00:30I've got an itchy eye, I've got an itchy eye.
00:41Hang on, hang on.
00:42I've got a little treat for you.
00:43Fair enough.
00:44Oh, God!
00:54That's horrible.
01:08I looked in that mirror and it was mad.
01:11How did they get a T-shirt?
01:13The same T-shirt.
01:20How are they doing that?
01:21That's so horrible.
01:22Wow, she's doing well there, isn't she?
01:28What I will say is I look lovely with blue eyes.
01:33It's actually quite horrifying and quite...
01:50Thank you for that experience.
01:55Somehow, it didn't catch me out, but then it did freak me out a bit.
02:04Do you know, I was cast in the original Game of Thrones prequel.
02:13What happened?
02:14I was, like, an 11-foot troll.
02:15What about that?
02:16It was written by Jonathan Ross's wife.
02:17I just saw half of your fanny flap.
02:18Oh, Daisy's in trouble.
02:19What's she doing with her face?
02:20She's flashing.
02:21I think she was flashing at Judy.
02:22She sort of opened her dress a bit at her.
02:23Oh, my God.
02:24Oh, my God.
02:25Oh, my God.
02:26Oh, my God.
02:27Oh, my God.
02:28Oh, my God.
02:29Oh, my God.
02:30Oh, my God.
02:31Oh, my God.
02:32Oh, my God.
02:33Oh, my God.
02:34I think she just opened her dress a bit at her.
02:35I think she just opened her dress a bit at her.
02:37I saw things that I didn't think I would see.
02:40I was really struggling through that one.
02:44Are you all right, Daisy?
02:51No, I'm fine.
02:55Do you think everyone would benefit from acting training?
03:00Honestly, I think you can either do it or you can't I don't think there's any sort of
03:05Right training that makes you any good. That's not great news for Radha. I
03:14Watched a thing the other day. Mm-hmm
03:17That said that the way the Sphinx is
03:21eroding yes
03:23Means that it's far earlier than the than the Egypt the Egyptians aren't the people that made
03:30Yes, would you agree with that on that evidence without a doubt?
03:41She's bitten off more than she can chew here I was on a plane to Greece the other day and
03:49There's a fly trapped in a cabin and I thought this fly when we get out isn't even gonna
03:58the trip
04:01It'll fly out
04:04Could be anywhere I
04:06Thought what a waste and that I was flooded with melancholy. She's got control of
04:12He's an assassin do you like to go on holiday? Yes, okay
04:19That's all I wanted to know
04:29Okay, it's time for a joker motion who do you want to see Harriet Kelmsley, okay
04:41Hi, Bob could Harriet good locker room and play her joke. Would that be okay? Yes, of course. Thank you, Jimmy
04:49Harriet could you go to your locker and do your joker?
04:59Oh God, oh, where's Apple I need to cut an apple
05:05Judy when the bell rings it doesn't mean go to the fridge you get an apple. It means go and sit down
05:11I'm worried about what Harriet's gonna do and you think Apple might help it does
05:16When you were on yeah, but two massive things you like wait Marlon Brando, you know
05:20Okay, it's the Apple technique. Yeah, that should be outlawed
05:26Tips of the trade that's a lot of laughs on that plate. I'm hoping
05:32Sometimes it's the silly things that can get you
05:49My god
05:53There's a fire in my pants and for once it's not the clap
06:02This is loose humor through and through as well lose in trouble you're under arrest
06:10They're being too
06:16What if there's children watching this is so erotic
06:46Girl how much children have you got that? You've got so many burn knickers on
06:56Not the shin this music you very I go to strip clubs a lot you never hear this. Yeah, it's a shame
07:16Harry okay, very close to me and the closeness is one of those things that does tend to make you want to laugh
07:25Nice and clean no wounds
07:35I think I might know what's happening
07:47She's reloading should we call it a lady cave? I don't know what to call it
07:58That's good, well, that's really good
08:03Don't Bob get up a rally try and get it back in
08:14Mean your pussy ball just hit me on my shoulder
08:18When the ping-pong ball start coming out that was tough. Judy. Love said
08:23ping-pong pussy shoulder ball I
08:27Mean it doesn't help how did this show get to this stage?
08:30You want to go?
08:32I'm gonna go I'm gonna go short. It's a tight squeeze
08:36If that hits him in the head, I'm gone
08:38I've done my shoulder
08:54The first time you've seen how it do that act guys second for me is it yeah, so I've seen I do it dressed
09:00Yes, I'm yeah
09:05Bob do ping-pong
09:07Not anymore. No, I what happened. This is the heart because I'm furious when I'm doing it
09:21Can do this
09:26You like that
09:28It's an unusual thing
09:31Why is that funny but it is so stupid
09:42Rob do you want to see my party trick? No, okay. I respect that
09:47Half of them don't even have a yellow card yet. So I'm gonna I'll mix it up. I'll give him a task. Okay
09:57Hello everyone, the fruit machine is now available for inspiration
10:00Can one of you pull the lever and everyone have a go at what machine prompts
10:18Impersonate a plier
10:23Okay, I'll impersonate Richard I'm yeah somebody I'll impersonate
10:30Don't touch me. Don't touch
10:33The backwards walk-ins good
10:35that he
10:36Yeah, I've got no more than that. Really. I couldn't do the impressions because my face would relax and then I'll be out
10:43You're gonna do pressure me. Yeah
10:45Alice robbed it Rob. No, I can do it Rob goes a bit quick. It goes quick
10:51Yeah, I ain't done a fucking arena it's done podcast and stuff but that's right keeping it real I don't remain
11:02She's bloody nailed it
11:06That's very good, it's very nice
11:10I'm not blind. Why have you got glasses in for me?
11:19Can I do a song for you day, it's my own music
11:23Yes, we want a song
11:25I brought along my song to sing for some reason of by that time. I've focused in on Daisy
11:30I don't really want a song. I grew up watching shooting star
11:35That was like my favorite TV show as a kid. His humor is guaranteed to make me laugh and I don't stand a fucking chance
11:45Yeah, oh
11:47Not at me. Would you like a song? I should love a song. I think you'd like the song Daisy
11:53Why do I have to have the song
11:58No, I'm not leaving I'm just standing I saw I'm more comfortable stood up listening to it
12:04Well, I'll sit opposite you over there if you want
12:07Can you can every can everyone listen to this? No, it's for you Daisy. Oh, this isn't fair
12:13Yeah, fuck it do it
12:16Do your worst?
12:17Will you listen to it?
12:21I don't want well now you're going I know she stole it for time
12:26I don't have you never received the song before
12:29It's easy. You just listen
12:33Daisy if you could go and sit opposite Bob and receive your song now
12:42Well, if you're gonna be like that I won't sing it with passion
12:50You want it with coffee or without coffee Daisy, I don't know this is with coffee, right?
12:58What do you reckon?
13:01You know answering me
13:04I'll take that as a without coffee without coffee, please. She took it without coffee
13:09I think and I was grateful because I didn't know the lyrics
13:12Why won't you look at me?
13:17Do two songs if you're not careful, honestly, I will I cannot wait for this
13:28Slender people fit through gaps and slender men look sweet in fucking slacks
13:35Slender ladies can kick you in the head and slender people take up rest looming bed
13:43Raspberry jam is nice, but it's full of bloody pips
13:47Lemon curd is tasty, but put chinches on your hips
13:51Pate spreads quite easily, but it tastes of cigarettes
13:54Tomorrow I shall kill again this time in Dungeness. Yes
13:59not bothered I
14:06Mean that's torture that's like being tortured. All right, they see you've asked for it
14:18Lanky bastards are not bothered by offense and lanky people are great at self-defense
14:26Lanky fellas can pluck doggie bags from a tree and long-legged lasses can adjust your aerial for free
14:33Low flat yogurts healthy, but it tastes of willow bark
14:37Feta cheese is cubable, but no tastier than quark
14:41Cottage cheese is flowable, but then so is engine oil tomorrow. I will kill again this time in Donegal
14:54Right, fuck you Daisy you have another
14:59One traffic cops eat burgers in their cars and traffic coppers trousers get shiny on the ass
15:08Traffic coppers don't have to wear a hat. So tell me Geoffrey Chaucer. What do you think of that?
15:16Gallicans are ponderous and often cheat at whisk
15:20Budgerigars are chirpy, but so often they are pissed and turkeys make a racket if you penetrate their pen
15:27Tomorrow I shall kill again, but I won't tell you where and when yes
15:35Well done Daisy
15:38That's all it was Daisy
15:42There's quite a bit of information in there Daisy, but I don't think you took it in
15:47That nearly killed me. I had to think of some really dark stuff. I had to think about my granddad's funeral to get through that
15:57Bob hello, I really liked your song
16:00So I'm gonna reward you with the immunity hat now the immunity hat will be in the hatch
16:08While you wear it you are allowed to laugh as much as you like
16:14That's a good twist, oh my god
16:24There's no idea what hatches
16:33Bob I'd love to see you laugh as well. I'd love to see you laugh. I might stay away from you though because it is infectious
16:43I was so pleased when I got it. I was so chuffed
16:46It was very liberating just for those first 15 seconds to be able to laugh
16:50I thought for I thought maybe I should just start laughing the head off see if it could become infectious
16:56Get rid of everyone
16:59My kids have written me some jokes, I don't know if anyone wants to hear
17:04What does a cat have for breakfast
17:07mice krispies
17:09Actually didn't either didn't yeah your kids are shared jokes. They're not great. What did one plate say to the other one?
17:15Hello dinners on me. I
17:18Hate you don't understand. Okay. All right. What did the elephant say to the zebra?
17:23Fuck off you stripy prick
17:27Your kids right that did then it's quite aggressive wasn't it knock-knock
17:32Yes, who's there? Go away doctor who the one who says Nan's dying?
17:38Not again
17:43Okay, I think it's time to throw in a surprise I've invited mr. Swallow to pay a visit mr. Swallow
17:50Oh my god. Good luck
18:00My god
18:06Absolutely boiling no, it's really who's warm I can never be I can hear it be absolutely boiling in there
18:12Ain't it come and get around sit on here, please. Thank you very much. Oh my god
18:17Absolutely roasting who's hot who's hot who's hot who's hot who's hot?
18:27This place looks like all of the bonus to be like the bonus meets Toby Cadbury and neither of whom I've met and
18:34So look, I've been told and you know, not to worry if it looks like nobody's laughing and just to treat it
18:40Like any other gig and so I'm gonna be doing some psychic readings and so on on you all so I'm gonna be calling you
18:45Up over individually. Can we get these open, please? Thank you very much. Mr. Swallow
18:48I don't know what he does with his face, but he's able to contort his face to look like he's having sort of tantric sex
18:56not a lot of people know this by myself have been blessed with then two boys and a girl and
19:01all of which we're having to homeschool because they are in
19:05Not celiac. What's the other one?
19:11Do you want to pop up here love and and then just take a seat here. Thank you very much
19:19I'm getting a very very
19:21Immediately strong sense that you recently been to lush. Is that right?
19:28Okay, and if I could ask you to open your eyes
19:30Very much. There you go. Love that. So look I want you to concentrate. I'm just picking up. I'm getting
19:38Don't tell me okay Aries
19:45Gemini Leo Pisces Scorpio
19:52Taurus Virgo, I
19:54Don't think there any left Sagittarius Sagittarius. See you that's yes, right. I'll do it back for us. That's elimination
20:03See could I sit you pop up as well. Thank you so much Daisy. You come love. I think Daisy's losing stamina
20:11She she was she was favorite. I think now look
20:14I don't know if you're familiar with a Ouija at all and whether you've ever done one of these
20:18But I would just like us to do a very quick Ouija if that's okay. Yeah
20:22If you just pop two fingers on that sign, I'll just take these and you just could just go with it. There we go
20:26So first of all, we just need to calibrate the board. Okay, so I'm just gonna ask the spirit to spell guacamole
20:34Calibrate the board is fabulous spirit. Can you spell guacamole and instantly it's going
20:43Know it won't spell guacamole
20:45Okay, but do you have a particular question in life or in work or anything that you'd like to ask the spirit?
20:50Will I win an Oscar and do you want to give a time frame on it?
20:552026 all right. Well, that's not long. I'd have thought you'd be filming that now if you're gonna win an Oscar in 2026
21:07We're gonna ask spirit do we think that you're gonna win an Oscar in 2026 Oh whatever so I
21:21Yeah, I don't know don't know it's a waste of time on it I
21:29Found it really hard not to laugh
21:31Doing the Ouija board especially because I could feel how strongly he was pushing it and now a Harriet
21:38What have I got for you? Yeah, it's a goner. I
21:41Find it. Mr
21:42Swallow was really funny and is comedy can just be a bit bit surprising
21:46It just comes out of nowhere and that is the thing that you have to watch out for and that is why you can never
21:51So Harriet, I'd like to play a game of rock-paper-scissors with you if that's all right
21:55And it's just gonna be really straightforward, okay, so we're gonna do one two three and then and then the symbol, okay
22:01So rock-paper-scissors, okay, so you ready? Okay. Here we go
22:05One two three
22:07What's you doing it with both?
22:15You can't double fist it Harry it's a one-fist game. Yeah
22:19We'll try it again. Here we go. Okay, so I forgot
22:24God she's on them. She's on the cusp. Do you want me to remind you the rule? So that's rock. That's paper. That's scissors
22:30Okay, rock beats scissors
22:35I just I feel you look really relaxed and comfortable up there. Okay
22:45It's just a cough, okay, here we go. You're right Harriet because we do need to crack on. Okay ready?
22:49Okay, so we're gonna do rock-paper-scissors, here we go one hand one two three go what's that
22:57Why are you doing it with but like bang on there it's just one in it
23:05That's a breakdown
23:14Who do you think that was? Yeah
23:19I was trying to play rock-paper-scissors and not laugh at the same time
23:23But I couldn't do those same things at the same time that it was just it was too much for me. I broke doors
23:31Jimmy oh
23:33God Jimmy, here we go. You've done it now. Hurry it. Let's have a look
23:36Let's see if it was because it maybe it was a cough. I will take this back. I'm very willing to take it back
23:41We should check it won't be the cough one hand one two three go. What's that?
23:49Why are you doing it with but like bang on there it's just one in it
23:53Okay. Okay. Yeah, I'll take that. Thank you
24:02That was good though
24:03Harriet also, it's good to get out your sister to get it out. Yeah, I just couldn't he's gonna take Bob's helmet off
24:10And then we lock the doors and Jimmy's in there and they get to strip. Yeah, I might hit red
24:14And then go Jimmy you're locked in
24:18Say are you like it you bastard? Yeah
24:20Did you enjoy that? Yes very much. Thank you. You could laugh during that. I'm afraid the immunity has ceased. It has ceased
24:27Yes, I'm gonna have to it was nice. Thank you, Jimmy. Okay, I'm gonna restart the game. Oh
24:36So Harriet gets a yellow card
24:38Sadly the kids game rock-paper-scissors was just a little bit too complicated for her
24:44Should we restart the game? Can I press it? Uh, yeah, great. I'm impressed
24:51Thank you
24:54I would love a coffee
24:58Yeah, if that's all right water can the water be absolutely like boiling hot possibly I
25:05Wanted to make everyone a cup of tea or coffee
25:07To find out who said please and thank you and then log in so that when I meet other comedians
25:13I can slack them off
25:15You can't laugh, but it's a lovely life in there. It is whereas in here this in Jimmy's. Oh, we can't have a piss palace
25:25I'm just gonna stretch out my hands. Here we go
25:29He's got like clown shoes on what I'm right here like crusty the clown
25:35Your feet aren't don't fill that shoe. Yes, they do
25:38What are you talking about that toes broken because I was fighting a lizard in Greece
25:42What you mean what happened?
25:45I was in the room. I was just reading some Goethe look to the right lizard comes in the door big
25:54That big I give it one of those right
26:00Clock it and it darts underneath the sofa. I'm in a primal state of fear. I
26:06Leap off the sofa and I kick the sofa. The hotel room is very cheap and that sofa is like a block and
26:15I have to start it out. I didn't want to go to a knee
26:17You didn't have to mention it. You're reading Goethe. Yeah
26:23That's where he's trying to trip me up
26:25And as well the way you described that you did fight the lizards
26:29You didn't really the lizard didn't touch you you kick kick the sofa
26:32We skirmished and the fact that we didn't engage in a
26:36Fact that there wasn't contact does not mean it wasn't a fight. I
26:46Was sneeze or coughers really sick coffee and it just felt like my eye popped
26:52It felt like it just pushed out too much. Yeah. Oh my god
26:58Horrible and what did they say? They said your eyes are just big
27:10Think we need to see Judy cloud Joker
27:17Hello, oh hi, could you ask Judy to get ready for her Joker, please? Yeah, okay
27:27Judy it's
27:29Joker time. Oh
27:31Christ good luck my darling. Oh, no, actually not no luck. Okay, not wait cannot wait
27:37No, Judy. Love is someone that you don't want to look at too long if you don't want to laugh
27:41No, these are all contenders now everyone sort of got into there. Yeah, they're incredible players
27:47Yeah, all the shit people have gone
27:50No offense to all of you, but yeah
27:55Here we go
27:59Hello hello
28:00And I thought that you know as a team we need something to just warm our spirits
28:06So I today want to give you a fashion show
28:14And first we have Chico not Chico from X Factor, but Chico
28:29Yes, well come be dumbledore for fuck's sake
28:32Here comes your treat your bastard. This is my perfect sense of humor
28:37DMC's unbreakable. So you then
28:43We can take him down if we all try I'm sure of it. Whoa mysterious girl