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Blizzard Brawl!
Match 1: The Rebellion vs. Close Personal Friends
Match 2: Ronnie Knocks vs. Kira Chimera


00:30Greetings, Grapple fans, and welcome to Blizzard Brawl 3 right here at the Falconwood Community Centre.
00:38I'm Rob Ringside, joined at the commentary station here by Clark Andrews.
00:41Grapple fans, please join me in welcoming my guests at this time, the number one contenders for the UKPW Tag Team Championship, The Rebellion.
00:50Rebellion, today you face CPF for the Tag Team titles. What's your strategy going into this match?
00:55Well, Kimmy, it's quite simple. We've wrestled CPF, the close personal friends, all up and down the country.
01:02Danny Black, Joe Lando, we've won some championships, they've won some championships.
01:07But today is a different day. Today is a fresh start, and for The Rebellion, Jack Torino, Taylor James,
01:14we are going to be walking out of Falconwood with the UKPW Tag Team Champions, and there's nothing he can do about it.
01:24Tell them, Tay.
01:25See, the thing is, we said this, we said this a few weeks ago, we are sick of waiting on the sidelines,
01:30we are sick of waiting for opportunities to come.
01:32So this year, 2024, we are taking every opportunity we are given, and we are running with it.
01:38We will leave this place as your new UKPW Tag Team Champions.
01:42And why is that, Tay?
01:44Because we're The Rebellion.
01:46And we will rise.
01:51Let's go, boy.
01:53Good luck, boys. Back to you at ringside.
01:56Here they are, Clark Andrews, Jack Torino, and Taylor James, The Rebellion.
02:01That's right, these are going to be some mighty fine challenges for those Tag Team titles.
02:07No argument there, Clark Andrews, I've seen both these competitors in singles action,
02:12and they are both formidable wrestlers in their own right.
02:15As a team, they are highly decorated and very, very experienced indeed.
02:21You're absolutely right there, Rob.
02:23But what, ringside, I have a question for you.
02:27I see, what is the question, Clark Andrews?
02:29Do you have some friends?
02:32Why do you keep bringing this up?
02:34Do you have some close, personal friends?
02:37No, I keep going, oh, right, sorry, I see what you're doing.
02:40Here they are, the close, personal friends, your UKPW Tag Team champions.
02:53Yes, indeed, close, personal friends in this occasion, being the Tag Team titles,
02:57being defended by the kid without fear, Danny Black, and just Joe Lando.
03:02Yeah, absolutely right there, Rob, ringside.
03:05And let's not forget how they won those titles.
03:08They won them at Tank Your It in August, right here in the Falconwood Community Centre,
03:13by defeating Westside Heat, and then Donners Plain and Artemis from the Meme Team.
03:18Absolutely, and these were the two individuals who picked up the victories in that occasion.
03:22This is the winning team as it were, and Maverick Mayhew obviously comes in.
03:27They successfully defended Danny Black and Maverick Mayhew against the Bryant Brothers
03:31in an incredible match effectively, which we were privileged enough to watch.
03:35And they've also defended against Charles Crowley and Alexis Falcon as a team.
03:39Let's not forget, of course, Danny Black, in addition to his current reign as a Tag Team champion,
03:44has also been UKPW Interregional Champion with a long reign under his belt.
03:50These individuals, speaking again of teams who are comprised of phenomenal individual wrestlers,
03:56you cannot discount the success and the abilities of the individuals inside CPM.
04:03You certainly can't, Rob Ringside. This one is going to be a certified banger.
04:09CPM! CPM!
04:12A crowd like CPF, who knew?
04:14They do.
04:15Who knew? Who could have guessed?
04:16Who knew?
04:17No one to tell you.
04:18I do believe that this crowd are close personal friends of Danny Black and Jolando.
04:24First, standing on my left, the challengers!
04:33From Stratford-on-Sea, they give a combined weight of 29.2 pounds.
04:42The team of the jail killer, Taylor James!
04:49The war rhino, Jack Torello!
04:55Together, they are the Rebellion!
05:06And standing on my right, first, from Peterborough, Cambridge,
05:13hoping to get a 10 score, seizing Jolando!
05:23On his tag team partner, from Lewisham, London, weighing 10 score, 10 pounds,
05:32he's the kid without fear, Danny Black!
05:39Together, they are the courage, reigning and defending
05:45United Kingdom Pro Wrestling Tag Team Champions!
05:51They are close personal friends, CPM!
06:02A crowd here, firmly behind CPF.
06:06I'm telling you now, Rob, if the Rebellion do pick up a victory here,
06:10there will be a Rebellion here at Falcon Woods.
06:12You're right about that, Clark Andrews. I think if they win, they're right.
06:19Taylor James and Jack Torello just eyeing up those championship belts.
06:22Will they leave them? We'll find out.
06:27The referee will soon ring the bell and then we'll be underway.
06:29And then we'll be perhaps a three count away.
06:44And we're away, tag team champions are on the line as Danny Black begins in the ring with Taylor James.
06:49Here we go, tag team titles on the line.
06:53CPF, the Rebellion, Danny Black, and they're just going to hook up just like that.
06:58Here we go.
07:01Taylor James just a little bit of a power advantage there, just working Danny Black into the corner.
07:21Looks like CPF sporting some new gear here off ringside.
07:25Those tag team titles must have been quite the pay-per-view.
07:28Absolutely, got to love some. I guess that's Sam.
07:31Difficult when you're wearing sunglasses.
07:35Behind Danny Black is a hometown hero here at Falcon Woods, Danny Black from nearby Lewisham.
07:40He absolutely is.
07:42He has brought all his close personal friends here into the Falcon Woods Community Centre.
07:47I think they do a good job of making people feel like close personal friends if they've never met him before.
07:51Definitely do, you're my close personal friend Rob ringside.
07:54I appreciate that Clark Andrews, likewise.
08:04This is a family show here.
08:08Once again they lock up to assert themselves.
08:11Taylor James picks up a slight advantage as he works Danny Black into a headlock.
08:16If he just holds him down the middle of the ring.
08:19Smart move but somebody hasn't let him quit because Danny Black, you want to do stuff like that.
08:26Showing the early power advantage here actually.
08:30Taylor James just taunting him with some horns.
08:34Black just ducks through.
08:36It's over.
08:38And again, oh, victory goal.
08:40That was almost a quick exit.
08:42Just a big kick, puts him in position for a standing somersault.
08:47And that's why he's the kid without fear.
08:49Danny Black will do anything in a UKPW ring.
08:53Absolutely, I wouldn't get a standing moonsault in the ring if you paid me.
08:56I couldn't even do a sitting down moonsault.
08:58No indeed, Joe Lando takes it.
09:00Roll up for it.
09:03Double shot.
09:05Big kick and a standing moonsault of his own.
09:09Has the cover.
09:11And two, almost.
09:13Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe.
09:17Bad chanting for Joe.
09:20Not from his nearby but still the left.
09:28Stomp to the foot.
09:30Oh, and a standing moonsault.
09:34Stomp to the foot.
09:36A stomp to the foot.
09:37A smack in the back.
09:38And here's Torino.
09:50Torino just whips Joe Lando off the ropes.
09:54Tries for the shoulder block but straight from Jay Torino there.
09:59Floats over.
10:01Concept flip.
10:02Oh, goes for a kick.
10:04Look at that.
10:05That is Joe Lando.
10:07What do you even call that?
10:10A sequence of impressive events.
10:13Or you could say liberty stick it would be proud.
10:14I'm going to call that the liberty flop flop.
10:17And the what?
10:19Quick kick out there.
10:21Nobody kicks.
10:22Nobody stays down.
10:26Torino just gets the tag off the back.
10:31Look at that.
10:32Impressive from Torino.
10:33Some athleticism of his own.
10:36Drop kicks.
10:37Danny Blake.
10:38Taylor James is the legal man.
10:39Comes in and just gives Joe Lando a foot to the face.
10:41As the Rebellion enjoy a little bit of isolation of Joe Lando.
10:47And a cover.
10:50A near kick out there.
10:52We almost had new tag team champions there.
10:54Very close indeed, Clark Andrews.
11:01Just launches Joe Lando into the corner there.
11:04Taylor James drawing a little bit of dominance.
11:10Clark trying to get Joe Lando back into this contest.
11:13Danny Blake trying to direct proceedings.
11:15Conduct the crowd like a choir.
11:19Rob Greenside.
11:20The crowd are firmly behind close personal friends.
11:23And it doesn't matter if you're firmly behind them or not.
11:27I got winded.
11:28What a chop there.
11:30Just measures him up for a big suplex.
11:33And just holds it in place.
11:36Look at that.
11:37Comes up.
11:38Must come down.
11:39Incredible strength from Taylor James.
11:41He's holding him aloft.
11:42And a two.
11:43Incredible to Joe Lando.
11:45That would have had some blood rushing to his head there.
11:48So Joe Lando, Danny Blake, tag team champions.
12:00The wrestlers you see on UKPW are trained professionals and should not be copied.
12:18UKPW is very dangerous.
12:21The show you're watching has been organized with great preparation
12:26and should not be attempted by anyone.
12:33Wrestling may look fun, but the hazards are real.
12:42No matter who you are, whatever you do, please do not try this at home, school or anywhere.
12:51But the Rebellion have the advantage right now.
13:02All of Joe Lando's close personal friends are firmly behind him here at the Falcon Hill Community Center.
13:11That's what's the CPF effect.
13:13Let's coin that.
13:14We'll make that a thing.
13:15That's not nice.
13:16He's done it.
13:18Whip Joe Lando to the corner there.
13:20He drives his back across those turnbuckles.
13:22As Toreno makes his way back into the contest.
13:25Ah, giving him just a taunt there.
13:28Lifts him up.
13:29Black suplex.
13:31Look at the power that he has on that.
13:33It's a one, two and a kick out.
13:35Toreno, make no mistake, he's a powerful, powerful wrestler.
13:40Huge amount of strength to play there.
13:42You're absolutely right there, Rob.
13:43It doesn't matter how many close personal friends you have.
13:46When you get picked up and you get slammed on the mat, it can sometimes be good night for you.
13:54Joe Lando looking to find a way back into this contest.
13:57Oh, beautiful dropkick from Toreno.
13:59Oh, look at that.
14:00One, two and a kick out there by Joe Lando.
14:03Really beautiful dropkick.
14:04Very well executed there by Jack Toreno.
14:07Joe Lando needs to make a tag here, but the Rebellion are keeping him in their corner.
14:12This is excellent tactics.
14:14Smart teamwork and antagonising Danny Black along with him.
14:19That's the kind of movement...
14:23Just a dropkick into that corner and a cover.
14:26Two and...
14:28Another kick out there by Joe Lando.
14:30Taylor Jones there calling out different numbers to the referee.
14:33Maybe a little bit of an attempt to confuse.
14:39Referee occupied with Danny Black in the corner.
14:41Meanwhile, the Rebellion can take advantage.
14:46Taylor Jones just giving Danny Black a piece of his mind.
14:51He's saying, don't cheat.
14:53But as we talked earlier...
14:55The crowd, yeah, the crowd picking up on there's been some cheating.
15:00I wonder what the law makes of that.
15:07Joe Lando just fighting with every ounce of strength he's got.
15:10Trying to work himself into a position of advantage.
15:12But Taylor Jones is equal to it.
15:14Sereno tags in.
15:17Just a pop-up.
15:19Just a pop-up chop to the back.
15:20That's a huge kick.
15:22And then just driving that lower body across the chest.
15:29Joe Lando still fighting.
15:31He is still fighting.
15:32But the Rebellion, this is excellent tag teamwork
15:35by the Rebellion.
15:36They are sticking to their corner.
15:38Making sure that Joe Lando cannot get that tag to Danny Black.
15:42Yes, indeed.
15:43Look at...
15:44Oh, this is not going to be good for Joe Lando.
15:46Jack Sereno just looking to stretch him out.
15:49Just planting his legs across the back of the legs.
15:53Just rocking him.
15:55Look at that.
15:56Oh, it's miserable.
15:58But we are surfing here in the Falconwood Community Center
16:02with this southpaw.
16:04Oh, that is just going to be agony for Joe Lando.
16:07Just planted to the canvas.
16:10Look at that.
16:11The shoulders just look raw.
16:14Just look at the redness on Joe Lando there.
16:17He's been chopped and kicked and just chopped,
16:21blocked and all sorts of things have happened to his back.
16:24None of them good.
16:26The Rebellion.
16:27Just whipping Taylor Jones for an extra little bit of added venom there.
16:29The Rebellion just taking their time here.
16:31They can do whatever they want right now.
16:39Crowds very much behind Lando on this one.
16:47Just stomping on the hands.
16:49Just trying to take away any leverage Joe Lando has.
16:53Stomps on the hand there.
16:55Of course, Joe Lando needs his hands for a lot of stuff in his high-flying mask.
17:00And hands are generally important.
17:02They certainly are there, Rob.
17:04Try whittling without them.
17:05It's really hard.
17:06Try showing two thumbs without them.
17:08Well, exactly.
17:13Oh, Jones just taunting Joe Lando with just kicks to the back of the head.
17:16But Joe Lando looks fired up by that.
17:19Looks like Joe Lando is getting a little bit irritated there.
17:22Might be a, might, might be an effort.
17:28Look at that by Joe.
17:29He's going to make the fight back here.
17:31Just antagonizing.
17:32Joe Lando gets you one of those.
17:34And Joe Lando has a chance to make a tag here.
17:37Toreno, legal man.
17:39And just been, oh, impressive from Toreno.
17:43Oh, big flip.
17:44Oh, look at that.
17:46And Toreno just reeling from that one.
17:49Joe Lando's got a chance to make a tag.
17:51Oh, no.
17:52We thought we were going to get the hot tag.
17:55But it's blizzard ball and it's gone cold.
17:58Smart move from Taylor James.
18:00Once again, isolating Joe Lando.
18:02And a powerbomb.
18:03Is that it, Rob?
18:04Could that be it?
18:05One, two.
18:06Oh, what a kick out there by Joe Lando.
18:08He's doing this.
18:10Referee with a two.
18:16Danny Black looking to recuperate in the corner there.
18:19And the crowd trying to see if they're trying to get both Lando and Danny Black into this contest again.
18:26Toreno looking to keep Joe Lando isolated to that corner.
18:31Makes the tag.
18:32Taylor James back in.
18:34Just holds him aloft.
18:35Just a punch to the gut.
18:38Oh, big kick to the back there.
18:41Once again.
18:42Look at the redness there of Lando.
18:44He has been worked over.
18:45He has been kicked, chopped, and slammed on the back.
18:50Measuring up for a double team maneuver here.
18:53Almost a powerbomb.
18:54But a head scissors from Joe Lando.
18:56Oh, goes for a step over in Suguri.
18:58But ducks through.
19:02Look at that.
19:05Huge backflip into a cutter.
19:07Beautiful stuff there by Joe Lando.
19:10Danny Black is itching for that tag.
19:12Just gripping that rope.
19:13And every fiber of his being.
19:14Joe Lando has the chance to turn the tide.
19:16Can he get the tag?
19:18Both men down.
19:19They're both going to their corners.
19:21He's going for the tag.
19:22Rebellion to the tag.
19:24Danny Black is in the ring.
19:27Oh, look at that.
19:28There's a kick right there.
19:31Dodges the strikes.
19:32Some of his own.
19:35And a forearm.
19:36Taylor James being worked over.
19:38Danny Black, the fresh man.
19:39This is miserable.
19:41But Danny Black is red hot here in the Falconwood Community
19:47Oh, look at that.
19:50Danny Black feeling momentum shift.
19:55Just a dive through that middle and bottom rope.
19:58Just taking Tyranno out of the equation.
20:00Topei Suwaseda there by Danny Black.
20:05And a flippity flop into the turnbuckle.
20:08Cannonball, but higher than any I've seen.
20:11Just a fisherman suplex into a powerbomb.
20:16One, two, and oh!
20:18A kick out there by the Rebellion.
20:20Danny Black can't believe it.
20:25Which way is this going to go, Rob Ringside?
20:28It's been all over the place, Dark Andrews.
20:31These two are putting on a masterclass of tag team wrestling.
20:36This may be the first show, but this could be match of the year
20:39already, Rob.
20:48Oh, look at that.
20:54Goes for the head scissors, but Taylor James with that strength
20:57catches him.
20:58Lifts him up for a powerbomb.
21:01It's a gutter.
21:03Incredible offense from Taylor James.
21:05But he doesn't see Jolando.
21:07Here's a German suplex out of nowhere.
21:11Sends Tyranno to the corner.
21:13Just goes for the arm drag.
21:15Rolls him through.
21:17Into a powerbomb.
21:18Oh, it's a piledriver.
21:23Really impressive offense from Tyranno there.
21:25He's taken Lando out of the equation.
21:27As Danny Black hits a dropkick and Taylor, no, Jack Tyranno.
21:31I'm all over the place, Dark Andrews.
21:33I think we're all over the place here.
21:35This is incredible stuff here by these two teams.
21:41Danny Black looks to lift Taylor James.
21:43Taylor James looks to lift Danny Black up onto the shoulders.
21:48Big forearm from Danny Black and Taylor James loses the use of his legs
21:53very briefly.
21:55Another big forearm rocket.
21:57Big forearm shots by these two.
22:01Danny Black bouncing off that middle rope.
22:07Just forearm after forearm.
22:10Forearm after forearm.
22:11I think that was six arms there on ringside.
22:14I agree with you.
22:15Clark Andrews.
22:16Danny Black off that.
22:17Oh, Jack Tyranno.
22:20Just hits, but he's left it open.
22:24Right into the entrance for him.
22:26Can you believe it?
22:30And Joe Lando is actually the legal man.
22:33He's going up.
22:34Oh, free splash.
22:35One, two.
22:38Get down.
22:39Get down.
22:40I can't keep up, Clark Andrews.
22:44And the tag, Danny Black, the legal man.
22:46OK, now we can, let's stabilize.
22:49Taylor James and Danny Black are the legal competitors.
22:52As Taylor James is hoisted up.
22:55Rolls over.
22:59The close personal friends get a bit too close.
23:02Taylor James all out there in the middle of the ring.
23:05Just European uppercut.
23:07Flips Joe Lando through.
23:08Taylor James comes through.
23:11And oh!
23:14Is that it?
23:16Incredible double team maneuver.
23:19And maybe another one for good measure.
23:21Lift Taylor James up.
23:23Just kick to the back.
23:24What a blow here.
23:25Back break it.
23:26Joe Lando.
23:28Did you see that?
23:29And then boots off from the second rope.
23:32They roll him out.
23:33Is that enough?
23:34One, two.
23:35And oh!
23:36The referee has been brought out.
23:38This is absolute pandemonium here.
23:41This is bedlam grapple, fans.
23:43It's Joe Lando from the top rope.
23:45Over the top.
23:47And he takes him out again.
23:50And look at that.
23:51Both men coming off badly in that one.
23:53Joe Lando just.
24:06Leveling Jack Toretto.
24:07That was a nasty land there by Joe Lando.
24:10But he is trying to get up to his feet.
24:13Everybody working their way to their feet.
24:14But meanwhile in the ring, Danny Black and Taylor James.
24:18Fayette squaring off.
24:19Just trying to trade shots.
24:21Toretto's back in the ring.
24:24As Black is lifted into a powerbomb position.
24:27Taylor James.
24:29Into the top rope.
24:31Oh, there may still be a double team maneuver coming.
24:34Just a big suplex from Toretto.
24:36And a frog splash.
24:38Taylor James, that's got to do it.
24:39One, two.
24:40And a fucking count there by the kid without fear.
24:47Danny Black just staggers to his feet.
24:49But straight back down.
24:50But the most important thing, grappler fans,
24:52is that was a two count.
24:53This match is still going on.
24:55What a match we have here at Blizzard, bro.
24:59This is.
25:01I'm calling it now.
25:02I'm calling it now.
25:03I believe this is going to be the match of the year.
25:06We could be anywhere in the year,
25:08and this would be a candidate.
25:11Crowd getting behind Danny Black.
25:23Crowd here not happy at the idea that Rebellion
25:26could become the new champions.
25:28But they were in control.
25:30They were in control.
25:31Big chops.
25:32Does kind of lead it that way.
25:34Toretto whips James.
25:36Danny Black hoisting over the top rope.
25:38Kick to the face.
25:41Double enziguri.
25:43And Toretto just whips the feet out from Danny Black.
25:45What an incredible maneuver.
25:48Taylor James coast to coast.
25:52Big kick.
25:53It's Toretto.
25:55Spin from the top rope onto his own dancing partner.
26:02Meanwhile, the other side of the ring,
26:04Joe Lando has recuperated.
26:06Black rolls through.
26:07Joe Lando with the kick.
26:08Huge kick.
26:09Danny Black with the kick.
26:11He gets the tag.
26:13Lando is the legal man.
26:16Lifting him up for a double team maneuver.
26:19Look at that.
26:21One, two, and three.
26:23It's over.
26:24And CPF.
26:26You're still your Tag Team Champions.
26:30That was absolutely incredible.
26:35And still UKPW Tag Team Champions,
26:47How about that, Grappler fans.
26:49What a contest for the UKPW Tag Team Championships.
26:52Clark Andrews.
26:53How about that finish?
26:54It was all over the place.
26:55Who can keep track?
26:57What a match we have just witnessed here, Rob.
27:00And wait a minute, Rob.
27:02I'm getting word from backstage.
27:04I believe Kimi is backstage right now with Jay Alexander and Delphine.
27:09Grappler fans, please welcome my guests at this time,
27:12Jay Alexander and Delphine.
27:14Boys, you just got the win over the Big Steppers on their UKPW debut.
27:20What is the next step for you?
27:21You mentioned going after the Tag Team belts.
27:23Is that what you're aiming for?
27:26Two men dead.
27:29Look, some people might not understand what's happening,
27:33but if you pay attention, it will all make sense now.
28:22Women's Championship on the line.
28:24Absolutely, Clark Andrews.
28:26Ronnie Knox making her way to the ring,
28:28and she is going to be a formidable opponent for the UKPW Women's Champion.
28:33She certainly is, Rob Ringside.
28:36Let's not forget Ronnie Knox debuting in March 2023 against Nina Samuels.
28:42She impressed at Showcase in November,
28:44defeating Rita Slayworth.
28:46Let's hope that Scotty Rourke won't be an issue for Ronnie.
28:48Absolutely, Scotty Rourke, of course,
28:50has formed a firm friendship with the UKPW Women's Champion Kira Shemera.
28:55Is that a close personal friendship, Rob Ringside?
28:58I don't believe for trademark reasons it's allowed to be.
29:02But it is close.
29:04I think that's as far as they can take it without the lawyers getting involved.
29:07They're the close friends.
29:08They are litigious.
29:09That's the trouble with it.
29:13The wrestling engineer herself in the ring,
29:16ready to face her opponent, the UKPW Women's Champion.
29:21I think Ronnie Knox is ready to knock someone out.
29:24Well, she better be.
29:33And here she is, the Women's Champion.
29:39And here she is, the Women's Champion.
29:43For 490 days since the defeat in Sapphire Reed for that vacant title,
29:50Kira Shemera.
29:53What's it going to take to stop this champion?
29:56It's going to have to be an impressive showing from an incredible challenger.
30:00Luckily for Ronnie Knox, she has the potential to beat both those things.
30:05Let's head over to Kimia Kiss before this match.
30:09Grapple fans, please join me in welcoming my guest this time,
30:13the UKPW Women's Champion, Kira Shemera.
30:17Kira, you have held the UKPW Women's Champion for a grand total of 480 days today.
30:23Today you put it on the line against Ronnie Knox.
30:25How are you feeling going into this match?
30:27Well, Ronnie Knox is someone very, very good at technique,
30:31so obviously I'm going to avoid that.
30:33But to be fair, I'm not going to have to do too much.
30:36I mean, I'm a very brutal person.
30:39So, I mean, I think I'm the most brutal person on this roster, men included.
30:44Just for a reminder, I beat up Roth and I also beat up Aisha Reimann.
30:51So what do you think is going to happen to Ronnie Knox?
30:54Basically, girl, you're screwed.
30:57I'm going to break your gear because I am Kira Shemera
31:01and I am here to Tukese.
31:06Back to you at ringside.
31:15Words from Kira Shemera there, does not need the bat.
31:18Not needed.
31:21It's my own rules, baby.
31:24Get ready to tackle, baby.
31:26Global fans, turn to your right and left.
31:29The challenger.
31:32She is the Western champion, Ronnie Knox.
31:40Go, Ronnie.
31:43Go, Ronnie.
31:46Go, Ronnie.
31:49Go, Ronnie.
31:51The second to my right, from France, by way of Camden, London,
31:57she is the current reigning and defending United Kingdom
32:03Universal Women's Champion, the anti-hypnotist, Kira Shemera.
32:33Kira's going to kill you.
32:35Kira's going to kill you, Ronnie.
32:38Do you think it's her if you didn't give him any weapon or something?
32:41Have you seen the one with the bat?
32:43I'll give it to you, Kira.
32:45Kira's going to kill you, Ronnie.
32:51This is what's at play, grapple fans.
32:53The UKPW Women's Championship about to be defended
32:56as soon as that bell is rung.
32:58Absolutely, this one has a big fight feel to it.
33:01The bell has rung. Here we go.
33:10Kira Shemera keeping Ronnie Knox beyond arm's length there.
33:14Not interested in the lock-up.
33:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
33:20She's a technician. I don't want to get into that.
33:29Okay, Kira Shemera calling for a test of strength.
33:32Not interested in a technical wrestling contest.
33:35Whoa! Ronnie Knox just rolling through.
33:39Wrenching the arm.
33:42Ronnie Knox, just a slight correction there.
33:45Wrestling engineer, not technician.
33:50The crowd letting Kira Shemera know who she's up against here.
33:59You could say Ronnie Knox engineered the crowd there.
34:02Speaking of what people did.
34:05Kira Shemera with a forearm to Ronnie Knox.
34:08Ronnie Knox just sends her to the corner.
34:12Oh! Big chop there by Kira Shemera.
34:21Kira Shemera just looking to send Ronnie Knox from corner to corner.
34:25Oh! Ronnie Knox just...
34:28Looking nice.
34:30Just a stretch there. Oh!
34:32Then a drop kick to the midsection.
34:35Rolls through. Tucks the clothesline.
34:40Build some early psychological advantage.
34:43Kira Shemera's foot's caught there.
34:50Ronnie Knox just asking if she should put Kira Shemera down.
34:53Oh, the foot. Sorry, I misunderstood. Oh, no? Okay.
34:57I thought I misunderstood, but maybe not.
35:01What's going to happen here?
35:04Had that foot.
35:06And brings it back up.
35:08Kira Shemera just trying to hold her balance there.
35:10Oh! Look at that man.
35:12Oh, and look at that.
35:14Just into a leg lock.
35:16Trying to...
35:18Early submission here by Ronnie Knox.
35:21This is why she is the wrestling engineer on ringside.
35:25Absolutely. Clark Andrews.
35:27Kira Shemera's looking to power over to the ropes.
35:30Impressive strength, of course.
35:34Kira to hold. Ronnie Knox instantly relinquishes it.
35:37Kira Chimera.
35:39Oh, it's a float over. Beautiful athleticism and a two count.
35:42Almost a new women's champion.
35:45Oh, goes for the cross body, but look at that power.
35:48Just a catch. Just effortlessly.
35:51Kira Chimera. Just holding her in place.
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