00:00We get all sorts here at AWL.
00:11It's part of the job to get to know these dogs.
00:13It's probably my favourite part of the job.
00:15Did you know there was a squeaker in there?
00:19When they first come in, we do a behavioural assessment on them to see how they're going
00:23to be in a home, how social they are and their personality.
00:28You're probably the cutest one I've seen today.
00:31Drop so that we know later on who we're matching them up with.
00:37Just like humans, it's important to not judge a book by its cover.
00:40We match people and dogs on personality, not looks, so they might be looking for one breed
00:47and leave with another dog, but we will ensure that that's the perfect dog to fit them and
00:51their lifestyle.
00:52Want a tug?
00:53Come on.
00:54There really is a dog out there for everyone.
00:58Do you feel ready?
01:06I feel ready.
01:09Going to be a dog mum.
01:10Fiona has come to AWL to adopt her first ever dog.
01:14Fingers crossed.
01:16And she's brought her niece Celine along for the ride.
01:19Good morning.
01:22How are you?
01:23I'm good.
01:24Nice to meet you both.
01:25Welcome to AWL.
01:26And how do you two know each other?
01:28Celine is my niece.
01:31Oh, I love that.
01:32Favourite niece?
01:33Yes, definitely.
01:35You have to say that because I'm right here.
01:40There's only, what, 15 years between us?
01:43We bonded a lot, even when she was a baby.
01:47I understand.
01:48She doesn't feel the same.
01:49Yeah, I don't know how to tell you this.
01:53How would you describe Fiona in a few words?
01:55Ooh, bubbly, kind, generous, loving, beautiful.
02:02I'll pay you later.
02:05I've always thought of you as like more of a sister, like closer than just aunt and niece.
02:12You're very special.
02:15We do a lot of things together.
02:17Like anytime I want to do something, I always try and rope her in.
02:22I'm always here.
02:23I love that.
02:24And also, that's how I'm here.
02:27Do you both live together?
02:29Oh, OK.
02:30I live on my own.
02:31I'm so excited.
02:32Your mum said to me, oh, I hope this matchmaking goes better than my human ones because I hope
02:38I'm my forever person and I'm hoping I'll find my forever dog.
02:42A forever dog.
02:43That's so cute.
02:45It baffles me that such a catch is still available to people.
02:52I don't understand.
02:53Rocks in their head, man.
02:56You could go home with a dog today.
02:57I know.
02:58I can't believe I'm doing it.
03:04So you're looking for a dog today?
03:05I sure am.
03:08Very exciting.
03:10Anything in mind at the moment?
03:11My ideal would be a Maltese cross poodle that's sort of scruffy, a little bit scruffy looking.
03:18We can just chill out on the couch, share our snacks.
03:26Preferably low shedding only because I've gone through a few health issues and just
03:32my energy levels are a little bit low.
03:39Because we, obviously being a shelter, some of these dogs have different histories, different
03:42pasts and have had different experiences.
03:45We may have dogs that come in no teeth.
03:47They might have an eye removed, a limb, things like that.
03:51I'm really open to that because of what I've gone through.
03:55I got diagnosed with breast cancer.
03:57Oh wow.
03:58I'm sorry to hear that.
03:59I'm at the tail end of the treatment and everything.
04:01Oh, excellent.
04:03I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
04:08What sort of life, Celine, do you think that Fiona's going to give this dog?
04:10Oh, the best.
04:12Just, like, I'm jealous of this dog.
04:14It's going to be so spoiled.
04:16We've been getting dog toys, dog beds, dog accessories, like, things that I didn't think
04:25maybe should exist, she has bought.
04:28So, like, a suit that hair dries your dog.
04:32I know.
04:33It puffs up and there's, like, this little funnel that you can attach your hair dryer
04:40And he just has a little pleasure.
04:41Can we just give you all of our dogs now?
04:43So, we will go have a chat and we'll be back soon, so sit tight.
04:50I'll sit here with, like...
04:52Please do.
04:53Fingers crossed.
04:54What's, uh, what bestie are we looking at?
05:01I know the perfect dog for Fiona.
05:04Oh, Zorro.
05:05Look at him.
05:06He's so cute.
05:07Zorro is only nine months old.
05:11He's a male poodle cross.
05:14He was surrendered to us because the inspectors went out and saw that he had a leg injury
05:18that was not properly treated.
05:20He did have to have the front left leg amputated due to the untreated injury.
05:25But he's adjusted, like, crazy fast.
05:28He's, like, running around the yard and it's insane.
05:31Like, none of us, if we lost a limb, would be able to recover that quickly, like, it's
05:35so impressive.
05:36How much energy does he have?
05:37It's up and down.
05:39I think it would just fluctuate.
05:41I honestly think she's going to absolutely fall in love with Zorro.
05:43Zorro deserves a loving home and I think Fiona could be that one.
05:45All right, let's do it.
05:47Let's go.
05:49We think that we've found the perfect little man for you.
05:53Oh, the little man.
05:55He's a real sweetheart.
05:56His name is Zorro.
05:57Zorro is a poodle cross.
05:58Oh, no way.
06:01Zorro came into us as a medical surrender.
06:06This means he is a tripod.
06:07So he's missing his front left leg.
06:10I have one boob, so we can match.
06:16He has recovered very, very quickly.
06:19So he runs around pretty well.
06:21Pretty sweet boy and is a bit of a cuddle bug.
06:25You're just looking forward to meeting him?
06:27Oh my gosh, Zorro.
06:28It's like, get that.
06:29That's it.
06:30And it's been a long road.
06:42I was 47 and I felt a lump in my breast.
06:51And I thought, hmm, that's a bit strange.
06:55I was super naive.
06:57I thought, ah, three months.
07:01Three months out of my life, I'll deal with it.
07:05I'll get the treatment, go back to work, go back to normal life.
07:09But seven years later, it's still a little bit of a struggle.
07:16I still haven't moved it back to work.
07:19I know I'm doing this, but it's still just crazy that it's happening.
07:23It's like I'm having an out-of-body experience.
07:27I was dating someone and then they left after my first chemo round.
07:33On my fourth chemo round, I found out that I was non-responsive to the chemo.
07:42So I had two weeks to get my head around.
07:47It wasn't going to be just a lumpectomy, it had to be more drastic and have a mastectomy.
07:55I just thought, I'm not going to be feminine anymore, you know?
07:58Am I going to be able to look at myself in the mirror,
08:01let alone a future partner look at me?
08:06Is he going to like me?
08:08Will we get along?
08:10I had the option of reconstruction, but it wasn't sold on the whole breast implant.
08:17And the day of the operation, I surprised myself
08:20because I was a blubbering mess going into it
08:24thinking, oh my gosh, they're going to lop off my boob, you know?
08:28But the next day, when she took all the dressing off,
08:31you know, I just looked down and I just went, yeah, you know, yep, that's OK.
08:37Oh, you get to meet him soon.
08:39I know.
08:40So it's been a long road.
08:43Coming out of all of that, just the joy that a dog will bring,
08:51I think that will just make it all worthwhile.
08:56Isn't this crazy?
08:57Like, if this works out, it's just going to be like a brand new life.
09:04Hi, Zombo.
09:10Good job. Come on.
09:13I can feel my heart going, ooh.
09:17Isn't everyone looking for a fairy tale ending?
09:20I think I'm due.
09:21At 54, I think I'm due for a fairy tale ending.
09:25Are you ready?
09:26Are you ready?
09:28Good boy. Come on, up here.
09:30Oh, I can see you're still wet.
09:33Come on.
09:36Oh, my gosh.
09:49Hopeful dog mum, Fiona, and her niece, Celine,
09:52are about to meet poodle cross rescue Zorro.
09:56Come on.
09:57Oh, look at the little buddy.
09:59This is Zorro.
10:01Oh, Zorro.
10:04So cute.
10:05There he is.
10:06Hi, Zorro.
10:07Oh, there we go.
10:08You did it.
10:10Oh, he's coming over.
10:11Look at your curls on top of your head.
10:12Say hi, Celine.
10:13Hey, man.
10:14Are you guys happy if I just wait outside?
10:15Yeah, sure.
10:16Stay there, Zorro.
10:17Where's all the good stuff?
10:19Come back.
10:20Oh, yeah.
10:21Where did he go?
10:22He kind of, like, ducked around that way.
10:23Oh, Zorro.
10:24Oh, Zorro.
10:25Oh, Zorro.
10:26Oh, Zorro.
10:27Oh, Zorro.
10:28Oh, Zorro.
10:29Oh, Zorro.
10:30Oh, Zorro.
10:31Oh, Zorro.
10:32Oh, Zorro.
10:33Oh, Zorro.
10:34Oh, Zorro.
10:35Oh, Zorro.
10:36Oh, Zorro.
10:37Oh, Zorro.
10:38Oh, Zorro.
10:39Oh, Zorro.
10:40Oh, Zorro.
10:41Oh, Zorro.
10:42Oh, Zorro.
10:43Oh, Zorro.
10:44Oh, Zorro.
10:45Oh, Zorro.
10:46Oh, Zorro.
10:47Oh, Zorro.
10:48Oh, Zorro.
10:49Oh, Zorro.
10:50He's a very chill dog.
10:51He is.
10:52He's independent.
10:53He's just like, I'm just going to go off and do my thing.
10:54I'm so proud of how Fiona's dealt with her cancer diagnosis.
10:55She didn't ever try to deny that bad stuff was happening, but she really purposely chose
10:59to focus on what we could enjoy in any given situation.
11:03It's like going wig shopping together, like could have been super depressing
11:09but because of her attitude towards it was really fun.
11:19It's a shame that Zora hasn't gone up to Fiona just yet.
11:22Hello! Hello!
11:24Oh my goodness.
11:26So he went, oh!
11:28He's gone to Celine a couple of times but haven't really seen Fiona engage and have some cuddles yet.
11:33Hopefully she doesn't take it personally.
11:36You've got good taste.
11:38Come on Celine.
11:40Share the love. Stop hugging.
11:42You're hugging him.
11:44Nice to meet you.
11:46So cute.
11:48Now that I see the light at the end of the tunnel, it'll be seven and a half years when I finish on my treatment.
11:55Having a dog is just going to show me that everything I had to deal with was worthwhile.
12:04Now I'm going to cheer up.
12:12Yeah, and a good scratch.
12:16Come on Zorro.
12:18I think Celine's sold on Zorro but we haven't seen Zorro go up to Fiona yet.
12:25Hey Max, are we going to meet our new little doggy?
12:45Four year old Max is hoping to find the perfect pooch to complete his family.
12:50I'm excited.
12:52How exciting Max?
12:55Hi there, how are you going?
12:57I'm doing wonderful, how are you doing?
12:59Good thanks. I'm Anthony and this is Alice.
13:01What's my name? Alice.
13:03We met, gosh, about a decade ago I think through friends. Once we kind of started dating it all happened pretty quickly.
13:10Yeah, we hit it off.
13:12I'm an arborist.
13:14Loves trees and I actually work with horses.
13:16And who have we got here?
13:18I'm Max.
13:20You're Max? And how old are you Max?
13:22I'm four.
13:24Max is just the greatest kid.
13:26We're just so lucky, he's such a happy little guy.
13:29He's got such a beautiful little kind caring personality.
13:33Who's this toy for?
13:35A doggy.
13:37What do you love about dogs Max?
13:39Because they're cuddly.
13:41Super cuddly.
13:45Because I just love them.
13:47You love them.
13:51Yeah, he's a smart little kid.
13:54He's interested in things.
13:56He's also, you know, totally bouncing off walls most of the time.
14:00So I'm just going to say if it's a tiny dog you ought to watch out.
14:02Yeah, we love hard.
14:04I'm happy for Max to keep the dog for now.
14:06Yeah, thank you.
14:08Feel free to take a seat on the couch. It won't be long until the matchmakers come.
14:12Come over here buddy.
14:14Come and have a cuddle.
14:16I love the cuddle.
14:18That's the strategy.
14:20When he went to scratch, he was like, oh, I don't have my leg there.
14:26Fiona's looking for love.
14:28But Zorro seems more interested in her niece, Celine.
14:30Fiona means the world to me.
14:32I know that she has so much love to give.
14:34And this is something that she's wanted for a long time.
14:36And that's all I want for her.
14:38It's unconditional, the relationship that you form with a dog.
14:40Just to have a dog.
14:42Just to have a dog.
14:44Just to have a dog.
14:46Just to have a dog.
14:48Just to have that continuous companionship there, I think it would be particularly special.
14:59Are we chilling.
15:01Are we chilling out?
15:07It was nice that she came down to his level.
15:09That was so sweet.
15:11That's what she wanted, I reckon.
15:15We gonna be buddies, hey?
15:17Yes you're such a good boy. He seems very comfortable with you.
15:23Ah so cute. He's a little dude that's what he is.
15:30Maybe Zorro can be like a bit of a wingman for her as well. Come on.
15:37When Zorro first walked through the door he was just like this cool little chilled dude.
15:43I was like is he ready to meet someone new or am I just blending too much into the scenery.
15:51Whether or not Zorro will let me into his world more at the moment a bit uncertain.
16:18Alice and Anthony are looking for a new playmate for their four-year-old son Max.
16:24Hello. Hi. You guys are looking for a dog today? Yes. Maybe a brother or a sister? Yeah.
16:34I love the idea of Max growing up with the dog. You know he's an only child.
16:37It'll be like his his best friend. It's only the three of us so when
16:41we're playing in the back garden for example I mean mum and dad get a bit boring don't we?
16:46What fun things do you think we're going to do with our new doggie? I think we go to a beach.
16:51Beach. Yeah that's fun. That's always good. Um um um um please can I not go to a beach?
17:01So Max has global dyspraxia which affects the motor skills and and speech.
17:09I just want to go. He knows what he wants to say in his mind but he's not able to get it out clearly.
17:17The things that all of us take for granted that we'll just learn definitely the speech but running
17:23jumping riding a bike swimming it takes a lot of um therapy and and real effort on his part.
17:31So energy levels as well we're looking for someone that's going to keep up with Max.
17:36As you can tell yeah so we love to be able to take it out for walks and beach and energy but
17:41you know that said not given how much energy do you have? Yeah it's not so much the breed I mean
17:48it's the temperament and how it gets along with Max. So if we could find something that's kind
17:53of calm and social you'd be able to compromise on size and breed? Yes that would be great.
17:58That's good to know. Is there any deal breakers?
18:00Safety. So I think yes so he's really nervous and you know if the dog is really jumping up
18:05and is really not comfortable that would yeah we just yeah that'd be a deal breaker. Yeah yeah.
18:12All right we'll be back Max we'll see you soon.
18:16Thanks guys. I think we just got all our energy out that's good.
18:23We just met a lovely family. Yeah okay. Their priority I guess is the social
18:28Their priority I guess is the sociability of the dog and they also want to take the dog to
18:32the beach and I think it's going to be like a really social thing for Max to take out as well
18:36as he grows up with this dog. Nice okay. They did say labs a couple of times but they said they're
18:41pretty open for other breeds as well which is always exciting. Yeah that's good. They just
18:45don't want like quite a big boisterous dog. Yeah okay. We do have Archie we could talk about.
18:51Oh Archie he's a beautiful boy. He's a beautiful boy.
18:55I did his surrender which was a bit sad because his owners couldn't take care of him any longer
19:01just due to the change in their lifestyle. He's only young so he's a one-year-old four-month
19:07desexed male Labrador. His fun and vibrant personality makes him one of the favorites
19:12at shelter. I think he definitely is a favorite around here yeah. Does he like the water? I think
19:17he does like the pool. Most labs do like the beach. However Archie is under vet care so there's
19:24orthopaedic investigations due to his back legs. Yeah if he has surgery on both back legs it's
19:29going to be a long road to recovery once it's all been sorted. It's a tricky one. He's a sweet boy
19:34though. We do also have Fudge. Fudge is a really good size I think for him as well.
19:44So Fudge is a three-year-old Harriet. She is looking for an active family ready to explore
19:50the world with her. She's eager to learn. She's a very friendly girl that follows her nose.
19:56So that's pretty good. She does tickle a lot of the boxes. She's a real cutie. Yeah she is yeah.
20:02She'll love sniffing the yard. Yeah she'll love using her nose yeah. I think we've got some good
20:09options. I think Archie ticks all the boxes apart from one unfortunate thing and that's his medical
20:14background. And then we've got a beautiful Fudge. Probably not the breed that they were expecting
20:19but I think the big thing is there is that she's not a dog who's going to probably knock Max over.
20:23Yeah and she would love the water and would love to be near the beach. Yeah I think she'll be great.
20:26Good option. All right team Fudge. I think this is going to be a pretty lucky dog.
20:33Hi. Are you excited Max? Yeah. You ready? What's it name? Her name Max is Fudge.
20:47It's a sister for you and it's younger than you so she's only three. She's very sweet. She's also
20:55a breed that we don't actually often get into the shelter as well. What kind of dog is it? She's a
21:00Harrier. Oh a Harrier. I've never heard of a Harrier in my life. Never heard of it. I sort of see Harriers as like
21:07beagles on stilts. Yeah. We're gonna meet her. Yeah. Can you say a big thank you? Thank you. You're so welcome.
21:17I'm so excited we're gonna meet Fudge. I love Max more than the world. He's the most important thing
21:24in our lives and we weren't even sure if we were going to be able to have kids and
21:29what a blessing and it's okay to be a bit nervous. It was a really tough pregnancy and it was really
21:35quite scary when he was born. It was an emergency c-section and all very dramatic. You know he was
21:40teeny tiny at 32 weeks. He was 1.7 kilos. So he really is kind of a miracle. We're just so lucky.
21:49Open up that door. Oh wow good job bud.
21:55What a nice place to meet Fudge. And water. Yes and water. Do you think Fudge will like playing
22:02with water? Yeah. Max is a healthy and a happy and a beautiful little kid but he does have these
22:09speech delays and the motor skill delays. So I think our highest priority will just be having
22:15the dog so he can be himself. Maybe he'll like balls. She might like balls. Yeah. Can you say
22:23fetch Fudge? Fetch Fudge. Good job. Here we have Fudge. She's a Harrier mix. Harrier is a very
22:34similar breed to Beagle. They're typically just a lot bigger. Fudge is a little bit shy at first
22:40but once she warms up she's definitely a very friendly girl. Fudge loves to have a sniff around
22:46but she does also have that nice cuddly side to her.
22:52Dog out. Let's go Fudge.
23:00Fudge is coming. Quick come sit over here. I think I see Fudge. Jump up. Dream result for me
23:07is a dog that puts a big smile on Max's face. I'd love to see him really feel happy and joyful
23:13so I think that's the point of introducing another family member. Let's go Fudge.
23:20Thank you. How exciting. You look at the yellow doll.
23:26Ready? Let's go.
23:37Oh my goodness. Max and his parents are eagerly waiting for Fudge to make her grand entrance.
23:45How exciting. You look at the yellow doll. Come on Fudge. Let's go. Hi guys.
23:57Let's go. She's cute. Hi Fudge. Look at Max. Nah. She's probably going to sniff around a lot
24:05She's probably going to sniff around a lot. Well let Fudge have a big sniff around.
24:11Down Fudge. That's all right. Oh he's looking a little bit nervous.
24:15Fudge. She's all right. She's just saying hello. Are you guys happy if I take her off lead? Yeah
24:20yeah sure. Awesome. All right I'll hang around for a little bit.
24:27I love watching the way that Max sees the world but you know it must be so frustrating. The older
24:32he gets the more he can see that the word he's thinking about in his head perhaps isn't coming
24:38out his mouth. She's all right. She's just excited. You're okay. It's really vital for
24:45Max I think to have relationships where the pressure is off on that verbal communication
24:49when he's with a dog. There's no pressure to speak. It doesn't matter how the words sound.
24:54There's that opportunity for him to really just relax. Just to have that beautiful non-judgmental
25:00best mate. He's getting pretty frightened like when she runs at him. Yeah he looks quite anxious.
25:11If Fudge is quite a big dog so understandable. A bit concerning. Yeah. Boy say stop Fudge.
25:19You could say sit. Sit Fudge. That definitely intimidated him.
25:25My first reaction was oh I don't know. Really? Dad Anthony is sort of like still looks a bit wary.
25:38I think they really want a dog who's going to be quite cuddly as well.
25:41She might be too independent. Do you want to see if Fudge wants your dinosaur toy?
25:44Fudge wants your dinosaur toy. Hello. Hello.
25:51Hopefully they haven't taken her independence personally.
25:54Like it just takes time and a lot of patience. Go and get it.
26:00I love the idea of Max growing up with the dog but we don't want Max to feel
26:04unsafe or unhappy in our house. The deal breaker is that you know it has to be good with Max.
26:10Aww. Fudge.
26:22Come on Papa. Could be the day you go home with a new brother or sister.
26:26Pause crossed. She's gonna spring in a step. She sure does. She knows something's up.
26:31Yeah. Matt and Stacey are hoping to find a buddy for beloved beagle Olive.
26:37Oh g'day there. Hi. Welcome to Idaho. Hi. I'm Matt. I'm a nurse. My name's Stacey. I'm a high school teacher.
26:43Long-term friends. Been friends for about 12 years. You just put up with me for that long. I have.
26:48So we met through Matt's ex-wife. My ex-wife. From lifetime ago. Very long time ago and we just became
26:56great mates. Great mates. We love good music, good shows. Lots of life theatre. Yeah and good laughs.
27:03Do you sing, by any chance? Any opportunity to break in a song, I'm there. Life is a musical.
27:08Life is a musical. And this is Olive down here. How old is she? She's 15 in a couple of weeks.
27:14She's just a sweet old girl. She's very calm. She's very gentle. Where can I find a puppy like that?
27:21Why would you ever want a cat? Oh, sorry puppy. I've just noticed here you're matching outfits.
27:29He's got the exact same outfit. Yeah, I know. You know what they say about dogs and their owners
27:35starting to resemble one another? We'll go for a walk around the streets of Surrey Hills. If she's
27:39wearing her green jacket, I'll wear green. If she's wearing a denim jacket, I might wear denim.
27:43We're looking for a little brother or sister for this one. Don't forget you'll have to get
27:46their matching outfits as well, right? Oh, potentially. Absolutely. There'll be a shopping day.
27:52And who do you reckon is going to make the final decision today? I say it's me, but it's probably
27:58realistically going to be her. You're a cute girl, Olive, aren't you? Come on, Olive. Come on.
28:05Come on, pup. Excited? Yeah. I know. I can't wait.
28:14Max and his parents are hoping a harrier named Fudge will make their home life even sweeter.
28:20Hi. A little sniffer. Yeah. But so far, the jury's out on whether this sniff maestro
28:26is the perfect match. Fudge. I think it's just going to take her some time. Their breed is just
28:32so instinct to sniff everything. Yeah. So their sociability does come, and we know she's social.
28:38She loves everyone here at the shelter. Fudgie. She's really cute. Being a father's the greatest
28:45thing. Before I had Max, I guess I didn't understand it. I didn't even know this kind
28:53of love existed till I had a child. I feel like he just completes a part of me that I didn't
28:59know I needed, didn't even know was missing. I think he's changed me as well in just being a
29:05happier and more positive person and wanting to do more good and create a beautiful home for him
29:11to live in, you know, and grow up in, you know. Oh, you're going to make me cry.
29:14Goes back to sort of, Ali and I have both realized what's important in life, and it's
29:19not chasing the material things. The most important things are family. And I'd like to
29:25think of us having a beautiful little life with our little triangle family in our forever home
29:32with our forever dog.
29:36Hey, Fudge. Come here, sit. Go, go, go, go.
29:41She's warming up, actually. Yeah.
29:44Sit. Sit.
29:45Nice and loud. Sit.
29:47Oh, good girl.
29:49Good girl.
29:54I think she quite likes Max.
29:55I think so, too.
29:57Oh, she's going to go for a swim.
30:00Oh, oh, she's going in the water.
30:02Oh, the water dog.
30:03Okay, she's the water dog.
30:06We could take her down to the...
30:09Yeah. She would love that.
30:11That's awesome.
30:14What do you think of Fudge?
30:16I think him amazing.
30:20I think we've seen like a real good personality of Fudge today. She's play bound and wants to
30:24do zoomies and run around. And she's come in, had cuddles, sat down for them, had some treats and
30:29stuff, which is really good. You've seen all different parts of it. I guess my only concern
30:33is that whether Fudge would be too independent for this family.
30:36Fudge wants to go on a bushwalk.
30:40Oh, look, if it's not a match, I'll probably be a bit disappointed.
30:44It'll be really sad. You know, I think we're all really excited about the possibility of
30:48finding a little doggy sibling for Max. But I think it's really important that we're all
30:53on the same page. It's as important for you and I as it is for Max as well.
30:59This way, Fudge.
31:00Get me.
31:13Oh, look at all the dogs that have found homes.
31:17Matt and his matchy matchy beagle, Olive, are looking for some extra company.
31:22And his best friend, Stacey, has joined the journey.
31:25It's too many good smells.
31:27Oh, my gosh.
31:29This is Olive.
31:30Yeah, Olive.
31:32Hi, Olive. And how old is Olive?
31:36Olive's nearly 15.
31:37Senior lady.
31:38She's an old gal. Time for her to find a buddy.
31:42So obviously today, whatever we match you with is going to have to be a fairly social kind of dog.
31:48Well, they've got to at least get along.
31:50At least get along with Olive.
31:52I mean, she gets along with pretty much, pretty much any dog she sees.
31:56If I felt that she was happy on her own, that would be fine. And we would,
32:00we would do our thing together. But she needs a companion.
32:03Are you a massive fan of the beagle breed?
32:06Well, in the time I've known Matt, I've only ever known Matt to have beagles.
32:10I've rescued one, two, three, four, five. Yeah. And I've had six beagles in total.
32:15I love beagles because they're cheeky. They're super intelligent. They're so strong-willed.
32:21If they want something, they'll figure out a way to get it.
32:24And they've got the best ears.
32:26I can't stop playing with them.
32:30When Matt told me that he was open to, you know, potentially other breeds, I was like,
32:34oh, this is a change. Something new.
32:36It's a different Matt.
32:37It's a new change. It is a different Matt.
32:39This is really about her more than anything.
32:41This is a big step for Olive. She's introducing a new dog.
32:44You know, there can be a couple of teething issues with working out things like sharing
32:48space and sharing the person in the home. Are you looking to match the age?
32:53I was thinking maybe sort of between five and ten.
32:57OK. Is there anything today that you would say would be a deal breaker?
33:01Something that you would be scared to take on, I guess?
33:05Generally speaking, no. No. It's mostly about finding the right buddy for her.
33:10So she's the deal breaker, really?
33:12She really is.
33:14If you guys don't have anything else for us, we might have a bit of a chat.
33:18That'd be great.
33:18See what we can find for Olive. And you, but Olive.
33:22Mainly for Olive. We get it.
33:24Thank you so much.
33:24See you soon.
33:25Thanks, guys. Cheers.
33:29Oh, I really like them. Best friends.
33:32OK, cool.
33:32It has to match Olive.
33:34We do have Jedi.
33:38She's beautiful.
33:40Oh, look at that face.
33:41Look at this little baby.
33:42That's so cute.
33:44Beautiful markings. Five years old.
33:46A proper whippet, which we rarely ever see here at the Shelter.
33:49It seems being here, we found that she's a warm and loving girl with calm energy
33:52and loves cuddles. A social gal with good manners.
33:55She's a high-speed zoomer.
33:57Being a whippet, apartment-friendly and suitable for a full-time worker.
34:00She is absolutely a great option.
34:03She is energetic.
34:06Yes, she is.
34:08Olive is not.
34:11I know Matt came here for something different today,
34:13but we do actually have a beagle at the moment.
34:16We've got the gorgeous Dingo.
34:18It's a Dingo.
34:20He's a beautiful boy. He's come a long way at Shelter.
34:22Five years and eight months old.
34:24Dingo thrives on positive interactions and would benefit greatly from a calm
34:27and patient environment.
34:28He's a really sensitive, gentle boy.
34:30He's always ready to offer wagging tail and cuddles.
34:32Gains confidence from other dogs.
34:34Yeah, look, he fixed that age bracket again very well.
34:37The five years.
34:39Imagine if you get to the stage where you've opened your mind
34:42to the possibility of a dog that's not a beagle
34:45and then they happen to match you with the beagles.
34:50I just think with that environment,
34:52being in a busy area with regards to the city,
34:54they're probably not the most suited for Dingo.
34:58He's just a bit of a shy boy who gets overwhelmed very quickly by new things.
35:02He'd probably better off in a less busy area, less traffic.
35:05Could be tricky, yeah.
35:07I think Jedi ticks all the boxes.
35:09Jedi it is.
35:11This is fantastic that you're open to breed because,
35:15surprise, it's not a beagle.
35:17Yeah, yeah, it's not a beagle.
35:21It's a little girl.
35:22Her name is Jedi.
35:26And she is a whippet.
35:30Oh, wow.
35:32That's cool.
35:33Oh, that's awesome.
35:34She is the right age for you.
35:36She's five.
35:36So she's that good mix of not a puppy anymore,
35:40but still got a bit of vitality and might be able to, like,
35:43rip Olive off a bit.
35:44Come on, let's go.
35:46I think it's great.
35:47I think it's awesome.
35:48Yeah, I'm super excited.
35:49We're going to send you down to the meeting pen to meet Jedi on your own
35:53so you can have some lovely one-on-one time.
35:55And then we're going to bring Olive down and we're going to have the dogs meet,
35:59make sure that's all okay and, you know, that they're happy with each other.
36:04Olive, would you like to meet her?
36:07Come on.
36:07I will take this beautiful girl.
36:09You come with me, beautiful.
36:10And David will show you where to go.
36:12Come on, sweetheart.
36:15It's okay.
36:16You're okay.
36:20How are you feeling?
36:21Yeah, really cool.
36:24I think it's really important for Olive to have a brother or sister in her life.
36:27Big part of the reason why I'm here today is because Olive's missing Charlie.
36:31So Charlie was her twin brother.
36:34They were from the same litter, so they've been together for almost 15 years.
36:38He got really sick very suddenly.
36:41And within just a couple of days, we lost him.
36:45She was with him when he went and she's just missed him ever since.
36:49We've got a friend this time.
36:52Come and see Uncle Sam.
36:54Hi, Olive.
36:59After you.
37:00I was going to say, you're so beautiful, baby.
37:04We've had a couple of really difficult months without her brother, Charlie.
37:09With the loss of him, she's been howling the days that I go into the hospital and work.
37:14I've got a dog camera so I can watch her.
37:17And it's really quite sad.
37:19I see her lying on the couch, just staring at the door, waiting for me to come in.
37:23She is my everything.
37:24And I just, I need to make her happy.
37:28It's a new chapter.
37:31Time for change.
37:35This here is Jedi.
37:36She is a five-year-old Whippet.
37:39She's a really nice medium size.
37:41And yeah, she's really petite and really adorable.
37:45Good girl.
37:46Jedi has a really sweet personality.
37:49She can seem a little bit shy at first.
37:51But once she's in a yard and she's off lead, she's really playful.
37:55She's actually really good at fetch.
37:56Wow, that was fancy.
37:58She's a big cuddle buddy.
37:59She's a big cuddle bug.
38:01And she just likes to be in people's company.
38:03I think Jedi will bring amazing companionship.
38:06She'll make you laugh.
38:07And she'll also be able to bring you comfort when you really need it.
38:10She's super supportive and just really loving.
38:14Oh, thanks.
38:15Thank you very much.
38:17Oh, thank you.
38:20Good girl, Jedi.
38:22How are you feeling now?
38:23I'm excited, but I'm nervous.
38:25In case Olive doesn't like her.
38:30You ready?
38:34Oh, there you go.
38:37Good girl.
38:40Oh, hello.
38:44Oh, hey guys.
38:46Oh, happy faces.
38:47I like that.
38:49Hello, pretty girl.
38:53It's been difficult for Matt.
38:56Beagles have been a big part of his life.
38:58And with Matt not having kids, the dogs have become his children.
39:04Made especially difficult by the fact that Olive hasn't coped with the loss of Charlie.
39:08Her and her brother used to do absolutely everything together.
39:11They were attached at the hip.
39:16Oh, she's pretty.
39:18Oh, hello.
39:19Hey, lovely.
39:23Do the rounds.
39:25Hello, cutie.
39:25Oh, look at that trotch.
39:27That little pants.
39:28You're so elegant.
39:31She is not zooming.
39:33I am disappointed that I have not seen a zoom yet because it is the most fantabulous zoom.
39:38Hey, gorgeous.
39:42She's scoping.
39:43Are you looking for an escape?
39:46I feel like Olive sort of replaced her brother with me.
39:49So she's shadowing me and attached to my hip.
39:53Which I love.
39:54Love to death.
39:55She's absolutely given me a lot of comfort.
39:57It's time that I give her some comfort back as well.
40:04Do you like that one?
40:06Do you like that one?
40:09Oh, no.
40:10No, you're more into the pig than she is.
40:13I'm definitely taking the pig.
40:16Matt and I often say that life is a musical.
40:19It has highs and it has lows and it has dramas.
40:23Searching for a dog to become a part of your life is a really big step.
40:28And I'm just hoping that it brings a little bit of joy into
40:33not only Olive, but into Matt's life as well.
40:37She hears something.
40:42Oh, good throw.
40:44Good girl.
40:46Good girl, Jedi.
40:48Oh, good girl.
40:49Oh, here we go.
40:51Start revving up.
40:52Oh, you're taking that away.
40:55Where did the ball go?
41:00Oh, what are you thinking?
41:02I think she's amazing.
41:04I hope Olive likes her.
41:05This is a hard part, isn't it?
41:07Because it's a lot of work.
41:09It's a lot of work.
41:10It's a lot of work.
41:11This is a hard part, isn't it?
41:12Because what happens if they fall in love?
41:16And Olive says, no, thank you.
41:21Oh, you've got some mouth kisses too.
41:26The deal breaker is something that Olive's not into.
41:31Good girl.
41:32Bring it back.
41:33Oh, good girl.
41:35Good girl, Jedi.
41:43So Nicola's got Olive in, and we'll do the interaction,
41:47if you guys are happy with that.
41:50Keeping her comfortable in her older years is really important to me.
41:53But I don't want to do anything that's going to disrupt her lifestyle.
41:56She's keen as, isn't she?
42:05Oh, hey.
42:12Oh, we found the tree.
42:24Matt and his mate Stacey have made a connection with three-year-old whippet Jedi.
42:30But can Jedi win over the one who really counts?
42:34Oh, she's so sweet.
42:35This is Olive.
42:37You want to say hi to Olive?
42:38We know one's enthusiastic.
42:42Oh, no, darling.
42:44Jedi's so excited.
42:47Be nice to see, obviously, Olive trying to interact with Jedi.
42:50I think it's going to be a bit of a trick one, because Jedi's going to be, obviously,
42:52a lot younger.
42:53So there's going to be a bit more energy.
42:55Jedi side of things.
42:56There's another dog, Libby.
42:59Yeah, look.
43:00Oh, look.
43:03Jedi's having a sniff.
43:04It's very interested to see what's going on.
43:07I'm not expecting fireworks.
43:10Well, there won't be fireworks, probably, from her.
43:12She's a bit past her fireworks era.
43:14She's definitely trying to see what's going on with Olive.
43:17Yeah, you can see she very much makes the call.
43:20She's like, please play with me.
43:23She wants to.
43:24It's so hard for, like, a 15-year-old dog.
43:26They're not really too bothered to be engaged in playing and stuff.
43:29Hey, Jedi.
43:31Hello, pretty girl.
43:33Come on.
43:33Come play with Jedi.
43:35Oh, Olive, come play.
43:37Good girl.
43:39Oh, this is good.
43:43She is following her everywhere.
43:47Which is really sweet.
43:50Oh, the drill.
43:52Where'd she get that from?
43:53Clearly from her father.
43:54Not me.
43:57Jedi kind of matched Dolly's behavior.
44:00Very different to the Zoomy girl.
44:02I've seen in the past with her.
44:05You guys are happy?
44:06We'll go for a walk.
44:07Yeah, sounds good.
44:08Jedi was really great.
44:09She was such a sweet girl.
44:11Of course, let's do it.
44:12Come on, guys.
44:16Oh, she's going to be leading me.
44:17Yes, yeah.
44:18She needs a little training on the lead.
44:21Jedi, she was very keen.
44:23She really wanted to get in and spend time with Olive.
44:27Come on, bub.
44:28Come on.
44:29Olive was a bit taken back.
44:32So it's a little bit of a worry to think that she wasn't immediately connecting with Jedi.
44:37We'll see.
44:39She's very curious.
44:40Yeah, she's super curious.
44:42You know, grieving, you know, a lifetime partner.
44:46It's so hard on dogs.
44:47And when you try and bring another dog into the household,
44:49sometimes it doesn't work out as you expect it would be.
44:52It makes you think, you know, would she be better off just with Matt?
45:02Oh my gosh, the first time that we clapped eyes on Zorro, I just thought, how tiny is he?
45:16He's so cute.
45:18The little tripod bouncing through the door.
45:21When he went over to Selene first, I was a little bit deflated.
45:26And I was like, oh, you're so cute.
45:27But like, look at this stunner.
45:30How about her?
45:32Zaya! Zaya!
45:36When he finally came up and plonked his head in my lap, I knew that I had to bring him home.
45:46Selene's brother actually said, his name can't be Zorro.
45:50He can't hold a sword.
45:52So I decided to change Zorro's name to Zaya.
45:57In Burmese, it means victory or success.
46:02Which I thought suits him down to a T because he's overcome adversity
46:07and he's just going to be succeeding for the rest of his life.
46:14Zaya, ready?
46:20He takes everything in his stride.
46:22It feels like we've been together forever.
46:25Good boy.
46:26He just fulfills my life.
46:28And I couldn't imagine life without you.
46:32Good boy.
46:32I don't think there is a better dog out there than Zaya for Fiona.
46:38You're stuck with us now, buddy.
46:40We'll hold you hostage.
46:43Looks like he's OK with that.
46:51My first impression of Jedi was that she was really sweet, really adorable.
46:56Had lots of love to give, you could see straight away.
46:58And I thought this was going to be a good fit.
47:02But when Olive and Jedi first met each other, Jedi was really interested in Olive.
47:06But there was just no reciprocation at all.
47:09Olive just didn't pay any attention to Jedi whatsoever.
47:13To be honest, my biggest concern about bringing Jedi home
47:16was just that they might not get along.
47:19Olive had Charles with her for 15 years.
47:21So I was really worried that she wasn't going to fit in and be Olive's companion.
47:25Let me just fix that bow tie.
47:28But we gave it a go.
47:29There we go.
47:33And we couldn't be happier.
47:35She's fit in brilliantly.
47:37Bringing Jedi home, life has changed a lot for us.
47:42I'm no longer worried about Olive being home alone.
47:45They sleep together.
47:47They cuddle with each other like Charlie and Olive used to do.
47:49Let's go.
47:50So ultimately, they became the mates that I hoped they would.
47:54I haven't yet bought any outfits for Jedi.
47:57But we do have matching bow ties.
47:59Olive has a pink bow tie.
48:01Jedi has a blue bow tie.
48:02It's the first step into matching fashion.
48:05Come on.
48:06Jedi's calm.
48:07Olive's calm.
48:08And I think it's a great fit.
48:23Next time on The Doghouse.
48:33Can Reggie, Ruby and Bella...
48:36I feel like I need to act cool because I'm going to scare the dog.
48:39Sniff out their perfect family.
48:41Are we going to be friends?