• yesterday


00:00Where are you?
00:03Where is he hiding?
00:06We're coming for you.
00:08I feel an adrenaline rush.
00:10My sense of direction is zero.
00:11So exciting.
00:13Spread out a bit.
00:14This is Verstoppertje, like you've never seen before.
00:17Nine VIPs, who normally fight for the spotlights,
00:20have to do everything they can to stay invisible.
00:24I'm very good at games.
00:25I want to know if I can win a game now.
00:28The stakes are high, namely 18,000 euros.
00:31And for money.
00:32People are getting scared.
00:34Dirty snake.
00:35The fate determines who has to hide and the rest has to look for him.
00:41Stop the engines.
00:43I'm going to hide somewhere.
00:45I'm the Hidder.
00:47I want that power.
00:49As soon as you find the Hidder, you're safe and you have to join in.
00:52The Hidder was found by one player.
00:55Oh my God.
00:57I'm going to hide for the rest of my life.
00:59I'm a detective. I can see everything.
01:01If everyone finds the Hidder, this one is out of the game.
01:05I hear it.
01:06But if you don't find the Hidder, you risk being sent home.
01:10I'm completely wrong.
01:11I have 12 minutes left.
01:12I don't want to leave.
01:13The red gate is now active.
01:15On the way, hints can help you get away or put you on the wrong foot.
01:19The gate is so important, because you get really good hints there.
01:21I hate those fucking gates.
01:23I've made people angry, I've made people cry.
01:26I'm stepping into it again.
01:30I'm so bad at this.
01:32This is the proof that the Hidder doesn't know what's going on.
01:34Players, your search time is over.
01:37This is nowhere to hide.
01:38If you're not gone...
01:39This is it.
01:41Where are we?
01:43Let's go.
01:44Sick things, I'm going to hide really sick.
01:46The Hidder, I do that on purpose several times a year.
01:49And I'm sure I have a big advantage in that.
01:51I used to play the Hidder a lot.
01:53I fit in really well.
01:55And when we played, we played in front of the door.
01:57And that was a big open field.
01:59Our parents could keep an eye on us.
02:01I participate because I used to really like playing hide and seek.
02:04I always knew where to find the places.
02:07I love playing games.
02:08I just want to win every game I play.
02:11Look how big.
02:13Oh my God, this is great.
02:15Nobody's going to find me.
02:17Guys, watch out.
02:19Palace Soestdijk.
02:21Wow, guys.
02:24Realize that the royal house has lived here.
02:29These are places you wouldn't normally come to.
02:32I think it's a brilliant place to play hide and seek.
02:35What a renovation.
02:37Here and there, a frame may have to be replaced.
02:40But it's still a beautiful building.
02:42The rules today are simple.
02:44The fate will determine who will be the Hidder.
02:48If everyone finds the Hidder, the Hidder is out of the game.
02:53But if not everyone finds the Hidder,
02:58the Hidder will go home again.
03:13I'll let you all go, guys.
03:16Then something else very important.
03:19So these are triangles.
03:21It can be very decisive.
03:23You all have nine pieces at the moment.
03:27With these triangles you can do two things.
03:30Uno, you can use triangles to become the Hidder.
03:35Power works very addictive.
03:40I want to have that power.
03:43Dos, you can use triangles during the game.
03:47For example, to explore a location in advance.
03:50Here you have something.
03:51Then you can go in and check how it is.
03:53Those triangles are important.
03:55You can use them for great advantages.
03:57I will give one of you the chance to explore this palace for 10 minutes.
04:05If anyone is interested, I would like to hear how many triangles you want to use.
04:10Let's start.
04:11Who offers?
04:13I want to use one.
04:15Who offers more than one?
04:16I want to become the Explorer.
04:18I want to see how Beatrix lived here.
04:20Yes, two.
04:24Three triangles?
04:26Anyone more than three?
04:27Then I close the bid.
04:29Koen, here.
04:31He said four.
04:32Willie offers four triangles.
04:34Four triangles.
04:35And five?
04:36I don't want that.
04:37Willie, congratulations.
04:38You have become the Explorer.
04:40Nice man, Will.
04:42With four triangles.
04:43Do you understand?
04:44Do you want it now?
04:45I am it.
04:46I thought, yes bro.
04:47One, two, three, four.
04:49I don't care about this.
04:50I'm going to win.
04:51Willie, you are the Explorer.
04:52You can explore this palace for 10 minutes.
04:55But what I didn't say is that you can choose one helper.
05:02From this group.
05:03It might be useful if that person can read a little card.
05:08Read a card.
05:10So no woman.
05:12I'm very bad.
05:14I'm very bad.
05:18I'll take you with me.
05:21Selma, you are the helper.
05:22He didn't buy me the triangles.
05:24Do you understand?
05:25You are sick.
05:26The rest of you.
05:27You can go back to the bus.
05:33You are here somewhere.
05:35First floor.
05:39You know it.
05:40You will get 10 minutes to explore this palace.
05:43Selma will help you.
05:45She will guide you through the means of the Walk of Talkies.
05:49And these very detailed maps.
05:53Does it work?
05:54He does it very well.
05:57And these very detailed maps of the palace.
06:00They're not going to hide now, are they?
06:02No, but they're going to look for where you can hide.
06:05You don't know if they have to hide.
06:07That's true.
06:08But then you know where other people can hide.
06:10I think this game is really sick, man.
06:12And another very important thing, guys.
06:14There are 5 triangles here to pick up.
06:19Did you get those 4 right away?
06:23Do you understand?
06:24Here is a staircase.
06:25You 4?
06:27Then you played Kiet.
06:28And I 1.
06:29I am an honest person.
06:30Willie just had to pay 4 triangles for this luxury.
06:35Look, sometimes you shouldn't be greedy in life.
06:38I'm never greedy.
06:40She can earn 4 back.
06:42And I think I earn 1 for the effort.
06:45Okay, Willie, your time starts now.
06:48Okay, remember Soestervleugel.
06:50It's going to stop.
06:51Soestervleugel Bernard.
06:53At a staircase.
06:54Hey, have fun, bro.
06:56Let's get it.
06:57Come on, money, get the triangles.
06:58Do you hear me?
06:59I hear you very well, man.
07:00I'm in a room where they wouldn't normally let me in.
07:03It looks really nice here.
07:04You actually have to go back to the front of the palace.
07:07Back to the entrance.
07:09You have to let me know.
07:10I'm doing that now.
07:11I'm standing now with my face to the back.
07:13You probably see a staircase there.
07:15One more time.
07:16One more time.
07:17Where do I have to go?
07:18I always use Google Maps or Waze.
07:20This is not really my specialty.
07:22But I'm going to do my best for him.
07:24Because I want him to earn his 4 triangles back.
07:26Okay, I'm walking to the front now.
07:30Let me know when you're there.
07:31I walk into that room.
07:32And I know, okay, you're probably in a weird place.
07:42The box is there.
07:47We're rich.
07:48Look here.
07:52Which front then?
07:53I'm not going to say I have them.
07:54The one with the stairs, where we just came from.
07:57Okay, okay, okay.
07:59I'm lying to Selma.
08:00I'm going to lie to everyone even more.
08:02I'm actually going to lie so much that it costs the people.
08:08You have 5 minutes to explore the location.
08:11I have to find a good hiding place.
08:13Suppose I have to hide too.
08:14I have to think about myself a bit too, right?
08:18Can't he tell me too?
08:21That he has them?
08:23I think I'll just take the time to really see what the building looks like.
08:26And if there are places to hide.
08:28But then he's very annoying.
08:31Because I'm helping him through here.
08:34Your exploration is over.
08:37It's done.
08:38You didn't find it.
08:39Bro, no, man.
08:42No, man, bro.
08:44He's kidding, he's kidding.
08:45He's got it.
08:46Okay, Triangles.
08:47If you say I don't have them, they won't believe you.
08:49So don't put them in your bag.
08:51But put them in your sock.
08:54And which way do I have to go now?
08:57Here you see a staircase.
08:58On your right.
08:59Look, here.
09:00I've seen a lot of stairs, bro.
09:02I've seen a lot of stairs, bro.
09:03Because you couldn't just say that.
09:05Yes, but that's why I said.
09:07You don't even have to look there, Willie.
09:08Did you have anything on it?
09:09Uh, on her.
09:12Do it like this.
09:15I went already.
09:16The first instance just went in the right direction.
09:18Yes, but they're not there, are they?
09:192, 3, 4, 5.
09:20Shut up, man.
09:22I trust Willie.
09:23Only I trust myself more.
09:25I think I just explained it well.
09:27How can it be that you didn't find it?
09:33Bro, it's way too big in there.
09:36It's really big.
09:37But I didn't see anything.
09:38You didn't see anything.
09:39I walked around.
09:40I walked around.
09:41I had to explain the names on the map through a map.
09:44And then he had to puzzle where that was.
09:46But a good hiding place too.
09:48Uh, not for me.
09:50I'm really fat.
09:53Look at this.
09:54It's time to play the game.
09:58The battle is about to begin.
10:00We're going to decide who of you will be the hider.
10:03The fate will decide that.
10:05All your names are on the wheel.
10:08But if you really want to be the hider,
10:11then you can use triangles.
10:13The more triangles you use,
10:15the greater your share on the wheel.
10:18So the greater the chance that you will be the hider.
10:22Let's start.
10:28Selma, you and Willy got to explore together.
10:31But did you feel like you had something to do with it?
10:34No, not at all.
10:35Nothing at all?
10:37I couldn't really look.
10:38My question for now is, do you want to be the hider?
10:41Yes or no?
10:44So you don't want to use triangles to increase your chances?
10:47Clear, then you can stand by the wheel.
10:49Selma is a very good hunter.
10:51Selma is not a good prey.
10:53I prefer to eat than to be eaten.
10:56Koen, we're going to decide who's going to be the hider.
10:59Do you want to increase your chances?
11:01Do you want to be the hider?
11:04I want to be the hider, but I'm not going to increase my chances.
11:06Clear, then you can take your seat.
11:08Hi Sylvia.
11:10Do you want to be the hider today?
11:12Well, I'm more of a seeker.
11:13You can use triangles to increase your chances of being the hider.
11:16No, because I first want to find out what's going on.
11:23Of everyone, you were the only one who was able to explore the palace.
11:27Do you want to be the hider today?
11:29Yes or no?
11:30Yo, I'm excited, bro.
11:33Are you good at hiding?
11:35Do you want to use extra triangles to be the hider today?
11:40No, I don't think so.
11:41How many chances does the hider have to win?
11:43I'd rather be a seeker.
11:46So let's take a look at the distribution on the wheel.
11:51What's up?
11:54Everyone's the same size.
11:55I don't want to be the hider.
11:57Then there are so many people looking for you.
11:59I actually regret that I didn't just use 5 triangles to be the hider.
12:04Because I feel like that's the best way.
12:06Yes, none of you dare to be the hider.
12:10But one of you is going to be the hider.
12:13And your chances are equal.
12:14So let's spin.
12:18Good luck.
12:19So slow, bro.
12:20You have to spin faster, bro.
12:22You can't do it anyway.
12:29Keep spinning, bro. Keep spinning.
12:31I feel the adrenaline on the wheel spinning faster.
12:34Not me. Not me.
12:35So exciting.
12:41Okay, stop the engines.
12:45Oh, I can feel it.
12:46Oh, oh.
12:47No stress. No stress.
12:49Please don't get on my...
12:51But I'm going to stop somewhere.
13:02Oh my God.
13:03Oh my God.
13:18You are the hider.
13:20You will get 20 minutes to hide.
13:25Mega exciting.
13:27So I bite the bullet with being the hider.
13:32You can come with me.
13:37How are we going to catch her, bro?
13:40Crawl into her head.
13:41What would she do?
13:43I have something important for you.
13:45I think something is going to happen.
13:47She's going to get a choice.
13:49Because there are two suitcases there.
13:51Do you really get the stuff?
13:53You can choose.
13:59The best hiding place in the whole palace.
14:02Willem-Alexander's favorite place in the past.
14:04But it doesn't say where it is.
14:06Two suitcases and she's looking at the first one.
14:08These are three hiding places.
14:11They are a little less good.
14:13But you do get a direction of where it is.
14:18So think carefully.
14:20You better have one good option than three.
14:24You, you.
14:25Didn't see me.
14:27I'm going for this one.
14:28Who's going for this one?
14:30Open it.
14:34If the king is hiding there.
14:37Then Selma is also going to hide there.
14:40There is no doubt.
14:41Where is this?
14:44No, she's too happy.
14:45This is not right, bro.
14:47Oh, hi.
14:55Oh my God.
14:59This is the moment.
15:01Are you ready?
15:02I'm shaking.
15:03You're shaking.
15:05It's really going to happen now.
15:07The 20 minutes are now up.
15:08And remember, who is not gone.
15:10Is not seen.
15:13Is seen.
15:14Player, your time is running.
15:16Hide or risk elimination.
15:19I want to win.
15:20I just don't want to leave.
15:22Red curtains.
15:23Red curtains?
15:24I'm looking for one thing.
15:26Red curtains.
15:27Actually, I don't know.
15:32We're all in one room.
15:33And everyone is going to discuss with each other.
15:35What are we going to do now?
15:36If everyone finds her, she'll leave.
15:39If no one finds her, she can choose.
15:42I'd rather not leave.
15:44No, me neither.
15:45So that means I have to find her.
15:48She'll kick me out right away.
15:49I actually think I should see if we can put them on a dead end.
15:58If you know me a little bit, you know that I'm not made to lose.
16:04If you take a word book for me now, losing is not in it.
16:08Yes, yes.
16:11They're not going to find me.
16:12I feel it.
16:14I suggest we make two groups.
16:15One starts left, one starts right.
16:17Two teams are being made.
16:18But I think if you only have two teams, you're actually only two people.
16:22Then you'll never find Selma.
16:25Everyone to the outside, right?
16:28But if I say now, guys, I'm going alone.
16:30Then we won't be kicked out.
16:31So I'll just talk to her.
16:32And when the game starts, I'll make my own plan.
16:34What the seekers don't know is that every hider, including Selma, has a secret weapon.
16:39The emergency button.
16:40Selma can use this button once in the first hour to turn it into a hiding place.
16:46If she presses the emergency button, all seekers will be frozen for 10 minutes.
16:50So that she can move without being seen.
16:53That emergency button is going to be very useful if I panic.
16:58Red curtains!
17:00Red curtains!
17:05I have it!
17:06I think I have that spot.
17:09Yes, this is it!
17:12Quick, quick.
17:13This is his spot.
17:14This is his spot!
17:16I think it's great.
17:17I don't know how the king got to this hidden place.
17:21Really, bravo.
17:22Look, they have to think it's impossible for me to get in here.
17:27I just have to try to move that cupboard forward.
17:30Players, your 90-minute search time starts in 10 seconds.
17:3610, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
17:46The one who's gone, is Sissi.
17:48All the way up.
17:49It can't get any better than this.
17:54The moment is there.
17:55We're on our way.
17:57I'm going outside with Jonathan, Timon and Sylvia.
18:01We have the idea that she's going to sit there.
18:04I have to sit here alone for 90 minutes for 1.5 hours.
18:10And try to be the boss of my own thoughts.
18:14I really hope they don't find me.
18:18I'm going to see if she's in the bushes.
18:23I'm going to see if she's in the bushes.
18:26I hear them.
18:27They say we're going to see if she's in the bushes.
18:31She's not there at all.
18:36If she's here, I'm going to hurt myself.
18:39Because then I wouldn't have seen it.
18:41Everything can happen.
18:43What did you think?
18:44It's not a good place.
18:46It's not that good.
18:47Let's take a look first.
18:49It's nice that you think we're all going together.
18:51You're going to clean each other up.
18:53Everyone's going somewhere.
18:56I'm teaming up with Willy, Wartaal and Ice.
18:59If something goes wrong with me, I have two of those heavy boys with me.
19:06No, no.
19:07Why are you screaming, Patty?
19:08I hear squeaking.
19:09No, come on.
19:11Yes, I hear that.
19:12Where is that squeak?
19:14The plan was completely gone.
19:16Everyone went their own way.
19:18I'm going to go inside.
19:19I don't think she's outside.
19:21I'm going to try to keep calm.
19:23But I really piss in my pants.
19:25I'm scared.
19:26I'm nervous.
19:27I'm not going to be that nervous.
19:32Oh, help.
19:34Oh, it's still going.
19:35I suddenly see a sign with the entrance.
19:39So I think I'm crossing my own limit.
19:41I'm doing that anyway.
19:49What am I doing?
19:51This is chaos.
19:53I have no overview.
20:00Oh, I can't open it.
20:09There's nothing here either.
20:11Oh, what's behind this?
20:19Oh my God.
20:21Oh my God.
20:27I found a cupboard suspicious.
20:29So I slide the cupboard aside.
20:31And then I see Salma's pretty eyes.
20:34Oh, fucking hell.
20:36How could he have found me so quickly?
20:38This is the best hiding place in the palace.
20:40That door has to be closed.
20:42How the fuck did he do that?
20:47The hider has been found by one player.
20:50The hider has been found by one player.
20:53Oh, so I win.
20:55This player joins the hider.
20:58And earns triangles as a reward for each seeker.
21:02With 7 seekers in the game, the finder now earns 7 triangles.
21:07One person found Salma.
21:09Hopefully it won't start now.
21:11Someone else, someone else, someone else.
21:13And then you're left alone.
21:15Oh no.
21:16That's fast, man.
21:17I'm convinced that everyone will find me.
21:20Because if Jonathan can find me in literally 8 minutes.
21:23Do you really think so?
21:25We can't go anywhere.
21:29Suddenly the vibe switches.
21:32From seeker to hider.
21:34Maybe they're going to see who the player is.
21:37Do you understand?
21:38Even you can know.
21:40Even if you don't have it.
21:42Yeah, but it doesn't matter.
21:44If you found Salma after 8 minutes.
21:48Then I should be able to do that.
21:50It's possible that one of my team found me.
21:53Do you think Koen found you?
21:54100 million.
21:55Koen is the only one who is alone.
21:56Jonathan was not with us.
21:58Jonathan is alone.
22:00But I think he found him.
22:02If he found him.
22:04He went that way.
22:06Around there.
22:07I'm just thinking.
22:09Who did I see?
22:10Who wasn't there?
22:12Who went where?
22:14It was downstairs somewhere.
22:16If it were the others, they wouldn't go apart.
22:19I get a bad feeling about myself.
22:21Why am I not there?
22:22I'm just going to look around.
22:24I have to make sure I'm there within 20 minutes.
22:28There's nothing here.
22:33No, man.
22:35But I have a sign with an exit.
22:37I'm going to take it with me.
22:38It might come in handy.
22:40You'll only have to sleep here.
22:44Don't even.
22:45Yeah, really.
22:46Now it's kind of a system.
22:48Koen, huh?
22:50Don't you have it?
22:51Don't you have it?
22:52I thought one of you found it.
22:54Are you flashing us, Koen?
22:56No, I swear.
22:57I was just walking with you.
22:59I checked that part, but nothing.
23:01I blamed you 100% of four times.
23:04I think it's nerve-racking.
23:06This game.
23:07No, hide.
23:08Even when I was young and did that.
23:11I always get tingles in my stomach.
23:14I hate this.
23:15I think I'm stupid and I should be inside.
23:18But I want to have seen the garden.
23:20And no one has been here.
23:22I'm standing on the stairs.
23:24And I see someone running into bushes.
23:26And I thought, I'm not going to waste my energy.
23:29I'm not going to waste my energy to run after him.
23:32I'm here.
23:33Yeah, do it.
23:34I'll stay here.
23:36Left, right, up, down.
23:38Have I been here?
23:39I don't know, but I'll go again.
23:41Was the toilet this way?
23:43I'm in the toilet.
23:45Who's in the toilet?
23:49Can you answer?
23:50I'm not stupid.
23:51Mom did a race no fool.
23:54I don't see any feet.
23:57Players, spread out over the playground is a gate.
24:01When a gate becomes active, you can enter it.
24:05And you get a chance to get closer to the hider.
24:08Be warned.
24:09It's not without risk.
24:11A gate is an important aid.
24:14Either you are flashed by the gate or you have wind.
24:17The red gate is now active.
24:19The red gate is now active.
24:22The red gate is now active.
24:24I have no idea where the red gate is.
24:26I'm going to the red gate.
24:28They don't say it for nothing.
24:30I'm not looking for it.
24:31But if I see it, I'll go inside.
24:38They think it's simple behind the curtain.
24:41That I suddenly see 2 shoes.
24:44The red gate.
24:45What is the red gate?
24:46I'm going inside.
24:47I think it's exciting.
24:49And I see a triangle with boxes.
24:51I think maybe I can get used to it.
24:56What is this?
24:57This gate is for 3 players.
25:00You are the first.
25:01So you decide who the other 2 players will be.
25:05Be careful.
25:06You can't leave the gate until the game is over.
25:11Who do I want?
25:16I want...
25:22The red gate.
25:23I see the red gate.
25:25I think, okay.
25:27I'm going to do it.
25:30It's okay, girl.
25:31As if I knew it.
25:33By chance, Britt walks in.
25:34I think that's nice.
25:35I already have one.
25:36We have to have Rilly now.
25:38What? Did I have to come here?
25:40No, that's by chance.
25:41Oh really?
25:42We can't leave the gate.
25:43Shut up.
25:44We have to have Rilly.
25:49Until Rilly is here.
25:50Do you know how big this building is?
25:52Will you scream out of the window?
25:54Then I'll do it here.
25:57I open the window.
25:58And I see Rilly in the distance.
26:03Rilly is coming!
26:04Oh, Rilly has to come.
26:05Red gate!
26:08What did I do?
26:09Sylvia and Britt say I have to come in.
26:12I don't trust them.
26:13Why do I have to come in?
26:14Where are you?
26:16You have to come in.
26:17Listen, there is a three-corner table with three boxes.
26:21And an assignment.
26:22So we can't win anything.
26:23Come on, hurry up.
26:26What do we have to do?
26:27No idea.
26:30Players, each choose a box.
26:33I want that one.
26:34Look at the content.
26:35You're getting a little too close to the hand.
26:37And keep it to yourself.
26:38No, that's my box.
26:39Yes, okay, good.
26:40We have to open the box.
26:41And I see a large envelope.
26:43And it says crucial information.
26:45This is great.
26:46And it says to me.
26:47You will be frozen for 20 minutes.
26:50On my piece of paper is a photo of Selma.
26:53A photo of her.
26:54I have to exchange it with someone.
26:55The player who found the photo of the hider in the box is now set.
27:00You have to exchange this with one of the items of the other players.
27:04You have three minutes to decide.
27:06Note, one of the opponents has a valuable hint for the hider.
27:11Oh, I have to exchange.
27:13The other has something that you are going to counteract.
27:16One of us has nonsense.
27:17And the other has something good.
27:20What do you have?
27:21Do I have to say that?
27:23Of course, otherwise we won't get out.
27:24No, but you're going to bluff anyway.
27:31I only think poker face.
27:33Just try to keep this.
27:38What about you?
27:40Shit, okay.
27:43There goes my envelope.
27:45With crucial information.
27:47And I end up with a photo of Selma.
27:50What do I have to do with that at such a moment?
27:52Bro, I get the thing in my hand.
27:54And it just says that Selma is in the Juliana zone.
27:57I have already been able to look at the background.
27:59So I already know what the building looks like.
28:02End of game.
28:03One player is now frozen for 20 minutes.
28:08Well, I'm frozen.
28:1220 minutes.
28:14Have fun, bro.
28:15Yes, thanks.
28:20God, what a bad luck.
28:23Just read a book or something.
28:27All good?
28:29Yes, good.
28:30With you?
28:31Yes, relaxed.
28:32What are you looking for?
28:33I'm looking for the exit.
28:35Why are you walking so fast?
28:37Patty can't walk that fast.
28:38Take it easy.
28:39Well, Britt and Ice and Patty.
28:41They didn't find anything either.
28:43Willie has the information with all the crucial information.
28:47He has the thing now.
28:48He has the envelope now.
28:49Bro, she's dangerous.
28:51It's a lie that she's shaking, man.
28:53I just have a good tip to find her.
28:56And the problem is that I've been running around in the Juliana zone all the time.
29:01Why haven't I found her yet?
29:02Really, that Willie wanted to kiss me.
29:05If only I had done that.
29:24Jonathan and I are completely confused.
29:27And suddenly we hear the door open.
29:32Check this room, bro.
29:40There are so many rooms here.
29:42I'm never going to find her.
29:46We hear Willie's voice.
29:52Willie is doing something strange to me.
29:54The only thing we hear him say is...
29:57Bro, I'm never going to find her.
30:02There's a door here.
30:06Oh, we can go outside.
30:16You were here, but you didn't see us.
30:24I'm always scared.
30:25I'm being followed.
30:26And then you can't do anything.
30:28That's what it's like when you're in here.
30:31Oh my god, I didn't even see you.
30:33It must be something you get from the outside pretty quickly.
30:37Outside I searched everything.
30:42What if she picks up the phone?
30:50Hello, have you seen Selma Omari?
30:56No, she wouldn't be very smart either.
30:58She wouldn't hide, but you never know.
31:00Maybe she's more stupid than me.
31:02I haven't found a player yet.
31:04Why am I so bad?
31:06The clock is ticking.
31:08And I still haven't found Selma.
31:13Player, you are no longer frozen.
31:16You may continue your search.
31:18No, I'm a freeze.
31:20Oh, I'm a freeze.
31:22Oh, I'm a freeze.
31:23Oh, I'm a freeze.
31:24Players, your search time is 40 minutes.
31:28I'm going to run for my life.
31:30Now I'm completely frozen.
31:31Bro, I'm getting desperate now.
31:33We're finally free.
31:34Where's the information?
31:35It must be somewhere here, bro.
31:37Isn't she on the roof?
31:38On the roof?
31:39That's a good one.
31:41What is he after?
31:42He has the info.
31:46Where did Selma go?
31:48What's her problem?
31:49How well can she hide?
31:54Players, the blue gate is now active.
31:57Challenge yourself and a sound signal will reveal the hider.
32:01The blue gate is active.
32:03I have no idea where it is, but I'm not going to do it again.
32:06You can be frozen for 20 minutes.
32:08I'm going to grab my coat.
32:09I have an advantage.
32:11This is my moment.
32:12I have to go there.
32:13Oh, hello.
32:15I come in and see a box and a button.
32:18The box is empty.
32:21Player, put your watch in the box.
32:24My own watch that I never, never did.
32:26I've only done the box.
32:27But I can miss this one.
32:31When you manage to press this button after three minutes ...
32:34Three minutes, man!
32:36... then the hider must let a beep go off at the hiding place.
32:39But watch out.
32:40You have a time limit of 10 seconds.
32:45A beep too.
32:46Press the button to start this game.
32:48Press again as soon as you think three minutes have passed.
32:52Okay, I'm going to try, man.
32:54Okay, three minutes.
32:55The first thing I think is, how can I play here?
32:58But I realize I can't play here, so I really have to do it.
33:03One, two, three.
33:07Where have you been?
33:08The whole stretch was there.
33:09But really go through?
33:10With my own feet I did pretty well.
33:13Pretty okay.
33:14Okay, then I'm going to check for the certainty, man.
33:1641, 42.
33:18My tactic is to count fast and keep a good rhythm.
33:21One, two, three.
33:30You know what's crazy?
33:32If she knows right away that I had more triangles ...
33:37and I didn't share them with her ...
33:39she'll vote me out, I mean.
33:4177, 78, 79, 80.
33:48You pressed the button after three minutes and eight seconds.
33:53What can he count well?
33:54Hoppa, prize for Koen.
33:56The hider must let go of a key in exactly one minute ...
34:00at the hiding place.
34:0260, 59, 58.
34:05As a reward, Selma must let go of a really hard key after one minute.
34:09Only I have to find a tactical place so I can hear that button.
34:1229, 28, 27.
34:17I'm going to the middle, middle, middle of the palace.
34:20Both doors are open. You have outside noise, you have inside noise.
34:23This is the place.
34:2516, 15.
34:27I'm very nervous about that button.
34:29Because the moment I have to press that button ...
34:32is the moment I think everyone is coming to gather here ...
34:35and I'm just going to lose the game.
34:37I'm waiting. And I'm waiting.
34:405, 4, 3, 2, 1.
34:44Do you have it now?
34:55I hear something that looks like a horn very far away.
34:59What is that horn?
35:02Yes, that's beautiful.
35:04That's really cool.
35:06So cool.
35:08Exactly the moment after that, I press that emergency button.
35:14Players, the emergency button has been activated.
35:18Emergency button activated? What does that mean?
35:21You are all frozen and your search time is now 10 minutes.
35:25Now put on your blindfolded glasses.
35:28Suddenly that emergency button goes off. I don't even know there's an emergency button.
35:31Oh, this is so terrible.
35:34You are temporarily blind, but can hear everything.
35:37Bro, they're going to get me, man. I'm sure of it, man.
35:40Something's going to happen, bro.
35:42How long does this take? I want to look.
35:44People are disoriented.
35:47So I choose not to move.
35:50I hope they think I'm outside again.
35:53That would be smart.
35:55Maybe it's a good idea.
35:57Players, by activating the emergency button,
36:00the hider got the chance to move.
36:07The game is now resumed.
36:09So she moved.
36:11The hider activated the emergency button.
36:13So that means someone was close.
36:16And that's why I had to wait 10 minutes.
36:18So the hider is now literally moved.
36:20Think about where I am.
36:23She's moved.
36:24So everything we've seen doesn't count anymore.
36:28So what happens?
36:30We're going to look at the same places again, of course.
36:34She's also someone who's been looking for a very easy spot lately.
36:38Yeah, why?
36:39Why didn't you expect that?
36:41I think it's best to stay together now.
36:44This building is so, so, so big.
36:48I'm starting all over again, so this is terrible.
36:51I can't do this anymore.
36:53I've been here so many times, bro.
36:56I can give you the explanation. Do you want the explanation?
36:58Your search time is 15 minutes.
37:01So if you see the same room every time,
37:05we can't go up anymore.
37:07No, that's the whole point.
37:09Then we have to go down again.
37:10Yes, and then at some point you get so frustrated.
37:13We've been here before.
37:15I can't.
37:16My sense of direction is completely zero.
37:21I can't.
37:45Where is this one going?
37:47It's not going to open at all, I guess.
37:50I don't know why.
37:53It's so exciting.
37:55I really have to go for it.
37:57So I'm already three drops ahead.
38:15Players, your search time is 10 minutes.
38:20I'm going crazy.
38:22Every room, every door.
38:23I'm trying to open everything.
38:25And that clock is ticking.
38:27Ten minutes left and I'm nowhere.
38:30Spread out now.
38:32Yes, we have eight rooms here. We need everyone.
38:36I'm going to be here again, man.
38:38The last minutes are the worst minutes.
38:41Oh, oh, oh.
38:42Isn't she there?
38:43Yes, that way, that way.
38:45Left, left, left.
38:47Players, your search time is one minute left.
38:53So I'm full of tension behind that cloak.
38:56If no one joins me now, I'm through to the next round.
39:01And I get seven triangles.
39:05Last round.
39:06What a shame, bro.
39:075, 4, 3, 2, 1.
39:12Players, your search time is over.
39:15Your search time is over.
39:17Yes, I really don't like losers.
39:20So I'm very glad I wasn't found.
39:23Yes, the turn is in.
39:26Player Stefan here.
39:28Listen carefully to those who have not found Selma.
39:32Sign up for me at the palace.
39:34And the rest, stay seated.
39:36I'm done.
39:37It's harder than I thought.
39:42I didn't know I was so bad at searching.
39:44I really didn't expect it from myself.
39:46I can be done now.
39:47Which place did I not see?
39:50I'm serious.
39:51I've seen this whole room now.
39:53I really didn't know.
39:54Yes, me a thousand times.
39:55Oh God.
39:56I was frozen here for another 20 minutes.
40:00Stefan takes us to Selma.
40:03And we come into that theater.
40:07Here, that theater.
40:08We walked past it.
40:10We stood here.
40:11It was so incredibly exciting.
40:13It looked like a movie.
40:14Hiding place.
40:16Where are you?
40:22Oh my God.
40:23Oh my God.
40:25Is this after the move or before?
40:28No, because I didn't move at all.
40:30Can't be.
40:31We've been here.
40:33So close, so close.
40:35I just didn't look at that last spot.
40:38Where she was just sitting with Jonathan.
40:46Look, you just get applause.
40:48I had a great time with you.
40:50Let's go to the bus, guys.
40:53Shall I honestly say that having power feels good?
40:56Hiding is stupid.
40:57That means that I can send someone home.
41:00Jonathan, because at the end of the game
41:03seven people were still looking for Selma,
41:05I want to reward you with seven triangles.
41:11Here you go.
41:13And you can go in the bus, because your journey continues.
41:18See you in a bit.
41:21But seven players did not find Selma.
41:24And one of you has to go home.
41:26But Selma, I'll leave that to you.
41:29Willie can go ahead.
41:31You were so close, but just not.
41:33So I know you deserve a new chance.
41:37Okay, Willie you can go to the bus.
41:39You continue.
41:42IJS and Patty too.
41:44Because we really saw you get in.
41:47Look, look, look, look, Patty and IJS.
41:49The surrealist fraud has remained.
41:52I think Britt deserves another chance.
41:58Who do you think they will skip?
42:00I think Coen.
42:01I think Sylvia.
42:02Coen is strong.
42:03Who do you think deserves another chance?
42:05I think Timon deserves another chance.
42:11The last two players.
42:13I find it difficult.
42:14Sylvia and Coen.
42:16I think Coen.
42:17I think Coen deserves it.
42:18The last word is yours, Selma.
42:21But I enjoyed it so much.
42:23I would like to hear the name of the one who is not allowed to participate.
42:26The one who is not allowed to participate was someone I have not heard at all.
42:34And that was...
42:42I'm through.
42:43Bam, we're going to earn them today.
42:45Where are we?
42:46What is so big in Groningen that you can hide well?
42:53Who will be the hider?
42:54The fate will decide that.
42:56I'm going to hide behind you.
42:59I look everywhere.
43:00I have made impossible cabinets open.
43:02Come on, let's go to Aria Robben.
43:04Every skybox.
43:05I've been in it at least four times.
43:07I'm going to try to get in in a very attractive way.
43:11The hider was found by three players.
43:14Oh my God.
43:158, 9, 10.
43:17And nobody knows this.
43:19Let's go.
43:28I'm here.
43:29I'm here.
43:30I'm here.
43:31I'm here.
43:32I'm here.
43:33I'm here.
43:34I'm here.
43:35I'm here.
43:36I'm here.
43:37I'm here.
43:38I'm here.
43:39I'm here.
43:40I'm here.
43:41I'm here.
43:42I'm here.
43:43I'm here.
43:44I'm here.
43:45I'm here.
43:46I'm here.
43:47I'm here.
43:48I'm here.
43:49I'm here.
43:50I'm here.
43:51I'm here.
43:52I'm here.
43:53I'm here.
43:54I'm here.
43:55I'm here.
43:56I'm here.
43:57I'm here.
43:58I'm here.
43:59I'm here.
44:00I'm here.
44:01I'm here.
44:02I'm here.
44:03I'm here.
44:04I'm here.
44:05I'm here.
44:06I'm here.
44:07I'm here.
44:08I'm here.
44:09I'm here.
44:10I'm here.
44:11I'm here.
44:12I'm here.
44:13I'm here.
44:14I'm here.
44:15I'm here.
44:16I'm here.
44:17I'm here.
44:18I'm here.
44:19I'm here.
44:20I'm here.
44:21I'm here.
44:22I'm here.
44:23I'm here.
44:24I'm here.
44:25I'm here.