• yesterday


00:00There's been a death at the Sailing Club.
00:07We're investigating the murder of Kit Harcourt, a highly successful investment banker.
00:11You didn't like him much, did you?
00:12That's not what I said.
00:13Sounds like you rubbed a few people up the wrong way.
00:15He did more than that to Dad.
00:17Do you think Greg is capable of murder?
00:19I saw a man pushed to the edge.
00:22What's been taken?
00:23A consignment of outboard motors.
00:24There was something I couldn't get out of my head, that the theft and the murder were
00:29There's someone under there.
00:30Why haven't you called an ambulance?
00:32James, are you alright?
01:20So, what exactly did Jackie say?
01:22That James Wickham decided to have a nosey under his boat, before they got back.
01:27and it fell on him.
01:29But he's okay?
01:31Yeah, but Jackie's pretty shaken.
01:36Susie, what are you doing?
01:38We told Jackie we were on our way.
01:39Hang on. This boat's been abandoned.
01:43Oh, ye of little faith.
01:47I told you Greg Cooper would be on a boat.
01:52But if it is him, where is he now?
01:54I'd better continue.
01:58Come on. Jackie's waiting.
02:04He's lucky to be alive.
02:06It's one shock after another.
02:09That's why we're here.
02:11To make sure this incident isn't related to Kit Harcourt's death in any way.
02:15Well, look, as I said, it was an accident, pure and simple.
02:17Bottom line, I should have waited for Harry.
02:20We understand Harry Tynum resented the fact that you didn't support him
02:24when Kit Harcourt accused him of stealing.
02:26The evidence was there.
02:28I'd clubbed Commodore, so I had no choice.
02:31This is all water under the bridge, and Harry still services our boats.
02:35That's why I didn't think it was worth bringing it to your attention.
02:38I really don't think this should be investigated any further.
02:43Harry and Jackie have been through enough.
02:48He's like the Scarlet Pimpernel.
02:50They seek him here, they seek him there.
02:53Susie did say he'd be on a boat.
02:55Harry, don't rub it in.
02:57So what now?
02:59Well, what does a drinker do when he runs out of booze?
03:03They go by moor.
03:05Any shops on the side of the river?
03:09But there is a pub in staggering distance.
03:14You've got to believe me.
03:16I was working on that boat this morning and the struts were fine.
03:19Dad's not capable of hurting anyone.
03:21But the police spoke to both of us earlier.
03:23There's something I didn't tell them.
03:27Dad got a letter from the parish council that really upset him.
03:30It's a compulsory purchase order for the boatyard.
03:33We're being forced out of our own business.
03:35No wonder he was so angry.
03:38You don't think he's involved, do you?
03:45No, of course not.
03:47There must be information about the application online.
03:49I already searched it.
03:51The applicant is Kit Harcourt.
03:54But the rest is confidential, so...
03:57There are some unofficial channels
04:00that may be able to help us get to the bottom of it.
04:05Mrs Potts, look what we turned up this morning.
04:08Yes. It's marvellous, isn't it?
04:11And such a rare find.
04:13You know, we once uncovered a huge cache of coins
04:16buried directly beneath the warlord's body
04:18in a similar dig in Norfolk.
04:20I remember reading about it.
04:22I'd love to hear how you found it.
04:24When you have a moment.
04:26I'd be delighted.
04:28Oh, excuse me.
04:30Sorry, I have to take this.
04:32I do hope you'll be returning forthwith.
04:34Well, not quite yet, I'm afraid.
04:36My duties as civilian advisor have to come first.
04:40And so far, it's all a bit of a muddle.
04:43You and Mrs Eddingham can help.
04:46You mentioned the parish council earlier.
04:49Are both of you members?
04:51Just me. I'm a non-elected member.
04:53Mainly on the admin side.
04:55So you have access to documents?
04:58What's all this about, Mrs Potts?
05:00Well, we're looking for information.
05:02Specifically, a compulsory purchase order
05:05with this case number.
05:07Might you consider doing
05:09a little discreet investigation on my behalf?
05:14Excuse me.
05:16We're looking for Greg Cooper.
05:18Not sure how much sense you'll get out of him.
05:23Right. Thanks.
05:27Greg Cooper.
05:29I'm arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Kit Harcourt.
05:33Do you know what you're on about?
05:35Get him cuffed.
05:37Come on.
05:39Get your hands off of me.
05:40I didn't even know he was dead, so I can't have done it.
05:42Make a statement at the station, Mr Cooper.
05:43But I'm innocent. Yeah?
05:45I'll show you this for nothing.
05:46Kit Harcourt deserved everything he got.
05:48All right, mate. Enough of that.
05:49Come on. Let's go.
05:58They've just arrested Greg Cooper for murder.
06:02They've got nothing on us.
06:04So far, so good.
06:07I'm so sorry the police were involved, Jackie.
06:09We really didn't want that.
06:11It's not your fault.
06:12You do know his car's still there.
06:13Which is partly why I'm ringing.
06:15James is worried he's left it unlocked.
06:17Thinks he might have left his mobile in the glove box.
06:19I'll check for you.
06:20Thanks, Jackie.
06:23The car is open.
06:27But the mobile's not in the glove box.
06:29What about the boot?
06:31No. Nothing here. Sorry.
07:02It's a compulsory purchase order for the boatyard.
07:05The applicant is Kit Harcourt.
07:08There was something I couldn't get out of my head.
07:10The possibility that the theft and the murder were connected somehow.
07:17Kit said he needed photographs of members' younger selves.
07:20I suspect he obtained it under false pretenses.
07:31Mrs. Potts? Can I help you?
07:33I'm here to see Mr. Harcourt.
07:35Mr. Harcourt?
07:37I'm here to see Mr. Harcourt.
07:39Mr. Harcourt?
07:41Mr. Harcourt?
07:43Mr. Harcourt?
07:45Mr. Harcourt?
07:47Mr. Harcourt?
07:49Mr. Harcourt?
07:51Mr. Harcourt?
07:53Mr. Harcourt?
07:55Mr. Harcourt?
07:57Mr. Harcourt?
07:59Mrs. Potts? Can I help?
08:01Oh, I do hope so, Mrs. Wickham.
08:03I believe you're in charge of the club Kit.
08:08This is the Kit room. My little kingdom.
08:11How can I help?
08:13I saw two of your members on the river this morning.
08:15Both of them were wearing red sailing club jackets.
08:18But the jacket caught on the drone footage was blue.
08:22I just wondered if you could explain the significance.
08:25Blue jackets are worn by senior committee members only.
08:28Red jackets by ordinary members.
08:30And when Harry Tynum left the club, did he return his jacket?
08:36I'm not sure, but I can check for you.
08:40Is there anything else in the Kit that distinguishes rank?
08:44Yes, the club caps.
08:47Let me show you.
08:50This is my husband's.
08:52As Commodore, his cap has three stripes.
08:55And the rare Commodore, Greg Cooper.
08:58His has one stripe.
09:00I'll show you.
09:06Oh, that's odd.
09:08Greg normally leaves all his Kit at the club.
09:20The Kit
09:29Judith said she'd meet us here.
09:31I just had a horrible thought.
09:33DI Hoskins is coming back.
09:35Well, then we're finished too.
09:37Tanika was the one that appointed us.
09:39Oh, God. I hadn't considered that.
09:43Thank you for meeting me here.
09:45My source will be joining us shortly.
09:47Well, come on, spill the beans.
09:49It turns out that only senior committee members get to wear blue sailing jackets,
09:54which narrows down our potential suspects.
09:57All the current members have alibis except Greg Cooper.
10:01However, Harry Tynum used to have a blue jacket and may have kept it.
10:05So that just leaves Greg and Harry in the frame.
10:08Well, or our mystery thief.
10:10Psst, Mrs Potts.
10:13Took some finding.
10:15Locked away in quite the wrong place.
10:18But as parish council admin officer, I have all the keys.
10:22You can see from these plans that Kit Harcourt's house sits above the boatyard site.
10:29But he wanted river frontage.
10:31Marlowe's Holy Grain.
10:33And Harry Tynum refused his every offer.
10:35So what happened?
10:37Out of nowhere, the boatyard was issued an urgent dangerous structure notice.
10:44And the council granted a compulsory purchase order with immediate effect.
10:50But there's nothing wrong with that building.
10:52Who reported it to the council?
10:54Our chair, James Wickham.
10:57So there we have it.
10:59Kit Harcourt got what he wanted, Harry's land, with the help of James Wickham,
11:05who was then nearly killed in the dangerous structure.
11:08Something really off here.
11:12It's now clear that Harry Tynum is being forced from the boatyard he loved by Kit Harcourt and James Wickham.
11:20Giving him motive to kill both Kit and James.
11:23We just had it confirmed that one of the boat struts had been deliberately sawn through.
11:27I knew it wasn't an accident.
11:28Harry Tynum knew that James Wickham was coming to inspect that boat.
11:31Sounds like he set the whole thing up.
11:35I know this looks bad for Harry, but I just don't believe it.
11:39We can't ignore the evidence.
11:41Bring him in.
11:53I have no idea where Dad is.
11:55He never came into work, and he's not at home.
11:57So I can't help you.
11:58There's been a development, Miss Tynum.
12:01Forensics have confirmed that one of the boat struts was deliberately tampered with.
12:04That had nothing to do with Dad. One hundred percent.
12:07We still need to speak to him.
12:09So if he does get in contact, get him to call us immediately.
12:29We have to talk.
12:32No. You can't wait.
12:35I need to speak to you. Now.
12:39Do I have to do this again?
12:42We had a fight.
12:43I walked away. End of story.
12:46Why were you so angry?
12:51Vice Commodore was always going to be mine, no question.
12:54Then Kit decided he wanted it for himself.
12:57Lied and cheated to get his own way, and the Commodore fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
13:02I felt betrayed.
13:04You said that Kit Harcourt's death was the best news you'd heard in years.
13:08It doesn't matter. Kill him.
13:10Your DNA was found close to the scene on a bottle of naval gold.
13:14Well, maybe I dropped it during the fight.
13:16And this was caught on camera at the end of the slipway.
13:19About the time Mr. Harcourt was murdered.
13:21It was containing your phone, wallet, and smartwatch.
13:25That bag was in my locker.
13:27Well, how did it get in the river?
13:29I've no idea.
13:31Just one more thing, Mr. Cooper.
13:33A blue saline jacket was worn by the person walking away from Mr. Harcourt's dead body.
13:38We believe that jacket belongs to you.
13:42All of my kit was in my locker, along with the bag.
13:46Can't you see?
13:48Someone is trying to frame me.
13:55The outboard motors have arrived.
13:57Operation Coliseum is a go.
14:00And that is what?
14:02Well, no time to explain.
14:04Leave your bags inside. We've got work to do.
14:25Hi, it's Susie. Leave a message.
14:30I know who it is. Send him proof now.
14:44How on earth did you dig that hole on your own?
14:46I mean, covering it up was hard enough.
14:48Professor Gifford lent me some volunteers.
14:50Are you sure about this, Jane?
14:52Are you sure about this, Judith?
14:54Someone could get hurt.
14:55Well, according to the Romans, it's all perfectly safe.
14:57It's how they trapped wild animals unharmed for their gains.
15:01Oh, hence Operation Coliseum.
15:04And whoever we catch could lead us to our killer.
15:08All we have to do now is wait.
15:13It's like being back at guide camp.
15:15I got kicked out the brownies for masterminding a rebellion.
15:20I've never really been a joiner.
15:22Well, you joined us.
15:23Yeah, but you and Bex are rebels too, but you keep it under wraps.
15:27A rebellious vicar's wife. I'll take that.
15:34Got a new glow about you, Mrs P.
15:38Susie's right.
15:39Coming out of retirement really suits you.
15:41And we're not the only ones.
15:43Archaeology was always something I thought I'd return to when the time was right.
15:48So why now?
15:50My whole world's opened up recently.
15:53Partly thanks to you two.
15:55It's given me the courage to embrace new experiences rather than shy away from them.
16:03As Confucius once said, we have two lives.
16:08As Confucius once said, we have two lives.
16:13And the second begins when we realize we only have one.
16:19I'm going to live my second life to the full.
16:23Amen to that.
16:26We have a visitor.
17:08We got him.
17:10We got him.
17:21What are you doing?
17:26With me.
17:29Come on.
17:31Come on!
17:32Come on.
17:37Tanika, I think we've found your thieves.
17:44It's many years since I've stayed up till dawn.
17:47It was all worth it, though.
17:48I'm just sorry our captive turned out to be Harry Tynum.
17:51Could he be our killer?
17:53I just checked my phone and Jackie left me a message last night.
17:57I know who it is.
17:58I'm sending proof now.
18:02Whatever she was sending, I didn't get it.
18:04I've tried calling her, she ain't picking up.
18:06I've got to get over there.
18:07We're coming with you.
18:26Oh, no.
18:29It's okay.
18:31Can you hear us?
18:34She's breathing.
18:36Ambulance, please.
18:47The police haven't found her phone.
18:49If only I'd picked up her call.
18:51Well, this isn't your fault, Susie.
18:53I'm going to have to talk to Harry.
18:55He'll be devastated.
18:57At least this takes suspicion away from him.
19:00He was with us when it happened.
19:02He would never, ever do anything that would put Jackie in danger.
19:06The police won't let you speak to him now.
19:09We all need some sleep.
19:11I suppose you're right.
19:13We'll see you in the station later.
19:22What is that?
19:23It looks like gobbledygook.
19:25Everything means something.
19:30Why didn't you tell us any of this before, Mr Tynum?
19:35We had no money coming in.
19:37No prospect of any.
19:40Nobody wanted anything to do with me anymore.
19:44Thought I had nothing to lose.
19:47Well, Jackie's belief in me never wavered.
19:50Through all of the slander and the lies.
19:54And now...
19:56I've let it down so badly.
20:01I have to see her.
20:06We found a stash of outboard motors in your lock-up at the bounty.
20:11Along with a pair of oil-stained trainers.
20:17this gold watch.
20:19Now, you told us that the robbery took place between 2 and 4am.
20:24That's right.
20:25But your van was caught on camera near the sailing club at 5.31am.
20:30So how do you explain that?
20:32We were unloading the motors from Harry's van when I realised I didn't have my sweatshirt.
20:37It's got the bounty logo on it.
20:39Knew it could identify me, so I went back.
20:42The sweatshirt was on the floor of the boat stall.
20:45That's when I must have trod in the oil.
20:47How about the watch?
20:49As I walked down the path, I saw this beautiful old watch.
20:53Just lying there.
20:55So I took it.
20:56We believe that the killer was there at the same time.
20:59If they were, I didn't see him.
21:01Or the body, swear to God.
21:04Why should we believe anything you're saying, Mr Hawkins?
21:07Because everything I've told you is true.
21:10Look, all I wanted was to try and stop the bounty from going under.
21:14But no one cares about that.
21:18Forensics have found traces of ether around her mouth.
21:21Jackie Tynum was unconscious pre-exposure to carbon monoxide.
21:25It's confirmed we're looking at attempted murder.
21:28First James Wickham, and now Jackie.
21:30Both attempts unsuccessful.
21:32Poor Jackie. Have you found her phone?
21:34No. Digital. We're trying to access her cloud, but there's no guarantee that it's been backed up.
21:39There is something that might help.
21:43I found this on the computer screen in the office at the boatyard.
21:49Oh, looks like the text my mate sends his missus after we've had a few.
21:54I'm inclined to think more like the ancient Egyptians.
21:57They used substitution and concealment techniques to disguise communications.
22:06I can't hang around here doing nothing.
22:08I've got to try and find Jackie's phone.
22:11Any news on the watch?
22:13Jed Hawkins admits to stealing it from the scene, but we're struggling to identify its owner.
22:17And there's no serial number on the watch, which makes it harder to trace.
22:20I know someone who might be able to help.
22:28Oh, Susie. I was hoping to meet somebody from the investigation.
22:31How's poor Jackie? Such awful news about her accident.
22:35It might be a bit more sinister than that, Ursula.
22:38Jackie sent me a message saying she knew who Kit's killer was.
22:41And she was sending me something to prove it, but it never arrived.
22:44That's dreadful.
22:46I'm on my way to the boatyard now. It's the last place that Jackie's phone was used.
22:50I don't know. Maybe the police missed something.
22:53Come on, girl. Come on. With me.
23:02Who exactly are we going to see?
23:04William Locke, a private watch specialist. He used to service the Bishop's Collection.
23:10We can bring the watch in if it helps.
23:12No need. I believe I recognise it. One moment, please.
23:23As I thought. I've serviced this watch regularly for many years.
23:27For whom?
23:28The old club commodore, Michael Liddington.
23:31Ursula's husband.
23:43Right. I'm going to find that phone.
23:52It's her.
24:23My dog.
24:25My dog!
24:26She was just here!
24:30Did you see anyone?
24:31No. I'll check with my colleague.
24:36The watch belonged to Michael Liddington.
24:38But it hasn't been serviced since he died.
24:40Which is seven years ago.
24:42Who owned it after that?
24:43Vance Labber finally got a result on the DNA from the watch link.
24:47It's a match. For someone on the police database.
24:50A Darren Benson from Balham, London.
24:53Wanted for fraud. Reported missing in 1996.
24:56No record of his existence since then.
24:59What was Darren Benson doing at the crime scene?
25:01And why was he wearing Michael Liddington's watch?
25:03Luna's gone. I left her for two minutes.
25:06And all I found was her collar and her leash.
25:08You think it was the dog now?
25:09Maybe she just slipped her collar and she ran home.
25:11We'll make sure our mobile units are aware.
25:14I've got to go home and see if Luna's there.
25:16I'm sure everything will be fine.
25:18You call us when you get there. Let us know if you find her.
25:39If you want to see your dog alive, come to Goulders Creek with a grand in cash.
25:44Look for a yellow van. Leave your phone.
25:47And tell no one.
25:49I've tried all the models I know.
25:51Acrostic, the Cesar Shift, Alberti's disc.
25:55Even the Visionnaire Square.
25:57But Jackie's code contains punctuation, which is most irregular.
26:04So sorry to intrude, Ursula.
26:06But the watch link found at the crime scene has finally been matched to the watch itself.
26:10Mr. Locke says it belonged to your late husband.
26:13Michael left that watch to James in his will.
26:16Did he mention breaking the strap?
26:18Why would he? I saw him wearing it today.
26:21James works from the stable block.
26:23You could ask him yourself.
26:26You are an extremely hard person to get hold of, dearest Malick.
26:30Sorry, but I knew what was coming.
26:32I wanted to solve the case before that happened and go out on a high.
26:36Go out? I don't understand.
26:38Well, with Deo Hoskins coming back.
26:40But he's not.
26:41That's why I wanted to see you.
26:43We'd like you to replace him.
26:46I don't want to replace him.
26:48I don't want to replace him.
26:50That's why I wanted to see you.
26:52We'd like you to replace him.
26:54On a permanent basis.
26:58Sorry to interrupt.
27:00It's just Digital managed to access Jackie's cloud.
27:03The last image she took was of a blue cat with one stripe.
27:08Sailing Club confirmed.
27:10It belonged to Greg Cooper.
27:15What does James use this place for?
27:17Sailing Club business, mainly.
27:19He retired from finance many years ago.
27:24He normally tells me if he's popping out.
27:26Sorry to waste your time.
27:28Distract her.
27:32Such beautiful roses, Ursula.
27:34What are they?
27:36My absolute favourite.
27:38They have the most wonderful fragrance.
27:56Such a lovely property.
27:57You are lucky, Ursula.
27:58Yes, I know.
27:59Excuse me.
28:01Mrs. Potts, what on earth do you think...
28:05I thought you said James had retired.
28:20Leave the van. Walk up the river.
28:22Head for the Elbow by the Swallow's Reach.
28:37This is locked.
28:38Oh, try this.
28:50It's an invoice from a watch dealer in Henley.
28:54From the same day as the murder?
28:56It's the same model.
28:58Which is why Ursula believed he was still wearing it.
29:01And why has he got this?
29:03There's no James Wickham here.
29:06But there is a James Wickham.
29:08James Wickham.
29:09James Wickham.
29:10James Wickham.
29:11James Wickham.
29:12James Wickham.
29:13James Wickham.
29:14James Wickham.
29:15James Wickham.
29:16James Wickham.
29:18But there is a Darren Benson.
29:20Darren Benson.
29:21The missing fraudster whose DNA was found on the watch link.
29:25He looks familiar.
29:41Judith, we need to call Tanika.
29:44Everyone can touch time nowadays.
29:47But you have to start with your hands above the home key.
29:51What are you talking about?
29:53Jackie was confused, losing consciousness.
29:55Desperate to tell us something, but she hadn't realised that her hands were one key out.
30:00So she wrote this.
30:06Whereas if the hands were above the home key, where she thought they were, she'd have written this.
30:18Any sign of him?
30:20No, but we'll find him.
30:22We've got all units looking for Wickham now.
30:24We make a good team.
30:27Excuse me, I'll try her again.
30:31Mrs Paltz, it's a disaster.
30:33I just called my bank.
30:35It's a disaster.
30:36It's a disaster.
30:37It's a disaster.
30:38It's a disaster.
30:39It's a disaster.
30:40It's a disaster.
30:41It's a disaster.
30:42It's a disaster.
30:43It's a disaster.
30:44It's a disaster.
30:45It's a disaster.
30:46I called my bank.
30:47James has taken all our savings.
30:50I've been such a fool.
30:51Oh, he fooled everyone, Mrs Lidington.
30:53James Wickham is an extremely manipulative man.
30:56But we'll find him.
30:58And we'll get that money back.
30:59I promise you.
31:05Still no answer from Susie.
31:06I'm getting really worried.
31:07Well, she said she was going home.
31:09Let's try her there.
31:24I'm coming, girl.
31:29It doesn't look like anyone's home.
31:31Susie has a spare key.
31:38Her phone's here.
31:40It's a ransom demand.
31:42Telling her to go to Gordon's Creek.
31:44But we'll be way behind her now.
31:47Luna's collar is linked to her tracking her.
31:49I saw Susie put it in her bag at the station.
31:51Which means we'll be able to track where Susie is right now.
31:58She's on the towpath just past Hedsa.
32:00We'll take this.
32:03I'm hoping we might need it.
32:12Here, girl.
32:14There's Susie's van.
32:15And there's the yellow one.
32:33She's heading for an old boat by Swallow's Reach.
32:36According to the app, she's already there.
32:39Come on.
32:44Oh, Luna.
32:47Good girl.
32:48It's OK.
32:49I'm here now.
32:50It's all good.
32:52It's all good.
33:10It stopped moving.
33:12She's there.
33:15Tanika, Susie's on a boat by Swallow's Reach.
33:18Come quickly.
33:19Something's wrong.
33:20They're 10 minutes away.
33:21Is it just me, or is that boat sinking?
33:28It's got to be somewhere.
33:31They're all sealed.
33:37I don't know what to do.
33:43He's heading this way.
33:44What do we do?
33:45Come on.
33:52Take this.
33:53And pull.
34:14It's over, Mr. Wickham.
34:16You're not going anywhere.
34:18It's OK.
34:21It's OK.
34:23Not for much longer now.
34:25It better not be, anyway.
34:29I'm in here.
34:32You OK in there?
34:36Hang tight.
34:37We're going to get you out.
34:40Oh, Luna.
34:43Look at you, relaxing.
34:50Susie and Luna are safe.
34:52Thank goodness.
34:53The police are on their way.
34:55You've led us quite a merry dance, haven't you, Mr. Wickham?
34:59Or should I say, Mr. Benson?
35:04That is you, isn't it?
35:08How did you find out?
35:09I went to Kit's house, convinced I'd find something useful.
35:13And I did.
35:14A club committee photograph from over 20 years ago.
35:18But it wasn't until we discovered your secret office
35:22that we realised why it was significant.
35:25How did Kit make the connection between you and Darren Benson?
35:34Kit worked for the same city bank as I did.
35:36Lung after me, of course.
35:37One of the traders I worked with died last year
35:40and his obituary showed our old team photograph.
35:43Kit thought he recognised me, but he had to be sure.
35:47And then he confronted you with what he found out.
35:50I went down for an early morning sail and Kit was already there.
35:53Beautiful morning.
35:56Isn't it, Darren?
35:58Who was Darren Benson?
36:01Why did you need to make him disappear?
36:03Darren was a boy from nowhere, with nothing.
36:09Who always felt he deserved more.
36:11You thought you deserved more.
36:15So what did you do?
36:18I charmed my way from the post room to the trading floor with great success.
36:23Then I got greedy.
36:24I started chasing increasingly high-risk deals, not all of them.
36:28Strictly legal.
36:30People started to ask difficult questions.
36:33So you decided to cut and run.
36:35The fraud I almost pulled off would have sent me down for years,
36:38so I said goodbye to Darren.
36:41And reinvented myself as James Wickham.
36:44Which you did quite brilliantly.
36:46Joining the sailing club was the perfect way of infiltrating Marlow society.
36:51And Michael Deddington's patronage made you entirely credible.
36:57You see, you make it all sound so cynical,
36:59but the truth is, for the first time in my life, I was happy.
37:03I found a caring family in Michael and Ursula.
37:05Something I'd never known.
37:07And then I met Hayley, a woman who I loved, and who loved me back.
37:13I was exactly where I always wanted to be.
37:15Until Kit found the photograph and started questioning your story.
37:19He discovered I'd been using my position as club commodore to defraud them of a great deal of money.
37:25Kit could have ruined everything.
37:26And you couldn't let that happen.
37:29He said he'd be willing to stay silent if I overturned the objection to his planning application with the parish council.
37:35And resigned as commodore.
37:37And if you didn't?
37:39He'd go to the police.
37:42I had seven days.
37:46And then came the storm warning.
37:48You knew only he would risk sailing in those winds.
37:52I went to Greg's locker.
37:54I picked up his sailing bag.
37:56I put on his jacket and his cap to disguise my identity.
37:59I found Kit on the slipway.
38:01He was struggling to control the boom.
38:03I offered to help him.
38:14You killed Kit, set Greg up as his murderer, and then did the same thing to Harry Tyner.
38:21It was a very high-risk strategy, staging the accident at the boatyard.
38:25Well, you see, gamblers always think they can beat the odds.
38:30And turning the spotlight on Harry seemed the best way to create further confusion and move suspicion away from me.
38:37Jackie told me they wouldn't be back until 3pm.
38:40The door was open, so I went in.
38:42I took a saw to one of the struts.
38:46Just enough damage to make it unstable.
38:48She said it would only take a small kick for the strut to give way.
38:53And that might have been that.
38:56But Jackie was onto you.
38:58Haley asked me to see if you'd left your mobile in the car.
39:02It wasn't there.
39:04But this was.
39:06It wasn't Greg I saw from the train, was it?
39:08It was you.
39:10Jackie worked out that I staged the accident.
39:12She insisted that I get Harry reinstated at the club.
39:16I couldn't tell Haley the truth before she did.
39:19But rather than let that happen, you decided to kill her instead.
39:23I didn't want to.
39:25I'm really very, very fond of Jackie.
39:30But I had to see it through, or I'd lose everything.
39:34I knew the ether wouldn't last long, so I had to act quickly.
39:40The generator fume should have killed her.
39:42I thought I'd covered everything.
39:44And then I overheard your friend talking to Ursula at the sailing club.
39:47She knew that Jackie's phone held an important clue, but I couldn't unlock it.
39:52And she was right.
39:53Jackie had photographed Greg's cap in your car as evidence.
39:57You knew Susie was going back to the boatyard, so you followed her.
40:01You had to stop her talking before it was too late.
40:04And I nearly succeeded.
40:06You sound almost proud.
40:08No. Not at all.
40:10You've hurt a great many people, Darren.
40:13No one forced you to lie, to murder.
40:16And if you're looking for sympathy, you're wasting your time.
40:20Ursula's told me everything.
40:22Hayley, darling.
40:24How could you do that to her?
40:26She and Michael loved you like a son.
40:29I'd have made everything right. You have to believe me.
40:32You can't make any of that right.
40:43Come on.
41:14I've just heard that Jackie's going to make a full recovery.
41:18Yeah, so we're off to the pub to celebrate.
41:19Do you know what the time is?
41:20Not that kind of celebration, Judith.
41:23Lynn's laying on breakfast for everyone.
41:25Mrs. Potts, Fred's a gift that keeps on giving.
41:28We found a substantial hoard of Anglo-Saxon coins.
41:31Gold as well as silver.
41:33And a not insignificant sum will be due to the landowner.
41:37So the bounty's legacy turns out to be valuable after all.
41:40Lynn must be over the moon.
41:43Nice one, Fred.
41:44It seems we all have a lot to celebrate.
41:48Raise your marks to honour Marlow's newly discovered warlord,
41:53to Fred!
41:54To Fred!
42:01It's thrilling, isn't it? Discovery of this magnitude.
42:04Oh, it certainly is.
42:06It's a coup for Marlow.
42:10We found another potential burial site out near Cliveden.
42:16I was wondering if you'd care to accompany me on a speculative visit.
42:23I'd be delighted.
42:27Now, this is a tough one.
42:30Bacon or sausage?
42:32Do you know what? I'm going to have both.
42:36So you let Robin Hood go, then?
42:37The Sailing Club decided not to press charges as long as all stolen goods were returned.
42:41They'll be doing community service, too.
42:44Marlow isn't Marlow without the boatyard and the bounty.
42:51Just as we're all here, I just wanted to say congrats to the boss for getting SIO
42:57and putting Darren Benson behind bars where he belongs.
43:02Well done.
43:04Well, it wouldn't have happened without every single one of you,
43:08even if it wasn't all entirely by the book.
43:11Which is exactly as it should be.