• yesterday
Highway Thru Hell S13 Ep03


00:00The following program is rated 14+, and may contain coarse language, violence, nudity,
00:11mature subject matter, or scenes which may not be suitable for all viewers.
00:14Viewer discretion is advised.
00:15This time, on Highway to Hell, over the edge, holy crap, with Team MSA, how are we gonna
00:32get this out of the way, extreme grades, it's just too steep, an uphill battle, and a log
00:41jam, of trouble, in British Columbia's Fraser Valley, unseasonably warm temperatures, have
01:09brought relentless rain to the region.
01:14The heavy, heavy rain, lots of things can happen.
01:19A break in the weather, as MSA Towing's 50-ton lion, rolling out, with the youngest bandwagon
01:30brother, Gurkirit, or Gurk.
01:43Team MSA hoped for the best, but we're prepared for the worst.
01:48Following behind, in the 35-ton Moose, older brother, Gursimran, or Sim.
01:57It's always fun when you get a big wreck.
02:01The brothers head 45 minutes northeast, where daybreak reveals, holy crap, poor tanker,
02:19already on scene, their father, and MSA Towing owner, Kirpal.
02:24Gurkirit looks like it's more than 200 feet, yeah, quite far down.
02:28It's kind of sketchy.
02:30And eldest son, Gursharan.
02:33A large volume of rain washed out the edge of the cliff here.
02:37I think it was about 20 feet from the edge that washed away.
02:41It's gonna be a badass wreck.
02:47Well, that's pretty interesting.
02:55It's hella steep.
02:57It's kind of scary.
02:59Lots of loose ground.
03:03Pretty sketchy.
03:06It's a straight drop down, like it's no joke.
03:10If you slip and you fall, you're going for a hell of a ride.
03:15Oh, wow.
03:39Are we even going to have enough line?
03:42Off highway one.
03:44Yeah, it's bad.
03:46Team MSA face their biggest recovery yet.
03:52It's a fresh landslide.
03:54We're just hoping that there's not another mudslide while we're in the line of fire here.
03:58I say we should just hike down there and take a look.
04:05The mud walls are very slippery.
04:10There's loose rocks and dirt.
04:13It's very dangerous.
04:17And a closer look.
04:20How are we going to get this out of the way?
04:22Reveals a concrete lock block has come down with the tanker.
04:27It weighs about 4,500 pounds and it needs to be moved before we can begin our recovery.
04:34Let us try to winch it.
04:38Hey, Gork, go this way.
04:42Having to hike up and down this really steep hill is very dangerous.
04:47Grab that hook and throw it down a little bit.
04:50All it takes is just for one of your feet to give out and you could be tumbling down the hill.
04:56I'm just trying to feed this through here.
04:59I'm worried about the boys.
05:02I want to be safe there and don't get hurt going down there.
05:07Gork and Sam secure the block with a strap.
05:14While up top, they improvise using a loader on site.
05:18Yeah, that's good.
05:20As an anchor.
05:22We are redirecting the line so when we're pulling the tanker up and over, there's no block sitting in the way.
05:27Start tightening your line.
05:34Yeah, keep going, keep going, keep going.
05:37With 4,500 pounds on the line, there's no room for error.
05:47We have to be very careful when we are pulling this up.
05:52If it gets off the cable, it's going to be trouble.
05:59Below the precarious wreck lies an active rail line carrying millions of dollars of freight.
06:07This is a very risky move.
06:11So Kripal...
06:13Put the chain around so that way the sling won't slide out.
06:17Takes an extra precaution.
06:20It will be safer to get it out.
06:28Get her.
06:35Keep pulling, it's almost there.
06:40Secured with a chain, the heavy lock block...
06:44That's a bigger fish.
06:48Reaches the top.
06:51That's good.
06:54Bringing up the loaded tanker is a much bigger challenge.
06:59This is not easy. It's a more scary job than anything else.
07:04We'll go one truck, both lines to the kingpin, and then we'll do one truck, we'll go to the axle.
07:11We are really going to need to come up with a solid game plan.
07:15Or we could potentially end up halfway down this cliff ourselves.
07:24With lines from the 50 ton...
07:28And lines from the 35 ton...
07:32They'll drag the tanker up the 70 degree slope.
07:39Don't get too close to the edge there.
07:42To reach the tanker 200 feet down...
07:48That's it.
07:50They'll meet their wreckers as close as possible to the edge of the unstable bank.
07:57We pretty much just have to throw our lines down to clear the edge of the cliff.
08:02That's probably good there, yo.
08:05But far away enough that our wreckers and equipment stays safe and secure.
08:11With Dirk securing the 50 tons lines...
08:17Sim repels down to help rig lines from the 35 ton.
08:27You good?
08:30It doesn't really get much steeper than this.
08:35I'm going to rig to the rear axle.
08:39It would be the worst situation if this tanker ends up on the tracks down below.
08:46Now the tanker...
08:47Tighten up your lines now.
08:51Faces an uphill battle...
08:55Of rough terrain.
09:01You're good. You guys are good.
09:04All eyes are on the fragile tanker.
09:09Holding upwards of 12,000 gallons of liquid.
09:13We don't want to puncture the wall of the tanker, letting it leak.
09:20But just as the tanker starts inching its way up...
09:27Hold on, hold on, hold on.
09:29There's a big, big rock.
09:34If we keep pulling, the tank will bust, and we don't want to take that risk.
09:41We have to call someone here, get it emptied.
09:44Team MSA's recovery is on pause...
09:49Pump that out of there.
09:51Until they can get a pump truck on site.
09:54When it's empty, it will be better.
09:57Then we can see what we can do.
10:00It's going to take a long time.
10:07Let's take it with your wonderland up there.
10:10500 kilometres north...
10:13Snow has covered everything here.
10:15Outside Cornell, BC...
10:19Ah, the good old Canadian winter.
10:24An auto 50-ton wrecker heads to a call.
10:28Hopefully he's out there.
10:30With owner-operator Rob Barber...
10:33The weather didn't bother me so much when I was younger.
10:36As we get older, it's a little tougher to take.
10:40But today's job...
10:43It gets just really steep and windy.
10:46Is in new territory.
10:48Some people call it the mini-cope.
10:51The road washed out four years ago, and this is the first winter that it's been reopened.
10:58The newly rebuilt West Fraser Road...
11:03Saves drivers 40 minutes off the alternate route.
11:11But with hairpin turns...
11:14And a 13% grade...
11:17It's a tough climb to the top.
11:21It's got a full load of hay.
11:24Big goose neck trailer.
11:27Halfway up the steep hill...
11:31He seems happy to see us.
11:34Rob pulls up to a spun-out farmer hauling 14 tonnes of hay.
11:42He's sort of stuck there until the snow melts or someone shows up to help pull him up the hill.
11:47Is this the worst hill on the road?
11:49Have you ever been?
11:50No, never. It's the first time I'm going up, eh?
11:53I kind of feel bad for him.
11:55He's just trying to get feed to his animals.
12:01With 43,000 pounds on the hook...
12:05Rob begins the climb.
12:12Being this is the first winter...
12:14We're not too sure how much of a pull it'll be to go up the hill.
12:27How's that, guys?
12:29South of Quesnel...
12:31More than steady, but it's moving.
12:34On West Fraser Road...
12:36It's just too steep.
12:38Rob is attempting the 13% incline...
12:42And not forgiving.
12:44With a 43,000-pound load on the hook...
12:48It should be more of a summer hill, not a winter hill.
12:51It's a lot of weight. It's a pickup truck with a big hay trailer.
12:57But after 10 long minutes...
13:01That's good.
13:03The red 50-tonne pulls them in...
13:08To the summit.
13:10You go down, around the corner...
13:13And I'll just chase you.
13:15Okay. Sounds good.
13:17But Rob decides the job isn't over yet.
13:21It's quite steep, the other side.
13:23As a safety, I'm going to watch his truck.
13:33To get back down...
13:36The farmer must brave a 12% grade descent.
13:45But navigating downhill...
13:48Just big drops on both sides.
13:51Comes with new dangers.
13:54Got to be 200 feet on either side.
13:57You wouldn't want to blow through the barricades.
13:59Pretty impressive, though. It's doing well.
14:02I've just got to get to that corner.
14:04And then it's flat.
14:06The farmer and his 14 tonnes of hay...
14:11That's the end of it.
14:13Make it to the bottom.
14:16The animal will be all fed and he'll be home in no time.
14:19That was tight.
14:22You got it done, right?
14:24Hopefully next time, if he comes through with a load of hay, he'll go the other way.
14:27Have a good day. Thank you so much. Take care.
14:29Hope I don't see you again.
14:32Rob's first tow-up...
14:35On Quesnel's own Mini Coke...
14:38Is a win.
14:40What motivates me is keeping our customers happy.
14:54Six hours south, on the edge of the Fraser Valley...
14:59We will see.
15:01MSA's mudslide tanker rescue...
15:04Slide it up.
15:06Is well into the night.
15:09We had to pump up that oil for like five, six hours.
15:13Yeah, that's it.
15:15With 12,000 gallons offloaded...
15:18Pump's disconnected.
15:20All good.
15:22And lines already in place...
15:24Good to go.
15:26They restart the recovery.
15:28Kind of excited and nervous at the same time.
15:32All right, let's rock and roll.
15:41But working in the dark...
15:46Pass my headlamp.
15:48Is risky.
15:50That definitely makes our job harder.
15:52We need to be able to see what we're doing.
15:59Positioned at the edge...
16:03Of a muddy, unstable cliff...
16:14Kerpal spots...
16:19An obstacle lurking below.
16:21This big tree stump, which is not letting us go up the hill.
16:25Why don't we pull the log out?
16:28Okay, let's try it.
16:30Instead of muscling through it,
16:33the safest thing to do is to first remove the stump
16:36and then continue on with the recovery.
16:39Put the chain onto the stump there and put the other cable on.
16:43Repurposing one of the 35-tons lines.
16:47Yeah, right there, like that.
16:49Now pull the log.
16:55They unearth...
16:57You got it.
16:58A massive 10-foot stump.
17:01That's a big root, man. Holy...
17:09Pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull.
17:16Then one more.
17:21Okay, put it down on the ground now.
17:24With the log out of the way...
17:27Okay, go.
17:29They wind up for the main event.
17:32Go ahead.
17:37Gersim will go a little bit faster.
17:40Keep going, keep going, keep going.
17:47Yeah, go, Gershan.
17:54That's it. That's it. Stop now. Stop now.
18:03To crest the bank, MSA needs a new strategy.
18:08Sim will pull the moose forward
18:10and then he'll hold the wreck trailer in place
18:15and that'll allow me to move my wrecker forward.
18:19The tanker is almost up the cliff now.
18:23So he doesn't want to break the cable.
18:29Go, go, go, go. It's coming.
18:32If it's slid down the hill, then we will be screwed.
18:38Keep going, guys. Keep going.
18:40Keep going.
18:42If it's slid down the hill, then we will be screwed.
18:48Keep going, guys. Keep going.
18:50Given the sheer size of the tanker...
18:53Go, go, boom up high. All the way.
18:56...we need a lot more lift and reach
18:58to be able to pull this tanker up and over the bankment.
19:03But as the 40-foot tanker...
19:06Just a second.
19:07...makes it halfway over...
19:09Wait, hold on. Stop it.
19:11Hold on. Stop.
19:13Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.
19:18Wait, hold on. Stop it.
19:20...on the edge of the Fraser Valley...
19:24Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.
19:26...MSA's tanker recovery...
19:29Okay, let's do this. Hold on.
19:33...teeters over a cliff.
19:36Let's hook second lines up.
19:39This is a tricky move. The stakes are pretty high.
19:42Look at that. It's right against the thing.
19:45The trailer's axles are caught on the edge.
19:49That is in there pretty bad.
19:51We just don't know how the ground's going to react,
19:54so that's definitely a big concern right now.
19:58Okay, we'll lift it up with the excavator.
20:01...to stop the trailer from digging in further.
20:06Hang on. Perfect.
20:09Kripal recruits the excavator.
20:13That's good there.
20:16We are going to use the excavator to lift the back end up
20:19while we are pulling.
20:20Try that.
20:24Get out of there.
20:26Everyone clears the area...
20:30...as the wreckers and excavator...
20:35Don't pull it.
20:37...work in concert to make it barrel roll.
20:46Go boom down. Go boom down.
20:50Perfect. Perfect.
20:52That's bang on.
20:55That's it. Perseverance.
20:57Fifteen hours since their arrival...
21:00You can go down.
21:02...the tanker is back on top.
21:05I am so relieved that the tanker is finally up
21:08on flat, solid ground.
21:12Now we just got to upright it.
21:16A quick re-rig...
21:18Shut and go.
21:21...and the tanker...
21:26...is back on its wheels.
21:28That's it. Done deal.
21:31Yeah, that was a success.
21:33We had some tough moments, but we got the job done.
21:39Up, up, up.
21:40...MSA's first mudslide recovery...
21:43It was a little bit tougher, but we did it.
21:46...is in the bag.
21:48I'm proud of my sons because they work hard
21:51and next time we have to do something like this,
21:54we know what to do.
21:56I've done some pretty crazy recoveries.
21:58Probably one of the craziest recoveries we've done.
22:01Everybody on the team today learned a lot
22:04and we're ready for the next one.
22:06It's been a long day. Let's go home.
22:09All right, man.
22:11It's definitely a milestone for Team MSA.
22:25I wonder what happened there.
22:27250 kilometres east...
22:30Apparently a truck went over.
22:32...in British Columbia's southern interior.
22:40I hope he's okay.
22:43En route, a reliable towing 35 tonne...
22:47You never know what's going to happen, right?
22:49...with a new face, heavy operator Bob Potts.
22:54We just, you know, get up there and take a boo
22:58and see how everything is and go from there.
23:01I am almost 62.
23:03I started towing in 1979 and it's in my blood
23:07and I've never stopped.
23:10We want to get this done before nightfall.
23:13Bob's been in the industry for quite some time.
23:15He's a hard worker, not afraid to get his hands dirty.
23:20Following Bob's lead in a second 35 tonne...
23:25That's where I live.
23:26Where those rocks come down, we'll be just driving past my house.
23:30...Reliable's newest operator...
23:35...Caelan Weldring.
23:38I've been working for Reliable for five months now
23:41and enjoying every moment of it.
23:43I would see tow trucks around and thought,
23:46that could be fun.
23:49OK, we're going to have fun going up this mountain.
23:53Today's job...
23:55Oh, joy. First logging road drive.
23:58...will take them four kilometres up a remote logging road.
24:03Big potholes and big ruts and cliffside, of course.
24:12Oh, this is wild.
24:16A little bit nerve-wracking, driving on those logging roads.
24:20Climbing above the snow line.
24:30Yo, that doesn't look good.
24:33All I know is about this logger truck was about 100 feet down.
24:38I did not know that he was fully loaded.
24:42Can I go home now?
24:46That's a bit crazy, man.
24:48That's wild.
24:51That's a long ways down.
24:53That's 75% grade.
24:56It's a nightmare.
24:58Pick up sticks.
25:00It's going to be a challenge.
25:03That's a big wreck.
25:06There's a logging truck that flipped this morning.
25:10In southern B.C.
25:12It's in there good, eh?
25:14Team Reliables Bob and Kalen face a logging B train.
25:19Still got logs on there, too.
25:21A hundred feet down the bank.
25:24Oh, my God. How are we going to get this one up?
25:27The logging B train was rounding the corner
25:30when the rear trailer slid off the shoulder.
25:38Pulling the entire truck down with it.
25:44He's lucky to be alive.
25:46The owner has arrived and takes in the scene.
25:50Just glad the driver's safe.
25:52That's really all that matters.
25:53Trucks are replaceable.
25:55But to run lines to the wreck...
26:01Don't fall, eh?
26:04Kalen must go down there himself.
26:08Climbing that hill up and down.
26:10Not easy as I thought.
26:12There you go.
26:16My plan.
26:18There you go.
26:21My plan is to separate the truck from the trailer
26:25and pull up the truck.
26:27Hell, yeah. All good?
26:35With lines from both wreckers,
26:38they'll separate the unit
26:41and pull the tractor up the bank.
26:45It's snowing now.
26:47Okay, let's see what's going to happen here.
26:51Start pulling. Watch me.
26:58Keep pulling.
27:04Looking good.
27:08There she goes.
27:11Free of the trailers,
27:13Bob's next move
27:15is getting the 25,000-pound load up the slope.
27:20It's all rocks, stumps, boulders.
27:23Not nice.
27:27Keep pulling.
27:28When you almost get it up on top,
27:31well, that is the hardest part.
27:35Because it's the steepest.
27:38Keep pulling.
27:40The 75% grade...
27:45...pushes Bob's wrecker to its limit.
27:49Pull it!
27:53Whoa, whoa, whoa!
27:59Oh, boy.
28:03Chain broke?
28:07Chain is as strong as its weakest link,
28:09so I guess it had a weak link.
28:11Can't believe it. We almost had it up here.
28:16That kind of sucks.
28:19But with night approaching...
28:22We're going to have to come back.
28:25...Bob puts the job on hold.
28:29Once she gets there, it's a whole different game.
28:33Disappointed. I'm feeling very good today.
28:36No tow truck driver likes to get defeated,
28:39but tomorrow we're going to have more iron.
28:41We're going to get her done.
28:44Not fun.
28:56Pretty good weather out there.
28:58The next morning...
29:02Unprepared for second round.
29:05Bob heads back to the scene.
29:07I was getting really frustrated yesterday.
29:10Yeah, it was a swing and a miss yesterday,
29:12but it's going to be a home run.
29:15Following behind...
29:17Pretty cool truck.
29:19...in his 50-ton tri-drive heavy metal...
29:23We're having some troubles.
29:26...Reliable's lead heavy operator, Andy Cullum.
29:30So we're going up today to help him out.
29:33We're going to try to get the truck up,
29:35and then we'll see how the trailers come up.
29:42Andy arrives...
29:45At the site of yesterday's failed attempt.
29:53First look at the wreck, there's a lot of logs in the way of the trailer.
29:58And the truck's a long ways down.
30:03Already on scene...
30:05He made it.
30:06...Is Kalen with a 35-ton.
30:09I am excited to come back on day two.
30:12Let's try to grab those bottom two and drag them.
30:16Kalen starts on log removal.
30:21While Andy and Bob...
30:23You want both of us on that?
30:25...Focus on the tractor.
30:27We're going to rig my truck to the front of the truck first.
30:32This guy's a freaking mountain goat.
30:37I need a pin on a...
30:41Whoa, that was good.
30:43Basically, we're doing the same way,
30:45but we're going to have the 50-ton up top.
30:48Already got it hooked up.
30:53There we go.
30:58Keep pulling.
31:05There we go.
31:09But as they near the steepest section...
31:17Where Bob and Kalen lost the tractor.
31:22I'm hoping it's going to land.
31:30Okay, hold on.
31:34We should almost get a catch line on the front end
31:37in case we have failure again.
31:39Yeah, okay.
31:41We want to get the second cable on to act as a catch cable.
31:46A catch line from heavy metal...
31:51...Is hooked to the front axle.
31:55Okay, I feel safer.
31:57But Andy...
31:59Yeah, chained around the axle.
32:02...Also wants to rig for the next move
32:06by having Bob hooked to the rear with his 35-ton.
32:11Okay, tighten it.
32:13So we can slide it like a slingshot up sideways
32:17so it can sit on the rope.
32:24Both wreckers now on the tractor.
32:29Andy and Bob go for broke.
32:36I don't care if I'm here till midnight, man.
32:38I'm doing it.
32:43Boom up.
32:45Boom up.
32:53It's coming up perfect.
32:59Look at that.
33:01Right along the road.
33:05Yeah, I'm right here.
33:07Andy, he knows his stuff.
33:11The tractor is finally out of the way.
33:15The trailers are going to be the hardest part.
33:18But the trailers still need to be cleared.
33:22The amount of logs could cause a few extra challenges.
33:26Kind of jammed everything together there.
33:30I think this is going to be a big pull.
33:34It's getting colder.
33:36At the doorstep to the Rocky Mountains...
33:41Get your chains out.
33:46I'm just going to go get my gloves, okay?
33:48It's training day...
33:50Do you have more gloves?
33:51...for Jamie Davis' daughter, Alexis.
33:54I don't. I just got mine. See what's in the tractor.
33:57I'm switching right into teacher mode.
34:00He's starting her out in LR19.
34:03Okay. You're good to go?
34:07You've got to be trained, and you've got to take baby steps
34:10before you get into this in a big way.
34:14Just don't drive too fast.
34:16I'm going the speed line.
34:18I just got my driver's license three months ago,
34:21and now I'm 10.
34:23Today is Alexis' first time on a tractor.
34:27Today is Alexis' first time in the driver's seat.
34:32For a young girl to be driving a ton-and-a-half truck
34:35with a plow on the front, she's acquiring skills
34:38that a lot of kids her age wouldn't even understand.
34:442K over speed limit.
34:48He can't fire me, right?
34:50That's probably the best part of working with him.
34:54I'm just going to hang a left down that way.
34:57They arrive.
34:59And then back up to the front of that car.
35:01At her first job.
35:03I want to stand back.
35:05All I need to do here is supervise.
35:08I'm taking it easy. You know, I have my head down.
35:10I'm just trying to learn.
35:12Suck it in.
35:16That don't sound right.
35:18No? Okay, let's go take it out on the road.
35:23I'm driving out of the driveway,
35:25so we can test it on the road to see if it's just the snow
35:28or if it's just not working.
35:30Pulling onto the pavement.
35:33It's clear the truck's rear axles aren't cooperating.
35:38Okay, park. You have to dolly it.
35:40Sometimes you get to a job and the wheels are bent
35:43or the transmission's locked up.
35:45There's all kinds of times when you would need
35:47to put the dollies on the vehicle in order to make the tow.
35:51I'm going to show you a trick.
35:52See this? You lift one hand like this.
35:57That's what you do.
35:59I'm having a great time working with my father right now.
36:04So I put it to spawn mode.
36:07As her dad, it's important for me to be there
36:10to teach her what could happen so that she gets it.
36:14Now the hard part comes.
36:16Hard part?
36:17Because now you're lifting up the whole car.
36:19Okay, take that and run with it.
36:21Get a run into it.
36:22You throw your whole body into it like hockey.
36:24You did it. See?
36:26She's handling it like a pro.
36:28Her first dolly tow.
36:30This is my first time towing something on dollies.
36:34Will be a six-kilometre drive.
36:36Okay, let's go.
36:40Back to the yard.
36:44You just drive nice and easy.
37:02425 kilometres southwest.
37:05Logs in there like acres.
37:08Team Reliable sizes up V-Train trailers
37:12100 feet down the bank.
37:15I think this is going to be a big pull.
37:17These trailers are not going to be easy to come up
37:20because the logs are everywhere and everywhere.
37:27Early yesterday,
37:30the lumber V-Train...
37:38rolled 100 feet down a steep embankment.
37:51Kalen moves the last of the logs,
37:54blocking the pull.
38:00We're going to rake the trailers
38:02to bring them up, both together.
38:08With Bob's 35-tonne on the front...
38:17Andy's 50-tonne hooks to the middle.
38:22All right.
38:24Start pulling.
38:41It's binding, eh?
38:43But now they're pulling.
38:46That's the logs are doing it.
38:48Through a log jam.
38:52Logs are everywhere,
38:54binding up in the wheels, the frame.
39:00Something's going to hold it,
39:02and then you break a cable.
39:04Hey! Hey, Bob!
39:06We're rolling over.
39:12They're still working away.
39:14Four kilometres up a logging road...
39:17Hey! Hey, Bob!
39:20Team Reliable is in a tug-of-war...
39:24We're rolling over!
39:28...with the final pieces...
39:30Come in!
39:33...of a V-Train recovery.
39:38As we're bringing it up,
39:40some of the logs are getting a little tangled in.
39:43But Andy's big 50-tonne...
39:50...and Bob's 35-tonne...
39:56...power through the obstacles.
39:58We're going to get her done.
40:00I ain't going to get defeated twice.
40:12Finally, the trailers...
40:20...break free.
40:26OK, hold on.
40:29Let's take this and go low.
40:35A line from Andy's heavy
40:37is re-rigged...
40:41...to the rear trailer.
40:46Come on, pull!
40:53There we go.
40:57And the two-day job...
41:02Hey, stop!
41:04...comes to a close.
41:07That's how it's supposed to go.
41:10I feel great. Thank you, Andy.
41:12Good job.
41:14It's a victory for the industry vet...
41:18I defeated you, Lou.
41:22...and newest operator.
41:24I learned quite a bit.
41:26That should work.
41:28My message to my employees is that, you know,
41:30recognize when you have that challenge
41:32that you might need some help.
41:34Don't be afraid to ask for help.
41:39Definitely a win for Team Reliable.
41:42Everybody's happy at the end of the day.
41:44It's a good day.
41:49Yes, that's an awesome job. Thank you.
41:54To the northeast...
41:57Alexis and her first tow on dollies...
42:00Come on back.
42:04...make it to the yard.
42:06This job went well.
42:08I'm getting the hang of it more.
42:10I had a great time with my father today.
42:12Keep going.
42:14She's sucking everything up like a sponge.
42:18It's kind of an amazing thing.
42:20Here's this tiny little girl
42:22just getting into it and doing it.
42:24See, she just did that like a pro.
42:26I was the same.
42:28At 16 years old, I was driving my dad's truck.
42:30It makes me pretty happy.
42:32OK, then. That's good.
42:34I had kind of a tear in my eye when I...
42:38Here's your...
42:40Here's your end on the end.
42:44I got, I think, $50 from that.
42:46Let's go and have a coffee.
42:48All right.
42:50Alexis is working in the trucks,
42:52going out on jobs.
42:54She's just hounding me day and night
42:56to help her figure things out and do training.
42:58And, you know, she's doing a pretty damn good job.
43:00Next time on Highway Through Hell...
43:06That's not good.
43:08And burn.
43:10I got to put it out.
43:12Reliable takes a hit.
43:14Accident northbound.
43:18Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
43:20Inches from disaster.
43:22You just see how tight space this is.
43:24And Jamie...
43:26Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
43:28Quiet mode.
43:30Heads off road.
43:32I feel like I'm going to wipe out already.
