• 8 hours ago
Love Is Blind S07 E10


00:00:08Beyond is like our connection that we have like I feel like that's when you look at me. You're like, this is it
00:00:14For real. Yes
00:00:18You have a good and kind heart I've accepted you for who you are
00:00:21I know sometimes you don't think it but I would protect you. I will
00:00:25Get to choose our kids name
00:00:27Little name no seven kids not shaking on it
00:00:32You are amazing and I think you are absolutely perfect for me. It's like I've known you for years
00:00:38I feel like I said in the pods like everything's just gonna get harder. You're going down in history as the swaggiest puncher kicker
00:00:44I got I appreciate that. I'm even more swaggy when you see me in person. Was that a hot commodity in the pods?
00:00:49We just talk shit about you. That means I'm a hot commodity. I want to see what these beautiful women look like Nick
00:00:57I'm a little concerned. We'll see how flirtatious. He isn't
00:01:02Your father when I asked him for him in marriage and he says I can't do it, you know
00:01:07I wouldn't blame him. He doesn't know I need this in order to get to like an altar in my two weeks
00:01:14You guys ever have an argument, you know, I talk a lot but he talks more than me
00:01:20It's just making sure we're both feeling hurt. You're military. Yeah, I was wondering like were you really into like military men?
00:01:26I was yeah, I don't regret joining the military
00:01:30Okay, I'm feeling judged
00:01:33Do you enjoy condom sex? Yeah, I think we could definitely have condom sex and it'd be fine. I need the sex to be enjoyable
00:01:40I'm not upset by you trying to help a couple have kids, but they are your kids
00:01:47This is something I should have known before agreeing to say yes
00:01:52I want this to be the way our story goes
00:02:07Perfect beautiful room who got to pick it out. She showed me in the right
00:02:15Great you guys can like hold hands down here. No like this. Okay
00:02:29Your eyes look so pretty right now, yeah, you know blocks for me to put in my shoes
00:02:33I'm taller you got confidence babe. I do put your hands around her waist if you want
00:02:38Here watch it's like you're at prom not on her butt, right? If you want to it's your it's your guys pictures
00:02:47Think hey, that's your guys's film cool. You picked a good day to wear the heels on I thought you were secure
00:02:56So it was cool to get like some cute little engagement pictures then we can look back on be like wow remember we were so hot
00:03:03Nick remember when you look good
00:03:06Show the kids
00:03:08All right. I have your guys's photos. Here is yours. Thank you. Here's yours
00:03:13Thank you so much. Oh, yeah
00:03:16Wait, you can take this one. I'll take that one. Does that read like a little why read?
00:03:20I want this one for my bookmark
00:03:23You don't read Nick you don't need one get it framed
00:03:26Little gold frame. No, these are these are great
00:03:29Thank you. Look at it. Let me see. I
00:03:32Chose the best one. Look at that. So that one's going above the mantle, right? Yeah, check it
00:03:38This is right above the toilet
00:03:40Yeah, yeah
00:03:42Because it's the most romantic right? Mm-hmm. So the toilets in this romantic place. Okay. Sure. Yeah. Yeah, you know
00:03:48We're gonna be in
00:04:07It's on your mind
00:04:10Nothing, nothing
00:04:15Are you concerned? Yeah
00:04:18What makes you worried that we have one
00:04:21Conversation last night and that like got you really in your head
00:04:25There's just things that we had discussed before in the pods last night
00:04:27It felt like things were like shifted like what specifically you were like
00:04:32Now switching from like the three to five that we've spoken about so like sooner
00:04:37I was just kind of like is there anything else? You know, that's gonna
00:04:44Yeah, things will change
00:04:46but like
00:04:48The big things, you know, like the real important things. It's like really what I'm like really thinking about
00:05:00It's good, it's all good
00:05:13Miss bathroom, you just need a moment. I mean the bathroom
00:05:36All right, what do you make
00:05:39Eggs with some feta chili crunch, okay. I forgot we had grapes in here
00:05:51Because you're like terrible at hiding
00:05:55I'm not saying you're mad
00:05:59It's a lot. It's a lot. I know
00:06:01well, especially the sexual stuff it's like I
00:06:04Do understand like you're concerned there and I think they're valid but it's also at the same time like I'm clearly sick
00:06:11have a severe vitamin D deficiency and
00:06:14The PMS and like just the fact that I'm like going back and forth from Baltimore. I feel like shit today
00:06:20I don't want it to be something where you're like not satisfied because I am a sick person
00:06:28I'm willing to like work like work through these things with you
00:06:32yeah, I just like assumed like if you're sick like I
00:06:37Wish I didn't have to explain why I
00:06:40Mean the reason that I like brought it up now is just you know
00:06:44Like we don't have a lot of time before the wedding and I'm not saying that that's gonna be like an issue
00:06:48I don't think it'll be an issue. Like I'll never try to like
00:06:52Put you in a place like you feel forced to do anything
00:06:54like I don't need you to like feel the pressure to try to like prove anything or like try to be like
00:06:59Down the aisle are you gonna be expecting to see something this part of the experiment was like really important for me because it's
00:07:07like it's where we like make sure that we actually do have the physical intimacy that the affection and everything that like I
00:07:12Desire in a marriage and so like you're having doubts
00:07:17It's it's not so much like doubts it's a big decision like if I
00:07:21Get married like that's it. Like I don't mind
00:07:23It's like I want you like I don't want to like sit here and like go through this again with anyone else
00:07:28I just want to make sure it's
00:07:31100, you know, like it's
00:07:32There's no like especially it's something as big as like physical intimacy. I just want to make sure that that's right, you know
00:07:38And it's not right. It's starting a cobble
00:07:40It was like it was great and then like now obviously you're you're dealing with a lot
00:07:44And so like like sometimes you just like don't want to be touched or you don't want to be which is again fine
00:07:49I just want to make sure that
00:07:55It doesn't look like this
00:08:02Feel like I've been very affectionate with you there's been like no just maybe three times around like
00:08:07Lay off on patting me or whatever
00:08:09Like I call it petting because it feels like at times like it's just over stimulating like a yeah
00:08:14Yeah, and I get it like that's fine. Like I but it's really it's not fine because you're saying it's not fine
00:08:19It's not I'm saying I'm not fine. I'm just saying it's like long-term
00:08:23You know like if that would be an issue for me, okay, you know I'm saying yeah
00:08:32Okay, I feel like I've been affectionate with you. Oh, so it's like yeah
00:08:35No, you have been affectionate with me
00:08:37Like I'm not saying you haven't like when I do give affection and I'm like there's like a no or like you feel rejected
00:08:43Well, I know um
00:08:46Maybe I mean, yeah, maybe a little but again
00:08:48Like I wouldn't be respectful of you and like where you're at
00:08:51like if that's not something that you want or like I don't want to come off as if I'm just trying to like
00:08:55I'm just trying to have sex like I love you
00:08:57I care about you and like I want you
00:08:59but I'm just like I
00:09:02These are like it's a big decision
00:09:08Can I go like I'm sorry, I know like if you do if you
00:09:15It's building up no stop
00:09:22Okay, like I still want to marry you like I want you I just want to be like
00:09:28clear, you know
00:09:34Did you know like
00:09:35Men were always like there's like a high percentage of men when their wives get cancer
00:09:40They cheat on them your health becomes an issue that I'm gonna like want to go
00:09:43Like that's gonna be an issue for you and not even that extreme like postpartum when you have kids like there's periods before
00:09:50You have the kid like you're not want to be affectionate
00:09:52Maybe after you have a kid like this is probably to come up in multiple times in our relationship
00:09:57Is this gonna be an issue for you? That's a fair question. Yeah, like that's that's a
00:10:04That's a big thing. Yeah
00:10:05All right, it's fine
00:10:21Can't like control I feel like I can't control my body
00:10:25I'm not expecting you to like change or like try to control anything. Like I just I
00:10:30just want to have like an idea of just like
00:10:34Yeah, what our future's gonna look like I'm just scared you're just not gonna want to see this story because you're worried about like
00:10:50Like I'm not like I'm a ledge right now like ready to like jump ship
00:10:54No, like I'm still like I want to marry you like I still want to be with you
00:10:58Like I still imagine my future with you, you know
00:11:05There's nothing left to say
00:11:12If you're really
00:11:17Hey, so this is
00:11:23Nice to meet you
00:11:26You as well, okay, so this is Alex my fiancee beautiful lady
00:11:35You know, we call him Drake, right? Yes, he told me that and when people say Tim I always go
00:11:41You know, I'm thinking him when they say Tim. I'm like what? Yeah, cuz that's yeah
00:11:46His name wasn't supposed to be Tim or whatever. We're not gonna go there. I
00:11:51Really do like the idea of the
00:11:55Experiment the pods and I won't just say because he's my kid
00:12:00But Drake is he's really an awesome person
00:12:04He's a good person the very fact that he opened up and was able to talk cuz he's yeah
00:12:09he's very vulnerable sometimes to me Drake's vulnerabilities can come out as
00:12:14Almost like a separation type of thing. Have you seen that in him? Yeah, you have okay
00:12:19He definitely gets that trait from me. Don't you feel like that? Don't you feel like I get like that?
00:12:26And was that hard for you to kind of get used to I don't admit. Yeah, how do you handle though?
00:12:31I will say it has been a little bit challenging
00:12:34But I just give him the time and the space that he needs and when he's ready to come back
00:12:38And I'll tell you that part of it as far as him separating and needing his space. That's
00:12:45Just him my husband and I've been married coming up on 40 years and we are
00:12:51Totally different people you can probably just tell that just from sitting here for five minutes how different we are. Yeah, but
00:12:57makes it work if
00:13:00You are willing to give and take
00:13:04Yeah, is there anything that you feel like you would have to give up in order to be married at all?
00:13:09Um, I don't really see anything that I would really be
00:13:13Giving up besides my single life
00:13:16We are very
00:13:18Serious when it comes to marriage and we want whoever Drake marries to feel that way as well
00:13:26I don't want you to think I am taking this lightly. We don't believe in divorce
00:13:30I even said to Tim or Drake that I understand you're proposing to me
00:13:36But I'm not even gonna tell my father until you ask for my hand because I can't take that away from him
00:13:41And if I don't have his blessing, I cannot go through with this for us. Whoo
00:13:46We've been through a lot. Yeah, no matter how
00:13:50How hard it was how or how we processed it differently?
00:13:56the ability to
00:13:58respect his
00:14:01Viewpoint and for him to respect my viewpoint
00:14:05Is what kept us and keeps us together. I think I know your family has been through a lot
00:14:11I really honor your your marriage and your relationship. My dad and my stepmom had been married for
00:14:1725 years and I know that marriage isn't easy
00:14:21I just want to make sure I have like that solid partner teammate that
00:14:26Really isn't gonna you know hold on any type of situation
00:14:29I could I always can depend on them even if I'm really annoying him or vice versa
00:14:35Or we're just not seeing eye-to-eye like that's still my husband
00:14:38I still respect him and I'm never gonna turn my back on him when I say for better for worse
00:14:43I mean that in all aspects
00:14:45If he can be your best friend, you laugh more than you don't then you're winning
00:14:51Yeah, that's a win right there. All right, mama. There you wanna sit outside for a little yeah
00:14:57Yeah, get some fresh air. We'll be outside. I
00:15:02Think she's a nice young lady that I think you could spend your life with
00:15:08What I see is, you know, beautiful person. Yeah, I agree
00:15:14And you truly felt that before you met her in person, yeah
00:15:18We did bond on so much of the deeper stuff
00:15:20She is my first ever fiance for a reason, but I don't think we're always in
00:15:27Sync when it comes to some of the lighter things and how we joke around and you know, I'm not physically affectionate
00:15:33Do not touch me. That's just how I am. But that's something she wants all the time
00:15:38But if we just got an argument, I'm not going to cuddle. I
00:15:43Don't know exactly what we're talking about. But when you are
00:15:47in a relationship a marriage
00:15:49you kind of have to like
00:15:51Be open to what?
00:15:53Hurts your partner. Yeah
00:15:56Okay, there's no one perfect. You're never gonna find
00:16:00Perfection when you talk to her in the pods and you got down on your knee
00:16:06you were
00:16:08Sure, you were there. I
00:16:10Can't say enough. It doesn't matter how long you've known somebody you're gonna have to go through some drama
00:16:18that's just a part of
00:16:21the process of becoming one
00:16:23It's not easy to become one with two minds so wait
00:16:30You agree
00:16:32Yes, I do feel like you're ready for
00:16:37Marriage. I do feel like you're ready for family and if
00:16:42you and Alex
00:16:45Become a family. You're both our family and you both have all of our support
00:16:50I trust your instincts. I trust your heart and I trust your mind
00:16:59Tell us where to be
00:17:01Don't be late
00:17:03I like how you looked at him when you said that
00:17:25What if tonight is all we have
00:17:33Will you choose
00:17:47When I say that something is our superpower, I'm not being corny we're just really fucking good at communicating
00:17:59You cried about she said she said she didn't lay on the couch with me all day
00:18:10Don't hate you. You know, I
00:18:12I'm just disappointed in you and I am trying to navigate a million emotions at once
00:18:19I'm not taking it lightly. Yeah, even that you're here talking
00:18:24Because you didn't have to come back. You didn't have to talk. Yeah
00:18:28It says a lot about how I feel about you and us. Yeah
00:18:33Because I don't think I would do this in any other scenario I
00:18:37do want to give myself time and
00:18:40the first step starts with
00:18:43Knowing more about that dynamic. Yeah
00:18:47I had a very close friend her and her wife wanted to have a baby and
00:18:51I they couldn't afford sperm donor. I thought that was God telling me, you know help someone else and
00:18:56It felt good
00:19:01Do the kids know what you look like I don't think so
00:19:09Well, I guess the only thing we can do is
00:19:13Take it hour by hour
00:19:18So what we'll try
00:19:28Yeah, we'll give it a try
00:19:32I still don't know how I feel about it. But you know, no, that's what I say. Just try
00:19:37I'm gonna ask you to accept if you stay here. I'll sleep out here
00:19:41Seriously and I'll give you the space that you need if it gets to that point where you're like, I know it's not gonna happen
00:19:48I'm okay with that. You can wake up the day at a wedding and like
00:19:53I'm not doing this or I could walk down the aisle and think that
00:19:57Whatever it is if it's not yes, I can't be upset because I know we tried
00:20:02I know you tried because I know this is like a whole lot for you
00:20:11I'm sorry
00:20:16Really feels like we've been together for years
00:20:19It feels like we've been together forever forever
00:20:22I'm scared now. What are you scared of?
00:20:27This networking
00:20:33Oh told you if this isn't it this is it
00:20:44Just want to let you know
00:20:48I don't want to let you go
00:20:51Every kiss you gave to me
00:21:00I think this is gonna be fun
00:21:03Hi, hey guys Garrett and Taylor, yes. Yeah. Yeah. It's so nice to meet you. Great to meet you. Thanks for having us
00:21:10Go ahead and get settled and we'll get started sure
00:21:14My dad gave me a bunch of love letters for my grandparents. Wow, what a treasure?
00:21:20Like a lot of them and so the ones that I picked out from like the stack of them the day before
00:21:24Our engagement happened was the one and my grandpa was asking my grandma
00:21:29to say yes, and it had all the words that I was struggling to put together into like
00:21:34All the things that I wanted to say and so my grandparents like they're no longer here
00:21:39Sure, but they were able to be part of a really special day, you know different like cosmic way
00:21:44And I think for like our wedding
00:21:46It's also a way that they can be part of it. Absolutely. May I see?
00:21:51So beautiful. This is not something you see often today. This is
00:21:57And Garrett and I have like kind of busy schedules too sometimes
00:22:00So we've been leaving letters and like kind of like hiding them so you can find it later
00:22:05Just like thinking of each other
00:22:06so we were thinking of having like a letter writing station at the wedding and maybe like what we write today could just be like
00:22:13Like it like a motivator for maybe just above it in the letter writing station down here or something. Yeah. Yeah
00:22:19Is there a phrase in there that really strikes you? I
00:22:23Think it's I
00:22:26Don't want to leave you so speechless that you can't say yes, that is a great quote
00:22:31It would be really fun if you worked on that sentence and Garrett if you worked on
00:22:38The sentence that really struck you. Okay?
00:22:41Hmm, I don't want to do this. Why don't overthink you had a right in a right now
00:22:46You're doing great, baby. Yeah. Yeah
00:22:49Are you are you peeking? No, just know you're doing great
00:22:54I'm wondering if we can do something special for like
00:22:57your parents
00:22:58Like especially for your mom. She will appreciate that thought at the very least
00:23:03She may not want to be a part of it, but at least talk to her about it. You think she might not come
00:23:10She's still struggling with it. We can still do something. That would be like
00:23:14Make her feel more a part of it and comfortable about it, you know
00:23:18Hmm sure, she'll love to have you as a daughter and we'll fully embrace that. No, I know when that when that day comes but
00:23:31I would be perfectly happy just to have you say that you would marry me
00:23:45Like a bunch of me again
00:23:51Spider-man over here. This is so fun. Come on, miss karate. You got the balance. Oh
00:23:59My god
00:24:03Holy crap, that is crazy. That was so embarrassing. How do you compose myself? Yeah, that's gonna hurt. Oh
00:24:14I'm a stomachache now
00:24:20Good job. Hey
00:24:23That was lots of fun. It was you led some of the time. I let some of the time
00:24:29It's a team effort. Who do you think did better? I
00:24:32Would say you but I learned you showed me the way your eggs are starting to come just funny to me
00:24:37My dick. Yeah, like what was one of my eggs just you like
00:24:41You know trying to get through it and then I went through it like, you know, yeah
00:24:45I did it way wrong. No, you're
00:24:48I'm just being hard. Yeah, you're starting to accept me for who I am, right? Yeah, you think like you're ready to get married in two weeks
00:25:00Meeting your family and having that won't that go well and then meeting my family and having that go
00:25:05Well getting both of their support, you know, that was really important for me
00:25:08I think it's nice to have like family and friends opinions, but in the day, I don't really care what anyone else thinks
00:25:14My opinion is the only opinion that matters like no one's making the decision for me, but except myself
00:25:19Right. Yeah
00:25:24You didn't really answer my question though. Are you ready to get married in two weeks? Yeah, I said, yeah, okay
00:25:29I do want to get married then you've made me realize with some of your hard questions
00:25:33What I do need to work on to mature and be able to get married right because it's a big commitment
00:25:39No fucking joke. You've never really had to think about anybody else, right?
00:25:42No, you do. I want you to be like an active listener an actor partner. I don't want to have to like
00:25:48Always have to be the first one to start a deep conversation
00:25:52We're like initiate sex. I think it's all like about like
00:25:56Initiative when we're in the pods and you were talking about how like how much Irene you're like
00:26:00I would love to read like have you read I haven't had a chance to okay
00:26:03Like when I have free time, like maybe last night instead of going to watch the game. I could have read but
00:26:08You know, yeah priorities, right?
00:26:12There are little things right like in Mexico
00:26:14I couldn't figure out the lights like you got pissed when I couldn't figure out the 50 fucking lights
00:26:18But that wasn't like a one-time thing, right? Like hey, Anna, you know where the this you know, the disposal is
00:26:25You didn't say I was stupid. But like you're like, come on, like you should know this sometimes
00:26:30I feel like you know, you do think I'm
00:26:35Maybe sometimes like a level below you, you know what I mean? I just want to be treated as an equal
00:26:40I think you get treated like an equal and you start contributing like an equal
00:26:49I think sometimes I'm hard you to say mean things like you feel like I think that you're like below me
00:26:54You're not as mature as me or like I think you're stupid or dumb or whatever and I don't mean to make you feel like
00:27:00That but sometimes I feel like at 28 years old. You should know how to do things. So it just frustrates me
00:27:08'm not here to just like fuck around and date someone I'm here to like actually have like a person for the rest of my
00:27:13Life, you know, yeah. Yeah, I'm the same way
00:27:19As long as I'm being
00:27:22Truthful to myself as long as I'm working as hard as I can for you
00:27:26Is you know as long as I know the end goal and we have that angle in common
00:27:30Yeah, right to get married and I'm working towards it. Like that's all I can do
00:27:36Are you ready to get married in two weeks?
00:27:38I think I'm I'm mature and I'm ready and I just want to make sure you're mature and ready for it
00:27:42I've definitely like matured. I feel like a good amount since I've been with you
00:27:48Right, like without even realizing it. I'm growing behind every great man is a greater woman
00:27:54Yeah, yeah for sure. Like I can always look into your eyes and be like, this is the woman I fell in love with
00:27:59You know, I like that. Yeah
00:28:12Want to talk to you a little bit about the wedding planning because I talked to the wedding planner today while you were at work
00:28:17All right, let's go to the bed because I have a little surprise
00:28:21Rose rose petals. Okay, so we're gonna do boho glam. How does the glam come in with the boho the sophistication?
00:28:29Okay. Now mother-son dance. Do you want to do that? Yeah, that'd be cool
00:28:34Are you anything are you doing a dance for mom or no? No, is it because she doesn't want to I mean
00:28:40No, I think cuz I don't want to okay
00:28:44Okay, go ahead she asked about our father's I told him that like we were both raised by single moms
00:28:49Mm-hmm. Essentially. Well your father passed and then my father decided to you know, leave
00:28:55Do you want to honor your father in any way? So
00:28:58I was like saying we can just like in the entrance like whenever where people are signing in or whatever
00:29:02They can just like have I see like his photo. Let's do that
00:29:05Oh, I want to make sure I don't forget our parents are gonna sit next to each other
00:29:08That's a good idea. I would love to not have an aisle
00:29:12So we're just descending from the heavens
00:29:16We could like here's like where we stand right this is the little altar there goes me there goes you we have smiles on our
00:29:23Faces we're getting married and you have hearts all around your head
00:29:28Cuz we're getting married and you're gonna say yes
00:29:34Okay, like I hate that
00:29:36We're bringing two families together to friend groups together. We're bringing two lives together put it all together
00:29:42Yeah, I like the great ideas, baby. You only get married once. Yes
00:29:48but also twice
00:29:50right, I
00:29:52Want his marriage to look different from your previous marriage? No, it's definitely gonna be different
00:29:57Yeah, but I don't want you to be thinking of that I haven't been thinking about your previous marriage but
00:30:03When I sit here and look at it like this, I did think about your previous marriage. And so
00:30:08Yeah, I definitely don't want to do any more wedding planning without you. I will say yeah
00:30:15How are you feeling how are you feeling now, let's talk about that, um
00:30:20Obviously second my period
00:30:23I'm back to my normal energy level, you know where I stand on like affection and I
00:30:29Think we kind of figured that out, too
00:30:32And we did
00:30:35We figured that out quickly, yes
00:30:38Which is good now, you know like once a month. No, that's fine. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's fine
00:30:45Yeah, like do you have any doubts right now about like us making it to the end and getting married?
00:30:52I don't have like any like major doubts or anything
00:30:55I think what I have like right now is just like the normal there's like still stuff to plan
00:30:59There's still stuff to figure out. Yeah, like I have like those nerves
00:31:02Yeah, but in terms of big picture like, you know doubts or things
00:31:07I'm concerned about that would potentially like make me do that. I'll be realist. No, I'm glad to hear
00:31:15You're not having like doubts because I don't want to seem
00:31:19Like I don't seem like needy I'll probably need clarity throughout until I mean, yeah, we make it
00:31:24Don't feel like you're being needy by like wanting to have some sort of clarity about like where I'm at
00:31:30Do you feel sure about us getting married? Yeah
00:31:35Like yeah, like I do feel yeah, yeah. Okay. I just need to clear that up. I'm good
00:31:40Like I see myself at the altar with you like saying yes, I'll have those nerves
00:31:44No, honestly, yeah, no, I just like I do feel really good so good. Yes, I feel good, too
00:31:51So I'm pretty confident. Yeah, we'll be good
00:32:42What's up, hey, are you
00:32:46All right
00:32:49Let me know when you're ready to talk let me in all day. Do you want to talk now or
00:32:54Remember you sit over there. I
00:32:56Mean, I would rather talk to you intently. Yes
00:33:07Have a lot to say okay
00:33:10Some things happen in regards to my parents that I didn't really appreciate
00:33:14Like what would you like me to tell you? Yeah, sure. I understood you were sleepy, but my parents drove up here ten hours
00:33:22To meet you and as soon as the cameras cut you decided to go to sleep at the first opportunity
00:33:27These are the most important people in my life and all I have left in this world
00:33:32Mm-hmm, and the choice you made in that moment was to go to sleep
00:33:35Okay, and to me it is telling okay, cuz that's just not a choice that I would ever make. Okay
00:33:41I'm not here to tell you how to live your life. But for me that was not okay. I
00:33:46Was exhausted. I like to take my naps. We talked for hours about you about what I would
00:33:53be to them as a vessel as someone to lean on if it really
00:33:58Meant that's that to you. I would have stayed up
00:34:01I had been trying to communicate with you all day during the day. Can I just stop you right there?
00:34:06Sure, you're saying you were trying to contact me all day
00:34:08I talked to you three times yesterday and then at five o'clock you texted me sleep for most of the I was sleep for an
00:34:15Whatever. I did not text much yesterday. I talk very responsive. No, no, no
00:34:21Hold on cuz I don't appreciate that. Would you like me to tell my side of the story?
00:34:24I don't appreciate that. That's not true. Well, can I tell my truth and you speak your?
00:34:31Is that is that a possibility
00:34:33Absolutely. All right, so I
00:34:36Felt like I was not getting responsiveness out of you yesterday
00:34:39The only other conversation we had was when we were gonna get to the house and what was up with your car
00:34:44Yeah, I just said congratulations. You got your car back. Keep an eye out for it, right?
00:34:49I felt like even the response to that was kind of
00:34:53Yeah, I was just saying hey keep an eye out for your tires on your car, that's all I said, yeah
00:34:58To that there's nothing wrong with it, but the point is that's the only conversation we had that day. Okay at that point
00:35:04I'm just like King. Do you want me to finish?
00:35:07I'm so confused
00:35:10I'm trying to explain
00:35:12Would you rather explain go for it?
00:35:14All right
00:35:15By the time you called me you were ready to talk to me on your time and at that point
00:35:20I feel like if I haven't been talking to you all day and now I don't feel like talking
00:35:26You don't get to dictate that now we get to talk on the phone. Okay, when I went to work yesterday, it's a long day
00:35:33I'm interacting with people all day. I
00:35:36Called you and I let you know what was going on in the middle of the day
00:35:39And then I even texted you when my car was back and you're like make sure your car is okay
00:35:44I said, it's fine. And you're like, yeah, we'll just make sure your tires are good. I didn't respond
00:35:49Okay, I see I read it and I received it if you don't communicate that
00:35:54Hey, this really bothers me that you didn't respond
00:35:58How am I supposed to know then when?
00:36:02You called me. I was sleep because I had been running around all day
00:36:07So I took a nap and then that's when I called you immediately. You said I don't want to talk on the phone
00:36:12Okay. Okay. Well
00:36:14Maybe if I expressed to him that I do like talking on the phone, maybe it will change
00:36:18No, it didn't and it wasn't me trying to dictate. I was just trying to explain to you
00:36:22Hey, this is what I like just like you could have explained. Hey, I didn't like that
00:36:26You fell asleep while my parents were there. I get tired really easily. I don't know what it is
00:36:30I'm not trying to make excuse with your parents. I just talked to them for four hours
00:36:34I didn't think it was that big of a deal to go to sleep for an hour
00:36:38I really did it. But if it meant something you have to just say that you never said anything
00:36:44I cannot read your mind. You want me to be this person? That is your wife that
00:36:49Does everything by the book on your book
00:36:51But I can't be doing everything by the book unless you tell me you have to communicate that I am ready to listen
00:36:58I'm trying to understand you just like yesterday when we were on the phone and I called you again and you were like
00:37:03I don't want to talk to you because you don't listen. I felt very dismissed. I felt very closed off from you
00:37:09I was hurt
00:37:10I started crying because I don't understand
00:37:12What it is you have to admit it is not the same from when we're in the positive
00:37:16And I'm not saying it's all on you and I'm not saying it's all on me
00:37:19It's both of us. These are such little things. I'm trying my hardest
00:37:27After reflecting on what I really want out of life and a wife
00:37:31I have to be honest with myself that the answer between you and I for me is no
00:37:45All right, I
00:37:51Mean if your mind is made up I have many words to say on what you're saying
00:37:57Huh, I'm here to listen if you would like to but are you are you listening just to hear or are you listening as an
00:38:03Open mind to move forward because you just understand. I'm always listening to understand. I mean is your mind made up
00:38:10That is what I said
00:38:17told you I was gonna take this experiment to the very end and I did not take you meeting my father and
00:38:23Getting him that emotional so lightly. How dare you do that and then just throw it away after two days
00:38:28It's literally been two days since you did that and now you're ready to just throw it away because I fell asleep
00:38:33And because I didn't text you and text you honestly
00:38:36Yes, I took that for your father very seriously. Nothing has happened to actually do the work to give it a shot
00:38:43I feel like you don't even see the things
00:38:46Absolutely with one night. Well, dude, would you like me to answer? Yeah, for sure
00:38:49I'm not gonna get to speak. Absolutely. All right, so you want me to cuddle with you more?
00:38:56I intentionally rolled over and tried to hold you in that tiny ass bed and
00:39:00Upon asking you you didn't even notice cuz I'll sleep. What do you want from me?
00:39:04I don't think you realize how much work I put in to do that for one
00:39:08No for your family
00:39:10I woke up at 8 in the morning and went to the grocery store and had to hunt down a bunch of stuff season me
00:39:15Figure out the grill do all that was work
00:39:17And after that I came back and did the dishes
00:39:20If you sat here and grilled a whole meal for my whole family and I come back to dishes in the sink
00:39:26I'm not gonna ask you to do the dishes. I'm probably just gonna do them. Maybe I didn't communicate that sure
00:39:32However, if I have to communicate that I am NOT the one for you
00:39:41Do not try to make it seem like I'm not here doing my part at all. We're not gonna spin it like that
00:39:47I've been given such a negative response a temper tantrum sometimes like an attitude
00:39:53I just don't understand it if it's about the dishes if it's about me going to sleep if it's about a text all of that
00:40:01It's the slap in the face great. I'm glad you feel that way
00:40:04There's a lot I could respond to but there is no scenario that I see myself standing there and saying yes to
00:40:12making you my wife forever and
00:40:15With that in mind and I'm glad we can at least agree that I don't ever want to see you again
00:40:24This was nice, I wish you the best of luck
00:40:34When you play
00:41:16Love custom parties. It'll be best dress. That's your hair. Thanks. Okay, and it's real
00:41:24Even by real heavy. Yeah, nah, you know your neck about to be hurt. I didn't come to play games
00:41:45No, it's lovely that all came in on time that was perfect
00:41:49I know this is really surprising, but I don't often dress up like a flap. Don't believe that for a second
00:41:55I've seen the video. Oh
00:41:57Good my beads came in. You just keep these on
00:42:06Well, it's like, you know, it's all like what all the like Gen Z people do
00:42:19We're excited for our flight in the morning, yes, I feel I feel good
00:42:23I'm looking forward to meeting them and get a chance to explain how I feel. Mm-hmm. Me too. I don't say don't feel stressed
00:42:31I'm sure I will once I get on the plane. My dad was just like don't fuck it up
00:42:44Okay, definitely giving Gatsby vibes it's exactly what I'm going for I like it
00:42:50Thanks, I see it everybody's outfits too. I think some people are gonna want closure really I mean, yeah
00:42:57You know, it's already when you want closure with Nick. It might be
00:43:01Katie, you know, we matched up the first couple days
00:43:03We were each other's ones and at that time I was interested in her and then I just never saw her again
00:43:09It's not like I need closure, but you know, it's a simple conversation
00:43:13Sure, you know. Mm-hmm. What about you?
00:43:17I'm good. You're good. Yeah, I don't need closure. I made a decision. I made a decision me too
00:43:36We get we get started right now
00:43:50Just want to make it incredibly clear that if other women from your past are talking to you
00:43:57You're just shutting it down I'm engaged
00:44:01That's it shut it down it's shut it down
00:44:03Don't just like leave you come on bread or like even worse like like something. I totally totally totally understand. I'm sorry
00:44:10They obviously didn't mean anything. Like I don't feel any sort of way. I saw it this morning
00:44:14I didn't know how to react
00:44:15I just liked the message and then I literally did not think about the rest of the day
00:44:19She isn't anything to me anymore. I know but it's just I know that it's not part of your life
00:44:24But I do want you to think about like how would this make me I know I hear that hundred percent
00:44:28yes, especially someone who has been cheated on is putting an incredible amount of faith in you and like
00:44:35Believing in like trusting you completely you're gonna be married in like a week and I'm 100% here 100% here. I
00:44:42Don't want to say it's okay right now because I would just like would it be honest like and it's just really bad timing that
00:44:48Like we had all day to talk about this and now like I didn't think about right?
00:44:51Yeah, and I should have thought about it and that's the difference. I understand. Yeah, which kind of scares me a little bit
00:44:57like it's just
00:44:59I'm just I'm pissed
00:45:01The truth is we have an amazing relationship. We have a group. We have an amazing future ahead of us. I just
00:45:08Missed something today. I need a little bit of like
00:45:12Patience and under learning and understanding and I said it was gonna be this way like it was gonna have some
00:45:16Mistake that like I just I've only had an hour. I know I know
00:45:21It kills me to even see upset. I'm like fucking I
00:45:27And we're gonna be fine
00:45:28It's just like if I'm upset and I don't want to talk about I want to give you the space but I fucked it
00:45:32But now it's the timing you're like screwed. We're in this like stupid thing and I know you're upset. It fucking hurts me
00:45:38we're gonna
00:45:39Work through it be fine. I just now it's a shitty time. Now is a really terrible time
00:45:48I know and you got those ridiculous lipstick on I can't even kiss you right now. No
00:45:53Let's go to the party
00:45:57Hate being mad at you. I hate you being mad at me. Don't do stuff. You look fucking great though. Shut up
00:46:21You out you look great
00:47:00Hate their joy right now. Yeah
00:47:02Look I'm not mad that he wanted to add things but for you to end this engagement when you shook my father's hand
00:47:09Look to the night. I want to marry your daughter
00:47:12You're a coward. So you're just not gonna talk to him at all. No for what?
00:47:16He said he didn't want to ever see me. We talked to her yet today. There's nothing else to talk about
00:47:25Hope they're not talking about my shit. What's your shit? Oh, I didn't tell you guys. What's your shit?
00:47:29Yeah, what's oh, yeah, yeah, he donates sperm a few years ago for a gay couple that he knew and they have kids
00:47:38He didn't tell you in the pot no, no, I'm like, why would you wait in this instance until I feel like this you tell me
00:47:45You're gonna be upset. I think you'll get over it. Yeah, I think you like like here's the thing
00:47:50Like you guys don't understand every day. This man gets up and gets me coffee brings me flowers
00:47:53He wants to stay up all night. So I'm like, okay, I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna get some coffee
00:47:57He brings me flowers he wants to stay up all night talking he fights for me and I've never had anyone fight for me and
00:48:02Like I don't get sick of him when he's gone for our I miss him and it's not like a crush miss him
00:48:07it's like a deep connection, but to drop this is like
00:48:19Where's Steven at
00:48:25Talked with Steven on the phone today for over two hours. Oh my god
00:48:30Did he call did you call I called we just were able to talk through everything and and be in a good place
00:48:36there's no excuse for what he did, but like he's a good person who
00:48:41Fucked up, but you don't want to see him right like dating. No, absolutely not zero percent
00:49:06It is interesting seeing Bowdoin for the first time because I did have a like a connection with him in the pods
00:49:14Hearing his voice feels very like comfortable and familiar
00:49:36I'm so happy we can hang out tonight. Oh, do you want me Nick? Yeah, Nick. This is Katie
00:49:40I've never met Katie before. I'm in the pods. I met her. See I thought you were it's all
00:49:47We did have a connection, you know, the first three days we had each other ranked as one
00:49:52So cute Nick like what do you mean? It's very looking in person. Oh good looking person. Yeah, I mean that a nice way
00:50:15So my ex-girlfriend the one from the 60s, I have music or whatever she texted me last night and
00:50:20I respond just said like, you know, they're like they're ever and then did you say anything back? No, I just like
00:50:29So I said
00:50:34Okay, let me see your phone what did you say it's over there I can get it but I'll let me can I get it
00:50:39Later, I can get out if you'd like
00:50:42So I text her back and like just said hey, I didn't tell you this but I've met someone I'm engaged and
00:50:50Basically, like I don't think we should continue saying messages and hope you have a great life
00:50:55See you later or something. You did say that? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I was it
00:51:00You told me an hour ago that you only like like the message and now you're saying that you responded to like this like
00:51:07Objectively like connective like reach out something else not just like I liked it and left
00:51:13I just want to be very clear. Yeah, I didn't just know I said I said I just said I wrote a response
00:51:19That's not what you just told me an hour ago
00:51:21Yeah, we didn't get the specific like what was the response? But yes, that is what I did. I think we should let them
00:51:27Yeah, no, we're good. I think that Josh would you know have your space? I would love
00:51:32No, I'm not 100% just yeah, no, no, no, like I I want my own like
00:51:3910 yeah, I'll go like 20
00:51:43Something the same. This is like changing. It's just like crazy. Hey
00:51:48What's the fuck? Yeah
00:51:51It's weird. No. Yeah, it's really weird. Yeah
00:51:55Goddamn, you supposed to go
00:51:59Would you tell me?
00:52:02Omitting anything is a lot. We don't have any time to play these games
00:52:06I feel like he was around Tyler and forgot where the fuck he was and started telling all of the truth
00:52:11I just don't think that this is right
00:52:23It's weird hearing we both were like we both looked at each other I know I know that person
00:52:38Okay, so was I what you expected to look like when we talked
00:52:44Okay, I always expected you to be like kind of like short and tiny oh my god
00:52:51Tiny person, okay
00:52:58I guess I expected you to be pretty
00:53:02Yeah, it's also like a careful conversation now because like
00:53:06Call me pretty
00:53:09Yeah, no, it is like kind of strange as we dated for like literally almost all the other right so it's like back and forth
00:53:15So yeah, I'd go one day like oh, it's friends in the next day
00:53:18But it's voted but I did it so I'm more chiller. I think cuz we're both so like
00:53:23Francis is like, oh, we're so different
00:53:30But like in terms of like our personalities like we're like very different
00:53:34Yeah, I was so nervous super like the breakup time. I know when I walked in I was like, what's up?
00:53:39How are you? She was like an energy
00:53:50Seeing Bowdoin it just feels like he's a friend. No doubts about my relationship with Ramses
00:53:56I made the right decision seeing Bowdoin really confirms that if anything
00:54:03The ball here for the boy
00:54:06Nick's cute. I told her I was like, he's much cuter than no he is. Yeah, and I feel like that sounds bad
00:54:13But I just said it so
00:54:17How are you we're really good like this thing like it
00:54:20So I'm wearing up to know like my own flaws, right?
00:54:22Like I think with him sometimes I'm very overcritical and I'm part of him because I'm so overcritical and part of myself
00:54:28So I'm working on that. He has things to work on. Don't get me wrong. We all know Nicky D
00:54:32Like Nicky D has things. Yeah, but I want him to see the fun of Hannah too. Yeah
00:54:39He's great to me and I love Nick
00:54:40He's hard for me
00:54:41But I think like I could be the best thing in the world for Nick just because like there's so many things
00:54:45That he could show him. Remember when we were in the airport you were like, I want you to try new cuisines
00:54:50I want you to try this. I want you to try that. You're like you're used to sticking to the same things
00:54:55I was like wow go Hannah. Yeah, you could really broaden his horizon. Yeah, that's the thing
00:55:00It's like he just hasn't had the opportunity to I think some sexually too. I think when he said sex with partners
00:55:06He told me like with past partners
00:55:08It's just like that woman right where it's like you get off and you probably don't even think to ask if she had hers, right?
00:55:14That's the thing. It's like we have to get there
00:55:16Yeah, I was like in the way we get there like it doesn't come natural like we have to work for it
00:55:20We work for it, right?
00:55:21When I've been commuted for the last two weeks about what I need like I told me exactly what I need sexually that turns me on
00:55:26And you don't do it. You just continue the same thing that gets you off and it's frustrating
00:55:30because like
00:55:37A lot of people but the people that I've had sex with we've been very sexually exploited. Nick's not like that, right and
00:55:45It's almost like it's like an 18 year old
00:55:48Sexualness like things gross him out pussy. It's just like not what he thinks about it's like, okay
00:55:54Well, like you need to realize a woman needs pleasure as much as amazing. That's a fucking right. He doesn't like to eat pussy
00:56:02What yes
00:56:05Thick sex that maybe isn't the best you communicate
00:56:08You have to be very careful when you communicate
00:56:11Sexual problems because for a man it could be humiliating to make them feel bad or make him feel
00:56:16Ego yeah, and I don't want his ego. So you have to be very careful of the way you approach it
00:56:20Yeah, but like but he's learning that's the thing
00:56:23It's just like with me like I truly I really truly love that man
00:56:26Like I really do it's just sometimes I get frustrated with him just because he doesn't
00:56:32He's not the same love eyes, but understanding things and he wants to get there. He just never really had a chance to get there
00:56:51It's nice to meet you Nikki, it's it's great to meet you too. He's in the flesh in the flesh
00:56:58Look at my man Nick. You think he's having a good time over there, don't you?
00:57:03Let them have a moment the Katie looks like she's lining up and I'm like, are you really my friend Katie?
00:57:09She goes to me Nick's really attractive I said Katie you're supposed to be my best friend you don't say that
00:57:15She said that to me tonight. I'm serious. You're like, I'm like, it's like really truck. I'm like, ah, she said that you should I kill her?
00:57:24I did love her
00:57:28You were the guy that was very smooth
00:57:31Charismatic the football player like the athlete right like that is what I date in the real world
00:57:38And that's a stereotype you and I I apologize. This is 100% say I'm super chill. Tell me whatever
00:57:45This is the guy you would date in the real world. And this is why you're 35 and single
00:57:49I didn't care about your age. You didn't care about my age. We have a lot of similarities
00:57:54Yeah, I was really feeling you can't help when you were born. I can't help when I was born
00:58:00But so you don't care about age
00:58:03But like you have to understand like for the past like 15 years 10 years, whatever
00:58:09Day to this
00:58:11Damn girl. Hey girl, like can't you date like someone else?
00:58:16No, but I mean like the same time
00:58:18So why can't you accept that? That's your type and you just have married the right guy
00:58:23That's a great question
00:58:25If that's your type, that's your type. Yeah, right. You can't hold that against the next person you meet
00:58:30Honestly, I was attracted to you from day one. I was like damn
00:58:35Kitty's always on my I know you gave me goosebumps
00:58:38You gave me goosebumps. You get in the real world. You see all these people. You're like, oh
00:58:42Hey, love is maybe not blinds
00:58:45I mean you were my number one for three days for a reason right like same here. I
00:58:52Can literally look into like your eyes and tell you're a beautiful soul like you're a beautiful person
00:58:58Like you're super ambitious. You're gonna make someone happy as fuck someday
00:59:02You could like honestly make me cry over that thank you
00:59:07I mean it right. I'm super important on body language and
00:59:11Impressions and stuff like that like not even like looking at your IG cuz like Raji is beautiful by the way
00:59:17but like you're super you're dope as fuck right like I
00:59:25Was feeling you yeah, I'm not gonna lie, but you were doing the job
00:59:30Why is that there is nothing I want you to take personal from what I'm about to say, but when it comes to like
00:59:38Maturity, I didn't think you were quite there
00:59:40And I thought we like got to a good point and at the end of it
00:59:43It was like my mom's friends like really fuck with me
00:59:46Yeah, the older women really fuck with me and I'm like damn he didn't hear a word
00:59:50I just said yeah, I think like beyond that was just like the objectifying. Yeah, like that one date you were like
00:59:56Oh, I just know you're sexy. I know you're this. I know you're yeah, I'm sarcastic
01:00:00I like to joke around like if you said something to me, I'm like damn that's sexy
01:00:04Like I don't mean it in that way. You didn't see a future in me. That's totally fine
01:00:09But um, just know that like I really like talking to you. I think you lead with your charm and your charisma
01:00:17Yeah, too hard
01:00:19Okay, I think you're such like a beautiful and a deep person
01:00:23Yeah, like I would challenge you to lead with that
01:00:26Remember talking about your family and they just sounded amazing and I know you are this person that's filled with values
01:00:33I think you're this person that's filled with a whole heart lead with that
01:00:39Right, like don't lead with like I know you're so sexy. I
01:00:44Think that's a defense mechanism
01:00:47Which is maybe coming from a place of insecurity
01:00:50But I'm here to tell you like you are the whole package
01:00:53you're fantastic and I love and I'm proud of the person that you are and I'm proud of the growth that you've already
01:01:02Because you're in a position where you have a fiancee. Yeah, but like you guys are growing together
01:01:06But you're also growing as a person
01:01:07I think that's like the most beautiful part about what we're experiencing because I got to experience that as a single person
01:01:12Yeah, I'm moving on until whatever is next. Yeah
01:01:15I'm happy where I'm at
01:01:17I've learned to mature and be socially aware and like be aware of the words I say Bob learned a lot to grow as
01:01:23As a man and mature. I think the world of you like I literally tell Hannah all the time
01:01:28I'm like, I can't wait to bro out
01:01:30Just invite me to a Ravens game, please. Okay, we can do that
01:01:52Thought I'd get like very
01:01:55Live it
01:01:57You lied again, I didn't walk you said I just liked the message and I ignored it
01:02:04Yeah, and when people are in front of us you're saying well, no, I responded to it
01:02:09I'm not I don't even remember what I said
01:02:10This was more about like this thing happened, but we didn't revisit like what exactly did you say?
01:02:15No, we did. We were outside and I said you liked it
01:02:19I think that's weird that you just liked it and you left ambiguity and then you didn't respond saying like shutting it down. I
01:02:28Don't have to go through your phone. I know I know I know I didn't pause to think let me tell you like
01:02:33Exactly what happened for word? Well the response. Yeah, I did
01:02:36The whole thing is there's a response you said you just liked it and then the point was like you tell you hey
01:02:42This person said this I will get past you not fully thinking about this
01:02:47But then the fact that your story completely changed in front of other people
01:02:52How is that not upsetting but you're saying like there's a difference between just liking it and actually responding with words
01:02:57I didn't think there was a difference there and I'm sorry. I missed that deep. I apologize. Those are facts. These are not details
01:03:03Those are facts. These are not details. I want to be very fucking clear the same thing. Those are facts versus details
01:03:10Liking something passively is very different than being like I am actually responding to something that you know is significant to me
01:03:18It's not different. Is there a difference? No, there's not like how is there not that there's literally the details or the facts
01:03:24What situation so I guess we have a difference between like what facts and details are which like fucking sucks
01:03:29This is a semantics thing. The point is like
01:03:31Did you
01:03:34See you
01:03:40The point is I should have told you I should have told you the facts of the situation
01:03:54I'm so so so sorry. I'm gonna dumb this thing. I know should
01:04:04Should have told you first thing this morning. I made a huge mistake
01:04:08It eats me alive that you feel this way right now
01:04:22You're supposed to be my family tomorrow
01:04:34Told you how I needed me 200% for you like me my family but now I'm not 200%
01:04:40I'm fucked up and I'm very very sorry
01:04:44You know
01:04:45You said you had to be 200 cents your father if you do what you probably really feel like you want to do and like
01:04:49Say we're not going on flights from all I'm like if we don't go see my parents tomorrow like we're not doing any of this
01:04:54It's just too many red flags. I honestly
01:05:09It's just too much you're like you're talking about the wedding
01:05:19You can do whatever you want to do this is I don't that'll always be true. I'm I
01:05:25Fucking be absolutely crush, of course, I'll be miserable, but I'll understand that
01:05:34It's just it's just really weird doesn't really make sense to me
01:05:42I get what you're saying. I get that the fucking problem. I
01:05:48Know that
01:05:51I'm still the person that you knew I was before this happened. It doesn't change who I am
01:05:58Doesn't change all the things we've been through doesn't change how I feel about you
01:06:01And I've shown you all the ins and outs and that is who I am
01:06:08This thing is not defined
01:06:20Don't tell me
01:06:23I tell you everything
01:06:25And you know, that's hard for me. I
01:06:28Know you're sorry
01:06:31I'm just like incredibly exhausted
01:06:38And confused
01:06:43I'd like to
01:07:19This is when the tides will