Highway Thru Hell S13 Ep07
00:00The following program is rated 14 plus and may contain coarse language, violence, nudity,
00:11mature subject matter, or scenes which may not be suitable for all viewers.
00:14Viewer discretion is advised.
00:23This time on Highway Thru Hell.
00:25Be ready for it to shift.
00:27Bangled metal.
00:28Cab's gonna fall off.
00:31Reliable makes the cut.
00:32Give it a little tug and see what happens.
00:35A sideways semi.
00:38Has Otto.
00:39That sucks.
00:40Over the edge.
00:41Coming down.
00:42Oh there's a car right there.
00:43There's a car right there.
00:44It's in there.
00:45And training day.
00:47Watch yourself when you get to the end.
00:48With the twins.
00:49No, no.
00:50You're gonna go in the ditch.
00:51Any idea what the road's like up ahead?
00:52Pretty split around here.
00:53Yeah, it's back there.
00:54In the shadow of the Rocky Mountains, on the Trans-Canada Highway.
01:13Just watch the corners.
01:14Keep the speed down.
01:17Slippery conditions have truckers on edge.
01:21What's going on up ahead of me here?
01:29Yeah, he's messed up pretty good.
01:33600 kilometers from home base.
01:36A 50-ton record.
01:38All I know is this truck knifed off the side of the highway.
01:41And Reliable Towing's lead operator, Andy Cullum.
01:45We do not know how heavy the load is.
01:49Tonight we're in Golden helping the crew up here.
01:52Oh yeah, there it is.
01:54My first time doing recovery work up in Golden.
01:59Looks like it was a bit of a ride.
02:03This truck went in here pretty hard.
02:09Cab looks pretty ripped off.
02:11Yeah, it's only hanging on by a couple wires.
02:14Already on scene.
02:17Jason Rolls, lead operator for Ben's Towing.
02:22Driver walk away?
02:24The local outpost for Reliable in the Golden area.
02:29Lucky guy.
02:31Our Reliable team is growing.
02:33We have locations that we're adding.
02:36I think these lines here might be all that's really holding that on there.
02:41This is quite the mess.
02:45The fully loaded semi blew a tire.
02:49Lost control, hitting the concrete no posts.
02:54Before crunching the trailer into the cab.
03:01Pretty mangled up.
03:03I'll go get on the back end here.
03:06He must have had a hell of a ride.
03:09Across the road are weigh scales.
03:13A mandatory stop for thousands of big rigs a day.
03:18Definitely important to get it clear.
03:21I'm thinking if we start pulling this up, this should kind of come around with it.
03:26I like your plan.
03:28But for Andy's plan to work.
03:30Just us.
03:31Just us.
03:32He'll need Jason's 50 ton heavy to pull its weight.
03:37This trailer's loaded.
03:38It's not going to be a light one.
03:40Right through there.
03:44We're going to hook Jason into the back of the trailer.
03:49And we're going to hook my truck to the front of the trailer.
03:52We'll hook it right there.
03:54Okay, let's do this.
03:56We're going to pull the trailer up to the side of the road first.
04:01You ready?
04:03And then we'll un-jackknife it after that.
04:09Tonight is my first time with this crew.
04:12Hopefully it's not too heavy.
04:14It's me to lead all these guys and make sure they're doing their thing right.
04:21Just full pull.
04:27Terrible with this one.
04:31Be ready for it to shift.
04:35Less on this one.
04:38Cab's going to fall off.
04:40Less, less, less.
04:45All right.
05:08He jackknifed pretty good.
05:12I love it when I get sparks flying.
05:19Adds that special effect.
05:25Normally you can just pull the trailer around and straighten it out.
05:29This one, it's pretty messed up.
05:31We're good.
05:34Just having a look at what's holding this cab.
05:37But the mangled tractor will need roadside surgery.
05:43Surely a bar there and some wires holding it on.
05:49Breaking out the chop saw.
05:51Too far gone.
05:53We're going to get what's left of the cab out of the way.
05:56Chop, chop.
05:58So that we can straighten everything out.
06:00Who wants to choppy chop?
06:02I'll do it.
06:04Advanced towing rookie swamper Daniel Paquette steps up.
06:12Right now I'm looking for the best place to place myself.
06:15Because once the cab goes over, the whole frame might shift.
06:19Knocking me unbalanced with the saw.
06:23Careful with this one.
06:25Barely hanging on.
06:26It's a weird angle and I want to be able to see what I'm doing here.
06:36Don't get crushed by it.
06:43Coming down pretty heavy up here.
07:00780 kilometers northwest.
07:03The roads are white, everything.
07:06On busy highway 97.
07:08It's moving, it's just slow.
07:11A snowstorm is slamming drivers.
07:15Accident up there.
07:20Trailer's in a ditch.
07:23En route, an auto 50-ton wrecker.
07:26This could be a bad hill.
07:28And owner operator leans out, Rob Barber.
07:32We got a pretty good dump of snow and it really iced up.
07:38Down to one length, you can imagine the best.
07:42The tractor stayed on the road and the trailer fell off the road.
07:47So it's blocking the northbound lane.
07:50Already on scene with a 25-ton.
07:54Hey, Kyle.
07:55Rob's nephew, Kyle Langlois.
07:58We're working on a really narrow section of the highway.
08:01And it's up and down in the ditch.
08:0425,000 pounds up at the front of the trailer.
08:07About 25,000 pounds at the back.
08:10He's sideways, fully loaded on a steep embankment.
08:14There's not a simple pulling this truck up back onto the road.
08:18There's so much traffic.
08:20To keep traffic flowing.
08:22Single alternating traffic.
08:24On this crucial route to the north.
08:27Just try to wrap right around the axles right here and pull it up the bank.
08:31No pull with just the 50-ton.
08:34We'll get set up.
08:36We use the one truck so we don't block the road any longer than we have to.
08:42Right between the bogies.
08:46Just run that snatch block down there.
08:49We'll double up the strength on my line.
08:51Just makes it way stronger.
08:53If I get my truck in the right spot.
08:55You bet.
08:56The trailer will swing and come up right behind me I hope.
09:01Give it a little tug and see what happens.
09:06It's helping us.
09:07But the sharp angle of pull.
09:09It's going to lean more.
09:11Pull up.
09:12Is working against them.
09:15As I pull it up the bank.
09:16Coming up there.
09:18It starts to lean over more and more.
09:24Lots of weight.
09:26I just can't pull very hard on it.
09:28There's a real good chance of him rolling.
09:32He's on a teetering point.
09:37That sucks.
09:41Anybody tell me if there's any action at the scales.
09:4520 minutes north of Golden.
09:47This is a recovery.
09:49On the Trans-Canada Highway.
09:54Terrible in this one.
09:56A rookie Swampert cuts it close.
10:02Breaking his blade.
10:04While chop sawing a mangled tractor.
10:08Chop saw blades can be dangerous.
10:11Did he get you?
10:15You're cutting through stuff under load.
10:17I was holding myself farther than my back.
10:23Luckily the guard on the saw caught everything and nobody was hurt.
10:28Cut free from its frame.
10:30The cab needs to be removed.
10:34Pull that out.
10:35Now Andy can deploy his secret weapon.
10:41Heavy metal, it's got a side puller on each side.
10:46Yeah, just go get into that sort of thing.
10:49I love my side puller.
10:52Definitely beneficial to have an extra winch and a different point to pull things from.
10:58The cab should just roll right off.
11:07There she goes.
11:09We're watching to make sure the cab isn't going to spring back.
11:13All of a sudden you're going to have pieces of that flying everywhere.
11:17You still good?
11:21Always got to keep your head on a swivel.
11:29Oh no.
11:32You going to get through there or is the traffic held up?
11:35Near the golden brake check.
11:38Lane closure in effect.
11:40A torn tractor has team reliable.
11:46Feeling the pressure.
11:47Oh no.
11:49Airlines and everything is getting pulled apart.
11:53And out comes the air.
11:55Look at that.
11:56Nice and clean.
11:59I love my side puller.
12:02We got the cab off.
12:03We got the flat deck here.
12:05Going to load it up and get it out of the way.
12:10Go, go, go.
12:11It's Andy's first recovery in the area.
12:15I haven't worked with those golden guys as much.
12:18So everybody's interested to see the way that everybody else does things.
12:24So far so good.
12:28There you go.
12:30The cab is hauled away.
12:33But the jackknifed chassis still remains.
12:37Is it compromised?
12:39I don't know.
12:41With a stuck kingpin.
12:43Going to pull the front of the tractor up.
12:46So that we can get the pressure off the pin.
12:49Still hooked to the front wheel rim.
12:53Okay, we're going to start pulling.
12:54Look out.
12:59Andy winches the tractor.
13:03Watch out.
13:05In line with the trailer.
13:13But straightening out the semi.
13:17What is going on there?
13:19Reveals a new problem.
13:22The landing gear on that side.
13:24Oh my goodness.
13:26So that landing leg is gone.
13:31Earlier today, the transport blew a steer tight, lost control and jackknifed into the ditch.
13:42I don't like that at all.
13:44Before they can separate the unit.
13:46How can we brace this trailer?
13:48They need to shore up the broken landing gear.
13:52Do you have any timbers?
13:57If we separate the tractor and don't pay attention to this landing gear, we could have the trailer roll over.
14:03Shoring is for the broken landing gear.
14:06Using 4x6 timber blocks.
14:09Okay, where's that other?
14:11They cobble together a makeshift leg.
14:16For the 45,000 pound trailer.
14:20We're going to build a brace under the side where the missing landing gear is.
14:24With the extra support in place, the Kingpin finally releases.
14:31We should be good to try.
14:33It's now all up to Andy to pull the tractor out from under the trailer.
14:40We've got a lot riding on this pile of wood.
14:43Everybody clear?
14:45Hopefully this all holds together.
14:52I'm going to hope that the trailer doesn't fall over.
15:04On Highway 97.
15:06There's an accident ahead of you.
15:0825 minutes north of Quesnel.
15:13That sucks.
15:15A chain takes a bite out of Otto's teetering trailer.
15:20We pulled a little bit harder than I'd hoped and it broke a little chunk of the bottom of the skirt of the trailer.
15:28Thick part on the bottom.
15:30Protective angle iron.
15:34Will prevent further damage.
15:37It disperses the weight more evenly across a bigger area.
15:41And to stabilize the trailer.
15:44Come in on this kind of angle right here.
15:47And go around to the far corner.
15:49Try to get a high lift on it.
15:51Rob deploys Kyle's heavy.
15:53We're going to use Kyle and the 25 ton.
15:56Just to ensure the trailer won't fall over.
15:59But to add a second wrecker.
16:02They have to shut down the crucial highway.
16:07We can strap over top of the roofs.
16:10It'll just give a little bit of security on.
16:12We're going to throw a strap over top.
16:14I'm going to rig it to my 25 ton.
16:19I don't know how far that strap went.
16:23And then that way I can help keep that trailer upright while Rob pulls it onto the road.
16:27Give her a tug, pull it.
16:28Pull it.
16:34With a strap from the 25 ton wrapped around the trailer.
16:38And the 50 ton rigged to the rear axle.
16:42They'll coax the wreck back onto the road.
16:47I'll try to go nice and easy.
16:51When we're working side by side.
16:53We've been doing it for enough years.
16:55We know how to read each other.
16:56Not too much.
16:58If you don't coordinate.
17:00It's going to skip, Kyle.
17:02Catastrophic failure could happen.
17:05But as the loaded trailer inches towards the road.
17:09I'm maxed out.
17:11It puts Rob in a tight spot.
17:13Oh yeah, that sucks.
17:16Now Rob must reposition his 50 ton.
17:20Is there any way my truck can hold it with the boom up like that?
17:23If Kyle can handle the weight.
17:27I would say I'm going to try to release it now and see if it'll cave in the side of the trailer.
17:33I'll release my lines and then I'll move forward.
17:36Get everybody waiting.
17:38So right now my line's the only thing holding that trailer.
17:43Just stay right there.
17:45So this is a real gingerly time for us.
17:48Just stay home today.
17:54Anybody know how the 97's looking?
17:57North of Quesnel.
17:59Yeah, it's close.
18:01Kyle's 25 ton holds a loaded trailer.
18:05While Rob repositions his 50 ton.
18:09When you get something that long on a two-way highway.
18:12You don't have much room to work with.
18:14And the way that we got them positioned right now is the best angles that we can get at it with having no room on the highway.
18:20You want me to boom up or just see if it'll pull?
18:23But for the final pull.
18:25No, just stay right there.
18:28It's down to Rob's heavy.
18:31We have to get it out of the ditch tonight.
18:35The roads are just terrible out here.
18:39Come on, stick.
18:44Another couple feet.
18:47Yeah, it's up on top.
18:52Team Otto has the trailer back on the road.
18:57One little chip in the bottom of the skirting of the trailer.
19:01No really other damage.
19:03He'll be able to finish his day.
19:05The wreckers pull out of the way.
19:08Get it coming.
19:10And Highway 97 is open again.
19:13It's good to get the road reopened.
19:15It's the only path to the north.
19:18There he goes.
19:20If you can have a truck drive away from a wreck like that.
19:23Yay, high five.
19:25That's a big bonus. That's a pretty incredible achievement.
19:29Looks like they're just finishing cleaning the road up.
19:33The road is open.
19:37Low end city with three.
19:39In eastern B.C.
19:41Play safe out here tonight.
19:43On the Trans-Canada Highway.
19:46I don't like that at all.
19:48A severely compromised trailer.
19:54I hope the trailer doesn't fall over.
19:57As Andy gambling on a stack of wooden blocks.
20:03I don't know about that one.
20:10Looks like we're good so far.
20:14We just need to pull up.
20:15Now it's time for the real test.
20:19Everybody's clear?
20:21Removing the tractor.
20:24Hopefully everything is supported.
20:30The cobbled landing leg.
20:33I could have started dancing when it didn't go down.
20:39It's good to get the truck out of the way.
20:42Take the chassis.
20:43I'll probably take the trailer being as it's so heavy.
20:46I'm going to get under the trailer before Jorian decides to let go.
20:52That wasn't too bad.
20:55We're good.
20:58Worked out well.
21:02Everybody's safe and sound.
21:04It's a good recovery.
21:06It's good working with Jason and the team.
21:08I'm glad I was learning a whole bunch of stuff.
21:10Because I'm hoping to drive a truck myself one day.
21:14There's a lot of ambition in us young guys.
21:17Okay guys, good job man.
21:19Good job.
21:21Gould is one of our latest acquisitions.
21:24Break it, I'll see you at the yard.
21:26It's busy every day.
21:28Alright, have a good one.
21:30And Andy is one that you could just send and you know the job is going to get done right.
21:34Be safe you guys.
21:36It's a good day.
21:37It's a good day.
21:39Yeah, you have a safe ride too.
21:58Beautiful day for a drive.
22:00600 kilometers southwest.
22:03It's unbelievable how our weather's been.
22:05In the Fraser Valley.
22:07Don't do that every day there, do you guys?
22:10Terry Quiring rolls out.
22:13Today we're headed into the heart of Abbotsford.
22:16Pull out a stuck skid steer.
22:18In his family's oldest working record, truck 60.
22:23We're driving a vintage antique wrecker today.
22:261973 Genuine Chevrolet.
22:31My great-grandfather saved $18,000 in cash.
22:35He specced it out with a special home 500 wrecker.
22:41The iconic Quiring Green has been a staple in Abbotsford since 1962.
22:50The property where I live now, I learned how to pull stumps out with that tow truck.
22:56Founded by Al's grandparents, the family's tow business was eventually taken over by Al's father Bob.
23:05A lot of good times riding with my dad, pulling out cars and stuff.
23:10I'd love to go for one more ride with him.
23:17Recently, there's been a tragic loss.
23:21Unfortunately, my dad passed to prostate cancer.
23:29Toughest year of my life.
23:30Now, Al is navigating the business without his mentor.
23:36I'll keep my dad's legacy, my grandpa's legacy, my family's legacy.
23:41We'll keep going at that for as long as we can.
23:45We're stretching four generations of operating and fifth generation, fresh out of the oven.
23:53We've got a new trainee on board.
23:56Tanner Robert is the new coach.
24:00My dad is not only named after my grandfather, Robert Al Quiring,
24:04it's also named after Sarah's grandfather, named Robert.
24:08So, it's nice to see and carry that legacy on.
24:12It's a proud moment for me.
24:14Today, new dad, Kerry, is taking the family legacy off-road.
24:21Where we're going is not a road.
24:24It's a trail where people walk.
24:27But as the trail narrows,
24:30Kerry is forced to stop over 200 feet away.
24:35It's got a steep grade coming into a gully.
24:39There's a bobcat way out there.
24:44It got stuck.
24:46It's pretty soft in there.
24:50The operator was doing work on the trail.
24:52Tearing out a bridge and putting in a new one.
24:55It got stuck right away.
24:57I figured I'd give them a call because I know this is sort of their specialty.
25:01We live in a beautiful place where there's trees.
25:04We're going to have to run multiple lines off a tree
25:08to increase our working load limit off the cables.
25:13Just watch your legs there.
25:19We're going to use this as a dead man.
25:22Change our angle.
25:26Running a line from 200 feet away,
25:29they'll snatch block off the mini-excavator
25:32to hook the rear of the skid steer.
25:35Then, using a tree, they'll also hook the front.
25:42You'll learn this setup from the Aquiring Toolbook of Secrets.
25:46So call me as soon as you get your hands on the controller.
25:50Carey treks back up the trail to his wrecker.
25:54Being so far away,
25:57you don't have much control over how it's going to react.
26:00The moment of truth.
26:02With limited visibility,
26:04he's relying on the operator to relay information.
26:15We're going to be working at max capacity
26:18of all the rigging hooked onto this bobcat.
26:21But Carey must keep an eye on his 200-foot line.
26:26I'm a little concerned about overloading my cable at this point.
26:30Is the front coming out anymore?
26:34And we've got to work in sync
26:36and do a dance.
26:38Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is easy.
26:41So he doesn't dig a hole.
26:43Everything looking okay?
26:45Uh, I think.
26:47I'm walking down.
26:49Carey heads back to sea for himself.
26:52We got it out of the first hole.
26:56Maybe spin it around over here.
27:00Now we're going to get this bobcat out of this swampy area.
27:04Try and keep it high that side for the bit.
27:07Back to high ground.
27:09But now they must navigate the same hole it just escaped from.
27:15My biggest fear is pulling you right in that frigging hole.
27:19Because that's exactly where you're going.
27:21We're screwed.
27:24It's pretty muddy over here.
27:26In the Fraser Valley,
27:28firing is there, towing them off.
27:30Carey must pull a 5,000-pound skid steer.
27:34My biggest fear is pulling you right in that frigging hole.
27:38Through a mud pit.
27:40Because that's exactly where you're going.
27:42It's going to be a little challenging.
27:45From over 200 feet away.
27:48It's a very narrow road.
27:50It's not much wider than the machine itself.
27:53All right, put her in gear.
27:57With no line of sight.
28:00We're going to have to pull it all the way through the mud.
28:04To high ground.
28:06Carey works with the operator.
28:08Are we looking okay?
28:10To move the machine.
28:12Slow and easy is going to win us the race.
28:15Back onto solid ground.
28:17You're just about there now, I can tell.
28:22Okay, it's clear.
28:26The skid steer is back in action.
28:29I'm relieved that my plan worked.
28:31And can get back to work fixing park trails.
28:35Very satisfied and proud.
28:39That Carey's helping me carry on my family tradition.
28:44Makes me proud to run in the Stryker.
28:47And I'm glad we have it on our fleet for jobs like this.
28:50The old girl, no?
28:52Does it one more time.
28:55It's an old timer.
29:01You must have got a little more, I'll say.
29:04In the foothills of the Rockies.
29:07Golf, no.
29:09You guys get paid to go four wheeling.
29:12Jamie Davis and twin daughters, Alexis and Brianna.
29:16Most people go four wheel driving for fun.
29:18Yeah, and then we pull them out.
29:21Head to a remote recovery.
29:24That's exactly why I built this truck.
29:27With a plow, right? Yeah.
29:28In LR19.
29:30Their four wheel drive record.
29:33Well, the girls, they're fun to go out with.
29:36And they're starting to learn things.
29:38And a trailer only weighs.
29:42Yeah, you're right. See?
29:44How do you know that number?
29:46It's almost like I grew up around here or something.
29:49Like father, like daughter.
29:51It's nice that I'm surprising him, but I'm also surprising myself.
29:55We'd take a lap pretty quick here.
29:58Arriving at the Forest Service Road.
30:03You have to angle the plow so it shoots.
30:06It is angled.
30:08Don't tell me I have to do everything else.
30:11LR19's plow is put to the test.
30:15Who's the dad here?
30:17Telling me how to plow?
30:20It's a lot of fun. I like working with them.
30:23But even with a plow and four wheel drive.
30:27We've got deep snow to try to travel through to do this recovery.
30:31They're struggling to make it up the road.
30:35Did it plow the road? No.
30:39Straighten it and then tilt it like that so the snow shoots out like a real plow.
30:44You can't do it. This is a real plow. It's not a fake one.
30:48Very fun working with Brianna.
30:49I think it's cool to have two young girls just in the tow truck.
30:53I think it's cool.
30:56But the deep snow is nothing to laugh at.
31:02We can barely get the tow truck through this road with plowing it.
31:09We've got our work cut out for us here.
31:12We're biting off more than we can chew here.
31:20So now we're stuck. Period.
31:28Near the Rockies.
31:30Now we're stuck.
31:32Jamie and his daughters are stopped.
31:34Now it's time to chain up.
31:36Halfway up a snowed in back road.
31:39Yeah, buddy. That's deep, bro.
31:42It's our first time ever all three of us just doing a tow together.
31:46With help from Alexis and Brianna.
31:49I'll take that set.
31:51I'm throwing them into the fire and let's see how you make out.
31:55Chaining up is a family affair.
31:58You see how it's loose on the bottom?
32:00My first time ever chaining up.
32:03It's quite a job to teach twin teenage girls to do this kind of work.
32:09You think you can do that one by yourself?
32:13I actually really like doing labor jobs.
32:16I don't think so.
32:17Did you just doubt us?
32:19Who do you think you are?
32:21I said I'd help.
32:23And they're a bit sassy.
32:25And the other.
32:27A little bit.
32:29For me, this is my kind of fun.
32:31A little more.
32:33Get out in the bush, figure out how to recover stuff in deep snow, bad weather.
32:38More. More. Stop.
32:40He's just a great teacher. I like learning from him.
32:45Got it.
32:47That was a real bugger.
32:49You know, we promised a customer to get their vehicle out of here.
32:52Kind of a little bit of a pride thing.
32:54I'm going to get them out no matter what.
32:56Okay, let's give it a try.
32:59And if this doesn't work, let's go home.
33:02You can't do that.
33:05We've got a customer that's waiting for us here.
33:11Just up the hill.
33:13Oh, there's a car right there.
33:17A vehicle.
33:19So there's the car.
33:21Right where we can see it.
33:23Stuck in a ditch.
33:25Jamie turns around.
33:29And reverses to the wreck.
33:33Okay, that's it.
33:35I don't think we can get up here anymore.
33:38But it's still over 200 feet away.
33:43Go start the car. Get it warmed up.
33:45There's a little bit of a hill here.
33:48What we've got to do is winch the car right around.
33:52If you can go, I doubt it's going to move.
33:54I think I can get it.
33:56I don't really want to stand around and watch them do the work.
34:00I'd like to do the work, you know?
34:02You think you can get it?
34:04Watch out, you guys.
34:06I want to be full in, you know?
34:10Okay, stop. Stop.
34:12Brianna's going to try to drive the car out.
34:13Now go for it.
34:15I really don't think it's going to make it.
34:18And just give her.
34:20Yeah, send it.
34:22She's actually pretty good.
34:24Okay. Wow.
34:26Perfect. Dude!
34:28Yeah, she's got it figured out.
34:30I bet we don't even need to tow this thing.
34:32I bet I could just drive it down.
34:34Yeah, I think so too, buddy.
34:36It takes skill, dude.
34:38Brianna is thinking she can drive it out.
34:40I mean, let her try. What's the worst she can do?
34:41Try to stay on the roadway, but wheels to the right.
34:44Wheels to the right.
34:46And send it a little. Send it a little.
34:52Yeah, there you go.
34:54Keep it right.
34:56Yeah, now just follow the rut.
35:01You guys can actually drive.
35:04No, you're going too fast.
35:06No, no. No, you're going to go in the ditch.
35:08We have a storm checking up again.
35:10Seven hours southwest.
35:13The rain is coming down pretty heavy.
35:15In the Fraser Valley.
35:17Wrecker is on his way.
35:19A 50-ton wrecker heads to an urgent call.
35:23I don't know much, but we will see when we get to the scene.
35:27With MSA boss, Kirpal Banwade.
35:31There's a truck in the ditch. We have to pull that out.
35:34Arriving at a truck depot.
35:41Kirpal finds the empty pump truck has slid deep into a muddy ditch.
35:47Yeah, it's a big ditch.
35:49This mud is bad.
35:52The driver, he was scared. He said the truck is going to tip over.
35:57On his own for now.
35:59For sure it will be here shortly.
36:00On his own for now.
36:02For sure it will be here shortly.
36:04Kirpal handles his own rigging.
36:08To quickly secure the pump truck.
36:12But he's feeling his age.
36:14Looks like it's a little bit heavy for the old man.
36:17What I'm going to do, lift it up with that cable.
36:21And pull this way with that cable.
36:25We have to secure it before it goes more into the ditch.
36:32Arriving to provide a welcome hand.
36:35I want to get his opinion.
36:37Is Kirpal's son, Gersharan Banwade.
36:40So what do you think?
36:42It's leaning over towards the driver's side pretty good here.
36:45Give her a pull, see what she does.
36:48My only concern is going deeper into the ditch.
36:53One line is lifting, one is pulling.
36:56There's no damage to it.
36:58It's in good working condition.
37:01It's a piece of cake, eh?
37:03Gersharan climbs in to steer it out using the truck's power.
37:09Start it up.
37:10But right away.
37:12Why is it doing that?
37:14Now it's not starting up.
37:16That does not sound good.
37:19Start it up.
37:21In the Fraser Valley, Team MSA.
37:25Why is it doing that?
37:27Try to use the pump truck's power.
37:30Pull the brake.
37:32The fuel went on the other side.
37:34Diesel went into the tank.
37:35Pull the brake.
37:37The fuel went on the other side.
37:39Diesel went into the tank.
37:41Because it's sitting, leaning this way.
37:43But they can't start the engine.
37:46It stalled because all the fuel went into the driver's side tank.
37:51Now Kirpal.
37:53Drive it forward.
37:55Will use the 50 tonne's brute strength.
37:58Okay, let's see how it goes.
38:01To haul it out.
38:03My son is steering while I'm pulling out.
38:06Let me pop it out of gear.
38:08I work with my dad on a daily basis.
38:11I think it's always important to try to be on the scene with my dad as much as I can.
38:16Leave it that way a little bit.
38:18Try to learn the most I can from him.
38:24That's good.
38:25That's good.
38:2945 minutes after MSA first arrived.
38:33The pump truck is back on level ground.
38:37That's it.
38:39That's all she wrote.
38:41That's how we were brought up.
38:43The job needs to get done.
38:45And so until the job's done, you just keep pushing through.
38:48We don't leave until the job's done.
38:50Yeah, I'm feeling good.
38:53We don't leave until the job is done.
38:55Oh yeah.
38:57And the boy did a good job.
39:00One day dad will want to fully retire.
39:04And me and my brothers will take over the business and carry the torch on, you know.
39:10So that's it?
39:12That's it.
39:14Time for bed.
39:16Do it all again tomorrow.
39:20Another W for the books.
39:21Day on, let's go.
39:24Watch out Alexis, I'm going to reverse.
39:27In the foothills of the Rockies.
39:29Keep it right.
39:31No, you're going too fast.
39:33Jamie's recovery with his twin daughters.
39:35No, no.
39:37Is going backwards.
39:39No, you're going to go in the ditch.
39:41Holy, that's crazy.
39:43The car is now found in a ditch on the right hand side that you couldn't see underneath the snow.
39:47We're going to put a winch line on this car and just pull backwards.
39:52Pull over top.
39:54Went pretty good.
39:56I'm surprised I actually got it unstuck.
39:59And then I got it stuck again.
40:01Alexis and Jamie pull out 150 feet of winch line.
40:07That's it. Pretty close.
40:09We could probably make it work.
40:13She was right again.
40:14We need to basically to attach every single thing we have to get out that far.
40:20The patchwork line is rigged.
40:23You just go ahead and pull.
40:25To the car's rear axle.
40:27I'll go watch her and guide her, okay?
40:32Jamie leaves Alexis to run the controls while Brianna steers from inside the car.
40:40Just get off your brake altogether.
40:42You know, if it comes in here, that'll work for us, Alexis.
40:48Watch yourself when you get to the end, okay?
40:52Okay, we're done.
40:54Now let it down, please.
40:56Jamie re-rigs.
40:58Now we're going to try to do a little trick move here.
41:01To the front.
41:03We're going to take this strap and we're going to put it around the wheel.
41:06Getting that car turned around and back on the road is what we need to do.
41:13Bet you 20 bucks your way is not going to work.
41:16Really, eh?
41:20Brianna's pretty sparky and not afraid to tell me if she thinks I'm doing something wrong.
41:25The car will need to be turned around.
41:28I'm hoping that this works.
41:31Be very careful with this, okay?
41:33So go slow?
41:3580 degrees.
41:37Full on.
41:42This is exactly what we want.
41:44I see what you're doing now.
41:47I see what you're doing.
41:49With the car now facing the right direction.
41:52Okay, stop.
41:54Down. Which line down?
41:56Pretty sure we're done.
41:58It's fun to mentor them in a family environment.
42:01They're building confidence and I can see the confidence in both of them.
42:05The last hurdle is driving out.
42:09Brianna, she's not afraid to get out there and do it.
42:21Is she still there?
42:24Right to the very last bit.
42:27I really like working with my family.
42:30It makes it 10 times funner.
42:32You did good.
42:33She's starting to become involved in the company quite a bit.
42:36You followed me right behind her.
42:38Yep. It's the family business. It's my family business.
42:42Yeah, you owe me a coffee, don't you?
42:43Aw, man.
42:44You said my plan wouldn't work.
42:45I guess I owe you one.
42:47Makes me happy because I can't do it forever.
42:50That's it. We're done and home for dinner.
42:55They're getting involved. Big time.
43:04Next time on a special episode of Highway Through Hell.
43:09It's chaos up there.
43:11Winter's biggest storm.
43:13Time to get the chain up lights on.
43:15Has all hands on deck.
43:17The snow shed protocol is in effect.
43:19A teetering semi.
43:21Whoa, whoa.
43:23Freezes out Team Reliable.
43:25Ah, it's broken.
43:27And a blast from the past.
43:29Takes Jamie down memory lane.