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00:24Hello, and welcome to Beat The Chasers.
00:31And here they are.
00:34The Menace.
00:36The Governess.
00:39The Sinner Man.
00:42The Vixen.
00:45The Beast.
00:48The Dark Destroyer.
00:54And there they are.
00:56Less Avengers assemble, more Ikea self-assemble.
01:02Got to ask you this, how has your life changed
01:05since you've become a Chaser Beast?
01:08Four words.
01:09Toby Carvery gold card.
01:15Just checking.
01:17OK, Governess, how has it changed for you?
01:20Well, I have half-naked servants carrying me around
01:23on a litter and feeding me grapes.
01:27For one second, I thought it was just going to be
01:30I was half-naked under this desk,
01:32like you're half-naked there, under there.
01:34You're going to stand there with nothing on.
01:39That's frightening.
01:40You don't want to know what we've got under here.
01:48Sinner Man, how has it changed for you?
01:50Because, of course, you were a doctor, stand-up comic,
01:52now you're a chaser.
01:53Did being a chaser elevate your comedy career in some way, or not?
01:57Not especially.
01:58What I've accrued is an enormous amount of knowledge.
02:00I joined the show in 2011, and within two years,
02:02I learned that Bradley Walsh, Brian Connolly and Shane Ritchie
02:05are three different people, so...
02:13I told you I'd get you a mention, lads.
02:16So tonight we have contestants from across the country
02:19who think they can beat the Super Six.
02:22Can they?
02:23Please join me, Jane from Bristol. Where are you, Jane?
02:29She's as bright as a top.
02:32Come on, Jane.
02:35Come on, mate. You're all right.
02:37There you go. Stand right there. All right.
02:39There you go. Nice.
02:41Now, then, Jane, what do you do for a living?
02:44I'm a housewife, Brad. Right, OK. Any hobbies?
02:47Well, I sort of just dabble around in the garden.
02:50I walk my dog, and I watch a lot of quiz shows.
02:53Would you say you were a good quizzer?
02:55I've got a sponge-like brain. I'm full of rubbish.
02:58Join the club.
03:01Right, let me ask you this.
03:02If you were to win some money tonight, what would you like to do with it?
03:05I've got to help my two daughters out, and if there's anything left,
03:08then, yeah, I'd like to go on a cruise with my husband.
03:10I love it. Let's do that.
03:11Let's get you looked after, the girls, or you get on a cruise.
03:14You ready? You're going to need money to do that and take on the Chasers.
03:17Here we go. Multiple-choice questions.
03:19The answer's worth £1,000. I'm going to ask you five.
03:22Hopefully you'll get all five right, getting five grand that way.
03:25You'll get to take on all six Chasers in a super offer,
03:27but please do not get the first one wrong, otherwise you're out.
03:30Are you ready? Yeah. Let's play.
03:32Here we go.
03:35All right.
03:36Here's your first question.
03:40What West End show describes itself as
03:42made for a woman's gaze but directed at a woman's heart?
03:46Is it A, Matilda The Musical,
03:49B, Mamma Mia,
03:52or C, Magic Mike Live?
03:55Magic Mike Live, C.
03:57Magic Mike Live? OK.
03:59Is that the right answer?
04:02It is the right answer. Well played.
04:08Dark Destroyers on the reserved list for that.
04:12OK, here's your next question.
04:16What is a mixture of meat or vegetables,
04:18chopped and seasoned for use as a stuffing or garnish?
04:23Is it A, mincemeat,
04:25is it B, sweetmeat,
04:27or is it C, force meat?
04:35Sweetmeat, B. Is that the right answer?
04:37It's mincemeat.
04:39I know it's mincemeat. Wrong answer.
04:41Doesn't matter. The correct answer is...
04:45Mincemeat, yeah.
04:46OK, but it's £1,000. You are playing the Chasers.
04:48Are you ready? Yeah.
04:50Jane, it's time to face the Chasers.
04:55All right, here we go now.
04:57This is a quickfire, head-to-head against the Chasers.
05:00You get 60 seconds on your clock.
05:02They get 60 seconds on their clock.
05:04Now, the Chasers will offer you a time advantage and money.
05:08And based on those offers,
05:09you decide how many Chasers you wish to take on.
05:12Now, to play for the £1,000 you've got in the Cash Builder,
05:15you automatically take on two Chasers,
05:17and those two Chasers are...
05:19It is the Governors and the Cinnamon.
05:21A time offer, please, Governors.
05:23We want 35 seconds on our clock.
05:26Thank you very much. OK, three Chasers.
05:28Who's the third Chaser, please?
05:32We still want 35 seconds on our clock,
05:35and you'll play for £5,000.
05:38All right, not bad, not bad. Same time.
05:40All right, here we go.
05:41Fourth Chaser, who's that, please?
05:44All right, there you go.
05:46Menace, what have you got?
05:47That's not enough for a cruise, so we need a bigger offer.
05:50We want 39 seconds on our clock.
05:53You'll be playing for £25,000.
05:59You can't take on all six Chasers, but you can take on five.
06:02Who's the fifth Chaser, please?
06:04OK, The Beast. Go ahead.
06:06Well, when you mentioned Memory Like A Sponge,
06:09I thought, uh-oh, this could be interesting, if it's true.
06:12So let's see if I can tempt you.
06:14We want 44 seconds on our clock,
06:17and you'll be playing for £55,000.
06:26OK, go ahead. What do you think?
06:28They're all very good offers,
06:29but this isn't the most craziest thing I've ever done, if I'm honest.
06:32Right, what is the craziest thing you've ever done?
06:34I won a competition to have a tattoo on my backside,
06:39and it says, I love John Major.
06:44Yeah, right, OK, cool.
06:46So, yeah. You've changed, Edwina.
06:56I quite like 39 seconds.
06:59We're going to go for the four.
07:01Four at 39.
07:05Excellent, that.
07:0621-second time advantage against four Chasers for £25,000.
07:10Jane, are you ready? Yes, I'm having a bit.
07:12Let's see if you can beat the Chasers. Good luck.
07:22Your clock starts counting down.
07:24When I ask you the first question, get it right, your clock will stop.
07:27At which point, the Chasers' clock will start or go across to them.
07:30However, get a question wrong, I stick with you until you get it right.
07:33Run out of time before then, you go home with nothing.
07:35They run out of time before you, you're going home with £25,000.
07:38Are you ready? Yeah.
07:40Jane, your clock starts counting down now.
07:46Vertical. Correct.
07:50Darwin. My Little Pony.
07:54Weepers. Correct.
07:58Tim. Correct.
08:07Olive oil. Correct.
08:12Pool. Bolivia. Correct.
08:22The kneecap. Correct.
08:34Pool. Elaine Page. Correct.
08:41Jack. Correct.
08:45Pool. Rupert Bear. Correct.
08:50Prop. Correct.
08:54Pool. Jungle Book. Correct.
09:04Porcelain. China.
09:19Violin. Correct.
09:22McDonald's. Time's up.
09:24Time's up.
09:44OK, McDonald's was wrong. Answer was Burger King.
09:49One second, that couldn't have been any closer.
09:51That was brilliant. There was a run there,
09:53I think, like, three wrong on the bounce or something like that.
09:55That was pretty scary. You cut it to the wire.
09:57But well played. £25,000.
09:59Cinnamon. Yeah, what helped, though,
10:01is that people of the West Country really know their rugby union.
10:04I'm married to a prop. Oh, you're married to a prop.
10:11Absolutely brilliant. Jane, £25,000.
10:15That is fantastic. Guess what?
10:17You've beaten the Chasers. Give it up for Jane, everyone!
10:21Well done, Jane. That's it for tonight.
10:23No worries, my pleasure.
10:28That was great.
10:30Just one of those things, I'm married to a prop.
10:33That was extraordinary. Talk about falling in your lap.
10:37Brilliant stuff.
10:38So, who else wants to give our six of the best a caning?
10:41Find out after the break.
10:58Welcome back.
10:59And let's see who's next to try and beat the Muppets of Mensa.
11:05Please join me, Johnny from Warrington.
11:07Where are you, Johnny?
11:11He's got the knitwear of a pleasure.
11:19All right, Johnny, now, are you a quizzer?
11:21A little bit.
11:22All right, now, interesting. Hang on, Cinnamon.
11:25I think I know you, don't I?
11:26We met once before, yeah.
11:28You hosted a quiz and I didn't do too well,
11:31but I managed to right some wrongs.
11:33Where was this? Was this in, like, a quiz?
11:35This was the quiz where I won 50 quid.
11:37Are you serious? I think so.
11:39She was using her phone most of the time.
11:42I know, but I've got to be honest with you,
11:44she's on the phone to me.
11:46Oh, is that what it is?
11:47I give her all the answers, I do.
11:49Yeah, all right, what do you do for a living?
11:52I'm a project manager.
11:53For what?
11:54Like, marketing, stuff like that.
11:56OK. Have you got any hobbies, anything you like doing?
11:59I recently just became ordained,
12:02so, like, you know where you can, like, wed people and whatnot.
12:05Are you big into theology and that sort of stuff?
12:07Not even slightly, I just did it as a laugh.
12:11And technically, I can actually be classed as a minister.
12:15Right. So, Minister Johnny from now on, everybody.
12:18Yes, OK. Now, let me ask you this, then, Johnny.
12:20If you were to win some money, how much would you like it to be
12:22and what would you do with it?
12:23I want to do Route 66. That's pretty much it, yeah.
12:26Do a little stop-off in Vegas, play some poker.
12:28Yeah. Lose the rest of it there, so...
12:30Good tip, that. It's a great tip. Yeah, exactly.
12:32Right, OK, here we go. Let's do this.
12:34You're going to need some money to take on the Chasers.
12:36I'm going to ask you five questions.
12:39Multiple choice questions, so whatever you do,
12:41please do not get the first one wrong.
12:43Get the first one wrong and you are out.
12:45However, get all five right and you get to play
12:48six Chasers and a super offer.
12:51OK, are you ready? Yeah.
12:53I wish you luck. Let's play.
12:57OK, here we go.
12:59Good luck becomes first question.
13:02Which of these terms means to complain noisily or persistently?
13:07A, headache,
13:09B, earache
13:11or C, bellyache?
13:16What do you reckon? I think that would be earache.
13:19You're saying earache? Yeah.
13:21OK, is that the right answer?
13:25Wrong answer!
13:27Correct answer being...
13:29Yeah, it's a bellyache about something.
13:31I'd never heard of that. I thought you were just complaining.
13:34Yeah, you give him earache for that.
13:36OK, Governess. Yeah, it's quite an old phrase.
13:39The actor Edward Everett Horton had a house that he called
13:42Bellyacres and that's why it was called that.
13:45Right, Johnny, I don't know what to say,
13:47falling into the first hurdle, but thank you for playing.
13:50You are out. Thank you very much.
13:52There you are.
13:55Well done, Johnny.
13:58And next up, to try and beat the gang,
14:00it's Chi-Chi from London.
14:02Right, Chi-Chi.
14:15Lovely to see you, Chi-Chi.
14:17Here you go.
14:20First things first, love that name.
14:22Thank you. What do you do for a living?
14:24I'm a classroom assistant. OK, all right.
14:26How long have you been doing that?
14:28I've been doing it on and off since 2008.
14:30Right, OK. You live in London? I live in London.
14:33I live in Tooting. Nice.
14:35I know, I like Tooting. I like all that area.
14:41You like Tooting?
14:44What have you had for lunch?
14:56Do you like Tooting?
14:57All right, if you win some money tonight, what are you going to do with it?
15:00Depends on how much I win.
15:01Yeah, if I win a couple of grand,
15:03I'll be able to keep the heating on all winter,
15:05so that would be nice.
15:13Wow. OK, if you win big?
15:16I live in a flat, council flat. OK.
15:18I would like to rent a big house
15:21and have a big garden and foster loads of kids.
15:26All right.
15:30OK, let's do this. We need some money to take on the gang.
15:33Five multiple-choice questions, here we go.
15:35Please, Chichi, don't get the first one wrong.
15:37I'll try my best. All right, let's play.
15:43Here's the first question.
15:49Which of these words features in the nursery rhymes
15:52Humpty Dumpty and The Grand Old Duke Of York?
15:56Is it A, men,
15:59B, women,
16:01C, children?
16:06It's all the king's horses and all the king's men.
16:10It's A.
16:12You're saying A? Is that the right answer?
16:15It is. Well played.
16:20Here's your next question. Good luck.
16:24Going back to the 1980s,
16:26it is traditional for NHL ice hockey players
16:29to not do what during the play-offs?
16:32Is it A, cut their toenails,
16:36B, shave their beards,
16:40or C, wash their gloves?
16:45Crikey. I'd say maybe because it's cold
16:49and they don't want to shave their beards.
16:51Oh, good thinking. Didn't think of that.
16:53Yeah, cold, get it. B, shave their beards.
16:55Is that the right answer?
16:58Oh, very good.
17:00I like that. Good answer, mate.
17:04Got to be honest, I wouldn't have gone down the cold route
17:06thinking like that. Well played. OK, Menace.
17:08It's not actually anything to do with the cold.
17:10I lived in Canada for a while and it's become a big superstition
17:13that if you have a player who shaves their beard, you lose.
17:15So they all do it for good luck, basically.
17:17Why? OK, fair enough.
17:19Here's your next question. Let's go for £3,000, please.
17:21Build it up nicely.
17:23Here's your question. Good luck.
17:29Is it A, Afghanistan?
17:31Is it B, Albania?
17:34Or is it C, Azerbaijan?
17:39Hmm. Melvin.
17:41I'd say Afghanistan.
17:43Afghanistan. Is that the right answer?
17:47It is.
17:53Nicely done. Here's your next question.
17:55Oh, come on, Chi-Chi, let's go.
18:04Is it A, the Ritz?
18:06Is it B, the Dorchester?
18:09Or is it C, Le Savoy?
18:14I do not know.
18:16I'm going to say C, Savoy.
18:20Is that the right answer?
18:22Yes, it is.
18:29I'll tell you what, one more question,
18:32you get a full house, you take on all six for a super offer, I swear.
18:36Please get this next question right.
18:38I just want to hear a super offer.
18:40Here's your question. Good luck, Chi-Chi. Here we go.
18:45Ludolf van Keulen spent around 25 years calculating pi to what?
18:52Is it A, 35 decimal places?
18:56Is it B, 350 decimal places?
19:01Or is it C, 3,500 decimal places?
19:09I would say A.
19:1125 years?
19:15I could do it in that.
19:1935 decimal places, if it's £5,000, I'm going to go potty.
19:22So would the audience.
19:24Is that the right answer?
19:45That was great!
19:47That was great!
19:56You jammy thing!
20:01Right, you've answered all five questions correctly, £5,000,
20:05you will receive the super offer.
20:07Chi-Chi, you ready? Yeah.
20:09Time to face the Chasers.
20:17There is a super offer on its way.
20:20Quickfire head-to-head against the gang.
20:22You get 60 seconds on your clock, they get 60 seconds on theirs.
20:25Now, to play for the £5,000 that you've got in the Cash Builder,
20:28you will automatically take on two Chasers.
20:30Those two Chasers are...
20:33..we have the Governess and the Beast.
20:35OK, Beastie. That's not fair.
20:37Oh, really? Why is it not fair?
20:39Because, like, he's hard.
20:43OK, Beastie, let's have a chat. Come on, mate.
20:45Good evening, Chi-Chi. Good evening.
20:47You're going to get five offers.
20:49Now, think what's the best offer for you. Yeah.
20:52And I think you'll find, actually, this is a really generous offer.
20:56Right. Thank you.
20:58We want 36 seconds on our clock.
21:02OK, third Chaser, who's that?
21:05Vixen, go ahead.
21:07We want 39 seconds on our clock.
21:10You'll be playing for £25,000.
21:1921-second time advantage.
21:21Fourth Chaser, then, please.
21:25OK, Menace.
21:27We want 43 seconds on our clock.
21:30But you'll be playing for £50,000.
21:40Fifth Chaser, please.
21:44We want 49 seconds on our clock.
21:48However, like this, you'll be playing for £100,000.
21:58So, there you have it.
22:00Top offer from the Dark Destroyer.
22:03Here we go. Super offer, please.
22:06Here we go.
22:07We want 60 seconds on both our clocks.
22:11But you'll be playing for £400,000.
22:26Chi-Chi, sorry to do this to you.
22:28Take your seat, let me take over.
22:32I'm going for the top offer.
22:38I've got a tax bill to pay, I'm going for the top offer.
22:43I don't know what to say, that's really tricky.
22:45What do you think? How confident are you?
22:47Not that confident, to be honest.
22:49I guessed a lot of those questions.
22:51And I wish I'd gotten them wrong now.
22:53Cos they think I'm smarter than they are.
22:56How many questions can I get wrong for £50,000?
22:59They get all theirs right, you can afford to get four questions wrong, basically.
23:04Yeah, I'm going to go for £25,000.
23:06You're going to go for £25,000?
23:11All right, here we go.
23:13Against three chasers for £25,000.
23:16Chi-Chi, everyone's behind you.
23:18Let's see if you can beat the chasers. Good luck.
23:28You know the rules.
23:29One out of time before the chasers, you go home with nothing.
23:32They run out of time before you, you're going home with £25,000.
23:35Are you ready? Yeah. Here we go.
23:37Your clock starts counting down...
23:40What colour are the majority of balls used in snooker?
23:43Red. Correct. Chasers.
23:45Columbian and woolly were types of what...?
23:47Mammoth. Correct. Chi-Chi.
23:49Another name for a disc-shaped UFO is a flying what?
23:52Saucer. Correct. Chasers.
23:54Quick bread is a leavened bread made without what...?
23:57Yeast. Correct.
23:58Chi-Chi, dreadlock holiday was a 70s number one for what group?
24:0110cc. Correct. Chasers.
24:03What style of hat is a playing piece in Monopoly?
24:06Top hat. Correct. Chi-Chi.
24:08Cameron Tucker and Mitchell Pritchett were a couple in what US sitcom?
24:12Friends. Modern Family.
24:14Fruit salad sweets are flavoured raspberry and what...?
24:17Strawberry. Pineapple.
24:19Who's the most nominated actress in Oscar history?
24:21Meryl Streep. Correct. Chasers.
24:23Which English poet went blind at the age of 44?
24:26Mark. Milton. Correct.
24:28Chi-Chi. Benfica Football Club plays home games in what city?
24:31Barcelona. Lisbon.
24:33In the children's song, what object is short and stout?
24:37Pass. Teapot.
24:39The great asparagus was a nickname of which French leader?
24:42Napoleon. Charles de Gaulle.
24:44Harry Houdini was born in what modern-day European country?
24:47France. Hungary.
24:48An abbot is the head of what establishment for monks?
24:51A monastery. Correct. Chasers.
24:53The name of what leg bone is from the Latin for brooch?
24:56Geni. Fibula.
24:58How many microseconds in a second?
25:00Mark. One million.
25:02Correct. Chi-Chi. Complete the saying,
25:04can't see the wood for the what? Trees.
25:06Correct. Chasers.
25:08Battersea Power Station was decommissioned in what decade?
25:11Geni. 1980s.
25:13Correct. Chi-Chi. Which rapper co-wrote the diet book Formula 50?
25:16Daisy. 50 Cent.
25:18The resort of scaredness.
25:31You performed really, really well
25:33and there's a couple there that,
25:35if you were under slightly less pressure,
25:37you would have just smashed in.
25:39I'm a little teapot short and stout
25:41and you're walking away with a load of money.
25:43But you shouldn't beat yourself up. You did brilliant.
25:45Yeah, absolutely fantastic.
25:47Seriously, fantastic.
25:49Family would be proud of you as well, mate.
25:51They really would. Lovely to meet you.
25:53I'm going to sing a song, Bradley, with you.
25:55You what, darling? I'm going to sing a song with you.
25:57Smile though your heart is breaking
26:00Smile even though it's aching
26:04When there are clouds in the sky
26:09You'll get by if you smile
26:14You'll see the sun come shining through
26:18If you just smile
26:26Chi-Chi, everybody.
26:34Well played.
26:39Can anyone else take on the deadly half dozen?
26:41Find out after the break.
26:58Thank you so much. Welcome back to Beat The Chasers.
27:01Can anyone else take on Teen Tantrum?
27:06It's Michael from Belfast.
27:09He's a good boy, isn't he?
27:13Hi, Michael. Hello.
27:17How are you, Michael?
27:19Great to see you, yeah. Great to see you, Michael.
27:21All right, from Belfast. Yep.
27:23What do you do in Belfast? I'm a primary school teacher.
27:25All right, cool. And how long have you been doing that?
27:27About ten years now. Right, OK, cool. Hobbies or anything?
27:29Love football. Love my football.
27:31Used to play a lot when I was younger and fitter
27:33and slimmer and hairier.
27:35And now I like to coach, just a school football team.
27:38Oh, good for you. All right, OK.
27:40What do you like at cuisine?
27:42Sitting at home on my sofa, not bad. Really?
27:44Standing here, I'm feeling the pressure now, so...
27:46Right, OK. What chaser would you not want in the mix, really?
27:49Who do you feel? Probably the Beast.
27:51Really? The Beast, yeah. The old Reputation.
27:53Intimidating, yeah. Someone the same...
27:55Similar size, hopefully. It's not... Yeah, yeah.
27:57It's not what you really want. And, of course, ex-teacher himself.
28:00Yes. That's what I like. Reputation is a rock-hard currency,
28:03as the great Terry Pratchett once said. Yeah.
28:05Let me ask you this.
28:06If you were to win some money, what would you do with it?
28:09How much do you need, moreover?
28:11Let me see what I've been told. All that you've got.
28:13Yes, so, house, car, family...
28:18So, maybe a pint at the end. Maybe a pint on my list.
28:21I've got something different.
28:23Let's get this list sorted out.
28:25I've got a list. I just had a newborn baby last week.
28:27You've had a newborn baby? Oh, congratulations.
28:29Congratulations, mate. Congratulations, mate.
28:32Yeah, great.
28:34Right, let's get the little lot a good start, shall we? Hopefully.
28:37Yeah. You're going to need some money to take on the gang.
28:39Multiple-choice questions. Each correct answer is worth £1,000.
28:41Get the first one wrong, you are out.
28:43Get all five right, you get the chance to take on all six
28:45with a super offer. Are you ready? Yep.
28:47Let's play.
28:49Come on, now, Dick.
28:52Good luck. Here comes your first question.
28:55Edward VIII, who abdicated in 1936,
28:59was what relation to Queen Elizabeth II?
29:02A, grandfather,
29:04B, father,
29:06C, uncle.
29:11It's a guessing one here.
29:13Really? Yep.
29:15I'm going to say uncle.
29:18OK, you're saying uncle. Yeah.
29:20It's a guess.
29:22Correct answer is...
29:25Yeah, uncle is right.
29:27You came back, Luke.
29:31OK, we're definitely playing the Chasers,
29:33but here's your next question.
29:35In the human body,
29:37which of these is an inherited protein
29:39found on the surface of red blood cells?
29:42Is it...
29:57I would go B, rhesus factor.
29:59B, rhesus factor. Is that the right answer?
30:02It is, well played.
30:07OK, Menace.
30:09It's called that because the research into blood types
30:11was done using rhesus monkeys, rhesus macaques.
30:14They used monkeys to do this research?
30:16What happened to all the blokes working in the labs?
30:19All that year's of training at uni,
30:21and they get a monkey to do it.
30:23It's probably going to happen to my job, to be honest.
30:26And grads.
30:28I was just about to say, it's definitely going to happen to mine.
30:30Here's your next question.
30:33What is the name of the New York cemetery
30:36that the author Washington Irving is buried in?
30:39Is it...
30:41Arlington National. Is it B, Forest Lawn?
30:45Or is it C, Sleepy Hollow?
30:51Ooh, A, Arlington National.
30:53You're saying A, Arlington National.
30:55Is that the right answer?
30:59The correct answer is...
31:01Yeah, Sleepy Hollow.
31:03And the reason being is, Vixen?
31:05Well, it's a nice coincidence,
31:07because one of his books is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
31:10Arlington is in Virginia,
31:12and Forest Lawn is a Hollywood cemetery
31:14where a lot of the big stars are buried.
31:16Yeah, indeed.
31:17All right, but we've got £2,000, that's OK.
31:19Let's see what the offers are.
31:21It's now time to face the Chasers.
31:26Quickfire, head-to-head, put some times on the clocks.
31:29There you go.
31:30Chasers will make you a time advantage offer
31:32and a money offer as well.
31:33Based on those offers,
31:34choose how many Chasers you wish to take on.
31:36Now, to play for the two grand you won in the Cash Builder,
31:38you can choose two Chasers automatically,
31:40and those two Chasers are...
31:42It is the Menace and the Governess.
31:45Michael, we hate to take money away from a baby.
31:48What am I saying? We love it.
31:50We want 36 seconds on our clock.
31:53Thank you very much.
31:54Third Chaser, who's that, please?
31:57OK, Beastie.
31:58We still want 36 seconds on our clock,
32:01but you'll be playing for £10,000.
32:04Oh, thank you.
32:08Fourth Chaser, who's the fourth Chaser, please?
32:12OK, Cinnamon.
32:13Hello there, Michael. Hello.
32:15You won't like the jump in time. We want 42 seconds on our clock.
32:18You might want the jump in money.
32:20You'll be playing for £35,000.
32:27And can't take it on six, but you can take it on five.
32:30Fifth Chaser, please.
32:32Dark Destroyer.
32:33We want 46 seconds on our clock,
32:36but you'll be playing for a colossal £75,000.
32:44Not bad. Not bad.
32:46It's good, that, mate. Yeah.
32:48What do you think?
32:50I'm kind of split between... I'm looking at the money
32:52and then I'm looking at the time, and then I have to go...
32:54Yeah. ..what's more important.
32:56I think the time's more important. Yeah.
32:58I think if I come home with nothing,
33:00I might not come home at all.
33:02No, sure. Yeah.
33:04I'm going to go for three Chasers, 36 seconds.
33:08Three Chasers, 36 seconds.
33:1024 seconds on the clock.
33:12OK, £10,000, we'll be taking on the Beast,
33:15the Governess and the Menace.
33:17Let's see if you can, Michael, beat the Chasers.
33:20Good luck, mate.
33:25All right, here we go.
33:27You know how it works. Michael, are you ready? Yep.
33:30Your clock starts counting down now.
33:33What month has the fewest number of days? February.
33:35Correct. Chasers.
33:36In Oliver Twist, who's the lover of Bill Sykes?
33:40Correct. Michael, what two-word phrase
33:42describes tax-exempt shops in airports?
33:44Judy Free.
33:45Correct. Chasers.
33:46Which jockey rode 30 English classic winners?
33:48Lester Piggott.
33:49Correct. Michael, which puppeteer
33:51created Sesame Street's Cookie Monster?
33:53Jim Henson.
33:54Grecian 2000 is used to colour men's what?
33:58Hair. Oxygen and what other element begin with the letter O?
34:04The Potato Eaters is a painting by which Dutch artist?
34:08Van Gogh.
34:09What is Batman's underground HQ called?
34:12Correct. Chasers.
34:13What name is given to a baby elk?
34:17Michael, which rapper featured on the Rihanna hit Talk That Talk?
34:22What colour is the arrow on a no-right-turn traffic sign?
34:26Correct. Chasers.
34:27What Scottish city is called the capital of the Highlands?
34:32Which actress played Arwen in the Lord of the Rings films?
34:36Tyla, Liv Tyla.
34:37Correct. Michael, author Charlotte Bronte lived during what century?
34:4119th century.
34:42What London club won the 2023 Women's FA Cup?
34:46Correct. Chasers.
34:47What state surrounds the Australian Capital Territory?
34:50New South Wales.
34:51Correct. Michael, someone clumsy said to have fingers like what dairy food?
34:56Butter. Electrum is an alloy of gold and what other metal?
35:00Correct. Michael, in computer shorthand,
35:02B-A-K stands for back of one, no time.
35:09Yeah, but you know what?
35:13Yeah, the Butterfingers question did it for you.
35:16Named after what dairy product?
35:19Normally, if someone says what dairy product on this quiz,
35:22cheese is the go-to answer.
35:24But I actually think you had a couple of 50-50s there.
35:26You missed the hairhead one, but then you said which Dutch artist?
35:29And everyone says either Rembrandt or Van Gogh.
35:32You get any one of those and we're very, very close.
35:35It really wasn't that far apart.
35:37No, absolutely. Very, very tricky indeed.
35:39But that is the way it goes.
35:41Michael, I am sorry, but you have been beaten by the Chasers.
35:44Thanks for coming on. Thank you very much.
35:46Love to everyone back at the Belfast.
35:48And your new baby.
35:49Cheers, Michael. God bless you.
35:51Thank you, Michael, everyone.
35:54Come on, Michael.
35:55Hope he doesn't get lobs out the house.
35:58Who's next to take on our nerdy ninjas?
36:01Find out after the break.
36:17Welcome back, everyone.
36:19Let's see who's next to try and beat our six-pack of Brainiac.
36:23Give it up, it's Ollie from Gloucestershire.
36:32He looks like a bit of a person who fancies himself.
36:35Nice to see you, Ollie.
36:37There you go, mate. Welcome aboard.
36:39Ollie from Gloucestershire. Whereabouts in Gloucestershire?
36:42Just near Cheltenham. And what do you do for a living?
36:44I'm a voiceover artist. Are you? Really?
36:46And how long have you been a voiceover artist?
36:4820 years on and off. Right. Have you always done that?
36:50Or did you start out acting or whatever?
36:52No, I did a bit of presenting on radio and TV, but that was abroad.
36:55You were abroad? Where was you living? Mauritius.
36:57Of course you were. Yeah.
36:59And now you live in Gloucestershire. Yeah.
37:01Which is very similar.
37:03OK. And if you was to win some money, what would you do with it?
37:06I was really lucky when I was younger that I was able to go
37:09to the rainforest once, and it was the most amazing thing I've done.
37:12I've been boring my kids about it ever since they were born.
37:15And so they're sort of saying, well, when are you going to take us?
37:18How old are your kids? 14 and 12. 14 and 12.
37:20All right, let's do that. You're going to need some money.
37:22Multiple choice questions. Let's play.
37:26Here's your first question.
37:28Do not get the first one wrong. Please get all five right.
37:31That'll be handy. Here's your question.
37:34Decorated with empty film reels and pillars
37:38looking like palm trees,
37:40Hollywood Vine is a subway station in what city?
37:44A, Miami,
37:46B, Los Angeles,
37:48C, Chicago.
37:54I'm going to have to go with B, Los Angeles.
37:56Yeah, got to be. Sure. LA.
37:58Is that the correct answer?
38:00And it is. Well done, Greg. You're definitely taking on the choices.
38:03So that's good. £1,000.
38:05Here's your next question. Good luck.
38:22I'll go for A, quilt.
38:24You're saying quilt. Is that the correct answer?
38:27It is. Well done.
38:32Here's your next question.
38:53Hazard, I guess. B, moustache.
38:55Moustache. Is that the right answer?
38:58It is.
39:00Well done. Here's your next question.
39:04Which fence at Aintree Racecourse
39:07is named after a horse reputed to have jumped it
39:10hind legs first in 1840?
39:25I'll go for C, Valentine's Brook.
39:27You're saying C, Valentine's Brook.
39:29Is that the right answer for £4,000?
39:32It is. Well played.
39:38Yeah, I think Beechers Brook is named after a person
39:40and Foyne Avon is named after the 100-to-1 shot
39:43that won the 1967 Grand National
39:45when so many horses fell in front of him that he romped home.
39:48Thank you very much indeed.
39:49OK, one question away for a full house.
39:51Five questions, five grand.
39:52That gives you the opportunity to take on all six chasers
39:55for a super offer.
39:56Here we go. Here's your final question. Good luck.
40:01Including the current one,
40:02how many St Paul's Cathedrals have stood on the same site in London?
40:08Is it A, three, B, four, or C, five?
40:18I'm going to go for C, five.
40:20You're saying C, five.
40:22For £5,000, a full house of questions to take on six chasers.
40:26The correct answer, is that right?
40:29It is.
40:35Well, you know what, Oli, that's congratulations, mate.
40:38A super offer on its way. You ready? Ready.
40:40Great. Time to face the chasers.
40:46Put that head-to-head, let's go.
40:48Put the time on the screens. 60 and 60.
40:51Now then, going to be some fantastic offers coming up.
40:54Offers of a time advantage and money.
40:57Just decide which one you want to go for.
40:59Now, to play for the £5,000, of course,
41:01that you got in the cash build-up,
41:03you automatically take on two chasers anyway,
41:05and those two chasers are...
41:07It is the Governor's and the Cinnamon.
41:10If you want to play against me and Anne,
41:12we want 36 seconds on our clock.
41:1436 seconds, OK, thank you.
41:15Third chaser, who's that, please?
41:20Oli, you may have qualified for the super offer,
41:22but I think this offer's pretty super.
41:24We want 38 seconds on our clock.
41:27You'll be playing for £20,000.
41:3022-second time advantage.
41:33Not bad, that.
41:34Fourth chaser, please.
41:38We want 42 seconds on our clock,
41:41but you'll be playing for £50,000.
41:43OK, 18-second time advantage and 50 grand.
41:47OK, here we go.
41:49Who's the fifth chaser, please?
41:52OK, Menace.
41:54We want 48 seconds on our clock,
41:56but you'll be playing for £100,000.
42:05No time advantage at all to take on all six,
42:09but you deserve this.
42:10Here comes an unbelievable offer from The Beast.
42:16Good evening, Oli.
42:18Brace yourself.
42:20We want 60 seconds on our clock,
42:22but you'll be playing for £600,000!
42:28Come on!
42:44..despite The Beast's animation...
42:48..I can't... I can't see myself doing that.
42:56I think I can beat four chasers for 50 grand.
43:01It's a very good offer.
43:05I wish you luck, Oli.
43:06Let's see if you can beat the chasers.
43:08Well done.
43:16You know how this works.
43:18Here we go.
43:19Are you ready?
43:21Oli, your clock starts counting down now.
43:45Oli, a full-court press is a term from what sport?
43:50What name's given to a two-storey bus?
43:54Chasers, Boy Meets Boy is part of the tagline in what Netflix series?
43:59Oli, the ruins of Ephesus are in what modern-day country?
44:04Chasers, what type of vegetable is a Jersey Royal?
44:08Oli, in the Bible, Belshazzar was king of where?
44:14What is the fine if you land on income tax in Monopoly?
44:19Chasers, who's first in line to the British throne?
44:23Prince William.
44:25Oli, in Greek myth, Arachne was turned into what creature?
44:29Chasers, which captain gave Botany Bay in Australia its name?
44:34Oli, who wrote the novel Persuasion?
44:36Jane Austen.
44:38Chasers, West Texas Intermediate is a type of what commodity?
44:44Oli, technically, what word's the opposite of anode?
44:49Chasers, which of the Beatles was knighted in 1997?
44:52Paul McCartney.
44:54Oli, which French fashion company makes the Pandora bag?
44:59New York's Museum of Immigration is on what island?
45:04Chasers, traditionally, Eton, Massachusetts...
45:06Time is up!
45:09That is unbelievable.
45:11Come here.
45:18What an answer.
45:20All right.
45:23Everyone's standing up, everyone's cheering.
45:25Oli looks to me and goes, that was fun.
45:29Got to say, a brilliant performance.
45:31Ellis Island.
45:32Yeah, that was the answer.
45:33Oh, no, the best answer by a mile was knowing that Ephesus is in Turkey.
45:37That is not general knowledge.
45:39That was a really, really good answer.
45:40Most people wouldn't know that.
45:41And Persuasion is not one of Jane Austen's better-known novels.
45:44Good quizzer.
45:45He's a quizzer, all right.
45:47Oli, guess what?
45:48You've got 50 grand, you've beaten the Chasers.
45:50Congratulations, mate.
45:51Great to see you.
45:52There you go.
45:56That was immaculate quizzing, and he picked the right answer.
46:00Played it carefully.
46:01What about that?
46:02Absolutely extraordinary.
46:03Oli goes back to Gloucestershire.
46:05£50,000, Richard, it can be done.
46:08He chose just the right amount, just the right amount of time.
46:11Absolutely perfect.
46:12Brilliant stuff.
46:13Well, that's it for tonight, but join us next time to see if anyone
46:16has got what it takes to beat the Chasers.
46:18From myself, everyone here, and, of course, the gang,
46:21we'll see you soon.