00:00Previously on the flip-off.
00:02You act like I've never flipped a freaking house.
00:03Can you show some respect for your older children's mom?
00:08I will flip a house against you anytime, anywhere.
00:10Doesn't matter.
00:11You will never beat me.
00:13Game on.
00:13Me and Josh versus you two.
00:15And the winner, simple.
00:16Highest return on investment.
00:17And what do we win?
00:19Family vacation?
00:21This is our house.
00:22We don't have another option.
00:25I like this.
00:26You walk right into a nice, big room.
00:27Is this the house for us?
00:32I don't like this competition.
00:33It has me all messed up.
00:34Are you going to let your ex-wife beat you?
00:37We can't do the audition.
00:38Don't get frustrated.
00:40Remember, you're a hall now.
00:41Don't get confused in this competition
00:43about what your last name is.
00:46Josh and I officially split up.
00:49Things with Josh have been bad for a long time.
00:51You make him very insecure.
00:53What do you think about us competing on this house flip?
00:55You still want to do it?
00:57Yes, I'm still going to do it.
00:59Tarek probably is more worried about his
01:01being prettier than mine.
01:02What I'm worried about is outflipping him,
01:04and that's it.
01:05I want the look.
01:06I just gave you the look.
01:07You don't know the look.
01:08Who's the judge?
01:09Heather Dubrow.
01:11Whoever the judge picks gets $2,000 towards something
01:14in the next space.
01:17I'm having a nervous breakdown.
01:18I am going to give the kitchen win to Tarek and Heather.
01:22Oh, my god.
01:24But if I were judging the ROI today,
01:27I think it would go to Christina.
01:35Remus's swinging, when we slide out,
01:37find a shot of Long Beach, portobello right out.
01:43Hi Hi.
01:47How are you?
01:48How's it going?
01:48Good, how are you?
01:49You cried yourself to sleep last night?
01:50I'm so annoyed.
01:52Let's talk about what room is next, primary and primary
01:56Both not just the room not just the bathroom. So you can't show up and say well the bathroom wasn't included
02:06We will not be judging your formal dining room space that still comes as part of your ROI
02:13But I feel like it's fair to judge a kitchen to a kitchen
02:17How many weeks do we have for this room? Two. Have you thought out who you want your judge to be?
02:22I haven't decided yet. Oh you owe us some
02:26Money. No, you get to pick something up to $2,000 and I'll make it happen. Okay, can you give us a hint?
02:33Is your partner a man or a woman? Oh, I'm not telling you my partner. There's the zero shot that's happening now
02:38I'm on a mission
02:41Can we
02:45Christina's using the word controlling just to get under my skin because she knows I don't like the work if I was controlling
02:52Why is it that every time in the past Christina?
02:54I would work together and we'd have a dispute over something. It would always go her way
02:58So controlling don't think so, but either way she's never gonna beat me. All right, we're out of here
03:04Okay, bye, by the way, if you're really upset about losing I can send you some counselors. I
03:08Have some tricks up my sleeve to win the primary challenge
03:15We have to win so I have a plan
03:18I'm gonna bring in two judges and one is gonna be my mom and the other
03:24Is gonna be Tariq's mom
03:30No, she definitely won't we have a very good relationship and she even told me not to marry him and to marry the dog
03:39For real I have a long history with Tariq's mom
03:42She's traveled with me post-divorce of Tariq and me and the children we talk on the phone
03:47I definitely feel like I'm her favorite. I want it to be a blind competition
03:51so basically like they'll get to walk both houses not knowing who's is who's and
03:56Then like I'm not gonna say that his mom's a part of it
03:59I'm only gonna tell them my mom like right before and then when they show up for the judging both will walk in
04:04we sway the grandma's and
04:07We win this
04:11We only have two weeks to create a primary suite luckily when we originally walked through the house we came up with some killer ideas
04:21This is bedroom one older house like this they don't even have a primary to create one
04:30You have a big bathroom you have this large bedroom
04:34We got the pool right here green pool
04:36We could do some type of like slider here going off to a deck
04:41Well, this is a big bathroom. We can make this super nice though 20 grand probably
04:45That's what the bells and whistles the light up mirror the lit up shampoo niche instead of lighting in the shampoo niche
04:52Lighting going all the way from ceiling down to the floor in the tiles. Yes. Oh
04:57I like that
05:00You kind of have this little private hallway if we close that off and created like a whole suite over here
05:06I may have lost the design in the kitchen, but I excel in the primary
05:11So I am not worried at all and it just motivates me even more to kick her butt
05:26We're tearing out everything we're getting the bedroom and the bathroom
05:33Losing is not an option this week
05:35But like every other room in this flip when I walked it was Josh our primary was a disaster
05:41This is disgusting. Oh my god
05:48The good news is there's one
05:50Largish bedroom down here. The bad news is it'll just need to be burned down. Let's just keep it real
05:55So Josh got rid of the trash. I got rid of Josh and my crew took the bedroom and bathroom down to the studs
06:06And with Josh now to the picture I have a clean slate all around
06:17Know well still looks like
06:21This one's gonna be a little bit of a challenge
06:23It's so small and we still have to put a closet in here. I know we were gonna use Josh's
06:28He said he had like a cheap guy to lay the flooring which that's out
06:32So you're gonna have to hook me up on that price. I'll take care of you and always be leery of anytime. Somebody says cheap
06:37Yeah, I know
06:40For me every time I heard that word cheap, okay, I would love to create a powder bathroom
06:46Is there any way that there's any room for a tiny but functional powder bathroom?
06:51We could do like a three-foot six just enough for access
06:53So my whole ambition and goal with this is to make it bold
06:58You know, I don't normally do bold on a flip because you could be alienating buyers
07:02But I think in this case just cuz it's so small like it needs to be like really over-the-top with the mom's judging
07:08I want to cater some of my designs towards them first
07:11I'm a ditch the slider that goes nowhere and make room for a big closet that runs the length of the wall
07:15I need to make up for the loss of light by adding a transom window that the bed can sit beneath my mom loves jewelry
07:22So I'm thinking some fun lighting that will keep it glam and then I'll cover this room in wallpaper
07:27It's something that's coming back in style
07:28And luckily my mom loves it too since I'm losing part of the bathroom to a powder bathroom later on
07:33I need to maximize every single inch of usable space in the room a double vanity with wall-mounted
07:39Faucets will maximize counter space and it's gonna showcase a high-end
07:42Look place where shower tiles and brass fixtures are gonna be modern yet. Grandma chic. I have to beat Tariq and Heather
07:50I'm hoping a budget of
07:52$60,000 can help me do that. We need to win this one. You're always winning my world
07:56You want to go grab a drink and pretend like we're together and give the paparazzi something to show?
07:59I would love to do that
08:04Okay, here we go
08:05Could we put a slider here and make this a sitting area like right off the the primary but we could just keep windows
08:12Inside this house is coming out. So like so nice
08:15Maybe we're gonna end up just selling it for more than we're thinking
08:18I mean or we're over building it for this neighborhood and we're gonna get no offers
08:22I mean, we don't know we spent a lot in the kitchen, but primary spaces sell a house
08:27But we do need to make sure that we're not going over budget. The door is gonna cost somewhere between
08:333,000-3,500 I kind of feel like we have to I mean all glass brand new pool waterfalls going new landscaping
08:40It would be gorgeous
08:42Yeah, we're gonna do it
08:44We want to transform this dated bedroom into a sanctuary of Zen by closing off the corner of the house to establish a proper primary
08:52Suite we're thinking that sliding glass doors leading out to the pool will give the bedroom a resort feel
08:58While muted texture wallpaper
09:00Custom oak wall panels and brass sconces will add the luxurious atmosphere in the bathroom
09:06We want to continue our vacation vibes with a skylight above the spacious glass enclosed shower
09:11Anchored by a teak shower pan
09:13Maybe a floating vanity with sink to ceiling tiles will keep things clean and crisp
09:18While hidden LED lighting and touchless automatic faucets will balance our natural materials with modern living
09:24We really need another win, but winning design is at the top of our list a budget of
09:30$75,000 should get us both bathroom. Did you find anything major in here? I think they'll speak for themselves
09:36Let me check it out. That doesn't look so good. No
09:39Basically what we had here is a shower that's been leaking for years and years and you can see how
09:44It basically is destroyed the whole thing
09:47Waistlines that might be rusting not a big deal of money, but it's just time
09:51We have two weeks to finish the primary Brian. How the hell am I gonna get done two weeks?
10:01How the hell am I gonna get done two weeks, oh, that's what I'm thinking like
10:04How are we gonna get that done in two weeks?
10:06We can work Saturday and I'm just gonna put in extra hours
10:08But I can't work any more than seven to five if we go one day out over even an hour over in the next morning
10:13we lose I
10:16Never saw upstairs last time so this will be interesting. Oh, well, it has not been remodeled
10:21Oh, yeah, look, there's the original cabinets that were downstairs
10:24Kylie and I renovated the first floor of my parents home last year and we brought our own style into that design
10:32however for the primary suite
10:33I need a guarantee that my mom is gonna choose me and my parents are out of town this weekend
10:38So we decided to check out her closet and come up with a color palette that I know she'll like
10:50Mean everything sort of looks a little bit like a wallpaper, right?
10:53Very 80s interior design frame of mind, but I'm here for it
10:57What I do know about Lori is that she likes a little bit of bold, right?
11:00So if we're playing to Lori then you gotta play up our boldness. I mean, I need you to see something that I pulled
11:06Okay, I'm excited
11:10Kylie I swear. I know I like the second you put that on it's like you gotta be kidding me
11:14I can see a perfect man or a hawk in this like checker. Yeah. Yeah, that's really pretty. Okay shower pan for sure
11:20Yeah, we have the white oak cabinets the beautiful counter and of course the hardware. Yeah game over
11:27I haven't asked Hark's mom yet. Should I call her? Yes
11:36I have a favor
11:38Okay, okay, so, you know how your son and I have a competition against each other, right
11:45Okay, my mom is gonna be a judge, but I was wondering if you could join her and judge with her
11:54Well, you have to pick one sweetie
11:58I know
12:01That's what makes it more fun, but you can't tell Tariq they were one of the judges
12:06It's gonna be so fun, okay
12:15Okay, you know I take good care of you
12:24Hey, what's up, Brian?
12:31What is this the camera in the primary bath the galvanized pipe
12:35Are doing what we call taco II all of that galvanized needs to be ripped out and put in some new ABS
12:42Black pipe we have an additional cost for the waistline for a thirty five hundred dollars on plumbing
12:48Yeah, so it's not just the money thing that scares me is it's gonna take some more time
12:56If we go with multiple crews work after hours work on the weekends, is there still a chance we don't finish on time
13:02There is a chance. We'll have your primary may be completed, but
13:08It's not functional man 3,500 bucks, and we might not hit our deadline. Okay?
13:17It's my birthday weekend this weekend. I don't want to work past Friday. Just think Hawaii me and you
13:23Tariq surprised me with a birthday trip to Hawaii, which is so sweet of him
13:27But we now have this $3,500 plumbing bill, so I need to simplify my design to speed up work save money and Brian's sanity
13:36urgency urgency urgency
13:40Are you kidding?
13:42What do you know I kidding you're gonna put dark brown a wood looking floor in a spa bathroom
13:47We're not doing that of course we want to beat her in the design
13:50But if Christina really is treating this like a flip we don't want to put ourselves at risk at losing the entire
13:56Competition because that's what really really matters. I think I'm changing everything. What do you mean?
13:59You're changing every year, so originally I wanted a teak floor in the shower
14:03So instead of that remember how we did the pebble floor orange
14:09Saves us a lot of money, but what are we gonna do on the sides of it all shower wall in stock?
14:15Discount section that's actually pretty dope and then I had it tile going behind the bathroom mirrors
14:21So if we just do lime wash that will save us a lot of money
14:26The good thing is is we have the extra 2,000 from winning that last challenge
14:31So I wanted to put like a real dresser in the closet with a mirror above it and then really pretty sconce lighting above it
14:38Are we just buying a dresser Christina's buying the dresser?
14:40Oh, I like and then she could pay for like the lighting maybe the sconcesh like the mirror all the challenges
14:46I hope she's running into problems too because honestly it's the plumbing problem is the reason why we can't do the top of course
14:51She's running into problems her house was a piece of crap
14:56In my mind at the house the crew is installing gas electricity and framing in the windows
15:12Why the heck is this window so big I don't want to see everybody in here what's happening?
15:16Well, you me had discussed the trans out
15:19Yeah, when we went to design with the architect it came back that hey per code we needed to have access window
15:24So that was the minimal size. Well, this is not good
15:28This is a bedroom there's no privacy the views not good the entire design around this bedroom was on that back wall
15:35Like I wanted to do a whole feature wall a headboard some wallpaper like all the things this is really killing our value
15:42There's got to be another way like there's something else. I don't care knock out down the closet like this. This cannot happen
15:54I'll reach out to the architect and we'll see if I can't get a second option on
15:59Flanking windows on the side of the bed. I mean anything anything other than this pretty much
16:04I feel like the bathroom feels really small. I know the powder bath is important, but this feels
16:10tiny I
16:12Thought that adding the powder bathroom was a no-brainer to up the highs
16:17I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like
16:22It was a no-brainer to up the ROI of this entire project
16:26However, now that I'm seeing how small it's made this en suite feel
16:31I'm worried that I'm gonna lose the entire primary challenge
16:35I mean
16:35I thought that I was working this small kitchen and thought I had to crush at the design with the kitchen
16:39But this is like this is way worse
16:45While Brian works on replacing the pipes
16:47The crew is rushing to finish the framing and drywall in the bedroom and bathroom building out our window frame and shower
16:58Unfortunately, I had to buy a dresser for Tariq and Heather because I lost the last challenge
17:02But I have a trick up my sleeve
17:05Master contractor Izzy Batres. I've worked with Izzy for over a decade and showing up at Tariq's house
17:11He's gonna think that Izzy is my new partner
17:13I just love getting in Tariq's head and messing with him and I think Izzy's definitely along for the ride
17:18You know, I'll do anything for you girl brother from another brother. That's right. You've been with me through three divorces
17:27So, what's up, what are we doing here?
17:29So basically Tariq and Heather won the kitchen challenge
17:33So they get to pick something up to $2,000, which is this dresser and this mirror
17:39Yeah, and and we have to bring it to them
17:41So I figured we'll mess with them you dropping it off with me is gonna look like you're my partner
17:46Just throw him off his game. That's like literally my strategy. Okay. All right, right
17:51So, I mean you you work with Tariq and Heather. Does Heather typically stay on budget? No
17:57It was but honey, I really like this
18:04So I've done their house too I've done their personal house, yeah, and
18:08She has a specific
18:11taste that I felt was not suited for
18:17Architectural of the house. I agree like it's kind of like mid-century but like a touch of like
18:23Not glam, but like it's not the ornate glam, but it is it is there and it took a long time to get decisions
18:32All right, you're going to the front door. Yes hide and then when the time's right, I'll jump out
18:40Feel like I'm committing a crime just in case they're in the room
18:51What's up, are you here to fix this? Nope. He's not here to fix that. Oh my god. Is that Christina's voice?
18:58What are you here to do here to drop off? Is that your new partner, bro?
19:05You're going down right know where you live I know
19:08Know everything I know everything about you. Let me slam this door ever since Christina split with Josh
19:13She's been taunting us on who her new partner is. Hello. What's up second place? I think we're in first
19:19Who's that in the back talking smack? It's her new partner in crime. Who is that? What's going on? We got your dresser
19:28It's our furniture, all right, so I just okay higher than how are you?
19:33Tark so competitive like getting in his head just like messes with like his entire day
19:38I don't have a partner which to me is great because no one is there to boss me around or tell me what to do
19:44You need some help busy. I do need help. Oh, it's just like the band's back together get out of my bushes
19:51I'll call the police
19:52My bushes are you a little feisty right now? I thought you guys teamed up to flip the house
19:56You know, we did it. Oh, no, is my ex-wife keeps showing up my house a lot lately
20:02See you later second place. Oh good. Thank you. I have a real bad feeling that Israel's are part
20:08Oh, that's really bad too because listen, he has his own construction company like he's gonna get stuff done cheaper and faster
20:13But you know what? She's also calculated. She's doing this to mess with us and it's working
20:19She's so evil
20:27Was going up the crew is framing out the closet and best of all Michael was able to get us approval on smaller windows
20:34We'll give the primer a few days to dry and then we can start hanging the wallpaper
20:39great news
20:41Brian replaced those pipes in record time and they're laying tile in the shower on the floor and
20:47Installing our custom vanity in the bedroom
20:50The crew is building a custom closet and built-in which will feature our show-stopping dresser that we bought with our advantage winning. Oh
21:03I love the sound. Oh, that's gorgeous. Oh, look at me fix the plumbing. Yeah, there's the dresser she bought
21:12I was very janky. Did she get at the swap me? What is this thing? No, I picked it, but I chose online
21:17This is just me like a custom art piece in this room. I did not think it was gonna look this janky
21:22This isn't gonna make us win, honey
21:24I'm really upset because now we threw away our advantage on this piece of furniture that looks like crap in person
21:29One thing can throw us off and one thing can make us lose and losing to design again would suck
21:35So what do you want to do then move it over here? Just use it as a dresser and
21:40Then here we have to make it feel a little more custom
21:43So why don't we do like floating shelves in here and then we put a sconce up here still
21:50Hey what's going on?
21:54Yes, we want to know who the judges
21:57Your mom
22:00Your mom
22:02Hey, your mom better play fair though
22:04Okay, so it's gonna be blind judging. I think it's better if we're not there and that way there's zero influence
22:10I was wondering if she can
22:12Borrow one of the sprinters and that way we can like pull the shades down and that way she doesn't know where she is
22:16Yeah, of course, we lease it out for 3,000 an hour
22:22It's a celebrity van bro
22:26Let's do it team Lori game on I love this she's gonna be great chat later. Bye
22:31Let's think of some special things for Lori pictures of the grandkids
22:39This bedroom is looking awfully small
22:42But I like these windows a lot better. You're letting a natural light without seeing the whole neighborhood. We have a big closet
22:48It's just like I feel like right when you walk in it's gonna feel like bed
22:52My rooms are small and I am at a disadvantage. So it's time to get creative
22:57I'm gonna try to find out where Tarkin Heather's house is
23:00But I'm gonna do it by a little trickery Tarkin Heather already know where my house is. So this is only leveling the odds
23:08Hi, I was calling to check the status of an order I think it's under Heather or Tariq El Moussa
23:20So I was calling to make sure that it's going to the correct address can you verify what you have
23:24Yeah, I'll make sure you get that address right materials not been showing up
23:34That's the flip house, thank you so much. That's accurate. Thank you
23:45My god, okay, do you think that's actually the address? Oh, this is it. All right closed escrow only two months ago
23:53Thanks to Heather's active social media presence
23:56I know that they are in their happy place and living their best lives in Hawaii
24:00So while they're sipping on their drinks, I will be spying on their house. Let's see how far it is from here 19 minutes
24:07Let's go
24:13So I bought it for seven hundred and ten thousand says it's worth 1.2, but that's not necessarily
24:21Fixed up, you know, they got a good deal on it
24:24Probably that's right. I don't see anyone
24:29Wait, is it all locked man?
24:32So like locked it up. Maybe we can get access from the back. I was thinking we try that. Yep
24:40Are you worried about getting caught at all here? This is a prime work time if no one's here now no one's coming back, right?
24:46Well, it's an awful lot like our garage. There's a door
24:50Looks like they're spending quite a bit. Yeah
24:53Yeah, they're gonna have to spend some money on the front yard too because it's a big front yard
24:57Oh, you can see into the kitchen give you a boost. Oh, is that the dining room?
25:01She was all mad about yeah, a lot of archways
25:04Which in all the work they're gonna put up here all the new windows like that alone
25:13Yeah, that's bad so a point
25:15I feel like 1.2 is closer to what it's actually gonna sell for I think so, too
25:19So if they overspend here, I'm gonna make a mistake
25:23While we celebrate Heather's birthday in Hawaii. Our crew is finishing up the pebble shower pan
25:29installing the slab for the vanity and
25:31Hanging textured wallpaper and when we return there really shouldn't be much more to do other than the finishing touches
25:37So we can win this thing
25:39My team isn't slowing down for a second wallpaper is going up and the tile is going in
25:44I'll take my vacation when the competition is over and Tariq and Heather can pay for it
25:52Have some things we're gonna deal with wallpaper got ahead of everything so we don't have a sconce
25:57We have a pendant in order for us to do a sconce. I have to start over with the drywall
26:02It's gonna be a process. I don't have a pendant for in here. Can you switch it?
26:06I would have to go and get it by tomorrow morning. It's just easier to go to the store and buy a darn pendant
26:12I wanted you the rounded edge how the girls would like that
26:15But I wasn't thinking clearly and obviously was distracted knowing that porcelain doesn't cut round and I ordered porcelain
26:22How hard would it be to square off this edge?
26:29It is go time it's all hands on deck to bring our primary suite to life
26:34One more day until I finally get the win that I deserve
26:43Hi, how are you? Oh my god, the lights are freaking gorgeous. They look like props. Oh like they go on a boat
26:50No, I don't
26:51Earrings. Oh my god, if we don't frickin with like, oh my god the gloating by Tariq and Heather's. Oh my god
26:58I'm not stopping
27:03What are you doing?
27:05Melting can you hand me these so I don't think it down every time
27:08We literally bought the chandelier on our way over and I think that this looks better than the sconces that we're gonna use, honey
27:14slow and controlled I
27:17Was telling me what to do, huh? If it breaks, this is it. We have nothing else. Oh, you have no faith in me
27:23Well when it comes to breakable things, absolutely. No, I can work with Christina today, huh?
27:34You're just gonna be careful you stop, okay
27:37Did you break one
27:40You did yeah, are you freaking kidding me you guys want to lift and I'll roll
27:53Wow, it's coming together already
27:58This place is like it's like very dirty. It's like dusty and disgusting. Look at this. What the heck's this?
28:05And then what is this to tone or what is that? What's going on here? That's a different paint color, huh? Something's off
28:10Oh my god, babe. Look at the ceiling. This isn't painted. It's not finished
28:15So when do you have court next week court? Oh, we got kick up postpone because he made a horrible offer
28:19He asked for 3.5 million dollars for me a very fair offer. He said it was very fair
28:28I don't know if I trust you painting
28:31But this is a different color. Don't play the baseboards. I'm gonna paint it. Is that the ceiling? Oh my god
28:38I know there's a lot of problems everywhere. The house is not ready
28:42Honey, I painted the ceiling the wrong color paint over it. Can we just paint?
28:45All right, no, cuz the colors will blend it will change the color. Oh, hey dry it with a fan
28:49Oh fine. You guys are all stressing me out all of you
28:53Oh my god, so hot. I got a video. All right guys, it's judging day and guess what?
29:01I'm gonna win design. Is that our house?
29:03And this time I'm gonna take the whole thing and end your gloating for good. Good luck. Bye
29:10Oh my god, thank you. What can we send back? Hey, I'm a limited time right now. I can carry last right now
29:14What she's sending I got a text. It's my mom. Hi teams. Your primary suites are about to be judged time to stop all work
29:34Holy macaroni Wow
29:40Wow, oh look at this it's gonna be a while
29:47Idea where we are. Oh, look, there's a pool too. Oh, there is a pool cool
29:53It's like they've got new doors in this is nice. Ooh
29:57Are you ready? Yeah
30:02Here we are Wow
30:06So cool, I like it
30:10This is beautiful it is
30:14Here's the iPad. Wow. Gosh. Wow
30:25I do like the color palette, don't you? Yes
30:29Really flows. I think it's very peaceful
30:31Yeah, is that new thing right Zen like I mean you feel like you walk in and you want to lay down with your book
30:37Yeah, yeah, I think so
30:44Do like the lights
30:46On the different aren't those fun? Look it's like a metal. I wanna three
30:55Do you think this is even a queen-size bed a little tight, I think it's a queen
31:01Yeah, but this is the primary bedroom. So if you put a king in this bedroom, you're gonna know there's no way
31:07Wall-to-wall bed look at the closet. I've never seen any closets like that before. I think that's oh my gosh
31:13It's really oh, it's big. It's almost like a walk-in closet put a dresser and yeah
31:18You can't do for storage extra credit for the closet. You like that wallpaper. I do I can't believe wallpaper came back
31:25Oh my gosh. This is so nice. I
31:34Think the shower is very nice for a small space. It's a nice pattern, but it's not overdoing it for no
31:40It's not overdoing it. Oh
31:43What'd you find a little neck? Oh, no, that's that's a little if someone's gonna maybe it's natural cuz see how there's very
31:52So it's like vintage. Yeah. Yeah, and I really liked that. They've got the double six
31:57They did a good job considering how tiny and I'm not concerned about this you too
32:03As far as somebody bumping into it. Yeah, I would be the one get a big bruise
32:08Oh, yes, this one's got a little crack. See so what they should do is cut it on somebody
32:14Somebody already. It's yeah problem me. That's kind of a layout issue to
32:19three lights
32:20Whoa. Oh, so when you're putting on your makeup and need a little extra light, we've got it now. Oh, there you go
32:27wrinkles go
32:37All right on to the next house
32:44We go do this, okay
32:58Look at all the built-ins
33:01So probably not as much closet space as the other ones
33:05Do you like that main wall that focus wall?
33:07I do I wouldn't have thought of having the wood and then the the variegated paper
33:12Don't you really makes a room seem higher? Yes like that a lot and
33:17Then they have the space here for a dresser. Look who we have here our grandkids
33:29Smarty pants
33:32See that there. Oh, they should have been a little bit more careful. This one is down a little bit. Okay, ready?
33:49Well, it changes colors
33:52Well, that's fun you like the lighting oh, is it flattering oh
33:57The nice double sinks, there's no handles on the faucet. No, there isn't that's crazy
34:08That's bothering me I don't know about Christina, but I gets really angry about stuff like that unbelievable it shouldn't be worth it
34:27Forgot to be paying the ceiling knowing Christina, I'm pretty sure she would be bothered but that heck
34:32He would lose his mind about those details because that takes points away from them, you know
34:38Yes, and they're all strong-willed and they know what they want
34:46Okay, we've seen both primary
34:49Both girls have extremely good taste. Yes, it's tough
34:53I don't know who's is who's but I know which one I think I prefer
35:05So we meet again, hey talk to your mom I have I tell the truth did you cheat
35:12Feel like she knows your style though. Her design style is very different than mine. I wonder what she's gonna say ours
35:17She really doesn't like gray
35:22I'm a little scared
35:24Tark doesn't like surprises. So when his mom walks into the house as a co-judge, I think he's gonna
35:30I think it's kind of gonna freak out. Do you finish all your stuff on time? Yeah
35:34Did yours? Yeah, of course
35:38Know your plumbing is working. Our plumbing is working something else on the finish
35:44No, it's finished finish wrong
35:50Hey Laurie
36:18Dominique she's my girl. I adore her and she adores me. So
36:22She's very loyal. I'm gonna leave it at that. This has been very hard for us. It has been I mean
36:27We are your mom's and we love you all. Yeah, we do and we've watched your journey
36:33Exact since the beginning very big exactly
36:40Because we don't know whose house is whose we talked about how to differentiate the houses
36:45So one is a one-story house and one is a two-story house, right?
36:48Right, are you ready? All righty
36:51so we have the use of space the quality of the work the added value the
36:58Transformation and the overall design both houses did a very good job as far as utilizing the space
37:05But the two-story house was a lot smaller and yet
37:10Managed to slide in quite a few features into a very small space
37:14so even though the bathroom was small there was two sinks the pocket door was a good idea because that we have to do with
37:21The door opening and closing and in addition there was a nice-sized closet in that small bedroom
37:26And so therefore as far as use of space
37:30We thought that the two-story one was the award winner for that category
37:35The next is quality of workmanship the two-story house in the bathroom
37:40the counter
37:43Really really pointy corner and somebody already had broken a piece
37:48Somebody might say I want a new counter because of this Nick here
37:52And then we thought one of the tiles in the shower is broken, right?
37:56But then we looked around and it looked like they were trying to go for the vintage style
38:01But in our opinion it looks broken
38:04So they should have been more careful about the piece they picked to put there to be more uniform
38:09Okay in the one-story house the automatic faucet Loie kept going
38:16No water closet door in the bedroom
38:19Needs to be a little bit higher and somebody forgot to paint the ceiling in the shower should be home inspectors
38:27So we looked at which one would cost a lot more money to repair and we both decided
38:33It would be the two-story house because of the chip
38:37So we gave the win to the one-story house for quality of work other value
38:45we picked the one level house because
38:49It incorporated more technology like in the bathroom that house had
38:54Fancy mirrors and then we like the fact that
38:58The faucets were one at least
39:01Automatic with the water coming out
39:03Both houses certainly had significant transformation
39:07One of the houses had a slider in the primary bedroom and it was replaced by two windows
39:12And the other house had two windows, which was replaced by a slider
39:18The two-story house it it was in bad shape and the
39:24bathroom had a funky door that went outside so
39:28We felt that the two-story house had done a more significant transformation, so we're two and two now
39:35Okay, are we ready? You ready? All right, the winner of the overall design is
39:52The winner of the overall design is
39:57The one-story
40:13I've been working really hard at my design. So when I win in design, it's not just like oh I beat Christina and yay
40:20Like I'm winning for myself. I don't know. It's probably gonna go three for three
40:24Colors in the house
40:27This one hurts, but I feel like it hurts worse to lose design to Heather
40:33Because she hasn't been doing this very long
40:35And now I feel like the gloat level from the two of them is going to be extreme
40:39So my question is how do you get hot and cold on those sinks that are I don't know
40:43But I'm probably gonna hire a plumber with the $2,000 that Christina
40:47Our mom always give you right home. Yeah
40:58I supposed to win that one. I did your colors
41:01And your jackets and I think the paneling was confusing and you like chandeliers
41:07When do I use chandeliers? I haven't used those in years since like 16. Did you see?
41:12Don't be mean
41:15Don't be me. We didn't know you could have lost so be quiet. You take your jackets back
41:21Literally match the shower exactly this right here. This is the shower tile you almost lost
41:26We didn't look don't gloat so much
41:29You think she's sitting down crying watching us on her security cameras? No. No, I think she's plotting flooding the next move my
41:37whole goal of this whole thing is that Tariq and Heather are spending a lot to try to beat me on these competitions and that
41:44they end up overspending and that I end up winning the entire competition by
41:49Saving throughout and then winning the ROI so, you know, they have the gloating rights throughout
41:53But at the end like if I take the entire thing, well, then it's gonna shut him up for a while
41:57How's our house isn't nice, but as nice as I'm on default
42:02Are you kidding me? I'm not divulging
42:05Mom, you're not supposed to know each other's secrets. Nope. Mom, you're gonna have to get I am NOT the first series
42:12Next on the flip-off. Did you sleep or were you thinking about that massive loss?
42:16I cannot keep losing to them when it all costs
42:22Heather has a question for you
42:25Number one flipper the world needs more time. What do you want? Oh my god. It's so evil. Yes, we'll do it
42:31We'll make the deal
42:34No, we don't have a deal yet
42:39Hurricane Helene hits, Florida. We're trying to get the material to you. The roads and airports are closed
42:45It's gonna be an incomplete. Who's the judge? Amanda Smith who I used to work with
42:52What is this
42:55It is such a little living space do it just say the winner