• 2 days ago


00:30Hello, hello, I thought that as a team we need something to just warm our spirits.
00:48So I today want to give you the fashion show.
00:54And first we have Chico.
01:06This dog is strutting her inner Megan the stallion.
01:10I think you put clothes on that big dog to show us what was the front and the back.
01:13Because I tell you what, after a couple of pints it looks like it's a double-ended dog.
01:18She's wearing the classic pom-pom chum-chum shorts.
01:22Give it to them, give it to them.
01:24That you would wear at carnival, revealing all her crack.
01:30Look at Rebecca.
01:35It doesn't look like her mama kept her off a pole.
01:45Chico is giving you a fine example of what you get from the back.
01:49Back it up Chico.
01:50Back that, back that, back, that's it, back it, back it, back that.
01:54When Judy was speaking at the dog, I was like, this is tough for me.
01:58Because it looked like the dog knew what she was saying.
02:02Up next, Breno, dogs in the city.
02:06She's got that series five look with a deep denim miniskirt.
02:11Is she just using this show as an audition to host this morning, is that what she's doing
02:15Can I hold her?
02:16Hold her?
02:17Will she hit a piece on me?
02:23Don't lick me.
02:24I'm Jamaican, don't lick me.
02:27Licking me.
02:28Daisy is having a very, very tough time.
02:34Don't like dogs?
02:41Next up, CEO of Big Dogs, always stands out.
02:46Take your own look.
02:50If it doesn't work, then he'll apply for The Apprentice.
02:57Is the dog short-sighted?
02:58Could be long-sighted.
03:02Kids have just come from reading.
03:08We'll give it up for all of our beautiful dogs from fashion.
03:11You're lovely, you're perfect little doggies.
03:15So cute.
03:16Here's the thing is I felt that the dogs didn't choose those outfits.
03:21Oh, that's got real.
03:23It's got real back there.
03:24Thank you, thank you.
03:26And it got real fast.
03:29They'll just let them go in a car park and they'll scrap it out to the death and they
03:35will film that and that's the red button pizza.
03:46DMC is unbreakable.
03:48Do you think?
03:49You're unbreakable.
03:50So are you, though.
03:51I'm very breakable.
03:53I don't think so.
03:55I don't, I don't know what makes you laugh.
03:58I just think they've all got so good at the game that you're just not going to get them
04:02to laugh now.
04:03What was the last TikTok that made you laugh?
04:06I don't watch TikTok.
04:07What was the last joke that made you laugh?
04:17Have you ever touched a dog?
04:19Yeah, I have a dog.
04:21I have a dog.
04:24Mainly the head.
04:26Well done.
04:27And the flange, you know?
04:28Where's that again?
04:30You know, flan.
04:36Oh, my God, there's Wensleydale cheese!
04:45She's not Wallace and Gromit.
04:46Did she put extra syllables in Wensleydale?
04:49Oh, but it's next to that blue cheese that smells like shit.
04:55Do you know, Rob, my friend met this guy once.
05:01Well, I think they were just on the train together.
05:03She didn't know him.
05:05And this guy just goes like this and went,
05:07smell your ma.
05:08Smell your ma?
05:09Fucking hell, Lou!
05:13Lou struggles with boundaries.
05:14Well, she's deliberately overstepping them.
05:16Both need an intervention.
05:18And that's beyond the scope of this show.
05:20It's not very nice.
05:21Was she OK?
05:22I think so.
05:27Would you think you'd know your mum from the smell of her?
05:32I think I'd struggle.
05:35What about your dad?
05:37Yeah, what about your dad, Rob?
05:43I'd know.
05:44I'd know.
05:49Could you recognise the smell of your dad?
05:54No, because I've never smelt that.
05:56Smelt what?
05:57And I think that's best.
05:59I don't know.
06:00I don't know.
06:01I don't know.
06:02I don't know.
06:04How is Harriet sitting in there?
06:06Her jaw's locked.
06:08Because my dad smells like me.
06:11So I'd know from the smell of the fingers that it would be me.
06:19So you'd know it was your dad?
06:22Do you think you could go further out to uncles, cousins?
06:25If I could, I'd be on you bet, like...
06:28It's not a bet they'll take, so far.
06:30Matthew Kelly, get it up and running.
06:33I can smell my dad on all these fingers.
06:35And they'd line up all your extended family?
06:46Not dad.
07:00Lou, you've been a very active player so far.
07:02You've got a few people carded.
07:03So, as a reward, you get to go in the treat seat.
07:07Everyone else, there are some treats on the table,
07:10and you've got 60 seconds to give Lou as many treats as you can.
07:15Oh, no.
07:17Is there anything you like the look of?
07:20OK, your minute starts now.
07:23Treat that seat.
07:24Here comes your treat, you bastard.
07:31What would you like? Is there anything you'd like?
07:34How does that feel, you bastard?
07:38I'll get the window.
07:40I'm thinking of my fertility report.
07:43How was it?
07:44No, really bad.
07:45I've not ruined your look.
07:50Do you like orange ice bowl?
07:52Are you hungry at all?
07:53Oh, that's brave.
07:54That's brave for a man in the media to be doing that.
07:56Can I have the ice bowl?
07:57Yeah, yeah, I'm going to hold it for you.
07:59There we go.
08:00It's a banana.
08:01The treat seat had erotic undertones,
08:03and I don't think they meant it to.
08:05I'm actually having a lovely time.
08:07I was like, turn off the cameras and let the girl have a moment.
08:11I'm having a lovely time now.
08:13I'm really leaning into her.
08:15I'm not hurting her much.
08:18Bob's just hitting the saucepan lid!
08:21That's not in the treat tray!
08:24He's brought his own gear!
08:30She did very well there.
08:32Well, that's the end of the treat seat.
08:36Lou hasn't cracked.
08:37Could you go to the locker room and clean yourself up?
08:40You're a disgrace.
08:42Thank you, everybody.
08:43It won't turn off.
08:44Oh, I know how to deal with that.
08:47I was just going to do it in the bathroom.
08:49Everybody needs a massage, don't they?
08:52Everywhere sometimes needs a massage.
08:54My ex-husband sent me a letter.
08:56I haven't opened it yet.
08:57Will you help me?
08:58She'll sit round the table and support Harriet.
09:00It's quite an emotional moment, I imagine.
09:02Oh, what's in the envelope?
09:03Do you want to open it, Rob?
09:06You've got to stop using that.
09:08You've got to take that off it.
09:12Is that your happy face?
09:15I'm just... I've got a bad leg.
09:21Bob, I've got a letter from my ex-husband.
09:23I haven't seen him, so it's...
09:25He's written me a letter.
09:37Oh, Judy!
09:50Wait, let's see if anyone else goes.
09:52Daisy's going. Daisy's about to go.
09:57It was uncontrollable.
09:59This laugh just came out.
10:01Everybody dispersed.
10:02It's like they just didn't want to catch the laugh,
10:04which made me laugh even more.
10:06What happened? What happened?
10:22Fucking hell!
10:24Cos he sat on the fucking chair!
10:28For fuck's sake!
10:30That creep!
10:50What, the rules changed?
10:54Have I gone out and someone's changed the rules?
10:57Aw, it's lovely watching people laugh, isn't it?
11:00This show's horrible.
11:02It wasn't even just a noise, it was your face of...
11:05I didn't hear that.
11:07We'd all heard it. Oh, shit!
11:09Oh, God!
11:11Bob Mortimer, everything he does makes me laugh.
11:14He sat on a chair and made it creak
11:16and he made Judy Love burst into laughter.
11:19I was doing so well, Bob.
11:21You might get away with it.
11:23I might.
11:27Oh, my God, it's the way Bob came over, like a Moomin.
11:31Just sat in there.
11:35Oh, my God, I can't believe I lost it on that.
11:41What happened?
11:43Do you know what? I don't even know.
11:45It's just so weird how I had no control.
11:47I heard the crack, which was, like, the chair
11:50and I think maybe I just thought,
11:52I've sat on chairs and made that noise before
11:54and then his face was so, like...
11:56I just lost it. What were you sat on?
11:58I was sitting on the vibe...
12:00the massage gun. Mum's massage gun?
12:03Why is it in your bedside drawer?
12:07And then Bob came and sat down next to me
12:10and I just lost it.
12:12Let's have a look. Oh, let's have a look at this.
12:15I've got a letter from my ex-husband.
12:17I haven't seen him, so it's...
12:19He's written me a letter.
12:21OK. Harriet...
12:40Oh, my God.
12:42Yeah, lovely.
12:44It's a yellow card. Yeah. OK.
12:46You were doing so well. I was doing so well.
12:49It's a lovely moment.
12:51God, it's just uncontrollable.
12:53All right, I'm going to restart the game as soon as I go back in.
13:05Great job, Jimmy. Well done.
13:07Great job, Jimmy. Really pushed off.
13:09I'm really proud of you. Dicks.
13:11Dicks. You're dicks.
13:13You're all dicks and you know you're dicks.
13:15It's supporting you. It was good.
13:17It was really good, Jimmy. Lovely hosting.
13:20It's really good. It's different from how you've been before.
13:23It was enjoyable. It was really enjoyable.
13:25There was, like, a different side of you in there.
13:27What the fuck is going on in this room?
13:29It's like a whole other game going on.
13:32The most obvious yellow card so far goes to Judy Love
13:35for laughing at Bob's crack.
13:37Naughty Judy.
13:39All right, let's restart the game.
13:47I love that it's different each time as well.
13:49It really shows production value.
13:55Who's your favourite poet?
13:57Thank you for asking.
13:59I do very much like T.S. Eliot.
14:03What about Peter Andre? Like him too.
14:06Whoa, mysterious girl.
14:09I want to get into you.
14:15Harriet hasn't read her letter from her ex-husband, has she?
14:18Oh, yeah, my ex-husband wrote me a letter.
14:20Who should read it? I'll read it.
14:22Richard read it. Oh, yeah, Richard read it, yeah.
14:24Read it.
14:28In any voice?
14:30It's Chinese, I thought.
14:32Who's Chinese? Your husband?
14:34He's... My husband is Chinese.
14:36It was very unfair of us to suggest that her ex was Chinese,
14:39because if he were to do a Chinese accent,
14:41I don't think that's politically correct
14:43and he shouldn't have done that, but we were being mean
14:46and trying to trap him in a corner of cancellation.
14:50Harriet, it's over.
14:54For the love of God, please stop sending me nudes.
14:57And if you are going to send nudes,
14:59please can they at least be of yourself?
15:04Where are you acquiring...
15:08Where? It's a strange bit of his accent.
15:10Where? Where? Where?
15:12Harriet's going to laugh.
15:14Where are you acquiring all these nudes?
15:17Of Alan Sugar.
15:19I've seen you outside my house at night at 4am,
15:21in your underwear, with the boombox.
15:27It must stop.
15:29You play Nelly Furtado, Miss Belt.
15:31One more time. I'm calling the police.
15:34And you need new underwear.
15:42They're barely hanging on.
15:44And while we're here...
15:46Blah, blah, blah.
15:48..your nipples smell weird.
15:51And it's metallic.
15:53And I always said, no.
15:55But truthfully, they do.
15:57And I think you should get them looked at all best.
16:01I'm very sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
16:04I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
16:08But Richard Nelly went there as well.
16:10He was enjoying himself, wasn't he?
16:13Do you know it's hard doing presenting?
16:15Can you imagine doing presenting,
16:17like, look at the camera and go,
16:19we'll see you at seven?
16:21It's bloody hard. What do you do? Go, tomorrow?
16:23It's bloody hard. What do you do?
16:25I do the news.
16:28And you look into the camera?
16:30Straight down the bottle.
16:32I'll see your ass at seven. Shit's getting real.
16:35And you break the fourth wall and do it down the camera?
16:38Yeah. What kind of presenting are you...?
16:41You're doing news presenting, Whippy?
16:44I would never break the wall. Wow.
16:46So, news presenting, but don't look at the camera?
16:48Yeah. I don't want to make it complicated for people.
16:50Like a convo.
16:52So, the news programme would be, Bob, what's the news?
16:54And you'd go, seven people just died.
16:56And you'd go, what?
16:58Yeah, yeah, seven people died.
17:00How did they die? There would only be me there.
17:02I'm presenting the news.
17:04So, you'd be talking to Silke.
17:06So, what happened early on today?
17:08Seven people died.
17:10Like an act out? Yeah.
17:12Terrible car crash.
17:14One person's ill in hospital but not expected to survive.
17:18And you just sort of make it more inner.
17:20Good night.
17:22See you.
17:26All right, what joker do you want to see next?
17:28Bobby Beckett.
17:35Could you ask Rob Beckett to go and prepare for his joker?
17:38Thank you very much, of course. Au revoir.
17:43Rob Beckett, go...
17:45Go there.
17:47What's Beckett going to do?
17:51It's so hard trying to do stand-up and not being able to smile.
17:54Got to do it deadpan.
17:57I can't imagine him doing anything except stand-up.
18:00I can. Painter, decorator?
18:06Oh, dear. Hello.
18:08So, I wanted to share with you a book I've written.
18:10I've moved to the countryside.
18:12Does anyone live in the countryside?
18:14Well, they're throwing book deals around, aren't they?
18:17So I shall read you some hints and tips, see if it helps.
18:20Hints and tips?
18:23Never make the mistake of expecting a shop to be open.
18:30Don't try and unscrew a owl's head.
18:33You will be there all day.
18:36I was just trying my best just to be able to breathe like a human,
18:40and so I just had to let it just wash over me.
18:43If you see an ostrich, you've moved out too far.
18:47If you have to go to the village pub, try and be white and male.
18:56Rob's tips for the countryside nearly had me going,
18:59and it's because all of it is true.
19:02Don't bother milking a horse, it tastes horrible.
19:09Never fuck a badger.
19:13Neither of you will enjoy it.
19:16OK, Daisy!
19:18You'd be surprised how many times you have to tell people
19:21not to fuck a badger.
19:23Cos they will.
19:27Worst TED Talk ever.
19:34Richard's on the edge, I can feel it.
19:36We can take him down, if we all try, I'm sure of it.
19:40Is anyone else a bit bored with Sir Captain Tom?
19:44Captain Tom?
19:46He's dead.
19:48Haven't we moved on from him now?
19:50He passed away. I know, but there's still posters of him.
19:53Yeah, I think he did a lot, didn't he?
19:56Where are you seeing these posters, Daisy?
19:58One was at Paddington.
20:00What's the poster say? We've lost him or something?
20:04Did it have a phone number on it?
20:07Something's happening to you.
20:09Are you OK, Daisy? What's happening?
20:12Daisy May Cooper! Daisy May Cooper!
20:15Oh, my God.
20:17It's like watching a bottle of Coke fizz over.
20:19She's going to sleep so well tonight.
20:25I don't know what to say.
20:27I don't know what to say.
20:29I don't know what to say.
20:35I wish I hadn't brought him up.
20:38Major Tom.
20:42Was there a reward on the poster?
20:55I've just thought,
20:57is it that they're all very good at not laughing,
21:01or is it that the funniest people are in this room?
21:06Just really good at not laughing.
21:11Have you heard any rumours?
21:13What about?
21:15Daisy's a mouth kisser.
21:17What does that mean?
21:19When you say hello, you know you kiss the cheek way to the mouth.
21:22Is that bad?
21:24Is that what you do?
21:26Meetings, funerals, whatever, I sort of go straight in.
21:29I go, one, two...
21:41OK, I've got a game for you.
21:43Daisy and Harriet, please head to the stage.
21:46You'll find some cards.
21:48On each card is the name of a film, but with a twist.
21:51For example, Star Wars,
21:53where Ben Solo and Chewie really fancy each other.
21:56Which is not a great example, cos that's just Star Wars.
21:59Your job is to act it out.
22:01Everyone else's job is to guess the film and the twist.
22:05Good luck.
22:11Get off! Get off!
22:13Get off! Cinderella.
22:15Get off!
22:20Basic Instinct.
22:27You're going to be really old.
22:30And have loads of kids.
22:32Do you think you're down?
22:34Titanic with, um, some...
22:36Ebola. Titanic with Ebola.
22:38The boat's in a sea of shit.
22:44Oh, they've got travel sickness.
22:46Food poisoning.
22:48Fucking hell.
22:50OK, it's climbing.
22:52I don't know why Daisy's just not getting up now.
22:56Is this a home movie?
22:58Oh, that's it. I was doing the wrong one.
23:00Spider-Man with diarrhoea.
23:02Oh, the...
23:04The web comes from the anus.
23:06The web, it's anus web.
23:08Spider-Man, but web's out of the bum.
23:10Wow, simple. Simple.
23:12Why's Daisy not getting up?
23:14I thought this might be a breeze, cos I'm with a BAFTA winner,
23:17but she just wouldn't get up off the floor.
23:21Why's Daisy not got up off the ground?
23:24Who, me?
23:26Yeah, you've been on the floor the whole time.
23:30I'm so lazy, and I thought I could just sit on the floor
23:34and just phone it in.
23:36All right, I really like marmalade sandwiches.
23:39Paddington Manor! Paddington Manor's a gangster.
23:41All right, all right, we're dodging that violence,
23:43you know what I'm saying? Danny Dyer.
23:45Danny Dyer. He's Paddington.
23:47Yeah. Very good.
23:50Thoughts on Danny Dyer? Like Danny Dyer?
23:52Get out of my house. I love Danny Dyer.
23:54You're a wizard, Harry!
23:57Harry Potter. Danny Dyer's Harry Potter.
24:05Oh! Oh, my God!
24:08Why's Danny Dyer here?
24:10Oh, yes!
24:12Oh, my baby!
24:14Oh, my baby!
24:16Oh, my babes!
24:18Pleasure. Pleasure.
24:19This is... I've got to say...
24:21Well, I just thought I'd come... Hello, Bob. Lovely to see you.
24:23Oh, mate, this is a dream. Oh, God!
24:25For me, that was a big moment.
24:27Danny Dyer's been a personal white wall for me,
24:29and to be able to shake the hand
24:32that has shaken goodness knows what was something.
24:37Danny Dyer's here?
24:39I didn't expect that.
24:42You really like me.
24:44Oh, this is a pleasure.
24:46It's an absolute bloody pleasure.
24:48What the fuck?!
24:50Oh, my God!
24:52He's so fit.
24:54So, like, I'm automatically going to smile at a giggling schoolgirl.
24:58I mean, it took every single cell in my being
25:01not to squeal like a pig.
25:04Show me your Potter. Go on, show me as Potter.
25:07What? What?
25:09All right, what you doing?
25:11Get back. All right.
25:13I can take you.
25:16This is amazing.
25:18Feels like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas.
25:20Go on, have a go. Doing you?
25:22Yeah, do me as Potter.
25:29All right, I'm Harry Potter.
25:31This one costs me 50K.
25:37They're mugging you off.
25:3950 grand's worth of wand.
25:41It's a fucking good wand, that.
25:43Oh, Daisy, all right.
25:47Daisy's in trouble.
25:49I can fucking do Potter. I know, I've got it in me.
25:52Just get me bins.
25:54And what we'll do...
25:57..you can be Hermione.
25:59Do a little bit of Impa. Yeah, lovely.
26:01Who do you fancy? Who do you want to be?
26:03Oh, Hagrid.
26:09All Rob's struggling.
26:11Right, Rob, come and be Dumbledore, for fuck's sake.
26:14To be fair, he's more of a grint. He's got grint written all over him.
26:17Let's not fall out, Daniel.
26:19Have a little warm-up first. This is what I've always done, this warm-up.
26:23Being a versatile actor, Pinter loved me.
26:26Pinter? Pinter taught me this.
26:28Those glasses on Danny are insane.
26:31So, everyone do it together. Ready?
26:33Yeah. Quick breathing exercise.
26:37Slag. Slag.
26:41Slag. Slag.
26:47Slag. Very simple.
26:49Slag. Slag.
26:51Slag. Slag.
26:53I've done it my whole career and it works.
26:55Right, OK, so, anyone seen Scum?
26:58Yes. Alan Clark. Good bit of work. Nice.
27:01Right, Scum's set in a prison. If no-one's ever seen it, young Ray Winston.
27:04Isn't Hogwarts a prison, in a way?
27:06Hogwarts is a bit of a prison. Right, here we go.
27:08So, I'm Potter. Bum, bum, bum.
27:12Right, where's this fucking Dumbledore?
27:19Do you want to make one with me, Dumbledore?
27:23Erm, make what?
27:25Have you got any idea who I am?
27:27I thought I knew, but now I'm not so sure.
27:29Harry Potter's my fucking name. Now, see this fucking wand?
27:31What wand? Ain't just what?
27:33What wand?
27:35You want to make one with me, do you? How do you want to be?
27:38This is like a fever dream now.
27:40I did not want to play Dumbledore.
27:42And I just thought, I'm just going to have to act now.
27:44I'm going to have to pretend that I want to fight this man.
27:46Cos I won't smile then.
27:49See this wand? Ain't just got spells.
27:51Come on, Harry, stay back.
27:53What fucking wand? What fucking wand?
27:55All right, OK, calm down.
27:57As I fucking bite your nose off.
27:59The more it was working, the more aggressive I got.
28:01And then it did get to a point where I thought,
28:03I might have to fight him.
28:07All right, OK, calm down.
28:09As I fucking bite your nose off.
28:11I'll bite your fucking nose off.
28:13Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi.
28:15I'll tongue you.
28:17Careful, careful.
28:21Ginny's gone! Ginny's gone!
28:23Ginny's gone! Ginny's gone!
28:27I nearly tongued you there. I know that was fucking mad.
28:29I was going to fucking put the lips on him.
28:32Oh, man!
28:34I wanted to get one of yous at least. At least I've fucking done that.
28:36I didn't think it'd be you.
28:38It was just too funny. Do you want me to tongue you?
28:40Come on.
28:47You fucking wanted it off.
28:49Luckily, Judy laughed, but I was that close.
28:52Judy saved me.
28:54All right, Danny. He's a great man. Hello, Jim.
28:56The Pinter warm-up. Stop it.
28:58Well, it's a fucking true warm-up.
29:00Judy, do you know why I've come back in?
29:02Cos he said he would tongue you and you thought,
29:04that's my turn.
29:08That's about right.
29:10OK, let's take a look at the replay.
29:12Come on, Harry, stay back.
29:14What fucking what? What fucking what?
29:16All right, OK, calm down. Calm down, as I fucking bite your nose off.
29:18I'll bite your fucking nose off.
29:20I'll bite your throat. Get back.
29:22I'll tongue you.
29:24Careful, careful.
29:28Oh, dear.
29:32It's too good.
29:34It's too good.
29:36I've got something for you.
29:38I'm so sorry, Jude, honestly.
29:40Well, isn't it?
29:44Bye, everyone. The rest of them were going.
29:46I took that for the team.
29:48OK, that's not all, though.
29:50Oh, no.
29:54Let's have a look.
30:04Oh, no.
30:08Mate, you've just sunk your own ship.
30:10She's torpedoed herself.
30:12You're being rude. We've got a guest in the house.
30:14Oh, it's game over.
30:16Sit down and look at them.
30:18Leeks and cheeses. Always pleases.