00:00The following program is rated 14 plus and may contain coarse language, violence, nudity,
00:11mature subject matter, or scenes which may not be suitable for all viewers.
00:14Viewer discretion is advised.
00:45Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:48Broke the hook.
00:53Look at us go.
00:55Better than the ski hill.
00:57This is nuts.
00:59You gotta be a little nuts to be in this business.
01:01I don't want to have an explosion.
01:04Watch out.
01:06Hey, hey.
01:07Throttle off.
01:11This is what we live for.
01:12Here we go, buddy.
01:15Does anyone have a China-Canada report?
01:21A slippery section.
01:25Late fall.
01:27Yeah, it sure doesn't hurt to have a bit of a shot.
01:31Brings early snow.
01:34You better slow it down.
01:37To the Rocky Mountains.
01:39It's been a long summer, and this is our first taste of winter.
01:45Jamie Davis.
01:47Running a 50-ton heavy.
01:50We're working all across the province.
01:53500 kilometers from his base in Hope.
01:56We're just going wherever the customers need us.
01:59Jamie Davis rolls into southeast British Columbia.
02:14Watch out for black ice.
02:17I think somebody spun out.
02:22As night falls.
02:24We're just headed out to a wreck that's apparently on its side.
02:29Jamie is called to a crash.
02:32Now on a week in the winter air.
02:35On Highway 1.
02:37A tractor trailer slipped right over, and it's down a bank.
02:45Rolling in with HR 100.
02:49It's supposed to be just a light load, 5,000 pounds.
02:52Jamie arrives for the recovery.
02:55Let's just park here.
03:02Looking at this wreck, it's almost completely upside down.
03:05Well, boys, she's down there pretty good.
03:08Yeah, it's brutal.
03:10That corner gets them all the time.
03:35Single lanes and stop for wreck recovery.
03:37Single lanes and stop for wreck recovery.
03:43Charging down the Trans-Canada Highway, HR 130.
03:48I'm just headed out to meet Jamie at a wreck.
03:51With operator Rob Wall.
03:55I've done quite a few wrecks together now with Jamie.
03:59Big truck lost the road there over the bank.
04:04Must have been a good ride for the guy driving it down.
04:08The semi came around a corner.
04:14Lost control.
04:20Tumbling deep into the ditch.
04:27The wrecks on the eastbound side, they're alternating traffic.
04:31You know, Rob, I think you've got to be facing this way.
04:34We're going to put the 50 ton on the back of this unit
04:37to handle the trailer and whatever load it has.
04:42And we're going to use the 30 ton on the front on the tractor.
04:46Are we stopping?
04:48You might, we did.
04:50This white California 50 ton is really taking the place
04:54of the rotator while it's in for repair.
04:58Last season, it was a sheet of ice.
05:01Jamie and his rotator were involved in a devastating crash.
05:06Oh, that sucked.
05:08Cab blown right off the back end.
05:10Knocking the machine out of commission indefinitely.
05:18I'm glad I got the 50 ton.
05:20It's a big, big horse.
05:22Big hunk of iron.
05:24We're right here.
05:26Rob positioned the 50 ton.
05:28We're right here.
05:30Rob positions HR 130 in line with the tractor.
05:35You're really under time pressure when they shut down a lane of traffic
05:38because they don't like shutting it down for any more than they have to.
05:44Pull them off there, Martin.
05:46Helping tonight, swamper Martin Stefik.
05:50A little more, Brad.
05:52And Jamie's stepson, Brandon Koudelis.
05:56This is the first wreck of the season.
05:58I'm going to be with Jamie's swamper today.
06:00Okay, right there. Stop.
06:02We'll get it done.
06:04Okay, you've got your block now and you've got your snatch block.
06:06Run both of them down to there.
06:08This bank is steep.
06:10We'll make a path down to it, but it is straight up and down.
06:13Help him pull the winch line once he gets over the bank there, right?
06:16Go ahead, Martin.
06:18Pull some line out.
06:25Go down there with him.
06:28It's pretty dangerous being on an angle like that.
06:31That's straight down.
06:33The main objective right now is just to get it up the bank
06:36and have it on its side right here.
06:38Okay, good to go.
06:43We're starting to do the pull.
06:49And it's really working my big rigger.
06:55The winches are powering out.
06:58Something's wrong.
07:00You can hear the stress in the machine for such a light load.
07:05Okay, stop.
07:07You know, that wants to roll over right there.
07:10Something's not adding up here.
07:12But he said it's only 5,000 pounds.
07:26Barron Drive, plus six.
07:29500 kilometers southwest.
07:36You're going to come to a dead stop right ahead.
07:39You know, the highway's closed.
07:41In the Fraser Valley.
07:43There's a truck waiting to cross eastbound lanes,
07:46and he's got 300 waiting on the eastbound lane on your side.
07:50BC Highway Patrol.
07:53BC Highway Patrol are on the scene of a dry weather crash.
07:58This is a bit of an anomaly year for us.
08:01It really doesn't look like winter right now,
08:03but we are at the start of the winter season,
08:05and people need to be prepared.
08:09The semi drifted off the highway,
08:12caught the shoulder,
08:15sucking it into the median,
08:18only held back
08:19by a high-tension cable barrier.
08:23I'm amazed.
08:25No lives were lost.
08:27Nobody was injured.
08:29Not even the driver of the semi.
08:32Heading to the scene.
08:34We're going to see what she's made of tonight.
08:36Reliable Towing's new 50-ton tandem, Hornet.
08:41It's a very versatile truck.
08:43It's powerful.
08:45It's going to suit us well.
08:46Flatlanders to Mountain Boys.
08:48Here we go, buddy.
08:50With new operators from the prairies,
08:53Jace Summers.
08:55From Brandon, Manitoba.
08:57It's a little small town.
08:59And Evan Partey.
09:01Me and Jace go way back.
09:03We worked at prior towing companies together.
09:05Doing it with my best friend.
09:09We've been down many, many roads together.
09:13Tonight I'm operating our new 50-ton truck.
09:1650-ton V100 Vulcan Wrecker.
09:19We have named it Hornet.
09:23I'm eager to see what it's made of.
09:26And what it's going to do.
09:31Bad day to do that.
09:34I'm seeing a truck and a trailer that's on its side.
09:38The trailer is on top of the high-tensile cable.
09:41And it's actually cut into the edge of the trailer.
09:47Also on scene, Regional Manager Ty Kennedy.
09:52The only crappy part is that it's going to be hung up on that front.
09:55Well, it's hung up on that tension there.
09:57I know. Right now, let's just grab this back end.
09:59Let's just drag it over.
10:01This section of highway, it's notoriously bad for big accidents.
10:06Good luck getting through this.
10:09Traffic is blocked in both directions.
10:14We got a couple fire trucks.
10:17We're just going to drag it off because we've got to open westbound.
10:23You can operate. Just throw the PTO on.
10:25Will man the controls of the Hornet tonight.
10:28The back of the trailer is into westbound traffic.
10:32We immediately have to drag that back into the eastbound lanes.
10:37Lines are rigged to the frame rail of the trailer.
10:41Half-inch chain?
10:43The pressure is immense.
10:45We have all the general motoring public watching us.
10:48We've got all the truckers that need to get through.
10:51Line one.
10:53Line two.
10:5543,000 pounds of vegetables are loaded in the trailer.
11:00There we go, bud.
11:03You just want to get it off that fast lane, right?
11:09I guess we'll have to stand back because I don't know how this cable is going to react.
11:14The cable barriers are designed to absorb the energy of a vehicle and bring the vehicle to a stop.
11:22Throughout my policing career, I've seen how they could help.
11:27Now the life-saving steel cable is a danger to the reliable team.
11:34And if it snaps, it's under probably like 10,000 pounds of pressure, so it's going to go whew!
11:39And take everybody's legs out.
11:42We're pulling.
11:44This can be a very dangerous situation.
11:47Watch yourselves.
11:49If it were to snap, it could shoot back and cause injury or fatality.
11:55Stop! Hey!
11:59We're still sitting on the highway here, waiting to go.
12:03In the Fraser Valley...
12:05Keep going. Try and get across the wires.
12:08...reliable is wrestling with a loaded semi...
12:14...snagged on the safety barrier that caught it.
12:17He's just pulling it right through the frame. Stop! Yeah, hold on.
12:23We can't just keep dragging it. We're going to wreck the cables, rip the trailer open.
12:28To extract it off the cable...
12:31Okay, I'm going to back my lines off.
12:34They'll need more firepower.
12:37It's safest if we just call in another truck.
12:43Heading to the scene, another new reliable 50-ton, dubbed Heavy Metal.
12:50This should be interesting.
12:52Its lead operator...
12:54They need a little more muscle.
12:56Andy Cullum.
13:04I got a new Vulcan V100 tri-drive.
13:1035,000-pound winch with 200 feet of 5.8 cable on it.
13:15Great addition to the fleet, like a Swiss Army knife of trucks.
13:20As I pull up, I'm seeing the truck and the trailer laying on its side.
13:26It's in it.
13:2843,000 pounds with it. It's all sitting on the bottom wall.
13:30Right on top of all these cables.
13:33High-tension cables. Be careful.
13:36I don't know what the damage is to these cables under here.
13:39Don't cut them.
13:41It can take weeks, if not months, to get new cables.
13:46It's like a three- to four-month backlog to get new ones.
13:49That means maybe a vehicle's going to break through and somebody's going to get hurt.
13:55We're going to try and lift as opposed to drag.
13:58Let's pick the back and pull it over.
14:01I'll get almost beside you then.
14:07Andy wants to actually pick the whole truck and trailer off the cable.
14:11And then we'll slide it backwards.
14:15One high, one low.
14:19That's going to go high.
14:20That's going to go high.
14:25Heavy metal lifts its end of the trailer off the cable.
14:31The more we can get it off that line 100%, the better off we are.
14:36Back away from the line.
14:38And working in sync with Hornet, they slide it off the cable barrier.
14:46And out of the westbound lanes.
14:51We're off that line now. We're off of it right now.
14:57We're releasing westbound traffic.
15:04The westbound just opened up both lanes.
15:07Now they can finally look at the load.
15:11Full of vegetables.
15:13There's garlic and peas and the whole load is on its side.
15:16It's garlic. You can definitely smell it.
15:18We have another truck that's coming.
15:20We'll unload it as it sits.
15:22Because if we drag it, we risk ripping it open and then having an even bigger mess to clean up.
15:31So you want his rear end right here?
15:33Like up here though, so we can pull it ahead.
15:36Because he's going to suck it that way, right?
15:38He's got to pull it ahead first.
15:40The goal here is to separate the tractor from the trailer.
15:43They'll use Hornet to winch the sideways tractor forward.
15:48Stop him there. Stop.
15:54Give it a good whip.
15:56Releases the kingpin.
15:58Now we've got to separate the tractor off the trailer.
16:04There we go.
16:13Keep going.
16:15Is it free yet?
16:17Now it is.
16:19Ah, she's off.
16:22Okay, grab two lines right here.
16:25Put one to the front, one to the back. Flop it over.
16:28The team rigs two lines from heavy metal to roll the tractor.
16:37They'll be flipping out right pretty soon.
16:40Watch your bases.
16:42Coming over.
16:46There it goes.
16:50We'll call the boys in and they'll unload it.
16:53Get this load shifted over to a good trailer.
16:57She's down in front.
16:59She's down in front.
17:01She's down in front.
17:03She's down in front.
17:05She's down in front.
17:06Good trailer.
17:08She's down and still closed.
17:11Not going to be open for a while.
17:19Six hours northeast.
17:22Watch out for Jamie Davis.
17:24Okay, stop.
17:26On the Trans-Canada Highway.
17:28It wants to roll as I'm bringing it up.
17:31Jamie's crew is struggling to drag a semi up the bank.
17:36The trucks are pulling too hard for such a light load.
17:40They were told the trailer is only carrying 5,000 pounds of cargo.
17:46So it's wanting to roll this way, eh?
17:48Yeah, it wants to come already. So I'm going to put a strap around it too.
17:51And then we're going to rig it for a rollover.
17:54But what should be a simple recovery job...
17:58It wants to roll.
18:00...is becoming more complicated...
18:03We have a tear in the trailer.
18:04...by the minute.
18:06There's a tear in it?
18:08Where? No, no.
18:11They've moved it enough...
18:15...to reveal a big problem.
18:18Oh my god, the trailer's got a hole in it now.
18:20The tree punctured it.
18:22Oh, it's pretty smashed up.
18:24Oh my god, that changes everything.
18:27The trailer's damaged. We're going to have to re-rig it.
18:31I'm going to try not to lift on that roof too much.
18:34So we don't damage it even more.
18:36I don't think we can get on the top.
18:38Now I've got to think about what I'm going to do here.
18:43And I'm starting to believe now that the load is way more than what's been advertised.
18:49Way more than we've been told.
18:51Another thing I can do is power buckle it, like on the suspension.
18:54Yeah, on the top of the suspension and get the top of the trailer coming like you're pulling on...
18:59I thought that wall would come up, but it's not doing anything. It's just ripping.
19:01So we're going to try to power buckle the rear ends.
19:04Get it to flip over that way.
19:06Right around the wheel to me.
19:08Now pull it.
19:11So that gives it a downward pull.
19:14That's what we want.
19:18Lines from HR-100 to the trailer's frame and bogies,
19:23and lines from HR-130 to the drives and tractor
19:27will initiate the roll.
19:33It should be one, two, three, four snatch blocks, right?
19:36So now, tighten this one up.
19:39Just snug it up.
19:42And I'm going to get on this side, okay?
19:44With his two heavies rigged for the power buckle...
19:48We're going to pull on the bogies.
19:50Okay, let's go.
19:52Jamie tries again.
19:54We've got big, big machinery here to pull this stuff up.
19:58I can feel a force in there.
20:01This cannot be the weight that was given to us on this trailer.
20:06Something seems terribly wrong here.
20:09The wreck isn't budging.
20:14That whole trailer's just imploding.
20:16Hang on.
20:18We're going to go down and have a look, see what's going on.
20:20Hang on.
20:22We're going to go down and have a look, see what's inside.
20:25This ain't coming out too easily now.
20:27No, no, I don't know.
20:29Well, it's just destroyed.
20:33There's no way that that is 5,000 pounds.
20:36No way.
20:38We're looking through the trailer and this thing's fully loaded, front to back.
20:41Now Jamie has new math to contend with.
20:44We're talking 42,000 pounds plus the weight of the trailer.
20:49That's a lot of weight.
20:55They pull again.
20:57We're past the point of no return.
21:01We have to just carry on with this.
21:05Oh my God.
21:10Oh, that's so bad.
21:12Oh, that's so bad.
21:15Can you do any more?
21:17Yeah, I can go more.
21:19Yeah, just keep going.
21:24Wreckers are having a hard time and we're struggling.
21:28No luck?
21:30Slide my truck.
21:38Oh, holy.
21:46What a freaking nightmare.
21:51We're doing everything we can do to pull this thing.
21:56This truck of mine is winching its guts out.
21:59Nothing we can do.
22:01Just bring out what we can.
22:03I know that this customer is a good customer.
22:06I think it's a mistake.
22:07So I think they've mistakenly told us 5,000 pounds in the box.
22:15Winching is becoming harder and harder.
22:22There. Done.
22:24Just pull all the rear end right out of it.
22:26Yeah, what else can we do?
22:28The miscommunicated weight...
22:33...is resulting in a worst case scenario.
22:37We're pulling so hard, this trailer is starting to self-destruct.
22:54I've never seen anything like it in my life.
23:04There. Done.
23:06On Highway 1.
23:08Just pull all the rear end right out of it.
23:14Bad intel on the weight of the load...
23:20...has scuttled Jamie's recovery.
23:23I made the decisions based on the information.
23:26Information's wrong, we had a bad outcome.
23:29A destroyed trailer, and we have cargo all over the place.
23:36Hours ago, the semi lost control and rolled into the ditch.
23:45Alright, man, this is disappointing.
23:49I think we gotta just take the tractor out of here and then shut it down.
23:56I'm gonna put this down now then. Hopefully it'll sit there.
23:59We're gonna get the tractor off the road, get it rolled over and out of there.
24:03It's a total loss anyway.
24:05Yeah, everything off.
24:07After three hours of struggle...
24:10I gotta unhook this. We're just gonna flip the tractor over.
24:16...HR100 is unhooked...
24:23...and moved out of the way.
24:26So HR130 can muscle the tractor over.
24:33They'll reuse the same rigging.
24:36Pull straps.
24:40Brakes are on?
24:42I think so.
24:45They're on.
24:47Hey, I'll get out of your way. Stand back, Martin.
24:53Free up the trailer.
24:56Rob starts pulling.
24:59Rob starts pulling the tractor over.
25:09Think that thing's ever had grease?
25:15Pull it up.
25:24Yeah, take all the chains off.
25:28I got some straps for the hood.
25:39Now we drag her home, boys.
25:42Nah, no, man.
25:44It really sucks when things don't work out.
25:47We had a plan. We knew what we were gonna do. We had it figured out.
25:52But we got thrown a curveball. What can you do about that?
25:55But they're not giving up.
25:58We're gonna take the tractor back tonight,
26:01and tomorrow come and try to deal with the trailer at some point.
26:07Then, phase three, we'll be actually picking up the cargo.
26:11It's turning into a bigger job.
26:14We'll go back, regroup, and it is what it is.
26:20I wouldn't have thought it would still be like this.
26:26There's always tomorrow.
26:33500 kilometres southwest.
26:36Trailer on its side there.
26:39A crew is unloading 43,000 pounds of vegetables.
26:45This is a high-value load of garlic and peas,
26:48so we want to make sure that we save as much of it as we can.
26:55Earlier today, the semi lost control
27:00and landed on top of the cable barrier.
27:07Yeah, we are reliable down here.
27:10With the unload complete...
27:13They're just moving it back, yeah.
27:16...and the transfer trailer out of the way...
27:21The plan here is to roll the trailer over.
27:26Two lines from heavy metal...
27:29Right through there.
27:31...are rigged to the trailer's top corners for the rollover.
27:37Are you ready?
27:39All right, let's do her.
27:41Flip her over, buddy.
27:50Andy's trying to pick up this trailer right now,
27:54but it's just sliding all over the place.
27:58Come on.
28:00That does not look good.
28:03I haven't opened her side yet.
28:06In the Fraser Valley...
28:08All right, let's do her.
28:11Flip her over, buddy.
28:13Andy and his brand-new 50-ton heavy metal.
28:21...wrestle with the last piece of a wreck
28:24blocking the Trans-Canada Highway.
28:27Come on.
28:30Come on.
28:35There it is.
28:42Hey, buddy.
28:44We're almost done.
28:46About to do it.
28:49I'm very happy with the crew and the team today.
28:53One thing I've learned over the last three years
28:56is that with the group of people and the size of our company now,
29:00I'm sure that our team can handle anything that comes our way.
29:05Hey, man, good job.
29:07Good job.
29:09Successful day at Reliable. I think I got a few more ahead.
29:13It's definitely a lot of relief getting over the first big recovery,
29:17working with a new team.
29:19Back to the yard.
29:22Well, that was quite a job, eh?
29:27We did pretty well together.
29:30Team Reliable clears out,
29:33and traffic is ready to roll.
29:40It literally just opened now.
29:42Oh, my God.
29:48Anybody else want to put a truck in the ditch tonight?
29:52But just 10 kilometers east, down the road...
29:59That's a C-3.
30:01Another truck has gone off Highway 1.
30:05It's a solid 60 yards in the field.
30:09Heck, yeah.
30:10Heading to the crash in a 50-ton rotator.
30:14We've got a customer with us. Superbee's in the ditch.
30:17Aggressive towing's Chris Mervin.
30:20I believe there was another car accident right in front of him,
30:23and he just veered off the road.
30:25Driver's okay.
30:30He's in there.
30:34Rolling to the scene in Truck 90.
30:37This is Merv's old truck.
30:39Operator Jayden Dick.
30:42I love this sort of thing.
30:44Every day's different. You never know what you're going to do.
30:47Been with Aggressive about two and a half years now.
30:50Really enjoying it.
30:52This season...
30:54Wow, that's way out there.
30:56Jayden is stepping up to a 50-ton heavy.
31:00Merv's old truck.
31:01A 50-ton heavy.
31:03Merv kind of suggested that I move up into it.
31:06He figured I was ready to do a little more for recoveries on my own.
31:09Some bigger stuff.
31:11This is a loaded super in the Brussels roads, that's for sure.
31:14This beach range is fully loaded with wheat and grain.
31:17It's definitely a heavy pull.
31:19That's a challenge.
31:23Helping with the massive wreck tonight.
31:26A mess.
31:28It looks like a mess.
31:29Is Jordan coming for it?
31:32At least we're not in a swamp.
31:34It's dry, but it's soft.
31:37Definitely buried itself in there pretty far.
31:40Being that it weighs well over 100,000 pounds, fully loaded,
31:44it's going to move some earth around, that's for sure.
31:49So what we'll do,
31:51tuck one truck to the nose of you, one truck to the middle of you,
31:54and just start trying to train it out.
31:56They're generally not meant to be pulled out this heavy.
31:59It's quite a bit of weight to be pulling out of that ditch.
32:02I think we take the nose and turn it.
32:05And we aim up.
32:07We don't want to go further down, it gets real steep down there.
32:10It's getting her moving will be the big part.
32:13But Merv is wary of another problem.
32:19Working with a live lane, we've got to keep our head on a swivel here.
32:23One brief second of stepping somewhere you shouldn't,
32:26or not paying attention,
32:28that could pretty much potentially end your career right there.
32:37What is it up with tonight?
32:39In the Fraser Valley.
32:41Come on down.
32:45Speeding traffic on Highway 1.
32:48It's another wipeout.
32:49Threatens the safety of Team Aggressive.
32:53A B-train of grain went off into the field.
32:57We had to step away from flagging to get our lane closure in, so we're safe.
33:01Players are in group.
33:03We're not allowed to start any work until that closure's in.
33:08With traffic control in place,
33:11They've pretty much got her beat now.
33:13Merv can turn his attention to another problem.
33:16Merv can turn his attention to the B-train.
33:20I feel it's a lot simpler if we just leave it all as one piece.
33:23And it is free rolling.
33:25I'll grab the trailers.
33:27Put you on the nose.
33:29I'm going to put Jaden and his tri-drive on the front of the truck.
33:36And then my rotator behind him.
33:41Okay, let's rig the pup.
33:43We'll grab around the fifth wheel.
33:51Lines from the rotator will take on the heavy trailers.
33:55While lines from the 50-ton will pull the tractor on a sharp angle
34:01to avoid the steepening slope.
34:06He actually went in on one of the lesser ditches.
34:10It's not as sharp as if we were to go down another 80 feet.
34:12Lines from truck 90 are rigged to the tractor's tow pins.
34:19So what we're looking for is for it to turn right away
34:22and start coming up and out of the ditch.
34:28Let's start.
34:30Snug them up and let's see what we get.
34:38Both cables.
34:40Make sure you keep them tight.
34:42Keep tension on both, right?
34:44Jaden must keep his eyes...
34:46There you go.
34:48...on the ends of his winch lines.
34:50You want to share the load because we're pulling 90 degrees on them things right now.
34:54If we overload one, we're bound to rip it out.
34:57Front tow pins are designed for pulling trucks forward.
35:01Pulling hard like we are on almost 90 degrees
35:04definitely can put a lot of strain on them.
35:06Keep going.
35:09As the wreck turns toward the road...
35:12I'm seeing it now.
35:15That is quite a bit of weight.
35:17It's buried in that dirt.
35:19The tractor plows through piles of soft ground.
35:28Hold. Hold.
35:30There you go.
35:34Already moving 90.
35:37This is where it's going to get hard.
35:39I don't want to rip the hooks out of it.
35:43We are dealing with the incline of the hill
35:45and quite a tremendous amount of weight.
35:47The massive unit is fully loaded...
35:50Ah, that's good.
35:52It wants to move.
35:54...with 100,000 pounds of wheat.
36:00Okay, hold the brakes.
36:03But now...
36:06Let it down.
36:08The 90-foot B-train must be coaxed into the granny lane.
36:15The front of the tractor has to come out
36:17on like a 10, 20-degree angle.
36:20So just turn ever so slightly to the right.
36:24We're only going to go 5, 10 feet.
36:26Slow and steady wins the race.
36:29Okay, jump in there, Ben.
36:31A swamper climbs into the tractor to steer.
36:37Move him up, Jake.
36:39And the team can shift their focus...
36:43I don't want to break them walls on the other side.
36:46...to the trailers tilting towards the ditch.
36:51The biggest thing I'm looking at right now
36:53as we're pulling on this thing
36:55is making sure this load isn't going to shift
36:58to the point where those walls are going to fail.
37:02A lot of torque on the axle.
37:04As pressure builds on the back wall...
37:08Not liking life.
37:10...a crack is opening up.
37:13With it leaning, this wall could blow out,
37:16and then we end up losing this guy's load of wheat,
37:18and all his money is now laying in the ditch.
37:21But then...
37:23That's a big berm of dirt there, boys.
37:25...Merv notices an even bigger problem.
37:28The passenger stiff leg for the trailer
37:30is actually burrowing underneath the roadway.
37:33Starting to catch dirt on that landing leg.
37:35If we don't address this problem,
37:37we're definitely going to be doing damage
37:39to the road and to the customer's trailer.
37:41Never a dull moment.
37:43We've got to dig out that other leg.
37:45We're going to rip it off.
37:48There is a granny lane,
37:50and the road ain't quite open.
37:52On Highway 1.
37:54Heavy load here.
37:56In the Fraser Valley.
38:00A massive B-train tilting into the ditch.
38:04That's a ball of earth.
38:06Has Team Aggressive...
38:08We've got to dig out that other leg.
38:10We're going to rip it off.
38:12...digging deep.
38:17It's into the pavement.
38:19It's literally that much until it's up and over.
38:22We'll put one there, and it'll pull this way.
38:24It'll lift the tension off that leg.
38:26Yeah, yeah.
38:28And then Jayden can get it up on the asphalt.
38:31Lines from the rotator are re-rigged
38:36to lift on the passenger side.
38:39Chains to the frame rails on the trailer.
38:41Run them underneath.
38:44It's re-spooled.
38:46I've got to run a strap over top of the trailer.
38:50We're just looking to support it,
38:52give it a little bit more lift on its downward side.
38:54He's hooked on.
38:56I'm a little nervous about that wall, actually,
38:58letting go on that side.
39:00So this will also help with that.
39:02It'll hold it, right?
39:09With additional support from the strap...
39:11Fingers crossed.
39:13...they pull again.
39:16Even if it's just skimming it, it's okay.
39:22Oh, yeah.
39:24She's rolling.
39:26That wall don't look very happy.
39:29Got a little bit more to go here.
39:31There's still a chance I can blow the wall out.
39:33Keep going.
39:35Having Merv's rotator here,
39:37he's got four wrenches on his main boom,
39:39so you've got a couple different spots you can pull off of.
39:44We're looking pretty good now.
39:46Our new rigging set-up
39:48saved the line and gear
39:51and the road.
39:53Pretty much back up on the road, so...
39:56We can probably unhook you
39:58and put it in gear and drive it forward next.
40:02This is another one that went textbook perfect.
40:06Yay! The truck's out of the ditch!
40:08It's definitely a pretty good feeling.
40:11Feeling accomplished.
40:13Jayden's good, eh?
40:15We've moved him into our 50-ton here
40:17and he seems to be enjoying it and doing a good job.
40:20The B-train gets back on its way.
40:23I think we've got a pretty good crew
40:25coming into this season.
40:26Hopefully we get a couple good storms
40:28and stay busy throughout the winter.
40:30This is where we say,
40:34And Team Aggressive
40:37clear off the highway.
40:40What a pretty sight.
40:43Yeah, that's where.
40:57Looks like it's warmed up a little bit here.
41:00The next morning...
41:02No pressure, no.
41:04Back in the foothills of the Rockies.
41:07It's beautiful and sunny up there right now.
41:13We're going to go and head out to the accident site again.
41:16You know, we had a bad night last night.
41:19This is a job you don't get every day.
41:27Last night...
41:30wrong information from the trucking company
41:35caused a significant setback for Jamie.
41:43Today's job is really just to get it ready for the unload.
41:47Now, they have to pick up the pieces.
41:53The main goal here is to get the bogeys out of there,
41:56clear a path to the underside of the trailer.
41:59I'm going to flip this over.
42:03It's in every recovery guy's DNA to want to recover things
42:08without doing any further damage to them.
42:11We take pride in recovering something.
42:14But this is a salvage job.
42:17We need to actually cut it so that we can get in and get the cargo.
42:22See where it's hanging? It's right here.
42:23Everything has forces.
42:27And everything is moving a different way and wants to go a different way.
42:32Cut that. I'll hold it.
42:34I feel like I'm in the belly of the beast.
42:37If you make the wrong decision, you make the wrong cut,
42:41somebody could get hurt.
42:43That was Jamie Davis right there, wasn't it?
42:48Yeah, he's not in a very good spot, eh?
42:50Jamie is determined to get it done.
42:56There's a lot of work here.
42:58This is a big, big job.
43:00But you just don't give up.
43:05Next time on Highway Through Hell.
43:10In the belly of the beast.
43:12Getting ready up close and personal.
43:14Jamie powers through.
43:18Powers through.
43:20Somebody went for a ride.
43:24Sends big iron.
43:26That is a lot more truck than I thought.
43:28Into the backcountry.
43:30Got her.
43:34It's a bad spot there.
43:36Feels the squeeze.
43:38Getting real tight.