• last month


00:00You see that dude right there, that's me, Izzy Batris.
00:05I cut my teeth for years working construction on million dollar beach houses.
00:09I'm taking all the secrets I learned on those luxury homes and bringing them to people on
00:14a relatable budget.
00:15Come on!
00:17Just looks so stunning.
00:18This is beyond what I could have dreamt of.
00:20This is my big bro Rudy, and as they say in the neighborhood, root dog.
00:24Our pops taught us everything we know.
00:26That's how we got here.
00:28Now we run our own business, renovating and designing homes in our hometown, Santa Ana.
00:33The whole family's part of the business.
00:35My wife, my son, my daughter, and all their cousins.
00:39We can give each other a hard time.
00:41If you got any questions, just Google it.
00:43No, don't Google it.
00:45But we'll give it all we got to give you the home of your dreams.
00:59Good morning, buenos dias, good morning.
01:02Good morning.
01:03How's everybody doing today?
01:06I started Batris at my house, and where I would store all my materials was in my backyard.
01:12I would always drive by that house because it's a main street.
01:15And so you can straight see through the backyard.
01:19I thought to myself, gosh, I wonder who lives in that messy house with all that stuff.
01:25Long behold, it was this man next to me.
01:30All right, so why don't we start off, Ben?
01:32What do we got?
01:33Well, I was checking the payments.
01:34Everything's looking good.
01:35Pretty profitable.
01:36I'll be sending out the job costing reports at the end of the day.
01:38So that means everybody's going to get a check?
01:40Yeah, everyone's getting paid this week.
01:42And you can even cash it.
01:45That's the important part.
01:47There's times we couldn't cash our checks.
01:48Wait a couple days.
01:49Wait, wait, wait a couple more.
01:51Okay, you're good.
01:52Go, go, hurry, hurry, hurry.
01:53We've come a long way.
01:55Back in the day, payroll was just very small here.
01:59But now there's a lot more mouths to feed.
02:03We have close to 40 employees.
02:05Half of them are family.
02:07We got a lead.
02:12I love your excitement.
02:13I love your excitement.
02:15They want to start a remodel.
02:17It's a four bedroom, three bath, 1960s home.
02:22It has not been touched since the 60s.
02:25It needs a lot of work.
02:30I want one of these.
02:33Follow me around.
02:34Joe became the hype man right now.
02:37All right, guys.
02:38I'm going to go check it out.
02:39Get to work.
02:40Have a good day.
02:41My goal in the next five years is to be in a place where I'm not worried about payroll.
02:46I need to teach the next generation the business so that I can step back a little and they can step up.
02:52Until then, I got work to do.
03:08Hi, Izzy.
03:11Pleasure to meet you, Matt.
03:12That's my dog, Penny, who's walking away.
03:13Penny, come inside.
03:14This is our little sunken living room that we like so much.
03:17We bought this house four years ago and fell in love with it.
03:20And the house needed a full renovation at some point, but we did see it as being currently livable, so we knew all of that work could come with time.
03:28Y'all are newly married?
03:30Six months.
03:31Oh, six months.
03:34I don't take any newlywed clients.
03:36But we have been together over six years.
03:37Yeah, we've been living together for most of that time.
03:39Because I need to know that y'all have been tested because this is really going to test the marriage.
03:44Let's get the money part out of the way.
03:47$180,000 is what we've been thinking.
03:49That's kind of our safe zone.
03:50Like a month before we did get married, unfortunately, Laura lost her job.
03:54They decided to restructure our department.
03:56So that has definitely affected some things.
03:59I stay up at night thinking about, like, is this the right decision that we're making?
04:04Because it's really scary not having a job.
04:06And as scared as I am to make this decision, I still want us to be able to have this house, like, truly be our dream home that we've worked so hard to have.
04:19We are definitely taking a risk.
04:21We're on a single income right now.
04:23Sticking to the budget is very important to us.
04:27Duly noted.
04:28Tell me a little bit about your style.
04:31Kind of classic and traditional.
04:33I really prefer keeping it to the neutral tones.
04:35I'm a little afraid of color.
04:37So my idea is to bring in color with accents because those you can easily change.
04:42We really like this room.
04:43This is the one room in the house that we do like.
04:46And we're just, we're big entertainers.
04:48We love having our family, our friends over.
04:51We have 30, 40 people here.
04:53Oh, you guys are rolling deep.
04:55If we can get this opened up with kind of a great flow of going from the house to the backyard.
05:01Because it really is kind of clunky.
05:03There's a lot of small walls.
05:05I agree.
05:06It's a little bit choppy here.
05:08Let's show you the kitchen.
05:09Vamanos, Penny.
05:10Let's go.
05:11This right here, this rail.
05:12I'm not really a big fan of that.
05:15So you guys got some wallpaper in here.
05:16Seeing better days.
05:19And so, yeah.
05:20The first thing you may notice, if you're prepping, you're in the kitchen.
05:22I do want to watch our nice big TV, but this is in the way.
05:26I'm sorry.
05:31This is weird.
05:32This is a little wall.
05:33And the upper cabinets, I would love to see those go.
05:35You know, we have a peninsula now.
05:36We like it to be an island.
05:38We really don't like the tile countertop.
05:40The grout gets gross.
05:41It's chipping in some places, and it's so hard to keep clean.
05:44So what is this room for?
05:45It's really just dead space.
05:47I mean, we have a card table over there.
05:49There's the door to the garage.
05:51And Penny's bowl.
05:52And Penny's food dish.
05:54We definitely need to repurpose this room.
05:56That would be awesome.
05:57We can open this up to give you that open concept.
06:00And for just the cost of framing,
06:02we can move the garage door a few feet,
06:04allowing us to expand the kitchen into this empty space,
06:07giving you plenty of room for a massive island.
06:10That would be awesome.
06:11I mean, if you could do something like that.
06:12Oh, good.
06:13The more open, the better, don't you think?
06:14Yeah, definitely.
06:15So we have a step-down bar area.
06:16What's happening here with this wood burning stove here?
06:19It's kind of a waste of space right now.
06:22We've never used it.
06:23We're, yeah, we're looking to get rid of that.
06:25We would love to have the flow of the outside to the inside.
06:29One thing we haven't talked about,
06:31it is not very bright in this house.
06:33Adding additional windows would be very pricey.
06:36We could replace this slider with something
06:38larger for a lot less money.
06:40We could use the same header here.
06:42I'm thinking a 10-foot opening that makes it feel
06:45a bit more centered to the space.
06:47It would connect all these three spaces.
06:49Yeah, I love that.
06:50It's going to dramatically impact
06:52how much daylight comes in.
06:53We would love to still keep a bar in here.
06:55Right now, it's literally just a drop zone
06:58for us to put food or drinks.
06:59And we don't usually turn on the plumbing.
07:01Oh, is there a reason for that?
07:03Yeah, the drain doesn't work very well.
07:05Oh, OK.
07:07So when we first moved in, we had water intrusion.
07:09So this, if you look, this corner right down here.
07:12Oh, I'm sorry.
07:16I'm going to have to open that up and see how much damage.
07:18This will be what I call a field condition.
07:22A TBD.
07:23Scary, but all right.
07:25And I want it to be something where people see it
07:27and they're like, whoa, that's a cool bar space.
07:29That's exactly what I want in here.
07:31That is a cool bar space.
07:33Let's go look at the brown bathrooms.
07:35Can't wait.
07:37No, they're bad.
07:38Yeah, we would love to have a cohesive flooring
07:40throughout the house.
07:41Oh, I like the pop of color here.
07:43Did you guys pick this color out?
07:45Anything that can be easily changed.
07:48Yeah, but this isn't easily changed.
07:50It was all good until we turned the corner here.
07:52It's a lot to take in.
07:53This is definitely a 60s design.
07:57And then the brown toilet.
07:59We couldn't get a brown toilet seat cover to match it,
08:01so we have a two-tone.
08:03Privacy is the big thing.
08:05When one of y'all gets up, getting ready, everybody's up.
08:08Even the dog, she'll put her paws over her head.
08:10She does.
08:11She'll cover her face.
08:12Yeah, it's that bad.
08:13So enclosing this in some way would be.
08:16OK, getting a little privacy.
08:17We can make it feel a little bit opened
08:19up by removing this wall here.
08:22It'll give the illusion of more space.
08:25My dream primary bath.
08:27It's definitely very clean, almost like you're in a spa.
08:30Really keeping with the whites and the neutral tones.
08:33Yeah, with some natural wood if possible.
08:35Yeah, I like white oak.
08:36I mean, I just renovated a multimillion dollar house,
08:39and we put white oak everywhere.
08:42Definitely has a luxury feel to it.
08:45The challenge with white oak is that it's very expensive.
08:48It's running about $1,500 a linear foot,
08:52and you have seven feet here.
08:53That's a little bit over $10,000.
08:57Yeah, that's going to blow a lot of the budget.
08:59What we can do, I could get you imported birch,
09:03because that comes in a little bit more of a red hue.
09:06I could bleach it down to get the red out.
09:08It's going to have the same look,
09:10and I could do that for about $300 a linear foot.
09:13I think I really like that idea.
09:15It sounds like a way we could kind of level up.
09:17Yeah, me too.
09:18What's next?
09:19Guest bath.
09:20Guest bathroom.
09:23Oh, my God.
09:25I mean, it reminds me of my grandpa's Impala.
09:28Everything was brown in there.
09:30Brown toilet, brown sink.
09:34Yeah, this is always a conversation piece.
09:37We definitely got to bring it back to this generation here.
09:40The whole scope of work, it's a lot.
09:42And there's a lot of unknowns.
09:44We want to leave at least 5% to 7% of contingency.
09:49So how long would this take if we were to go through with this?
09:52We're looking at 12 weeks.
09:55It's a long time living with your brother.
09:56Can you do that?
09:57We'll see.
09:58You guys cool?
09:59We're really close, so it should be fine.
10:00I don't think I could handle one week living with my brother.
10:03So give me a couple of days to put the proposal together,
10:07and then I'll shoot it over.
10:08Thanks so much.
10:09Thanks so much, Izzy.
10:10Nice meeting you.
10:12Come get it one more time.
10:13Just to be sure that you know what's good.
10:16Electrical, framing, drywall.
10:23All right.
10:24There it is.
10:25That only leaves $7,000 for contingency.
10:29That's less than 5%.
10:34What are you doing, Jeff?
10:35Making the pool.
10:36We need to be packing right now.
10:39We have like hours left, and we still need to pack.
10:44I am stressed, and this guy is avoiding.
10:55So this is what I want to do.
10:56Rich and Raul do the kitchen.
10:58Start demoing the kitchen.
10:59Joe, help the pros.
11:01Chava, go ahead and start doing the carpet.
11:03And Carlos, you start in the bathroom.
11:07Cut everything.
11:09Take it down to the wood.
11:14What's up, bro?
11:15Hey, what's up?
11:16How you doing?
11:18Can I show you something?
11:20I like that the guys are going to town.
11:22What do you see there?
11:23Sagging right in the middle.
11:25We need to find out structurally how bad this is.
11:29Let's get this demoed so we can check it out.
11:36All right, you want the kitchen, and I'll get the entry tile?
11:39If I finish first, you guys buy lunch.
11:41You hear that?
11:42You're buying lunch.
11:43This was the most competitive out of both of us.
11:48Because I'm always trying to prove something.
11:58As kids, Rudy always had the upper hand.
12:01He was always first.
12:03Everything came to him first.
12:07We're done.
12:08They're buying lunch.
12:09Go check it out.
12:10Because you have a small space.
12:13Don't hurt yourself.
12:14Yeah, OK.
12:15Don't hurt yourself.
12:17Today is a good day, as my boy Ice Cube used to say.
12:22And today is the day where I beat my older brother.
12:30All right, let's see what we got here.
12:31My gut tells me they just didn't size the beam correctly.
12:34See that?
12:35It's just too long of a span.
12:37Oh, you got a bit?
12:39So here's a little talking point.
12:42So the sag, the reason why it's sagging
12:45is because of the beam.
12:46It's undersized.
12:47My concern is if the beam is undersized,
12:50the footings carrying that beam is also undersized.
12:54Jeff and Laura want an open concept.
12:57And in order to do that, I have to install
12:59a beam that weighs over 1,000 pounds.
13:02It's a 6 inch by 16 inches.
13:04That's a massive beam.
13:05We've got to open up the subfloor,
13:07see if the footing's undersized.
13:09So if it's too small, what does that mean?
13:10Then that means we're not only replacing the beams,
13:13but we're putting pad footings underneath the footings.
13:16And each one costs about $4,000.
13:18If I have to reinforce those footings
13:21and install new pad footings, that's
13:24going to put Jeff and Laura way out of budget.
13:29Oh, shoot.
13:30Grab the flashlight.
13:31It's pretty big.
13:32Look at that.
13:33You see that, Joe?
13:34What am I supposed to be looking at?
13:36You see that piece of concrete?
13:38Underneath there is your footing.
13:40So that's good.
13:41The footing is well oversized to support the new beam.
13:45So we've just got to see if that's
13:47the same thing over there.
13:49So you want to check to see if there's a footing there?
13:51A wall of concrete.
13:52That's what I'm looking for.
13:53A wall of concrete.
13:55Check to see if there's a footing there.
13:56A wall of concrete.
13:57That's what I'm looking for.
13:58A wall of concrete is what you're looking for.
14:01You see the little light bulb going on in there?
14:04A wall of concrete.
14:09That's a clean cut, Joe.
14:12Better than I did.
14:13I know.
14:14It's good.
14:15I see two concrete walls.
14:16Over here and then right here.
14:19So we don't have to do a pad footing.
14:20Joe started off with us doing small jobs and running errands.
14:24I know deep down inside, Joe wants to lead.
14:27We are slowly teaching him all the trades.
14:31Really never had any other career ambitions
14:33other than construction.
14:34I really want to be a foreman.
14:36I want to step into those shoes and take over the role.
14:39I know how to have it in me.
14:44I want him to step up, and he has to earn it.
14:49Day one of the bathroom.
14:51We've got it demoed.
14:54This is a mess.
14:57This is a mess.
15:00What up, loser?
15:01How you doing?
15:03Well, sweeping up my mess that I made.
15:06And this is the hole I made.
15:10You look like you're about the same height as the already.
15:14So if you're looking for concrete walls,
15:17this is going to be one, and then this is going to be the other.
15:20Oh, my gosh.
15:21Well, I found your new contact photo.
15:23I don't want to be told what to do.
15:27But if you can make my body move, then I'll shine for you.
15:33Laura and Jeff's space is completely demoed.
15:36Today, Joseph is picking up the lumber
15:38so we can frame up the new floor plan.
15:47What's up, bro?
15:49Quick question.
15:50Are you guys ready to frame?
15:51Yeah, but, well, we are, but we're not,
15:53because I'm waiting on Joe.
15:54Joe's supposed to pick up our framing materials.
15:56He was supposed to be here first thing this morning.
15:58How many guys you got on site right now?
16:00Yeah, four guys.
16:01So I had them get ready, had them spread their tools,
16:03just kind of trying to buy some time.
16:05But we're running out of things to do until he gets here.
16:07Oh, my gosh.
16:10What's going on?
16:11Guys are waiting on the lumber.
16:12Oh, shoot.
16:13Completely forgot about it.
16:15We were all expecting you here with the lumber.
16:18I printed blueprints for the Fullerton job,
16:20and I'm just dropping the tile off there now.
16:22You got a bunch of guys hanging around here.
16:24High dollar guys standing around.
16:25High dollar guys, and they're all waiting on the lumber.
16:28Yeah, I know.
16:29That was my bad.
16:30I'll be there in a little bit.
16:31Joseph's 24 years old.
16:32And when I was 24 years old, I had plans.
16:35I had goals.
16:36I had futures.
16:37I knew what I had to do.
16:38I want him to learn and have a passion for this work.
16:42Well, let's see if we can get these guys on right now
16:44while we're waiting.
16:49Look who decided to show up.
16:53Not a good way to start the day, Joe.
16:55We can talk about that later, bro.
16:57I mean, right now at this point,
16:58we're just going to get everything off.
17:00Time is money.
17:01That's why I got six sticks on my shoulder.
17:03I mean, especially if you want to be a foreman,
17:05you got to be the first one on site,
17:07ready to give everybody their daily workload.
17:10Yes, sir.
17:12Come on.
17:13Let's go.
17:16We didn't get a full day of framing in,
17:18but the shower in the primary is fully up.
17:21We added the header to open the living space,
17:23and we were able to move the garage door
17:25to make room for the kitchen island.
17:27Joe doesn't think that losing half a day is a big deal,
17:31but every delay adds up over the renovation.
17:34I mean, it's a big deal.
17:35It's a big deal.
17:36It's a big deal.
17:37It's a big deal.
17:38It's a big deal.
17:39It's a big deal.
17:40It's a big deal.
17:41It's a big deal.
17:42It's a big deal.
17:43It's a big deal.
17:44It adds up over the renovation.
17:53Oh, my God.
17:57I am speechless right now.
17:58You guys said, open it up.
18:00This is amazing.
18:01And it's, like, not even close to being done.
18:03So the beams, the framing, the raising up of the kitchen
18:07ceiling, all of that was already in the proposal.
18:10Some of the unknowns are not always in the proposal.
18:13Laura and Jeff's house, it's old.
18:16And delivering the news that they have to spend money,
18:20especially knowing that she just lost her job,
18:22I don't like that part of the business.
18:27Oh, my gosh.
18:28Bar is gone.
18:29That doesn't look good.
18:31Guys, can you give us a minute?
18:33You can see the backing of the paneling,
18:35it has been rotted away because of the water damage.
18:38It looks like the framing could possibly be dry rotted.
18:42I won't know until I remove more.
18:43We won't do that right now.
18:45We'll wait for you guys so the guys can put masks on
18:48and you guys don't have to breathe all that.
18:50There might be a dent into your contingency fund to about $3,500.
18:55$3,500 is scary.
18:57We're just starting this process.
18:59I'm nervous of what else we're going to come across.
19:02And are we going to hit that 7,000 contingency and then some?
19:12So how does it look back there?
19:14Well, let's see.
19:15Oh, it smells nasty in there.
19:18It sure is nasty.
19:19Oh, shh.
19:21I thought I saw something move in there.
19:23I think there's a dead rodent in there.
19:25It might be.
19:27Yeah, I don't like rats.
19:29Oh, shoot.
19:30Is there more than one?
19:32Poor little guy.
19:35Today I learned that I'm still afraid of rats.
19:38Today I learned that I'm still afraid of rats.
19:41I thought I had gotten over that, but apparently I haven't.
19:45They're fortunate that there's no more dry rot, that's for sure.
19:49So it looks like once we clean it all up, re-insulate it,
19:52it's going to be about $800.
19:55It's a small section.
19:56We already had drywall in the bid because we're going to take out the paneling.
19:59All right.
20:00That sounds bueno.
20:04Joe, can you clean this up, buddy?
20:23Are you ready?
20:24I'm ready.
20:25You going to pump me up?
20:28You just spit on me.
20:29Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
20:30Come on.
20:33Oh, hi.
20:36Looking good.
20:38You like it?
20:39I'm ready for it to start looking pretty.
20:40I brought some samples, and if we can just dive into that.
20:45Ooh, be careful.
20:46That bag's pretty heavy.
20:47So my overall vision for your home is a mix of modern, traditional.
20:53All right.
20:54Let's start with the cabinets.
20:56I would say for-
20:57It's going to be a two-tone color.
20:58It's going to be a two-tone, yes.
21:00So this would be the island and the pantry, and then the white in the perimeter.
21:04So we're not going full custom cabinets.
21:07We're going to go semi-custom.
21:08That's less expensive.
21:10Feel the weight of that door.
21:12That is a weighty door.
21:13That is because it's solid wood.
21:15They are semi-custom because they come in certain dimensions.
21:18For your space and your dimensions, there's nothing that needs to be customized.
21:22So this is going to be a great fit for you guys.
21:26A custom kitchen is going to run about $76,000, just the cabinets alone.
21:32Your kitchen is going to be about $28,000 in the cabinetry department.
21:37That sounds much more feasible.
21:38This would be your countertop.
21:40Oh, nice.
21:41Love that.
21:42That looks good with that, too.
21:44It has movement in there.
21:45And then the countertop that we're using, we're also going to use that for the backsplash.
21:50We're going to run it all the way to where the cabinets are at.
21:54So we'll go all the way up to the cabinets.
21:58Because Jeff doesn't like grout.
21:59That's a good point.
22:00That is something he requested.
22:02And for an even more custom look, we'd like to add some millwork to the sides of the island and the hood vent.
22:09Giving you some warmth.
22:10That adds visual interest.
22:12So that way it could give it a unique feel to the space.
22:16I've always liked the waterfall edge, but that's done before.
22:19I like the idea of doing something kind of a little different.
22:21That's kind of cool.
22:22So this is a modern feature.
22:24We'll add some traditional styles doing that beautiful apron, sink, and then, of course, brass faucets.
22:32I don't know if I want brass or black in here.
22:35I mean, is this something do we have to decide now?
22:37Can we have a minute to think about that?
22:40We can circle back with those finishes.
22:41So that's not a problem.
22:42I'm glad that Laura and Jeff like the idea of millwork.
22:45Adding texture is a trick I learned from working with clients that fear color.
22:49It's still neutral, but it will add some visual interest without being too pricey, which is important given Laura's work situation.
22:57I want to be very mindful of that.
23:01No more brown tile.
23:02I love it already.
23:03So for the flooring, these are porcelain made to look like marble.
23:08It's a little bit less expensive, not going marble, but still giving you the look.
23:13Getting still that look for a cheaper price, I am for that.
23:16Definitely am leaning towards the light color.
23:19Kind of even reminds me of the countertops we just looked at for the kitchen.
23:22Oh, you're right. Yeah.
23:23So this would be the door cabinet.
23:25That looks really pretty together.
23:26I like that.
23:27I do too.
23:28For the shower area, I have ribbon tiles.
23:30It looks like wood.
23:33These are kind of cool.
23:34And the best part of this is that they come in big format, so not a lot of grout either.
23:40Really love this, and I think I like the darker one better than the lighter one.
23:44And for the paint that's going to go in here.
23:46What do you guys think about something like this?
23:48I do love kind of a sagey green color.
23:51Probably look really nice.
23:52It's something subtle.
23:54It's hard for me to visualize, but I think I like it.
23:56I really like this design.
23:58And if you don't like the paint, I will personally come and paint it over.
24:02That means me.
24:06So, Joseph.
24:08How much does that set us back with the lumber not being there on time?
24:09Well, the guys are standing around for about half a day.
24:10We may fall behind schedule.
24:11My pa.
24:12Is that dad?
24:13Yeah, dad's here.
24:42kidnapping that was
24:43my pops always worked in construction
24:45he took us everywhere
24:48that's how i earned my stripes
24:50you were always told
24:51where to be when to be
24:52and how long were you going to be there
24:54get in the van
24:55where are we going
24:56it doesn't matter
24:57you'll know when we get there
24:58yes sir
24:59like okay
25:00there was no response
25:01So he's saying I was a player, he was in my job at the time, you could see the girlfriend.
25:15So he's saying you were slow.
25:17You were a player, and you would work, and then you were God, and I would stay and concentrate
25:24on the job.
25:25That was your takeaway?
25:26My takeaway was that I was a class worker.
25:28And you were slower.
25:46What can we do to be able to continue this legacy to pass on to our children?
25:51You know, we've got to come to grips, maybe they might not want this.
25:58Yeah, at the end of the day, you can't force our kids to take something on that they're
26:03not going to want to do.
26:04So you just have to have patience.
26:11The way I describe my dad now is very different from who he used to be.
26:17Now he's a patient man, you know, and I think it's probably because he just doesn't have
26:21the energy.
26:22Doesn't have the energy to become impatient.
26:24He just went wild.
26:26He's like one of them old bulls from the rodeo that never really left the rodeo.
26:30He's like still there.
26:31He ain't going to hurt you, but you know, he'll let you pet him.
26:35Oh my God, what?
26:43Hey Juan.
26:44Hey, so I'm here at Laura and Jeff doing the drain inspection.
26:50On the kitchen, it's all corroded.
26:53There's a blockage there.
26:54In the primary bathroom, we found cracks on the cast iron pipe.
26:58It's pretty bad.
26:59Oh shoot.
27:01Laura and Jeff's contingency fund is tight.
27:04It's less than what we usually set aside and we've already taken a big bite out of it.
27:08Fixing this drain issue is going to deplete most of what we have left.
27:14Hi Jeff, it's Izzy.
27:15So the guys are working on the drains right now from the kitchen to the laundry.
27:20That is completely corroded and your drains in the bathroom have a two foot gash on there.
27:33The drains aren't any good and this would be a good time to just replace all the drains.
27:39What's that going to cost?
27:41You're going to spend about $3,500 and this is going to push the schedule back about a week.
27:48I really don't love spending the money, but it's the lifeblood of the house.
27:52I get to do it, so let's go for it.
27:53All right.
27:54Thanks Jeff.
28:00The plumbing fix is a necessity, but it leaves us less than three grand for any unknowns.
28:05If anything else pops up, we're in trouble.
28:12A little warm out here today.
28:15It is a warm day.
28:16Get wearing the appropriate attire.
28:19You guys want to take a look?
28:21Let's take a look.
28:22All right.
28:24It's coming along.
28:25Oh my gosh.
28:26All right.
28:27I'm starting to see.
28:28Like finally looking like our space.
28:32I can't get over this slider still.
28:35I just think like, yeah.
28:37The space, it's made it so much brighter in here.
28:40This is amazing.
28:41So now we're ready to hit the bar.
28:43It's go time.
28:46Jeff's favorite part.
28:48So I got some ideas for you guys.
28:50Trying to make it more modernized using the same cabinets from the kitchen and the slab.
28:57So it's all cohesive.
28:59We're going to add a kegerator in your beverage center.
29:03It's a low cost luxury item that no one else has.
29:06It'll make the bar feel high end.
29:09No keg stands in here probably.
29:11All right.
29:12We'll see.
29:13I have this beautiful blue tile.
29:15Can you pick that up?
29:16I want to add a pop of color.
29:21I know you guys don't like too much color.
29:25But this is going to bring out those beautiful colors from the pool, bring the outdoors indoors,
29:30and then shelving here.
29:33And two pendant lights.
29:34Doing the floating shelves instead of upper cabinetry will be less expensive and make the space feel more open.
29:39I think it's just going to look divine.
29:41I really like it.
29:42I think it has a lot of good movement and texture, which kind of mimics the water, like we kind of were talking about with the pool.
29:49I really love it.
29:50I do too.
29:53I mean, you and Izzy both match it perfectly.
29:55That's true.
29:56I texted him in the morning.
29:57We said not to wear the same coat.
30:00You didn't get the memo about the sharks though.
30:02I didn't get the memo.
30:03We'll start ordering stuff right now.
30:05I have an idea for this wall.
30:08It's a living wall.
30:09Adding some plants in here, maybe some herbs for, you know, spurs up some of those drinks.
30:16I've seen these at lots of high-end hotels and fancy restaurants.
30:19It will give an elevated look for not a lot of money.
30:22I've seen those before in places, and I think they're really cool.
30:25I like having plants inside.
30:27I like the idea.
30:28I have no idea if you know any idea what she's talking about.
30:30No idea what you're talking about.
30:32I'm skeptical, but you've been doing great with everything else, so I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.
30:37I'll convince him, because I think it sounds pretty awesome.
30:39I think this is going to be kind of like the wow factor.
30:42I'm excited.
30:43I agree.
30:49Today, we're installing cabinets in the kitchen and the bathroom, laying flooring down,
30:53and I'm going to have Joe start the shower tile in the guest bathroom.
30:57All right.
31:05That is not the right one.
31:06The dimensions of the slat are incorrect.
31:10And the color is incorrect, too.
31:13I'm going to call the vendor and see what happens.
31:16That's going to set us back.
31:17Who knows? It might be in stock.
31:22The tile that showed up, that's for sure no-go.
31:27Yes, that would be perfectly fine.
31:29We could get the right tile, but not for a few days.
31:32This delay is going to push our schedule.
31:34So, to make up some time, we're going to have to work the weekend.
31:44Hey, buddy.
31:46I haven't been here in a little bit, so I'm going to take some pictures real quick.
31:48There's a lot of work here to do.
31:50I say everybody's going to be working Saturdays and Sundays, but I don't know if I want to show up.
31:54If you don't come, then it's like they're not going to take you seriously.
31:57I'm not trying to work 24-7 like they do.
32:00You have to think about it, too.
32:02You want to move up.
32:04Plus, it comes with a bigger paycheck.
32:05It does, and that's the paycheck that I need.
32:08I think because they are children of immigrants, they see how hard their parents worked to get here,
32:14so then they put that upon themselves to put that same amount of work in.
32:18We may love our jobs and our careers and everything like that,
32:21but we also want to make sure we have that healthy life balance.
32:24I'll be out in a bit.
32:25Israel, he was taught to only ever work and pay bills and never live life.
32:31I want the opposite.
32:32I want to enjoy my life.
32:40Today, we're finishing up the floors and cabinets to make up a little bit of lost time.
32:44The tile for the guests and primary bathrooms are here, so we're going to tackle those spaces, too.
32:49Joe, is he supposed to be here?
32:50Well, I asked.
32:51I didn't tell him.
32:52I remember coming up, I was eager to ask for weekends.
32:56I was like, y'all got some work for me?
32:59Sometimes I wouldn't even get paid.
33:01I just wanted to learn.
33:02If he's not ready for it, I don't want to give him something prematurely and then set him up for failure.
33:08His door was closed when I left.
33:10We'll see if he shows up.
33:15I like the Eurostyle look, bro.
33:17Morning, good morning.
33:18Hey, look at here.
33:22Was it tough getting up or what?
33:23A little bit, but I figured, you know, if I want to become a foreman, I got to be here.
33:27An earlier bird gets the worm, but I'm the late bird today, so I got to make up for it.
33:33But, I mean, this is the position that I want.
33:35I want to be part of the crew.
33:36I want to be bigger and just have more knowledge on my head.
33:42You really thought that when you got up?
33:45That was the morning realization this morning.
33:52Good morning.
34:04Thank you, Chewy.
34:05I knew you were going to show up, son.
34:07If anything, you guys should be thanking me.
34:09I'm the one who convinced him to go.
34:10I gave a pretty good pep talk about you, Chase, on my show.
34:12Good job.
34:20Hey, Brian, what's going on over here?
34:21Since you guys were living with us for a few months, I figured I'd make my brother earn his keep by mowing our lawn.
34:27When was the last time you mowed a lawn, Jeff?
34:29Oh, I mowed at our parents' house.
34:32So back to living with your brother again.
34:34Ready to get back into our house.
34:42With Joe's help, we were able to make up some time over the weekend.
34:45Today, we're going to start installing the custom millwork.
34:51What's up, Joe?
34:52Hey, Dad.
34:53Oh, you got a jump start on it, huh?
34:56Oh, yeah, that looks nice.
34:57It's going to feel like a custom kitchen.
35:03Yep, nice and tight, nice and tight.
35:09You know what?
35:10I think that one's a little too tight, no?
35:15It's bowing down?
35:16It's bowing, yeah.
35:20Oh, see, it is like a sixteenth off over there.
35:22My goal for every single project is to deliver a high-end, custom look.
35:26The materials for the island and the hood vent, the woodstocks were only $1,500.
35:31It's the design and the execution that gives it that custom feel.
35:37This looks nice.
35:40One day, you're going to be doing your own kitchens, design your own kitchens.
35:43And if you could save the homeowners money by just adding these small details,
35:48they're going to love you.
35:49They're going to be like, where's yo? Yo quiero yo.
35:53I hope they call me up.
36:00We have one week left to wrap up this house.
36:03We're going to start installing the kitchen countertops, finishing up the bathrooms,
36:07and install the tile in the bar area.
36:11Rudy, you're going to install the hardware.
36:14Joe, can you clean the windows?
36:16We've got tons of things to do today.
36:19The light switch, how's that?
36:21All right, we'll leave you in there. If it falls, you fix it.
36:24Make sure it lines up right here, like that.
36:26And then we'll tighten it from the bottom.
36:28Wow, you finally get to play with your own plant.
36:30I do.
36:31I decided to add a living wall into this area and bring a little bit from outside indoors.
36:38And of course, it's going to give it a beautiful pop of color.
36:42What is that? So I can smell it from here.
36:44This? This is mint.
36:46So mint, such a great aroma.
36:48And Jeff likes to prepare his cocktails,
36:52so I figured what a better way to add a little bit of mint leaves to add into their drinks.
36:58I think it's really cool.
36:59It's a low-cost luxury item no one else has.
37:04And there's also like a spa here.
37:06Yeah, I know. I'm getting to it.
37:08Is it even closed?
37:10It is.
37:11Open the door!
37:14I'm going to call Mom.
37:19It is our last night at Jeff's brother's house and my sister-in-law's house.
37:23It's been great staying with them. They've been great hosts.
37:26But we are ready to get back into our own house.
37:28Not going to lie, though, it's been a very stressful few months.
37:32But yeah, it just pulls through and we're ready to get back into our house.
37:38Let's go.
37:43Oh, it's Jeff.
37:45Hey, Jeff.
37:47Come on in. It's your house.
37:49All right.
37:50Okay, they're here.
37:51They're here.
37:52They're walking up.
37:53You ready?
37:54I am. I'm freaking nervous.
37:55So excited, though, to finally see it.
37:56I'm excited.
37:57I know.
37:58Breathe in.
37:59I know.
38:00Breathe out.
38:02Here we go!
38:08Wow, you guys.
38:11I can't!
38:12This is amazing.
38:14I'm like shaking right now.
38:28Take it all in.
38:30This is so overwhelming right now.
38:32Oh my God, guys.
38:33This is so overwhelming.
38:35I don't know what to say.
38:36I'm like, I don't know what to say.
38:37Oh, my God.
38:38You guys, this looks absolutely incredible.
38:42We can see them.
38:43I think we're standing right here.
38:44Oh, my gosh.
38:46I wanted to have all the words, and I have no words.
38:48I am just so happy to have those upper cabinets gone.
38:52Now we can have a party.
38:53Everyone can be hanging out together.
38:55There's no separation.
38:58Moving the door dictated this whole kitchen.
39:01And now this kitchen truly functions.
39:04It looks so beautiful, you guys.
39:07This is really everything.
39:08We can seat out into the living room.
39:10Come on in.
39:11I'm so excited to cook in this kitchen.
39:13I just can't believe it.
39:15This detailing on the island and the hood, it looks incredible.
39:20Best of all, Jeff, there's no kraut lanes.
39:23That is true.
39:24It looks gorgeous.
39:25Very clean, very elegant.
39:27With the island, there's tons of savings
39:29in here because we were able to use semi-custom cabinets.
39:33Looks fantastic.
39:34The customization of the wood slats
39:37is like a waterfall feature.
39:39And putting that on the hood vent,
39:41that was actually only another $1,500,
39:44but just speaks high end.
39:46That little customization touch, I think,
39:49took the kitchen up another level for sure.
39:52I just think it's a great feature
39:54that I haven't seen in anybody we know's kitchens,
39:57and it's going to be a talking point for sure.
39:59It's beautiful.
40:00It's great.
40:01Got your kegerator.
40:02Got my kegerator.
40:03Oh my gosh, this is going to be perfect for parties.
40:05Stand aside.
40:06I got to practice here.
40:08Yeah, that'll work.
40:09This area was reeking like the 1960s.
40:12It was pretty dark as well.
40:13Yes, very dark.
40:14Adding a new slider, bringing in some light,
40:18adding some beautiful color.
40:20This was nothing more than the space you walked through
40:22to get to the backyard.
40:24The pool, yeah.
40:24But now I feel like this is actually a space
40:27we can use year round.
40:28I am obsessed with the living wall.
40:29The living wall?
40:31Not what I expected, but I really like it.
40:34I do.
40:35It's green.
40:36I already can see our friends like,
40:37let's take a picture in front of the living wall.
40:40Like, this is like something nobody has in their house.
40:43You guys ready to go see your guest bathroom?
40:45Oh, yes.
40:46You kept the brown, right?
40:48Oh my god.
40:51Oh my gosh.
40:53I love the paint color.
40:54I am obsessed with the tile.
40:56We have a white toilet.
40:59And sink.
41:00What really highlights this room is the marble.
41:04Yet it's not real marble.
41:05A marble for this size room would be about $5,000.
41:10But Lily was able to pick out a tile that is porcelain.
41:13That has a marble look, but not the marble cost.
41:17That makes it feel just high end.
41:20I honestly love the green that you chose.
41:22I think it looks fantastic with the tile, like you said.
41:25I mean, I love it.
41:27Oh my.
41:28It's beautiful.
41:31It's amazing.
41:31It is.
41:32It's so open.
41:33Absolutely gorgeous.
41:34This feels like a bathroom.
41:36I am obsessed with the shower tile.
41:38No square footage added, but it just feels so much bigger.
41:40And that was the goal, just by removing the drop ceiling,
41:44relocating the door, and then also
41:46going with the nice custom made vanity
41:49without the custom price.
41:51Usually something like this would be about $10,000.
41:54But using a different wood treatment, $2,000.
41:58My expectations were just blown out of the water.
42:01I just couldn't ask for more.
42:05There was some financial strains.
42:08We were able to stay under budget,
42:09so we were at $180,000.
42:12And $7,000 of that was contingencies.
42:15We didn't use all of it up, so you're
42:18going to get back $2,700.
42:20Thank you guys.
42:21I know this was a huge project to take on
42:24and a big financial commitment.
42:26And we're really glad we did it.
42:27And the good news is I am currently employed again.
42:30Oh, nice.
42:32That definitely made this worth it.
42:35I'm glad we moved forward with it.
42:36We made the best decision, and this
42:38was 100% worth the risk and the stress
42:41and everything we've gone through the last few months.
42:43You're going to pour me a beer.
42:46I can't believe Laura cried.
42:47I would cry too.
42:48She just got a newly remodeled house.
42:49That is tears of joy, though.
42:52Yeah, well, OK, yeah.
42:52ABC, another bachelor's creation.
42:55What if you just post that?
42:57Another bachelor's creation.
43:00I was thinking about it.