• last month


00:00I don't give a s*** if it's 3, 4, 5, 7 of y'all because I will bring my whole family
00:16to s***.
00:17Tear y'all's b****** down.
00:18Well, this is public.
00:19It's not HOA.
00:20No, it's not.
00:21I'll tell you what, I'll have the police explain it to you.
00:22She tore my guard up, she just didn't want me to have my guard.
00:39Those are not your cars!
00:46As one in five Americans move to the suburbs, neighbor complaints double.
00:55People are spending more time at home than ever before.
00:58They have gotten to really know their neighbors.
01:01For better and worse.
01:09From home sweet home to battle zone, these are.
01:21It's not uncommon for an intense domestic dispute to go from a private moment to one
01:30that plays out in front of the entire neighborhood.
01:37Tonight at an apartment complex in Waipahu, the woman recording is woken in the middle
01:42of the night by the screams of multiple neighbors.
01:48She rushes down the stairs and is horrified by what she sees.
01:53A man violently swinging a bat, threatening neighbors and striking their cars.
02:01The man swings the bat wildly in the air, slamming it on the ground and the neighbors
02:06can do nothing but stand by screaming.
02:09Suddenly, the enraged man turns his rampage back to one of the neighbor's cars.
02:22Smashing out windows one at a time.
02:30According to media reports, investigators spend the following weeks looking to press
02:34assault and property damage charges, but are unable to identify the man or move forward
02:39with the investigation.
02:41Later, the neighbors decide to band together to create a neighborhood watch and there have
02:46been no late night parking lot brawls waking the neighborhood since.
03:03For anglers, living near an accessible lake that's a good fishing spot is a dream come
03:09And it's why lifelong Georgia resident, Samuel Ibrahim, loves his neighborhood.
03:14We do some fishing, boys.
03:16The neighborhood that I live in, we have a nice little lake and I really enjoy fishing.
03:20You know, I love being out there and just relaxing and we don't really get a lot of
03:26One day, while Samuel and his friend are filming fishing videos to post on social media, the
03:32relaxing afternoon is interrupted when he sees his friend being confronted by a pair
03:37of angry neighbors.
03:38My friend and I were just out there fishing, and then I noticed that the older couple was
03:42actually starting to approach him, so I started sprinting over there to see what was going
03:46I've seen the lady a couple of times before, but this is actually my first time seeing
03:51the man.
03:53Samuel approaches the couple, scolding his friend, ready to hear their complaints about
03:57him and his friend fishing.
03:59We're not supposed to be fishing here, this is private property.
04:02Um, no, it's not.
04:03Yes, it is.
04:04See that?
04:05It's H-O-H.
04:06No, it's not.
04:07Yes, it is.
04:08Come here, I got something to show you.
04:10The couple insists again and again that the lake is actually owned by their homeowner's
04:15But Sam, having dealt with issues like this before, has come prepared to prove the lake
04:21is public.
04:22I actually went out and printed a tax document with the land on it showing that it was indeed
04:28owned by the county and not by the HOA of the neighborhood.
04:31All right, you see this?
04:32See that piece of land?
04:33That's that right there.
04:34Who owns it?
04:35Gwinnett County.
04:36That's right, but it's our HOA.
04:37No, it's not.
04:38This is our HOA lake that we paid $100 a month for.
04:39It's not private.
04:40Let me tell you something.
04:41It's not private.
04:42Well, this is public.
04:43It's not HOA.
04:44No, it's not.
04:45There's a lot down there.
04:46There's an H-O-A here.
04:47No, it's not.
04:48Yes, it is.
04:49I'll tell you what, I'll have the police explain it to you.
04:50You can't.
04:51I'll show them this.
04:52If you're kind enough to tell me your name.
04:54I'm not going to tell you my name.
04:55They sort of asked me for my name, and I didn't want to tell them because I have no idea what
05:00they can do with my name.
05:01We're getting a cop's call.
05:02We're fishing in a lake.
05:05Samuel and his friend walk away from the older couple and decide to cast a few more lines
05:10while they wait for police to arrive and to talk a little smack about their neighbors.
05:14I pay $300 a month.
05:17I pay more for my MCV boxes.
05:20I was already pretty frustrated with the whole situation, so I could have been more respectful,
05:24but I was just fed up by this point.
05:26I just wanted one good day of fishing with my good old buddy.
05:30No, we're going to get two more signs.
05:32Right after she tried to show us the signs, the man approached us, and I started talking
05:37to him one-on-one.
05:38What are we doing that's wrong?
05:39What does this serve you?
05:40Just let me in on that.
05:42Is it wrong to steal?
05:44You're not stealing.
05:45What does that mean to you?
05:47Somebody steals from me.
05:49What are we stealing?
05:50What are we stealing?
05:52Are you doing what's right?
05:55You're breaking the law.
05:56We started being very calm and civil.
05:58I can tell that he's not going to let up anytime soon, so we ended up leaving just to avoid
06:04any other bad things.
06:07Oh, shoot.
06:08I got my fishing license in here, too.
06:10The police never arrive, so Samuel and his friend pack up for the day and leave this
06:15prized fishing lake behind with no plan to return.
06:19And though these neighbors may have taken away a great fishing hole, as any angler knows,
06:24there's no use dwelling on the one that got away.
06:28I am definitely a little bit upset that they ended up ruining a spot that I've been going
06:32to for a very long time.
06:33But, you know, there are plenty of spots around where I live, and I ended up finding some
06:37better ones.
06:39What the f*** is wrong with you, stupid coward?
06:44It's a late evening in Los Angeles, and neighbors in an apartment building are being woken up
06:49by a man ranting and raving outside on their street.
06:53A warning.
06:54This story gets intense.
06:56Come down here and speak!
07:01The man is shouting that neighbors will, quote, get what's coming to them for the rest of
07:06their lives.
07:08It's their ignorance, and it has everyone watching inside terrified.
07:14You will reap what you sow!
07:19Suddenly, his cries to the neighbor get even more threatening.
07:23But in his passionate words about seeing the light, he fails to see the literal lights
07:28heading right for him.
07:30Say goodbye to your family!
07:33Say goodbye to your children!
07:36Say goodbye!
07:39What the f*** is wrong with you, stupid coward?
07:43In Los Angeles, a neighbor, standing in a busy road at night, is challenging neighbors
07:48in an apartment building to come outside and confront him.
07:52You f***ing coward haters!
07:54You shine lights in my eyes!
07:56You try to blind me!
07:57You take away my light!
07:59But nobody seems keen to speak to him in his current state.
08:04Come down here!
08:06But in his wild ranting, the man does something dangerous.
08:10He takes his eyes off the road.
08:12You will reap what you sow!
08:17When he walks back to yell at the neighbor recording from their apartment, he steps further
08:21into the dark street.
08:23And the driver in the black van doesn't spot him until it's too late.
08:28Say goodbye!
08:31EMTs soon arrive.
08:33And miraculously, the man only suffers minor injuries.
08:37A laceration to the back of the head and some road rash.
08:41In the following days, even though police determine the man is at fault for stepping
08:46into the street, they open an investigation because the driver allegedly failed to stop
08:52and offer aid.
08:53But they are never found or identified.
08:56Because nobody is seriously hurt in this incident, it serves as a serious reminder.
09:01Always look both ways.
09:03Whether you plan on crossing the street or yelling at your neighbors.
09:08You will reap what you sow!
09:16They say good fences make good neighbors.
09:19Did you know where that post is is my property line?
09:23Did you know where that post is is my property line?
09:26Your property line is back there.
09:28Do it again.
09:29I had a surveyor on here.
09:30Where is your surveyor?
09:31I have to show you.
09:33I have to show you.
09:35I have to show you.
09:37It's my property.
09:39But that can be tough when neighbors don't even agree on a fence to begin with.
09:44You can't put anything right there.
09:47Like not connected to my gate.
09:50Like these folks in Minnesota.
09:52The woman behind the camera wants to build a fence to keep her neighbor's dogs away from her kids.
09:59But neither side seems happy with the placement.
10:04Don't tell me to shut up.
10:06I'm on my property.
10:07I know. I know you're on your property.
10:10Not only that, but a bush in the center of their property line has made the situation even stickier.
10:16So you want to keep half of the tree?
10:18I don't know. You and my husband are the ones who are pissing me off.
10:21No, no. Actually, we're not.
10:23The two sides go back and forth.
10:26And just like other alleged small arguments they've had in the past, neither side wants to admit any wrongdoing.
10:32Either way, my fence is going to be away from the tree.
10:37I said it's going to be a foot away.
10:39So why are you guys over here?
10:41Looking to simply get the job done,
10:44the woman recording tells her workers to put the fence back from the property line
10:49so the two sides won't have to keep fighting about it.
10:52I'm being serious.
10:53I wasn't on your property.
10:55But you're talking to the workers that are on my property.
10:58When I told your husband, do not...
11:01Supposedly a tree that's half on our property.
11:03Okay, and it's going to be my gate. I just told you.
11:06My gate is going to be a foot and a half away from the half tree that you guys are complaining about.
11:12I don't bother you guys. You guys are weird.
11:15With things heating up between the two women, the neighbor's husband steps outside
11:20and starts checking the placement of the fence posts with his ruler.
11:24This is my property.
11:26The math checks out and the neighbor heads back inside to allow the fence work to continue.
11:32A little over a day later, the fence is fully built one foot back from the property line to avoid any other arguments.
11:40And the two sides haven't butted heads since,
11:44proving that this good fence did indeed turn these two sides into better neighbors.
11:49You guys are psychotic. You guys are psychotic.
11:52Swear to God, you guys are.
12:01One of the great benefits to living in the suburbs
12:06is when animal lovers can say hi to any neighborhood pets they come across in a neighbor's yard.
12:26Today in Shreveport, a woman and her dog are in her front yard
12:30when a canine-loving neighbor walks up to the fence line with his daughter,
12:34wanting to get a closer look at the handsome pup.
12:42The pit bull seems happy to sniff the little girl when suddenly
12:50he darts toward a weak spot in the fence and goes straight for the neighbors.
13:05In Louisiana, a dog-loving father and daughter are approaching a neighbor's fence,
13:13completely unprepared for what happens next.
13:19The large pit bull takes a look at the neighbors
13:22and suddenly wiggles under the fence to run at them.
13:35Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!
13:46Caught completely off guard, the father jumps on the hood of his neighbor's car
13:50and shouts to try to distract the dog from running towards his daughter.
14:00Thankfully, the dog has a history of being around kids
14:03and doesn't try to bite anyone before his owner orders him back into the house.
14:09The neighbors are shaken but unharmed and learn a valuable lesson that day.
14:14As dog lovers, they must be mindful when meeting a new pup
14:18because the neighbor's dog's bark may be as bad as its bite.
14:29When neighbors live in a space with shared parking,
14:31That's not my car.
14:32I just asked you and you said yes, it's your car.
14:34Okay, well my car is not that space. Did you read the number? Did you read the number?
14:37I don't care about the number, sh**.
14:40disagreements can happen about who has parked where.
14:45And tonight in Los Angeles, a woman is upset about how her neighbors are parked in front of their building
14:50and she isn't afraid to put her thoughts out in the open.
14:54I don't give a s**t if it's 3, 4, 5, 7 of y'all
14:56because I will bring my whole family to s**t.
14:58Tear y'all's b**ches down.
15:00Wanting her neighbors to move their cars,
15:02the woman calls a presumed family member to vent her frustrations.
15:06Ugly a**, white, whatever s**t they from.
15:10But none of them want to even come outside and fight or nothing.
15:12Like they just in the s**t home.
15:15But it's fine though because I'm a s**t.
15:17I'm a really violent, like I'm a really, really, like I'm a stop being nice.
15:20Like I've been trying to be nice.
15:21I've been trying to be s**t nice.
15:22I'm a stop being s**t nice.
15:24These s**t cheap a** cars they got.
15:26Like what the f**k is this place?
15:27This s**t skinny tight.
15:29You're white too.
15:32Ugly a**, s**t vicious.
15:41The woman starts ringing the doorbell to get her neighbors to move their cars.
15:45But they claim this isn't the first time the neighbor has used threatening racist language towards them.
15:50And they don't want to open their front door.
15:54A few weeks later, set up with the tight parking situation,
15:58the woman moves out and the neighbors enjoy some peaceful nights at home.
16:03Without worrying about their parking decisions riling up anyone.
16:07You little b**ches is going to learn I'm not the f**king one.
16:10You little white b**ches.
16:15Johnson City is a quiet southern town filled with rich American history and courteous neighbors.
16:22Which is exactly why Christopher Godfrey decides to start his family there.
16:26This place is, it's really safe.
16:29People are generally really friendly.
16:31You know, that's probably the thing I like most about it.
16:34One day, a new neighbor moves into Christopher's apartment building.
16:38And it doesn't take long for them to meet.
16:40She would periodically walk her dogs.
16:42And a lot of times she would come out there whenever I was outside.
16:46She always tried to talk to me and say things to me.
16:48How's the weather and all this, tell me about her life.
16:50But she wasn't really my kind of person.
16:52So I try to kind of keep my distance from her.
16:55After a few weeks, Christopher asks the woman to stop walking her dog
16:59on the shared part of his apartment complex's property.
17:02Worried that the dog will defecate in the grass where his son plays.
17:06And according to Christopher,
17:07she doesn't respond nicely.
17:09She was walking her dog.
17:11My dog is here looking for direction to get hit.
17:14And she starts screaming at me.
17:16And I'm just like, oh man, I can't even.
17:18And you just can't talk to her.
17:20According to police reports,
17:22Christopher alleges that his neighbor
17:24threatens to slap him and his son.
17:26In that same incident,
17:28police come and Christopher is arrested
17:30on suspicion of aggravated assault
17:32after rushing towards his neighbor to smack her phone.
17:35She called the police.
17:37I called the police and told the police
17:39that I was in the sale and had me arrested.
17:41Charges were dismissed.
17:43A few uneventful days pass
17:45when Christopher's out working in his family's vegetable garden
17:48on a shared part of the property.
17:50And things take an intense turn.
17:53It's me, my son and my wife's garden.
17:56Sitting out in the garden, I see her coming toward me.
17:58I'm like, oh, here comes trouble.
18:00Christopher backs off.
18:02And it's when he witnesses his neighbor do the unthinkable.
18:08In Tennessee,
18:10Christopher Godfrey's neighbor
18:12is tearing apart his family's vegetable garden.
18:14And all that he can do is watch in astonishment.
18:17It's me, my son and my wife.
18:19We all bleed and sweat for this garden.
18:21And she comes out here and wrecks it.
18:23She's messing with the garden?
18:25I think she's messing with me.
18:27What are you doing to a garden?
18:29What are you doing to a garden?
18:31What are you doing to a garden?
18:33What are you doing to a garden?
18:35What are you doing to a garden?
18:37What are you doing to a garden?
18:39What are you doing to a garden?
18:41And I went and tried to fix it.
18:44The very next day, she walked out in her underwear
18:47and wrecked it again.
19:01And tore my garden up again.
19:03She just didn't want me to have my garden.
19:04She just didn't want me to have my garden.
19:06In the following days,
19:08before anything else happens,
19:10Christopher's neighbor suddenly moves out of the complex.
19:12And he doesn't ask why.
19:14The farther this woman is away from me and my family,
19:17the better I will feel about the situation.
19:19But I don't fully trust
19:21that she's not still going to try something.
19:25even with the woman gone,
19:27the ordeal has left a sour taste in Christopher's mouth
19:29when it comes to neighbors.
19:31I hate saying this,
19:32but I just don't want to live around anybody.
19:34I want to live by myself
19:36in a cabin in the middle of the woods somewhere.
19:38There's been too many times I've lived in apartments
19:40and it's always been bad experiences.
19:43But I hate neighbors.
19:54When you want to get in shape,
19:56there's no better partner to keep you on track
19:58than your neighbor.
20:00Even if the neighborhood environment
20:02seems to be working against you,
20:04like the local playground.
20:17Oh, fail.
20:19Or the neighbor's backyard.
20:26Neighbors may wish to work out in a large group.
20:29Somebody doesn't feel like doing sit-ups.
20:30I wonder who it is.
20:32Some may feel the safest workout
20:34is not working out at all.
20:36This is not showing any effort at all.
20:39One of these ladies is not working out.
20:42One of them looks like a frog.
20:45Someone's got to get a refund on their gym membership.
20:50It's important to keep a tight grip
20:52on the resistance bands,
20:54whether doing cardio
20:56or strength training.
21:01Why'd you let go?
21:03And even if you don't have the right equipment,
21:05the neighbors may have something you can use
21:07to improvise.