• 21 hours ago


00:00Mr. T and Rowdy Roddy Piper nose-to-nose in the center of the ring Mr. T
00:09Series point of contention
00:12Describing Roddy Piper how about wild card?
00:17Renegade main event or all day long
00:22And then there's the definition of pop culture icon
00:30Mr. T was huge at that time
00:37Okay, I'm gonna bring
00:39Roddy Piper wasn't a guy that anything was given to him
00:42He hated the act of someone coming into the business and getting it handed to them
00:46You're looking at someone that will take your life
00:50Everything he had worked so hard from a young teen. It just couldn't be taken down by some actor walking in the ring
00:57If you bring me somebody outside our business, I'm gonna eat his lunch
01:03They didn't know that I knew my stuff. This is for real. I can hold my own. I wasn't a powerpuff
01:09There was so much animosity. There was no love in that ring
01:22Have a nice day
01:28I am coming to end your career
01:31I don't know how much more personal it can get when two legends collide the rivalry stays pinned in our minds forever
01:41This is where we break down the legendary stories behind the greatest rivalries of all time
01:47I'm Gabriel Iglesias, and this is
01:51WWE rivals
01:57Roddy Roddy Piper
02:01Roddy Roddy Piper versus mr. T
02:05Having celebrities coming in to be part of this world
02:09Wasn't always so welcoming and Piper I felt was one of those guys who was just old school
02:15And it just needed to be the people that needed to be there
02:18Not someone else coming in to maybe take the limelight away from those that worked so hard to be there
02:25I think the biggest thing with Roddy Piper is he felt that he wasn't really respected or
02:30Appreciated by by mr. T in some sort of way because I can't see Roddy Piper just hating mr. D. I can
02:46There is that thing of him wanting to protect the business and as far as the celebrity being in the ring
02:53Right, I think that's what bothered Roddy. He felt it was an urn
03:00I didn't know Roddy Piper very well, but I met him a few times
03:03It seemed to me like he had a chip on his shoulder
03:07Absolutely about how good he was how he thought people should give him more credit for how good he was and you know
03:12And then you know, mr. T is kind of a tough guy
03:15Not tougher than me
03:18Piper just didn't like it just plain it flat-out did not like it
03:23Just never liked him from day one
03:29Roddy was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
03:33It was a hard upbringing
03:35He always kind of felt like he was an afterthought in his family is what he would tell me not a lot of hugs
03:43Not a lot of verbal. I love yous. I
03:46Left home when I was 13. I lived on the street for two years
03:50so I had a lot of
03:56Love abandonment issues
04:01I was angry and I was lost
04:05About this time was also when he was visiting youth hostels and going to gyms to work out and a
04:12owner of the gym and promoters there saw that he had something and
04:17He fell into wrestling and the right people saw him and said hey son you want to do this and and he did
04:26And it just rolled and rolled and rolled because he put everything into it like he does with everything
04:32I'm so fortunate to have wrestling and the way it evolved if it hadn't I
04:37Would have been dead. There's no doubt about it
04:43Who I am in a nutshell, I got seven brothers and four sisters living on the south side of Chicago
04:48welfare food stamps
04:50My mother had to knock on the neighbors door to borrow a quarter of 50 cent so I can have something to eat when I go
04:56to school
04:57She would knock on miss Johnson door said miss Johnson. I hate to bother you, but could you loan me a quarter of 50 cent?
05:03I'll give it back to you with my welfare check calm. I want to give it to my kids
05:09Like Roddy Piper, mr. T had to find his own way and the tough part of Chicago
05:15He had to fight to avoid falling into all of the traps
05:21Wrestling that's what kept me away from the crime and drugs and all of the stuff. I was a couple years in high school wrestling champ
05:28One time Muhammad Ali visit the school. He got on the public address system
05:32He said I want the baddest kid in school
05:34To meet me in the gym room and the baddest kid out here. His name is T the wrestling champ
05:40Muhammad Ali my childhood hero
05:43So that's my first wrestling experience
05:46After high school, I was a bodyguard and a boxer and a bouncer to disco
05:51I had a reputation, you know being the tough bodyguard the bouncer and that's who I am
05:57at the same time
05:59NBC had this contest
06:02They want to find out who's the toughest bouncer in America
06:06So I get to the contest on NBC and all of a sudden here's this colorful character
06:11And he comes across like a genuine badass and then you never know who's watching, right?
06:18Sylvester Stallone
06:20He goes to one of the biggest movie franchises in the history of America and being a toe-to-toe
06:27Legitimate rival to Rocky Balboa, you know, you've got a big mouth, you know
06:35Mr. T was unlike
06:38Anything anyone had really seen when he burst on the pop culture scene in the 80s
06:44at the time mr. T's probably
06:47one of the most recognizable
06:52It just keep getting bigger. I was invited to the White House
06:56Kid from the ghetto get invited to the White House to meet the president Ronald Reagan his wife Nancy Reagan me Wow
07:11Roddy Piper in the mid 80s has
07:14Gone to WWE and you now have the top
07:18bad guy in the entire business
07:21Everything Roddy got in this business. He earned it and I don't think anyone did it like Roddy Piper
07:33My skills top 1%
07:40At that time
07:44Couldn't touch me
07:47Couldn't touch me
07:50During the 80s the wrestling business was changing you have just tuned in to the rock and wrestling connection right here on MTV
07:57It was a crazy time frame to see suddenly the biggest
08:04Celebrities in the world and you're seeing them with wrestlers
08:07I have a golden platinum record to give to the World Wrestling Federation and the fans
08:15WWE starts to become this pop culture thing. You gotta remember who without us. They're not
08:26Either way this became mainstream popular
08:29This was different like there was something really big going on like bigger than I ever imagined like this was huge
08:37And so for mr. T
08:40WWE would be a natural venue for that kind of personality without doubt
08:48WWE was trying to figure out who the key players were in pop culture
08:53Who were willing to play ball and also who made sense as a brand fit?
09:00We were watching the a-team
09:02We sure as heck we're watching Rocky 3 and there were big brains and big voices that said
09:07These are the eyeballs we need on our product. I
09:12Was in the Rocky movie and
09:15Mr. T had been a friend of mine from the movie
09:18We had a conversation one thing led to another and we got this whole new plan in motion
09:24You know, we said well we could do business with it. It was strictly business
09:29WWE was establishing what it was going to become it was saying this wrestling thing is great
09:36But if we add a more clear layer of just outright entertainment
09:42Then we have a spectacle
09:56Had a rivalry with Piper and the war to settle the score was a big blowoff between me and him
10:14His bodyguard his arm in a sling ace
10:18Cowboy Bob Orton. He had Orton. I had Cindy Lauper. I mean it was just crazy
10:24Cindy Lauper she was a female vocalist of the year that year that has nothing to do with business and it's stupid
10:31I mean 101 stupid
10:34Madison Square Garden will be ruthless
10:37Minutes from now, they'll blow the top off this joint
10:46Unforeseen circumstances work their way into the match Paul. Mr. Wonderful Orndorff Roddy Piper's flunky gets involved
11:06Guess who's sitting in the front row
11:12Cindy Lauper jumps in so then I think Orndorff or whatever they slapped her head off
11:18You know, did I say you can't do that to no lady?
11:28This is so good because T was a massive star then
11:31I mean, you're big as you get the time about as big as you possibly get and a legit tough guy and everybody knew it
11:38Mr. T on his feet
11:39Everyone's on their feet. So then I came up and I just I wasn't supposed to I just came up to T and slapped him hard
11:53All of a sudden a New York City policeman with a uniform and a gun is in the ring and there comes another one
12:01Like everybody that's not supposed to be in there is in there
12:05What's going on?
12:08Come back now
12:11It was a
12:13Little bit now cuz it's so old I think about it, you know, it was man of the Keystone Cops
12:23It was just wow
12:31As a result of a disqualification
12:51Love you, you know, I like ever since we did Rocky 3 man
12:54Then when I saw sitting around me, I just like to see a good match
12:56I like to go to wrestling but I don't like to see no stuff going on unfair when the guy hits in me
13:00I don't like that. I think that's a chump and a sissy gotta hit a lady, you know for mr
13:04T it was WWE's way to interject him, you know, you know
13:08Really high-profile main event way. Well, the way this guy holds this title is yes
13:12He has a stupid guy with some ridiculous haircut. If you like this geek, mr. T to come in
13:17I'll be glad to put an X where the T is. I don't really give a damn man, but shortly after that it was like crazy
13:29It's now official it will be Hulk Hogan mr. T against Rowdy Roddy Piper. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff, WrestleMania
13:37We're gonna be ready for these guys the Piper and Orndorff and whoever else he got the broken arm
13:42Mr. T came in and it was just like are you kidding me? It's Hollywood. It's WWE that that's happening together. This is like wow
13:51Piper was so entertaining in this the heat was supposed to be I feel like between Hogan and Piper
13:57But it really was more with Piper and mr. T
14:01You're looking at someone that will take you and make nothing of you will take your life
14:06And not even think twice about it. I
14:10Have been brought up old old school
14:13One of the rules is this
14:16If you bring me somebody outside our business, I'm gonna eat his lunch. I don't care who he is
14:23If I don't he's gonna come in laugh go haha and go back out and tell him what a bunch of baloney we all are
14:31Here you have Roddy Piper who has devoted time energy
14:37Sacrifice to this craft and then there's the definition of the gatecrasher. Mr. T
14:45Who is he?
14:48This Hollywood guys coming in to our business and you feel this human nature need to try to
14:54Protect it or insulate it from the outside. This is this thing. I love I don't want people to ruin it or disrespect
15:08You see this sport saved my life
15:13Literally and it gave me a family
15:17That I didn't have I
15:20Was protecting every one of those people I was protecting the entire business for everybody
15:28Mr. T. We're supposed to call him. Mr. You rubbing me. You knew that that heat was real. I remember this interview where
15:36Roddy Piper approached. Mr. T who was on the set?
15:40Well here I am on the a-team. Of course, I'm creeping up on the back of mr. T
15:45I can tell you that because it's got it written right here on the back of your chair. Mr. T. He's telling mr. T
15:51What is it like to portray?
15:54someone like me a
15:57Badass, how does it feel to be portraying someone like myself? Well, you ain't nothing man. Oh
16:03You can see the two of them getting in each other's face Cindy lava
16:07She happened to be my friend look all yourself tough cuz you you can punch on a lady here
16:11You are you shave their head on both sides. She dies her orange what you're doing is you're supporting all these wonderful children
16:18It's not how can they look up to you?
16:20With you looking like that. We're with long hair the children of American today must be sick
16:29I have felt a tension of Piper that wasn't scripted. You know, you mess with me T
16:35I'll put an X on your name brother as a wrestling fan back then I couldn't wait for mr. T to get in the ring
16:51The barbaric mindset of Piper and Orndorff, he's an actor. He's not a wrestler. We're just gonna break his legs
17:07Guys please you guys cannot hurting break his leg knock his teeth out
17:14I'm a street guy. I'm a guy from other side of the tracks. I could hold my own. I wasn't a power
17:23And they didn't get it at first, you know just say he come in and make a mockery of our living
17:28So we're gonna try to brutalize him
17:29I guess they thought I was just some guy come in and not keep wrestling in a good light
17:34They didn't know that I used to really rattle in high school. They didn't know that I knew my stuff
17:46Mean cheat on the scene Paul Kogan. Mr. T. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff rowdy rowdy Piper
17:51Wrestlemania coming up here for a training session that I cannot believe
17:56That was the first rouse of mania I said I got to get ready this ain't no joke I said my reputation is on the line
18:05They have to find out that I wasn't just passing through wrestling that was legit I'm honored to be a part
18:10I'm honored to be with you guys
18:12I want to get a guy's day respect and they do are you ready? Let's do it. You're slowing me go
18:17Of course Roddy Piper. He's not looking at that. Only thing Piper sees is a guy coming in trying to perhaps
18:25Taking your spot
18:28You think in three miserable weeks you can get in good enough shape to take on us. All right, baby. All right
18:39You saw that they were taking this very seriously like he needed to be in peak condition because
18:45Especially if somebody's not a trained professional wrestler
18:49That's where things can really go awry
18:51But you also understand the historical significance of this first WrestleMania. This thing doesn't work
18:56There's not WrestleMania to maybe not even WWE anymore. That's right
19:02Yes, we went into WrestleMania one
19:04I remember there was a fear that the whole company was gonna go bust
19:07Like WrestleMania one would be the one big show and it's a big flop and it kind of kills the whole business
19:14The whole lives were on one. This is what's either gonna make us or break us
19:19The whole world knows about this man
19:23That's why we were on every single show every single program the schedule is relentless March 31st WrestleMania
19:30Mr. T Hulk Hogan running wild daddy Hulkamania hypermania. We are the dream team the best thing that we happen to wrap
19:38To host Saturday Night Live was being anointed a very few celebrities reached that level about 12 hours from now
19:47Madison Square Garden
19:49You see Mr. T getting a lot of benefits and you're working just as hard and you're not getting as many benefits
19:57I think that there is some resentment
20:00It was personal
20:07When the very first WrestleMania came along hype was so high
20:13New York
20:14Madison Square Garden
20:16True it was electric tickets for Sunday's sold-out brawl at the garden have been going for as much as $100 a pop
20:23We were all excited about putting our best foot forward. This is our opportunity to gain some more momentum
20:29Everything was on the line that night at WrestleMania
20:32But then I get this crazy call
20:37Screaming. Oh, I was ready to have a nervous breakdown
20:47WrestleMania one Hulk Hogan and mr. T versus Roddy Piper and mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorfe
20:55It's such a big platform and of course, it's really setting the tone for for so many WrestleMania Chicago
21:02It's gonna be cuz at the time like you said was the first one and fans typically will it's hard to accept
21:08Someone from the outside and it's a big challenge for whoever the person is whatever
21:12However, biggest celebrity you might be
21:17In the day of WrestleMania I
21:20Get this crazy call screaming Hogan Hogan
21:25Mr. T is downstairs and he's leaving
21:29There's like a spiral drive up to the garden
21:31I went running down a spiral and right when I got there it was extra long white stretch limo
21:37Mr. T's got like 15 people. He's hurting her the car. We're out here. I'm done. I wrestled
21:43Mr. T was so hard to do business with even the day of the garden. Mr. T won two limousines from people
21:49Frank Sinatra doesn't but he doesn't he won't then I'll just leave you know doing that old
21:57He was looking for a reason not to get in the ring. Basically. He was getting cold feet. I wasn't surprised
22:07Eat my shorts I
22:10Stopped the limo driver. You're not going anywhere. I
22:18Said he's not getting out of my sight
22:21So I sat in a room with him for like three three and a half hours and man. He was just soul-searching
22:28There's a lot of distractions, you know, I'm trying to think about what I got to do. Everybody's gonna call me now
22:32It's all right. Just remember something practice. Oh, don't forget your mood that you're supposed to do concentrate on that
22:39Once we got out to the ring and that red light came on he was there
22:43Welcome everyone the wrestling extravaganza of all-time
22:50The first WrestleMania it was electric first of all because there was no game plan. There was no book
22:56Nobody knew how we were gonna get any
23:00This was just a mega event. It was all brand new. So it all seemed like a spectacle
23:05Billy Martin guest ring announcer one of the greatest baseball managers in history. You got Billy Martin there
23:12You got the Liberace and the Rockettes man. You got Muhammad Ali
23:21Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper
23:23This is the genesis of the first WrestleMania, but the real-life heat between Piper and team
23:29Look at the look on Piper's face one of disdain and disgust
23:33This felt even more dangerous
23:37Mr. T and Rowdy Roddy Piper nose-to-nose in the center of the ring
23:41Hulk Hogan said and watch that guy man
23:45He's really mad
23:52Slap me and I slap him back and he said don't hold back on me and I won't hold back on you
24:03Demanded that with T. The only thing I do is amateur wrestling because I heard he was an amateur wrestler
24:09Piper pushes their animosity was sucked and he told mr. T pick me up in a fireman's cat
24:17Piper's a total professional. He wanted the match to be memorable
24:26That was the photo that went all over the world
24:37Cowboy Bob Warden who's supposed to be Piper's bodyguard scampers up the ropes
24:44His intended target is Hulk Hogan and
24:49And he winds up hitting mr. Wonderful and it ends in the most chaotic fashion
25:01And mr. T
25:07The ending was for a lot of fans a bit unsatisfying
25:11There were a lot of different scenarios that were discussed for that match
25:17But there was no payoff
25:19For this whole rivalry between Roddy Piper and mr. T
25:24We're left hungry. We want to see what will ultimately happen when we do get Roddy
25:31Against T and so we set on a path where that happens just not
25:38Exactly in the way people thought it would
25:40Just when the WWF believes it knows all the answers the rowdy one changes the questions
25:47His latest bombshell is boxer Bob Orton Bob Orton, of course was like the ne'er-do-well
25:53bad-guy friend of Roddy Piper
26:02It's a funny thing the boxing match at a wrestling show
26:10But again, this was going to become something bigger
26:17Roddy Piper he starts issuing, you know open challenges who wants to get some of this
26:35Hogan shows up. Oh, it's not a boxer. But guess who is
26:47Mr. T
26:56Mr. T. Mr. T. If I could have your opinion
26:59What you want fool? Don't you see? I'm trying to work out trying to get ready
27:02You don't come in if you and if I wouldn't working out I get that microphone out my face
27:04Wait a minute. I just try to explain to our audience that you're gonna be putting on the gloves tonight against Bob Orton
27:11Hulk Hogan signs mr. T up and everybody goes crazy. Now. We have this match between cowboy Bob Barton and mr
27:19Boy made more sense. He was legit boxer
27:25We were going into a boxing match
27:28There's a element of danger there too. That's still a performance. But also this two physical worlds colliding
27:40Of course, mr. T we all saw you in Rocky 3 in Rocky 3 with just a movie but this is for real
27:52As they come to center ring now for tonight's 10-round matchup
27:59Now, okay, I'm gonna bring it
28:04Mr. T
28:06Obviously intentionally distracted referee and look what happened behind the referees back
28:25Mr. T knocks out cowboy Bob
28:31That leads to an altercation with Roddy Piper
28:46Wasn't expecting that there'll be some clean fight, but they're dirty. I thank you very much. He is. Mr
28:51T ladies and gentlemen, you heard what he said. He wants Rowdy Roddy Piper and that leads into
28:59WrestleMania 2
29:01Standing by on the set of the a-team in Los Angeles, California
29:05Right now, mr. T. That's right. All you wrestling fans out there
29:08You've seen what happened to me on Mars the first that's right. So that means it's gonna be mr. T and Piper in WrestleMania 2
29:16WrestleMania 2 in
29:191986 they pitted myself against mr. T in a boxing match. I
29:26Think the boxing thing plays for a couple of reasons we'd be remiss to not point out how big mr
29:33T's role was in rocky 3 you're tapping into this part of people's sort of collective
29:40Subconscious that's like I've seen mr. T be a badass boxer before
29:45at the same time
29:47Piper is more of a fighter than a technical wrestler himself
29:51Boxing is the perfect thing
29:56Roddy Piper is trained by Lou Duva a
30:01legendary figure in boxing
30:04What's the response for mr. T?
30:06I'm gonna get my help from Joe Frazier
30:10Who at the time is as iconic a figure in all of sports as anyone in the world?
30:21Both of those guys had that intensity that fight in them to go out there and
30:26Neither one of them was gonna back down
30:34Yeah, hope you can see this here Piper awareness little funny skirt that you've been wearing it's coming back to them about the rubber
30:41Chicken, this is a chicken because
30:46This fight I'll prove there's two things he can't do is act and fight
30:50I suppose we all know he can't act that's why there's nothing left to the a-team
30:54The a-team was starting to decline the show would be canceled later on in
31:001986 so he was kind of saying things that seemed to be a little bit true
31:07You know what? I'm talking to you because you've got more brains than Tina's
31:10I don't think it could have gotten as heated as it did without having some real friction
31:24There was so much bad blood I
31:26Didn't know what was gonna happen the moment of truth is right around the corner. Are you ready? Yeah, I'm ready for Piper
31:33Hope Piper's ready for me
31:50I say this to you. I say if mr. T can knock me out in this fight right here
31:56I would not only quit professional boxing. I would quit and retire professional wrestling. I would quit dating girls
32:09And Russell made you too now we box it first of all, let me tell you people out there
32:13So not my idea to be talking right before a big fight
32:16I don't like to do a lot of talking my fist gonna do the talking in the ring, you know
32:19We can talk all day. I don't know what I might do the pipe if I know it's gonna be getting hurt out there
32:26We have the gloves on
32:31We was punching and whatnot, so this what we're gonna do
32:35I remember Roddy Piper throwing the jab throwing the jab and Piper always it was always good with his hands
32:41And mr. T get hit one time. The first thing you're gonna do is fire back
32:49The whole notion that
32:52Anything can be completely and totally scripted is false
32:58They wanted me to do a particular spot that spot was
33:03Mr. T catches me with a left hook and I go out of the ring onto the floor. I
33:10Refused again to put him over
33:13But um, I said, okay just this spot
33:18So it's coming time for that spot
33:23I'm doing my job doing what I need to do. So I'm going bomb bomb bomb here comes the left
33:37The only thing is
33:40He missed
33:43He missed the left hook you idiot
33:51I'd rather you knock my teeth down my throat to hit me with a popcorn punch
34:01You idiot you idiot
34:05He's a real boxers don't know how to pull the punches, but that was never was my intention to hurt him or whatever, you know
34:19Know there's no playbook here, but it's a lot more serious than everybody's taking. I'm the only one in there. I
34:26Take the heat
34:30You know, I
34:32Not many guys
34:34They can hold the line
34:37Never a sailor was made on a calm sea
34:42And I was brought up in such a stormy weather
34:46That I you can't make me back up. You had to kill me
34:54Got this idiot. I'm trying to see what's going on. I don't know what he's gonna do. Nobody's telling me nothing nothing
35:03I was giving you my heart
35:08Serious point of contention
35:18Have to imagine that
35:21They had some semblance of an idea of how I was gonna go
35:23But it did anybody know what was actually going on here, you know, it's sort of seems like real chaos to some extent
35:32It can get dangerous in there if somebody doesn't know what they're doing
35:38Yeah, but there's also that like you never know what mr. T is capable of
35:43Over the corner
35:45There's no communication happened. So I'm in the ring going what do you want me to do with this guy?
35:54What if I just took him out
36:04We're getting a brown car
36:10I told you
36:13Okay, if I just take this guy out without telling him
36:19What am I gonna do? I got my business on my shoulders
36:23There's a lot of rules and we'll never get to them all to go in there and snake him. That's just as bad
36:31Round four they're going punch for roundhouse punch
36:35Clearly it doesn't look like a real boxing match. It actually resembles a real fight
36:48Roddy did not want to be beaten by an actor
36:53Everything he had worked so hard from a young teen was now
37:03Worldwide so this huge image he had built
37:09It just couldn't be taken down by some actor walking in the ring
37:16Piper just says, you know what? I'm done boxing and it's a little more physical
37:34Everyone jumps in the ring. It turns into complete chaos
37:42Ladies and gentlemen the decision as a result of a disqualification
37:47Mr. T
37:50Oh finally Piper disqualified and as no doubt Mr. Piper was bending and breaking the rules all the way through the matchup
37:59It's probably for me it's one of the matches I'm most ashamed of I think
38:07Should have taken them out
38:09This is not mr. T's fault. By the way, I don't care who you stick opposite of Piper on there
38:14You're not gonna have a good working boxing match to give a big payoff it just stuff like that just doesn't work
38:21Yeah, but while their match may not have been a five-star match
38:24They still I mean it just shows the drawing power of that rivalry that they had
38:29Here we are like how many years later and we're talking about it. So, how can you say that's not?
38:33Oh, it wasn't a good match. We're here talking to my brother like it's it's history
38:39and favorite memory
38:47The irony of the whole thing for two years
38:51Roddy Piper has done nothing but complain about outsider. Mr. T
38:58trespassing on the sacred
39:00wrestling business
39:02But wait a second. What does Roddy Piper end up doing? He goes
39:131987 a director asked me if I would star in his next movie. I
39:19Got two kids
39:21Another kid on the way. What do I do?
39:26I'll do a movie I
39:28Have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubble
39:35The stars coming from Hollywood coming in the wrestling. We're opposed to that but wrestlers going into Hollywood. That's cool
39:42Whether he ever actually sat down and wrote a handwritten. Thank-you note to mr. T to say mr
39:48T. Thank you for showing me the way to Hollywood
39:53Somehow I don't think that note was ever delivered
40:00With everything that transpired between these two guys
40:04you fast forward to WrestleMania 30 where mr. T gets inducted into the
40:11Hall of Fame whose speech are you looking most forward to tonight?
40:16Mr. T's, I'm glad that he's getting inducted in the celebrity war. That's good. I
40:23Am so happy to be here and to stand among the very best in wrestling
40:32A bunch of the original superstars that were in WrestleMania one were backstage, you know, so
40:3930 years of WrestleMania's we need to bury this hatchet right now be men about it Piper and
40:46Then mr. T offers his hand to Rodney Piper
41:08It showed that maybe there was finally this closure this ending this this piece
41:12I feel like it just came full circle for this moment for the two of them to finally put their
41:19Beefs at rest and have this moment
41:23Me and Piper. We just heard we shook hand and we talked we came together
41:29That day they bonded. It's the first time Piper's man. I'm sorry. I was a woman's teacher. I was preached
41:36I was too and I listened to the conversation. It was like two guys that actually really made friends and brothers at that time
41:47Roddy Piper versus mr. T we can easily call that the start of sports entertainment. It's the beginning of a path
41:58There's another world to go to and
42:01Mr. T's involvement that was a critical part of all of it
42:06And I think it opened the door for when the rest of the world crosses over with the business we love
42:15This business owes a lot to that rivalry between hot rod Roddy Piper and mr. T
42:21They did some special stuff together WrestleMania one and two were still huge moments and wrestling and that's something that even if you don't
42:28Really get along with whoever you're partnered with WrestleMania. It's a big moment to share with someone
42:36Their real-life animosity it helped, you know really sell that rivalry and set the tone for for WrestleMania's to come
42:43I don't know what I might do to pipe if I know he's gonna be getting hurt out there. It was just insane
42:47Nothing, but excitement electricity and it sure worked
42:52What a ride I can only say what a ride it was competitive and there was a whole
42:58Bunch of animosity. I'll be glad to put an X where the T is. I don't really give a damn man
43:03There's another day at the WWE