• 16 hours ago


00:00Previously on Wild Cards.
00:02My brother Daniel put those up.
00:03You two are close. I can tell.
00:05He left me everything he had, which was basically just this run-down boat and everything in it.
00:09I did hear something that you'll be interested in.
00:11Involves Ellis.
00:13Ted was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
00:15Tough luck for him, but I had to take him home.
00:18Well, I heard the kid had a brother who's a cop.
00:20Name is Cole Ellis.
00:30Max, what are you doing here? You guys don't have a case.
00:32Ah, they're setting up Wi-Fi in my condo, which interrupted my Deep Space Nine rewatch.
00:36Totally underrated in the Star Trek infra.
00:39I agree.
00:40And what are you doing?
00:44Aww, is this your brother?
00:47Yeah. It's Daniel's birthday today. Or, uh, would have been.
00:51Okay, binge watch cancelled.
00:55Let's do something fun for your brother's birthday.
00:58I've got another thing to do. Bowling, log rolling, Dexter me.
01:01Please don't say Dexter me.
01:02I was taking a private moment to reminisce, and now I've got some paperwork to do.
01:06Yates, we've got a game for you. It's called paperwork.
01:09Pass. One of the games I like to play involves surgical gloves.
01:12Ew. You're late again.
01:14What am I supposed to do? They moved my parking spot four blocks away.
01:17I had to hoof it all the way here.
01:19Do you know what that much exercise does to the body?
01:21Nothing good.
01:24Lee's gonna be pissed.
01:25Yeah, well, Lee's never gonna know.
01:26Yates, you're late again.
01:27Dammit. Uh, sir, my parking spot-
01:30Yates, what do I hate more than anything?
01:32Um, sardines, babies, corduroy.
01:35Excuses. Just figure it out. You don't work in the post office.
01:38Copy. No problem.
01:41Injustice is abound.
01:43Oh, Ellis, there's a guy downstairs that wants to talk to you, and he'll only talk to you.
01:47Who is it?
01:48I don't know. I didn't get his name.
01:49Yates, seriously?
01:50Oh, I'm sorry that my brain doesn't work so well when my day involves excessive walking.
01:58Hi. I'm Detective Ellis.
02:01You're Ellis. Good, that's good, because I, I, I, I, um, oh, I really need your help.
02:08Okay. How can I help you?
02:10Ha. Um, I can't, um, I can't tell you that here because there are, um, too many listeners.
02:18Oh, don't worry about me. I'm like his emotional sport dog.
02:21Just, um, please. There's just no time.
02:24Okay. We can speak in private. Uh, right this way.
02:30You taking him to interrogation? Great idea. I'll secret watch.
02:33No, Max, I'm fine. I don't need emotional support.
02:37Tell that to Mark.
02:39There's danger. There is so much danger, and only you can stop it.
02:45Why only me?
02:46Well, that's what Jerry said.
02:47Who's Jerry?
02:48He's my friend. He told me to talk to you, only to you. He said I would find you here, uh, on your, on your boat.
02:56How does he know where you live?
02:57All right, um, run me through the, uh, situation.
03:00They're after me and my wife. She's missing, and I don't know, maybe they have her, and if they have her, what am I gonna do?
03:07I just don't know what I'm gonna do.
03:09Why would these people have your wife?
03:11Because she knows too much.
03:13Look, I want you to name three things in the room, okay?
03:17Three objects in the room. Name them. Right now. Go.
03:21Uh, table, pen, door handle.
03:28Feel your breathing relax?
03:30Okay, now, I like you. I want to help you, all right? So let's just take it slow, start from the top.
03:36Okay, now, I like you. I want to help you, all right? So let's just take it slow, start from the top. All right? Give me your full name.
03:43It's, um...
03:53I don't know.
03:54You don't know your name?
03:55No, I can't remember.
03:59It's on his shirt.
04:01Is it?
04:02Is it...
04:10All right, let's try something different. Um, what's your wife's name?
04:15I don't remember that either.
04:17Do you know your address?
04:20Lauren, are you on any kind of medications? Maybe something that would affect your memory?
04:24No, no, no, no, no. I mean, at least, no, I don't think so.
04:28You don't think so.
04:31Okay, look, we should pause this. I need to get you properly examined by a physician.
04:36No, no, no, there's no time. There's no time. We need to talk to Jerry. He can answer all of your questions. Please. I know this might sound crazy, but no one is safe right now.
04:49Listen to me. They are everywhere.
04:56Who are they?
04:59This guy thinks aliens are after him? I'll have a uni bring him to the hospital.
05:03Sir, Lauren's got some gaps in his memory, yes, but I think this Jerry guy might be his caretaker or his doctor or something.
05:10Just let me look into it, okay? If it doesn't pan out, I'll take him to the hospital. We can run him through the missing persons database.
05:15Why do you want to help this guy?
05:16He came here looking for me, all right? And he knows where I live. I mean, maybe there's a connection I'm missing.
05:22It's because of Daniel, isn't it?
05:24It's Daniel's birthday today.
05:26Look, Daniel had this rule that if somebody asks you for help, you never say no. That's why he went into social work. He wanted to help people.
05:32So the fact that this guy came here looking for me, only me, on today of all days, I just, I feel like I at least have to look into it.
05:40And Yates has already agreed to do his paperwork.
05:43Look, I know it's been hard with Daniel's killer on the run. I call the federal officers working on the case every day, but still nothing.
05:50I appreciate that more than you know, sir.
05:52Take this guy to this Jerry person. If it's all BS, bring him to the hospital.
05:56Yes, sir.
05:58Thanks. You don't need to come. It's not a Russo case.
06:01And miss out on aliens? Yeah, fat chance.
06:08Where are we going?
06:14Uh, let's go.
06:17Uh, left turn.
06:22Yeah, yeah. Now, right turn.
06:32Are you sure you don't remember Jerry's address? Just think for a sec.
06:36I don't, but I know where I'm going. Right turn.
06:43Heads up would have been nice.
06:44Sorry. You know, I want to hear more about these aliens. What do they look like on a scale from Marvin the Martian to Predator?
06:50Well, they go by the name of the Three Kings. They've got like these huge antlers. They're led by a commander named Nevitz.
06:58Now, the only way to defeat the commander is to find the orb, which is located under Cyprus.
07:07I've never been to Cyprus. Pack my bags.
07:09No, no, listen. We have to find the orb. We have to. Because it's the only way we're going to defeat the aliens. Do you understand?
07:17That's the only way this is going to end, and that's the only way that I'm going to get my wife back.
07:27Okay, wait. Yeah, this is it, this is it, this is it.
07:31Hey, no, no, those are the aliens. Right there, right there.
07:34And we're going to find them right after this, okay?
07:38I just need you to focus.
07:39Can we just go quickly, please? Just hurry.
07:47So, you said Jerry lived in this warehouse?
07:50Yeah, yeah. Yeah, this is the warehouse. Okay, we gotta hurry.
08:28Looks like an explosive went off inside the warehouse. A Jerry Stanwell has been staying there.
08:33So, Jerry is a real person?
08:35Yeah, he's been in the scene, so. No sign of a body, though, and the fire has been contained.
08:39Luckily, no one in the building was harmed. I'll let you guys know if we find anything else.
08:43Okay, thank you.
08:45Do you think Jerry was targeted by someone?
08:48Maybe we were the targets. Ten seconds later, they would have been scraping us off the dirt.
08:57He tried to kill you. This guy comes in, says he knows where you live, then brings you to a place with a live explosive? No. You're off this.
09:04Why did Lauren try to hurt Ellis?
09:05Why does anyone commit crimes? Why did you?
09:07I didn't commit crimes. I helped rich people part ways with their money.
09:10What's the difference?
09:11Who says?
09:12Sir, Lauren seems genuinely shocked by the explosion, alright? He's really shaken up about it.
09:17So, he's a good actor. He knows how to pull on your heartstrings. He probably doesn't even have a wife.
09:21Or he does, and she's in danger.
09:24What do you got?
09:25Jerry Stanwell lost his job at the local paper a little while back. He was an investigative journalist.
09:30See? Maybe him and Jerry were working on a story together, investigating something that someone didn't want them to.
09:36Like the fact that aliens walk among us?
09:38There's no such thing as aliens, Max.
09:39Not with that attitude, there aren't.
09:41Enough. Here's what we're gonna do. You two go to the paper, see what you can find out about Jerry.
09:45Yates, keep an eye on Lauren. Wait for medical services to check him out.
09:49Babysitting duty?
09:50Sir, is this punishment for my lateness? Because my parking spot is...
09:53Four blocks away.
10:01Okay, Lauren. I'm gonna go talk to somebody who can help us find Jerry, alright?
10:04Oh, I just remembered. I know where his hideout is.
10:07Great. Where?
10:11Jupiter. Great. Okay, well, I'll tell everybody about that.
10:15And in the meantime, you stay here, okay?
10:17No, where are you going? You can't leave me. You can't leave me.
10:19Jerry told me I can't trust anybody but you.
10:23You know they're gonna come for me next, right?
10:25Lauren, you're safe here, okay? I promise.
10:29I promise.
10:30Detective Yates is gonna take care of you, alright?
10:32He simply can't spell safety without Yates.
10:35Where's the fire?
10:38Max, like I said, this isn't a Russo case. You're getting nothing out of this.
10:41Getting nothing out of this? We're this close to a closing counter.
10:51Hey, can you tag in for a quick sec? I gotta visit the little detective's room.
10:55I can't. I gotta go talk to Lee.
10:57What about?
10:58Oh, that's none of your business.
11:05Let's take this over to my desk.
11:15You know tic-tac-toe's a two-player game, right?
11:17Oh, you're actually not supposed to put an X over top of my O. It's literally the only rule.
11:31Stop. No offense, but you are very bad at this.
11:42Hey, what's with the secret meet?
11:44Oh, that was nothing. I gotta go make a call.
11:53Okay, he's hiding something.
11:57But I could trust him. You know, he's my partner.
12:02Unless I can't trust him.
12:04You know, people turn on their partners all the time.
12:06Like Mark Zuckerberg versus those twins in that movie.
12:09Or versus his friend in that movie.
12:11Or versus that girl he dated in that movie.
12:14Man, that guy's a real jerk.
12:17I'm gonna go listen in on his call, okay? You wait here for the doctor.
12:19What? What? Doctor?
12:21Yeah, he's coming to check you out.
12:22But, but, but, but...
12:25You can't trust the probes.
12:28I hear you there, compadre. I draw the line at probes. Big red flag.
12:33Don't move.
12:35Don't move.
12:37Don't move.
13:00So please help me out.
13:02Yeah, give me a call back anytime.
13:04Perfect. Great. Thank you.
13:07Hi. Everything okay?
13:10Yeah, everything is just fine.
13:22Where's the guy?
13:23He's gone.
13:24Hi. You Marge Radner?
13:27Who's asking?
13:28Detective Ellis, Metro Police. This is Max. You're the editor of the Tribune?
13:32Yeah, but I'm on a smoke break.
13:34But you're not smoking.
13:35I quit.
13:37They don't need to know.
13:38Turns out if you stop doing something that's gonna give you cancer, you get punished with fewer breaks.
13:43Do you know a Jerry Stanwell?
13:44Jerry? Sure. Investigative journalist.
13:46He used to work for me.
13:47He in some kind of legal trouble? He's always sticking his nose into something.
13:51He's missing, actually. Any idea where he is?
13:54Beats me. Well, he got laid off a few months ago.
13:57What about a Lorne? Anybody with that name work for you?
13:59Not recently, but I can remember.
14:02What can you tell us about Jerry?
14:03Jerry's a good guy. He's always focused on big time corruption.
14:07The little guy, you know? That's why we had to give him the boot.
14:10You fired him? Why?
14:11Listen, I love a good Woodward and Bernstein style expose as much as the next gal.
14:16He doesn't keep the lights on, like puff pieces about sex scandals or cat fashion shows.
14:21Cat fashion shows? You need to give him work in aging.
14:24Jerry wouldn't play ball, though. Too much integrity.
14:27He was the last to hold out, so we had to cut him loose.
14:30Is there anything you can give us that might help us find him?
14:32There's a banker's box upstairs full of his stuff in it.
14:35I've been waiting for him to pick it up for months.
14:38You can have a look through it if you want.
14:40Great, we'll take a look at that.
14:41So, Marge, tell me about these cat fashion shows.
14:44Are we talking little Halloween costumes?
14:46Well, nothing like the documentation of a person's Indian food order to give you a peek into their life.
14:51Jerry avoids spice at all costs.
14:54None of this stuff seems useful at all.
14:56Are you positive you've never met this Jerry guy before?
14:59Not that I can think of.
15:00Well, maybe you've even met him blacked, and your memory's been erased.
15:03What? You wouldn't know, would you?
15:06Look, I'm sorry this is how we're spending Daniel's birthday.
15:10I feel like if we have to do this, we should have a cake or something.
15:16No, it's just that Daniel didn't like sweets, so whenever he'd have a birthday party, we'd get cake for the other kids.
15:22But for him, we'd just put a candle on a slice of pizza.
15:25That's sweet.
15:29What do you got?
15:30Lorne escaped.
15:32Yates, you had one job. You were supposed to be watching him.
15:34I know, and I was watching him, until for a second I wasn't.
15:38He set off the fire alarm. He took off into chaos.
15:40How did that happen? Bottle of hairspray and a lighter, apparently?
15:43I guess our guy isn't as spacey as we thought.
15:45We put a bolo out on him. I'll keep you posted.
15:48Okay, thanks, I guess.
15:50Lorne will be okay.
15:51No, he's not in a good state right now. I mean, who knows where he could be?
15:54True. And I guess we still don't know where he falls on the good guy, bad guy scale.
15:58Although, I don't know, I can't help but feel for him.
16:01Must be scary believing in something nobody else does.
16:07But I think I'm starting to believe Lorne.
16:10Do you remember when he said Jerry's hideout was on Jupiter?
16:16Alright, the manager says that Jerry was sitting in room 311. It's right up here.
16:20Well, hopefully it's really him and not a pod person.
16:33Hey Jerry, why don't you come outside? It's the police.
16:40Anybody inside?
17:14Alright, so looks like Jerry was shot twice at close range.
17:18They did recover a bullet from the back wall, but the gun's nowhere to be found.
17:22So do you recognize Jerry?
17:23No, I don't.
17:27What did Lorne say?
17:28Shocker of the year. He doesn't remember how he got here.
17:31Is it too convenient that the only person that can corroborate Lorne's story is now dead?
17:41Greaseless and crumbless. This never held any pizza.
17:44Maybe the killer used it as a decoy to gain access to the room.
17:47You think you're getting pizza and you get murdered instead. Rude.
17:52Hey, we did a GSR test on Lorne. No trace of gunshot residue on his hands.
17:56Okay, let me know if you find any gloves, yeah?
17:58Of course.
18:01First a bomb, now a body? What a day.
18:04You really think Lorne did this?
18:06Honestly, my gut says no, but maybe I'm just kidding myself and I'm ignoring the obvious.
18:11Just like Bernie's razor.
18:14You mean Occam's razor?
18:15No, Bernie's. He ran an absinthe bar in Madrid.
18:19He killed a guy with a razor and then put the razor on the wall in his bar in plain sight.
18:24In the con community, Bernie's razor refers to when the obvious answer is true.
18:28Yeah, exactly. That's Occam's razor.
18:29Who the heck is Occam?
18:33We're about to take your guy to the hospital.
18:35Okay, we'll be right there. Thank you.
18:37Okay, you talk to Lorne and I'll take the motel manager.
18:39Okay, sounds like a plan.
18:41I didn't do this. Somehow they got to Jerry and if they can kill Jerry, then they can kill my wife.
18:46So now we really need to hurry, okay? We need to get the orb.
18:49Lorne, they need to bring you to the hospital now, okay?
18:51I can't go to the hospital. We're running out of time. Don't you see that?
18:55More people are gonna die unless we stop them.
18:59Lorne, give me three objects right now.
19:02Gurney, oxygen tank, handcuffs.
19:09Good. Now you're gonna be safe at the hospital, alright? I got lots of officers to watch over you.
19:14Are you coming?
19:15I can't. I got things to look into here, alright? But you're in good hands. Promise.
19:21Wait, just wait. Look, I know how this looks. I know how I sound. Just...
19:30Thank you for helping me.
19:32Of course.
19:33Detective, Max has the motel security footage.
19:36Who's that? A pizza guy?
19:39Yeah, I guess Jerry must have ordered one of his room.
19:46Okay, pizza guy and Jerry are talking.
19:50Wait, did the pizza guy just force his way in?
19:52Yeah, pizza box was a decoy.
19:59Hey, there's Lorne. Look.
20:09Is that a gun?
20:11It is. Which means that is definitely not a pizza guy.
20:15Well, if it is, he must have a terrible yelp rating.
20:21He was gonna kill Lorne, but we got in the way.
20:23Which means?
20:24Lorne's right. There's someone after him.
20:26Okay, hey, Officer J. Get a bolo out on those plates.
20:30Got it, boss.
20:31We need to get to the hospital. Now.
20:39That's the same car from the motel.
20:45Hi, Metro PD. Where's Lorne's room?
20:47Room 217.
21:09He's gone.
21:16Find him.
21:18He picked the lock.
21:19Well, he couldn't have gone far. Come on.
21:28You need to come with me.
21:29Aren't you gonna ask me to, like, name three objects?
21:31No. The only objects that matter right now are killer, killer, killer. Let's go.
21:36I got him.
21:38Get back!
21:40Get back!
21:41Get back!
22:07How did that guy even know Lorne was here?
22:09Who knows? He probably just followed the ambulance here.
22:11What I want to know is, how did Lorne know how to pick the lock on the handcuffs?
22:15Well, I've known Hass since I was 13, but I got a lock-picking set for Christmas instead of an easy-bake oven.
22:21How's Lorne?
22:22Better. We sedated him to calm him down.
22:24These are his personal effects.
22:28Every time we find a new piece to the puzzle, it just reveals more missing pieces.
22:32An investigative journalist is murdered and the killer tries to shoot Lorne in the middle of the hospital.
22:36Lorne's wife could be next.
22:38We need to find her fast.
22:40How can we do that? We don't even know Lorne's full name.
22:44Oh, don't bother. I already checked it for ID.
22:46Well, maybe I can find something identifying in his pockets.
22:51And voila!
22:53I bet this is something new to aliens.
22:55Maybe a secret government tracking program?
22:58No, it has something to do with dry cleaning. That's how they track the customers' clothes.
23:02You know what this means?
23:03That you apparently dry clean your clothes?
23:05No. This could get us Lorne's identity.
23:08Okay, great. Thank you.
23:11Alright, same to you.
23:13Alright, check it out. That was the dry cleaner that barcoded the shirt.
23:16Lorne's last name is Collins.
23:18I just got back from forensics and they told me that the bullet that killed Jerry Stanwell matches the ones they found at the hospital.
23:24I think we're dealing with the same shooter here.
23:27Oh, hang on. I gotta take this.
23:29Yeah, hello? Thanks for getting back to me.
23:31Yeah, okay, sure. Yeah, no, take your secret call. All good with me.
23:35Sneaky little weasel.
23:39You're not Lorne.
23:41Yeah, that's my shirt. I picked up that guy off the side of the road, middle of nowhere.
23:46It's been a rough day, I'll tell you.
23:48How'd he get your shirt?
23:49He got cold. I had an extra. I was being a good Samaritan.
23:52Did he tell you anything when you picked him up?
23:54He said he had to get to the city and see Ellen.
23:59I think that's you, DeGeneres.
24:01So, uh, then what?
24:03I stopped to get gas and he run off.
24:05Took my favorite bowling chair with him.
24:07That's what I get for being a good Samaritan.
24:10Where exactly did you pick him up?
24:13Do I get my shirt back if I tell you?
24:21You sure this is the right spot?
24:23This is where the trucker said he picked up Lorne, or other Lorne.
24:27What was Lorne doing out here in the middle of nowhere?
24:30You said that aliens had huge antlers, right?
24:34This must be what he meant.
24:36Jupiter means Jupiter Motel, antlers means deer crossing.
24:39He's using sci-fi vocabulary to describe real things.
24:42Unless these deer are like the mutant ones from Annihilation.
24:48What? I'm considering all my options.
24:52Hey, you see that?
24:54Yeah, I see it.
24:56I'm considering all my options.
24:59Hey, you see that?
25:07Looks like a vehicle ran over this patch of grass recently.
25:10I'll go check it out.
25:20Hey, anybody in there?
25:27All right, nobody's in the car.
25:30Must have peeled off the road from the highway.
25:36Lorne's real name is Edgar Pitlow?
25:40I guess we've identified him now.
25:42It was a pretty bad accident. Lorne must have been in the car when it crashed.
25:46Which would explain the amnesia and delusions.
25:54Huh. Nice find.
25:57It's dead. But probably Lorne's?
26:00Probably tell us more about Lorne than Lorne can.
26:03I'm going to get forensics to check out the car's GPS, see where he was headed.
26:08Wait a minute.
26:10There wasn't any skid marks on the road, were there?
26:14So he either didn't break or he couldn't.
26:22Yep, there it is. Brake line's broken.
26:25Maybe because of the crash?
26:27No. Because if that was the case, there'd be a pool of brake fluid on the ground.
26:31And there's... no, there's nothing.
26:34Meaning it wasn't aliens?
26:38Meaning somebody cut his brakes.
26:41Somebody wanted him dead.
26:47So he's an engineer?
26:49A biomedical engineer, specifically.
26:51He works for a company called Orion Med Pro. They design medical equipment.
26:55The engineering explains Lorne's slick moves with the paperclip and the hairspray.
26:59He's good at MacGyvering solutions.
27:01His real name is Edgar Peplow.
27:04His wife's name is Allison Peplow.
27:06The wife does exist.
27:07Sent two uniforms to their house, multiple phone calls. No luck so far.
27:11Maybe she's involved. Maybe she's the one who cut his brakes.
27:13Or maybe she's been kidnapped.
27:15Hey, that phone you found? Powered on. Only problem is it's locked.
27:19So it's going to take a couple hours to crack into it.
27:21Well, why can't Lorne do it?
27:22He's a little busy. Having his brain operated on.
27:24Wait, what?
27:25Hospital called. Doc's found a brain bleed on his MRI.
27:27That's what's been causing his delusions.
27:29Is he going to be okay?
27:30It's a delicate surgery and they don't know.
27:32You say something about Three Kings?
27:33It's Lorne's word for aliens. Why?
27:36Orion's belt is also known as the Three Kings. It's right there on the logo.
27:40So Three Kings means Orion Med Pro.
27:44How did you know that?
27:45Oh, astronomy's always been one of my hobbies.
27:47What in the hell?
27:49How did I not know that you were a star nerd?
27:52You know what? What else are you keeping from me?
27:53Hang on, I gotta...
27:54Let me guess. Take this. Yeah.
27:56What's with all the secrets?
27:58You know, whatever happened to trusting your partner?
28:01I'm going to go eavesdrop.
28:03Okay, we're looking for Edgar's wife and we're trying to crack his phone.
28:06You two go to his company. See if you can find any real answers.
28:10Orion Med Pro. Where originality saves lives.
28:15Look, there's Lorne with Stephen Dorme, the CEO.
28:19I was doing some reading on their website.
28:21Turns out that Orion actually came out with a new kind of auto-injector device for treating allergic reactions,
28:25you know, like an EpiPen.
28:26It's fast-acting. It's more effective.
28:28And get this, Lorne was the one that came up with it.
28:30Are Lorne's a genius?
28:32Who would have thunk?
28:34Hi, Metro PD? Can we call the head?
28:36Of course. Mr. Dorme, we'll see you now.
28:41Come in.
28:45Hi, Stephen Dorme.
28:47Detective Ellis, this is Max.
28:49I'm so glad you called. Please, please have a seat.
28:51This won't be that long.
28:53I couldn't believe when I heard about Edgar. How is he doing?
28:56He's out of surgery, but I think it's still too early to tell if he's out of the woods.
28:59And what about his wife? Was she also in the crash?
29:01She was not, no. We're still trying to locate her.
29:03Any idea where she could be?
29:05Please don't say a planet. It's been a long day.
29:08No, sorry, I don't. Do you think something happened to her too?
29:11We're just exploring every angle, that's all.
29:13And how long have you and Edgar worked together?
29:15Since I started the company.
29:17I mean, when I met Ed, I hit the jackpot.
29:19He's a genius. Without his brains, there'd probably be no company at all.
29:23Oh, careful with that.
29:26Is this the auto-injector he designed?
29:28It is, yeah. Ed's passion project.
29:30His wife, Allison, has a deadly bee allergy.
29:32It's what inspired it.
29:34And how long have he and Allison been together?
29:36Two years. They met at a sci-fi convention in college.
29:39Two nerds in love.
29:42You got a lot of awards.
29:44Yeah, they're pretty niche to the biotech industry.
29:48But we've worked hard to bring some good to the world.
29:51Is there any reason why an investigative journalist would be looking into your company?
29:55No. We have a great relationship with the press. Why?
29:59Just a lead I'm following up on.
30:02Sorry. I've always wanted to do that.
30:06So, Edgar doesn't come to work for two days straight.
30:08Why did you report him missing?
30:10I mean, Ed disappears for days at a time when he has new ideas.
30:14I didn't think twice when he didn't show up for work.
30:16If I'd known, I...
30:22I'm sorry, I just... I can't believe this happened to him.
30:26What hospital is he at?
30:28I want to make sure that he gets the best possible care.
30:30And of course, we'll pay for anything Edgar needs.
30:33Bills, whatever it is.
30:35We'll make sure to get you that info.
30:37Thanks for your time, Mr. DuMay.
30:39Let's go.
30:42Yates, any luck with the phone?
30:44Mm-mm. Nothing yet.
30:46Well, someone's avoiding paperwork.
30:48Ha-ha. That's actually Lauren's.
30:50He loves tic-tac-toe. Not that he knows how to play.
30:53He puts his X's in the same spot, same pattern every single time, even over top of my O's.
30:57Which is extremely annoying.
30:59All right, GPS data came back confirming Lauren was on his way here when his car went off the road.
31:03Well, to talk to you clearly.
31:05So what about the phone?
31:06Phone's encrypted. Can't get into it.
31:07Lauren's unconscious, so he can't help.
31:09I mean, he doesn't even remember his name. It's a bit of a stretch to think that he knows passcode.
31:12I got a subpoena that I'm working on with a cell phone provider.
31:15It's gonna take a couple of days, but that's all we got.
31:18Allow me, boys.
31:21One, two, three, four.
31:25Well, worth a shot.
31:26What order did he play his X's in?
31:28Same every single time. Here, here, here, and here.
31:32I have an idea.
31:38And we're in.
31:39Lauren's tic-tac-toe pattern was his passcode?
31:42I know why he contacted the reporter.
31:44So he's a whistleblower?
31:46According to the text messages with his wife, yes.
31:48See, Lauren figured out that Orion had started outsourcing the manufacturing of the auto-injectors to cut costs.
31:54But some were faulty. A few people died of anaphylactic shock when theirs didn't work.
31:58Lauren, he invented these auto-injectors to help people, right? Like his wife.
32:02So when he figured out that they were doing the exact opposite...
32:04He brought his discovery to Stephen, and then he realized Stephen already knew.
32:08He was responsible for the whole cover-up.
32:09What's the link to the journalist?
32:11From the text messages, apparently Jerry was working on a story about Orion.
32:14After hearing about all the reported deaths from the faulty auto-injectors,
32:17Federal Health steps in, does their own investigation, finds Orion at no fault.
32:21Chalks it up to a user error.
32:23And Jerry didn't have any proof. Until Lauren contacted him.
32:27So Stephen realized the company would be criminally responsible if it got out that he knew.
32:31Not to mention what it would have done to their stock price. It would have lost everything.
32:34How can we take this guy down?
32:36In the texts, Lauren talks about a report that proves what Stephen did.
32:40Lauren was gonna whistleblow, but he knew that Stephen was on to him, that he was listening.
32:43He'd bugged his cell phone, his car, his house, you name it.
32:46Lauren couldn't smuggle the report out.
32:48So he hid the report. Somewhere inside the company building.
32:51It's a nice story, but without that report, we've got no case.
32:55Find it.
33:14It's late. You shouldn't be here. Come on.
33:16As if. What if Stephen ends up being E.T. in disguise?
33:19I mean it, Max. You're not even on this case.
33:22You know, me and my dad have this tradition for my mom's birthday.
33:25It's called No Man Left Behind.
33:28Every year, we spend the day together, no matter what.
33:31Some years, one of us tries to get out of it, to mope alone,
33:35and then it's up to the other one to say, no, sorry, no man left behind.
33:40I know it's hard. Birthdays for loved ones who aren't here anymore.
33:44But you're officially inaugurated into No Man Left Behind.
33:49Well, thank you.
33:51No sweat.
33:53So, Lauren was telling us his story, but just in a different language.
33:57Jupiter meant the Jupiter Motel.
34:00Right, and the aliens with antlers means deer crossing sign.
34:04The three kings, Orion, Medpro.
34:07But in order to find the report, we need to figure out what Commander Nevitz, Cyprus, and the orb means.
34:16As in O-R-B.
34:25I know where it is.
34:35Steven, look at you burning the midnight oil.
34:38Let me call you back.
34:40I'm sorry, I was in the middle of things.
34:42Is there an update on Edgar?
34:44You know what, there is actually, Steven.
34:46You know, our pal Edgar at first, he wasn't making a lot of sense, I'll be honest.
34:49But then we realized that there was always this little nugget of truth to what he was saying.
34:53Turns out the answers were right in front of us.
34:55We just needed to read between the lines a little bit.
34:58And when we knew the three kings referred to Orion, we had to figure out who is Commander Nevitz.
35:04I'm sorry, what are you talking about?
35:06And then we realized Nevitz is actually Steven backwards.
35:14And the word Cyprus kept coming out.
35:17Aren't those Cyprus trees in the painting behind you?
35:19This is all very entertaining, but we know that poor Ed's not in a good place.
35:23I'm sure he's said a lot of things. Doesn't mean they're valid.
35:26No, we're not done.
35:28See right here?
35:31Awarded to Orion MedPro for their contributions to the medical technology field.
35:35Presented by Operational Research Board, also known as...
35:43Edgar couldn't get the proof out of the building.
35:45So he hid it in plain sight.
35:47Right here in your office.
35:50Bernie's razor.
35:51Here we have the manufacturer report, which proves that you knew that your auto-injectors were defective.
35:58Making you criminally responsible for the deaths of the people who were using them.
36:01Not to mention having Jerry killed because he was going to post an article about the cover-up.
36:05And attempting to kill your own engineer to keep him from whistleblowing.
36:08All to save your company's stock price and his stay out of jail.
36:11This is insane. I don't even know what you're talking about.
36:14Stephen Dermay, you're under arrest for fraud, murder, and conspiracy to commit murder.
36:18Hold on!
36:19Stand up, put your hands behind your back.
36:23You have no idea who you're dealing with.
36:25I think we have a pretty good idea.
36:27Live long and prosper, Commander Nevitz.
36:34How are you feeling, Lorne?
36:36Edgar, sorry.
36:38Still getting used to that.
36:40Relieved. Glad to have my memory back.
36:43I must have really sounded like I was off my rocker there for a minute.
36:47But you ended up making a whole lot of sense.
36:50And doctors were able to drain the bleed in your cranium, which was putting all that pressure on your brain.
36:54That's where all the memory loss and confusion was coming from.
36:57You're going to make a full recovery.
36:59Yeah. And Stephen is going to be going away for a very long time.
37:02Oh God, that was all so crazy.
37:04I just couldn't believe when Stephen refused to issue the recall.
37:08I mean, putting stock prices above human lives, it's just, it's insane.
37:13I gotta ask, why me?
37:16I mean, why was I the only person that you'd talk to?
37:19It was Jerry. He was doing a story about police corruption a while back.
37:24Came across your case from a couple years ago.
37:27He always believed that you were set up.
37:29You'd always say that he just knew that those weren't your drugs in your car.
37:35How would he know that?
37:36Yeah, I don't know. We never did get into it.
37:39All Jerry told me was that you're a good cop.
37:44And a good man.
37:47And boy, he was right.
37:52You could have had me committed, ranting about aliens.
37:57But you didn't. You helped me.
38:00And I don't, I don't know what to tell you other than thank you.
38:06Both of you, really. Thank you.
38:09Of course.
38:10Oh, thank God.
38:13Oh my God.
38:14Allie, Allie.
38:15Are you okay?
38:16Yes, yes. I'm okay. I'm okay.
38:19I'm okay. I promise. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.
38:25I'm Allison, Edgar's wife.
38:27We've been looking for you.
38:29After Edgar went to the police, he had me turn my phone off and hide out at my parents.
38:33It was just the only way I could think to keep her safe.
38:37As soon as I saw the news report about Steven being arrested, I turned my phone back on and I heard all these messages from you.
38:43Sweetie, sweetie. They got him. They got him.
38:49I thought I might never see you again.
38:52I know. I'm sorry. I know. I know. I know.
38:57It's okay.
39:12Bye bye, pizza guy.
39:15Turns out he was a part of Orion's private security detail.
39:18You followed your instincts on this case and you were right. Good work.
39:22Thank you, sir.
39:23You too.
39:24I appreciate that. Thank you.
39:26Okay. Okay. Bye.
39:30What's going on? What's the secret?
39:33Are you dealing drugs? Are you having me killed?
39:36Because you know what? I actually don't even care anymore. I just need answers.
39:42All right. Come on. Follow me.
39:44Oh shoot. Is it the having me killed one?
39:46Is there someone waiting for me back there?
39:48Come on.
39:49I want to make a phone call first. I want to call my mom and tell her I love her.
39:52She has no idea, does she?
39:54No. Not at all.
39:59This is what those calls were all about.
40:02A parking spot in the station next to me for you.
40:07Huh? You like that?
40:09You mean to tell me that this entire time you were doing something nice?
40:14Yes. That's what I- I'm a nice guy.
40:16Oh. Is it because I'm your best friend?
40:19No. It's because if I had to listen to you complain about your parking spot one more time,
40:23I was going to retire early.
40:25And because I'm your best friend.
40:27You keep this up, and I will have you killed.
40:31Okay. Thanks, best friend.
40:34Yeah, don't mention it.
40:38He's my best friend.
40:51Hey, Mark. I missed you.
40:55It's been a minute since you've been on the boat.
40:58I know. You never invite me over anymore.
41:01I didn't invite you over today.
41:03Fair point. What are you doing?
41:06Oh, I'm trying to repair the steering mechanism.
41:10Wait, does this mean your boat's going to boat?
41:13It's a step towards the boat boating, yeah.
41:15The first of like a thousand probably, but it's got to start somewhere, right?
41:19Just the way Daniel wanted it.
41:21He'd be proud.
41:25He'd also be proud of how you helped Elmore.
41:29Thanks for sticking with me on this case, because it was actually really nice not to be alone yesterday.
41:39Sorry I was supposed to do this yesterday, but, you know, crime.
41:43Close your eyes. And sit down.
41:45What? Why?
41:47Just close your eyes.
41:54You can open them.
42:02Happy birthday to you.
42:09Come on.
42:11Birthday to you.
42:16Happy birthday dear Daniel.
42:27Happy birthday to you.
42:41Well, hello there.
42:43Another item for the office, I see.
42:56No, George, I cannot just whip up some Wagyu filet mignon for your poker game tonight.
43:02Does no one have any respect for my time?
43:07Oh, God, the universe is definitely sending me a message.