:05:04Can we go get it?
00:05:05I got you.
00:05:07What's going on?
00:05:10What would you like to drink?
00:05:11White wine.
00:05:12Would you like me to pour you a glass?
00:05:13Yes, of course.
00:05:13Be a gentleman.
00:05:16Wait, how tall are you?
00:05:19I'm 5'11", sometimes 6'8".
00:05:20Are we on, are we on?
00:05:22Are we on level?
00:05:23No, you're not.
00:05:24Nick's my height.
00:05:26Oh, yeah.
00:05:27You're high, right?
00:05:30This is how I feel like-
00:05:31Check our wingspan, ready?
00:05:32Oh my gosh.
00:05:35I got him.
00:05:36Yes, you got him.
00:05:37What'd you think Hannah was gonna look like?
00:05:39It's weird, like you'll say like,
00:05:41you fell in love with someone in the pods,
00:05:43you don't care what they look like.
00:05:45That's actually real shit.
00:05:47I love she says exactly what's on her mind
00:05:50and she's not scared of like,
00:05:51I want someone who's gonna put me in my place
00:05:53and kind of tell me what's up.
00:05:54Bitch boy.
00:05:55I need a bitch boy.
00:05:57You know, I don't know if she told you,
00:05:58but like I've only dated two women in the past.
00:06:01Only two?
00:06:02Only two.
00:06:03How old are you?
00:06:04Okay, that makes me feel better,
00:06:05because I've dated zero.
00:06:07Well, zero women, obviously.
00:06:09She was probably the first person I ever came out to.
00:06:13Just because she's always been like,
00:06:14I don't give a fuck, I'll do what I want.
00:06:18Sometimes we like to bicker and fight like,
00:06:21bitch, take out the dog.
00:06:22And I'd be like, no, no.
00:06:25That's what she's saying to me.
00:06:27How has she been on you about cleaning?
00:06:29Do you think I'm a clean freak, Cade?
00:06:32He knows how clean I am.
00:06:34I clean up after myself.
00:06:36I just don't like coming home,
00:06:37or clothes in the laundry, or stuff in the sink.
00:06:40It pissed me off so much.
00:06:42Last night, our dryer takes five hours
00:06:45to dry a set of clothes.
00:06:47And some of those clothes were just sitting there,
00:06:48sitting there.
00:06:49And like, woke up in the morning,
00:06:51had to take the clothes out of the dryer.
00:06:53And then I woke up to all the laundry in the bed
00:06:55for me to pull from the ink.
00:06:56That's what happens when you're unemployed, right?
00:07:01Oh, I can't be me too?
00:07:02It's just you?
00:07:03You're just upset because I make more money than you, Nick.
00:07:05That's cool.
00:07:06I love that.
00:07:07What do you do?
00:07:08I'm a real estate agent.
00:07:10Just like the rest of the world.
00:07:11I'm a realtor.
00:07:18That is really good.
00:07:20So domesticated.
00:07:22You know, because I'm unemployed.
00:07:33You could get a job in a second.
00:07:34I make a joke and it's funny,
00:07:36and then you take it way too far
00:07:37where it's not funny, it's just mean.
00:07:39That wasn't a joke, Nick.
00:07:41It was a fucking joke.
00:07:42Well, I don't think you know how to joke, then.
00:07:44Maybe that's something we both gotta work on.
00:07:46You don't think I'm funny?
00:07:51Yeah, you're hilarious.
00:07:54You're fucking hilarious.
00:07:55You're fucking hilarious.
00:07:56Good saying, good saying.
00:07:59Let's say every motherfucker else thinks I'm funny
00:08:01and the guys on the street do too.
00:08:03Oh my gosh.
00:08:04You know what it means when someone's been,
00:08:06you're like, oh, he's been cooked.
00:08:07What does that mean?
00:08:08Like you get fried?
00:08:10Doesn't matter.
00:08:11I'm gonna use the bathroom really fast.
00:08:14It's warm in here.
00:08:15I'm gonna take this jacket off.
00:08:18I don't want you to think I'm mad at you
00:08:19for like the unemployment joke.
00:08:21Oh, I guess.
00:08:22I thought it was a little bit funny, but.
00:08:24I have hard skin, and like.
00:08:25Because Hannah would say something like that.
00:08:28You haven't been here, but she's giving,
00:08:30she's been, not hard on me,
00:08:34but like there have been multiple times
00:08:36where she said something way more cool.
00:08:38I can take that stuff, but like.
00:08:40That's fair.
00:08:41The 20th time, it's like, okay, I guess.
00:08:42That's been like my issue with her.
00:08:46Like, she's fucking great,
00:08:48but also she'll say things,
00:08:51and then if I say the same level of thing back,
00:08:54it's like a problem.
00:08:56I love her for who she is,
00:08:57but some of the things she says,
00:08:59it's like, fuck, like, that kind of hits home.
00:09:02Like, you know what I mean?
00:09:03Like, it's hard to shake off.
00:09:06I don't know what you guys are talking about.
00:09:07We're talking shit.
00:09:09Do you love Hannah?
00:09:11Have you ever been in love?
00:09:13No, I hate men.
00:09:14Me too.
00:09:16Except for Nick.
00:09:18Well, you still hate me,
00:09:19but as long as you love me, that's fine.
00:09:21I hate to love you, babe.
00:09:22I think we've been here like two hours yet.
00:09:24She hasn't had one compliment about me,
00:09:26which is okay, which is okay.
00:09:29Do you think I've given him a compliment?
00:09:31Try to think.
00:09:34Nick, I think you're handsome.
00:09:36Oh my God.
00:09:37I think you're patient.
00:09:38And I fell in love with you for a reason.
00:09:40So, tell me what you love about me.
00:09:42Look, I love you don't have to change
00:09:44the type of woman you are for me.
00:09:45And I like that you can handle things on your own.
00:09:48It's very sexy.
00:09:49I like how confident you are.
00:09:50Like, that makes you beautiful.
00:09:52Okay, well, I love you.
00:09:55That was really nice.
00:09:56I needed that.
00:09:57♪ I'm ready to die for you. ♪
00:10:04♪ Oh, I'm ready to die for you. ♪
00:10:10Last night, I was like, oh my God, that's my man.
00:10:15What, with the situation?
00:10:16Yeah, just how you handled it.
00:10:18I think the things that I value about you the most
00:10:20are like how I think empathetic you are
00:10:23and like know how to say something in a moment
00:10:26that makes it better, which I think Monica really needed.
00:10:29She was incredibly grateful.
00:10:31I was incredibly grateful.
00:10:33You handled it so maturely and gracefully.
00:10:36It was super hot.
00:10:39I don't think hating him
00:10:39is gonna make Monica feel any better.
00:10:41She's gonna get through it.
00:10:43And you heard her.
00:10:44She was like, I want you to check up on him.
00:10:46I'm like, yeah, I will.
00:10:47So, which says a lot about her character too, you know?
00:10:50She deserves to have a Garrett.
00:10:53Really, she does.
00:10:56You deserve to have a Garrett.
00:10:59I deserve a Taylor.
00:10:59You deserve a Taylor?
00:11:01Like blonde and like international pop star Taylors?
00:11:08Oh, thank you.
00:11:09I'm excited to take you to San Diego.
00:11:11I appreciate the like huge leap
00:11:16of like wanting to move to a new city across the country,
00:11:19away from like your hometown, to be with me.
00:11:22Yeah, that was what my parents were pushing on was like,
00:11:24and what my mom's email was today was like,
00:11:26oh wait, you're gonna marry this person.
00:11:28And we just met her.
00:11:30They wanna show me that they support me and all of that.
00:11:32And it's just a shock.
00:11:33I struggle to tell you the things
00:11:35that my parents are saying to me,
00:11:37because it's not targeted.
00:11:39You can definitely be taken that way.
00:11:40And a weaker person would like freak the fuck out.
00:11:44I'm not saying I'm taking like your mom's words to heart,
00:11:48but like, there are like, I think moments,
00:11:50I've felt like pings of insecurity that I'm not used to.
00:11:55I do want you to know though, your parents' relationship
00:11:58and the privacy of the conversations that you do have.
00:12:00I want you to like be able to have tough conversations
00:12:05about me and like, I'm not part of it.
00:12:07I don't take any of it personally.
00:12:08Good, I'm glad you don't.
00:12:09I don't.
00:12:10It has nothing to do with you, you know.
00:12:12They don't know you.
00:12:12We just have to hope that we can convince our parents
00:12:16that we're of sound mind and that this is real
00:12:20and that the love I feel is real
00:12:21and that this person, the love that they feel is real
00:12:23and that they are the right person for me.
00:12:25I just really appreciate you wanting to like,
00:12:28come to San Diego, talk to my parents,
00:12:32especially my dad, who doesn't want to be on camera.
00:12:35And it's not because he disapproves of this process.
00:12:39It's just not his thing.
00:12:40But to meet you in person, know that you're real,
00:12:43see that I'm okay, see how I actually like feel,
00:12:46spend more time with the person who would be my husband,
00:12:50having you ask for my hand in marriage,
00:12:52it's going to make all the difference.
00:12:55I need this in order to get to like,
00:12:58an altar in like two weeks.
00:13:02So I meet your dad.
00:13:04When I ask him for your hand and he says,
00:13:07I can't do it, you know, I don't know what.
00:13:16I wouldn't blame him.
00:13:17He doesn't know me.
00:13:21He doesn't know us.
00:13:22I know.
00:13:23That is like a really big thing for us to think about.
00:13:26Like if both of our families are not cool at the timeline,
00:13:30does having like a wedding make sense?
00:13:34Is that something that we can live with and overcome?
00:13:37I think so.
00:13:38But it is something we should like, think about.
00:13:42My parents, even if they said they're not okay with it
00:13:44and they were like, we're not going to go to the wedding,
00:13:46like I would still do it.
00:13:48I'd love them to death,
00:13:50but they know I make my own decisions.
00:13:54I know how much it means to you to get like,
00:13:56your father's blessing, your parents' blessing.
00:13:59And so just the possibility of not getting it
00:14:02just scares the shit out of me
00:14:03because I just want to be with you so bad.
00:14:06And so it just like crushes me to think about it.
00:14:11I want your dad to say yes.
00:14:15♪ I feel hopeless when I lose your love ♪
00:14:28♪ I can't feel it no more ♪
00:14:38Modern chic man cave.
00:14:39I like it.
00:14:41All right.
00:14:42I truly feel like once somebody comes and sees my space,
00:14:45they truly understand where I am.
00:14:47Because I think people's spaces
00:14:48tell a lot about themselves.
00:14:50That pot is actually from my great-grandparents' house
00:14:52in Georgia.
00:14:53The plane from North Carolina.
00:14:55Winston Churchill, because I was born in England.
00:14:57So this is the last picture of me
00:14:59and both of my sisters took together.
00:15:01I am the type of person that everything
00:15:03has a place and space,
00:15:04but I also don't want it to intimidate someone
00:15:06that it is so put together
00:15:08that I'm not willing to change it.
00:15:09I kind of put this together with in mind
00:15:12that this is where I want to start my family.
00:15:13And then now let's build from here.
00:15:15Dino nuggets, though.
00:15:16That's a key staple of my diet.
00:15:19The dino nuggets?
00:15:22The dinosaur ones taste better.
00:15:23And this is my bedroom.
00:15:25I love it.
00:15:26Here's the bathroom.
00:15:28This is your sink.
00:15:30Please keep your things over here on this sink.
00:15:34This is my sink.
00:15:35Oh, okay.
00:15:37This is the closet.
00:15:38I got space.
00:15:40Now, I don't know if I got space for all the clothes
00:15:42that you claim to have, but...
00:15:44It's a lot.
00:15:45It's a lot.
00:15:46I believe.
00:15:47Look behind you.
00:15:49The king and the prince of the household.
00:15:51Prince Roderick.
00:15:52You know what?
00:15:53It's Prince Roderick.
00:15:55Definitely giving museum vibes.
00:15:56I churched you a lot.
00:15:57Oh, okay.
00:16:00Definitely a very masculine home.
00:16:02I will say that.
00:16:03This is a modern man cave.
00:16:04That's what I'll call it.
00:16:05Modern man cave.
00:16:08So how do you feel like being in this space now?
00:16:10Like, do you feel like it's something workable?
00:16:13Yeah, no, it's very homey.
00:16:14When I come here, do I have a say in anything?
00:16:17Yeah, of course.
00:16:18We gotta change these couches.
00:16:20I'm not married to these couches,
00:16:22but I do like brown leather.
00:16:23Is that your dog's too?
00:16:25Yes, my dog does have a couch.
00:16:26So what is up with guys and lazy boys?
00:16:29Here it goes.
00:16:30Look at this, look at this, look at this.
00:16:32Could you imagine?
00:16:33Yeah, my dad has the exact same chair.
00:16:34I'm so glad he does.
00:16:36Your ancestors dreamed of this table.
00:16:37They did not.
00:16:38When they thought of making it,
00:16:39this isn't what they thought of.
00:16:40It is making it.
00:16:42My ancestors' dreams come to life.
00:16:44I think so.
00:16:45♪ Spin it, spin it, spin it how you like it ♪
00:16:47♪ Shows it, shows it, shows it, shows it, shows it ♪
00:16:49Baby, how are you feeling?
00:16:51A little anxious.
00:16:52My mom is very protective of me.
00:16:54I'm like not having a father here too.
00:16:55Like she feels like she needs
00:16:57to really like fill in that role.
00:16:59My mom didn't like love all my exes,
00:17:00but that was mainly because they were like trash.
00:17:02But you are very different from who I've ever dated before.
00:17:05So I think you'll be fine.
00:17:07I think I'll be good.
00:17:07Ultimately, I love you and my family will love you too.
00:17:09I'm sure they'll see that.
00:17:12They will.
00:17:13They're here.
00:17:17How are you doing?
00:17:17Hi, nice to meet you.
00:17:18Hi, mucho gusto.
00:17:20How are you doing?
00:17:21Mommy, oh my gosh.
00:17:25Here to meet Ramses.
00:17:27Hi, how are you?
00:17:27Nice to meet you.
00:17:28Here, mom.
00:17:30Oh wow, we look like one big related family.
00:17:33Everyone's family.
00:17:35And how many siblings do you have?
00:17:36Just an older brother.
00:17:37We have different dads,
00:17:38he's always the older one.
00:17:39Girl, welcome to the family.
00:17:41You're due for the fire.
00:17:43No, but for real though.
00:17:44Yeah, like actually.
00:17:45All of our dads can make a volleyball team.
00:17:47Yeah, no matter who you are.
00:17:49You can go around the whole roster.
00:17:50Actually, they probably can.
00:17:51One, two, three, four, five.
00:17:54Okay, no one's putting you on blast.
00:17:56No one's putting you on blast.
00:17:57You guys look like siblings.
00:17:58It's kind of weird.
00:17:59We don't look like siblings.
00:18:01I want to say this on the record.
00:18:02White people date all the time
00:18:05and they look like siblings almost every single time.
00:18:07I don't want to hear that you guys look like siblings.
00:18:09He wouldn't give me anything about his looks.
00:18:11No, you're not.
00:18:12Well, that's what it's supposed to be.
00:18:13He just kept talking about his fashion.
00:18:15Which I have to say is kind of off.
00:18:17Is it off?
00:18:18Yeah, I'm sorry.
00:18:18No, I'm not feeling it.
00:18:20The whole 80s breakdancing,
00:18:23like little tail thing.
00:18:25Elda Barge.
00:18:26And the Jerry Curl look from the 80s.
00:18:29Yeah, I'm not feeling it.
00:18:30We can't blame his hair.
00:18:32If that's what it's giving us, that's what it's giving.
00:18:34What is it about Marissa that is so...
00:18:37Because yeah, there are tons of men
00:18:39that are infatuated with my daughter.
00:18:40And I think, yeah, with her personality,
00:18:42it's like anyone can be like drawn in.
00:18:45I know that.
00:18:46Something that I wanted in my life
00:18:47was someone who was like fun and playful.
00:18:50But the way we think,
00:18:51like the way we like approach different topics,
00:18:54our communication style is like very good.
00:18:57Like she's someone who doesn't allow things to like fester.
00:19:00I mean, we had a moment and she had to step away.
00:19:03She was like, don't touch me.
00:19:05Like I need...
00:19:06Yeah, she was like, don't touch me.
00:19:07And like, I need a moment.
00:19:08And like, I was like, that's fine.
00:19:10Like I wanted to give her a moment
00:19:12to like feel through her feelings.
00:19:13Just let her know, like I was there for her.
00:19:15But yeah, I think that was...
00:19:17I'm glad we had that moment
00:19:18because it was all like glossy and beautiful
00:19:22and Cabo and the pods.
00:19:23But like, I needed to know that
00:19:25this wasn't just like an infatuation.
00:19:29I do want you in my life.
00:19:31You're someone that I like see
00:19:33like having like this really like beautiful marriage
00:19:35and like longevity.
00:19:36At the end of the day, you see me for like who I am.
00:19:39And I feel like you feel the same way that like I see you.
00:19:42I feel like I understood with you.
00:19:45Explain the book, mom.
00:19:46It's been hard to afford albums throughout our upbringing.
00:19:51So everything is, you know, in that Rubbermaid container.
00:19:55So Marissa's always asked me to have an album.
00:19:58So I went ahead and just put a collage of some pictures.
00:20:02I've never seen this.
00:20:05I love, I love, I love, I love photo albums.
00:20:08That's me.
00:20:09That's me and your father.
00:20:10That's your dad right here.
00:20:11This is my favorite photo of you guys.
00:20:12I love this photo.
00:20:12This is my mom's favorite photo of us.
00:20:14That was your birthday.
00:20:16This year?
00:20:17Just kidding.
00:20:18Look how happy I am.
00:20:18So this right here, which is really weird.
00:20:20If you look at the ornaments,
00:20:22we were so poor that I had to hand make
00:20:25all those ornaments just to have.
00:20:27Because we couldn't pay for them.
00:20:30That's amazing though.
00:20:31We had a similar little angel thing
00:20:32we put on our Christmas tree.
00:20:34We were so poor.
00:20:34I didn't have mittens.
00:20:35I used socks as my mittens.
00:20:37It was so embarrassing.
00:20:38You have the same exact smile.
00:20:40She always was smiling.
00:20:42Y'all are so cute.
00:20:43I love that.
00:20:45I had a, you know, husband or whatever.
00:20:47But then I divorced at 35, 36 years old.
00:20:50I was taking care of four kids.
00:20:53I was waking up four o'clock in the morning,
00:20:55working, and then I was staying up
00:20:57till two, three, four in the morning,
00:20:58going to nursing school.
00:21:00She's going to be a lawyer,
00:21:01but you know, she's always talked to me
00:21:03that she wants to take care of her baby
00:21:06when she has children.
00:21:09And stay home.
00:21:10So, you know, what's your plan on furthering your career?
00:21:13I mean, it's nice now that you have a job,
00:21:15but you know, things happen.
00:21:17I thought about going back to school.
00:21:18And what do you have a degree in right now?
00:21:21So, I went to college, but I dropped out.
00:21:24The reason I dropped out is my dad passed away
00:21:28when I was 20.
00:21:29I just sort of lost sight of like
00:21:31what direction I was heading in.
00:21:32Even though I didn't get a degree,
00:21:34like I've always had like a job.
00:21:36I've always taken care of myself.
00:21:37I totally get that.
00:21:38You live on your own here in DC.
00:21:40I don't think you're a bum.
00:21:41She would not go for a fucking bum.
00:21:44But I want to make sure that you're not relying
00:21:46on her law degree and her money.
00:21:49Because if a kid is produced in this relationship,
00:21:52you don't want me coming up there
00:21:55and staying with you for a while,
00:21:56taking care of a kid because my daughter
00:21:58has to fucking work.
00:21:59Mom doesn't want to come live with me
00:22:01because she thinks I'm evil.
00:22:03She is a bitch.
00:22:06She is bossy.
00:22:08I am.
00:22:09You've seen it.
00:22:10No, I've seen it.
00:22:11He's seen me try to boss him.
00:22:12And we talked through that.
00:22:13We did talk through it.
00:22:14It's not an issue because I know like her background.
00:22:16I know where she comes from.
00:22:17I know you're used to bossing around Taylor.
00:22:18I understand that she's used to having control
00:22:20and like directing things.
00:22:22But you also got to take control.
00:22:23I also get high.
00:22:24Because she likes you.
00:22:25And that's why we butt head up on it.
00:22:27I think I also wanted to mention,
00:22:28I was previously married once.
00:22:31I got married young, when I was 25.
00:22:36That's not really young.
00:22:36I'm sorry.
00:22:3725 is not young.
00:22:38It was his high school sweetheart.
00:22:40So what happened?
00:22:41When you go into a marriage,
00:22:42like you really discover a lot about a person.
00:22:44Really, you're explaining a marriage to me.
00:22:46To you, so you know.
00:22:47Yeah, you know.
00:22:48So there was a lot of things,
00:22:49just like incompatibilities that we like
00:22:51learned about each other through that marriage.
00:22:54But the main thing that sort of drew us apart was,
00:22:57for me, it's just sort of like,
00:22:58we were going in different directions
00:22:59in terms of like where we stood like religiously.
00:23:01And I didn't think it was fair to her or myself
00:23:04to put her in a place where she wasn't happy.
00:23:08In that moment, I felt the most loving thing
00:23:10I could do for her was to allow her to-
00:23:13Did you both agree on divorce?
00:23:15Yeah, we both agreed on divorcing.
00:23:17Like it wasn't like a big-
00:23:17So it wasn't just you that you did for her?
00:23:20You both agreed?
00:23:20We both agreed that we're going in different directions.
00:23:23So you're making yourself sound like a saint.
00:23:25I mean, she agreed, you agreed,
00:23:28then you both agreed, okay.
00:23:30Right, going into the pods,
00:23:31I looked at it as like a benefit.
00:23:32Like I've been there, like I understand what works for me.
00:23:35And so like, I have a clear mind
00:23:37as to like what I'm looking for.
00:23:39I don't think it's that big of a deal.
00:23:41Should it be?
00:23:42It's what it is.
00:23:44Beyond just like the paper,
00:23:45what does marriage mean to you?
00:23:47Especially if you've already been married before?
00:23:49I think it's just the commitment to someone,
00:23:52to want to grow with them, family, kids,
00:23:55and share this world together.
00:23:58I'm gonna go use the bathroom.
00:23:59You wanna give mommy a kiss goodbye?
00:24:02I'm gonna be back, mom.
00:24:04Oh my God, yeah, totally.
00:24:05I love you.
00:24:06I love you too.
00:24:07I love my book.
00:24:08I can't wait to look at it.
00:24:10So my big concern is, is that, you know,
00:24:13and I'm pretty sure she's told you in the pods,
00:24:15is she, we've had a very, you know, rough,
00:24:19you know, upbringing.
00:24:20They've had to fight to, you know, get where they're at.
00:24:23They've all went to college.
00:24:24They've all worked hard.
00:24:26They all live on their own.
00:24:27And I'm very proud of them.
00:24:29But to me, marriage is not forever.
00:24:31It would be nice.
00:24:33It would be nice if marriage lasts forever,
00:24:35but I don't believe in forever.
00:24:39It's 15 years, 20 years.
00:24:41God is happy when it's happy.
00:24:43And then it ends.
00:24:44You tolerate each other till it's over.
00:24:47I think that you and Marissa should do a prenup.
00:24:51She has worked too hard to get fucked over
00:24:54and has suffered from men fucking her over
00:24:58between her father, her stepfather,
00:25:00to then get fucked over by her husband
00:25:01because he's not making enough.
00:25:03If you love her as much as you say you do,
00:25:05then you should have no problems having a prenup
00:25:08that you guys could walk away with no problem.
00:25:13I have no problems with a prenup.
00:25:15I know the amount of work she's put in.
00:25:17I know the amount of years she's put in
00:25:19to arrive where she's at.
00:25:21I'm not here for her money.
00:25:23I'm not here for like-
00:25:24Well, she doesn't have any money right now.
00:25:26She's not done with law school.
00:25:27Well, yeah.
00:25:28But I'm not having my kids fucked over.
00:25:30But it's nothing against you.
00:25:31No, no.
00:25:32It's nothing against you.
00:25:33I don't take it personally.
00:25:34She truly loves you, cares about you,
00:25:36whatever all this is at the moment.
00:25:39I feel like I'm dealing with her from high school
00:25:42and college love or whatever.
00:25:44So we're arguing a little bit,
00:25:46but this is serious shit.
00:25:48And I'm not going through all this anxiety
00:25:51that I have to worry about my daughter on her wedding day.
00:25:54I don't care what you guys do on the wedding.
00:25:57I do whatever, because I'm always going to be there.
00:26:00She knows no matter what, I don't care what,
00:26:03I do whatever, I'm always going to be there.
00:26:05Always going to be there.
00:26:06I'm always going to be there.
00:26:08Always going to be there for her.
00:26:09Always going to be there for her.
00:26:11They all know that.
00:26:13Yeah, I'm a hundred percent on board.
00:26:14Yeah, I don't care what y'all do after that.
00:26:16After that, yeah.
00:26:17You're welcome into the family.
00:26:18That's all, you know, as long as you make her happy.
00:26:21You know, I'm going to be there at the end.
00:26:23Are you giving me your blessing right now?
00:26:24Is that what this is?
00:26:28Are you giving me?
00:26:29There ain't no blessing,
00:26:30because I don't believe in forever, you know?
00:26:31Well, are you giving me the thumbs up?
00:26:33Yeah, whatever.
00:26:34Whatever Marissa wants is all that matters to me.
00:26:36She's head over heels in love with you.
00:26:40I guess that's a, you know, 10 days, 20 days, whatever.
00:26:44You know?
00:26:44It's hard.
00:26:45Listen, I will say out of all the partners she has,
00:26:47I do like you the most.
00:26:48I can't say I like you.
00:26:49I met you today.
00:26:50You probably need time.
00:26:51You need time.
00:26:52I met you today.
00:26:53Just the energy alone.
00:26:54I do, I feel like,
00:26:57I think you're going to be a good brother.
00:26:59I'm back.
00:27:01Okay, what do they say?
00:27:02Just know you don't get her blessing
00:27:03unless y'all do it for him.
00:27:05Well, I don't need her blessing.
00:27:07Mom, are you going to do the prenup, Marissa?
00:27:11I will decide those things.
00:27:13Just don't become billionaires.
00:27:15Billionaires aren't ethical.
00:27:16I was like,
00:27:17I was like,
00:27:17I'm not saying that she doesn't want to be a millionaire.
00:27:18I was like,
00:27:19eh, still not.
00:27:20I was like,
00:27:21I want to be a billionaire.
00:27:23I don't, I'm not,
00:27:24I don't look forward to a hoarding wealth.
00:27:24We don't have to be a billionaire,
00:27:25but we can be a millionaire.
00:27:28Can we get to the wedding first?
00:27:30Did you give us your blessing, Mom?
00:27:32I don't know.
00:27:33Are you going to do the prenup, Marissa?
00:27:36I will just tell you,
00:27:36you hurt my daughter.
00:27:37I will cut your balls off.
00:28:10Are you nervous?
00:28:12The scariest part about meeting Hannah's parents is
00:28:15I'm going to be with them a lot.
00:28:16So if they don't feel comfortable with the type of guy I am,
00:28:19or you know,
00:28:20how Hannah's feeling,
00:28:21that this wouldn't work out.
00:28:25Oh, hi.
00:28:26You look good.
00:28:28Hi, Nick.
00:28:30Nice to meet you.
00:28:32These are for you.
00:28:35Happy belated birthday.
00:28:37Where's my flowers?
00:28:40Next date, I got you.
00:28:42Nice to meet you, Ryan.
00:28:43Nice to meet you.
00:28:44How you doing?
00:28:46You guys all look great.
00:28:47Thanks, you too.
00:28:48You look hot.
00:28:50You look hot.
00:28:53I got you a hat,
00:28:55a Capitals hat,
00:28:56because I know you're into hockey.
00:28:58I can't skate,
00:28:59so you're going to have to teach me.
00:29:00Well, Ryder wants to get into football,
00:29:01so you're going to have to help Ryder.
00:29:04Do you know what position you'd want to play?
00:29:07O-line or?
00:29:12Well, I was a kicker, so.
00:29:15Trust me, it's just as cool.
00:29:16Ryder's giving quarterback energy now.
00:29:18I know, I know.
00:29:19I thought I was going to hear quarterback.
00:29:21So, did you know right off
00:29:22that you were interested in each other?
00:29:24She like set herself apart
00:29:26from like the other 14 women that we were talking to.
00:29:30I'm like, hey, y'all, I'm in.
00:29:33But that's like the energy and vibe
00:29:34that I look for in meeting someone.
00:29:36She's very cool and easy to talk to and connect with,
00:29:38and got a little bit deeper every day.
00:29:41He grew on me.
00:29:42Yeah, he did.
00:29:43Dad did too.
00:29:44I'm still growing on your mom.
00:29:45That's how it works, right?
00:29:46I told her, I'm still not sure,
00:29:48and it's been a lot of years.
00:29:49It's a job in itself.
00:29:51Yeah, it's work.
00:29:52It's not easy.
00:29:53We've definitely had lots of highs and lots of lows.
00:29:57You know?
00:29:58I've realized that I need a strong woman in my life,
00:30:00like for a wife,
00:30:01I need someone who's gonna push me every day.
00:30:04I want someone to be very direct with me.
00:30:06I think that's a quality that I'm looking forward to having.
00:30:10Sometimes, you know,
00:30:12could be a little too much,
00:30:14but she's getting better at it, you know?
00:30:16Are y'all not gonna grill him or what?
00:30:19Well, I don't know how to grill.
00:30:20I just wanna talk,
00:30:20and just let him feel like what he's like.
00:30:22Okay, okay.
00:30:23He doesn't know me just yet.
00:30:24They grill me just yet.
00:30:26I think you've grilled him plenty.
00:30:27I'm not sure what the point of grilling him is now.
00:30:30I mean, it's done.
00:30:32You all have made your decision,
00:30:33so, I mean, it's not my decision.
00:30:36I'm just dad.
00:30:38You're the one that has to be stuck with him
00:30:39for the next-
00:30:40Yeah, stuck with him.
00:30:41Stuck with him.
00:30:42Not a-
00:30:44Attached to him.
00:30:44Chained to him.
00:30:46I'll be chained to her.
00:30:48Yeah, probably.
00:30:48You know, whatever she says goes.
00:30:49We know.
00:30:51There's definitely things that we're both picky about,
00:30:54but she has a little bit longer of a list than mine.
00:30:58I want someone to be very-
00:30:59Just because I'm so perfect,
00:31:00it's hard for him to come up with things.
00:31:03Are you being serious?
00:31:07I'm easy to fall in love with.
00:31:09Oh my gosh.
00:31:10Me too.
00:31:13Yeah, me too.
00:31:16That's one thing my kids do not lack, is confidence.
00:31:18That's just like how I am.
00:31:20My way or the highway.
00:31:21And it's like a nitpicking, and I just can't help it.
00:31:24Like, she always finds something with a guy.
00:31:26Like, he does this, so I can't.
00:31:28You know what I mean?
00:31:29But for her just to be even interested,
00:31:31like, yeah, it's like, then there must be something.
00:31:34I'm very overcritical of you,
00:31:36but at the same time, we are getting married,
00:31:37so I just want to make sure I'm sure when I say yes.
00:31:40But I'm-
00:31:41You're hot.
00:31:42You seem very stressed.
00:31:43I am.
00:31:43I'm trying to chill.
00:31:45You need to, yes.
00:31:46I'm not chill-o.
00:31:47No, she's great, though.
00:31:48And you guys did a great job of raising her, too.
00:31:51I'll just say, like, you're leaving her in good hands.
00:31:53I've always been someone to give something my all.
00:31:56You know, whatever I do, whether it's school or football
00:31:58or a relationship, that's my teammate, right?
00:32:01So I'm always going to be in her corner.
00:32:03In life, you know, things get tough.
00:32:06You need somebody to help you through it.
00:32:07Your best friend, right?
00:32:09We need to be there for each other.
00:32:11Before we leave, Nick, don't forget,
00:32:12you need to go grab that hat.
00:32:13I'll go get it.
00:32:18So what do you think?
00:32:19I like him.
00:32:21I mean, he's nice, he's polite.
00:32:24I mean, I like the guy.
00:32:25Do I know him?
00:32:26No, I don't know him.
00:32:27But he seems like his head's in the right place.
00:32:30No, I do really like him and love him
00:32:32and I enjoy him and stuff.
00:32:33There's just, like, characteristics
00:32:34and things he does that...
00:32:36Well, Hannah, if that was the case,
00:32:38we would have thrown you out a long time ago.
00:32:41You gotta overlook some stuff.
00:32:42You gotta decide what...
00:32:44You know, what is worth...
00:32:44You can live with it the way you can, yeah.
00:32:45What is worth really nitpicking or what isn't?
00:32:49Let things go.
00:32:49Chewing, like chomping.
00:32:51I can't stand it.
00:32:52So dad knows to eat in the closet.
00:32:55So let those small things go.
00:32:58Everyone's gonna have flaws.
00:32:59Somebody you can joke with,
00:33:00somebody that you can see yourself with.
00:33:02If you think he's gonna be treating you good,
00:33:03that's the most important thing.
00:33:05I'm glad you guys like him.
00:33:05I like him too.
00:33:06I'm just saying.
00:33:07I like him.
00:33:08That's just how I am.
00:33:09Don't overthink it, but don't underthink it.
00:33:12Yeah, I know.
00:33:13I just feel like I should be more in love
00:33:15and having fun instead of stressing him out.
00:33:18But you are, you're the one...
00:33:19It's me, I know, it's my mom.
00:33:21It's not him, he seems pretty relaxed.
00:33:24You are like...
00:33:26Am I really?
00:33:27Yeah, bad.
00:33:28You are.
00:33:29Maybe I need a massage.
00:33:30You have a new friend to give you a massage.
00:33:33He wouldn't give me a massage.
00:33:35He won't even tuck my toe.
00:33:37Oh, God.
00:33:40What the hell are you talking about?
00:33:57♪ I just want to let him go ♪
00:34:02All right, so, don't go thinking crazy.
00:34:06I'm not going.
00:34:07There's a lot happening in here.
00:34:08Do I have to take my shoes off?
00:34:09What's the hell?
00:34:10Yeah, you can take your shoes off.
00:34:12And I guess I can take mine too.
00:34:13But at this point, I really don't think
00:34:13it even matters.
00:34:14Oh, Lord.
00:34:15With what's happening.
00:34:16He's like, ah, yes.
00:34:17Are you with me?
00:34:18Am I going?
00:34:19You go ahead.
00:34:20All right.
00:34:21And he's gone.
00:34:22Oh, my God.
00:34:28So, when I was packing to leave,
00:34:30trying to figure out what I was going to wear,
00:34:32and then I couldn't decide,
00:34:33and then I couldn't put stuff away, and, yeah.
00:34:37I don't know how this happened, actually.
00:34:39I'm telling you, like, I've been like a hoarder
00:34:40of like clothes and stuff.
00:34:41So, I literally was like, I have to get rid of so much.
00:34:48You have a really big mirror.
00:34:49I do.
00:34:50Too bad we can't see it.
00:34:51Oh, my God.
00:34:55Sorry, sorry, sorry.
00:34:56Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
00:35:00So, you see these bags?
00:35:00These trash bags?
00:35:01I do see them.
00:35:02Okay, so, some of these I'm donating,
00:35:04some of them I'm selling,
00:35:07and then some I'm keeping,
00:35:08but I have to literally go through everything.
00:35:11I was cleaning this,
00:35:12so I actually never put these photos back up,
00:35:13but these are all, oh, yeah.
00:35:15I love myself.
00:35:17I have a bunch of stickers.
00:35:18Do you want one?
00:35:21Can I put it on my fridge?
00:35:23All right.
00:35:24Welcome to my home.
00:35:26It's weird.
00:35:27What, being here?
00:35:28I've never shown somebody my mess.
00:35:31For me to have this is just like, it's weird.
00:35:35It's okay.
00:35:36Everything's fine.
00:35:37Especially once you put stuff away.
00:35:41Just fine.
00:35:42Even though in this mess, I feel very at peace.
00:35:46I'm like home.
00:35:47I can fall asleep in my couch.
00:35:48If I wanted to, I'd try not to,
00:35:50but it's so comfortable.
00:35:51No, this is like a comfortable couch.
00:35:53You know what would make this couch better?
00:35:55Long time, huh?
00:35:56A reclining option.
00:36:17This is Garrett.
00:36:18This is Garrett.
00:36:20Oh, I forgot about the wreath.
00:36:21Nice job, Garrett.
00:36:22You've been lifting weights recently.
00:36:24This arm's like really strong.
00:36:25A lot stronger.
00:36:29I brought you that from South Africa
00:36:31because I know that you love the fish.
00:36:33This is awesome, thank you.
00:36:34I heard a lot about the fish.
00:36:36There's some judgment, but we'll work through it.
00:36:40She's still working through it, too,
00:36:41so we can work through it together.
00:36:42Should we sit?
00:36:43Let's sit, yeah, let's sit.
00:36:45Did you have any idea what Taylor looked like?
00:36:47No, I had nothing.
00:36:48So it was very, very unique,
00:36:49and I was very Taylor, which I loved.
00:36:52She actually really wants to move to San Diego
00:36:53and has no interest in raising a family in Fredericksburg.
00:36:57I'm glad you're being honest with me.
00:36:59That makes me happy.
00:37:00I was like, does he know?
00:37:01It's a dream for me to move back to San Diego.
00:37:04I thought it was something I'd always have to compromise on,
00:37:05but finding someone who wants to make
00:37:07that dream happen for me is like,
00:37:09and it's not like I'm making him move to Azkaban.
00:37:12I mean, San Diego's amazing.
00:37:13It's just far from Virginia
00:37:15and far from everything you know and hold dear.
00:37:19I just worry about that.
00:37:20Do you feel like you might be making
00:37:23a lot more changes than you would like?
00:37:24Like you are going from Fredericksburg
00:37:26to San Diego, potentially.
00:37:28You are giving up the work life that you've set up,
00:37:31your friends and family.
00:37:32Like, it kind of sounds like a lot.
00:37:34Before I met Taylor,
00:37:35I would have never thought I would have done these things.
00:37:38That's why my friends are surprised.
00:37:39My family's surprised.
00:37:40But like, I've never felt anything like this.
00:37:41I've never met anyone like Taylor.
00:37:42And like, what I have with Taylor
00:37:44is like far and above worth like giving up everything over.
00:37:49Working 60 to 70 hours, I need to scale it back to 40.
00:37:51Like, I will give up the businesses
00:37:53and they can buy me out.
00:37:54And I don't want to.
00:37:55She doesn't want me to do that.
00:37:56I don't want to see that.
00:37:56But I told her like, I mean, honestly,
00:37:57and people were, my mom was surprised.
00:37:58She said, you would really do it?
00:37:59I'm like, yeah.
00:38:00Like, honestly, Taylor's way worth anything,
00:38:02giving up anything.
00:38:03And so for me, like, I just want to be with Taylor.
00:38:06We are going to start our own family and our own story.
00:38:09And that's what I'm most excited about.
00:38:11I think that like, that is like the Holy Grail of life.
00:38:14Like, I can't imagine doing anything else without her.
00:38:18So I'm very, very happy to go wherever she wants to go.
00:38:22Knowing now what's in front of me with Taylor,
00:38:24yeah, I'll start all the way.
00:38:25It's crazy.
00:38:26Like, I'm just crazy about her.
00:38:28This is an unbelievable feeling,
00:38:30an unbelievable future I see in front of us.
00:38:31And I'm so fucking crazy about her.
00:38:35It's just like, so interesting.
00:38:37Like, I've just been looking at you this entire time
00:38:39and I'm just like, wow,
00:38:40I've never seen you like, look at someone like this.
00:38:42Yeah, you look so happy.
00:38:44Yeah, like, it's almost a little scary.
00:38:45I'm just like, wow, like,
00:38:47what have you done with our friend?
00:38:49The heart eyes emoji.
00:38:50You literally look like the heart eyes emoji right now.
00:38:52It's like.
00:38:53I love him a lot.
00:38:55I'm really happy, guys.
00:38:57I've never seen you hold hands with someone.
00:39:01Or touch someone's feet.
00:39:02Yeah, other than like us.
00:39:04Like touching someone's feet.
00:39:06I was like, what?
00:39:08Who is she and what have you done with her?
00:39:11No, it's like disgusting, honestly.
00:39:14I didn't think like, going through this,
00:39:16I was gonna take what I've been calling a quantum leap.
00:39:19And he's like, that's actually not that.
00:39:20That's cute.
00:39:22I like it.
00:39:22I think it's really cute.
00:39:24He's like, that's actually not that far.
00:39:25And I was like, okay, well.
00:39:26Oh, I love that.
00:39:28Like quantum, like very small, actually.
00:39:30Finally, someone to one up Taylor on the science stuff.
00:39:34Maybe your children can win like Nobel prizes.
00:39:37Well, cheers guys.
00:39:40To love.
00:39:41To Garrett and Taylor.
00:39:42To love.
00:39:50So my mom, what'd you think about it?
00:39:52What do you think, really?
00:39:55It was, I think it went good.
00:39:57She needs therapy.
00:39:59She really does.
00:40:01The whole prenuptial agreement thing.
00:40:03What do you think about that?
00:40:04Like, I'm okay with that.
00:40:06Like I'm not.
00:40:07Not here for money or anything else.
00:40:10Like, so.
00:40:11And I'll have to say,
00:40:12I don't think I've ever been in a relationship
00:40:14where I've been like,
00:40:15I don't think I've ever been in a relationship
00:40:16where I've been like,
00:40:18I don't have that much money yet.
00:40:21But I mean, obviously in the future,
00:40:21like it'd be in a,
00:40:22obviously in a different place financially.
00:40:24And like, again, like even in the future,
00:40:26and that's not what I'm,
00:40:27that's not what I'm here for.
00:40:29I think she does feel good
00:40:31about at least the conversation we had
00:40:33or like the energy she's getting from me.
00:40:35I mean, she's being supportive of the wedding.
00:40:37She hasn't at all been like,
00:40:39don't get married.
00:40:40But yeah, I think she's fine.
00:40:42I know like my siblings are very pleased.
00:40:47Do you think me meeting your mom will go like this?
00:40:50Not at all.
00:40:52Whenever there's family gatherings,
00:40:53I'm gonna need time to like get my mind right
00:40:56before I step into that space.
00:40:58I mean, it's chaotic as shit.
00:41:00It's a lot.
00:41:01Like it was, it's all of you are like that.
00:41:03Are you gonna say no to me at the altar?
00:41:05I feel great, baby.
00:41:08Any creeping doubts?
00:41:11Any kernels of doubt?
00:41:13I'm good.
00:41:14I'm locked in.
00:41:15Okay, good.
00:41:17What's your timeline on kids?
00:41:20Three to five years still?
00:41:23Probably closer to like to four.
00:41:25Okay, we're getting married.
00:41:27A year from now, I'll be 32.
00:41:30And like, I don't think I wanna try having kids
00:41:32at like 37.
00:41:35Yeah, at the very minimum, three years.
00:41:38Not even like two and a half.
00:41:39Babe, what?
00:41:41Where is this coming from?
00:41:42I'm just wondering.
00:41:44I want us to have time like for just for us.
00:41:47I do need to talk to my doctor about birth control then.
00:41:51Yeah, we can't play these risky ass games.
00:41:54Yeah, we're kind of risking it.
00:41:57So I didn't really wanna go back
00:41:58on birth control is the thing.
00:42:06I mean, like I don't want you to do it
00:42:08if it's gonna like affect you in terms of like just
00:42:11your health and like your mood.
00:42:15I just have to wear, I don't know, condoms
00:42:17or something like, I don't know, but like.
00:42:18I mean, I think like that's what I wanna go with, I think.
00:42:22Do you enjoy condom sex?
00:42:26Some of my best sex has been on a condom.
00:42:28Huh, okay.
00:42:32I think we could definitely have condom sex
00:42:34and I'd be fine.
00:42:38How do you feel about that?
00:42:44Babe, this is bad.
00:42:46No, but no, it's the thing is like, yeah.
00:42:48I just, it's not like, I don't, like I,
00:42:49if I wear one, it's just not.
00:42:52Well, we could raw dog it.
00:42:55Like we either have condom sex
00:42:58or we don't have condom sex
00:42:59and we accept the consequences of not having condom sex,
00:43:01which sounds insane, but it's the truth.
00:43:05I am okay if we got pregnant.
00:43:11No, no, I'm just thinking through it.
00:43:13Yeah, so I definitely don't wanna like,
00:43:15put you in a position where like,
00:43:16you're doing something that you don't wanna do.
00:43:18Okay, cool, so we can disagree
00:43:20to have condom sex from here on out.
00:43:22It's just, it's not really enjoyable, baby.
00:43:25Sex is supposed to be like mutually enjoyable.
00:43:28Like it's not something that guys, yeah,
00:43:29ever have to pressure to having to think about.
00:43:35Yeah, well, here's the pressure.
00:43:36I'm not gonna go on birth control.
00:43:44Sounds good, baby.
00:43:46We need to do what we need to do,
00:43:46but I need the sex to be enjoyable.
00:43:50♪ I'm giving my all ♪
00:43:53♪ I know I could fall ♪
00:43:56♪ If you let go ♪
00:44:00♪ I'm giving my all ♪
00:44:04Woo, this is pretty exciting.
00:44:06It's not every day you meet your son's fiance.
00:44:09Yeah, does it sound weird that I have a fiance?
00:44:12Yeah, yeah, I still need to get used to it.
00:44:14I skipped the whole girlfriend stage.
00:44:16Yes, exactly.
00:44:17That's one of the things we were saying.
00:44:19I'm looking forward to seeing, you know,
00:44:21what my parents kind of think of Hannah.
00:44:24There's the doorbell, woo-hoo.
00:44:27This is very exciting.
00:44:29I think my parents might be a little bit more nervous
00:44:32to meet Hannah than I am for Hannah to meet them.
00:44:35They're not used to this whole experience
00:44:37of me bringing someone home
00:44:38and me being in love with someone.
00:44:44What's up?
00:44:46You're carrying a lot of gifts, aren't you?
00:44:47I know, I'm ridiculous.
00:44:52Oh my goodness.
00:44:54Oh, finally.
00:44:56You're beautiful.
00:45:01Nice to meet you.
00:45:02That's Mama Dorca.
00:45:02Oh, you're beautiful.
00:45:05Hi, Hannah.
00:45:06It's nice to meet you.
00:45:07Nick Dorca, Sr.
00:45:08Nick Dorca, Sr.
00:45:09I gotta be careful with my makeup.
00:45:10I get it all over my neck
00:45:11when I get all over you guys.
00:45:13Thanks for coming.
00:45:14Yeah, of course.
00:45:15We've been really anxious to meet you.
00:45:16Yeah, this is very exciting.
00:45:18I know you really like pineapples,
00:45:20so I got you a pineapple salt and pepper shaker.
00:45:23Oh, that is really cool.
00:45:24Oh my goodness, those are beautiful.
00:45:27And then a pineapple dish, if you're ever hosting,
00:45:29you put your dips in.
00:45:30Oh my goodness.
00:45:31This is absolutely beautiful.
00:45:33And then I got you,
00:45:34it doesn't have your favorite golf balls, Nick Dorca,
00:45:36but you're specific.
00:45:37Thank you, that was really cool.
00:45:39This is beautiful.
00:45:40This is really, really beautiful.
00:45:42So thoughtful.
00:45:45Of course, you guys are gonna be my in-laws.
00:45:47Yeah, they're beautiful.
00:45:47I know.
00:45:48You're our daughter.
00:45:50I'm excited.
00:45:51I was so excited to meet you guys.
00:45:52Such a different pathway to get here,
00:45:54but I feel the same way.
00:45:55It's so exciting.
00:45:56We're so happy for you guys.
00:45:58And maybe you can help me finish up dinner.
00:46:01Smells delicious.
00:46:02I mean, Nick's been raving about your cooking,
00:46:04so I'm excited to try it.
00:46:06Ooh, let me see.
00:46:08Oh, very beautiful.
00:46:10And your hands are beautiful,
00:46:11so you gotta model that ring.
00:46:14Very pretty.
00:46:14Nick did good.
00:46:15I'll tell you what, though,
00:46:16you guys are gonna have beautiful children.
00:46:19Beautiful eyes.
00:46:20That's what my mom said, too.
00:46:21She's like, they're gonna have beautiful green eyes
00:46:22like you, Hann, and yeah.
00:46:24Dark hair and freckles, they're gonna be so cute.
00:46:26And I was like, oh my God.
00:46:27You've got beautiful skin, too.
00:46:28Don't you see?
00:46:30All right, I'm sorry,
00:46:31but I have to finish getting dinner ready.
00:46:34And Hannah's gonna help me.
00:46:35Watch you.
00:46:37We'll talk later.
00:46:38He'll never leave, for God's sake.
00:46:41I'm so glad you're here.
00:46:43Me, too.
00:46:43I'm really glad.
00:46:45So let me tell you what we're having.
00:46:46So I've got ropa vieja.
00:46:48Ropa vieja is probably the most popular Cuban food.
00:46:52Oh, it looks delicious.
00:46:54Maybe you can try a little bit
00:46:56and see if you think it needs anything.
00:47:01That was good.
00:47:03You like it?
00:47:03No, it's good.
00:47:04It doesn't need any more salt or anything.
00:47:05It's perfect, yeah.
00:47:06All right.
00:47:07That's good.
00:47:08You passed the test.
00:47:08It's good.
00:47:13Wow, Nick, I just met your fiancee.
00:47:16That was so interesting.
00:47:17Interesting, right?
00:47:18And she's a wonderful person.
00:47:21How'd she pick you?
00:47:24When I met your mom,
00:47:26she forced me to grow in so many areas
00:47:28that were uncomfortable.
00:47:31I've grown so much,
00:47:32and I sort of see that with your relationship.
00:47:37Yeah, me too.
00:47:38I can tell that she's gonna push me,
00:47:40no matter whether it's trying new adventures,
00:47:43trying new foods, be better at work.
00:47:46You know, whatever it is, she's pushing me now.
00:47:50You're growing up.
00:47:51I love Nick, really.
00:47:52I know it sounds insane.
00:47:53Like in the pods and stuff,
00:47:54like at first, I was a little bit scared about him
00:47:57because it's really funny because he's not like that,
00:47:59but I thought maybe he's coming off,
00:48:00like he's very smooth talking.
00:48:01He's got a nice voice.
00:48:02I thought he was just coming off
00:48:03as like a little bit of a player.
00:48:04But then like Nick one time,
00:48:06he came into like the pod and I called him Nicky D.
00:48:08I was like, hey, Nicky D.
00:48:09Nicky D.
00:48:10And we called him Mr. Rico Suave,
00:48:12and he loved it.
00:48:15He thought that was the best thing ever.
00:48:17And Nick's like,
00:48:18Hannah, I've got something to tell you.
00:48:19I was like, oh no, he's breaking up with me.
00:48:20What's about to happen to you guys?
00:48:22I'm in love with you.
00:48:22And I was like, what?
00:48:24Oh my goodness.
00:48:27Yeah, and I was like, really?
00:48:29Cause he had said he's never been in love
00:48:30with someone before.
00:48:31And I was like, wow.
00:48:32He's never ever said that before.
00:48:35He's like, I love you too.
00:48:36And he like really opened up to me.
00:48:39And I was like, wow,
00:48:40he really can get like very vulnerable.
00:48:41And we just like had like the deepest talks ever.
00:48:43And he was-
00:48:44I don't think he's ever done that with anyone.
00:48:46He does not share all that much,
00:48:49but he does feel deeply and he's a good person.
00:48:53You know, I think he's got a really good heart.
00:48:56I love Nick.
00:48:57He's one thing I can say,
00:48:58he's got the biggest heart I've ever seen in my life.
00:48:59He's such a genuine person and he really cares for me.
00:49:01And it's just,
00:49:03I had to grow up just a little bit faster than Nick
00:49:05in a way that like,
00:49:06I started working when I was 15
00:49:08and like parents cut me off at 18 and stuff.
00:49:10So I like grew up really fast.
00:49:11And when Nick doesn't know how to do certain things
00:49:13are very hard and critical on him about it.
00:49:14And so I just need to set myself back
00:49:16cause we've had different ways of life.
00:49:17And like, maybe because I know how to do like things
00:49:20and he doesn't know,
00:49:21it doesn't mean he has to,
00:49:22like he'll figure it out and he will learn.
00:49:24He just hasn't had to do it yet and stuff.
00:49:25So I feel like that's the only little setback.
00:49:28Nothing big.
00:49:28I never have to worry about his loyalty.
00:49:29I never have to worry about him loving me.
00:49:31I never have to worry about him doing anything for me.
00:49:33And probably my kids have been pampered a little bit
00:49:37because you want to give your kids what you didn't have.
00:49:40And it was all about sports with them.
00:49:42So I mean, that's one thing that I don't regret
00:49:45is all the time we spent.
00:49:47We went to every game, every practice,
00:49:49spent every minute with them.
00:49:52And I think that's what's most important.
00:49:54They'll remember that hopefully.
00:49:56And I've asked him, in fact, I've said,
00:49:58you know, Nick, are you going to do this with your own kids?
00:50:00And he's like, oh, absolutely.
00:50:02Those are some of the best memories
00:50:03is knowing you guys were there.
00:50:05So I think he's used to being around strong women.
00:50:10So he's never going to say to you,
00:50:12oh, you know, you're just a little woman
00:50:14or he's never, ever going to say anything like that.
00:50:17I would never think he would say anything like that.
00:50:19He's just such a good human.
00:50:21And Nick's personality matches mine.
00:50:23I think he's a cutie.
00:50:24He is a cutie.
00:50:24You know, you may be biased.
00:50:26You just don't know him, you know?
00:50:28I think she exceeded my expectations,
00:50:31I have to be honest.
00:50:32Dinner is ready.
00:50:34All right, I'm hungry.
00:50:35First of all, I thought she was beautiful.
00:50:38And just so quick with a smile.
00:50:40Very warm.
00:50:41Family person.
00:50:44And just so together.
00:50:46Yeah, I thought she's everything Nick said she was.
00:50:48Yeah, and more.
00:50:50This is delicious.
00:50:52Oh, I'm glad you like it.
00:50:53It is really good.
00:50:53It is really good.
00:50:54Good job, Hannah.
00:50:55I cut up the avocados, thank you.
00:50:58She did.
00:50:59She did a great job.
00:51:01I do think he's in love.
00:51:03I've never seen him so smitten.
00:51:05And the way that, you know, they look at each other,
00:51:08and it's just different.
00:51:10When you guys get married, who's going
00:51:13to do most of the cooking?
00:51:14I really enjoy cooking.
00:51:15Nick can be the griller, and I'll be the cooker, you know?
00:51:18If that's what you want to do, that's fine with me.
00:51:20He wants to be better, and he wants to grow for her.
00:51:24He wants to learn new things.
00:51:26I've never heard him say stuff like that before.
00:51:29Nick's a great person.
00:51:30He's such got a good heart.
00:51:31He's a lovely person.
00:51:32You don't have that without, like, good parents and stuff.
00:51:34So I know you guys are going to be great,
00:51:35and you guys are wonderful.
00:51:36And thank you.
00:51:38I can't tell you how great it is to have you in our home.
00:51:41I mean, I see why Nick is in love with you.
00:51:44I think we're a little in love with you, too.
00:51:47Don't touch me.
00:51:49You're really, really lovely, and I would love it
00:51:52if you became our daughter.
00:51:54I would just add that if it doesn't work out
00:51:57between you and Nick, you're welcome to stay with us,
00:51:59and Nick can go.
00:52:00We've got some rooms upstairs.
00:52:01Just don't stay here while I'm here, OK?
00:52:04Keep me waiting.
00:52:06I think I could answer your love.
00:52:08I'm ready for the day you call my name.
00:52:12You call my name.
00:52:13You call my name.
00:52:24I'm not sure this is, like, a resolution kind of conversation.
00:52:29Oh, let's hug and pretend like nothing happened.
00:52:31Like, for me, this is not that.
00:52:34You know, this is a big thing.
00:52:38You know, when I left, I needed to separate and get by myself
00:52:46and just, like, get my thoughts together.
00:52:50I just don't understand how our superpower seems like it's
00:52:54not our superpower anymore.
00:53:04I feel like we had, like, such great communication,
00:53:08and I don't understand how two weeks before our wedding,
00:53:15you drop this kind of bomb.
00:53:18Like, I'm replaying and thinking of every conversation
00:53:21we've had where this could have been brought up,
00:53:24and I'm thinking, why?
00:53:25Why, why, why, why?
00:53:27We're talking about joining a union, like, merging lives.
00:53:35This is something I should have known
00:53:37before agreeing to say yes.
00:53:39The last thing I would lose is your trust,
00:53:42especially two weeks before marriage
00:53:44when I've been running around here screaming
00:53:46how we're getting married.
00:53:47You've been running around here talking
00:53:49about how we're getting married, but you've also
00:53:51been running around saying how you want to have kids now.
00:53:55And it's like, whoa, how did you pant?
00:53:58It's like, how did you, like, even talk about any of that?
00:54:04I just can't wrap my mind around it
00:54:07without even considering your past at all.
00:54:13Like, we've talked about kids every day.
00:54:16It's not your kid, kids, but they are your kids.
00:54:35And it's with someone that you know.
00:54:45What are their genders?
00:54:47Two girls and a boy.
00:54:51Now, that's what, three extra kids?
00:54:53Like, that's wild.
00:54:56Who are these people?
00:54:57I just feel like I should know that.
00:54:59Here's a picture.
00:55:00Here's the, you know, here's the, you know,
00:55:02here's this, here's that.
00:55:03I have nothing.
00:55:05You have yet to show me anything.
00:55:07Here are the documents that say, like, I'm uninvolved.
00:55:10Like, I need to know everything.
00:55:16I'm not upset by you trying to help a couple have kids.
00:55:22I think that's admirable in certain ways,
00:55:24but the issue comes in with me feeling like I was not
00:55:29getting the full picture of you.
00:55:32And once you're not given the full picture of something,
00:55:36it's hard to not question everything.
00:55:39Me being a single woman before this,
00:55:42to come in this scenario to fall in love with a guy who
00:55:45has three sperm babies, sperm donor babies,
00:55:50is a lot to absorb.
00:55:54And the wedding is in, like, two weeks.
00:55:58I want to make it clear, like, what you're feeling is valid.
00:56:02And just sitting right here, I'm not asking for forgiveness.
00:56:06I'm just asking for a chance.
00:56:09I would love to marry you.
00:56:11I do want a family with you.
00:56:13I would like you here.
00:56:15If you need your space, you got your space.
00:56:18I'll get you whatever you need to feel comfortable and safe.
00:56:23I'll get you whatever you need to feel comfortable and safe.
00:56:28At the end of the day, like I said, I respect you,
00:56:30and I want you to be happy.
00:56:32Even if you tell me that, like, I've thought about it,
00:56:35that happiness isn't with you,
00:56:38I'll fight until you tell me to stop fighting.
00:56:43We were very happy.
00:56:48But if we can't count on each other, what the fuck do we have, Tyler?
00:56:55It's like, what do we have?
00:56:58Love? Is love enough?
00:57:02I don't know.
00:57:05I don't know.
00:57:07It's like, what do we have?
00:57:09Love? Is love enough?
00:57:13For a relationship or a marriage?
00:57:15I don't know.
00:57:27I really am sorry.
00:57:37I didn't see this coming, like, I didn't see this coming at all.
00:57:50And it's so crazy, because I was so sure.
00:57:56This didn't go how we planned it
00:58:02There's a hole inside my heart
00:58:08I thought you were the one I can't stand it
00:58:16I'm sorry.
00:58:18I love you.
00:58:21I love you too.
00:58:32Just give me a chance, please.
00:58:38I want this to be the way our story goes.
00:58:40Or ends.
00:58:56You're the person I want for me, like, I want it to be us until the end.
00:59:02I can always look into your eyes and be like, this is the woman I fell in love with.
00:59:06I like that.
00:59:07Just give me some beautiful grandbabies.
00:59:09I am somebody who loves you and is invested in you.
00:59:12I can't wait to start a life with Taylor.
00:59:14Why are you laughing?
00:59:16You make me happy, I want to tell you.
00:59:17Taylor had, like, this quiet confidence.
00:59:19She just gradually worked her way into my heart.
00:59:22What are you worried about?
00:59:23We don't really have enough history.
00:59:27Sex is really important and, like, just trying to figure out long term if that would be an issue for me.
00:59:32My parents drove up here ten hours to meet you.
00:59:35As soon as the cameras cut, you decided to go to sleep.
00:59:38He's a sperm donor, he has two kids.
00:59:42Who is that?
00:59:45Am I what you thought?
00:59:46I guess I expected you to be pretty.
00:59:48You can call me pretty.
00:59:50Hearing his voice, it feels very uncomfortable.
00:59:53You're a beautiful soul, you're a beautiful person.
00:59:56I was attracted to you from day one.
00:59:58I really like you.
00:59:59Hey, love is maybe not blind.
01:00:02Really accepted.
01:00:04I just, like, don't want to rush into a decision.
01:00:07That's it, that's it.
01:00:09I don't want to have to go through your phone again.
01:00:11I'm not hiding anything.
01:00:12It's just too many red cards.
01:00:14What conversations did you have with Katie?
01:00:16Why don't you go and ask her what happened?
01:00:18Are we mature enough?
01:00:19Are you mature enough, Nick?
01:00:21That's not my fault that she came up to you five different times and said I was hot.
01:00:24This is not going to be easy, and there's literally going to be multiple times
01:00:29you're going to bash heads, but we have to know how to navigate through it.
01:00:34Now is the time to decide if love is blind.
01:00:37He's marrying a stranger to us.
01:00:39Obviously he hasn't accepted you for who you are.
01:00:41I don't know if I'm going to do this.
01:00:43Please rise.
01:00:44I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:00:48I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:18I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:48I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:49I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:50I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:51I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:52I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:53I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:54I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:55I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:56I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:57I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:58I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:01:59I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:00I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:01I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:02I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:03I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:04I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:05I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:06I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:07I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:08I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:09I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:10I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:11I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:12I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:13I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:14I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:15I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:16I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:17I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:18I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:19I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:20I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:21I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:22I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:23I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:24I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:25I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:26I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:27I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:28I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:29I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:30I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:31I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:32I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:33I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:34I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:35I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:36I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:37I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:38I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:39I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:40I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:41I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:42I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:43I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:44I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:45I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:46I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:47I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:48I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:49I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:50I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:51I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:52I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:53I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:54I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:55I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:56I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:57I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:58I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:02:59I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:00I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:01I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:02I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:03I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:04I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:05I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:06I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:07I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:08I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:09I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:10I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:11I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:12I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:13I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:14I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:15I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:16I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:17I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:18I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:19I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:20I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:21I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:22I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:23I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:24I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:25I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:26I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:27I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:28I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:29I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:30I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:31I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:32I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:33I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:34I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:35I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:36I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.
01:03:37I'm not going to say yes unless I mean it, and I mean it forever.